The Remarkable Action of Removing the Veils, core spirituality for your discernment




The possibility of soul light… soul sight…. is revealed

The moment that I shift my perception from my three dimensional physical mind, full of mental thinking, into my unlimited multi – dimensional soul awareness, the veil is gone.

.In these moments of still and quiet I seek to comprehend the divine nature of that which is before me.

I know that in these moments I am capable of more clarity and inspiration.

I can develop the capacity of knowing thru the eyes of my soul as I lift the veils of thinking and belief that are far too limited to embrace such a view.

I receive in the deepest feelings of my being the truth of any situation.

I have learned the language of my soul is not always in words.

I find in the empty stillness a presence and here is where it I lay open my self to the attention of my soul.

Slowly my conscious mind interprets the presence…. and begins to show me what it is that is here for me.

Here for me beyond my own veils of human limitation, mental deductions, calculations, and thinking.

Softly this occurs as I willingly make myself present and filled with attention.

My life stream becomes redirected, and shaped and infused with the divine aspect of the self.

Some may call it prayer, others meditation. And still for some there are more labels.

For me it is simply being present.

No agenda, only attention to what is showing up.

I can feel the far reaches of the cosmos, the depths of any story and the hidden script behind humanity’s actions.

That we are capable of learning how to embrace a larger space of attention which informs us and simultaneously connects us is a human capability.

Here is where I can reconcile myself with the difficult, the conflicting, and the darkness of my world.

As a spiritual being having a human experience these moments of transcendence are ours.

I have learned to turn away from that which is not in keeping with the humble yet expansive way my soul self shows me in order to hold my spiritual space inside my humanity.

It is true the answers are here for us.

The purpose of tragedy, of loss, of surprising upsets is the quick and unthinking release of the veil of our current perceptions. Suddenly we see, feel, and hear, what is hidden from us. In this sudden absence we are opened up.

When a tragedy, a loss, or an unexpected occurrence of this nature arrives at our doorstep there is the unfolding circumstance of greater forces at hand. These greater forces bring to us unlimited opportunities to grow as spiritual beings having a human experience. And thus our lives are changed forever.

How we view these changes is up to each and every one of us as humans to learn to understand.

We can play out the old stories for as long as they serve us, however in truth, there is a greater story for us all coming forward.

The new story is the one being born of our humanity, of our amazing capacity to learn thru our pain to regroup, to redirect, to recommit, to regain our momentum as spiritual beings having a human experience. The quantum shift of so many incarnate souls experiencing this together is transforming the very fabric of our human lives.

Transforming our ideas of ourselves, our world.

I am cautioned not to get caught up in the transitions of conflict that arise.

Sit back, have a cup of tea, go for a swim, or just take a nap.

The world is going thru its own metamorphosis and sometimes it us just plain best to relax into it and watch.

We each have our own needs to tend to each day.

And my time here is best spent in caring for the needs showing up in my life around me.

Recently in a bodywork session with a client I had the experience of the client’s unseen spiritual/soul family show up during the session. They showed me how to convey to the client that she was to remember her original intention before she became the baby that became the woman who was on my massage table.

These beings showed me her desire to embrace “the journey”.

Her journey of life would start with the idea of her incomplete sense of self which would drive her journey thru one discovery after another.

I was shown how this “journey” would take place from her first breath to her last.

And that she was already grateful before she even began.

I was instructed to remind her…. she was on her journey here and to take all things into consideration as points of discovery.

What a marvelous feeling this was to see and hear and feel these loving guides around the client as I held her neck in my hands gently yet firmly administering her treatment to ease here neck muscles from the tensions she brought to the massage table.

I have reflected on this experience many times since and marveled at appropriate this message is for each of us. And I have joined her in the gratitude for my journey as well.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Feather staying_grounded

Jewels of Awareness, Opening Thru Facing the Difficult, core spirituality

This conversation is filled with jewels of awareness POSSIBBLE TO RECEIVE thru the openness that arises from facing difficult circumstances revealing the perspective of the soul.

That is to say a different point of view from the ego based, physical body awareness.

That we feel deeply and face our circumstances with our soul light shows how life is all transformative.

Terri Daniel is an interfaith minister , author, hospice worker and intuitive spiritual counselor.

Her knowledge is filled with “the way we perceive death is a choice “.

You may learn more about her story and life work at the following website.

Terri is an author of the following books.

Book-cover Terri daniel #1

Book cover terri daniels #2


Book cover terri daniels #3

I resonate to the soul perspectives in life and I contemplate this as it relates to my own life circumstances. The reality of living is that we are all here for one another, regardless of which side of any equation we are on. We assist each other thru sharing the authentic awareness that arises from our experience. In this way we may elevate our awareness and life position from that of a mere mortal to that of our true soul. whenever we choose the path of our soul we are opened in unlimited new ways of viewing our life circumstances and how we feel. I find true comfort in the soulful places.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Precognition… The Responsible Act of Knowing Ahead, core spirituality



Precognition… The Responsible Act of Knowing Ahead, core spirituality


Thru out my lifetime I have experienced precognition. Starting as a young person in my early teens. I have had a lifetime of learning to accept and integrate this kind of knowledge. When it arrives to me it is usually in the form of a dream, however it can also be a spontaneous visionary experience. I have also been shown in meditation.

It is always followed by smaller events, synchronicity, coincidences, and…. more information that is directly related to the actual and specific theme of the precognitive experience. This always confirms, and deepens what at first is hard for me to accept.

It is a kind of knowledge that alerts me to that which is coming in my time line in such a way so as to prepare myself.

Psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually.

The precognitive information also shows me how I may shift my attention more appropriately, as I get closer to the event by opening myself for revelations as to how and what I need to do in order to either divert, or to embrace the foreshadowing event.

I have had both happy and positive such experiences as well as not so happy and negative ones.

Our culture does not usually put much emphasis or verity on precognition yet history certainly does, as it is written.

Indigenous cultures have long histories of precognitive individuals and their capacity to for-warn and prepare for coming events.

In my case this has been such a reoccurring experience all my life that I have learned to pay attention in a way that is alert, open and preparatory.

My deeper sense is that I feel that my consciousness is a vehicle for knowing so that I may be instrumental in a more effective way having had precognition.

While this is an unknown in my day to day time line there is the inner component of knowing within me that I must walk with as I live out the time line of my life. Careful not to create or generate the negative aspects of that which I have been shown. Rather hold and generate the space of acceptance and deepening into the effects of the possibility without any external manipulation of time. It is a delicate walk to walk.

I thought I would share some more explanation of precognition, what it is exactly.



Precognition is the direct knowledge or perception of the future, obtained through extrasensory means. Precognition is the most frequently reported of all extrasensory perception (ESP) experiences, occurring most often (60 percent to 70 percent) in dreams. It may also occur spontaneously in waking visions, auditory hallucinations, flashing thoughts entering the mind, and the sense of “knowing.” Precognitive knowledge also may be induced through trancechanneling, mediumship, and divination.

Usually the majority of precognitive experiences happen within a forty-eight hour period prior to the future event, most often it is within twenty-four hours. In rare cases precognitive experiences occur months or even years before the actual event takes place. Severe emotional shock seems to be a major factor in precognition. By a ratio of four-to-one, most concern unhappy events, such as death and dying, illness, accidents, and natural disasters. Intimacy is also a major factor, 80 to 85 percent of such experiences involve a spouse, family member or friend with whom the individual has close emotional ties. The remainder involves casual acquaintances and strangers, most of whom are victims in major disasters such as airplane crashes or earthquakes.

The difference between precognition, premonition, and prophecy: premonition generally involves knowledge of a future event while premonition involves the sense or feeling that something is going to happen; whereas all prophecy is precognition, but not all precognition is prophecy.

The reliance upon precognition reaches back to ancient times, when prophets and oracles were sought for their access to the future. The Greeks considered the future immutable. Free will, however, can change the perceived future, as seen in the many incidents of individuals saving their lives and escaping disasters by changing their previously formed plans based on precognitive information. Psychical researchers estimate that one-third to one-half of all precognitive experiences may provide useful information to avert disasters.

This apparent ability to alter the perceived future makes precognition difficult to understand. If precognition is a glimpse of the true or real future, then the effects are witnessed before the causes. Such conditions do occur in quantum physics. The most popular theory holds that precognition is a glimpse of a possible future that is based upon present conditions and existing information, and which may be altered depending upon acts of free will. That theory implies the future can cause the past, a phenomenon called “backward causality” or “retro-causality.”


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A few more thoughts on the subject I want to share.

Everything and everyone in life is directly connected energetically in an unseen ( to our 5 senses), yet very real way in this world.

All information is flowing and interconnected.

We are each capable of recognizing our own universal connections as they apply to our specific circumstances.

This is our precognitive experience demonstrating our interconnectedness.

All experiences in this world are here for us to develop our soul journey thru life awakening from our unconscious selves to our conscious selves.

The more we are awakened inwardly the more we are informed by the universal god force of which life is constructed.

In this way our inner senses of sight, sound, feeling also give us information that is relevant to our pathways.

Learning to pay attention inwardly facilitates the integration of larger components of information that will serve both our individual journey as well as that of others.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Feather staying_grounded

I listen… core spirituality, my personal journey




quote speak in such a way...


quote so when you are listening

quote honor your relaitonships


quote the unexpected action of deep listening

Whenever I have a question,

whenever I am stuck,

whenever I do not understand,

whenever I have confusion,

whenever I have missed something,

I listen.

I listen to the silence.

I listen and wait in anticipation of learning something new.

I listen to your tone of voice.

I listen to the silent pauses between your words.

I listen to your joy and your pain.

I listen to the sound of nature to restore my equilibrium.

I turn off the noise, the chatter, the propaganda, the ill informed voices of discontent.

if only for a moment.

I restore myself thru my silent ability to hear you,

to feel you,

to understand you.

I always remember I am myself in you.

There is great completeness in listening.

Where there is not great completeness, there is absence of deep listening.

I return to the silent space of hearing with my heart, my body, and my spirit.



Listening, deep listening is a choice.


core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Presence…core spirituality, my personal journey

@Leysan Idrisova

Presence… core spirituality, my personal journey

Whenever I remain in the awareness of my capacity to choose… I choose to connect.

Choosing to see hear and feel my connection with what arises in any moment of my day.

I discover how what arises is not separate from my awareness.

Whenever I experience my self in you I am charged with the substance of life that is limitless. My mind is in check, my heart remains open.

My ego identity knows it’s true place and surrenders to the knowledge arising.

The simple wisdom of that moment reveals to me my optimum action or non action.

My awareness becomes infused within the sanctity of our humanity.

The voice of judgmental notions is quieted.

My heart space opens more and more.

I realize again and again, it is only an illusion that we are all separate.

It is only an illusion.

I know what is myself as you.

I experience what all ancient mystics, great spiritual teachers, and all religions have pointed us toward.

The practice of presence is more than just being there.

In this way I do my part while I am witnessing you doing yours.

Loving what is….

I am your brother, your son, your father, and yet something that is more than all of that.

Often I am silent.

Yet present.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation.



Processing Our Life Challenges, core spirituality, my personal journey


quote you are a child of the universe

Processing Our Life Challenges, core spirituality, my personal journey

When i break down the stages of my own denials I am more capable of understanding my own thoughts and feelings, identifying the components of my experience. I do this in order to dismantle unhealthy thoughts, and to reconstruct new and better ones. I redirect how my life experiences are developing and I shift the outcomes of my life.

Psychological Stages of Healing –
Denial and Blame Psychology


I deny that I have a problem. I just drink a few glasses of wine every day to soothe my nerves. I paste a smile on my face and pretend I am not bothered by my spouse, children, boss or parents. My mild depression seems normal and OK. This stage is often confusing. Am I really in denial of a problem or is my lack of concern caused by the fact that I really don’t have a problem? In either case, anger on your part will probably be unsuccessful in getting me to change. For if I am denying a real problem…

my denial is already defensive.

Anger by you then will often just make me more defensive and less willing to listen to you. If your anger is directed at my non-problem, your anger is just going to seem foolish to me. I am then likely to conclude that you are the one with a problem that needs solving.


I deny any fixable problem (i.e., fixable by me). I have a problem but there is nothing I can do about it; because it is all your fault, because I tried once to change it without success, because that is the way life is, because everyone is the same as me, etc.

But I do admit I have a problem.

This is often the stage of righteousness, judgments and anger that serve to keep me preoccupied with what I believe you should be doing rather than face my own discomfort. I often claim that it is impossible to change my unhappiness and anger until you change. If there is one stage that most represents the USA in the late 1980s and early 1990s, it is this stage. It seems as if each group is placing blame on outsiders for its problems and difficulties, thus dodging individual and collective responsibilities for changing group insiders.

We have often convinced ourselves that others need to change before happiness is possible for us.

Suppose they never change? Are we then not locking ourselves into perpetual unhappiness? The choice to be “happy” instead of “right” is frequently encountered and often difficult to make. I believe this blaming righteous stage has been useful and necessary, for we have learned that anger and speaking out are OK. But I believe we will be harmed if we remain there much longer. It is also the unhappiest stage of healing.


I have a fixable problem but choose to do nothing about it right now. This is a common resting point that we all necessarily choose every day for at least some of our problems. We only can work on so many problems at once. The fewer the problems we choose to work on, the more likely will be our success at those fewer problems. Waiting does not necessarily deserve to be pejoratively labeled as procrastination, though such a label may occasionally be the truth. There is the need for occasional complete abstinence from “working on our problems” for a few days or weeks or even much longer.


STAGE IV – WORKING on my problem
Stage IVa –

Making a New Choice It is essential to make a new choice such as: talk to my boss, parents, spouse or child in a new way, read a book on my problem (this book or one oriented to my specific problem), plan to record one’s dreams, start a journal, meditate about the problem, try self-hypnosis, find a therapist, etc. Impulses need to be consulted, acknowledged and tried out (if they are not damaging). Most often the best new choice is just a small change to the previous choice.

Stage IVb –

Evaluating the New Choice Do I still have the problem/ symptoms?

If yes, then I need to return to stage IVa to make a new choice or to stage III to let the problem rest for a time. My newer choice may just be a small modification if my earlier choice seemed to be along the right track. My newer choice will probably be very different if my earlier choice seemed to result in disaster.

Stage V – RESOLVING (Letting That Old Problem Go).

This is the stage where a particular problem or symptom finally seems small and no longer dominates me. Forgiveness, not the glib kind, is required here. Many “forgive” others falsely. When I dredge up or when I still feel strongly about old arguments/ actions, then I have not forgiven, and I have therapy/ growth work to do. Genuine forgiveness implies that not only do I fully understand why my parents (for example) intentionally or unintentionally traumatized me the way they did, but I fully understand my reactions and responses over the years. The words “if only” become meaningless, for I totally accept, without regrets, the problem (or symptom) and its history.

Be Your Own Therapist –

“Whoever You Hire Is Just Your Assistant”

This online book, Be Your Own Therapist- Whoever You Hire Is Just Your Assistant, is authored by licensed psychotherapist Thayer White MA MFT, and can aid people of average mental health make many changes in their lives. Positive therapeutic changes happen most often as the result of pointing one’s mind in more effective directions (perhaps towards changing certain emotions, one’s body, one’s spirituality, etc). A happier life can be yours! Start reading today! Reviews of this Book.

Table of Contents
Quiz for Each Chapter

 Therapist and author, Thayer White MA MFCC, has over 23 years experience as both therapist and client in the areas of therapy and self-growth.

He says…

” Whatever is bothering, irritating, upsetting, maddening, or disturbing me is there for my highest benefit and ALWAYS tells me I have not completely learned some life lessons I might prefer to avoid. Whatever I get in life is what I need. Once I have learned what there is for me to learn, the  situation either fails to repeat or I am just not bothered by that situation anymore. “

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The fact is that we increasingly learn to discover how we are each capable of developing healthy habits of mind every time we make the choice to be accountable to ourselves by looking more deeply into our thoughts and how they make us feel.

We take away the power of thinking we are victims and we redirect this into positive new possibilities.

Transforming the inner victim into a victor thru making new choices.


Life is what we choose and how we become conscious of our unconsciousness is how we uplift the frequency of our experience. When we uplift our frequency of choice we learn to transform and then transmit vital life force in us as us. When we achieve this we take our thinking out of the limitations of our mind, we move forward without the heavy baggage of our past, our histories.

Our life patterns become rearranged in ways that are more fulfilling to our innate spirituality. But first we must learn how to uplift our darker unconsciousness and see beyond the limits we have imposed upon our selves.

This is the inner work of the self.


This requires diligence, will power, and willingness to make changes. All these traits may at first be quite small in the beginning. When we persist in our efforts we increase these traits as we revitalize our daily lives with our new choices.

Every day of living is a gift for our own doing, what and how we live, and then how we choose to live, become the new construct of our experience. We learn that we do matter, if at first this is only to ourselves. We then generate more and more positive outcomes which in turn generate the new and different outcomes.

We are here learning how to co-create with life.

We are here to pass thru and transform our life circumstances.

We are here to discover our unlimited capability as co-creators with the substance of life.

We are here to learn to be harmonious, loving, and joyful humans.

We have all the circumstances in place to orchestrate our development as we view our life challenges. These challenges are the stepping stones of our growth.

We learn thru the arduous task of conscious, committed inner growth to cause our most unlimited spiritual selves to live within the circumstances of our humanity.

We learn that by committing to our spiritual nature that we infuse human life with this substance.

We shift the equation from a human being having a spiritual experience to that of it’s opposite.

And by doing so we have what I like to call a spiritual being having a human experience.

In this way we make life sacred.

All of it. Every possibility that we can.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Finding the Truth… core spirituality, my personal journey



quote living in denial only makes accepting the truth that much harderFinding the Truth… core spirituality, my personal journey

The most significant aspect of dropping into self truth for me has always been the conscious and deliberate action of taking apart my denial.

When I listen to friends and or clients struggling with the truthfulness of situations they are limited by I detect the denial that is still unspoken and yet to be embraced.

Denial is a powerful form of avoidance that may suggest one is not ready to embrace some aspect of genuine truthfulness.

Denial may also be a clear signal that we are ready for a reality check.

Terror is a reality check for me.

Terror as it is being expressed in the world today is an example that has triggered in me my own need to face the painful feelings I have and the deeper source of those emotions. The thoughts I have held and the way those thoughts have caused me to feel. Terror in life could be a tremendous wake up call for all of us with the willingness to hold ourselves accountable for our own emotional weather. I began to look at my own feelings that were triggered by the immense pain of inhumanity in the news recently.

Denial is camouflaged in infinite variety of ways. For example the quest for feeling good, the constant need for entertainment, the obsessive drive for money and things, overworking ourselves into a stupor, all are ways we divert our attention away from uncomfortable truthfulness about how we feel and suspend ourselves in envelopes of denial.

The lack of familiarity with processing uncomfortable truthfulness is a habit of externally based thinking that seeks results outside the source of our experience.

When I seek to make myself feel better by purchasing a new car, finding a new restaurant, and so on without inward reflection into my genuine uncomfortable feelings I may miss the mark for the source of how it is I truly feel, and end up placing an external over that denial. It is a pattern I see very commonly habituated in human beings.

I make a point to face my own truth by cultivating the habit of embracing what arises in a positive manner. Recently I was horrified by world events that seem to be accumulating and increasing in ways that I became overwhelmed. At first I was only observing the external basis of my feelings. When these would not go away I had to look inward, further, deeper, and more honestly.

In reflective observation I noticed my own horrible thoughts and feelings along with elements of self denial. In this way what grabs our attention outwardly can act as a mirror to our inner world. I resolve to come to terms with my own painful feelings once I discovered my own denied emotions.

Terror results from many sources some of which are oppression, powerlessness, righteousness, impatience, short sightedness, injustice, fear, shallowness, fundamentel-isms, along with many other emotional scenarios. Who has not experienced any such feelings? When we deny our own darker nature what can happen can be terrifying, terrorizing. And then how we choose to attend to this is of a critical nature as well. This is a big, humongous wake up call for our human family.

Without the individual making choices to face what ever it is we deny about our own darker nature we are subject to an increase in all this mayhem. Without the knowledge of our darker nature we are devoid of meeting our own needs hidden by our reluctance to see the truthfulness of our own thoughts and feelings. The cycles of dysfunction, pain, and suffering continue to haunt us.

Fear grows and we start to believe the fear and we generate more and more of it.

When fear becomes the overriding driving force of our collective action we create more of it.

While we are believing our fears we are missing our authentic capacity to be genuinely empowered to find healthy, non violent, peaceful solutions that address the real problems that created the denial, the terror, and the horror of our own inhumanity.

This leads to control.

There appears to be some element of the use of fear for control behind the terror of the day. The militarization of police, the use of violent militarization, the enacting of laws used to impose limits and controls on many by the few. The over use of the military forces of this world to solve the problems that arise out of our denials is staggering.

There is always a better way.

The core voice within me shows me how this is so.

I can take my own life into my own directive. I can resolve my own fear, panic, terror, pain, etc. etc. thru addressing what it is that makes me uncomfortable. I can utilize my own consciousness to see and feel authentically. I can dismantle my own denial.

I can love what it is in myself that I have not.

Bottom line in authentic living is the habit of loving oneself enough to address the totality of our human experience. By addressing both sides of the equation of our emotional states, our thoughts, and remaining open. (the light as well as the dark!)

We do not have to be afraid of what we feel.

Core within me reminds me that this is the spiritual being having a human experience and how I manage this is up to me.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

15 Struggles People Who Bottle Up Their Feelings Understand

IN CORE SPIRITUALITY i find that learning to observe these types of behaviosr are our doorways to deepening into truthful authenticity. when we avoid this self observation we project our feelings out into the world, family, and infinite targets. my healing thought is to think …my feelings are valid, and real, i allow myself to explore honestly and safely.

Learning to embrace our experiences (neurotic behaviors)… core spirituality, my personal journey

Quote the cave you fear to enter

Learning to embrace our experiences (neurotic behaviors)… core spirituality, my personal journey

When we deny any shadow aspects of ourselves through transcendence, avoidance or repression these very forces come alive in our neurotic behavior.

They come to the surface in our jealousy, in our angry words, in our irritability

toward life, in our inability to communicate with our partners, children or friends.

Yet these very shadows, if embraced and met with love and compassion, become helpful aspects and illuminated qualities of our true nature. 

We may notice that if:

If we deny our power, we become angry.

If we deny our sadness, we become cold and heartless.

If we deny our humility, we become closed and arrogant. 

If we deny our fear, we become anxious.

It is through embracing our darkness, our shadow, that we become both free of our shadow as well as embodying of the very positive aspects of our humanity and Divinity.

When we embrace our anger, we become powerful.

When we embrace sadness, we become compassionate

When we embrace arrogance, we become undefended

When we embrace fear, we become open hearted.

The transformation of our humanity is our true work in this world. As we do so we discover there is no separation between our humanity and our Divinity.

Craig Holliday

Authenticity… The Choices We have to be Real. Core spirituality, my personal journey… 2015

authentic man

Authenticity… The Choices We have to be Real. Core spirituality, my personal journey

The most direct way to have the experience of greater authenticity with those we love, the world at large, and anyone around us is to turn the table on ourselves and be authentic ourselves.

Authenticity of self.

Whenever we seek to have deeper more clear relating that expresses honesty with those around us turn the table around on ourselves and be more honest with self. Learning to open up to our own thoughts and feelings we establish new grounds for relating and we shift the equation into something we can manage thru our own self revealing.

Self revelation.

Whenever I get the thought that I want a person to be more real, more authentic, more honest with me I turn it around to myself. I accept that the core spiritual message I am getting is that I need to be more real.

My own authenticity in relating certainly shifts the unspoken energies of exchanges in such a way that either those around me will learn to recognize the larger significance of my words and actions, or they will choose to stay away. This can be very helpful whenever there are issues up for discussion, or for resolutions. Regardless of whether the other person chooses to join me in the honest exchange, I feel better because I have made the choice to be authentic.

I win.

My own authentic choices lead me differently than inauthentic ones. The outcomes this brings me are more finely tuned to my own state of awareness and so I win.

Every time.

I may not even like the outcomes that arise from my own sense of honesty, however I learn that the pure self, the pure honesty is my preference and I redirect my actions accordingly. This always opens up new possibilities that previously were deadlocked. However uncomfortable this may be there is a sense of new discovery that begins to take shape.

For me.

What you do with my honesty and my self disclosure becomes a new level of choices for you to consider whenever I find myself shifting in my growing self awareness and personal development.

This is the way that we individually transform our lives, and how we transform how we relate with each other. We are in a natural unfolding life design that has continuous opportunity for changes and transformations, this is how life itself, as us, moves in this dimension of reality.

Reality is changing, and so is our awareness of reality. How and what and who we interact with in our day to day lives has significant bearing on our experience here as spiritual beings having a human experience. We are meant to have the experiences of change that we all go thru as part of the unlimited nature of existence and the ever arising new perceptions available to us as spiritual beings.

Just as a creek will flow thru the forest, gurgling across the rocks, thru the land, changing directions as it flows forward, sometimes even growing into rivers and even to the oceans. We too flow thru circumstances in our lives that are ever changing, and growing and connecting us to greater and greater possibilities.

When the times arise for us to consider our own authenticity in any situation we must weigh the consequences of our thoughts and actions and learn how to make choices that serve our greater good, and that greater good in all of our lives. No matter how uncomfortable this may be at the moment, we can maintain wisdom in our choices as we go along.

Wisdom to see the the activity of the heart, and the greater purpose unfolding thru us.

When we choose wisdom instead of comfort and we make efforts to support our need to make changes we open our capacity to envelop change in masterful new ways. We learn how much more capable we truly are and we see this unfold because we are living in the greater truths of our own personal experiences, as this fits for each of us. As we learn to do this for ourselves we learn much easier how to accept and work with others who are learning how to open to their own truthful process. Our need to rush, push, or have others change for us diminishes because we are making our own changes according to our own specific time lines. There is a masterful timing in all our lives and as we identify and act according to our own needs and we stop making the push to those around us.

There truly is a divinity in our human interactions, and we open the windows of divine insight to this as we take care of our own specific needs and stop projecting them onto everyone around us.

The divinity inherent in human relationships arises more clearly as we accept our own true selves.

Divine nature in human relationships underlies all that we must go thru as we take off the layers of our own discontents and miseries. As each person lifts off their own burdens of life we reveal what is underneath the human experience. That is what I call the spiritual being that is having the human experience.

When we align with our true selves as human beings we learn to encounter all of our emotions and thoughts as our classroom of living and we gain immense new capacities to embrace life.

When we act with our divine selves we handle what is up with an eye on what is seeking to unfold thru us. We look for the learning, the AHAA’S, and the ways in which we may serve the greater good in our own lives and the lives of everyone.


There is in each of us a call to this in our lives. We see this as we find our discontents, our unhappiness, our burdens. This call is calling out to each of us in unique ways that are specific to our own inner circumstances and we can answer to this by way of the choices we make day to day.

Divinity seeks each of us, no matter the religious belief, the political standing, truth of self is the ultimate spiritual path. Once we resolve these maladies in ourselves we find peace within. This is where the amazing divine spiritual nature of a human is revealed.

Not until we have taken all the steps, not until we have brought ourselves to a peaceful place, not until we have answered each and every cry in any situation will we arrive here. Thus when we keep going and keep striving in our efforts to be real we ultimately resolve whatever is our burden. This may take years, even an entire lifetime, however long it takes it is always worth it. Worth it because we establish ourselves in our own peace, in our own divine nature and in this way we connect with a divine understanding that sees beyond all the struggles.


When we gain the purpose of our life experiences we feel differently and this difference actually is the state of presence that transforms our lives. Without even a word.


Holding presence in life for whatever unfolds. Without judgmental thoughts, without unrealistic expectations, without drama. When we hold divine presence in ourselves we transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. We restore the sanctity of living in our lives and in our relationships.


Life is precious even in the horror of it all. Even in the uncomfortable.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation