Realizing the ONE in Daily Living…. core spirituality, my personal journey

quote of oneness

Realizing the ONE in Daily Living…. core spirituality, my personal journey

Every person, every path is connected to the Infinite One, all points of view lead eventually to this understanding… core spirituality

One of the most amazing experiences I have had has been the realization that every person, every path, and every atom is connected to the One and to one another. I have had this experience in non ordinary states of awareness where I have moved my attention beyond the finite world of linear logical mind, into the depths of space inside myself. This is a cosmic perspective that shifts everything. Because of this fact I see that it is ridiculous to fight over differences. Wars, religions …. for example. Dogmas perpetrated through out our human history have predominantly separated us from each other, and our awareness of Source.

Every point of consciousness, every person, is connected out of the substance of our own creation, our own structure on the most sub atomic levels of this design inside what I perceive as light matrix. It is like tiny protons or spheres.

Consciousness has weight on the sub atomic level, it has space relationship, and it has constant interaction. The universal plane or design of this structure holds the infinite intelligence of all creation in it….. as itself.

This level or perception is not at all limited by teachings,dogmas of separation, the dominant characteristic is unification.

Unification is expressed in increasing and decreasing octaves of complexity, polarity, form, density, expansion, and contraction. We now have scientifically weighted the consciousness that provides our physical bodies with life.

In the early 20th century a series of experiments were carried out by Dr. Duncan MacDougall. He weighed dying patients at the moment of death and found that 21 grams was the approx. weight of the soul. Our consciousness is physical on a sub atomic level. We are truly beings of substance, light that has many gradations depending on our levels of perception.

When I contrast the differences of what is perpetrated as truth on this planet and what my senses do show me through my capacity to view the other octaves of life outside the normally visible spectrum of sight, I can see how life is organized and interconnected. In contrast to the dogmatic thought forms of generations of humankind. These ideas are not authentically representing how it is our existence is built. Not until one has opened to the perception and experience of non ordinary awareness beyond commonly held beliefs formed out of dogmatic ideas will one have the experience of how truly radiant, supportive, loving, infinite, and connected all life truly is.

As humans having a spiritual experience we stumble upon mere glimpses of this through the tiny particles of truth that lie beneath the surface of dogmatic belief. As reality does not actually go away just because we believe something to be true. Contrary to this…. reality breaks through in coincidence, synchronicity, and deep awesome feelings that flood the personality and open it up past such notions. These beliefs actually hold the human minds in separations, and limitations, even while the heart is struggling to love beyond these ideas. Who has not had the experience of shared heart feelings reaching beyond belief uniting seeming opposing points of view. The heart mind has this capacity to side step our mental manufactured ideas and interpretations and open for us new vision, new feeling, new awareness which eventually will reeducate the thinking mind of humans held in separation consciousness until such time one is filled with so much of this content that the quantum shift occurs.

We realize life is actually the opposite of what we believed. (and has been this way all along)

We are spiritual beings having a human experience and not just humans having a spiritual one.

This is a total paradigm shift in how one sees life, and effects everything with a quality which blends not only the heart, but also the mind. Reintegrating these two aspects into an authentic expression of unity, and oneness that propels a human beyond the past, beyond mere dogmas, beyond the pains of oppression, suppression, obeying false authority, diminishing fears, and the need to dominate others with rules and controls and powerful weapons.

When we recognize that we are all exact expression of the same source with different points of view we come to know another as our self.

When we conduct our life experience with others as ourselves we take down the tremendous fear based ideologies, strategies to dominate, and systems of control that have been in place in our lives for many generations. We stop projecting these things onto each other and gain a clear view. We move about in the world with kinder, gentler, more open, yet fierce presence to the authentic expression of truthfulness. Truthfulness in self, and in others, and in this world.

We pull our selves away from the tethers and ties of anything that is not freely, inclusively expressed, and move in a way I call grace. This grace is the actualization of the realization of truthfulness in life in its many forms as coming from one infinite source. Every prophet, and most religions all speak of this and point towards it. We release the ideas that we are supposed to obey messages of men who have encountered the prophets, lords, and originators of religion through out history for the very thing they were pointing towards. For some people this is called God, or Source. For the messenger, and even the message are only pointing toward s the direction back to god. These messages are the way back, not the actual thing itself. I have found the direct expression of god within myself, within others, within nature. There is no separation, only mind held belief that does this. Finding authentic expression of “god” inside me, and not some mental idea of god.

Our human experiences are our classrooms where we learn. We bring to our lives all the perfect experiences that will serve our current rate of awareness, and sometimes we break through into broader vision. Our human experiences serve as our basis for our expressions as spiritual beings here. Bringing into human life our spiritual nature, discovering this as human. It is a fine set up. Continually upgrading our consciousness, our ideas, our ideologies, our beliefs. We are not the same person at 20 years of age that we are at 60 years of age because of this evolution of consciousness we all share. This is why laws change, systems are upgraded, fashions change, technologies advance… our lives are truly about the discovery of life, how it works, how it manifests, how far reaching everything truly is. Life in this way is the ultimate journey. We grow ourselves as we live and we adapt our lives accordingly as we gain new awareness.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self discovery.

Inspired by a trip to the pacific northwest visiting my ohana there

The Statute of Limitations Has No Bearing on Truth… core spirituality, my personal journey


The Statute of Limitations Has No Bearing on Truth… core spirituality, my personal journey

Statute of limitations as a metaphor.

The statute of limitations with which we normally use as a means for justice does not apply to living one’s truth. Truth has no limitations in this way.

I realized that for me to fulfill myself as a spiritual being having a human experience it is absolutely necessary to live out my story. Living out the story of our lives carries with it UN-imagined new directions that sustain and fulfill the experience of being alive in deeply satisfying ways. This is learning to live the fullness of my story here on earth for the time I have to live it.

The world is a living story each day.

Every person on earth is living a story of some kind that has elements of intrigue, mystery, happiness, sorrows, surprise, deception, deceit, challenges, growth and evolution. These being only a few of the many themes available to us. Within the experiences of these stories we have interconnections, overlaps. Intersections, oppositions, and for many no end to the story. We have the story of all of us together as our planetary story.

What’s your story? What chapter are you in?

Whatever story we have to live with… we have cycles within that story, or we could say chapters to our stories. In reflection it occurs to me that I have a few stories that have yet to be completed.

I stopped.

I stopped living out my story.

And everything up to that point, unfinished still rides with me where I am. Where I go, whomever I am with regardless of my attention or acknowledgment. This is almost as if I had put a statute of limitations on my self, and my story and how it might go. And this does not feel very good!

When truth hits the fan, so to speak.

When I encounter truthfulness as in a realization, or a new perspective then my story is affected, and sometimes I come up against an unfinished theme or direction. This is the path of becoming consciously aware. Up to this point as aware as I may have become there is still plenty more to learn, plenty more to realize. (realize = make real) When truth hits the fan we encounter the limits we have placed both on ourselves, each other, and this very world we live.

When living out our stories we reach places where we must make real what we have realized by taking action with the new awareness.

That is to say, not holding a new idea in without applying this idea in some place in our story line.

This why and how repeating feelings, repeating people, repeating situations will occur for us.

We are receiving experiences with which we may apply ourselves differently using our new-found awareness. This is the truthful living of one’s full experience. Carrying out our story line into and through truth as we come to know it. Without it we are sustaining unfinished stories. We become prisoners of our own statute of limitations.

Hey… the statute of limitations is NOT written in stone!

The statute of limitations is a man-made idea, and we are very good at making up our own ideas of reality, whether they adhere to nature or not. This capacity to override nature with out minds is dangerous. We can learn to use our mind’s ideas and rules to discover the good and the bad of what we have made. Good when we are able to use this to stabilize ourselves aligning in truth aligning with nature, and bad when we do not. Our rules, the ones we make up for ourselves, often are inherited, internalized ideas from our story lines… our families, our schools, the story line of the society we developed within. We live within the artificial boundaries of our made up rules. Not every rule is worth repeating or perpetuating.

Reflecting by asking questions within myself.

A reflective thought I ask of myself is “how am I affected by not living out my story?”

“How am I affected by carrying around unfinished personal business?”

“By stifling my unanswered questions. Getting distracted, losing my focus?”

“How am I affected by dramas inside my story for which I have yet to discover meaning and purpose?”

“How many people have I yet to love because of my own statute of limitations on life, my story, on TRUTH itself?”

“How is my physical health affected by limits?”

“My mental health, indeed my intelligence?”

“And what is my soul intention in living here now inside the story I find myself?”

“The statute of limitations we build into our minds, and through which we live our relationships how does this affect the larger picture of my life…of the life of others whom intersect mine?” These questions have a direct bearing on our humanity.

Questions to our humanity. We all have more to our human stories…

These are big questions we are very capable of asking ourselves now.

My humanity feels like it is yielding towards greater and greater openness. I find myself leaning into new territories and if I am , then surely I am not alone in this same way.

We are on a collective wave of asking bigger questions and finding out there is much more, much, much, more to our human story. All our statute of limitations, self-imposed are growing outward, inward as our species is learning.

We are currently physically entering into a vast new field of the cosmos as our planet spins and spirals through new areas of the galaxy. We are all beginning to feel the influx of new information coming to us. We are in dynamic new realizations of personal possibility like we have not been inside of for several thousand years. And we have all the old man-made statute of limitations of centuries with the unfinished business of untold amounts of human dilemmas, and conundrums. We usually call these our “problems”.

What can our problems really bring to us when we live out our stories completely?

These “problems’ just may be the stepping-stones of our best new ideas were we to start finding more of our personal answers in life. As each of us find our answers we bring to our collective a quantum level of awareness that catapults us as a group. When a whole groups gets a new idea, the statute of limitations shift, and we rewrite them. I find this amazing. Life at this moment for the majority of us is still a daily exchange with a mysterious puzzle. Life as a puzzle that calls out to be solved!

Puzzles innately contain answers.

Solving the puzzles of life for each of us diminishes tremendous negativity. And looking around at the horrific state of world events we could use a lot of puzzle solving.

Whenever we transform an unknown into a known we balance the negative we have held towards the positive.

This is one of the great puzzle pieces of life… balance.

Applying balance by using it to find answers in our puzzle.

Balancing our positive and negative life experiences in ways that bring out the CORE TRUTH of our lives. And that TRUTH will always connect, interconnect, support, and strengthen all manner of relationship. However it does require we allow ourselves to shift our statute of limitations and grow, evolve, and reach new levels of personal maturity.

TRUTH naturally has many forms of quality that can always be verified or else it is not a TRUTH. It can be seen to be duplicated, multiplied, reversed, and so on. If not, it is not a TRUTH.

TRUTH is universal and can be applied in many and various circumstances. Can be uncovered from its opposite, untruth. TRUTH has another quality of revealing something.

Truth may hurt, however that is only because of the way we have held that truth. Our own statute of limitations was incomplete in some way.

Looking inside ourselves.

When we look at our own statute of limitations we are looking at our own self-made, and inherited ideas of inner law and the time that we give that law to exist and facilitate our own resolutions. Inner law here referring to our own mind’s ideas of how we conduct the day-to-day existence.

I am speaking metaphorically here. We all create, live by, and sustain an interior realm of law which we act upon with or without thinking. We all carry silent rules, silent justices, and ways of behaving. We all create time lines for whatever is happening, even when we forget, and malinger in the unfinished business of living out our stories to completions. Analysis of these internal worlds we carry is up for reexamination, review, revision. I am referring to the jurisdiction of what is going on inside each one of us here on the planet. Our inner worlds.

The greatest story ever told is the one you live. We need to discover this… each of us!

When we resolve our stories, and learn to analyze our rulings with regard to our thoughts, actions, emotions, behaviors and revise what is not working, or is unfinished, or yet to be discovered ( as in a yearning or longing yet to be lived out) we manage our inner world and this will directly shift our outer one. Person by person.

We are all so much more capable of expanding our consciousness and learning to live more positively, more joyfully and more healthily. We have this because of our innate nature as spiritual beings living out a story called “human being”. We fail to discover the infinite nature of our possibility because we stop ourselves through our own ideas, rules and our lack of knowing ourselves inwardly.

By learning to be reflective and applying attention to what is inside us with a loving forgiving heart we open our potentials, potentials that stay locked and unexpressed because of our own self-created limitations.

We are actually so much more than these limits.

We yearn for our freedoms, yet do not free ourselves.

We love, with condition so we fail to arrive where more of our brothers and sisters are waiting to embrace us.

We make boundaries where there are none all over the world, boundaries that separate people.

Our final conclusion certainly as a species is far more reaching than all of this.

Each generation of human beings takes the boundaries and the limits further. We can see this.

Yet there is today…. and with this day we can learn to choose to fulfill our story.

Day by day building each day upon another we are building the experiences we call “Life”.

We can honor TRUTH by living in that truth as we come to know it.


We are all writing the story of our lives through our choices.

It is a time to choose wisely!

Cores spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

The Activation of Our Greater Interiors,Seeing Life from the Eyes of Our Soul… core spirituality


The Activation of Our Greater Interiors,Seeing Life from the Eyes of Our Soul… core spirituality

The following paragraphs are all written from my own soul eyes as I have learned to reinterpret my life experiences.

Each incarnate soul here comes here with some kind of plan for its lifetime. Each soul comes here with some plan of action around experiences that will grow and evolve their consciousness. There is absolutely no limit to what this means, as this spans the wide spectrum of positive and negative life experiences. It is within the context of understanding how we take on a physical embodiment and the circumstances that arise from the birth that I will share my experiences of our greater interior activations of consciousness.

Everything is agreement and this creates the relationship.

First there is agreement outside this life, where we are connected to our soul self that has greater complexity and spiritual awareness. This is not 100% always the case however in my experience, more often than not. So before taking the embodiment we make choices and here are some of the choices we must look at for the incarnation experience. We accept soul agreements for our lives with others on Earth starting with the parents.

Our parents contribute a genetic profile that creates our physical body, and these DNA sequences hold the bias, and direction, momentum of our physical lifetime, serving as the base line of experience. This includes certain environmental, behavioral, social, spiritual, physical characteristics that will be dominant around the genetic family grouping.

Behavioral pods in our families.

These genetic predispositions set up our relationships in patterns. These familial patterns become our first classroom on earth. We learn to develop our person as we grow up from infancy to childhood into our adulthood. All along managing our actions and reactions to the stimulus of those circumstances we either learn a lot, or we may not depending on how well we make choices, how open we are, and the degrees of the positive and negative depths of the family, socialization experience.

Triggers are the continuation of those original patterns.

When we reach the adult stages we typically leave the circumstances of all the previous stages with our families and we self generate our own new life experiences away. (Of course this is a generality as many people linger and or continue to have a need to stay closer to the original family dynamics.) As for myself I was ready to leave at 16 years of age.

The triggers are the surprising and often disrupting situations that continue in our lives. Triggers are usually conflicting situations which will bring to the surface deeper feelings. Triggers may also be filled with tremendous joy as well and these serve to sustain us in times when we are anything but full of joy as we traverse the harder, more negative interior feelings.

These deeper feelings are inside us, still being lived out inside our subconscious away from our outermost attention. We carry these deeper unresolved feelings and emotions because from the soul aspect of who we are we want to feel.

To feel deeply is to be informed and to learn about ourselves.

Frequently on this planet this is negative feeling, hurts, pains, and feelings of being lesser than. Our most authentic selves seek to feel these deep feelings and emotions, not to hide them, compartmentalize them forever, or to deny them. Our authentic genuine soul selves seek to feel all these things as a means to evolve itself.

There arises that momentum in our personal growth and evolution when we have completed the baseline of our original familial dynamics and this no longer serves who we are, or where we are heading. Where the value of those relationships shifts and we no longer hold onto the day-to-day significance of their earlier meaning. We find ourselves disinterested and need to move forward with the discovery of the next time line of personal relationships. (This is not always the case for everyone.) Many families maintain close communication for their entire lifetimes, but not all. This does not in any way diminish the feelings of love for those people it simply means the experiences needed to continue to grow and evolve shift out of the original family. Often this is signaled by some break, or conflict which sets people apart, yet this is still only part of that dynamic.

As each person on each side of the equation has the fundamental need inside themselves to grow their awareness, to feel out the feelings, and learn to recognize the deeper significance of these changes.

Many times people find themselves without the understanding of the deeper meaning behind situations like this because of our inability to recognize our responsibility to self in a holistic way. Meaning that we resolve all issues within ourselves regardless of the other party to the point of letting go with love. Finding a peace within self that is natural without any conflict and remains open toward the possibility that everyone has their own life plan that they need to come to terms with and will do so in their own time. We finally learn to accept the “other” without judgemental-ness.

Timing is unique to each soul incarnate, I often say to myself…”not every flower in the garden blooms at the same time, some never do!”, As a way of learning to accept the differing levels of awareness that exist in any family dynamic. Our souls inherently know before we are born that the classroom of life is filled with many levels of understanding and perception all in the same classroom. Getting back to the triggers… these triggers are strands of the original patterns set in place through the DNA sequences we inherit, then the early development stages / experiences of our childhood. When we still have more from out original soul plan we have yet to understand, process, and release these will be the contents of the triggers inside us. Something occurs as we mature that shifts this entire learning pod about the triggers.

We “seek” to be self responsible. Triggers as gifts!

When we realize that every trigger is a gift to us because it shows us our own deeper unresolved feelings we shift how the perceptual lens we were looking by shifting the emphasis off of the “perpetrator” or the persons who trigger us…. for example : “you did this to me”, “you hurt me”, “you, you, you.” and we give our self permission to own, feel, process, have and let go of any feelings or emotions from those triggers because we realize from our side of the equation these are ours, and not the other person’s. Each person has their own feeling content and emotional patterning. They have their own matching dynamics to me and I have matching dynamics to them. We can literally transform our own side of any human equation with or without the person who is triggering us. We do this by being responsible to ourselves and connecting to the soul level of self which says I wanted to feel this out, I need to feel what this tells me about myself. I accept how I feel, I accept my own emotions and I release you (the person who triggers us) to your own feelings and emotions to resolve in your own way in your own time. Transcendence!

The end of the cycle. Transformation of consciousness and transcendence of circumstance.

When we ourselves complete all these steps we are left with only an original greater sense of self-love, and compassion that becomes actualized and this transforms our consciousness. Eventually leading to loving without any of the attachments to outcomes, the “perpetrator” or the person who was the subject of the triggering. We understand what we did not about what the trigger was all about. In this way we have been activated to our greater interior self.

Enough of these processes add up to an unflinching view from the aspect of the soul within us. The soul self does have tremendous capacity to live in us as us. Yet when our soul is limited to dramas, conflicts and hurt and pain and until we learn to go further into it all and open the soul self is very limited. The doorway, often enough is the stuff of our conflicts and dilemmas. These hardships which are an aspect of the purpose of those circumstances being in our lives so we may become connected to our greater interior self while we are in physical forms. Not just when we go to heaven! Right here, right now. The exact same holds true through our experiences of joy and happiness as this will also open our greater interior self and allow the soul in us as us to be active!

Multiply the actions of one person by every person and then look around.

Our human species is collectively in this learning as we reach the zenith points in all our social structures, lens of perception, and how we set our lives up. And it is time we utilize this greater interior self to manage and readjust how we are co creating life on planet earth. Individually every person is in some way contributing either positively or negatively. The more we choose to learn to transcend by using everything we have inside ourselves the more our outer world will reflect this back to us with greater systems of inclusion, self-sustaining principle, abundance and so on. This is core spirituality!

Thank you to my sister Ann, who triggered this writing today.


Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Flower of Life, Crop Circle Meanings, and learning to receive the messages, core spirituality

flower of life symbol

Flower of Life Symbol, Crop Circle Meanings, and learning to receive the messages, core spirituality my personal journey

Symbols have meaning with which we communicate.

We use symbols everywhere in society. We all understand street signs in our different countries, we all have seen mathematical symbols in geometry. We use symbols on our cell phones. Symbols are another form of communication which reach directly into our right brain – hemisphere and then get translated into the language we use by our left brain hemisphere.

We can communicate tremendous amounts of information very easily whenever we substitute a symbol for words.

Symbols have been used to communicate for thousands of years as evidenced through ancient archaeology. Every continent on earth has these symbols located on it. Some of these symbols are unique to the location and time, yet other symbols are universal and are found everywhere on earth predating known human history, one such symbol is the Flower of Life symbol. Burned or laser fashioned into ancient temples, rocks, and caves all over the world.

Dropping the grip of left hemisphere dominance in our perceptions.

As our awareness deepens and our grip is let go from the constant chattering of the intellect, when we attend to the silence and stillness within ….symbols rise up in new and fascinating ways. Symbols begin to take on relevance.

Curiosity develops and the decoding begins.

This is a natural component of freeing the dominant left hemisphere control factor over our human perception. We activate the other hemisphere of our brains and start to integrate more information coming in from our right hemisphere.

The more complex thoughts are readily brought forward by way of the symbolic languages that are universal. Particularly those thoughts that express concepts of reality, how reality is constructed, how it is expressed, how it can be understood in finer detail. Thus when we have opened our minds to symbols we are accessing deeper, more meaningful, complex levels and octaves of understanding. This has been referred to as “higher understanding” by master teachers for centuries.

Symbols can be distorted, reversed and mixed up in ways that confuse the information or redirect/reverse the information that is originally inherent in the appropriate balance. For this reason it is wise to pay attention to symbols around us and how we allow them to inform our awareness.

A question I ask myself is….

Perhaps it might be interesting to ask self, do I even pay attention to symbols? Beyond driving and such if the answer is no, then perhaps I might be spending the majority of my thinking, processing mind in left hemisphere logical thought and missing the other half of what my brain could actually communicate to me. I find symbols expressed in the design of nature, in flowers for example and because I have a hobby of growing orchids I look into their faces all the time and this connects me with the designs inherent in nature. However if you do not spend time in nature then you would be missing an enriching aspect of your mind by remaining in linear logical thought processing all the time. Boo hoo…. this means you miss out on the marvelous designs all around you. Architecture by shape in our world contains tremendous design all of which reflect basic shapes that are the foundations of physical reality. I marvel at the squares, rectangles, triangular shapes and all their intersecting lines when I view architecture around me.

As the conscious awareness opens up and begins to integrate more of the balance of both the right and left hemisphere perceptions, symbolic representations take on greater significance and they begin to grab out attention because of what they communicate. This is a signal that we are developing our holistic thinking, or as some have called it higher mind.

It is with the development of the integration of our whole brain that more and more of life makes sense.

Which is also a signal because if you do not find yourself making sense of chaos, opposites, contrary-ness, and difference then you know that you are not using your whole brain and you are stuck in left brain, linear, logical perceptions most of the time. And you will not be able to break out of the limitations of this style of thinking until you open further into using your right hemisphere.

Reality cannot be embraced in totality through linear logical thought alone.

Read that last sentence again, reality cannot be embraced in totality through linear logical thought alone truly keeps me in an honest level of self understanding and assists me in moving out of linear boxes of my own perceptions.

Perceptions that I have taken on through my own socialization process as a human being.

I know that I am capable of more and so I remind myself of these things. As a result how I perceive has a component of wonder. This wonder is the element of “non-thought” where I suspend my left brain tendency to think long enough to see, deepen, and to feel. This brings in the rest of the data or information relevant to inform me. Then my left hemisphere can translate this in ways that make sense.

This is the opposite way of the world in which scientists, teachers, university programs all teach us to learn. To think our way through life, to deduct and reason our way through problems, challenges conundrums.

This will never work, does not work and is a very limiting way to exist.

We can see the results of this dominant style of perception all around us in that so many systems we have in place do not actually take care of the problems. We have been using only half of our brain capacity. With only half of the results and the multiplication of problems as the result, not the solutions that self sustain and generate genuine solutions. Interesting to ponder, is it not?

For all these reasons I have found a curiosity about this Flower of Life symbol. It is the most ancient symbol found all over the world and our scientists have completely ignored its significance because they are stuck in their left brain perceptions and this just does not fit into their “half brain” (literally) concepts. This symbol is the mathematical representation for the basis of all life on a sub atomic level, and the unification of ONENESS of all life from the sub fractal expression of dynamic space-time inside the proton! MAGNIFICENT!

The same holds true for crop circles. I am intrigued with them. The call out to me. I found myself gazing at them wondering what do they mean since the eighties? Obviously the genuine ones are communications from off planet beings speaking to us in the least aggressive way possible. Symbols in wheat? Pretty safe I’d say.

These images of the crop circles have illustrated the most advanced mathematical principles we currently know. There is even one crop circle that is a response to a binary coded message our scientists sent out into space decades ago. This is remarkable to decode as it directly corresponds with the one we sent out using the same system to communicate their own place and their own information just as we have. Again….MAGNIFICENT!

To open up the mind and start to crack the linear logical dominant thinking I will post several videos here that will discuss these ideas.

The real purpose of wonder.

crop circle flower of life 1


The world of wonder is accessed when we use all of our brains. That means learning to integrate our right hemisphere with our left one.

Wonder is open awareness of what is before you when you suspend thinking and simply take in what is before you.

Wonder is the state of consciousness that brings together the capacity to learn, to learn through that which is initially larger than the thinking mind, and then expanding that thinking mind to greater and greater levels of comprehension and perception by way of accessing the right hemisphere data together with the left.

It is the discovery of existence of a Lady bug and her life in the garden to the stars and their constellations in the heavens.

Perhaps this is what the master teacher Jesus was saying when it is recorded he spoke of being like a little child in order to enter heaven.

To actually see heaven here on earth we must use wonder.

crop circle flower of life 2

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation


Deep Silence, Stillness and the Infinite Nature of What Lies Within…core spirituality, my personal journey


Deep Silence, Stillness and the Infinite Nature of What Lies Within…core spirituality, my personal journey


Today it is easy to come across the word meditation as more humans are becoming drawn to the subject. There are many paths of meditation to learn, many videos on YouTube to follow and lots of material that is free and online to read. However the single most simple technique I have found is to pay close attention to the deep silent, the stillness around me and inside myself.

Teaching myself to disengage from “NOISE”.

This requires the desire to disengage somewhat from the “noise” of our social and work environments, television, and constant technological interaction. I notice the gaps between thoughts, between moments and I touch this deep silence, it touches me, and I return to the stillness there. In these places instead of there being nothing, I find the infinite nature of what lies within this silent stillness.

Teaching myself to be present in the gaps and hesitations. Gaps in the thoughts, the conversations, the waiting in traffic, the walk to the door. We have an untold amount of these moments of stillness and silence to absorb. This is both an internal place and an external one. I am learning to stay connected here and to absorb the place between say… Point A to Point B instead of disconnecting my attention and only staying focused on where I am and where I am going. These are the silent and still places in all our lives.

This world around us can inform us in endless ways when we are open.

In the external place of silence and stillness I am looking outward into the world where ever I may be. I am noticing inside what appears to be empty space between objects there is this amazing other level of reality. There is so much more going on in the stillness than I ever imagined or realized. I have been watching this since I was a little boy. I have learned to stop thinking. To stop paying attention to my thoughts long enough to suspend the chatter that is so easy to distract me from what is before me. In learning how to disengage from mental chatter while I am observing life externally. In this practice I notice that I am in “a simple state of being”. This simple state of being is how I find myself connecting to the outer world in a way that traverses through and into the silent place of being that exists around me. The vacuum in which places, things exist. This is the place of the presence of life.

Our world is filled with Presence.

The presence of life contains not only the surface of whatever we are observing it also contains the components inside, around and connecting it all that make up our observations.

There is presence in all physical reality.

This is the thought of something as it is made manifest into physicality. The thought of an object contains the organization, the design, the origin, the materials within it and behind it…. that make it so. I have a daughter who is an architect who has shared with me the principles of geometry, design, intention and purpose by observing how a building is constructed. I have seen blue prints of the thoughts that created those structures.

As an artist I learned to focus my attention on a subject to perceive it and then to duplicate it in a painting, an etching, a photograph, or a piece of sculpture. In my youth I spent years learning to see as an artist would by noticing every detail that exists on the surface of an object and the light as it interacts with the subject. Learning to be in a pure state of observation is a fantastic challenge and quality that easily can deepen into more which leads the awareness into the deep, the deep silence and stillness that exists in objects, places, people, plants, animals and all of physical creation.

This is the matrix of design that our physical reality becomes a thing, a person or a place.

There is more to what we see than the mere physical surface of all things.

The deeper my internal stillness and silence the more I observe there is to see in ordinary reality.

Inside my own deep silence and stillness is conscious awareness that is a form of presence. The part of me that is watching me when I am watching life. Read that one again… the part of me that is watching me when I am watching….life. This state of presence continues to grow and deepen as we learn to stay present in the moment without thinking. As the state of conscious presence becomes anchored into our daily life more and more the deepening effect to our human self is multiplied in ways that allow our attention to bring in more detail. Thus I become informed on many more levels of perception. It has been my experience that as I learn to integrate silence and stillness more and more and then to learn from the information this brings me, my capacity to integrate more complicated data, or information in many levels increases. Here is an example.

Communion with a tree.

One day decades long past, I was sitting on my front door step in a wooded section of Georgia where I lived at the time looking across the property gazing onto a large tree. I was looking at how tall it was, the breadth of its branches, the place where it was growing out of the ground, It’s roots. I was simply watching it without thought, only noticing it with increasing attention. Suddenly after several moments of enjoying this tree I noticed a glow. I then had a thought, what is that? Quickly I returned back to just watching and I saw it again. There was a beautiful soft bluish white glow inside and all around the tree extending, as I then noticed some more, far beyond the parameters of the branches. I resisted my own tendency to think about it, and chose rather to simply watch. As I did there was an instant within me where I suddenly felt the life force of the tree within myself. As if it had jumped into me or sent me a message. I began to feel the life history of the tree as it had grown to that point. I felt it had joy and it had purpose and I felt how it interacted with the light coming from the sun, and I felt how it’s roots pulled moisture and organic nourishment out of the ground.

I realized after several moments of what I would call communion with this tree that it was an alive being. I knew it had a living presence with intelligence and purpose and that it was interacting with the sky, the light, the ground, and the space around it. It was a single tree and so it had plenty of room to grow, and I knew that it knew that. I observed in that moment of silence and stillness all those things I wrote about in the above paragraphs. I can honestly say I have never been the same.
The new awareness that I learned showed me so much new information that my idea of what a tree is was transformed to a completely new level. I realized a deep respect inside me that transformed into a reverence with all growing things that continues to this day. I even learned that in its own way this tree had a sentience all its own as I had the experience of its communication with me. I was passing through one of the most painful times in my life and suffering the agony of some of life’s most difficult lessons.

When I had this experience I learned from this tree.

I saw from it and felt within myself , as I had this communion experience, the seasons and changes, the reaching and striving, and the fitting place of this life form in a unique personal way… as only this tree could be. This brought my attention out of my pain and refocused me. I experienced this urge to keep going by learning to allow myself to let go, to see the larger picture, and to reconnect with Source. For this tree literally was filled with the ingredients of its source self. This was all together amazing to me. Infinity really does exist within each of us.

When I lifted myself up off that step I was never, ever the same again. I have had untold repeats of this experience since that time as I learned how to engage my awareness to those levels of stillness and silence again and again so as to learn more and more from the environment around me. This might be called active meditation, as I have often wondered. Because my outer world shifted some time long ago and that shift in perception was so like the internal conditions of my meditations that there did not appear to be any separation from the inner and the outer world. Perhaps this is a kind of active meditation, yet really it just feels like another level of conscious awareness that is always integrating and growing with increases of more data leading to more octaves or levels of more awareness.

There is a grounding that occurs… that feels stabilizing and centering that is inside silent stillness.

I know in this place I have both the experience of my physical world and simultaneously the cosmic.

I can see and feel beyond the molecules of physicality, I know that my little human body sitting on this tiny planet is suspended in an infinite cosmic universe inside to my mind , unfathomable space because that space reaches out from infinity far beyond the stars all the way inside my own body and there is no real separation what so ever.

My own world view, and my view of myself has been shifted out of a kind of separation mentality into a connected one as I have felt/observed this way for years. To literally know and experience self as just one more aspect inside all of creation as an integral part of it, like everything else is highly uplifting and normalizing.

This is how and why I call this blog core spirituality, and I identify as a spiritual being having a human experience, and not a human being having a spiritual one. Although it is essentially true either way…. my human self is being spiritually transformed on a daily basis.

Learning form opposites.

Ignore what appears to be empty, ignore the hesitations, ignore the silence, ignore the stillness and what you get is a form of imprisoned human. Fearful and easily lead by forces all around. Without the internal connection to all of life through the infinite doorway of creation inside each one of us. Lost and confused, lingering and malingering in the past hurts of generations of unconscious behaviors. Ignore the silence and stillness and concentrate only on the chattering of your mind, of all the minds around you and see what this gets you. Ignore the possibility of life and focus on your cell phone, the television messages of fear, control, and mindless human behavior. Focus on over working, bringing your self to physical and mental exhaustion day after day… for what? If you have not found the infinite within you what then do you truly have?

Focus on all the distractions calling you and pulling you away from your center, still, silent inner place. And then do you wonder why it is you have not found joy? This is something to truly consider.

And finally is it not true that to see the world thru the eyes of a child is to look with wonder?

And in wonder realize that in this way we  find that all along we were actually all connected.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Orchids right out side my front door.

This is from my other blog featuring my orchid growing hobby.

You can view many more little movies, here is the link.

Nature’s Magnificent Design

When i look into the face of my orchid collection, my food garden full of Kale, and all the other plants I not only see their inherent beauty, I also see their design. There exists singularity, polarity, multiplicity, complexity, and repetition all by design.

There is an inherent intelligence inside plants that is highly organized.

This intelligence expresses something of the intelligence of “being”, of existence. These images feed back to me something of myself and the brilliant intelligence and organization within our physical bodies.

When i see opposites in repetitive design, when i see circles and squares, triangles, and lines i am reminded of the core nature of design of which life is made. This is perhaps why we like to spend time in nature as it exudes an unspoken intelligence made of such organization… both simplistic and complex, yet repetitive and self generating. These qualities of the designs of life mirror to me that which i find within myself and serve as a grounding experience with which to keep myself in balance.

By observing the living properties of plants i find a peaceful form of creative expression that amazes my senses and uplifts my mind.

Watching how a plant grows itself out of the very living vibrational matrix of life is very inspiring and reminds me how we too, as humans, draw from the same substance of the cosmos right here in our little back yards, homes and apartments.

When i see the unfolding patterns in flower petals, in leaves and branches i feel a sense in the physical world of the unseen because i see the amazing geometric designs that these plants self create. i find the same geometry repeated in larger and larger scales out into the universe. The very same patterns are in a tiny flower that exist in a whole galaxy. This is a kind of repetitive patterning that shows me how life is inherently organized in an intelligent design with which i do not feel we must tamper with too much of a zealous attitude.

Disrupting the core inherent intelligence in the design of the matrix causes a disharmonious relationship within the natural order.

For this reason i observe how the scientific, the pharmaceutical, and many other aspects of our society stray too far from the center of inherent intelligence within nature. Too much untested long term, GMO tampering will create results that we have yet to understand.

Intelligent science without consciousness is dangerous.

Without the conscious awareness of how the natural design of life holds the larger spectrum of life out into infinity. Everything is connected and thus for every action there is a reaction. Without conscious awareness in the sciences, technology, pharmaceutical industry, and so on we are missing how the basic design of life is self sustaining, repetitive, and evolving within a construct already inherent by design.

Nature teaches the simplest of little children to the most schooled of scientists, yet without the conscious awareness to wholeness and totality, to self sustaining principles in nature we are doomed.

Anything in nature that is not self sustaining, that is self destructive has a tendency to die, to end itself. And to this awareness we must apply our lives and choose to be conscious and to allow nature to teach us in any one single moment of our lives.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Infinity is within me….Cosmic Awareness is arriving… core spirituality, my personal journey


Infinity is within me….Cosmic Awareness is arriving… core spirituality, my personal journey

“In the stillness of the core place inside me, there resides the singularity of creation from which all complexities arise…” is how I describe my own experience.

(and this exists inside every atom everywhere )

This means that inside the core of myself in the center of me, there resides the place of creation.

We constantly create. For indeed we are self-generating millions of cells on a daily basis within our physical bodies. We are rearranging the substance of these cells and their contents without even knowing it. The atoms that make up these cells are in a continual state of dynamic spin, dynamic relationship one to the other including the actual space around our bodies. This space that we “think” is empty is not, for it is all filled with atoms which compose our reality and together there is existence that is in constant dynamic relationship, that is actively learning. The very inside and outside of my perception edge is communicating as each one of us and adding to the larger picture of the greater cosmic place. The core self where in lies stillness and singularity gives expression to multiplicity, complexity. Each individual holding a slightly different place in totality. Every atom holding a different place in totality.

( if that is too much to take in… well please take time to reread it.)

This place where everything that is about you or me springs forth as a dynamic expression of Source.

Inside this place we have the capacity to connect with our totality.

From here we can investigate more deeply and not be limited to the outer 5 senses or the mere boundary of our skin. We have inside us the very stuff of creation and here we can access beyond time into the infinite now.

Drawing from many time-lines and many aspects of our personal history as a spiritual being, (an infinite expression of aware self that seeks to have experience so as to know itself). From inside here originates the polarities of Yin/Yang, of male/female, of old / young, of inside and outside and all the dynamic properties of existence. All science, all knowledge, all mathematics, all understanding is “in” this inside place. I know this as I have witnessed many lifetimes in different time-lines and places of my own soul experience, I have seen and understood knowledge that is outside my physical locale. I have moved out of time and into no – time where upon my return I was gone but moments, yet within I was gone for hours. No one can deny me my own personal experiences of this type. This is real and becomes a part of my dynamic lens of perception adding to my sense of the possible, the probable, and the truthfulness of how life is designed and can be checked and rechecked to substantiate and verify anything that I discover along the way of my deepening explorations.

From one there becomes two, into infinity… and so complexity, or creation is birthed.

Consciousness itself has organized until it becomes self-aware, as a duality or “other” in relation to itself or Source. First there being the singular aspect of Source that then created itself again out of itself. This dynamic polarity is at the basis of all life, all physicality, all of the dynamic properties of life share this basis and build upon it into infinite forms of complexity. We can understand this through mathematics and learn how to substantiate and verify our own ideas. We can check and recheck our notions through the balances of how life is designed by understanding life by seeing it in its totality, or wholeness.

The transmutation of self view.

When we learn to recognize that we are THAT … then the paradigm of the self becomes transformed and by transforming our view we transmute our sense of self-identity… we become something all together new. Through the attention to the actuality of self, the truthfulness, the dynamics of creation, math, science, as well as consciousness we pop out of the limited mindsets of our habitual ways of seeing and advance beyond the duality and into the complexity of the inner universe and we do this most easily by remaining very simple.


Simple by way of holding awareness open and just perceiving, without so much of the intellectual mind thoughts we can observe life as is. WE DO THIS WHENEVER WE SEE LIFE WITH THE EYES OF WONDER… OF A CHILD. Many spiritual masters have spoken of this for centuries, relating in different ways that we must “go within”, or that the “heaven is within”. The message has been repeated now for many generations and springs forth out of the basis of all the world religions.

Our need is to get a grip on how it is we look at life and notice the lenses we are looking through.

We are learning to see “how” we are seeing and this affects the outcome of our perception. When we move our attentions beyond linear logical thinking alone we gain access to much more information. Transformed out of the notion of the limited physical plane and three-dimensional, left – right brain model and the separate self model,contained in the physical body (that is perceived as disconnected to all other bodies). Transforming the lens of perception through which we learn to see ourselves.

Once this perceptual lens, or bias is penetrated we can observe how what we are made of and who we are is far more than any of us have been taught through the socialization process of being human.

In truth we are consciousness made of the stuff of the ALL THAT IS, or the SOURCE.

We learn to see how what is both inside us and outside us shapes the information that informs our awareness.

So when I look out into the vastness of the glimmering night sky and I face the infinite quality of space I know that this exists inside me just as it does outside me.

There is a continuous verification to my understanding.

There is a continuous loop of information.

There is not only vastness, infinity, and endless possibility in our night sky, it also exists inside each of us.

The outer world confirms the inner one, and the inner one confirms the outer.

In this way truthfulness is verified again and again as creation repeats itself by design.

I am reminded of the quote “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” Hermes Trismegistus

Hermetic law comes from Hermes.

The Seven Principles taught by Hermes Trismegistus

These are the seven principles taught by Hermes Trismegistus, also known as Hermes, the Greek God of travelers/thieves/commerce and the messenger of the Gods. He was also known as the great priest Thoth to the Egyptians.

“….it is understood that these ideas were passed from Master to Initiate for generations, for the purpose of personal growth and with the intention of achieving a greater and deeper understanding of the self, the world and beyond. For the student of religion, philosophy and science, the Hermetic teachings act as the key to tying all of the different schools of thought into one cohesive body of knowledge.”

The Seven Principles of the Universe:

1. Principle of Mentalism: “All is Mind”

2. Principle of Correspondence: “As is above, so is below.  As is below, so is above.”

3. Principle of Vibration: “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”

4. Principle of Polarity: “Everything is dual; everything has an opposite, and opposites are identical in nature but different in degree.”

5. Principle of Rhythm: “Everything flows, out and in; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left- rhythm compensates.”

6. Principle of Cause and Effect: “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.”

7. Principle of Gender: “Everything has its masculine and feminine principles.”

I give myself permission to redefine as I learn!

As we redefine our human experiences through daily life, through our AHAA’S, through our inner attention, through our physical world, we can see how easy it is to verify, and substantiate any new discovery. The magnificent design of life is such. The design of life from the spin of the galaxies to the spin of the water going down the drain repeats and verifies itself. We begin to see how the designs of life are everywhere. How they are repeated in simplistic design out into complexities.

Still it is what it is and so there is tremendous force in all this.

Tremendous intelligence, organization.

Physical science reflects inner science.

There is a place where there really is no separation… only the continuous expression of the ALL THAT IS.

Infinity is within me…. yes, just as infinity is outside me. We exist inside an infinite multidimensional reality. The wonder of our child like eyes will show us these things as we allow ourselves to return to simplicity. From the standpoint of this simplicity all complexity unravels and we transform our ways of seeing, and when we transform how we see, we transmute the old self. We learn to grow.

When we learn to grow in these ways we multiply our capacity to generate better outcomes. When we generate better outcomes our individual lives do improve significantly.

Yes we may be a tiny little dot of a person here, however we hold a place that is equal to and relative to all other dots. Every dot of a person is informing the vastness that is. The evolution of a single person really is the evolution of a species. The evolution of a species is really the evolution of a world, and the evolution of a world is the evolution of the universe.

Every person matters.

Every new revelation counts.

All learning contributes to the whole.

The whole of life supports every person, every aspect of life.

We are really expressions of the infinite…. too.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

flower of life