Signs,Symbols and Synchronicity…. core spirituality, my personal journey


Signs,Symbols and Synchronicity…. core spirituality, my personal journey

Finding meaning in everyday normal life.

Symbols and synchronicity took on significant more meaning as my consciousness deepened and I had learned to untangle my own mind from the programming of my youth. Unlearning old patterns and relearning to see in this new way has led me from disconnected, separate perceptions to connecting the thoughts, feelings, events inside and around me. Connected perceptions happen when we “connect the dots” and begin to recognize how events, people, emotions, situations are really all arising out of one another in an unfolding pattern of brilliant interconnection. As the awareness of our attention shifts from belief systems that tell us we are separate… separate from god, separate from one another, separate from happenings, I have learned that none of this is factually truthful, it is ALL connected.

Everything and everyone has a connection in life to everyone and everything else.

How opposites can teach us.

For example I learned in geography class as a boy child that the oceans on the map separate all the continents of the world. This left me with the feeling of distance and separateness between places all over the world. When I moved to Hawaii I learned from local people in my ocean outrigger paddling that the oceans connect us from one place to another. That the ocean is the “highway” where we are able to meet one another and connect. This was the exact opposite idea I had lived with for over 40 years and I was astonished as I felt the energetic shift inside myself when I saw how oceans connect us all instead of separating us. The design of life is paradoxical in that we may appear separate, yet we are not. These are matters of perception and the energetic shifts that follow as a result shape future contact with new experiences.

Going past the surface and living deeply.

Symbols take on more meaning as we learn to connect the dots of our awareness and observe how symbols everywhere are placed in such a way so as to inform the conscious mind and more importantly the subconscious mind. These symbols are massively used in advertising medias, sciences, mathematics, communications, and many other areas of our society. We use symbols to convey a meaning without the use of a word, a meaning which may have many words to describe the significance of the symbol. In other words one symbol could relate the context of an entire book, or period of history. The use of the symbol of the cross pulls up such info to many people in this way. Bringing loads of information far beyond the symbol script itself.

These symbols speak both to the left and to the right hemispheres of the human brain. The left hemisphere being one of language and the visual recognition , the right brain brings context and meaning and depth of feeling to any one symbol. Our brains store this information both ways inside us.

How we become lost in the soup of our humanity.

When we lose sight of the significance of symbols in our lives we may not realize what is being communicated by way of these symbols and thus disconnect our conscious awareness from the information that is flowing thru to our right hemisphere. We may unconsciously be influenced on an energetic level.

Why developing our awareness has so much value, or in other words… living deeply.

As thoughts are things, and do have the substantive quality of energetic information, and movement as in vibration and thus causal effects. How we use symbols then becomes valuable in that we connect our attention to the energetic levels of these symbols when we attach meaning, and relationship to any symbol. This is the beginning of developing vibrational awareness , and the integration of right hemisphere information.

Vibrational awareness is the attention to, and translation of meaning and of the quality of movement of a message within a symbol as it translates into and through our brain as information. This is easy to understand as it relates to signs.

Signs along the roads and highways, signs in the airports and terminals of travel. Every child learns early on how to recognize signs so as to navigate life easily, and many signs are taught early in life so that we understand our mutual agreements about direction and information. This is the purely physical side of symbolic interpretation. The very mechanical and logical level. Interpretation can get confusing when we cross over from one culture to another as signs take on different meaning depending on the context of the culture in which we observe them.

Examples of signs in my life.

As my own awareness developed and I was free from the old style thinking I began to see through what ever I was seeing. By this I mean I began to see how seemingly random events were actually connected. More and more I began to recognize this is how life most genuinely expresses. I learned to catch the signs of meaning in the most simplest of ways. For example just a few days ago I was digging deep into my self to find an answer relating to my next steps. When I got into my car and stopped at the first street light there in front of me was a bumper sticker I had never seen before. It said.. YOUR SOUL PURPOSE IS TO LOVE in big capital letters.

Gut feelings lead the way toward intimate connection with subtle information.

Many other signs appear and in less obvious ways, in my old thinking I would say coincidence, now I say synchronicity. Many times I will be requesting understanding of something and every time I go out into my garden a butterfly will flit and fly around me, for up to an hour! Then there is the gut sensation of rightness, that goes beyond logical deductions. Many times I will have a gut feeling that I will not ignore that tells me some direction is right when everything around me appears to be the opposite. Then a person will appear and unknowingly say words that speak directly to my situation, and I feel it without question in my gut…. that “right feeling”. That was not merely a coincidence that you said that . I always marvel when this happens.

Many years ago I learned to pay attention to these gut feelings as I learned that the physical body acts like an antennae and is connected beyond my thinking mind to everything that is. Distance has no bearing, nor time. As signs often appear before something to encourage us to go forward no matter what, or to stop no matter what. Signs which have significance, or symbols or things that have meaning will appear in my path or attention that cause me to immediately think of a particular person. I know these are signs and I then redirect my attention to that person from within myself to see what it is I need to pay attention. This has happened many times with my children, family and friends and even places.

Indigenous people always have this very connected kind of radar and use it to maneuver through their lives. I have read many accounts and talked with many indigenous people in my lifetime sharing stories on the subject of signs, and this has reinforced this experience for me many, many times. For these people this is very natural and I have learned to adapt myself also to the thinking of this being natural.

Why feeling separate is important to notice.

It is only when we live in separateness that life appears to be coincidental, or miraculous when there are signs and synchronicity. This is our own unconscious making when we refuse to live in the greater truth that life herself is totally supportive, connective, and reaches into all of creation. I remember far back in the eighties when I realized how profound a shift this was. For me to finally see and feel how life is not truly separate but connected and only I had been living outside of it….. this dramatically impacted every component of my life and how I would move through the obstacles, joys, and challenges that proceeded . I learned that I even felt tested on this as I learned to deepen and trust, to wait before acting so as to see the signs and synchronicity. I know that many times I went so far out on a limb beyond my comfort levels that I depended on these events. Finally I accepted the fact that once I was running my awareness as a form of interconnection with life these occurrences were natural. Living in separation felt less and less like the genuine reality. I observed that anytime I encountered myself in thinking, or feelings of separation that I would become super sensitized to this and I would be drawn into a deeper observation. This has led to my letting go of many paradigms that we all take for granted as normal. I am astounded at how complex the ideas are I have uncovered within myself based in notions of separation. Through out my complete socialization in many incarnations I have taken these ideas on and learned how to live with them, finally now, to let them go. The polarity of connection and separation is a fascinating one to take apart and to truly inquire within the self.

When there are no signs or synchronicity I know that I must make more effort on my part with whatever subject I am seeking to understand. Often I have learned that I need to not know exactly what I “think” I need to know and I make mistakes and learn to move forward using my own decision making process before I am lifted out of my separateness and illusion. Thus I continue to grow myself and be in willingness to be guided by life. Balancing and re-balancing the polarity of separation / connection. It is essential for me to have learned to accept that this embodiment is one where experience is vital. The experience of living here provides enriching material that passes through the lens of continuous discovery and deep remembering of a soul level of existence. I find it humorous how my interior core spirituality knows stuff, while my human physical self is always tripping up and discovering out of my not knowing. Once I establish enough of a basis of new information on any reality subject I find myself shifting out of discovery to remembering.

Learning to let go by editing. Releasing unconscious ties to dark forces.

Editing out symbols that do not carry the energetic messages I want to have in my life is crucial. Learning to become “symbol aware”, I have learned to cut out any deeply anti-life, or dark symbols from my physical world. These dark symbols carry the energetic links to astral states, other dimensional places outside our perceptual line of sight. Dark forces of control, upheaval, reverse messaging, that manipulate the truthfulness of life do not have the subtle doorway into my life field as they once did. Learning to detect the vibrational messages to symbols and how these open doorways to life forms and forces that have less than my complete and ultimate pure expression of divinity are not acceptable any longer. For example I have seen many tattoos on the bodies of people I have massaged that carry a link into astral realms, of which I have no desire to open to myself. I do not wear clothing with logos or symbols that I do not have clear and specific knowledge. I do not post, hang, or adorn my home with symbols that carry the darker, lower astral, reverse messaging that is prevalent in our world society today. In this way I do not create the energetic, vibrational pathways into myself that this opens up.

Editing out in a conscious way signs and symbols can take on an uplifting effect in the energetic designs of our lives as we learn to become aware. Opening up to learn about them in new ways acts on a positive level to do the same. For this reason I became attracted to crop circles and the mysterious nature of their creation, to the messages contained in their design. Truly amazing.

Signs, symbols, and synchronicity contribute fantastic new bits of information to my human experience and learning to cultivate this as natural on a daily basis has become a lifestyle. The astounding way this has enhanced my relationship in nature, with animals, and deepened my intuition recharges my life on a daily basis. To feel connected to life is an amazing, life energizing experience that arises out of the simplest of mundane moments.

Synchronicity, to me, is the dance of living. It is the level of vibration that confirms either positively or negatively any direction or thought I am having. As well as showing me how everything is actually connected. Relationship is most deeply felt in all of life through the synchronicity, and this adds the element of wonder to my average, normal everyday life.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

star symbol

Consciousness Does Rewrite Programming… core spirituality, my personal journey


Consciousness Does Rewrite Programming… core spirituality, my personal journey

When our habits of mind and body are no longer useful our consciousness has the capacity to shift the programming inside us and rewrite the scripts we live by.

Consciousness has the capacity to deepen to the point of overcoming that which is inside us by re-informing the self.

Body, mind, and emotions. Spiritually our consciousness is perhaps the most potent aspect of our make up.

Consciousness as it grows within us on any subject reshapes and redirects the experiential basis of our reality by bringing in a stronger capacity to fix our attention combined with our knowing along with intuitive feeling states. Our consciousness is a major working component of our totality here on earth!

When we keep going.

When we reach a quantum degree and form of consciousness this will begin to shift the existing state within us. For this reason we develop our consciousness positively by choosing to open our heart and mind in any direction that is arising for our continued sense of personal development. By cultivating the attention to our consciousness we are generating experiences that connect the knowing part of ourselves and this knowing gains a stronger place in our overall attention by shifting what it is we focus upon. We can do this in either polarity… positive or negative.

What is consciousness?

Consciousness is a state of being-ness or IS-NESS that exists in the ALL THAT IS, and whenever we are allowing our own consciousness to open and develop we are activating something that is universal and larger than the self for which this is streaming through.

We activate a state of attention and knowledge that is not limited by a physical boundary or person.

Many people share consciousness states and gravitate toward or away from one another based on the polarity and subject matter that they are currently engaged.

Consciousness exists as a field of presence, or state of being that connects. This connection within us of ever-expanding consciousness can grow to such degrees that it replaces generational, very old, and even stuck programming. The connections we make thru our consciousness leap beyond physical boundaries, time and space. Consciousness is an infinite field of presence.

Our own experiences in this way cause the developing changes in our programming that open to us more and more of our potential capacity to know ourselves and to know the genuine truthfulness of reality.

As our developing consciousness translates into our lives our intellect becomes informed by the new information that arises creating new pathways inside our brains and thus our intelligence gains a precision that can grow in massive leaps of quantum understanding. (versus the old model which is to cultivate the intellect to obtain new information without much of the consciousness or knowing behind it. )

A major paradigm shift.

The field of consciousness develops as a basis for the intellect providing a framework, or direction for which our thoughts organize and put together meaningful interpretations of experience. We come to redefining reality in this way. The intellect becomes the interpreter of our consciousness rather than the source of our experience alone. This placement of the intellect then becomes a valuable component without overriding the more expansive and connected aspect that is our innate consciousness.

The habits of which we seem to be imprisoned are subject to our consciousness as the pure state of attention and combined presence have the capacity to increase in substantial energy that then becomes a force that grows stronger than the habit.

As new experiences are gathered the new information informing our attention re-informs the existing programming until a shift occurs. This is the dynamic state of growth and evolution of consciousness in us as spiritual beings having this human experience. The cumulative effects of increased awareness and consciousness onto any subject can cause much of our programming to literally fall away as we trade meaningful knowing for the mindlessness of programming with which we have been subjected. The mindlessness or lack of consciousness around any programming becomes translated into our physical body in such a way so as to become quite uncomfortable and without a basis of inwardly felt truthfulness. When programming like this begins to break down we are subject to crisis of all kinds.

The purposefulness of Crisis.

Crisis, when viewed from the perspective of an intact well grounded consciousness looks like opportunity as the levels of information inside our biology, begin to come undone. This can feel very uncomfortable, especially when we have developed an attachment to our programming, or we have invested tremendous feeling, emotion and patterning into programs inside us. This affects the relationship of our consciousness to our sense of identification as we already have an unconscious identification with the programming and at first do not realize this. This is where consciousness steps in to redefine. We then process levels of attachments we have to the programming and unravel it. The increase of consciousness in this way steps in to take the place of the old style and transforms the components of identity within us in brand new ways, as we grow in this process. Crisis is the start of the opening to new probabilities, new possibilities, that would have been blocked under the previous thinking.

Identity crisis… who am I?

“What am I? where am I? who are you? what are you?”naturally shifts as the new consciousness filters through the old styles and conflicts come up. These conflicts need the continued consciousness expansion to show our attention how to keep going successfully.

My experience is the deeper we develop consciousness the more information is available to us. All this new information can re-frame the old, or it can cause it to drop away and completely transform. As consciousness moves through us this becomes a metamorphosis of the self, which in turn transform the directions we are on and ultimately generates completely new possibilities. This is why we say we cannot fix the old problems with the same thinking that created them. We need more consciousness to develop as we traverse the pathways of our existing situations. When we reach a quantum level of transforming consciousness our sense of who and what we are moves like the caterpillar to the butterfly, almost unrecognizable… or simply the very best of who we already were becoming. Now the world that we see around us becomes transformed as we view it through a different lens of perception.

Cycles of repeating.

Consciousness that has shifted does not go backwards. Although it might appear so, in truth, it is simply reaching deeper into more of the old programming to transform more completely the whole body of material we were previously invested. Dipping down into old stuff eventually becomes natural and we stop losing sight of the forward progression we are making. Although our intellect thinks we are repeating, our consciousness knows that we are simply clearing out more of the same old stuff, often hidden from our awareness because of our lack of consciousness around any one subject.

The consciousness of a whole species.

As consciousness moves through more individuals we gain a collective wave of mass shifting in our attention, our capacity to understand, and our potentialities. This is happening now to our species. We are on a giant wave of collective consciousness expansion and all our previously held ideas are subject to scrutiny and updating everywhere we look.

The entire human species is in a dynamic state of break down and redefining what we all thought was real and truthful.

Our world, outwardly reflects what is actually going on internally for the vast number of many of us. Yet still there are those who insist on digging their heads into the sand, ignoring the changes, resisting those changes and there results much confusion, suffering and pain as these humans do not want the changes.

We are free to choose to grow our consciousness or to keep our programming.

We are not stuck, even though the feeling may feel like it. This is because we need to develop beyond the programming and open more to consciousness. Thinking our way out, or by intellectually trying to make changes does not work. Remembering that we cannot change a problem with the same thinking that created it. Thinking alone is not enough to rewrite hundreds of years of familial, genetic, patterning. These programs need consciousness to get the job done.

Consciousness is what is transforming each of us, and along the way we are losing our old programming. These programs are deeply entrenched without any consciousness and so take huge amounts of consciousness expansion to release. Patience, and forgiveness, along with doses of quietude and self-care go along way to healing any condition we are seeking to change. Programs inside us are only patterns without consciousness, this is why and how our attention to developing consciousness becomes paramount in today’s world. We did not realize how unconscious we were.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Quote to-be-conscious-that-you-are-ignorant-of-the-facts-is-a-great-step-to-knowledge-quote-1

Consciousness and the Intellect… Learning the differences…….core spirituality, my personal journey

conscious man

Consciousness and the Intellect… Learning the differences…….core spirituality, my personal journey

Exploring my “Lens of Perception”.

Here I will explore some of the major differences I have found developing the intellect and developing the consciousness and how this has brought me to view my understanding of life ( revealing my perceptual lens).

Childhood “education”…programming.

Early in my life I began to seek answers that I could not find from the world around me through the practice and development of meditation. Like everyone else, as a child, I found myself surrounded by adults who seemed to have an idea of what was best for me and so I was educated, indoctrinated…… taught in all manner of political,social, religious, emotional, intellectual basics.

Much of it very useful in learning how to get along, how to pass and fit in with others, how to “think” I had a connection to something larger than myself. Things like reading, writing…. how to use my mind were all good things that are valuable in today’s society. Like everyone around me I learned all these things and yet by the time I was 15-16 years of age I still had a deep stirring in my gut that was very uncomfortable and would not let me rest with what I had learned. I seemed to have a greater sense-ability which I could feel that would urge me beyond the realities I was told exist and that I had to abide by. None of it actually true. However the case, I look back now and I see how I had one very discernible difference within myself from the majority around me.

This was the relentless development of my consciousness, over the intense training of my intellect.

Maintaining a vigilant awareness of internal freedoms.

I simply felt the need to protect freedom within myself, without the controls, that to me seemed unnecessary. The primary feeling deep within myself of this difference I noticed is the capacity to find more meaningful answers to life that went beyond what always appeared on the surface of how and what the world in general was teaching me. I need to be free inside to be the real me.

I can see now how the development of consciousness has served me in living a prosperous, generous, lively, evolving, inwardly personal responsible life regardless of how much money I have had or how I looked. Where as when I see a majority of my contemporaries who have followed the more common path of developing their intellects along the lines of traditional thinking there is a sizable difference. I see so many zombie like people believing everything in the mainstream medias which fill the air with fear and powerlessness, believing dogmas and doctrines of religions without personal experiences, people numbed out from use of pharmaceuticals and social drugs, and a general level of life frustration that never leaves. There are way too many followers needing someone to tell them what to do. Externally dependent individuals are everywhere.

The result is a significant difference, the many forms of internal, social suppression of all kinds which limit the perception of embracing what is actually possible in life. There is a sever limiting of the human potential, or the genuine expression of the spiritual being in the masses of our humanity.

Hidden forms of social and spiritual suppression.

Upon reflection I can see a wide spectrum of diverse forms of suppression. Suppression of genuine inner knowledge, and a connection to the universal realms of life beyond the visible spectrum of light.

( If I cannot see it, it does not exist… mentality) Not learning to observe outside the dogmas and doctrines of our organized society leading to the subversion of genuine self-awareness and genuine alignments to internal freedom of self-will.

The ways that an externally based education can subvert inner learning about the truthfulness of self is remarkable as it covers over self-awareness or deeply knowing self and our relationship to the greater whole of existence. I find this fact remarkable and I see how this leads to many covert forms of social, group and individual forms of spiritual control.

For example I know now that the doctrine of Original Sin programmed into me as a child that lead me to believe I had to be baptized and submit to rules of the catholic church are all bogus. None of this is truth! Even though I was taught this everyday in school for my entire childhood. Eventually I was able to experience many direct moments of clear connection to what I would call is my soul, and none of those ideas actually exist there. They were as I discovered… all man-made. I was educated to believe that all homosexuals were perverted, sinful, and abominations. As I grew to investigate the truth of my self and my connection to my soul I learned again that none of this was true, it was all man-made up.

All manner of controls through perception have been created that subvert the genuine self-knowledge that are directly within us all. Very interesting. What is generally referred to as education is actually a kind of perceptual suppression which tells a person how to see and think in the world which limits how we perceive what is possible.

Life is all vibrational.

This is most evident to me through my own development of the awareness of vibration. As I have become more vibrationally aware I have learned to recognize life beyond the visible light spectrum of what we are taught is reality. And this perceptual level holds a vast wider range of life, and a genuine existence extending far beyond the programmed one I was taught to see and live accordingly. The astounding truth of how life is vibrational in nature is so much more filled with so much more information that it is staggering to learn how to integrate. Yet this is never taught in our schools when it is actually a main component of what reality is in all truthfulness.

This obvious omitting of vibrational awareness allows a kind of dumbing down, or thought control because we do not see beyond our lens of perception and thus our potentialities are blocked. (if I cant see it, it doesn’t exist… mentality)

I will never forget the early days of my introduction into vibrational awareness as a young teenager. I learned to see how color and sound were but the same expression though expressed differently depending on how we perceive it, seeing the auric fields of people, plants and the earth showed me how the actuality of life is in a state of inter-connected-ness based on the frequencies of its origins. The idea that everything is separate is simply not a truth. That we are not separate invalidates millions of laws on this planet, millions of political actions etc.

I remember the first couple of times I went inside a bar, a place I had never been before as a child, where I could see the vibrational component of activity there.

To my astonishment I was able to watch how individuals who were intoxicated were actually being vampire- by entities who were not physical at all. I could see all kinds of unconscious activity being downloaded into and through people under the influences of the alcohol and drugs in ways that were not actually genuine to those people. As entities would “piggy back” on people and fill them with all kinds of negative energies, behaviors and experiences. I was horrified to observe the airspace around people and above them as this was all going on. This was awful to see yet powerful to realize. Losing self composure, I learned was a way for non physical life forms to grab hold of people and influence them when they were not looking.

Later in my work world I could see how the vibration of an individual is clearly evident regardless of what picture they were telling me, or showing me. Our field of vibration is truthful and reveals any kind of self-deception, any kind of self-imposed limitation, any forms of denial, in any way that a person may be trying to lie, or deceive. It is easy to see the walls, the darkness, and the sludge inside the electronic field of a person. This would alert me to the genuine nature of a problem the person would be expressing and I could see the origins. We carry people, memories, unexpressed emotions of all kinds inside our electric field of vibration and it appears most people are not aware of this. Inside the physical body are all the channels of energy flow in which the electric vital forces of the body are distributed. I began to have an interest in acupuncture as I was seeing these channels and could observe the high or low flow of energies in the body. This is all real and became a way for me to learn to assist those who came to me in need of re-balancing. I observed how I could direct this vital force from myself to another to influence it in a corrective way thus restoring balance. I did not need anything, no needles or implements simply the conscious awareness and intention to heal and balance. Each session I would be shown through the lens of perception… the perception of vibration.

By choosing a profession for days and weeks and months and years and now decades of time in stillness, silence, and quietude I have learned to be much more aware of how people feel, how places feel, and in this way to develop a vibrational awareness. Including the capacity to expand on what healing really means to me, and how to participate in a healing process without interfering with another. I have learned how not to believe what much of what religions, social systems, society, authorities of every kind are perpetrating all over the world.

Distortions of perception

When our perceptions are severely limited, shortened, and distorted our capacity to experience truthfulness directly by way of personal experience is completely high jacked.

We do not know this because of the collective agreements we share through our perceptual lenses. Our agreements about how we see one another effect our behaviors and this in turn generates our collective experience of reality.

A reality that we create out of our ideas of perception. Even though this may actually be a distortion.

This pattern has repeated for generations upon generations in our humanity. We can see this as we finally learn to see ourselves beyond what we thought was true. When enough people see something differently we seem to be able to shift our reality and then things change. We can see this quite easily in our law systems. Laws evolve out of our growing need to maintain a level of safety and well-being. Yet even this can remain distorted as in the present day laws enacted out of the crisis of 9/11. We can see now how our very constitutional rights are being eliminated for more covert forms of social control. There is a delicate balance between real and not real everywhere that we are learning to detect.

Suppression of what is possible

The most significant outcome of developing our intellects far beyond our consciousness is how we are suppressing the possible in our lives. Firstly many of us are deeply entrenched in thoughts that control us and limit us is hard to see and break through because we do not see beyond our own beliefs based in thinking that is purely intellectual and self-made. We become prisoners of our own making and yet know it not. The immense, gargantuan tide of human denial is mind-blowing. Denial prevents us from our most intrinsic inner freedom of expression and self knowing. Thus we do not recognize how so many of us are being controlled by forces outside us. Forces that we have all internalized as real. This is clear in millions of ways in our global society.

The flip side of this is not seeing, not knowing that we can…. we can do ….. we can get along, we can find ways to feed everyone, we can heal violence, we can heal the hurts and on and on and on. We believe ourselves to be separated by all these thoughts that distance us from each other and the reality of this is none of it is actually truthful. It is all man-made. I know from personal experience. I have traveled to over 75 countries, worked in many different cultures with many different people, I have encountered my own self everywhere in all people. We are not that different as a species, we think differently…. but we are not innately that different as beings.

We are all learning

As a spiritual being having a human experience I have had to look deeply into my own way of seeing life. I have had to identify my own perceptual lenses. I have had to learn how to see again, how to see inside what I see and see more. I have learned that what I see around me is a result of my lens. I understand how valuable developing a healthy mind can be, and learning to use my intellect. However I have moved the intellect over so that it is not my dominant means of perceiving. I have allowed my consciousness to expand and to inform my intellect. Which up to now seems to be a more appropriate place for it to be. I continue to see how an overly developed intellect can separate and divide, how it can generate fear, and be used to control people.

The word Consciousness is originally derived from the Latin con (with) and scire (to know).

The difference in thinking something and knowing it is our conscious experience.

Consciousness is well worth developing.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

The Evolving Realization of the Self… core spirituality, my personal journey


The Evolving Realization of the Self… core spirituality, my personal journey

Their comes a time on the path of self awareness when we realize how our experiences are here to remind us of some deep inner knowing, something we have forgotten. Pointing us in a direction which holds a better way for each one of us.

This activation of our attention starts out in sporadic ways as the dawning light of our soul’s true essence breaks through the massive litanies of our human history. We begin the lengthy process of unlearning.

Recognizing the great charade, unlearning what we thought was real.

How important unlearning is becomes evident as genuine remembering of the natural reality of the spiritual self arises inside us as we go through our AHAA’S. These AHAA’S are a wake up signal that we can learn to cultivate. We begin to recognize that there really is within us a familiarity and a knowledge of life that fits with our sense of personal harmony.

First we learn how to face ourselves and take off the blinding actions of shame and blame.

However, the long process of facing what is real within us first becomes the work of the evolving realization of self. As we learn to accept and face our feelings which are hurtful, harmful, painful, agonizing, and self limiting. The honesty of self reflection at this stage does not always reveal the greater awareness which lies just below the surface of our attention.

We are too invested in our drama, drama, drama at the early stages of waking up.

The choice to honestly face both our deepest most uncomfortable feelings as well as our most precious unexpressed longings are the initial steps to awakening our active participation in self realization. By self realization I am implying becoming our most REAL SELF.

Grappling with what we do not want to see, face, or feel.

The difficulty with this stage is the tremendous amount of mental and emotional energy we have used to build our walls of protection against our ills, our pains, and our illusions of reality. And also the people we have surrounded ourselves with who have contributed to our needs for agreement so we can sustain these dramas.

We sustain our points of view with our personal attention by repeating scenarios in our minds to make sure we are still where we think ourselves to be in drama, where we believe we have been victim, or to perpetrate the drama we want to run with people around us or the world dramas in general.

We then surround ourselves with others who will reinforce our notions and we gain agreements to solidify our pains. To learn to give these dramas up to something that feels more harmonious takes effort. Our thinking and the emotional patterns which arise from this are deeply set inside our attention and are habits to break and require a vigilant effort to learn to release.

Refusal to see ourselves, facing our denials.

Learning to face what is real contains the notion that we are creating through our own feelings and thoughts. We learn to see what we are really doing by way of these self made feelings and thoughts and up to this time this is all very real. This can bring to the surface of our person many feelings which up to this point have been denied expression. These are the unacceptable feelings that the self has stored away and hidden with justifications, defenses, and painful histories which provide a basis for staying in our limited selves. We grow ourselves up here at this point by choosing willingly to take full responsibility for whatever it is we are feeling and thinking and start to heal the hurt, and the victim self.

Choosing the path of self responsibility

The result of facing these kinds of emotions and thinking is the development of emotional awareness, a more refined identification of our emotions. As we develop our emotional awareness and learn to identify our feelings, name them, and learn to feel them completely through we learn how these states actually transport our awareness into a more clear development of our mental, emotional nature.

The inner work leads to new forms of personal clarity.

When we develop our emotional nature with greater depth and clarity this leads to the greater realizations of spirituality that are waiting to be felt and expressed which exist beyond the limiting boundaries of our lesser selves. These larger spiritual places of which there is greater personal freedom lead us into our more honest places of true free will. At this point we have learned to go beyond what we thought was the limit and found inner resources which provide additional self understanding, strength, and now VISION.

New pictures begin to form inside our heads.

Vision, as in seeing who we really are as spiritually identified beings… Vision as in the soul based, spiritually energized access to our own inner purposes and plan for this embodiment. Here we contact the universal substance of co creation within us and then use this new awareness to continue on our path. And while many scenarios of discord, confusion, and incongruity may drop away there is still more to tackle.

What is shifted is our capacity to resolve our personal dilemmas and to make better choices which will transmute the negative life scenarios still active around us. With this new spiritual fuel of a more highly developed emotional awareness, and the clearing of our own negativity we hold a larger space of possibility for our own further development and greater access to authentic true free will.

This is much like the transformation of the caterpillar to the butterfly. Personal metamorphosis arises and lifts us out of many damaging life situations and redirects our attention to the new directions inherent in our life plans. Healing on all levels is activated as our physical cells now have access to greater life forces, our minds are opened beyond our old thinking, and our emotions are not squashed into our loaded subconscious and we have clear access to feeling that now includes intuition.

Intuition is simply the essence of the self now activated into and through the personality. It is a natural component of the self. And it is something that now becomes a new tool to learn, to respect, to develop.

Intuition is amazing.

Intuition is amazing in that it connects us to the larger picture of life, and connects our attention beyond the limiting ego self. The ego self is merely the organizer that makes sure we have our keys before we go out the door, or makes certain we know how to get where we are going. The ego self is actually a wonderful component which helps us stay connected into the time-line and daily activity. It no longer is the main driver of our life. As intuition develops more and more we learn how capable we are of holding a larger version of reality, of how not to hurt others, and how to navigate through difficult situations with finesse and a real sense of deeper cooperation with life. We learn to use the ego self in proportion to the other parts of ourselves with a much better balance. We learn too that we are much much more capable at this point as there are so many coincidences, serendipitous happenings, and amazing circumstances that show up and we observe how purpose is behind whatever is now currently happening around us. We learn to embrace mystery as a safe passage into opening ourselves to being able to hold greater and greater truthfulness about life. We then realize we are part of the cosmos.

Taking away the fear of mystery and not knowing.

When we learn to embrace mystery and not knowing with an opened mind, a receptive heart, and a clearer sense of feeling we start to actualize potentials. Our potentials were not available before to us in our limited, judgmental, self loathing, unloved state. However at this point these qualities have become so refined that our discernment is much more refined and we are stronger and more able to explore our own mysterious not knowing. We learn to live with paradox as we walk fine lines between different realities around us and people running all kinds of dramas. I have felt many times the fine balance of real knowing simultaneously beside not knowing and moved forward anyway. We learn the difference between real fear, which is signaling danger is ahead with self created fear, fear of not knowing. The discernment of fear and its origins becomes another valuable tool that we add to our awareness as we move through our own personal paths of mystery.

The creative urge is mysterious.

As we encompass larger components of our creative urge we connect with our deepest longings and our intuitive nature combining our resources to cultivate discovery in ever more fascinating ways. The act of creation is not all filled with instant knowing of what lies ahead but does hold a kind of promise. We learn what I call “right direction”. Right direction is the meaningful way our own daily life unfolds from one moment to another with a sense of purpose that speaks directly to each one of us. This right direction has its own boundaries and movement, along with stasis and set back. All of it meaningful as we continue through our journey of life.

Learning to open ourselves to even more.

When we can live each day with a pure sense of self, connection to the ALL THAT IS or source, when we can be strong enough to face our own self loathing, self created miseries, and let go of our painful histories, when we can sustain an open heart, and open mind, and then embrace our own personal life mysteries, we have begun the path of self realization towards co creation. We learn to embody joy as natural to us without the need for circumstance. We learn to hold possibility for those around us as they too struggle with the pitfalls of self realization. We learn to walk away from the damaging aspects of our human past and we align with something much greater than all of us. This is core spirituality.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Quote things do not change we do

Reality Selection…core spirituality, my personal journey

Quote May-your-choices-reflect-your-hopes-not-your-fears.-Nelson-Mandela

Reality Selection…core spirituality, my personal journey

Reality selection is the choice to live with what is real.

Reality selection is something all humans are participating and whether we do this in a conscious way by selecting truthfully…. or unconsciously, by selecting only those versions which fit our perceptions regardless of natural truth is all a matter of our growing self awareness and evolution.

We may choose moment by moment by way of examining our free will choices. We may choose unconsciously out of habit, comfort, familiarity,or inheritance through our family of origin and social systems. Without the questioning of what is real, or that which we consider reality we are subject to what it is we place our attention and our personal life energy. From this we develop our experiences which arise from these places. (this is happening whether we recognize it or not because this is the nature of reality.)

The ever present experience of powerlessness and the victim.

The idea I encounter in the world most frequently, especially as a therapist is victim thinking. So frequently even highly effective people have hidden pockets of this inside them without realizing this; I find individuals stuck,or in a stasis of non progress with their situations not realizing that the subtle feeling of not knowing what to do next, or not realizing that one must press further in a personal search for solutions, rather than allowing self to submit to another person’s idea of action.

I find this with people who go to doctors. Physical therapists, and therapists of all kinds. I listen to people express this through their political opinions. Seeking answers, guidance, support, and treatment for whatever their particular ailments might be. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. I often encounter a lack of awareness of the “self development” required to address issues with others so as to cultivate one’s own interior self design for what is to come next. This is all about the inner voice we all have that is guiding us and ultimately choosing to act upon the final decision in the matter based on what our inner voice, or conscience, heart mind, or spiritual self is seeking.

Human beings and our evolution.

Humans are like babies in this way as so much of our socialization is externally based and the inner self has been subverted for outward forms of authority that provide solutions for inner places within us.

Read that last sentence again.

This is beginning to change in larger and larger ways now. There is a gigantic shift happening. We are learning to turn inward to find the authority to learn to see, feel, and design life more from the interior place of free will choice and the realization that our possibilities do arise actually from within self.

The process of growing ourselves up.

When we accumulate enough of these kinds of experiences we learn that reality as we select it, is truly something that evolves from within us and the outer world falls into a kind of order from this place that is actually within. The world becomes the outer manifestation of our inner selves.

With enough of this kind of reality we build into the self the authenticity of inner sovereignty.

Still we can see all over the world many people still seeking this authentic authority outside of themselves and how this is slightly out of alignment with natural order. For natural order is by nature something that we are all born of , made of, are immersed within, and learn to recognize as our own mastery through the experiences of having a physical embodiment and recognizing that when we identify as spiritual beings having a human experience, and not the other way around… physical beings having a spiritual experience. We are free to select any version of reality as we go through the life experiences we are having regardless of our circumstance, our nation of birth, our color of skin, our family history, or even our previous life experiences. We can choose to shift our experiences by way of making new choices that lead differently into our future time-lines.

Learning to transmute our experience into something better.

As we accumulate experiences into ourselves which come truthfully from within us and not outside of us we realize the power we have to transmute whatever it is that is unsatisfactory. This is quite natural and places us into a wider spectrum of choices because we have moved off the limiting game board of generations before us onto the the one of CO-CREATIVITY.

Co-creativity is the most natural place for a human being to see themselves develop and this inner place of awareness nurtures the entire purpose for physical embodiment.

All of life around us is already in this dynamic state of co-creativity, all the different aspects of life thrive on this kind of order. Animals, plants. The planet, and the cosmos.

It is the most present, everlasting, largest most consistent form of reality. Co-creation !

However for the majority of life forms the one component that is most different from our is the matter of personal, free will and how we use free will to make choices about all of this. Each representative of our species )that is each person) has this single component to learn to activate. Yet in the other species this is more of a collective choice or group mind choice. For us this is individual.

By way of transmuting the incongruity in our lives, by transmuting the negatives into positives we shift the reality we live and widen our choices further. Because when we do this we are placing ourselves into the natural order of the cosmos, of life herself. By taking ourselves out of a man made ideology, or an intellectually based notion of reality we free up the life force that is us and we join with others who are already learning how to do this. This is called reality selection!

Belief systems



past histories

social and family rules

political standings

self identity

are but a few of the very important places inside us with which we each have the power, the possibility to change through our free will choices.

Learning that all we thought was and is not real but actually made up by man, is a big step to unravel as so many of our perceptions were learned from these kinds of thinking. Agreement by others reinforce these man made ideas. To step away and discover what is truthfully inherent and what is not within us is a task that comes along as we mature with our choices and develop our self identities. Nothing is written in stone so we have total inner free will to decide for ourselves all along the way.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self reflection and discovery

ATMAN… My Encounter While Watching TV, core spirituality my personal journey


atman 4

ATMAN… My Encounter While Watching TV, core spirituality my personal journey

Here is my story. I was tired after a long day of sessions of bodywork and eager to relax for an hour before bed by having a bite to eat and watching a favorite show on my dvr, I needed to just shift gears. As I was watching TV I kept feeling a radiance or tingling , tickling sensation pouring onto the right side of my head. At first I thought it was my hair, then I thought there was something on me, I ignored it. However it increased in intensity until I was feeling a steady hot streaming of electrical impulses that were very fine and completely focused on the right hemisphere of my brain.

Ultimately I just lay back with my head on a pillow as I felt this tingling electrical sensation going through my head. As I lay there with my eyes closed I began to wonder what this was that I was feeling, and where it was coming from? I looked up above me as I could feel the streaming direction to my left and just behind me.

I saw a translucent being sitting in a lotus position that was male. I wondered if this was a Bodhisattva, and just as I asked I realized this being was in direct telepathic rapport with me as I immediately heard a response that said “NO”. I wondered if this was an ET and again it said “NO”.

Hmmm ….. I began to see more as I was beginning to visualize a clear radiant pattern of electric like light pouring down into my head. And the figure said, ATMAN in a deep resonate kind of way, like we were in a long gigantic tunnel. I heard this repeated several times. ATMAN……ATMAN.

And I did not know this word.

Surrounding this figure and within it I also could see a beautiful golden sphere of light and another white sphere of light around that from which this figure emerged. I took it all in and then returned to continue to watch my TV show without much thought.


However again it spoke to me, “I am the original you, from which all your incarnations arise”. At this point I began to see a long holographic movie that spanned millions o f years of time in which I could see many many embodiments in which I had the distinct understanding and feeling that were all part of my own experience. This surrounded me in a semi circular way. These images flashed rapidly and appeared to be dimensional as they looked alive as in real life. I could see the vast range of history through these images and this included other planets, other lives as non human as well as lives in pure energy form in a kind of no-space place.

I was sort of suspended in “no- thought” as I watched the scenes unfold all around me. And again I heard ATMAN repeated several times in a clear and distinct resonance that felt as if it was moving thru long halls of time and space. As I was quite tired and eager to watch my show I simply listened and watched this unfold and then I returned to watch TV. (I was really tired )

When it was time for me to go to sleep I got up and turned all the electrical things off in my living room and the last thing was my computer. As I walked over to my desk I had the idea that I must google that word, ATMAN. To learn if this was a real word, and how it was defined.

When I googled the word I found the many ancient references through the various religions of the world and older writings. I saw that this referred to the original self, the deepest aspect of self within the soul. I was astounded.

This was a spontaneous non ordinary experience that I learned has specific meaning to me. I went to bed in a state of awe as I realized the entire experience I had just gone through. When I awoke the next morning my attention immediately returned to the ATMAN.

I went into my day with a different sense of clarity in seeing everything around me. Most noticeable was my feeling of order and beauty in the natural world. I felt a sense of cosmic order and a deep remembering of the soul. I found my inner thoughts through out the day returning to this deep place of understanding how it is we choose and take on embodiment and how we as spiritual beings live our embodiments as a means of knowing ourselves as aspects of creation learning many many things along the way. I began to have many thoughts about birth and death and life and the magnificent unfolding way with which we create our existence as souls. I kept reflecting on the immense opportunity of wide ranges of both positive and negative experiences we are able to have. This heightened state of attention lasted for almost a week and then it gradually lessened. Yet I was infused in a new personal inner experience that had opened up to me the nature of my life and the world around me. I could feel that I had another level of understanding of soul from the direct heightened experiences that started with those first few moments on the couch.

Non ordinary states of consciousness are naturally integrated in the journey of each one of us as we open and learn and let go along the way of each life we live. These states of awareness that join with our common day serve as backgrounds of substantial substance adding to our place here. In this way we learn to integrate more of who we truly are as spiritual being having a human experience. Not that this ever need be shared with others, the resulting effects are such that the vibratory nature of our awareness is shifted and enhanced and this shift leads to a widening of the perceptual lens with which we view reality. Most often this new vibrational level is enough and I find no reason to share these heightened experiences with others.

As this is a very personal experience I find myself referencing it like any other memory I have had. As each of our experiences imprint us and shift us as we go along in our day. This one had the effect of releasing thoughts and ideas that are not born of the INTELLECT, but of SOURCE AS SOUL. This release of thinking in me opened me up to more possibility of soul recognition in my work, and in my own ordinary day time activities.

The new imprints available that arise from within us are here to update us as we evolve and grow and truly assist us in navigating more harmoniously and more peacefully in the world. Lessening our reactions to what is happening because we see how soul is behind the activities and the differences in soul activity and human intellectual, egotistical activities are expressed here in our society. The differences become more clear.

When we have direct experience of our source self from within us we also shift the interior self image and thus relate from this new place with its added understandings.

I know that the days after wards I noticed a subtle lightness about me with less density in my own body and mind. And I know from within myself that this lightness of being is more closely related to the vibrational nature of the spiritual self, or soul self I experienced when I encountered the ATMAN.

I have since felt an ever deepening love and compassion in my chest, my heart. I have found myself viewing life and the horrid things going on here with this sort of objectivity which continues to grow each day. This loving compassion lifts the judge-mental weight of the human intellect out of the heart and replaces it with a detached love of which it is hard for me to describe in words. Although I know this is a direct feeling experience that helps me and those I serve through my work and my daily interactions. It is not something that could easily be taken away from me now. I am impressed with sharing this experience in light of my previous post to demonstrate the differences between how we generate beliefs through our points of view versus reality and the direct path of inner knowing that arises as we evolve our awareness out of intellectually based thinking. There is more to all of us to discover….

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery


How Do We Humans Get Ourselves Into So Many Problems ?… core spirituality, my personal journey

Quote-what lies within you

How Do We Humans Get Ourselves Into So Many Problems ?… core spirituality, my personal journey

I have had to ask myself how did I get myself into so many problems in life, issues, and conflicts and what about the rest of the world and the human problems I see all around us?

I came to see how I was born into a specific set of circumstances loaded already with many issues the people in my family, my society, all had running when I was born. I took it on

I began to question and I started to sort through the layers of experiences and the beliefs behind these experiences to find my own answers to life’s challenges. Without the active pursuit of an open minded questioning I would still be stuck in myriads of situations that presently some members of my family are still suffering, and also many in the larger human family struggle continuously now for many generations. It is a difficult situation that we as a human family share. I determined to look through the lens of us as a species to gain a larger context for the conflicts and problems associated with daily living.

Developing sincerity along the way.

Developing a sincere attitude towards willing introspection along with raw honesty I have been looking within for my answers for many years now. Quiet reflection and solitude I have surrounded myself as I have learned how to disengage from the habitual business of human life and constant drama, drama, drama.

I have learned to recognize characteristics with which I have learned are very much subconscious to many people, these aspects of human habit are right under the surface of our normal attentions.

We collectively agree through our actions and the thinking behind those actions and perpetrate specific human behaviors merely out of habit.

This is a genuine form of unconscious living. A kind of zombie like behavior that millions of individuals participate every single day.

These are some of the ideas with which I have come to ask myself.

How do I form my point of view, my lens of perception?

When we base our point of view on our perceptions alone, those born of our point of view without stark reality we form and perpetrate many illusions. Generations upon generations of people have specific beliefs which are born of a point of view that does not come from reality.

This generates a conflict.

Without questioning our perceptions and how and where they come from, while disregarding stark reality we form our mindsets and these become beliefs that we live and die by. (a good reality check is look around you at the current state of suffering and injustice still prevalent globally)

Regardless of reality. I find this astounding.

Am I really who I “think” myself to be?

We form these ideas, mindsets, and beliefs without the clarity of reality as easily as we pick up a book off the table. No thought about it with a kind of automatic agreement to those around us. And because we have this silent agreement we perpetrate false realities, false ideas, false beliefs that have no basis in reality. We believe our mind’s ideas are reality and carry on. We feel supported by like minded others and so we think ourselves to “right”.

I have adjusted my attitude in the following new way…(I’d rather be real than “right”, I’d rather be good than “right”)

So the question arises who do I think I am, and what am I?

Looking around this planet we can see many conflicting differences to this one question. Without the stark reality of life there is little to organize and connect it all. Purely subjective, and separate individuals create their notions of self with little regard to the larger perspective of reality.

The illusions perpetrate lifestyles, politics, religions, businesses, military actions, dangerous businesses, that continue to undermine the possibility of a general consensus of reality that is interconnected, interdependent, co creative, and win/win in it’s outcomes. The small minded notions of self as separate, in a kind of constant race with others simply does not work in the long run for everyone. The blind acceptance of mindsets generated by television, by religious leaders, by military factions, by political voices, by scientific zombies, to name a few are a dangerous path leading to more of the same thinking that created all the problems in the first place. I made a shift here, we can make more shifts in our thinking.

We cannot solve problems with the same thinking that created those problems.

An open minded approach to self understanding and the willingness to define ourselves from within, versus from outside us is a significant leap in human evolution.

We are starting to realize we must redefine who we are, what we are. And stop taking the answers to these questions from authorities outside of ourselves. We can be our own authority. We rewrite the script that generations before us have paid a dear price for and recreate a better way.

Truth tellers, whistle blowers, and those who have learned to face and embrace reality, stark real true reality, and not the “reality of some man’s thinking” are coming forward now all over the world. Individuals gathering into masses are coming forward to express their genuine truths and the status quo that has held things in place does not like it.

All manner of social systems, politics, and other factions are beginning to break down now as we watch the unraveling of the world we thought was real, and is not.

The falseness of our ideas and the systems we put into place are crumbling all around us. As those who hold tight to these outgoing ways strive to exert their last attempts at control, fear, submission on the larger collective or our human family. The result is tremendous fear building and much bloodshed and mayhem along the way.

The effects of false ideas perpetrated as reality

We are not merely a result of cellular division, as science has told us. We are light beings, souls incarnate with weight that can be measured. We are not originally sinners who must submit to blind beliefs as many religions tell us. We are actually spiritual beings having a human experience and the spiritual being that is us is an expression of divinity of which all life is made. We are not all separated from one another by countries as military and politics tell us, all those boundaries are man made and made up. We are a single human species with much diversity living together on one, one planet! We do not have to find our answers to life from those outside ourselves as many leaders from all factions of life are telling us who we are and what we are, we may find those answers for ourselves inside our selves. The experts are each one of us collectively helping one another to be our best as we ourselves each decide this!


The level of human deception and the betrayals that follow this is beyond present understanding on this planet. The result of the deceptions of thousands of years of human activity are upon us as we wake up to the gargantuan problems we have created for ourselves and we learn to go within to find better answers to life. This is a difficult task for our humanity. We find ourselves having to let go and to move on to new thinking.

Everyone is impacted and everyone is making choices.

Consciously or unconsciously we are creating what we are living through every day of our lives. It behooves us to awaken to this and learn to humbly release ourselves from all forms of outward submission, blind belief, and choose to stop our suffering. We can and we are doing this already.

I define myself many ways as I have come to know myself, and my primary identification is as a spiritual being having a human experience. I have very vivid memories of my life here, my childhood, and even my own conception. I have clear memories of incarnations in other times as other people. I have clear memories of lives in other worlds and outside this world and physicality. My own spiritual essence has shown me and connected within me these pieces of information as a result of my own intent to be honest and clear with self, and find my way out of the problems I have had to encounter. I know we humans are much much more than we have previously held ourselves to be. I know that I am not the only one!

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self reflection and discovery