Emotional Intelligence… leaning into self awareness to heal, core spirituality

Voices in His Head

Voices in His Head

Emotional Intelligence… leaning into self-awareness to heal, core spirituality

Learn to address every emotion that you have. This is my interior message this year. Learn to identify moods, gut feelings, disconnects, and the interior places that still pull me out of my own joy. Generate the understanding in the world you wish to see for the place you inhabit, your physical body and let the world of madness go by you. Do your inner work and learn to know thyself.

Learn how it is your emotions play into your life as they will be the source of many situations that you still do not comprehend. ( shaping your reality from behind the curtain of your conscious knowing)

Radical self honesty is arriving to your door, so pay attention!

Your sub conscious is becoming conscious as you open yourself to the deepening discovery of radical self honesty. Profound self honesty empowers your personality to gain strength and momentum in the ongoing unfolding course of your life experiences. These experiences are also a large component of your path, your spiritual path. That you come to understand and identify what you feel is the precursor to more significant self-development and capability is starting to gain momentum within humanity now.

Stuck places, repeating mood swings, disharmonious life patterns and lack of joy and personal freedoms are symptoms of your still as of yet, unfinished inner work, and spiritual development.

A big AHAA is upon you!

It is rare that emotional development is tagged as a major component of spirituality, rather we are led to focus on belief alone as our source of spirituality, yet this is still far from the larger truth of existence.

As spiritual beings having human experiences our feeling nature is extensive, multi-layered, mysterious, and complex. When we only focus, as we are led to believe by so many external forces such as religious leaders and many teachings they promote, on belief without integrating all of our feelings and emotions we block from ourselves vast amounts of information that lead to deep understandings and the true interconnection of all life.

External forces of religion that perpetrate belief without emotional sovereignty and deep self honesty for all feelings then have a capacity to box up certain feelings that prevent a human from having full access to the larger innate and very powerful feelings that will guide one through the maze of human life.

Beliefs alone are used as mental ideas and these will not sufficiently embrace the wider spectrum’s of feelings and emotions any human is capable of having. This blocks the natural flow of spiritual feeling and the possibility for knowing something from inside self as a direct experience.

When we are externally focused in this way our emotions will continue to pop up, and cause frictions with our personalities in ways that maintain a continuum of human confusions.

This is a real aspect of the darker forces that have been active on earth for centuries. ( hiding in so-called spiritual places, yet religions)To prevent humanity from knowing the significant truth of self, as a spiritual being, and to direct subservience, and passive acceptance without understanding of how life works. This form of subtle coercion exists all around us in all forms of media control, religious belief, and how our society is informed on a daily basis.

Do you actually believe that all the news that is reported is really “the news”?

We are not being shown the actual truth of our lives, as we are led to believe. We are not really getting all “the news” as is reported by every news media. All of this is selective, and is selective so as to lead us into a very limited perspective about our lives and each other.

The amount of real and relevant information is being omitted is huge!

The ramifications of this are the continual use of power over others through war mongering, political positioning and control, media hype, and religious perversions that cause and perpetrate powerlessness and victimization as long-standing patterns within our human family.

How does one come to really know this?

It is from the deep radical self honesty of self-reflection, and learning to integrate our emotions and feelings on a daily basis which lifts one out of the hypnosis of falseness still being perpetrated across the entire planet. Self knowledge and clarity of emotions inform us directly from within, and in this way we have our own detectors for information. This interior state of feeling and emotional clarity carries significant more information that reveals purpose, direction, and many of the answers our humanity is seeking. It comes from within self. Within each person one at a time, day by day. And our connection to this interior place is our own sovereign life force in us, as us.

It is quite simple.

The big AHAA, is that each of us has this capacity built inside us and we can increase, develop, and maintain this if we so desire. Thus diminishing our sense of victimization and lack of knowledge about any subject.

One has to walk the path of emotional honesty so completely that this becomes obvious, and not until one has cultivated this to a significant degree will it become so obvious and relevant.

To persevere in the face of ignorance, denials, and the habits of being a “follower” and to shift into knowledge, acceptance, and self sovereignty is how we learn to truly grow up. To learn to take the substances of our dally lives and utilize this material as a learning lab for our spiritual selves and to rise through it all.

Our humanity is venturing forward now in larger ways towards a collective wake up, a collective leap into our own larger capacity to hold vastly greater amounts of information which can generate tremendous new self-knowledge. More and more people are becoming aware of the lies that are being perpetrated all over the world, as well as all the corruption. How we feel about all this and what we do about it will depend on our capacity to feel our feelings. Is retaliation really the best way, is power over others, is emotional immaturity really working?

We are learning to discover how emotional maturity really feels, and how this redirects us into better life choices. Our learning curve is huge here as we have so very far we can go. Our future generations of humans will be riding on the decisions we make now. And I can tell you that this is very essential to integrate as another form of emotional maturity… that we realize the actual consequences of our actions without repeating the same victimization and violence over and over and over.

To shift into a better capacity to handle increasing intensities, choose radical self honesty!

Instead of the same emotional denial and reactionary patterns we usually have in our life patterns we can choose radical self honesty. Radical and profound self honesty has the capacity to withstand the intensity. It has the capacity to drive through difficulty, and to align us with much more powerful forces available to us for manifesting reality. This honesty will diminish your ego, tear your “so called” self importance down, it will deconstruct and reconstruct an improved you.

Getting though all the pain.

The transformation of our humanity is passing through this in each of us as we learn to let go and allow for a better way inside our selves. As we learn to release our pain and suffering, our sorrows filter to the surface to be released.

As the tears of our sorrows empty out our eyes begin to fill with new vision.

We birth into ourselves something new, and this requires all the self honesty one can muster at any single moment. It is all worth it.

Personal freedom precedes all other forms of freedom, and cannot be taken away once one has brought self into the frequencies of radical self honesty. It is powerful beyond any politics, any religious teaching, anything external. This is because it is the living essence of truth within as you.

Truth fullness as a self expressed aspect of who and what we are as spiritual beings having a human experience.

The somewhat confusing reality of our lives.

That our humanity is filled with twists and turns is how we re-position our attention.

We shift our possibility as we go along and make many corrections.

This is the remarkable flexibility of our emotions and feelings that empower our species.

Truly astounding.

We are all so much more than we thought ourselves to be, or anyone has told us.

We can discover this without permission, without anyone needing to do this for us. It is a singular experience, one day at a time, one person at a time. This is the dawn of the transformation of our humanity!

quote if you are tuned out of your emotions...

Core spirituality, my personal journey

Willingness to Watch Our Inner Conversations…. core spirituality, my personal journey




Willingness to Watch Our Inner Conversations…. core spirituality, my personal journey

What did I say to myself today?

These posts are reflections and expressions of my own internal conversations.

The voices in my head.

The feelings that arise, and the ongoing development of my own place in the cosmos.

We all have the “inside place” where the voices inside us speak.

My question is how well do we know these places and are we listening?

Listening to the internal dialogues we have with ourselves is a crucial element of inner development which leads to our personal revelation, and self discovery. Without the conscious awareness of these interior voices we are subject to reactions, rationalizations, excuses, and pitfalls of infinite variety.

How we learn to catch these inner voices is one thing, discerning them is another and integrating them is still another step.

How long has a voice spoken inside me without my ever listening?

Do I ignore my own internal dialogues?

Am I afraid to listen… sometimes?

How can I make peace with the voices within me that are unresolved?

How do I stabilize my thoughts? Have I truly resolved my own inner conflicts?

Today when will I submit to the urge to be silent enough to be aware in some new way?

So much information around us now,information overload… when there are too many thoughts, voices inside me, how do I refocus ? Do I allow my interior dialogue to remain in constant conflict?

When are the voices or thoughts inside me not really mine, but some internalized influence from someone else? Society, religion, parents, media, friends, many voices blend within us. Am I clear enough to recognize the difference within me as I sort them out and find my own genuine inner voice?

What we are learning now is how to refine our perceptions of our true inner most voice.

The voice of our most intimate internal knowing. Without the clarity and discernment here who do we actually become?

The discerning awareness of self-knowledge is a vital new interior place of self-awareness that is growing in the human collective today.

As more individuals learn how to recognize the truthful self within and those thoughts that originate from the pure center of self, or from the actual biology… the physical body of self, or the mind of self we engage our placement outside, into the projected realities that others in this world would have us believe, have us submit, or have us engage. Fear being a primary example.

FEAR.. A force that is easy to become caught up, easy to internalize, and easy to perpetrate without really knowing how we do this. Easy especially when we are unconscious, or unaware, or cut off, or in denial of our own inner voices. When this happens our outer life circumstances become enmeshed and entangled in the lives of others also all in engaged in fear scenarios.

And so is this what the innermost self truly seeks?

Listening to ourselves, refining discernment.

The act of listening requires our commitment to honesty and some silence in order to stay connected without the constant distractions and sidelining of external voices seeking to reach us on a daily basis.

The capitalistic nature of our society is constantly speaking to us with voices of buy, buy, buy, buy now, hurry.. buy now. Without discernment we are grabbing our credit cards, our phones, and buying as if our lives depend upon it. Mindless really, or thoughtless, yet in our culture this is prevalent.

The stillness that exists inside us and all around us, how familiar are we really with this?

The stillness is a voice of silence.

How well do I listen to the voice of silence?

Have you ever considered that the voice of silence actually is a voice with meaning?

How we learn to appreciate our own inner voice of silence plays a major role in our personal development as we learn the art of discernment.

This silence carries the unspoken awareness of direction within the circumstances of our inner world. This direction is constantly moving and carries us along as we go through the many phases of development along any single theme within us. The silence has a way of clarification that brings out the most valuable components of our current themes. We can learn to pace ourselves in any situation by maintaining a vigilant intention to honor our inner silence and what it will show us. Because our lives are in a constant state of movement this is valuable as we receive continuous updates from within this silence.

So how does the silence, which seems to be nothing, actually speak to us if there are no words?

The silence is a form of presence that is us. This presence contains the actual consciousness of our larger self, perhaps the spirit, or the soul of us. This silent presence is our very witness to everything inside us and carries a significant point of view that is an important aspect of our totality.

For example when I am watching the world with all my thoughts, what is watching the watcher that is me? This is the silent voice and still presence that is our larger self outside the boundary of our physical, mental, emotional life. This silent self is here always and holds something quite valuable to the process we are having of being a spiritual being having a physical experience… our life. This is our most valuable resource as we entertain, struggle, and move through being human.

The paradigm shift of knowing self is upon us.

The capacity for our thoughts to be rearranged, to be revised, to elevate emotions and feelings, and to highlight important details all exist within the silent and still voice of presence that is who we are. For this reason once we learn to integrate all our inner voices, manage them, name them, and familiarize ourselves with them we can add the silent voice.

In this larger paradigm of inner awareness we break through the habits, and hypnosis of casual living and exchange this for intentional living. We become more able to accelerate our purposeful directions and meaningful relationships with a lively state of inner knowing. This is why the ancients subscribed to the notion KNOW THYSELF.

Meaning know thy thoughts, thy feelings, and learn to know your own so well that you solidify your person.

Anchoring our selves in the midst of chaos and confusion.

When we solidify the state of inner knowing we can hold the space of greater potential and direct the outcomes of our lives with significant more fuel. The fuel of self awareness, which holds the attention and the intention of the silent, still voice of our spiritual self, or soul self. The strength of this protects us from the casual nature of, distraction into , and subversion of forces which would have us be slaves, be perpetual victims, and malinger in life long conditions of unhappiness and suffering. Our very own negativity is called into check as we increase our self-knowledge and learn to grow inner courage.

We cultivate courage to pass beyond our self-imposed limits and our own deeply held habits when we increase self-knowledge, know our inner voices, and integrate the silent, still self. This courage is a signal to our person that our efforts are all worth it, that our willingness truly does make a difference, and that we have unlimited potential to explore.

The maturation of our human condition requires this courage within us both as an inner voice and as a presence. The maturation of our individual human selves adds to our collective experience and we learn from one another thus creating new paradigms of possibility for us all. This is our collective human evolutionary way, we are all contributing something to this on this planet at this time.

Do not your fear to control your “inside places”, or if you are… seek assistance, guidance and help. For there are many incarnate souls living in our world who came here for this very purpose. For the purpose to assist the humans with their consciousness, feelings, thoughts. We have legions of people here dedicating their lives to helping humanity one person at a time.

In my previous writing I wrote of how life is increasing in spirituality, and how we have the choice to love in any situation. Now I am adding that we have the choice to know ourselves, more completely, more deeply. It is in these discoveries that life as we know it is being transformed and the future generations will step forth from our efforts and succeed even further.


Core spirituality. My personal journey

The Paradigm Shift Happening In Our Humanity This Year- 2016… core spirituality, my personal journey


The Paradigm Shift Happening In Our Humanity This year 2016… core spirituality, my personal journey

In these times of great chaos, confusion, violence, and conflict involving global change we are experiencing a shift in our attention, our very way of perceiving that which is coming to pass. This shift in our awareness is personal and impersonal, individual and collective, and is permeating, in some way, through every aspect of life on this planet. This shift is in our thinking, our feeling,our way of perceiving, and our very cellular bodies and is changing everything.

The shift I am referring to is the spiritualization of our humanity and our world …as we know it.

In a recent post I wrote about the choice to love in 2016, and this idea grows from that one. The spirituality of who we are and how we respond to our daily lives is completely up for a rewrite. I see the human scripts changing everywhere.The interior messages growing within people are those of a spiritual realization about life.

The “spirituality of life” is different in that some of the old ways of handling our difficulties, of facing problems and even how we view evil are transforming in that we no longer are able to sustain our separate notions of difference in the same ways, we are no longer able to sustain many old patterns of belief, our very natures are transforming.

A few of the dynamic changes arising from global spirituality.

We are realizing how we are both different as people… and the same.

We are realizing that what ever action we take in the world has a reaction that returns back to the source of that action.(each one of us)

We are realizing that conflict without spiritual perception is totally futile and only leads to more futility. We are recognizing ourselves in each other in ways that provoke our hearts to open towards greater empathy and we want to help one another more.

Disasters, horrendous events of terrorism, sick and morbid pathological, egotistical governmental decisions are becoming less tolerable to the masses. This is the result of the spirituality possible in these times within each of us to rise up and transform our very actions and reactions.

While we have pathological, psychopathic, egocentric people who suffer from these kinds of traits we also have more numbers of people with whom the spirituality of daily life acts as a buffer to the actions of these individuals and the syndicates, and conglomerates they perpetrate onto the sleeping humanity.

Our own consciousness turning away from participation in unhealthy behaviors, relationships, and our inner turning towards our own individual self-healing and personal growth is actually shifting our world slowly one person at a time. We have power, we have the capacity to learn more, evolve further, choose the appropriate actions as we learn to experience our own individual unique spirituality. As we multiply this force in groups this power increases. We can discover that we are all much much more capable this coming year than we thought ourselves to be!

When I refer to spiritual I do not specifically mean a religion, however there are billions of good people in Muslim, Christian, and Hindu, Jewish as well as many other religions that are activating spiritual principles in their daily lives, and much of these principles are universal to all religions.

Spirituality that is universal is one that is inclusive, and infinite and can speak to any individual walking on any different religious pathway. Ultimately the one universal loving source that exists in all religions is being activated, beyond yet including their respective prophets, leaders or originators. As I wrote in a previous essay, love is love, whatever name one calls it, and where one thinks it comes from. It is what it is.

We can see this clearly because all of life responds to it regardless of the name we call it. A child in any culture will respond to love whether it is called Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Christian or whatever name. A pet will respond in like manner, your pet bird, or dog does not know what religion you ascribe, he only feels the love that is present. ( as within your respective pathway of belief)

Particularly demanding is our response to the negative aspects of life here.

We are all touched in some way by the negative actions of others in this world. Whether this is close at hand in our own home, or distantly from across our vast planet. The spiritualization of the negativity is a very large component of our individual lives and our collective world situation. And we are becoming better and better at how we approach the negative situations we all encounter.

However this work is far from over and our task is still at hand demanding an ever-growing vigilance towards the pitfalls, hurt, and pain that results from our own negativity. The single largest piece of learning in this is how we ourselves choose to respond to our own interior negative experiences. How we handle what we feel negative about matters greatly as our response can accelerate, perpetrate, and increase any form of negativity very easily. In other words we create what we are negative about because we are the ones being negative. Thus how we face the negativity this year will have a substantial outcome on our daily lives as we pass through more of the difficult unfinished business of all our lives. A significant aspect of this negativity is our fear.

Fear on this planet is substantial and our lack of awareness to our own negativity will certainly cause this fear to grow even bigger, more powerful, and with further consequence should we avoid our own negativity on a day-to-day basis. For example I am particularly aware of this because of the experiences I have with family members who are participating in the military. While on one hand I am told and shown how very powerful we are, on the other hand there is the overall fear. It is immense, intense, and yes it is scary. It is scary to the point of pure justification on a scale that is almost more than I can actually comprehend in any one setting. However it is a “real” thing for all these people…. this fear. How I choose to react feeling all this when I am totally in the midst of it could either increase it more, or stop with me. Even though I am one small person, I choose not to allow myself to engage in those levels of belief about fear. I do not carry that fear away with me whenever I leave those circumstances, in fact I increase love. Within my own family I also have a dear precious Muslim person and I have been made well aware of the fears that arise when this persons relatives come to visit. Just walking down the streets is quite a spectacle of discomfort at times with the reactions of those we encounter as we walk along. How I choose to face this when we are walking makes a difference, and I know how truly loving these people are on a personal basis. The issue is the fear and how do we face it?

How we choose to process fear inside each of us had much consequence in our lives, and a deeper introspection may be helpful. Small fears, medium fears, then the bigger fears. My intention is to take more time to take apart my own fears and dismantle their hold over my personal life in any way I can muster. I know that how I choose to face fear has consequence… and that there are many probable outcomes to the many choices we each have in conquering that which makes us uneasy.

Evil is another aspect of our lives with which we must face. How we face this also had many pathways. As more and more evil is revealed in this world we are having to face it. Face that which we hate, despise, and usually ignore. This too is subject to spiritualization as I know I can react by hating more, and increasing the disharmony I feel, or I can choose to face evil with the power of a more balanced positive and yes even loving stance. I know this for I have had occasion to personally address evil face to face in my life, I have watched it recoil in the face of my lack of fear to it. And my willingness to address it in my life or to allow myself to become engaged in their evil ways. We have much still to learn about our reactions to evil and what is and what is not appropriate in the way of our reaction.

There is spirituality in conflict.

How we see conflict beyond right or wrong, is apparent once we allow our spirituality to guide us through the opposing points of view. World problems that are conflicting in nature are actually holding many spiritual problems that need to be addressed. When we open ourselves to the idea that problems are spiritual we open ourselves to much richer possibilities for restoring and balancing these situations because we are finally dealing with the real problems… the spiritual ones masked by the conflicts.

For example the levels of powerlessness, oppression, servitude, abuse, and personal violence that ensue from these scenarios are the real spiritual problems for people suffering all over the world.

Lack and privilege mask the spiritual problem of greed and egotism on a very disharmonious level everywhere for so many individuals.

Once we can learn to respond with a more spiritual nature to these world-wide problems we will lower our need to use military solutions of “power over” and might, domination and suppression to alleviate these situations.

Spirituality has such tremendous power in it to overcome because the source of the spiritual nature is infinite, contains the perseverance, the desire to understand more, and willingness to work through the difficulty. Instead of stamping everyone and everything with power alone.

Our ignorance about ourselves and each other is bridged whenever we choose to seek out the spiritual nature of our relationships. Withholding and distancing actually become too uncomfortable whenever we allow ourselves to connect with what really is spiritual in our human dynamics. The fears we place on one another begin to drop and the desire to build bridges of understanding start to form. And though at first this is all very uneasy, and can become even sloppy, when there is a spiritual intent behind any action, that action is received differently. I know this for I have worked with it for a life time. Our capacity to unlearn our preconceived ideas about our differences is softened as we open ourselves to our spiritual nature.

As we practice the letting go of fear and negativity a unique form of spirituality will develop. It may be called by many different names. Whatever those names that level of spirituality in any situation will be felt by those involved and begin to transform any circumstance. One does not truly discover this for themselves until they have actualized this, perhaps several times. It is a remarkable experience and is a deeply satisfying expression of core spirituality.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

When There is a Choice…. Choose Love in 2016….. core spirituality, my personal journey


01 Jan 1976 --- Mother Teresa Visits Patients At Kalighat Home For The Dying --- Image by © JP Laffont/Sygma/CORBIS

01 Jan 1976 — Mother Teresa Visits Patients At Kalighat Home For The Dying — Image by © JP Laffont/Sygma/CORBIS

When There is a Choice…. Choose Love in 2016….. core spirituality, my personal journey

What makes a difference in every outcome, every conflict, every confusion, and all stale mates?

What generates surprising new outcomes, impossible new openings, and brings connection?

What supports, strengthens, and engages in us beyond our “thought-out” possibilities?

What brings calm inside us, and opens the doors of further understandings?

What lifts us out of boredom, mediocrity, selfishness, and self-deception?

What will redirect our lost and angry voices, our deeply sad unfinished business?

What will urge us to seek new solutions, and open our hearts to possibilities beyond every imaginable conundrum, problem, and unanswered question inside our common human condition?

What will sooth the hard edges of our torn and wounded emotions, our painful memories, our childish insistence on suffering?

What will force us to let go when we are holding on for dear life to those we love, those who hurt us, and those whose ideas are no longer fitting to a world filled with so many unanswered questions?

What brings an understanding to the most resistant, the hidden, and lonely ones of this world?

What will bring courage when there has only been fear and cowardice?

What will bring song when there has only been angry bellowing?

What will make a long dark night worth living?

What will sustain you when nothing, absolutely nothing else is left?

What will make an idle soul take action when before there was only lazy idleness?

What will raise a child to honor him or her self, and bring this honor to our world when nothing else will?

What will stretch the impossible short-sighted vision of ignorance and suffering to realize it is time… time to move beyond all the craziness?

What will heal the bloody effects of the violence we throw at one another and begin to seal the wounds of pain and injustices?

What will cause a meek and mild man or woman to rise up, to make their voice heard and to stop submitting, stop being abused?

What will force a hand in life to extend to another instead of grabbing for all he can get?

What will open the way for truthfulness to be seen, heard and felt in the midst of all deception, lies, and subversion?

What will make room in my world for the light of this truthfulness to grow inside us when so many, so much around us succumbs to darkness?

What will turn off the noise of endless television, cell phones, and demented media propaganda’s?

What acts as an anchor when everything is leaving us, changing around us, and the life as we know it is disappearing moment to moment? When systems, and programs crumble right before our very eyes?

What sustains us when we realize our religion no longer holds enough of the truth of our very life experiences?

What is it men in power fear most, women know works, and exists in the very heart of any situation?

What is it that lies within the heart of every man, woman, and child, every flower, every animal, and the entire design of creation that we turn our backs and refuse to see, feel and engage ourselves?

What lies within your enemies, is hidden by their taking sides, and knows only of the absence of your choice to understand?

What is the one choice that every person can make that will bring about the solutions, the answers, the new directions, the power, the possibility, the courage to change, transform, and heal the human circumstance of global suffering, mass injustice, global poverty, global war and mass killing?

It is my friend , the choice in any singular moment of my day,

a realization of my ability to choose,

and the action of choosing to love.

And to bring this choice of love where it is not.

There is no force more powerful, more sustaining or more surprising than love.

Love is a force to reckon with in case you have never tested these waters. Love will turn you around, put you upside down, and rearrange you like nothing in this universe will do. Love will pull you out, expose your darkest secrets, and open your most painful wounds. Love will show you your most horrendous fear, your worst enemy, and your deepest sorrows.

Love will bring your secret tears to flow upon your cheeks, will reveal your innocence like nothing else on earth. Love will make you hope and keep you strung out when you have lost it all and want it all to end.

Love will bring you more possibility than any other quality in this universe and will lead you to your first new steps of discovery.

Love will loose your tightest grasp, your most angry voice, your deepest held secrets so you can learn how to be free.

Love will open the doors, illuminate the darkened halls of your unknowing like nothing ever did before.

Love will answer your calls when absolutely no one on earth will.

Love will give you reason beyond reason, direction when there is none, and purpose when there has been absolutely no purpose.

Love is intelligent beyond the wisest man, the holiest of the holy, and the greatest of any one person.

Love is for everyone and works all sides, so to realize its place in your life will cause you to stop it. To stop taking sides and unify with your brothers and sisters, your fellow creatures, your entire physical world.

Love will produce for you out of nothing, it is unlimited in resources and endless in its insistence in your life.

Love is calling within you, outside you, around you.

Love was beckoning all along, is resounding now, and most likely will call through you in your future.

Love is omnipresent, omniscience, and without beginning or end. It is the way, though in this world it goes by many names besides love. Love is love, never the less!

When you do not recognize love at your door, it will surely knock again, and keep knocking at your heart till you answer, love is relentless beyond your wildest imagination. Love is a real force, a real substance, ask any mother, or any child.

When you least see love, feel love, and know it not…This is your time. It is your time to choose it. To choose love when you least would do so. Love is like this for us all.

Love is known by every heart, yet given in parts and pieces, with conditions and circumstance. For this reason… that it is truly known in each person, that it knocks and beckons without end till you die and go to your grave, love will be there. And after too.

Love is not just the folly of fools, that kind of love is only a taste, love in its purest form is powerful beyond any spoken word. Love has this capacity for it speaks to everyone, no matter their language.

That you forget love is only temporary, your suffering heart will always deliver you back to its door. To learn that love is what your really are, were always meant to be, and is what your being was created out of.

That love exists inside you as you, unique you. Love your self, for you are that.

That love that is connected to all of creation. Let love reveal you to you.

Love is never quite what you imagined, so prepare yourself for love’s presence in you as you.

Love….Do not underestimate the smallest of your choices this year, Remember just as a mighty oak begins with a tiny acorn, so too does the smallest choice to love lead to most mighty of circumstance.

Core spirituality, my personal journey

shared with aloha
