The Deconstruction of Our Collective Darkness… core spirituality, my personal journey


The Deconstruction of Our Collective Darkness… core spirituality, my personal journey

Oh the times we live filled with the revelations of human darkness all around us. There are very dark forces alive here that we are all learning to become aware and it seems quite difficult as we learn to come to terms with how things are, have been, and seem to be going. Humanity is challenged now to see into our own darkness.

Learning how to see the dark and the light.

The growing awareness of the dark side of life seems to be permeating the world through all medias. The news of injustice is staggering. The hidden motivations of banking, the corporate world, medicine, science, military, education are all beginning to show themselves as controlling forms of world views that have been perpetrated for thousands of years.

The history we thought we knew is not the real deal, the politicians we once trusted are all suspect, the military and police activity is questionable, the corporate greed for profit at any cost is becoming obvious, the narrow and slanted view of scientists stuck on their righteous views of reality is braking down. Religious leaders are fighting with one another along with their believers to the point of murder and mayhem in many places around the world. Dictators are being expunged by their people, millions are leaving their countries seeking safe havens away from the power mongers and killers of their own kind. Main stream media is suspect as we begin to see how manipulated our emotions become by way of perpetrating fear, chaos and disconnect reported now 24 hours a day.

The whistle blowers are stepping out, alternative medias are opening the doors of perception to gain a presence that expresses beyond the main stream flow of war, profiteering, political strategies. Whole nations, entire groups of people silent for decades are standing up for their acceptance and liberties. Gathering together in ways unparalleled in history to express their rights for equality.

Economic systems, political, educational, social, religious, scientific, historical are all subject to suspect and review now. Clashes and conflicts arise as these controlling factions seek to grab their power from the masses and the very planet and her ecosystems in hungry gulps of morbid frenzy.

We have arrived at the pivotal time of the deconstruction of darkness.

We are taking it all apart, finding what it is that has been done, is being done now and we are learning that we can face this like never before. The world view is dramatically shifting.

In personal ways individuals are expressing the deepest darkest most horrific actions of suicide and murder and deceit, while hero’s are ascending to question, to address, to right the mighty wrongs all around us. Individuals are responding by feeding the hungry, dressing the poor, opening the borders to the displaced, educating the children. The amazing ways some humans are able to respond is heart rendering and mind blowing. Individuals are showing herculean forces of overcoming the difficult.

We have already begun the deconstructing our darkness and it is a very, very big task.

To recognize that all this darkness is up for revelation and this is how we have entered into the great deconstructing of thousands of years of such stuff. We cannot correct that which we do not see, and are not aware. Thus the beginning steps of the gargantuan unfolding plan is the waking up to it all as purposeful. We will clean this mess up.

As we break down these systems of corruption, as we free the multitudes from the grips of dictators, as we take to task multinational corporations we are correcting the actions of syndicates, hidden forces of power that have been operating in this earth plane for generations. We are deconstructing our darkness.

When we personally choose to take the path of understanding, of empathy, of consideration, without allowing ourselves to continue to perpetrate judgmental behaviors because we see what is going on here between us we are deconstructing our darkness.

There will be more to see.( so prepare thyself )

I am certain we are only beginning to see the whole picture of the complete stealing of our human species true liberties, true connections, true history, and true capability. There is more. We will shudder and shake as we continue to realize how it is we have believed ourselves to be less than we truly are. As spiritual beings having a human experience our next big steps are to face these things with open hearts and redirect the massive amounts of human energy available to us in whole new ways which will serve the greater whole and begin to restore the intrinsic joy inside the soul of our human species.

We take down the darkness so that we may make room for the light.

The deconstructing of our darkness opens the field of our existence for the light of a much kinder, much more loving way to live for everyone. Thus we pass through this time with the growing realization of the purpose of seeing all this negativity and fear, all this pain and chaos is that we are actually taking it all down. We are, as a species, taking matters into our own hands and beginning to learn how we can correct these dark forces that have been in place for generations in all our families. This is our great wake up call toward a more positive new future. For as dark as it may get, the light is just as light depending on where you stand.

Thee is a natural law of about darkness and light. We can see how it works very simply. So just experiment to see how quickly darkness recedes. Go into a dark room, blacked out completely and and open a window. Faster than our eyes can … the darkness recedes as the light comes into the room. This is a metaphor for our lives. Whenever we open up light withing us the dark recedes.

Learning to see the light.

The light of honesty, the light of genuineness, the light of pure intention. These are but a few human qualities anyone can muster and develop along the way as we deconstruct the darkness around us in our personal lives. That we have such powerful emotional capacity to feel shows me we also have that same emotional power to create. To drive our emotions in ways that are beneficial to ourselves and to each other. We have much untapped power in our emotional capabilities. We need this fuel to regenerate our lives in positive ways. To harness our emotional powers into creative action is the next step of our humanity. To stop the deliberate annihilation and destruction of ourselves and our own people, our own home planet for the sake of a few no longer makes any sense.

We each have the power of reality selection.

Many different realities are being perpetrated today and I wonder how many people realize how all these realities exist simultaneously. It is not an either this one or that one. That they all exist shows me how capable we are of manifesting the reality we choose. Day by day our willingness to choose deliberately and make manifest something of our lives here. How we do this, why we do this, is all important as we realize how our emotions combined with our choices are truly very powerful.

For as we feed realities with our feelings we generate those realities inside our heads, and then they appear around us as our physical realities. As spiritual beings having the human experience we are embodied to co create. With out the knowledge that this is what we are doing we fall victim to whatever passes through us day to day. Thus we can learn to harness the powers of our choices and our emotions to create for ourselves that which is in our greatest well being. We deconstruct our darkness’s, our dark selves, and liberate the light, the light self. Our innate souls, our spirit’s embodied in this incarnation.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

quote darwin it is not the strongest

Dominance and Supremacy & The Shifting of a World View… core spirituality, my personal journey


Dominance and Supremacy & The Shifting of a World View… core spirituality, my personal journey

Major Paradigm Shifting

Traditionally, historically, normally, socially, emotionally,individually and collectively, the ideas of dominance and supremacy have been the accepted manner to conduct our daily lives with each other without the thought of how or what this does to our species in the long term, and we have looked away from the consequences of our actions.

However at this point in the time line we are now able to see how the effects of this mindset actually hurt the greater whole, our human species and the planet and all living creatures who share this place, by way of the many forms of control, violence, and suppression. We now have a growing global view with which to learn the larger picture of the consequences.

Our behaviors shaped out of dominance and supremacy have created a massive world wide mess of proportions staggering to the average person. Systems and the people within them … the politics, military, economics, business, societal structures, medicine, science, labor to name a few are all suffering for the many… while the few take the goods, control others. The resources of this planet are squandered, and appropriated unequally leaving far too many individuals in horrific conditions of lack. These human conditions arising out of our small minded notion that as one group or another, one individual or another is better than another or supreme, and dominant are beginning to fail us. We have also damaged our natural world with eco-systems braking down, animals leaving the planet, and filling our pure resources with highly toxic substances that interrupt the natural order and flow of the living planet.

The profit driven economic systems based on these ideas are no longer able to withstand the gigantic real need of our humanity, or the rest of the living Eco-systems, and life forms on earth. The growing consciousnesses of our collective experiences and the conditions of the time we live are signaling to us now. We are learning to see the results of generations of these lifestyle choices begin to crumble around us as we seek to find solutions to the many problems this has created in our world.

As a human species…we have major corrections to make ahead of us.

Power with, not over.

Dominance and supremacy are beginning to fizzle out, and the paradigm of centuries is shifting. The old powers that have run this place are no longer to function in the same ways. The problems we have at hand in our humanity require a much broader approach, an inclusive one that addresses these issues. Whole nations of people refuse to be dominated, and as those who dominate continue to destroy, injure, misplace, deceive humanity, people are waking up. The old ways are not working any longer.

The paradigm of power over others is shifting to its new active point in our solar system and we are beginning to see power with others, power with life replace it.

This is a major paradigm shift in consciousness that one by one is dawning within the attention of individuals everywhere.

The daily pulse of our existence is transforming… tick-tock, tick-tock, moment by moment. This is going to be a dramatic shift in life as we know it. The future will look quite different as we correct the history of our humanity and replace these ineffective ways of behaving.

One individual at a time.

One person at a time we find ourselves having to recalculate where our lives are going. How we will make it. What will we do. In my case I have come to learn one valuable way in which I could join this massive wave of change that is rising upon our human collective. I have come to understand how it is one person at a time can accelerate and embrace and transform with much greater ease. I have chosen to live with an understanding of a different kind of power.

A power that does not seek to always dominate, or suppress another, or have a one up man=ship in every verbal exchange. I have learned to join with, to access power with another. And at the same time remain open to the habitual ways of power over that I need to drop in my behaviors. This might seem a small action, yet it is one that I have found transforms my daily experience in an uplifting way. Power over becomes power with…

We each make choices.

By way of our individual choices we can accelerate or diminish or fight the wave of equality arising now.

By my choosing to see another as myself.

For example my own thinking is changing to ….your economic status, your acquisition of material things, your education, your this your that do not in any way reflect your true power here, nor do they reflect my true power. This is completely false and only held as real by those playing that game of life, outside that game in the majority of people this is a total falsehood. I have stopped participating and whenever I unconsciously catch myself caught up in this craziness I immediately correct this about myself.

Realities fed to us as real are actually falsehoods perpetrated and are illusions.

All the life scenarios created out of the idea of supremacy and domination and the use of power over others that result are nothing but illusions that as I pull out my emotional investments into them, I find repeatedly, how there is another layer to life without these silly games. Competitions, sport for the sake of dominance no longer have the same appeal. Military supremacy as is the case in the American system has lost its appeal for me. Social advertising which defines who I am, how I look, what I am suppose to be… no longer has the power over me. Religious dogmas, scientific dogmas, economical pictures of dominance do not have their hold over me. Any kind of dogmatic, purely man made intellectual idea that has pervaded my thinking is being wiped out now.

The return to heart intelligence.

As I pay attention to the heart of all matters, and feel my own beating heart and the intelligence within it I am finding my way thru the illusions all around me. There appears a better way to go about living. This is the integration of heart intelligence and an open mind combined with the willingness to let go of the power games we have been playing. By my choosing to power with each person and situation, by my choosing to see how dominance and supremacy are only games that some people subscribe, and by my not being willing to invest my own emotional energy into it I find I have a whole lot more room for happiness and solution. This opens my personal psychic space to completely new possibilities, unknown to me from the old viewpoints of power over others.

There is a life beyond the greed, selfishness, and the power mongering that is the habit of a profit driven form of society. There is a way beyond one up manship. There is a way to conduct myself with each person everyday where I no longer feed my emotions into such craziness. And this feels good to me. There is certainly less friction with others, and even more joy driving my car as I watch people talking on their phones as they speed 20 -30 miles over the speed limit only to arrive at the next red light beside me. I let all that go. I don’t know where they are all speeding to but I do know I that I can move along just fine without that. I do not need to speak my opinion as much, and I get to watch the world news that is perpetrated by the controllers as “the news” with less of an emotional attachment. I do not lose energy from all this. There is another way. I recognize the story that is being perpetrated and I know I do not have to accept it as my own reality. I always have a choice inside me.

On a personal level we all make choices to go along with, sustain, participate, engage, perpetrate, create and increase the subliminal forms of posturing that are based in dominance and supremacy. The subliminal nature of the media messages that are telling us this is how to live actually keep us from discovering the larger perspective that we are all connected, have greater similarities, are intrinsically leading each other on in a ridiculous human charade. None of it is genuine from the core spiritual, soul perspective. It is just a dress up party with people acting as if they are characters in a charade of other people believing their dress up party roles. I am beginning to see right thru all this.

Certainly the desire to be the best one can be, manage and manifest the best quality of living is a genuine concern, however, not to the exclusion or sublimation of others as less than ourselves. This is a paradigm shift of gargantuan proportions. To create life experience without the substance of the consequences of our creations to each other and the suffering this generates here on earth is something to realize and adjust within ourselves thru the choices and behaviors we give emotional energy into on a day to day basis. I have asked myself repeatedly… “is this worth the price ?”

Consideration on the increase.

The result of pulling out our emotional investments, financial investments, time investments, attitude investments in subliminal forms of domination and supremacy is increasing consideration. Consideration by way of the way we do business, how we relate to others, how much political standing we bring to the table and what we do with our resources. By developing the awareness of a larger awareness of consideration in all our action, thoughts and deeds we shift the directions in our own personal lives.

Directions are shifting anyway.

Whether we shift our directions consciously or not they are inherently shifting of themselves far beyond the individual human.

These are massive forces active in the cosmos that are beginning to integrate into our solar system, into our planet, and right into each of our personal lives.

Those having the greatest resistance now appear to be struggling in greater and greater measure all around us. I notice that the fear based thinking results and this fear generates very negative consequences. So when ever I find myself in a position of negative pain, suffering, I stop. I take inventory, I look at how I might be unconsciously investing emotional energy into ideas and behaviors that are engaging me in these places of subliminal domination and ideas of supremacy. I weed them out of myself and I return to a more considerate ground of being. It works every time!

How we wake up to overt forms of domination and supremacy truly matter!

How we wake up to cover forms of domination and supremacy truly matter!

How we learn to recognize the sublime messages we pass one to the other thru our conversations, thru our participation in the subliminal messages of domination and supremacy all really, truly matter!

What does awakening here and now to all this really mean?

As we awaken to the impulses of equality and overall consideration we bring to our personal and collective experience much greater possibility as well as promise to our future. We navigate the difficulties differently shifting gears as we go along. Making corrections and redirecting ourselves. We then bring into life the qualities of living that embrace our human family, embrace our living planet, and embrace the conditions of all animals everywhere. This makes a difference in each person’s life that when we add it together we can see something better.

As a spiritual being having a human experience I am learning that to bring into my human life my sense of core spirituality… to each and every aspect, uplifts and eases the hardship of my life as we go thru changes.

It is a choice.

We always have a choice in everything.

When we do not see the choices we have we can step back and find some.

It is a great lie perpetrated on this planet to believe that we do not have a choice in every situation.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery

Conflicts and Challenges, Awakening Our Creativity…


Conflicts and Challenges, Awakening Our Creativity..

The Development of Our World View… core spirituality, my personal journey

There are two kinds of conflicts and challenges that everyone encounters.

One is personal, these touch us directly and indirectly within. The other is impersonal, these do not touch us personally and occur at a distance. How we process our challenges and conflicts determines our creative capacity and develops the outcomes that arise in our conflicting and challenging situations.

Friction is actually a spiritual force.

As a spiritual being having a human experience my sense is that every incident is cause to ignite creativity in some way. The creative response to our conflicts and challenges are the very experiences we have from which to draw experience. These experiences are our growing edges. The places where our spiritual self is learning and growing. Without the awareness of growth as the primary reason we find ourselves in conflict and challenge we simply are missing the very most valuable component of a physical embodiment. Learning.

Creativity and pain.

We learn by exciting our creative responses to finding new ways, new solutions, new understanding, new actions, new directions all out of the challenges and conflicts. Painful as they may be for us to undergo, the spiritual self is well aware of the difficulty and seeks to exert some kind of creative response.

This goes for all conflict all the time.

This applies to all challenges all the time.

Timing is always perfect for each of us.

The disruption to our peace by way of a challenge or conflict arises as we find we are ready to learn something else. “Ready” in this case is qualified by way of the spiritual self, and the circumstances at hand. Not the personality, or emotional perception at the time. Many times we are caught in surprising ways that redirect our attention, how this may be uncomfortable or appear to be a nuisance is only the personality response. The timing is perfect looking in from the view of the soul, or spiritual self.

These “redirects” fit into place with future possibilities that are simultaneously developing, often below the awareness of our personal radar.

Because of this setbacks play a meaningful role in our day to day timing and will slow us down when we are moving too rapidly. Too rapidly without all the inner knowledge we will need to advance forward. This is easy to see in hindsight.

In hindsight we can observe that if we had moved forward in the way we thought we were going, we never would be successful in the way we expected. This is how disappointments are generated.

Unrealistic expectations that create outcomes that are not going to work in our highest and best interest.

This is the reason to stagger ourselves when conflicts arise or challenges appear so that we can reexamine some necessary components. These components may be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, political, economical and so on.

Everyone has their own “growing edge”.

Conflicts and challenges reveal what we are holding in our subconscious minds.

Conflicts and challenges surprise us by showing us our unconscious thoughts, feelings, and actions in the world with ourselves and others. This can be quite uncomfortable to realize, however as a barometer of self, they are specific and target our most hidden parts. Conflicts will reveal details to us with which we must learn to face and come to terms with and consequently redirect.

The growth of self awareness and new understanding.

Much new self awareness is born out of this kind of friction in life, and much understanding of others will eventually come to the forefront to take the place of the gaps, miss-communications, and lack of self awareness. These are what I like to call our “growing edges”, the edges of our experience and knowledge and the progression into new territories of thinking, feeling, and knowing. This is exactly why humility comes up to preserve the inner self as we make changes. Without the humility factor we are typically destined to meet up with a recurrence, or even stronger example of the same challenge or conflict.


Repeats happen for this reason, a lack of humility, but not always. Sometimes we will have a challenge or conflict arise again because this time we will use another aspect of self to solve the dilemma. All too often I have heard myself say why is this happening again? The reason I finally realized was I had more of myself that needed to come to the table. I mean that I needed to bring perhaps more feelings, more thoughts, or my actions had not changed yet and they needed to change in the outer world. The repeats in life challenges and conflicts serve to DEEPEN us beyond even what we may see for ourselves. This is why and how they are so vital to embrace and work thru.

Awakening from forgetfulness.

Most of us are born in forgetfulness with regard to the spiritual self, or soul aspect of our earthly experiences. We deliberately birth ourselves at the time and in the circumstances we find ourselves so that the exact dilemmas, conflicts, and challenges are there for us to meet so that we can gather experience which teaches us the important things about life that we as souls are seeking to bring into humanity. Our humanity individually and also our group humanity as a species. Collectively as individuals we are feeding into and building a group learning as a whole species on Earth. This is also how and why we share experiences in groups as well as individually. While we also need fun, and happiness too and this may play a greater or lesser part in this, it is the challenges and conflicts that historically we have used to advance ourselves thru exciting and igniting our creative responses.

Soul agreements.

We each are the expression of Source as an individual soul aspect and we have in this experience agreements with which we come to earth. We also forget that we have these agreements. These promises we make to our soul-selves to encounter our difficulties transform us into pure joy once we accomplish the resolutions to our challenges and conflicts. This element of spiritual understanding and joy is an indicator of our completed agreements with ourselves, and the other people who are playing a role in our learning. The transformation of self, of life circumstances, of life directions is truly amazing at this point and in my experience always transcends the goodness I had envisioned possible. For this reason it is perhaps we use the expression “soul searching’ whenever we encounter something deeply challenging or a painful conflict. We must learn to reconnect with the soul self along the way so as to unite the gaps in the human experience. Bringing our soul selves into the earth is a way to adjust the frequency of everything around us and bring ourselves into a much wider and greater expression of

creative harmony as human beings. We are not always successful in our initial attempts and this is why we also have more chances arise to face what it is our soul agreements are. These agreements are vital, very important to each of us, this is another reason we learn to respect others as they too go thru there own experiences of trouble, conflict, challenge, pain, and hardship. These are all soul agreements we are living thru together in this great time of change.

Challenges and conflicts at a distance.

Those occurrences that do not touch us directly also reveal much by way of our continued reactions.

Our reactions to the difficulties, pain, and hardships across the world directly bring us into contact with those frequencies.

Whenever we react we create, though usually very unconsciously, a frequency inside ourselves that then brings this very conflict or challenge into our life vibrationally. We alone are each determining our vibrational frequencies here via our choices to react either positively or negatively.

By way of vibrational resonance we accumulate experiences with which we do not have direct experience and make this energy our own and then it will be made manifest locally. This is how and why indirect conflicts and challenges out in the world, and the way we respond to them is also so vitally important. We can generate more of the same war frequencies, for example, at home simply by thinking them. Then they show up thru our own relationships, or the traffic on the road, or some other way that seems incredible. Yet it is all linked by way of the natural law of the cosmos. Everything is in vibrational resonance and like attracts like. We are creating vibrations whether we believe it or not, whether we realize it or not. Because this is the actual reality of life, life is vibrational.

The transformation of the World View.

Our view of the world and ourselves is in flux, transforming thru the challenges and conflicts we meet each day. This is all part of the dynamic plan of our humanity to learn and grow. To learn to choose to be positive whenever we can, and to understand the negative so as to turn it around. We can see this in our individual lives and we can see this as nations, groups, and ultimately as a human species.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self discovery

Discernment is Part of Our “Species Plan” by Examining Our Changing World View… core spirituality for your discernment

Hiker climbing in Death Valley National Park

Hiker climbing in Death Valley National Park

Discernment is Part of Our “Species Plan” by Examining Our Changing World View… core spirituality for your discernment

The act of discernment, when it comes to our world view, has deep and meaningful purpose as we learn to take in new information along the way. It is our capacity to discern that increases our own personal revelation and shapes the reality we find ourselves. We determine our reality!

Thoughts are things!

Every thought and feeling moment by moment has a resonate frequency and fits into the larger resonate field of the cosmos. As such what we choose thru our attention, thinking, and feelings draws to us magnetically and harmonically the experiences we personally find ourselves.

That which is happening at a distance, not to us personally, but out there has meaning as we make our thoughts and feelings about it. Judgments can cause our vibration to attract like energy simply thru the natural laws of the cosmos and how they operate thru harmonic attraction. This is why what we think and feel about what is not personally touching us can have an effect and shift the reality we find ourselves. And we end up finding a similar or like experience in our own backyard.

The world view that we generate inside ourselves can be based on personal experiences and/or it can be based on non-experience experiences simply thru our thoughts and feelings.

The world view you hold without personal experiences.

When we hold on to a thought or feeling without the experiences behind it we generate a gap in our own personal understanding and we bypass the wisdom available to us that naturally arises out of our experience.

For this reason discernment is especially purposeful as many times in our world culture of super sonic information sharing thru the internet, TV, and other sources we can easily attach ourselves to views that we do not have personal experiences with which to shape our reality.

When we do attach ourselves we then become part of that reality.

Without the experience and only the intellectual notion, or emotional reaction once again we begin to vibrate our essence to that thought. This creates huge consequences that without understanding of experience infiltrate our own private life situations. So for example a judgment about a war happening on the other side of the world will return to us in a judgment in our personal lives. Though we have no actual experience in that war, we draw to ourselves a like vibratory experience that is harmonic to that of our judgments.

Religious beliefs, ideologies, theories, and other forms of human creation all have a vibratory resonate field within our daily lives. When we energize these things on a daily basis repeatedly over time we call back to ourselves these creations.

Whether they may be accurate, valid, or real at all does not matter here as these are mental and emotional man made creations that become real to those who subscribe to them.

Yet when any ideology, theory, or belief is not actually part of the universal truth of existence thru out the larger reality of the cosmos we will have a major wake up call. Especially when that greater reality of life herself, the genuine, real, universal truth arrives at our own front door.

The larger truths are arriving now.

We can see this happening thru out our world society as people are coming forward with their personal truth. Religion, politics, business, Gender, sexuality, issues of freedom from oppression, are but a few examples where what one believes is the truth is smacking into the real experience of truth of individuals world wide.

Laws are being rewritten, psychology is being updated, economic realities are shifting and oppressions are receding at great peril and human price to many. These are actually brave souls here living their experiences and showing the rest of the world and personally held world views are clashing as these realities are no longer being held in the backgrounds.

Discernment is a wise choice here and now, in place of being judgmental so that the understanding within self can learn.

The difficulty of acceptance.

The difficulty of acceptance of differences arises out of our own core world views.

Perhaps these were formed early in life, before we had the capacity to deeply understand and question?

Yet… how many people still hold on to and energize these notions without the sophisticated more in depth ability that we develop as adults?

This is cause to apply discernment so as to continue the greater purposeful growth process our individual spiritual beings incarnated into physical embodiments for.

As spiritual beings having human experiences here we are all effecting what it is, what it means to be a human being.

Our humanity is a living expression of the source that we are all made.

We share a universal origin,make up and source… together as one human species.

Humanity as a living physical presence on this biosphere called Earth, is growing just as each individual within the humanity. Collectively we are one species and as such have that larger agenda which reaches beyond survival alone. We also collectively have the impetus to grow, thrive, and co-create as a successful living global tribe of individual spiritual beings and one Source Being … as many.

When we realize our lack of discernment and our repeated thoughts and feelings that we energize by returning over and over to ideologies and notions of reality that are purely man made we can see how it is difficulty arises.

Choosing to do the personal work.

Without the personal work of investigating truth in each life, the gap is tremendous between the greater reality and the man made ones. For example the greater reality being one of inclusive, cooperative, and loving versus exclusive, power over, power mongering, unloving ideologies, beliefs, and world views. Discernment is needed.

By choosing to be discerning in place of judging each other we shift our personal reality with each nano thought and feeling and thus we shift our reality. We are capable of shifting our reality from a negative to a positive and then learning to always find and maintain a genuine balance.

When we learn to achieve this balance over and over we then learn how to sustain it in the positive manifestation of the reality we choose. We no longer have to fall to the victimization of another person’s reality, or another group. (governments, religions, social oppressors, financial institutions to name a few.)

Discernment is the key that opens the door to our own balance as a species.

Personal commitment to this work is the day to day meaningful activity of living.

So what reality are we creating here?

What reality do you create in your life?

What is your preference, judging one another or discerning?

We each are deciding by way of our actions, our thoughts, our emotions, and our reactions every single day.

Every single moment.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery


The Question of Personal Experience, How This Shapes Our World View… core spirituality, my personal journey

your story matters

The Question of Personal Experience, How This Shapes Our World View… core spirituality, my personal journey

The question of personal experience and how this shapes our world view contains meaningful clues to how we invest our emotions and personal essence thru life and the outcomes we see all around us. Equally so is the question of no personal experience and how this also shapes our world view and reflects or contains vivid information for detecting our personal integrity. The two sides of this equation, a person with direct experience , and the non-experience person, holding a world view that is not based on personal experiences.

Reality checks and how they play a major role in our world view

I awoke to realize something about personal experience. One of the most significant realizations was how many Non-experience experiences I had inside my head.

The question of how I could energize these non-experiences as real and then base my point of view came up for serious reflection. I realized that I had a gap within myself whereby I was believing certain things, holding on to certain ideas, and acting out upon these things without any personal experience to rationalize, authenticate, or verify my stand. This realization caused me to want to change and as I came to understand was a source for much internal confusion.

I began to stop believing in things of which I had not the experience.

I began to stop acting as if I had real knowledge of things I did not, and I began to shift my thinking, my behavior, and my world view to more accurately reflect my personal experiences.

I certainly did not know or understand sufficiently to hold certain points of view. Especially without any experience. So I stopped a lot of blind acceptance of what I was told and taught as a youngster and replaced this with a new kind of willingness to be more authentic.

I had to admit what I had to admit when I really did not know what I was thinking or believing… esp. as this related to my world view.

How often is it accepted to express a point of view based on an intellectual thought alone without personal experience?

How often is it accepted to express a point of view based on a belief without any personal experience?

Repeaters are those who simply repeat information without direct knowledge.

Our educational systems are largely based in repeating information back to the teachers as an indication that we have learned something.

Certainly we have learned material that was told to us, however what basis is the information ?

History, science, politics, as were told to us were for example all selectively chosen to tell a story or explain a specific premise.

Are these the whole story, the definitive knowledge on the subject? When we base our world view on information like this how well based is it in the truth of our reality? I have to ask myself these questions whenever I find myself holding to a point of view without personal experience.

Spiritual teachings which are faith based, without personal experience, cause all manner of world views to be shaped. Yet I ask myself how valid are these without my own personal knowledge and experience? I have spent years and years in deep meditations, inward reflection and I have learned many things about the after life, the nature of the cosmos thru my own direct experiences in non ordinary states of awareness. Springing from these experiences I learned to discard the false teachings, and beliefs I was taught that no longer fit with those experiences.

Without personal experience we can create experience.

The impetus to have experiences which directly show us is enhanced by realizing that we must open ourselves to new experiences so as to learn. This becomes a kind of accountability to self, with which we can test, retest and evaluate our world views. And to with hold judgments until we have those experiences ourselves. This alleviates much tension and confusion and replaces this with clarity and personal knowledge.

How do we get ourselves into so many messes?

Whenever we act on beliefs, bias, or a world view without the basis of our own personal experience, we are open to forces with which there is little or weak standing. The proof is in the outcome and informs us so that we may learn thru experience. As this is one of primary reasons for embodiments. Our need to have experience while in this world.

Personal revelations replace impersonal belief.

The revelations that arise from personal experiences versus blindly held emotional/intellectual belief is the strength of knowing versus not really knowing.

Personal experiences contain inside us a strength of which weaker forces cannot penetrate to sway or change. Personal experiences open us to depths and layers of knowledge that reveal deeper meaning to everything in life. Without this personal experience life seems to be fragmented, separate, and always changing. With personal experience all manner of subjects begin to intersect and find origins in larger truths which are easier to validate from many points of view.

The depth of truth one discovers thru personal experiences eliminates the need to accept half heart-ed intentions, intellectual notions of partial substance, spiritual beliefs that are man made versus universal.

The capacity to test reality becomes a significant aspect of experience as experiences themselves lead into more. Personal revelations thru our direct experience show us how our own ideas actually fit into the large picture all around us and may or may not be positive. However, non experience experiences simply reinforce our own strongly invested ideas until such time as a real experience comes along and this always deepens our sense of personal integrity. Even so all experience counts as learning.

I ask myself what ideas do I hold onto, what beliefs do I invest myself, what teachings did I blindly accept as true that limit my personal sense of pure freedom and make me feel heavy? The discomfort that arises thru personal reflection can be the result of taking apart this notions one by one to uncover our own reality based personal experience or lack there of. There is further to go in processing and more experience to be had and future personal revelation to unfold.

Planetary changes in world views.

Planetary changes in world views are increasing as more and more humans awaken to life and all that is here for us to discover. When the quantitative numbers of us collectively see and feel together as we are doing now we have a planetary change. It is for this reason I have decided to share my writing today as I have been processing my own world view, as are so many others now on the earth. The decision to base our ideas in personal experience or non-experience is a personal one. My feeling is that it is thru my personal experiences where I derive the most substantial grounding in how I live my life.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

quote there are many truths