The voice………. core spirituality………… for your discernment


The voice of a people, your voice …is an instrument of self expression a component of our design.

How do we use it?

The sound of your voice, is like no other. How do you use it?

The words in your voice… what do they say?

And how can we ignite the sacred thru our voices?

How can we raise up the vibrational nature of our lives in the words we speak and sing?


How do we injure and hurt one another thru this instrument of our voice?


In the silence of the self there is a voice. How do we respond to it?


To me there is a voice in all things.


There is a voice in the wind, the sky, the rocks,plants and animals. There is a voice in the distance and there is a voice in the here and now. Everywhere there is a voice.

Everything is speaking to us and we are learning to listen!

what exactly are we listening to?

Where is our attention now?


Have you found your own unique voice? Or do you parrot the voice of another? Do you merely repeat another person’s words as if they were your own?


When I contemplate the voice many questions come up for me. Maybe it is the questions that are most important here, more than the answers at this point. We seem to be learning to discern our voices now, what matters to us.

The passionate expression of differences is strong on the planet. There are many voices to be heard and many questions arise. Our voices are really moving us along as we take them all in, bounce off each other, and we realize what is going on as the voices of our humanity are released.

I find it absolutely amazing!

That the dialogue is reaching world wide levels is totally brilliant, totally electrifying. And very catalytic! That words and sounds have the capacity to move energy in us ,around us and cause all kinds of events to occur.


Simply thru expression of the voice. Truly there is a divine purpose in all of this. 


Our voices, right now are like messengers of intention, of presence. Regardless of the nature of that intent or that presence. They are messengers! Until we develop the pure presence of complete internal alignment with our core of spirituality within we depend on the expressions of our voices to tell us what is going on with each other.


To message one another has become a world wide, non stop, 24/7 unrelenting activity of our humanity and it is still growing and evolving as we creatively discover more and more  ways to get our voices out there.

Thus we need to become adept, to ascertain the messages we send to one another thru our voice!


Our words and sounds have powerful effects in this world.


Have you ever spoken out? Have you ever said something so funny all you could do was laugh until you cried?


Have you ever spoken your words and then become horrified at what you just said? Suddenly realizing how this effected you, another?


And how many, just how many times have you shut down your voice? How many times have you vowed never to speak? How many illnesses are in this world, how many broken hearts have there been from your silence?

And how many times have you waited for, longed for, and walked away without the very words you needed to hear at that moment?


Powerful stuff, very very powerful to a human being.


The power of that which has been withheld is as powerful now as that which is let out!

So the question arises what are you withholding? What is it that you will not speak about?


What is it that needs to be voiced?


How many human sufferings have developed thru our voices? How many ways have we dishonored one another thru our words? How many ways have we stayed silent and prolonged these sufferings?


We need to learn to find our voices and we need to learn to let this out!


We need the voice to raise the vibratory nature of our lives!


We have the capacity to shift our voices, to cleanse the nature of our voice as one.


We can do this.

And some of us will…………….


The power of the voice can kill and it can resurrect. The vibratory nature of your voices can diminish anything good around you or it can increase this good. The power of the voice inside your humanity has been long forgotten, for once in a time long ago you knew this power. This voice-power is coming back to you now. Define and redefine without limit. Seek and find relentlessly the truth of yourselves in what you are willing to say. This is another growing edge in your humanity…. the restoration of your voice as spiritual beings having a human experience. “


Core of spirit within me speaks this day


shared with aloha 

Sacred….. my own testimony…………core spirituality…. for your discernment

ImageThere came a time in my life when I started to see and feel that this life is sacred and that began an awareness within me that to this day continues to grow.

While as a child, I was raised within the religious path of Catholicism, the significance of my realizations grew past the “religious notions” of sacred as I learned to define for myself, based on my experience.

The process of realizing sacredness in life began to grow as a small tiny feeling and thought to what is today the entirety of my life.

Thru the years as I faced the painful circumstances of my birth,  my life journey, the deep emotions within me, the difficult circumstances arising towards me. I maintained a sincere attitude of honesty as a weapon to deal with the harsh vibrations of my childhood experiences. I was surrounded with the complications of what it means to live with a sicko alcoholic parent!

This honesty though very painful grew into a weapon in my teens that was the only resource I had living in harsh and painful home life and conflicted miserable world.( our country was in the throes of the Vietnam war, the hippie generation was being born, the entire music industry was transforming the social climate, great leaders were being murdered… the Kennedy’s, Martin Luther King. women’s rights were screaming to be acknowledged, black power was exerting it’s rightful place…. our lives were being rocked everyday with new ideas on a mass scale! )  My honesty was a continuous issue with my parents and my teachers as I questioned authority and dictates all around me. Sustaining me as I went deeper into dark places my sincere honest point of view committed me to a path of authenticity at any cost. Sustaining me thru the facing of my most darkest and deepest emotions as a young adult. I found myself stripped of the garments of the ordinary self over and over  again. Often times feeling raw and naked in my spirituality I was left opened.

Realizing that my own wounded-ness was a source of sorrow and pain I strengthened my commitment to finding the truth to my life thru the agony and upset of my relations, and my standing with a higher power. I began to realize the fuller meaning of healing. What a price this exacts on me and the distance I must travel to have some sort of inner peace I began to realize as I consciously chose to face the demons in me and around me. “What a long haul,” I have thought to myself!

That we face the darkest of the dark only to reveal the lightest of the light I found to be wholly true.

Often times the only remaining thing left inside me beyond the emptiness would be a sense of the sacred. As this sacredness began to replace the original elements I was born with I found increasing solitude and personal strength. I began to trust what is sacred, my own inner sense of this was not something I could actually see, feel, or taste. It was something that I found to underlay all of my life, the material world, and there in I found it.

The sacred!

A real experience of surprising endless quality, a comforting natural feeling, a powerful way to lean in any situation. And year by year I learned to lean into and open myself more and more towards the sacred.  Until I have come to the point that in all that is there is the sacred.

Perhaps the most significant AHAA  I have come to understand is that facing the dark places of our humanity, in other words my own deepest unacceptable, unloved, most denied, and painful emotions and experiences has led me directly into my most astounding light, my most opened heart, my most trans formative personal experiences. I have been transfigured!

It was not ever a belief in a bible, a Koran, or a spiritual text. It was not a church, a synagogue, or temple that I found my most astounding revelations. It was not following another person’s ideas of what is right or wrong for me. It has been my own sincere and honest heart!

And the fear I have encountered in this earnest endeavor has been staggering. I have turned icy cold in an instant, turned trembling and shaking beyond my control, sweating, heart pounding, instant diarrhea, vomited, immense confusions, and agonies. I’ve  cried past anything words could describe. And thru it all I have been delivered into new and continuous states of pure sacredness. There is an internal place of the sacred, within this human self, within all our human selves. I am sustained by the sacred in my greatest trials, and darkness.

Thus developing a sense of  support to my ohana… relations, and also thru my work, my avocation of bodywork and massage, I have chosen to support anyone who would seek it…. to face the darkness, move thru it and heal.

I know that the sacred awaits.

The sacred awaits any and all of us as we courageously move thru our greatest difficulties. That human beings are so afraid of their own deepest inner feelings, their difficult pasts, and painful memories is staggering to watch. Yet I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that beyond it all is the immense plane of the sacred.

We are loved by something so incomprehensible, so large and so powerful is still an indescribable thing to me I can hardly put words…… this sacred love.

That there is a magnificent plan unfolding inside all this mayhem, this conflict, and this pain is a reality one must find thru one’s own merit and then and only then will you have the inner fortitude to withstand this sacred. For even inside this sacredness of life is further direction and an orchestrating of our lives that reaches far beyond the human capacity to think out. Our conscious minds are not all in charge here! This is truly astounding to me!

Surprising me thru out my life…. individuals appeared when none were there. Surprising opportunities arise when none were there. Doors of direction suddenly appeared where up to that very moment all doors were closed! So surprising has this been to me that I have come to deeply respect the organization of life far beyond my own human comprehension. There is a sacred intelligence beyond our ordinary human intelligence that holds open the gateways and directions for our own personal upliftment and soul fulfillment on this earth! Once we have faced what it is we were born to confront!

I know it!

Thus I have arrived to the conclusion to the pain of our humanity is our own unique individual lives.

Each person and every life has a construct of purpose, of challenge, and pain. That as we grow in courage to move into, thru and out of darkness we return to a greater wholeness. And this individual wholeness transforms life around us.

Healing humanity actually IS healing our own human selves! Each one of us. One by one by one!

And together we redefine what we know to be our lives as spiritual beings having a human experience!

This capacity to experience the sacred goes far beyond, yet may include organized religion, social norms and what is currently acceptable in anyone’s current circle of life. That which is purely sacred, was before human invention. This sacred place in life is bigger than any human idea constructed in any religious form, it includes all religion yet is far more immense … it arises  purely from the Source and is a natural characteristic of Source! The sacred is the field from which the ALL THAT IS  arises and is birthed into this world.

We are indescribably all linked in this sacredness. We are all indescribably linked with life in it’s myriad of forms. There is a joyful interconnection we share. There is a joyful deliberate unfolding of a greater plan in us, as us, and thru us! We have meaningful identity in the vastness of the cosmos. And I have experienced that we are all moving into an even larger group awareness of what these possibilities mean. So much more sacred awaits our humanity. So much more.

Strive , strive and strive even more,pressing thru the dross of existence. The painful, the unloved, the denied in yourselves. Awakening the yearning planted deep inside your being. Allow, go with the flow, allow your weeping to empty out the final phases of your limitations. Learning that every ending is a beginning. Possibility exists always!  Merging with the pure sacred presence of existence awaits you all!”

Core of spirit within me reminds me this day

shared with aloha


This video is created to clear your subconscious of negative memories. While you are watching this video you will be erasing negative memories from your subconscious by using Sound, Images and Ho’o pono pono. What is Ho’o pono pono? Ho’o pono pono is an ancient hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.

For more information please visit

I Love You
I Am Sorry
Please Forgive Me
Thank You

Ho’oponopono Cleansing Memories Within

As you watch this video you can focus on any problem, issue, relationship or concern and the healing Ho’oponopono images will assist you in letting go of the memories that created the problem memory. Feel the peace of the words and music take you to the clear zero state of freedom, free from being run by past memories and beliefs. Alot of the images are ho’oponopono cleaning tools that you can eat or have around you. You can simply listen to the recording on its own to receive the cleaning via this also.

If Today Was Your Last Day Lyrics by Nickelback

“music and lyrics carry us to places that may open our hearts, our spirits and our visions of ourselves and one another…… elevating us beyond some form of conflict.

as human beings we are all learning to sort out what is meaningful.
use this day to sort something out that brings meaning to your life.
core of spirit whispers to me this day

The Consciousness Singularity By Barclay Powers


The Consciousness Singularity

The Reversal of the Fall of Man

Shawn Mikula, noted neuroscientist, explains the singularity as  follows: 

The “Consciousness Singularity” refers to a hypothetical point of  time in the future when human consciousness, at both the personal and  species level, experiences an abrupt transition, a phase transition of  sorts, into a collective state of transcendence that is conceptually  impossible for us to imagine “what it’s like” with our current limited  cognitive abilities.
The term “Singularity”, as used in this article’s context, is an  analogy to the well-known singularity in physics, the black hole, where  you cannot see beyond the event horizon because light cannot escape  from it. In a similar manner, we cannot see (or imagine) what’s beyond  the Consciousness Singularity because it is beyond our cognitive and  imaginative capabilities.
The Consciousness Singularity bears no relation to the  Technological Singularity, which involves the creation of smarter-thanhuman  machines. Nor is the Consciousness Singularity synonymous with  Tielhard de Chardin’s Omega Point, which is a nucleus around which the  consciousness of the whole humanity will finally crystallize. Rather, the  Consciousness Singularity is a distinct concept that refers to a collective  transcendence of our human consciousness into the next level.
To get a better intuition for the Consciousness Singularity, imagine,  if you will, what a monkey or a rat would experience if suddenly its  consciousness became like that of a human. Before the transition, it  would be incapable of imagining what it’s like to have human  consciousness simply because it’s beyond its limited cognitive  capabilities. In the same manner, our species will undergo such abrupt  transitions in consciousness of such magnitude that we cannot even  begin to fathom what these new states of consciousness are like.   Human consciousness is currently but the Universe in a halfsedated,  half-asleep state. But the Universe will soon awaken to Itself and  realize the next level of consciousness.
At the Consciousness Singularity, history as we know it, will cease.  The universe, as we experience it now, will cease. Consider the most  transcendent and mystical states of consciousness that have yet been  experienced by mankind: these will pale in comparison with what’s to  come.
At the Consciousness Singularity, our consciousness will be  expanded beyond the confines of an egocentric sense of self to include  transpersonal experiences and transcendent self-identity. This new  existence will be both a form of collective consciousness and a form of  expanded individual consciousness. Though sounding like a  contradiction, these two descriptions of transcendent consciousness are  really flip sides of the same coin. The Consciousness Singularity is so far  beyond our normal consciousness, that we cannot even begin to  comprehend it, much less imagine what it’s like to experience directly,  unless we ourselves experience or have experienced transcendent states  of consciousness. –, Shawn Mikula

Tilopa, a legendary Mahasiddha founder of the Mahamudra tradition,  describes the consciousness singularity as follows: 

At first a yogi feels his mind is tumbling like a waterfall; In mid-course, like the Ganges, it flows on slow and gentle; in the end, it is a great vast ocean, where the lights of Child and Mother merge into one. – Tilopa, Kornfield, Jack. The Song of Mahamudra, Shambhala, 1993.



The collapse of social structures as part of the awakening – Thomas

5 minutes of looking at life using a perspective that will open the core of spirit with in our humanity.
“how we actively look at our world has a significant impact on the outcomes of our lives. our perspective shapes how we participate with the events of our lives. individually and collectively as bystanders everyone is watching something, and this attention carries our spirits thru materiality. our material reality needs our attention each and every day.
core of spirit within reminds me this day

Self Expression …………………. Core spirituality for your discernment

smiling dolphin

What is self expression to you?

Self expression is commonly thought of as the assertion of your personality, your feelings, your emotions, your ideas, your creativity. And to many people refers to artistic talents mainly. However in this discussion I am including the expression in life as a person, one’s identification as a human being.

From the stand point of core spirituality this self expression is a significant aspect of a life journey, your life purpose, and develops the directions of many many choices and outcomes. It is something unique to each incarnation and continues to develop thru larger collective human themes, and creativity as life is lived inside each of us.

From the view of the spiritual self before incarnation, decisions are made and developed as plans for life on earth will begin as you.

In each soulful instance a variety of choices arise to consider as the spiritual self determines the many conditions of the life to be lived. “How will I express myself?” and  “What will be my role?”

The commitment to expressing a certain role  is an important decision we make when we come to our temporary earthly home.

The full spectrum of positive and negative is available to us to experience. These roles may be ordinary and simple to the very grandiose and complicated.

The greater universal omnipotent love that is Source is large enough for all of this and provides many life-roles as a gift to each of us for the discovery of the ALL THAT IS.

This love is within and behind every role including evil. Source being omnipotent and eternal beyond our human comprehensions of these different roles. ( regarding evil doing….. I have personally felt the transcendent love from source thru the challenge of forgiveness showing me how omnipotent our spirituality can actually be with regard to the role of evil)

Thru the diversity of many kinds of self expression the will of something greater is expressing in each of us as we encounter our experiences.Every aspect of the role we will play has a significance in the grand design of life.

From the purest places of spirituality, or higher realms, there is no judgment assigned to the roles, however we may experience judgment and consequence once we live out self expression to its conclusions in our lifetimes.

Here are some roles I thought of that we live out; soldier, mother, daddy, daughter, son, artist, laborer, healer, teacher, driver, hair stylist, nurse, a gay, a straight person, a transgender person, a special needs individual, to name a few. Then there are much more highly charged roles we play out such as; dictator,heart-doctor,murderer,victim,religious leader,entertainer,politician, hustler,hero,heroine,Olympic sportsperson, visionary.policeman.

Each of these roles is a kind of self expression that interweaves with other lives on earth. Each of these roles have specific interactions that are a part of the human classroom. Every role provides valuable experiences for everyone the role touches.

And so it goes that our self expression has a fitting place in the design of our lives, not simply our personality alone, but the larger spectrum of our spirit’s learning in life. And our human collective as a species! So we engage in personal roles for our individual purposes and impersonal roles which have larger consequences to our entire human family.

In addition to our roles we also have challenge as part of our self expression. These challenges are where we learn to develop and  increase our self expression so as to discover more and more about the nature of existence and our greater identities as spiritual beings having a human experience.

That we make mistakes, lose our way, and even lose our place in an incarnation in the pursuit of self expression is all part of the larger picture. We learn in this world both from our successes as well as our failures and defeats. Thus nothing is lost as every being is having an experience that is contributing to the spirituality of self and is absorbed by the soul.

All these different forms of self expression have different rules of behavior in the earth domain, and these rules pertain to our individual needs to learn from the role we are playing.

There is not one role that can express the complete design of our Source or creator. However together, these roles give us a larger measure of the grand nature of Source in us, as us, and around us. From the standpoint of core spirituality the combination of all the self expressions provides the greater picture of the immensity of creation.

Ultimately we are able learn many different forms of self expression thru each of our lifetimes and we determine our choices to reflect purer and wiser, more noble and positive qualities. Ultimately we learn to be what it is we truly came to this lifetime to express. Ultimately we drop away anything that does not align with the role we are here to play or express. Ultimately we learn to express the pure authentic qualities of our spiritual being, which is the expression of the love pouring forth form the Absolute Source of life leading us back to the origins of Oneness.

The self expression choices we make are in daily flux as the circumstances of life are in an eternal unfolding design. We are free, when we give ourselves permission to adjust, change, shift, redefine, add or subtract to our ideas of self expression.

The creative quality of expression we bring to our lives is central to our divine nature. To exercise our free will has meaningful purpose in our development as a spiritual being having a human experience.

When one is not allowing self expression many problems arise. Backups, missed opportunities, and much unhappiness descends upon the individual. Misery can easily be a symptom of not expressing self. Thus it is paramount to pay attention to the value we give ourselves and one another as we all are expressing something of the self and the soul’s desire to learn.

Self expression is the feed back loop human beings have to bring into life something that has not been before. The manifestation of life depends on the human expression of ideas, thoughts, emotions, etc. to fulfill the innate divinity of life. Already in this world you can look to nature as the pure self expression of Source as the magnificent background provided you in your endeavors.

Allow the room in your heart-space for each others expressions just as your Source has for you all to be together in nature.”

core of spirit within me informs this day

shared with aloha

Alan Watts – The four noble truths

A simple 12 minute discussion of explaining what the Buddha shared about the 4 Noble Truths. The understanding of suffering. The middle way!

core of spirit within me shares to me…
“each person holds a sparkling molecule of the divine in himself or herself. thus there are many paths, and you have a life!

There are many spiritual roads in your world guiding you towards your Source.
each person is engaged in some way in this whether they know it or not. your life is the journey of your discovery and your knowledge. however way you choose. there is learning in all.”

The Power of Kindness by Mac Anderson

International quotes and music illustrating the power of acts of kindness from the book The Power of Kindness by Mac Anderson

“acts of kindness reach far beyond ordinary awareness as they bring into your world the essence of loving.
loving essence is the antidote to the dark unconscious acts of harmfulness.
the spirit of your humanity progresses and evolves into a truthful heart space that transcends!
As each act of kindness ripples thru life and redirects the negative effects of those of you still in the darkness.”
core of spirit reminds me today

Triggers……………………..core spirituality for your discernment


A trigger is a specific feeling, thought, memory, event,or behavior that arises into your awareness activated by just that, a memory, or can surface by an encounter with someone, something, watching a film, listening to music, finding yourself in a similar situation as the original incident.

A trigger is a signal that a situation is arising that may feel “loaded” with unfinished business of the past, of one’s emotions, relationships, and standing in the world and may be negative or positive.

Emotional triggers can be “feeling- waves” from a past time-line that have no words or immediate placement in your attention yet catapult you into feelings you have inside yourself now.

Triggers can be chaotic, confusing, threatening, and depressing. Indicating internalized “stressors” that you are carrying around  inside your physical body. They can appear as surprising headaches, stomach aches, and all kinds of stress related symptoms and eating styles.

Triggers can also be happy and joyous and return you inwardly to satisfying moments deep inside your inner most self.

In my experience triggers also arise from deep inside us via our soul memories. These deep feeling experiences are also part of the trigger phenomena and also alert us to past life themes we are presently needing to explore. I feel this is far more common than is known at this time by most people as their own ideas about past lives are very undeveloped.

Triggers are specific to many of our repetitious behaviors around addictions of every kind. Addictions take the place of the actual feeling experience and are coping mechanisms to avoid the uncomfortableness the trigger reveals in us.

Triggers are used widely in advertising models so that companies can gain your attention and cause you to want to buy their products.( just watch any pharmaceutical medicine commercial, car commercial or food commercial!)

Triggers are used by authorities in control, ( governmental, religious, educational,parental for example) to suppress, and manipulate and redirect peoples attention away from issues relating to their sovereignty, away from criminal activity, away from injustices. These triggers incite chaos and confusion, along with separation and misinformation to purposefully manipulate masses of people on our planet.

Human beings are very sensitive and it is wise to learn how one is triggered to maintain a state of personal equilibrium. To be conscientiously aware of our feelings, and our emotions is very important and essential.

Triggers are very easy to see in those individuals returning from war scenarios as part of the PTSD  ( post traumatic stress disorder) experience happening to soldiers and civilians in war zones. If you are not familiar with triggers you may want to investigate this and then reflect on your own personal experiences being triggered.

Thus I am exploring this issue from the stand point of core spirituality and please know that if you are being triggered deeply appropriate professional help may be needed. Go for it! Professional help is brilliant in handling these things.

From the core level triggers are opportunities to address and move thru difficult, threatening, uncomfortable, unfinished, issues inside us. Triggers are also opportunities to return to warm, sacred, holy, uplifting, and magical places inside us restoring well being.

I observe that when a series of triggering events either positive or negative , and even both, occur this signals it is time to take a good firm look into the areas of ourselves being triggered.

These deeper unacceptable emotions hold valuable personal information that directly relate to what it is we are seeking to learn, understand and accept about life. These packages of triggering contain unprocessed life experiences still awaiting our attention. They do not go away. They return over and over until we face them. And from my experience even if we die, they remain inside the soul of ourselves and reappear until we come to terms with them.

Our lifetime’s  are real spiritual acts of creativity from Source that involve the polarity of both light and dark elements and our experiences are meant to inform us as to the nature of existence. Thus the triggering is an activation of  meaningful consequence to the very soul of who we are, not simply the personality, the soul!

In my past life work with people, as well as myself, I have encountered directly the soul level of awareness that is purposefully supplying the triggers into our awareness so as to complete a learning module and return the self to wholeness. The journey of life involves this rediscovery of our innate nature as spiritual beings and requires we investigate our experiences fully and completely. Thus our deepest humanity within us aligns us with our most profound spiritual nature. And the cycle returns into a completeness. We learn we are more than we first realized, and we learn we are capable beyond our wildest dreams.

The effect of completing the experience of our triggers returns to us psychological,emotional, and spiritual internal structures that support wellness inside of us on many levels. The response inside the cellular structures of our bodies returns to health and the result is healing. (Remissions and miracles!)

Facing our triggers is our healing. Moving thru our triggers is healing, finishing our triggers is healing. The ultimate completion reveals a personal transformation and leads to the transmutation, or complete redesign of certain aspects of who, and what we are.

A weakness becomes a strength, a wound becomes a super power to propel our lives into far far greater good, not only for ourselves but for everyone else around us and in our species. If you look today there are truly remarkable examples of this all over our planet today. Inspiring individuals who have passed all the stages and come out totally renewed, and different.

To become a sovereign individual today it is paramount to be aware of how we are all triggered in our lives, by those around us in our family tribes ( the richest source of triggers, I believe).

It is paramount to be aware of how we are collectively being triggered by world events and the effects this has on our sense of peace.

How we are triggered thru messages in the media, politics, religions,  and persons of authority in work situations.

The entire spectrum of human relationships is up for grabs now as we clean up this planet and ourselves.

Freeing ourselves to make healthy choices that feel good to us and promote a better future for the generations that will surely come!

While the need to investigate triggers may be uncomfortable, disheartening, and upsetting to your present version of reality know that this reality is in a constant state of redesign. That you thought it was the way it was is only a mental figment of your mind’s attention. The very source of life is wholly co-creative and in the domain of your earthly living constantly in a state of informing you.

When you have missed something, or forgotten something meaningful to you, when you have avoided long enough a trigger arises to alert you to your need to move thru, more fully into your experience and thus every trigger you get is a personal message leading you into wellness and completion.

Choose to embrace the triggers… in this way you align with the information of your life.

Loving yourself  and each other thru it all.

Ultimately there is a precious life-design unfolding for you and the answers and relief you have sought, that even your ancestors before you sought, will manifest and this world you find yourself will become for you, all you have dreamed of and even more one day at a time!”

core of spirituality within me shows me this day

shared with aloha

one world celtic woman

one world…. we are all apart of one world we can share…..

“listening to music will transcend the intellectual thinking mind, piercing the barriers of resistance to knowing the universal that is within us. thus spending time to open the self in harmonious sound and words contributes to the delight of spirit in human form as we integrate our larger selves.”

core of spirit within me whispers this day.

Facing the dark…Entering the light………core spirituality for your discernment


Our planet is set up in a dualistic system which embraces a spectrum of light and dark. All life exists somewhere in some degree in the balance of these polarities. The two directions contain an ascending and descending direction of consciousness.

The choices arising from  your free will status, from awareness in you, will move you into either direction.

The multiplicity of choices together are the groups of  individuals in likeness to one another.

We have individuals and we have groups.

The action of choosing  good will thru living in harmony to one’s best ability will uplift and generate feelings of lightness. The action of choosing bad or harmful will thru living in disharmony will generate feelings of depression and heaviness.

To learn the from these experiences right now and to engage choices that do not repeat your unwanted outcomes is your growing edge.

The will to do good is a powerful choice in that this moves an individual into light rather than dark.

Though even with the intention of good will one will encounter the dark.

Facing the dark allows the awareness inside you the opportunity in a polarized world the place of choosing outcomes to your own liking. When we encounter our dark selves we will find various qualities of the human make-up including the thoughts we have, or have held onto, the emotional reverberations our being has with these thoughts and the corresponding reactions in our biological cellular structures ( our physical bodies).  When we encounter our dark selves we will also have innate feelings that have little in the way of words, yet have very specific components of feelings that range from deep fear to anger and rage, loneliness and separation, sorrow and sadness, hurt and painful suffering to name a few. ( the physical body experiences this a vague sensations of discomfort; stomach aches, headaches, achy limbs or joints,lethargy, drowsiness, mild physical confusion for example.)

When we have raised our core vibrational structures…. our minds, our emotions, our bodies to a level that is capable of withstanding the immense polarity of this world we are then able to face our darkness as we stand in our light.

It may be confusing to an undeveloped awareness who has achieved a certain degree of lightness in self to realize that there then follows darkness into this experience. You have graduated! A new level of capability arises inside you allowing you to face your darkness without it crushing you, or over riding your core expression in life. And so a furthering of important choices and decisions arise for you to transform.

This transformation of dark into light is a significant massive human endeavor happening now all over this planet. Thru each individual and group decision the balance of core vibration of your world is effected.

That there “appears” to be more darkness at times is the opening of this darker vibratory element for all of you to see, to face, so that you have the opportunity to choose.

Were the elements contained in darkness to remain there, out of sight they would continue their effects in your shared collective reality. Thus the great dark is also the great light opportunity…. before you, as now both individually as well as collectively. you are able to move huge elements contained in the darkness into the light.

The collective activity ( or group activity) gains a momentum vibrational quality that supports very significant possibilities for even greater good in the shared Earth experience we are all having.

To understand the significance of the capacity to choose directions one by one and how this multiplies into more and more humanity choosing together a greater good is at the core of your overall human collective will.

The human collective is seeking the light of good will thru the facing of the darkness all around you now.

Each and every small effort inside your human life counts. 

Every effort counts as you raise up your will to do good, to make corrections, and to release pain. Every single effort is valuable even as you are unsuccessful in that effort this is leading to another effort where you will then have the success you so desire.

It is deep inside your human collective desire as a species to succeed.

You will then combine the additional quality of realization to your experiences of not just yourself here striving, but also your species.

As you develop your group awareness, (the collective awareness) your measure of intentions grow even more. 

As your species awareness develops you also increase your innate spiritual awareness as one family. A universal spiritual collective, undivided and together in mutual good will.

This gigantic spirituality inside you as an entire species  has profound presence in this world. 

This will generate entire new possibilities that were previously restricted because of the dark aspects prevalent inside your earth environment. Thus facing your dark takes on a remarkable purposeful direction.

Remember this as you watch the groups now emerging as you learn to find your collective voices standing up to the forces of oppression, control, poverty and injustice.

Just about every element and component of your human society is under investigation in the process of moving darkness into light. Your ancient tribal beliefs, your longstanding religious institutions, your political agendas of separation, your ideas about money, science, biology, technology and most of all yourselves.

You are redefining what it means to be human after thousands of years of doing things a certain way.

YOU matter, your very presence matters here.

What you decide each day matters, everything matters. Pay attention …this is the birthing of a species learning to express its most spiritual potential and this will have its bearing on many many generations to come for all of your futures.”

Core of spirituality informs me this day.

Shared with aloha.

Powerlessness………………..core spirituality for your discernment


To feel powerless calls up many descriptive words for me.


Incapable, inept, hog-tied,helpless,useless, stuck between a rock and hard place, unable, stuck, useless… to name a few.

It is a common human experience we all share at one time or another.


I have felt regret and defeat after allowing myself to act upon my feelings of  powerlessness by being that! It is an awful scenario, and I encounter this  in my relations as I listen to the words of depression, despondency, repetition and gloom.


This is such a common experience for humanity. And the world we create as a result of this experience is not so pretty.


So lets look at it more deeply for the very “powerful signal” it really is from the view of core of spirit within us.


First… that one is feeling powerless is true is important to admit and that this may not actually be TH E TRUTH is equally valuable to admit to self. Second… from this place we can establish many new criteria for investigating further and deeper into our experience.


Truly feeling powerless results from differing origins. We may be really lazy and short sighted and desire someone to come along and save us from our dilemma. ( this reminds me of the many times we have witnessed individuals leaving everything to a god to take care of when actually we  ourselves just do not want to take responsibility, the “toxic -victims” in life). Lets be clear here. I am addressing repetitive, malingering, negative whining irresponsible actions of powerlessness that are toxic. 


There is a genuine victimization in life, and a real sense of needing help, though this is different.


This powerlessness is “projected” out into the world in unlimited ways onto governments, religions, social groups, and one another in our family/tribes.


It is important to discern the source of powerlessness around us and respond appropriately.


So many times we do not want to do what it will take to produce the results we honestly want. So many times we silently and inwardly perpetrate quiet victimization and then act as if this is something outside our selves.

Blaming, pointing the finger, getting angry, throwing fits, causing fights with one another, arguing, well……… the list of mayhem is pretty long.

The most challenging thing for me is when all this mayhem is projected out onto a god thru religious beliefs, social and moral beliefs, political ideologies and righteousness justifications.


I’ve witnessed these intense defending of powerlessness with complete astonishment!


People, we really defend our powerlessness to one another and this is such a wake up call to me!


This is all the little self, as I call it , my ego. That part of ourselves that develops in our personalities every year of our lives and can run our lives into a pure living hell if we allow it. Simply look around us at what that little, loud mouth ego self creates in this world. It is astonishing!


That we are powerless IS THE BIGGEST LIE PERPETRATED ON OUR PLANET is something to meditate upon.


Powerlessness is perpetrated thru all medias, advertisements, social networking, religious institutions, political agendas, parents, authority of every kind,  covertly , hidden in plain sight. This amazes me!


That we are powerless is a very big big big lie. Always!


Yes it is true that in the outer world we may be hog-tied in a situation, yes it is true we may have exhausted every action possible we can muster up, and yes it is true that there appears to be nothing we can do in a situation, however that is not the truth of the matter,

My experience has shown me that whenever I have reached these places the only place to do something leads me inward. Inside us are unlimited ways we can choose to respond and often after we have exhausted the limits of our known possibilities in the world there is a switch, so to speak, which redirects us inward.


For we always have the capability to do something within.


Here is the amazing internal resource we all have inside to act. For often at this point the actual need is to make a shift inside us. This is the amazing core of spirituality within us.


The actual shift is not in the outer world it is within.


Once an internal shift has occurred new possibilities then appear in the outer world. What is that old saying? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Hmmmmmm I get that we are all a little crazy sometimes.


The power in powerlessness is to realize, then actualize that we are not that! The power we all have inside our consciousness to shift our positions, to drop our agendas, to acknowledge we are at our wit’s end and open up is very valuable at this point.


To be opened up by circumstances, by source inside you to go further than your mind conceives, is called your ‘growing edge”. Whenever this is legitimate, you know you are on the edge of learning, John! You individually as well collectively are reaching many such places of your “growing edge” your humanity is starting to leap into much broader capability now. Just as you are also leaping into broader toxic victimization.

So watch it!


Be very careful here.


Take the time to discern yourself as you enter your places of powerlessness and decide how you will respond. Acknowledge your laziness, and your ego and then decide.


That powerless place of not knowing holds a potential for something new to arise that may catapult your experiences into whole new possibilities.


Watch your self, watch one another.


Be supportive as you make your reality selections.


Choose wisely.


And in doing this be compassionate not everyone wants to get out of their victim script.


Give yourself permission to move on. And remember powerlessness IS the greatest lie on earth.


Remember this……….you are made of divine source and this is infinite!


my core of spirituality within rattles me today with strong words


shared with aloha








Hope Has a Place

“The expression of our hearts goes onward thru time and space as the unending expression of Source, the eternal truth of Love as never ending inside the human experience appears to stop and go, yet in the soul it is pouring ever onward in us… never truly stopping. when our heart is free we can engage the unceasing tide of love, and thus is one reason we choose to be free, it is the home of the loving.”
core of spirit within me speaks this day
shared with aloha

May it be ( lyrics )

The eternal longing of the soul as sung by Enya.

“To each is given a promise held deep within , as you traverse your pathway encountering the tests of your spirit having the human experience you may reach far enough, deep enough to encounter the divine that exists as the ultimate reality of existence in you around you.”

core of spirit reminds me this day
“Song is a way we are able to express our soul’s magnificent true essence how often do we encounter reminders given us as gifts along the journey of our lives.”

shared with aloha

The Awakening – Max Igan – Full Length Documentary

Do not be put off here, the ideas expressed are only one person’s.
however collectively we are all learning to discern our way. here. we have the option to step back look at the bigger picture and learn to decide for ourselves.
ideas that are challenging trigger us to go deeper into our own inner questions and beliefs.
this is a good test to see where you have accepted certain notions about life, and the images are triggering us to ask self some important questions. while I do not agree with all these ideas they make me think, make me question and make me search for my own sense of what is true, and what is truth.

Honoring Others – Eckhart Tolle –

Learning to go beyond the tribe, the form, into the essence.
The antidote to evil is explained here.

“Focusing on the enrichment of dialogue, the sharing of ideas from the spiritual center of ourselves assists the process of the development of perception leading us toward the awakening, the transformations. and the answers to our human conundrums.”
core of spirituality speaks to me this day
shared with aloha

Is that true? What is the truth? Taking postions.


True is subjective and holds a position different to each person. “That’s true for you and this is true for me” is a part of our common discussion.

There is difference. there is a leaning towards each position, there is frequently divisiveness.

Truth is objective and holds a position the same to each person. This is true for all. There is no difference and the leaning is the same towards each and unifying.

Noticing my reality do I hold what is true, and / or do I hold what is truth?

True and Truth both essential to discern.

It is true that I believe “I am right” , it is truth that being right does not matter is one thing I have learned many times.

As human beings we have our beliefs that require us to  hold as true, and there is truth which does not require us to hold it at all.

Truth simply is …. requiring nothing.

It is true… that one believes “I deserve all the money” she said to her attorney at the reading of the will. what is true supports a position.

Truth is …. what is. Truth supports all positions.

you may or you may not get what you want.

truth is both personal, yet impersonal. it is for everyone and supports the whole.

trusting truth, find what is.

trusting what is true without truth….. you may not find what you thought you would find.

what is…is .

what is true for each of us will often divide, what is truth for each of us unites!

“John, learning to separate the difference in yourself between what is true and what Is truth brings about a shift inside you that feels different, as you realize to discern the difference,as you learn to recognize how you hold these things in the human drama  you navigate with new outcomes. Holding both what is true and what is truth.

True will take you one way and truth will take you another.

To learn truth as  what is true…is your liberation. There is no wrong path, There is the learning. “

core of spirit within me gently speaks

shared with aloha

Awakening the universal heart & spiritual activism – Serge Beddington

Placing our attention on meaningful dialogue supports our innate urge to discover and refresh our world. I post this interview as the ideas expressed here show us how to handle the evil, painful, and difficult forces we encounter in our lives. over and over again I see in our relations the returning to AN OPEN HEART.

Akashic memory – Pr. Ervin Laszlo

Learning to connect with our deeper self. The holographic information available to all beings is a topic I have mentioned many times in my experiences of core spirituality. The informing of our conscious awareness in this way is something to learn to catch with our attention. There is a universal connection all life is sharing with itself, by developing our openness we can integrate our selves into the larger whole-ness of who and what we truly are.
This leads us beyond the limitations of a life less lived. Reminding us that we always have more options.

The Synchronicity Factor…………….Core Spirituality for your discernment


Synchronicity is the meaningful relationship of two or more events that are casually related, not always but frequently simultaneously in time. On the surface we may perceive this as casual yet the connection   has meaning that “just is”, initially without explanations. This concept of synchronicity was earlier described in our lifetimes by Carl Jung and further redefines the idea of coincidence.


The idea that events are unfolding in a way that is purposeful, and reveals patterns connecting our unconscious awareness to the consciousness aware self. These meaningful coincidences awaken in us an informing of something like a dream. Exciting our senses and causing us to pay attention.


There is something quite amazing when events that are occurring deep inside us and what is happening in the outer world connect in a new way.


I have many times felt a sense of revelation as I learned to absorb synchronicity in my life as directions have either been enhanced and increased or I have learned to stop totally and change my directions.


The feeling that something larger than my self, larger than my own perceptions is showing me I find completely amazing!


The more I have let go of my secure fixed ideas of myself and reality pertinent to my personal growth, the more I have encountered this amazing experience. The more I have surrendered my ego self in it’s controls, humbly allowing the now moment to move me beyond myself the more I find the synchronicity factor arises.


The further I have explored my own emotional mystery, the deeper I have allowed myself to feel, the further I have let myself be moved by difficult challenges on all levels…. the more I have seen and felt synchronicity.


As I allow the deepest feelings of my own human experiences to rise up within me without editing, the more the barriers of separation dissolve into a larger wiser knowing.


As I have let go of all forms of authority falsely induced to my person, and replaced this with the knowledge of my own depth of experience as my authority, the more I have witnessed this thing called synchronicity.


As I have given up, lost, or acquiesced to my “not knowing” and held to my own desire that there is a greater force in my life active and supporting me in my mystery, I have encountered synchronicity.


As I have deepened into the pauses of life, the empty moments, and the silence… more is revealed….. challenging myself to redefine the limits of my human experience and redefine what spirituality is to me.



Synchronicity appears in unlimited ways, from shopping to revealing new conversations that birth new relationships, to eating better. So far it seems infinite.


Were I to remain in styles of thinking originally handed me as a youth, such as religion for example I don’t think I would be having this experience. Should I have cowered in fear the many times I actually felt afraid this most likely would not be happening to me. Were I to not question every authority, every deep notion before me, I suspect I would not have synchronicity in my life in the way I do! Were I to obey every rule handed me I am sure I would not be experiencing synchronicity.


Were I to hold myself to the  same reality frameworks of the majority of my contemporaries and live an existence as the social scripting of our lives dictated I am certain I would not experience synchronicity.


There has been a stepping out!


There has been a freeing up!


There have been meaningful events that have completely redirected and reshaped my life that seemed to come “out of the blue” that became catalysts towards even more synchronicity and I find this awesomely amazing!


There is nothing special about me. As I have written before in describing difficult situations, while they were not really personal they were perfect. Synchronicity is both personal and perfect but not special. I see this can happen and does to anyone! 


I want to focus on the experience of synchronicity in hopes that this excites others to offer up their personal walls, personal pain, and personal scripting of life to an opening of greater possibility. The experience of synchronicity is just so amazing.


John, the lightness of being that arises form facing your fear and releasing false forms of authority have made a kind of energetic space inside you where other experiences await. Your receptivity to these new experiences is enhanced and multiplied. As you have learned to respect your inner dream-time, your inner world so then the outer world reflects this for you. The Australian aborigines hold that everything in the world is created first in a dream-time. You can know directly inside yourself that as you cultivate the active responses to your synchronicity you are directly tapping into the world dream time. As you honor your human expressions and follow your nose there becomes a greater purpose in all things and there is joy in traveling thru your life in this way.”


The still and silent voice of my core of spirit within speaks to me this day.


Shared with aloha.

Transference and Projection ……………core spirituality for your discernment


What is transference?

Transference is a term used in therapy to describe the unconscious redirection of feelings of one person to another.

What is projection?

Projection is a term used to describe a defense mechanism in which one person attributes (projects) to another their own unacceptable or unwanted feelings and or thoughts. This is an anxiety reduction response (The term projection was originally coined by Sigmund Freud).  This would include feelings of shame, pain, anything a person finds wholly unacceptable.

These traits are common ones found thru out our humanity. They may be  shared between individuals, between groups of people, between individuals and groups.


Projection is a way of avoiding uncomfortable repressed feelings!


Projection provides a powerful “protection” against feelings one does not want to deal with. Projection is a common inter-relationship dynamic most of us encounter in ourselves and others sometime in our life times, however can and does also contribute to larger relationship issues or be a clue to greater mental health issues unresolved or unrecognized.


Here are some more common definitions I found online:


* “Projection is the opposite defense mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

* “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”

* “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g. a man who has promiscuous impulses attributes those impulses to others.”

* “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest.”

* “A man harboring attractions for a woman would perceive other men has having the same attractions for her.”

* “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously harbors his or her aggressive  tendencies may then imagine other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”

* “An individual who possesses malicious characteristics, but who is unwilling to perceive himself as an antagonist, convinces himself that his opponent feels and would act the same way.”

The ping pong , back and forth sharing of transference and projection is so commonly shared among people today I often reflect on it. I often recognize these traits whenever I am listening to my relations and watching news reports on television. I find it prevalent in the world today and a real clue that can aid us in understanding ourselves and each other.

A clue  because whenever we can own our own transference and projection we can learn to see that sometimes we have thoughts or feelings we just are not ready to handle, or seem too large to handle.


Yet it is thru our awareness of this we can learn to deepen and expand our self knowledge, our compassion and our capacity to rid our selves of pain and negativity. Often in family dynamics this has a deep set pattern to it and is repeated by siblings, generation to generation causing much much hardship and misunderstanding among the group. I find it saddening often, especially when individuals are not ready or able to own their part and thus repeat and perpetrate pain one to the other. Equally so I see perpetration of pain in our external world from group to group, nation to nation, and individuals to groups. Unconsciousness running rampant destroying goodness everywhere. Making this a daunting task for future generations.


Previously I have mentioned that when we are unable to hold something (emotional) , as it is too big for us to handle, we project this thing onto those closest to us. As we learn to become more and more accountable we seek to find our own projections and own them. Becoming accountable in a core spiritual sense leads us toward cleaning up all our pains and misunderstandings with one another and redefining our perceptions of life around us. Leading to transformations in all aspects of our lives.


I am certain I have found myself in difficult circumstances of projection and transference for this reason. I have learned how humbling the process can be to the EGO identity. And restorative this can be to the innate self beyond the ego. Amazing! Whenever I have chosen to go forward and really look into this and really own my parts and allowed myself to humbly learn to see my own weakness, my own misunderstandings and misinterpretations in relationships the agony of it all stops. I become delivered to a new sense of personal integrity that no longer seeks to avoid those feelings and I increase my inner sense of personal honesty. This all feels a lot better.


There is a gift of insight and wisdom that replaces the old projections and transference’s.


When we can alleviate pain and suffering between us I find myself liberated creatively in a way where new ideas and opportunities replace the old limitations.


However when it comes to GOD this is another subject altogether!


All over the earth I watch as individuals and whole groups attribute their own feelings to a god. Justifying their positions of emotional bigotry, righteousness, and superiority… like there is no tomorrow! So rampant is this now that I find it terribly alarming, with outcomes that are fatal and damaging to our common humanity.

Finally some of our oldest beliefs are being exposed in the light of a greater awareness and we are able to see ourselves. We have the global multimedia as a dynamic world movie screen now to view our selves on a scale like never before in our lifetimes and that of generations before us. This world movie screen supplies us with the opportunities to make small corrections in ourselves without having to go directly into the world. As we watch ourselves we also are learning.


Is it dark? Yes! Though powerful enough for us to come to grips with some of our most painful human traits showing us we have options that are better …..when we choose how we live all together honestly, here on this magnificent planet.


Core of spirituality speaks to me….. John, in one lifetime a person can erase generations of misinterpretations. Along with  pain and agony thru the choices one makes. Perpetrating making others bad, blaming, and name calling passing this on to our children and their children, ( recently I heard the words… so and so is a “bad person”, “see what happens!”) can be stopped thru the free will choice to be accountable and willingness to go deeper into relationship agony, not in another, in ones self! This is core of spirituality.  You know you will have arrived at the conclusion of this when you are truly, authentically in peace within. No denying, no lying to yourself, none of that. Pure peace. Love the great equalizer, the greatest most powerful force of creation seeks always its expression in you as you. Every difficult painful emotional situation is your doorway into this love as you learn you can love more than you ever thought yourself possible. When love takes over each dynamic of human limitation the transmutation of this humanity that is you, connects you to source, unlimited infinite being. Being that no longer judges. You then experience yourself as your source experiences YOU! You are all the expressions of the love of the Source!

10 signs of a spiritual awakening

Reinterpreting our life experiences we learn to navigate with the additional informing of awakening. Awakening to our lives is not the destination, however it is the beginning of new things arising, and leads us to our transformations which lead us still even further into and thru the mysteries of life bringing answers we once thought were impossible.

core of spirituality gently reminds me this day

Accountability ( Part1- my soul review)…….Core spirituality for your discernment

ImageAccountability is the state of being called into account. Being answerable for something. A synonym is trustworthiness. The trait of being answerable or responsible for one’s conduct. Is how I want to address this from a core spiritual perspective.

When I was 33 years of age I completed an exhausting 5 year journey of deep internal introspection, psychotherapy, emotional release work on a scale that catapulted my life completely into whole new arena of understanding. At the end of this period after a very painful, very difficult and complicated release of emotions relating to my little boy self I had a spontaneous transformational experience called a SOUL REVIEW.

Similar to a life review however this was the context of my soul and not only this lifetime. In this soul review I was made to sit very still while a magnificent spiritual being directed me thru a panorama experience of myself thru a long series of incarnations leading up to this one.  I did not request it, I did not even know at the time such a thing existed. However I was shown myself in different historical times and different lives in what was so real that I knew inside me that I was  seeing me as different people. This was a sort of panoramic movie before me that was dimensional in that I could  go inside and out of it as if it were happening in the present moment.

I was shown the underlying urges of my soul’s intentions as I watched myself suffer and struggle lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.

Watching my self thru the eyes of my own soul showed me the reasons I was encountering all the difficulties, pain, abuses and sufferings of human life. I learned about specific themes of life experience I was seeking to understand as it related to a human life. These were as vivid as my hand typing the words on this page. For example in my soul’s quest to comprehend personal power I saw myself in every imaginable form of having someone exerting power over a person that one can imagine. Lives in Scotland, Ireland, Italy, all over Europe. Lives in Atlantis and so on. Deaths thru suffering at the hands of others were many. I saw my own misunderstandings, my own miss-communications, my own vulnerability, and my own ability to learn and repeat experiences, over and over and over. I also saw myself in a series of lives in Persia, with great power over others in every fashion, personally, politically and financially. I saw myself in lives as a brutal blood thirsty warrior that would kill at nothing for my own reasons in Rome, in Mongolia and elsewhere.

This was such an internally vivid emotional and feeling experience to witness that my life view shifted completely.

I also saw my lives as I took on the vows of different spiritual traditions, as a monk in christian and Buddhist temples. Spending many thousands of hours in self discipline, in monasteries in Europe and Tibet  all in deep deep alone-ness.   I watched as I saw my human self desiring to bring the awareness of god into my life, into the Earth,  and how this anchored, for me, a certain personal capacity I have in my life today .

I developed a comprehensive thematic overview of my soul’s progressions in these lives as this all related to my present lifetime.

My life has never been the same.

Particular to this devastatingly, awesome, and amazing experience is accountability.

For I saw that after each lifetime after I would leave my body rising out of mortality into some different very peaceful place. I would have a review and make decisions about what I needed to do next. This review had the particular sensation of me  wanting and desiring to be totally accountable for my actions in a way that was in totality. This experience was vey relaxed and included input from relations who were seeking to guide me.  Though this was not the case while I was living these lives always, it was once I left.

I reviewed so much and remembered this so completely as myself now, as John,  that when I completed this soul review the accountability factor stayed with me. And hundreds upon hundreds of times since I have wondered how people would act if they also remembered that when they get thru with the mortal existence of this life how they will call themselves into a review and accountability! So much would be so different. I often reflected how individuals who perpetrated such hurt and negativity in my life would respond once they saw themselves and their selfish actions here.

There never was a Jesus, or a gigantic god figure in any of these experiences judging me. Not once, never. Though there were was a kind of board of individuals wearing long robes seated in a place that had a beautiful violet hue all around us helping me I was deciding everything myself. This was a very real experience too , I cannot ever forget.

I learned how my soul level  intentions set up my birth experiences, the genetic family, the time of the birth and  the likely hood of certain experiences inherent in the births. I learned my actions in these lives caused me to encounter certain life experiences. Often whilst inside the incarnations I had no idea how or why I was having the experiences I was having and yet they were all connected. Themes of experience would pick right up with each incarnation adding to my life stories leading to a greater destinations of learning as myself as a human being. Yet over and over I would finish the lifetime, and return to a state of spiritual presence once again to review myself..

I watched all this happening to me in total and absolute amazement. For the first time in my entire life all the shitty things that had happened to me, all the depths of my feelings  finally made sense. I mean really really made sense to me.

Thus I know when listening to my relations, though I never speak of this, I know that even though they are confused,surprised, put off by what is happening to them in their lives I know that it is perfect. I know that beyond the mortal self , the soul self is completely accountable and having us go thru experiences as part of the great great expression of  our creator of LIFE! The all that is! the soul aspect of self is naturally complete seeks completion in itself and balance till there is a totality in each learning. Thus the dark and the light of human experience is held in equanimity.

Yes and so it is… we actually all are just playing our roles which ultimately inform us something which ultimately is designed to actualize soul in body. We specifically seek out being victims, being victors, being sweet and being not so sweet, we explore creativity on a scale that is truly astonishing. Each and every incarnation is a creative act. An exploration, and experiment, and may contain all the roles imaginable. Every experience in that life thread in the fabric of your soulful incarnation-al journey”

John, that creator is so vast, and so completely loving you are given your every opportunity to experience the ALL THAT IS  is infinite form, thru any time line and in all the ways you need to bring about the totality. Loved beyond human imagination to go forth and never , though you may feel like it , never be separated from your source. For without it you would not even exist. That you learn how to answer to yourself now as you have many times in and out of incarnation is accountability.”

Core of spirit speaks to me now

Confusion and Depression …… Core spirituality for your discernment

ImageConfusion and depression are two emotions that I want to discuss from the perspective of the core spirituality experience. This can get deep here so bear with me and take your time as I share. Don’t give it all up yet. These are really significant massive human experiences we all share.

Confusion defined as a state of bewilderment, disorder and chaos mentally or emotionally. Depression is defined as a mood disorder that feels like a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Each are characterized by a combination of symptoms that may interfere with a person’s daily lifestyle. Lasting for different lengths of time, long term which lasts for years and is major. Short term for a day to several days up to 2 weeks  and is minor.

There are now many names for clinical psychotic disorders such as psychotic depression, postpartum depression, seasonal affective disorder, manic depressive illness called bipolar disorder. Causes are varied and can be a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors.

Signs and symptoms include:

  • Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” feelings
  • Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
  • Irritability, restlessness
  • Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex
  • Fatigue and decreased energy
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions
  • Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
  • Overeating, or appetite loss
  • Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
  • Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment.

I support 100 percent the seeking of help, assistance and guidance with prolonged confusion and depressions. So please read this with this idea in mind. And seek appropriate professional and spiritual help as you need it! Otherwise I am simply having an open dialogue here sharing what I have learned to add to these subjects.

In the case of confusions I have learned to understand that whenever a new influx of information arises that needs to be integrated confusion is the result. 

The new awareness of information floods the mind and body energetically with no place to go and we suddenly need to take time to deepen into and comprehend what the information is about. The new information does not already fit into our fixed ideas of reality and thus takes time to sort thru. Typically this confusion will arise as the result of some sort of conflict.

And it is the conflict that initially grabs our attention.

Conflicts arise out of new information seeking to be processed, sometimes on many levels. This happens internally and naturally as we evolve and grow as persons, and most frequently in our relationships as details arrive that need our attention.

Conflict and confusion are very prominent in our world culture these days. Personally as individuals and collectively as groups. That conflict and confusion arrive I know to step back and ask myself what new information is apparent to me now?

Because this will always be the case….. something new is up for consideration and further investigation in every conflict and confusion. Requiring personal work here to familiarize oneself with additional details this can take some time out of one’s “secure fixed reality”.

Very often I find in my relations people are merely stuck on the conflict and confusion levels…. i.e.. the awakening phase,  not ever realizing the spiritual significance of what is happening. This is a LIFE*SIGNAL!

Once the awareness develops the transformation begins as we integrate and reintegrate new details into our selves shifting our interior landscapes all around. We start to think, feel, and act differently. The successful process of filtering and integrating new information leads to actualization. THE UNSUCCESSFUL PROCESSING LEADS TO MORE MISERY! ( look around us ) .

The new reality inside us then integrates into the greater outer world view and conditions of our lives, most especially our relationships. Causing possibly further conflict and confusions as the matrix of our relational reality transforms. Thus the need to communicate intensifies greatly.

Not everyone is aware of our processes in life. Pay attention here at this point! It is at this stage we either make our lives a living hell or not. Take responsibility for what is happening inside yourself as it effects those around you and support them by communicating the new stuff arising for you. And allow complete silence and space on your part for people to have their responses as surely they will.

Not everyone likes or agrees and thus new relational negotiations need to happen.

One thing to remember… this is happening to everyone and all the time now. Our collective experience has shifted dramatically from previous generations.

What I find most valuable is not the other person and how and what they say , nor the situation. what is most valuable is my own inner response and recognition of how I will allow it deeply to effect me.  I have the habit of taking it to the core and seeing what I personally can adjust, correct or learn. this is self responsibility where I have the capacity to do something. because I realize I am not here to change others, or make them see things in the same ways. there is a baseline of respect for myself and the differences I must face in others. The opportunity to wrestle with my own sense of consciousness and stay connected to my soul are all challenges that arise out of difficult personal relationships, and difficult world events and particularly painful conflicts. The weight of my awareness shifts from “the other” to the self where there is always some response to be accountable. even for simply finding myself in the situation, that I am in it simply I must respond.

I personally have experienced numerous times a collapse of sorts to the personality structure, as this occurs. The dismantling and reworking of the self can have the effect of depression. As the ego self thinks it is in control and its reality is taken away it can feel lost, empty, abandoned, squashed, pressed down, unhappy, morose are a few of the feelings.

These sensations can become so overwhelming that we don’t know how to “hold them” and we project them out into the world usually on the very people closest to us and the particular frameworks of out lives.

Causing all kinds of havoc, miss communication, and basic mayhem. The greater our identification into our ego self the greater the sensations of loss and sadness. the greater our identification in ego  the greater the attention to “the other”. (I listen to complaining all the time in relationships where the emphasis weighs heavier on what some else said, did, etc. )

I have the intention  to remember that there is the still – silent self within me that exists even as the ego goes thru this process. Often I have had to re-identify myself in new terms here and shift my identity from my ego self  into my core self as this feels like the larger more capable self-place   for me to inhabit as I go thru the losses of my personality. My fixed reality of self goes from new awareness to transformation to  transmutation. There becomes literally a new sense of self anchored into this larger reality I call core of spirituality. Which does not kill the ego,it simply redefines it’s purpose and place inside me. In other words my ego is still loved it simply is in a different capacity inside. Whilst there also is this transcendent self in constant presence.

Many times in my life I have had astounding large personal experiences that impacted me down to my core. Sometimes these have been ecstatic and joyful and I have felt tremendous gratitude. Other times I have had astounding large negative personal experiences, and these too have impacted me down to the core and I have felt crushed , devastated and deeply sad. Either way some time afterward I go thru these phases of confusion and depression along with the conflicts and have wondered why?

Why? The evolutionary process of becoming entails all this inner and outer life work that I have written here. The personality undergoes powerful forces of challenge, change, leading to instability and the results cause me to shift my identification of self from the earlier learned ideas from younger times in my life into something totally new and more fitting to my present day time-line. The one aspect of self that remains no matter what, the one aspect of self that is always witnessing, the one aspect of self that is in the back round of it all is the silent, still core self. I call the core of spirituality within me. We learn to bring into ourselves a larger self. We embody a spiritual presence, each of us. The work of making room requires the re-working of our earlier lives, where we depended upon a larger ego structure. However this is all changing now.

Indeed John, this is  about becoming, and learning that the human self can engage and increase the spiritual presence from which it is deriving its life. That the generational held patterns of your humanity can and do transform, as well as transmute your life experiences. For surely as you leave this physical body and no longer are restricted by human limitations you will also return to your greater selves. Some people are simply doing this now, doing this in the body. This wave has many names … the second coming, the Ascension. Coming home, no matter what you call it. It is a returning to the “all that is” within you. Everyone does this in their own way and in their own time. Be mindful. Be present , be still and know that I Am in you.”

Core of spirituality gently says to me this day.

Relationships as a spiritual path …… core spirituality for your discernment

ImageEvery single relationship from the horrific, twisted , incessant ranting of my eldest daughter at me to the friend who visits with  me at the beach, who always listens , seeking to understand , and shares the questions and marvels of living life. This is all specific and purposeful to the unfolding of my spiritual path, my awakening, my self realization, and the transformation of my human conditional self, and finally the actual transmutation of generations of patterning and the long lineage of my ancestors going many many generations back in time. My core of spirit within me has informed me.

What is arising within the framework of our relationships on earth  is the very stuff of our soul’s desire from some unlimited heavenly place……  here in our daily lives. That is….. spirit, as us, taking on the expression of a human being.

What is arising in our relationships is not personal , yet it is perfect! 

Not personal….. because each person is experiencing his or her own reality making and sharing this is in the world in a way that interacts with us directly, or indirectly. We are here together and we share a mutual framework of life and thus we do effect one another. However in my past experience and present, at times, I have literally taken words and actions so personally and allowed myself to become shut down, resistant, defensive, angered, hurt and many more emotions.

As I have learned to identify my human emotions I caution myself to step back, and I renegotiate my sense of things, and frequently see things as not personal at all. But oh how perfect! I own my place in relationship no matter what. And I choose and decide how and what to do with these experiences in my own way.

Perfect in  that the informing that arises assists me in unlimited ways to co-create reality as I see to it. Reorganizing self, opening my heart door more than I knew I could, learning to give up my positions over and over, letting go of judgments, letting go of old out dated styles of thinking of myself and people. I know I constantly feel corrected by something greater than myself. I know that the framework of my humanity is dismantling and something new is always arising!

In core spirituality nothing is personal and everything is perfect! We decide for ourselves!

Relationship as awakening is shuddering, shaking, catapulting-ly amazing.

That people in our lives repeatedly say things that move us either in a positive or negative way is an awakening to something to pay attention. This is the first step: the awakening of new awareness of ourselves, each other, the planet, and life in general. This can repeat for years and years and before we get the clue to the spiritual value in something. ( as I have noticed in my relations , myself included, the same old stories over and over and over)  In fact as a past life therapist I found that more than one lifetime, sometimes we repeat words, circumstances for many lives before we awaken to the spirit driven message of what is happening around us. However awakening is only a starting place.

Realization is the next step where internally we begin to adjust something, something inside us shifts and begins to change setting off a whole new set of experiences that develop opportunities for the next phase.

Transformations! As we internalize our relationship experiences we transform elements of our mind, our emotion, our perception, even our language and even our bodies become different and our external  experiences become redirected. We become informed in whole new levels of awareness that re direct us so completely that we are led to another place.

Transmutation , where we actualize a completely new aspect of self. I know I have arrived at this place when people I have known for years ( ie. Family members, for example ) don’t even recognize me. With questions like who are you? Or I don’t even know you any more?!!! I choose to live in a completely different part of the world, living a completely different life style !

That the spiritual path for the majority of people seems to stay on the awakening place, and I often reflect on this as the richness of material coming in to us all about our relationships is directing us to keep going,do not stop, and to redefine ourselves over and over and over. I find things a bit repeatitive. Somehow we get so identified in an  aspect of our experiences we then actually think we are those things. This is a clue we have taken something so personally that we have lost our way! I see this a lot in our humanity everywhere. I often wonder when will we get it? I have listened to many of my relations share their awakenings over and over and stop at that. Hmmmmmmmmmm I do wonder often because inside me I always have to keep going. At one point in my life people used to tell me : John you are too deep, and I heard this for many many years. Till I finally stopped taking it personally and realized this was only the expression of another human being’s personal limits. When I stopped taking this personally I stopped being told this. It just stopped. I find this amazing!

As spiritual beings having a human experience we have at our disposal unlimited amounts of precious life energies to forge thru and into our lives. We can muster up, redirect, renegotiate, and recharge over and over.

We are limited by how we choose to be whether that is a conscious decision or an unconscious decision.

The  amazing thing is the stuff of our relationships is informing us daily all about this over and over. This is how I come to say relationship is a spiritual path. And live my life by this.

John ….The informing process of life as in relationship is definitely the richest place for spirit on earth. Here is where spirit has the capacity to enter into your lives. Every mistake, every misunderstanding, every miss-communication, every obstacle, every failure, every single pain is an opening into your own spiritual being. That you are finally living this is the next step in your human evolution particularly as you embrace this is in a conscious loving acceptance.

Even as you forget and then return here this is the infinite presence of the source of yourself endlessly informing you, directly thru yourself and then thru others in relationship.” 

the inner presence of my core spirituality informs me this moment.

Shared with aloha

Bear Witness ….. Core spirituality for your discernment


To bear witness in human relationships is the ability to share our experiences and be seen and heard by one another. Often times so that we can unload or lighten up our difficult, painful, and or traumatic or astounding events. We also bear witness thru different mediums of expression such as writing, art work, and music.

This universal need to bear witness is all over our humanity and serves a larger purpose for each of us.

The process of remembering and telling our stories is vital to our sense of individual well being and often we are seeking some form of empathy, or emotional support. Without ever telling our stories, our personal stories…. our secrets take on a totally different effect inside of who we are, thus we all share a need to tell our stories and  in doing so we gain a kind of resilience to life.

That you heard me, that you see me supports the awareness that I matter in this world.

That you see me and hear me helps me to move forward and process and this elevates me out of isolation, desperation, lonesomeness, not fitting in, and a host of other common human experiences.

The psychological and emotional price any of us pay for staying silent, for hiding, for withholding is measurable. That there are many unhappy individuals and groups expressing their stories on a global media connected basis now shows me how immense and how meaningful it is to have someone see and hear us in our most powerful and vulnerable and difficult moments.

On an individual basis I know I share a space of silent  witness practically every day as my relations, and clients feel compelled to share their stories.

So not always is a person or group simply complaining! Not all stories need be sad, negative, or traumatic. Many such stories are revelatory, deep, insightful and meaningful!  In an unspoken way we are seeking to be witnessed. To be heard. To be seen.

In my own experience as a grown man, with my own personal healing I have found simply the act of being witnessed in my most crushingly painful moments of tears has truly transformed how I feel along with  my most astounding and ecstatic revelations.  Up till that very moment the weight of carrying my story, as much as I might have processed it, thought it out, and even re framed it, I still did not feel the powerful turning in myself till someone bore witness to my experience.

This is a powerful realization for a human being!

As spirit enveloping a human life not all of us comprehend the deeper need of our biological human selves and the importance of honoring and owning being human! To fully realize our spirituality I have realized that I must also fully embrace and honor and totally own my humanity. This includes my human family, my human friends, and the greater world community.

Which leads me to another secondary idea….. How often have we all seen and felt people in our lives who practically marry their pet dog or cat? How many times have we all heard the idea that a pet can supply a sort of companionship far less complicated than a human? And while this is precious and this is true, it is not the same as experiencing being witnessed, nor is it the same as giving silent witness to another from another human being.

Previously I wrote about the ability we all have to evoke one another and our need to own our unconscious relationship issues. Along with this is the power we all share to bear witness either as a giver or a receiver!

So not only is there a upliftment in this there are alliances that reconnect us to one another that have very healthy consequences. These alliances we develop with each other fill the empty spaces of our lives where once we hid, kept secret, and stuffed difficult and painful moments or amazing and revelatory AHAA’s of our lives, left alone there is an agony, shared there is a ecstasy!

Many human beings now are having profound experiences of all kinds joyful and horrific. Collectively we are reaching a new zenith and our capacity to bear witness to one another has major importance to our personal and planetary healing.

Yesterday I wrote about  an open heart and this leads me to bearing witness because it is when we provide the space for each other with an open heart having realized what has been evoked amongst us that something transformational occurs.

Remember that when anyone is sharing ….. more than your words, more than your opinion….. your capacity to silently bear witness with an open heart is sufficient!

Just be, simply listen, allow the other person simply to be seen! And let it be!

Then watch what happens as the silent space between opens up.

What will happen next will completely inform you in a whole new way.

This is called …. BEAR WITNESS

The voice of the core of spirit within me gently reminds me….

John, there is now a tremendous healing urge right now upon your humanness, almost as if you can’t believe what is happening to all of you. This wave of human collective experience is filled with all kinds of responses.

Fear, sadness, horror, rejection, shock,trauma, pain and suffering.

  Along with surprise, revelation,anticipation, renewal,excitement, joy and ecstasy! As you evoke one another practice keeping an open heart to all of it. Allow yourself to get used to staying present and bearing witness for one another.

For in these moments your experiences of your spirit having a human experience are leaping into a discovery of a love so great, so magnificent, so transcending that your world, your physical body will finally have the experience of aliveness that you have deeply longed.

There is a greater plan unfolding in you in all of you and now is the time to practice.

Practice the spiritual presence of bearing witness to all that you are. And then you will remember the state of being loved beyond human comprehension.

Shared with aloha

Life After Life – Raymond Moody

I am posting this for anyone who is so completely inside the earth experience that knowing and feeling your spirit and what the core of your spirituality really feels like is something of a distant and far sense of reality. I find that these testimonies of NDE recall how spirit feels. And  the ending where it all is summarized truly brings home the whole sense of spiritual presence we all are expressions. truly a wonderful experience to remember.

shared with aloha