Becoming Conscious ….. core spirituality ….my personal journey



Until I noticed the silent moment and payed attention I did not realize how much more was available to me coming in to my brain. Amazing how much the inner attention grows once the decision to pay attention to silence.


The next step I like to add is to stop labeling everything and everyone. Learning how to use attention without the linear left brain naming everything, thinking about everything, and dissecting reality.


The astounding thing for me to notice is that each of us is EDITING LIFE thru our own particular filters. These filters are the beliefs we have, the education we received, the mindsets we hold, the definitions we adhere to, the strong feelings.


In fact to me, the strong feelings we invest ourselves look like proton walls in some of us. In the energetic body there are layers of protons, ( at least that is what they look like to me) and these color and edit everything around us.

Rigid belief systems, exclusive beliefs, unattended hurt from the past. All these look like layers of protons all inside and around people. Gathered together in different shapes and designs. And it is thru the experience of our own proton walls and layers that we “think” we see the whole reality.


Not so! Once we engage awareness in the nothing, the empty spaces between our thoughts, and looking out in the world and practicing to see WHAT IS… IS, without naming or defining we can open up the capacity of our attention to grow and expand.


The empty silence naturally arises after the storm, after the fight, at the end of the arguments in life. It is in these moments our brains recapitulate and break away the attention and find new answers. I find this amazing. We are hard hired like this. So is nature.


In our society people like to fill the emptiness, cover up the stillness, and engage the senses continuously. I notice in my massage practice that people come to the table totally filled with overloaded layers of information flooding their attention. This has the effect of tightening the breath, squeezing the neck muscles, tightening the legs and feet. This lowers the oxygen levels inside the body. This interrupts the capacity for clear thinking and insight. Often people show up with confusion and overload. Low oxygen levels and muscular tensions.


Even in my work as I apply my skills to people lying on the table I assert my attention into the complete nothing. In doing this there are other levels of consciousness available to me that start to inform me of the multiple layers of energetics enmeshing with clients on the table. They walk in with these patterns.


We cannot find the non ordinary states of awareness when we are so invested in our learned versions of reality. And rigid belief systems. There simply is no room in the attention. I find that when crisis arises there is a breaking up and a lifting of fullness of our thoughts. The storm of emotions, or mental thoughts that give way in crisis is amazing. And then there is a clearing. Very interesting.


One component of a spiritual being having a human experience is the recognition that we are responsible for how we use our attention in life. What we give energy to and what this does to each of us. The amnesia quality of remembering ourselves as spiritual beings is perpetrated thru our distractions in all this thinking, processing, and filtering.

The natural state of spiritual beings is open and free flowing, learning how to live this way as a human being is how we engage our souls into physical reality. There is nothing to do. Nothing.


Trying to be more conscious does not work, trying to be good does not work, reading more, doing more, does not work. Not like doing nothing. Getting still. Being. Thats all it takes….the nothing eliminates the something. It is as easy as opening your eyes when you wake up in the morning.



I stop investing energy into distractions and embrace the nothing moments in my life. I stop thinking the answers are just outside me and that I have to always do something, go somewhere or meet someone to fill in the gap. Not so! We have a magnificent capacity inside the design of each of us. We only have to activate this in ourselves. One way is to do nothing and stay present in that. One way is to think nothing and stay present in that.


The potential of life is hard wired inside life itself. It is right here, right now. With each of us, and now. There is no plane to catch to get spiritual, to become enlightened, or to become aware.


As expressions of life itself we are hard wired in potentiality. Where ever we are, this is the place to be. Present here present now. Life in us as us is only filtered by each of us. It is time we take notice of this. And learn to loosen the filters we can and get comfortable in the nothing that this will bring to us.


Another meal, TV show, car, or game is not the answer. It all makes me laugh. We humans run around as if we completely forgot this. And all the mistakes, accidents, omissions, and many ridiculous conflicts are a result of all this distraction from source.


Core spirituality for your discernment


shared with aloha



Talking with Jesus….. core spirituality… personal journey


luminous love

Over 30 years ago, as a teen, I had the surprising opportunity to meet Jesus and have my own personal time with him. This is that story. It has several parts to it. Please bear with me as I recall the experience as it unfolded.

I was in my late teens and participated in a weekly prayer and meditation group where we were learning to understand our spiritual nature. I was the youngest person in this small group, most people were at least 26 – 40 years older than myself, and we met for several years every single week. We would begin our meeting with a quiet meditation or prayer time period. In those days I was a mentally active person, thus it was often difficult to still my rambling thoughts. However I was there to learn and so I would persevere the time in silence. This went on for many months and then one day in the stillness I found my attention leaving the room I was sitting and I found myself walking along the beach, just next to the water break. Stepping thru the sand I watched the water on my left lapping onto the beach just inches from my bare feet. The beach is one of my most favorite places on earth.

To my right was the white sandy beach and in front of me were footprints.

Strange to me, I found myself walking into these footprints as I moved forward along the shoreline. As I stepped I found myself feeling quite uncomfortable walking in someone else’s footprints. Thinking to myself ….I wondered why would I be following into the footprints of another person? I was of the thinking at the time that I must walk on my own , by my own merit and my own way, yet here I was stepping right into these footprints. I was still uncomfortable with this whole idea. When I began to wonder whose footprints these were? And at this point I began to see a piece of cloth in front of me. I could only see the back and the bottom of this cloth. A sort of robe looking thing. And so I continued forward trying to see what or who this cloth was all about. I had no idea whatsoever what I was about to encounter. As I continued I realized I could not keep up with this picture I was seeing and I looked up and out.

I gazed further up the beach where I saw a beautiful bridge arching over a small bit of water, similar to a clear bubbling stream. And across this bridge as I got closer and closer I saw a beautiful lion resting next to a white bench and beside the lion was a little baby white lamb. I was stunned at how gentle they were sitting together, and I remembered something from one of my little boy birthdays. I thought that little white lamb looked just like a birthday cake I had when I was, probably 4 years old. And on the bench was Jesus, sitting in his long white robes with his arms outstretched in my direction!

Immediately I approached the small bridge and walked across it and Jesus motioned for me to sit beside him to his left. And beside us there on the grass lawn were the lion and the lamb. I was consumed with the radiant loving presence in a way that left me utterly speechless with total wonder. The presence of love, though more powerful than anything I could remember, was so strong, yet I felt no sense of danger. He placed his arm around me as I heard in my mind his words to me. Asking me was there anything I wanted from him, anything I wanted him to explain to me?

I could not get over how beautifully peaceful the lion and the lamb were there together. In my mind a lion would eat a baby lamb. Jesus communicated to me that in heaven there is only peace and all forms of life live together in loving relationship one to the other. I was astonished at how beautiful this felt to me, marveling at the power of the lion and the gentle nature of the lamb. Next I noticed we were enveloped in a sparkling golden white kind of light and this felt completely restful and pure and wonderful beyond anything I had ever felt in my life on earth up to that time. I am sure that we talked of many things however I only recall the next subject as I asked Jesus what was I to do with all the teachings on earth, the church, I was in a deep quandary as to the direction to take in my beliefs.

( As a young teen several years earlier I had withdrawn my participation in the church, having found myself uncomfortable with many of the rules and regulations I had been raised. I had explored other forms of Christianity around me thru visiting several churches of my friends and I was completely at odds with my own deep personal sense of god, and how and what these different churches were preaching.)

What am I to do ? I asked. I was completely concerned with my own deep feeling and those teachings and I could not rectify myself in the gap. It was at this moment he opened up his cloak from his shoulder and motioned for me to look into his chest. There I saw the radiant heart of Jesus as if it were the biggest most spectacular most radiant sun and again I was overcome with waves and waves of brilliant love more loving than I had even imagined. Light so soft yet so powerful and so radiant! From his mind to my mind I understood him to say that what man, then mankind he showed me, has done with his words is one thing. He explained to me that what was really important to him was in the heart. I understood that more than any action, any belief, what I did with my heart was what he was concerned with more than anything. I saw that he did not actually even want any kind of glory, or even worship. I did not have to “be saved” , accept him as my personal savior, or abide by any idea of original sin, or any of the other man made ideas.  His most pressing message was that of love, learn to love, forgive in love, and receive love. I saw that love was the prime law, and after that all things came. Thus I said to him, does this mean I do not have to follow these things they are preaching? I saw how his gaze looked right into my life, into my neighborhood, and into my searches thru the churches in my city. And once again I was told the pure heart of love was what he most wanted me to understand and that my own heart would learn to see the differences in teachings where genuine love was, versus the mind made laws of man,,,,and then I saw mankind. I saw how thru history, thru centuries of time, mankind had taken his words and turned them into their own making. I saw the wars the fighting and pain mankind had brought one to the other using his very words and stories. I felt a loving sadness in watching this. However the powerful feeling of love was so great that this in no way diminished the love his heart had for all these people. I was literally amazed beyond any words. And I understood the difference in man made concepts and laws versus those of love.

I would never, ever be the same person.

I left this meditation and not one day of my life have I forgotten this experience, nor have I allowed myself to believe in any other greater understanding of Jesus and the magnificent presence of his sacred sacred heart and his love so powerful even as we humans twisted and turned his words. I have never been able to shake this experience in the face of any teaching, ever! I have only shared this very personal experience a few times in my entire life. I always felt that my responsibility to this experience was to live it, not talk about it. Yet at this time in my life I feel compelled to share this in a written form.

This experience happened to me on an ordinary day. Without any kind of pre-warning. Completely out of the blue and without my consciously ever asking. Several years later I was in a store looking for a card to send a friend. When one caught my eye. It was an image of footprints in the sand….. just like in my own experience. I opened it and read the now famous poem.

Footprints In The Sand by Mary Stevenson. I was absolutely stunned!

I have never felt I needed to surrender to any man made religion or teaching since. Yet I have always looked for love in all religious teachings. To this I have found my comfort. I find myself returning to love again and again. I have felt the responsibility to always love, learn to love, forgive thru love, and allow myself to be loved.

And to my dying day I know it is to this that I surrender, to love……..

core spirituality for your discernment

shared with aloha

We Are the Most Beautiful Creations


AngelicView: This is a rather famous NDE, of a man named Mellen-Thomas Benedict. He had incurable brain cancer and was in hospice. He was not receiving any treatment for his cancer. On the day he died, he had asked the hospice nurse to not move his body for six hours. She did as he wished and it was a good thing – he came back to it, over an hour and a half later!

It starts out as the typical NDE does. But at one point he asks the experience to stop so that he can examine the white light closer. And it stops right there for him to examine. He teaches us what he learned. A most interesting case!

As I began to move toward the light, I knew intuitively that if I went to the light, I would be dead. 

So as I was moving toward the light I…

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What Do Near Death Experiencers say About Homosexuality?


By AngelicView

Can we evolve already? And if not… can you please stop the world? Because I want to get off.

It doesn’t matter who you love. It just matters that you love. This is the sentiment all across the board from NDE’ers. (When we get to be much more evolved, there won’t be any such think as “male” and “female” anymore, anyway).

People who are homosexual have beautiful and profoundly insightful NDE’s. People also see their homosexual friends and family in “Heaven”.

Did you know that Christian Andréason is a gay man? His NDE is what I titled, “Love is the WAY” on AngelicView. It was so long and so detailed and insightful that I split it up into two posts. It has been so long ago now that I can’t remember whether I knew at the time I posted it that he was a gay man. But…

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Anyone Can See the Light – A Trillion Times Brighter than the Brightest Sun Imaginable


AngelicView: Dr. Dianne Morrissey (now passed on for her final time – 1949-2009) was 28 years old when she was electrocuted and had her NDE (Near Death Experience). She learned many things through her NDE – one being the fact that “I” (and “you”, too) have three facets. The body lives in one dimension, the soul (which is that part of “me” that has consciousness and contains the memories while in this life) that lives in another dimension (the astral), and the third being the spirit (the higher self) which resides in yet another dimension.

She saw the silver cord that we have all heard of – but is rarely found in an NDE. After her experience, she wrote a book called, “Anyone Can See the Light“, which gives an account of her NDE and gives the reader tips on having an OBE (Out of Body Experience). It…

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The journey inward… into the silence…core spirituality…. my personal journey

Image( photo from my orchid  collection taken this morning)




My journey inward points to the space of self where inside me I find the still point, the silent, and the empty nothing.

The space of silent nothing that is filled with potential, it is without words or pictures yet there is something in the nothing.

Inside and around all physical matter is a construct of potentiality.


The possible that has yet to arrive. This field is inherent in life and exists simultaneously with everything that is. It is everywhere and nowhere simultaneously.


In catching a silent moment, for me this is early in the morning upon awakening, I am drawn into this holy of places.

I notice that in the nothing the marvelous stillness somehow feeds my being.


I love the quiet stillness.


I have learned not to be afraid of the nothing.


And very gently I move my attention into it. I allow myself to be surrounded in my attention and I become totally immersed. There is a kind of bath inside this place where I have learned to be so comfortable. Like water, the silence has a feeling and it does feel good to me.


The pure state of potential…. that which is beyond attention yet within it…….is all pervasive and holds up around all things.


This quiet stillness has no boundary.


This field of stillness nourishes all physical life and it is from this place the world is born.


Moment by moment…day by day…. century after century.


Before everything and during and after there is this still nothing.


I love it.


In this place my heart opens into deep deep deep gratitude for this experience of existence.


My heart opens and loving gratitude overflows thru my being.


I could almost drown, yet I stay present and allow myself to overflow in gratitude.


I am inside and around Source.


There is no containment…. no end…… only the presence of it all.


Core spirituality… attempting to put into words that which goes beyond the words today.



shared with aloha



The Development of Our Attention………………. core spirituality…….. my personal journey (repost)



The process of being informed thru our physical senses, our internal feelings, and our thoughts involves the way we develop our attention to life as we experience it. The attention that we give to our lives has specific energy to it making something magnified, minimized, or deleted.


And then there is the quality of nothing, or the practice of simply being with……..attention. This is where there is only one consciousness in all things and this consciousness sees itself in multiplicity from any perspective, including ourselves. If this idea is too much for you , do not be concerned. Just skip over that part.


My sense of responsibility around matters of attention is strong. My intention to develop my attention is consistent, persistent,and relentless. What matters to me is something that activates my attention. What I pay attention to seems to be increasing as I develop my capacity to let go and empty out myself while integrating new information. We all do this everyday. That we watch our attentions is significant.


How our attention is developing is significant is that we all SELECTIVELY ENGAGE it.


We selectively see, hear, feel, intuit, taste, touch, thru our biology…. the human form. We have an expression in our language that someone is “putting blinders on”, like a horse! This reflects our awareness that we are seeing somethings and not others. I learned as a boy child that I needed to pay attention around me. My experiences were that the world was dangerous, sudden, unexpected. So I have spent my entire lifetime learning to pay attention.



The attention we place in life has a way of moving us thru our lives with specific edges to life. We are aware of some things and not others. This is valuable in that our discernment shapes the reality that we live. What is getting our attention is what we place our valuable life energy into. There is another saying that goes…. “where your attention goes your energy follows!”


The attention that we refuse, we ignore, is equally important and also moves us thru our lives. Who hasn’t unexpectedly realized they were standing on a pile of shit on the grass? Ha-ha!


What we deny, ignore, or refuse our attention follows us and persists in showing up to our attention. This is a universal experience that confounds people all the time. I find it fascinating that people do not get this.


That attention is valuable is becoming increasingly evident to me thru our technology. Have you ever seen the number of cell phones go up at a concert? Have you noticed the amount of surveillance cameras all over our cities? In fact I was at the swap meet last week buying my vegetables in a gigantic outside open space and suddenly everyone was looking up…. why? There was a flying robot above us with a camera watching us in the sky. Who was that paying attention, I wondered! Criminals depend on the fact that we are not paying attention, they know this. Why else would there be so many cameras all over inside the banks? Why would so many people place alarms, cameras, and systems in their homes? I see these things now everywhere as I travel into private homes for my work, hotels, and even inside all the elevators I see cameras. Surveillance by our government has been on the news now for months with hours and hours of discussion. Whew …. someone somewhere is paying attention to all this.


Our capacity to pay attention is taking leaps and bounds.

The minute something happens in a city in the Ukraine it is suddenly blasted all over billions of televisions all over the world.


So I return to the singular idea of what are YOU paying attention to in your life? And what do you deny, refuse and cut out of your reality?


Consistently in my life I find people turn their attention away from specific subjects. For years I have marveled at this. For years I have wondered at how and why human beings selectively view life. For years I have watched people suffer because they refused to pay attention!


In my personal life there are 3 subjects I find people “switch off”. I watch as the eyes glaze over, the subject gets changed, or I hear exhortations to stop. The 3 issues for me are extraterrestrials, the gays, and emotions. What are they for you?

I have had an entire lifetime of interactions with off planet beings. These experiences have shaken me to the very core of myself, they have dramatically shifted my life. I have experienced tremendous fear, tremendous insight, tremendous psychic upgrades as a result of these interactions and I have mostly kept silent my whole life because I see how people switch off their attention the minute the subject arises. The gays…. realizing that I was born to be authentically real I had to come to terms with my orientation, this has been an arduous journey for me,the straight people in my family, and life, for years and years would “switch off” quickly at the mere mention of the subject. I have always been astounded at this. And finally emotions….. not all of them, the ones that a person is hiding from inside themselves. Those feelings that to an outsider, are the very feelings that are running the show, causing what is happening to happen. Humans are masters of self deception, hiding, and denial when it comes to our feelings. I have found this to be absolutely craziness! And the source of craziness!


Whatever we selectively do not pay attention has tremendous weight, consequence in our lives. What ever we pay attention to thru selective viewing also has tremendous weight and consequence. It is equal both sides of the equation.


Have you noticed in countries where the voice of the people is being ignored there becomes a quantum leap of the collective and demonstrations arise? Violence erupts, people are hurt and even killed when the governmental powers consistently deny, ignore, look away? Which leads me to another saying “whatever you resist…..persists!”


When groups of individuals (corporations, governments, military’s ) refuse to listen to the voices of the people these are the outcomes, and so what about the environment? We have enough intelligence already on the planet to maintain a tremendous equilibrium and this intelligence is expressed in the face of the dangerous chemicals,weapons,and practices of these individuals and still we experience the destruction and annihilation of our animals, ecosystems and forests! The amount of disharmony that results from this is all staggering to me.


We as a species are having to learn to pay attention. When an entire species such as ours reaches the universal experience of life all together, in our attention, we have the most remarkable capacity to improve life for everyone and everything on the planet. That what any one individual is giving their attention to is not important is feeding into one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated on our planet. That we are powerless. Every person’s attention is filtering into the collective experience we share. We are learning this now. Your attention now is valuable. How you use it is personal. How you act according to your attention is shaping this world for someone else. Please lets all pay attention to one another, to our animals, to our magnificent planetary body.

Core of spirit within me reflect this day


shared with aloha

Let’s Be Honest

Let's Be Honest

They are here.
And inhabit the entire cosmos from the furthest vastness of the cosmos. We are only one species of life amongst many that live in creation. That one is uncomfortable with this idea is normal. This is our growing edge as a humanity. We are sovereign beings…. and to remember this when opening to this awareness is vital. There is nothing and no one who can violate this when you are standing firm inside the truth of your spiritual sovereignty. Fear based consciousness can allow in the unwanted aspects of this subject when one is uninformed. Learning to be self informed about your sovereignty as an expression of a Divine source is paramount. Delve into the miracle of your spiritual sovereignty and you learn how we are all expressions of this. Understanding that first and foremost I am a spiritual being having a human experience. ( not the other way around)

This will support the grounding in principles that will maintain equilibrium as we expand our experience in physical form. Equanimity is a component of sovereignty. Honest reflection pierces the curtain of illusion. All life is sacred when viewed from the core spiritual center of ourselves. We are learning to respect this in one another as human beings. Learning to laugh as we journey along. There truly is love here in all of this.

Why are ETs such a Hot Topic?

Why are ETs such a Hot Topic?

Extraterrestrial Life…core spirituality….my personal journey


In my lifetime I have had numerous encounters with off planet beings since my earliest childhood. I have an avid interest in learning to embrace the subject from the point of view of the actual purpose of contacts, and I am also interested in our world government’s suppression of their experiences.  I post this article by Foster Gamble because it is a very well written one. The links will take you to many high level military disclosure briefs in congress, as well as numerous other components of this subject. In core spirituality I have learned to understand that LIFE  expresses itself thru many different forms and levels of awareness. The off planet question leads us into our understanding in the larger picture of the cosmos in which we live. we are not alone. this is a fact.

Below is the intro into the longer article and the fascinating material available beyond the controls of mass media in our television, and print medias.

You can click on this link to go to the actual page and see the many videos and the further findings of Foster Gamble



By Foster Gamble



Are we being visited by ETs? And if so…so what?

My research in living geometry and frontier science led me into the realms of advanced knowledge encoded by ancient cultures and into “new energy” technologies that transcend the understanding of traditional physics. To my great surprise these discoveries compelled me to open my mind to the possibility that we are actually being visited by extra-terrestrials. How does all of this tie together? Let’s see…

I have been shown a vast amount of compelling evidence suggesting that UFOs of extraterrestrial origin (referred to by the military as AVCs — Alien Visitation Crafts, as opposed to ARVs — Alien Reproduction Vehicles, which are man-made advanced anti-gravity craft) exist and have been contacting and communicating with humans for many years — perhaps even centuries. This has huge implications. If other intelligent life is capable of getting here, then there must be ways to not only transcend space-time as we know it, but also to access energy in an abundant way that surpasses the capacity of any energy source currently employed on earth. It implies that we too could get off of fossil fuels, create more sustainable energy systems and go voyaging among the stars.

Unfortunately, my research proves that the UFO phenomenon has been deliberately suppressed by world governments and military powers and in turn dismissed by the public due to ridicule and disinformation. When I explored the facts and distinguished between common myths, hard evidence, and speculation, I found fascinating, paradigm-shifting evidence and insight for the existence of advanced life beyond Planet Earth. It appears that we are not just members of the world, but of the cosmos, and that there is much to be learned from other-worldly civilizations.

Continue reading

Conscious Action………….. core spirituality……… personal journey




The Benchmark of conscious action is noticing how often you are able to act from a space of peace, and interact with others in a kind, compassionate and loving way, regardless of how they act towards you.

If you find yourself moving through life from this space, more often than not, it is a clear sign of how aligned you are with the light of your soul. If not, it is an indication that you are living in a state of imbalance, where the identification with roles,

The responsibilities and attachments to outcome distorts your ability to recognize spiritual evolution as the central theme of life’s eternal play.

To rectify this imbalance, it is essential to make time for yourself on a daily basis.

In the absence of any distraction, time can be set-aside to slow down.

In doing so, the loving of your own heart can help you come to terms with old wounds and allow you to transform your reality from the inside out – one “I love you” at a time.

As this occurs, you’ll be able to see how true heartfelt enjoyment has nothing to do with the outcomes playing out.

Instead, enjoyment is more so dependent on how peaceful and loving you are – no matter the circumstances that come your way.

Matt Kahn


Self Identity Thru Multidimensional Awareness…core spirituality… my personal journey


What does it mean to identify as a spiritual being having a human experience! How did this come to arise in my life? There is an urge to open up here for me.

When I identify as a spiritual being I am shifting my awareness into my human self and more. I refocus my attention into presence inside self and all around. As a spiritual being I am not seeking to identify myself thru any specific religious path. Nor is there any need to do so. Rules and regulations that arise from another human being’s experience of god are mine to reflect upon and discern, however not to adopt. I am free to do as is fitting to my own experience and my heart-space. I know that I can be comfortable in any church, temple, or synagogue.

Spiritual presence arises naturally in the human being. I find this most easy to recognize in newborn babies. Those first few months of aliveness in the physical body for the baby are quite revealing in character. The pure radiance, the unedited self smiling and feeling everything! Then the development of the mind and the will …shift the innate spiritual being thru physicality. Thus begins the learning thru a physical body, the incarnation, the mind and all that that entails.

Through out my 20’s I had an entire decade of conscious trance experiences where I worked alongside a group of non physical beings who’s primary intent was to assist myself and others with the opening up of conscious awareness to develop a broader understanding of the nature of life as we have known it . These early life experiences challenged all the beliefs system I had in place up to that time. I spent many hours and years in long walks after those sessions where the unseen, ( to us) matrix of life was revealed to me.

Thus I began to understand the nature of action and reaction or karma, the unconscious, the unity of life, the nature of the soul, the purpose of dreaming,the journey of the soul, the formation of creation, the purpose of suffering, the freedom to move consciously out of the body and to retain memory of this, life in other dimensions, other planets, the understanding of time, how transformation works. Many examples of this did I see as I encountered the many individuals and groups of people with whom I came into contact both here, and beyond the veil of this world. My twenties were overridden with these experiences. They set the framework for my future.

In my 30’s I embarked upon a different path and began a deeper study of the human condition thru my work with alchemical hypnosis and years of client work, group work, shamanistic studies, and in depth supervised studies in learning labs designed to develop the skills of navigating thru the many levels of consciousness we have available to us. This effected my consciousness tremendously in that I learned that much of what we are taught about life, much of what we believe about the nature of god is very different outside the confines of 3D life on earth.

This cracked open the hard shell of human thinking I had been indoctrinated up to this time. Causing me to access my own inner source of spirituality from within my own direct experience. Shifting the traditional paradigm from an external source ( teaching and beliefs handed from others) to an inner one. In fact one of the strongest themes I witnessed in the journey a soul will take thru its many incarnations is just that exactly. Learning how to live with the many ideas of spirituality already on the planet and then learning how to let those go for the direct experience of remembering to remember that we are actually spiritual beings having this human experience. This can take many lifetimes, or just one depending on the soul incarnate.

My experiences have led me to have many encounters with spiritual beings outside the typical life forms we all encounter. This has included various life forms such as angelic’s and their work assisting and healing humanity, and beings who have already had hundreds of lives and have graduated the earth school who seek to advise and guide humans, beings of extraterrestrial origins who are protecting us from annihilating ourselves and the earth, life forms as expressions of nature where I have inter-related and witnessed their spiritual presence , indigenous shamans from beyond this world who approached me thru my dreaming to teach me and to assist my deeper memories. These experiences were not limited only to those who “stand in the light!” This also included the confrontations with dark non physical beings of magic, ( genies etc. agreements in previous lives ) dark selfish beings who control people, merging with them covertly thru their weaknesses such as alcohol, drug abuse, emotional abuse, and love of violence, as I was shown. Encountering these different life forms have enlightened me to how interwoven the various elements of life actually are and how we as human beings are usually very unconscious.

Whenever I have encountered spiritual beings who are not incarnate, and limited by the specific laws of physicality here, and the amnesia of Source, I have encountered tremendous availability of spiritual energy not confined by the thoughts of mankind. There is a much larger free flow of dynamic spiritual energy present. In fact this can be overpowering to encounter! ( I have had to take days and weeks and months and years to integrate such things)

This is quite a resource for examining spirituality from outside the typical sources of this information.

And because of the many experiences in other dimensions of existence I have been fortunate to have I have developed my spiritual identity outside the realms of organized religions. Yet there are universal spiritual understandings in all such religious paths and to these I am in alignment where I feel totally comfortable.

Spiritual energy is how life is organized in all the worlds. The understanding of this shapes how identity unfolds too. Thus the understanding that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience has come to be a simple way to define these experiences for me.

The effect these many experiences has had in my daily life has been significant. As a young man I decided to avoid the trappings of a purely selfish material existence. I chose a service field for my work in my effort to develop heart skills and to demonstrate these. I have had to trade many judgmental ideas for compassionate ones over the years. I have learned how important it is not to interfere in another’s actions. And I have stayed open to the arrival of instant knowledge of wisdom as the inner self is continuously being informed. I have learned to pay attention and to work with extra sensory perception…. not for selfish gain….. always in service. This has been a lifetime of multidimensional developments.

I chose to share these experiences today as a way to illustrate the back drop to my writings. There is a valid body of personal experience behind the writings in core spirituality…. my personal journey.

Everyone has their own path in spiritual matters. That is the fascination and creative component to such a subject. I keep learning that as I accept my own journey of spiritual development I learn to accept everyone’s path. It is an interesting outcome. And I am particularly cognizant of inclusive spiritual principles as a result. All paths lead us to Source, to God. This is the greater understanding and beauty of accepting our own journey. In so doing we can accept each other that much better. As a species we humans still have a long road ahead in learning how to accept this in one another, even so, the journey goes on for each of us.

What a wonderful notion to hold that in our differences we are all the same and that we can meet each other on equal ground. Celebrating our togetherness in the unfolding mystery of living as …….

spiritual beings…………….having ………………a …………human experience!

Core of spirit for your discernment

shared with aloha

Kahlil Gribran…Love…….core spirituality…… personal journey


The Prophet……written by Kahlil Gibran on love.

On Love

Then said Almitra, “Speak to us of Love.”
And he raised his head and looked upon the people, and there fell a stillness upon them. And with a great voice he said:
When love beckons to you follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth. Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God’s sacred feast.
All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life’s heart.
But if in your fear you would seek only love’s peace and love’s pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love’s threshing-floor,
Into the season-less world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love. When you love you should not say, “God is in my heart,” but rather, I am in the heart of God.”
And think not you can direct the course of love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love’s ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.


Learn to recognize love when it is beckoning!

To learn to listen to the voice of my own heart and understand the meaning of it’s words, This is the direction core of spirit within me, as me, leans. To feel the rumbling of the movement of the spark of love in self as I discern the experience of being human. I realize it is here all along waiting to be heard, to be felt, to be acknowledged, to be understood, to be acted upon, to at last…. be set free.

And yet love by nature is always free. Moving thru us, one to the other.

What prevents this sweet substance from filling every empty glass?

What force locks the gate…. which opens to our own garden? What is it that hides struggling in the shadows of what could be?

Questions to ask of self when lingering in the absence of happy thoughts. Learning to read the words of the heart of those who have answered its call inside themselves can ignite the awakening inside us such as the writing of Kahlil Gibran.

As love jumps and leaps thru each of us ceaselessly urging us to unlock the gate. And all of that which gets in the way falls to yield to the mastery presence of the force of love.

Tears, regret, the selfish, and lonely, misunderstood, the injured and ignored. All such things eventually give way and love enacts its magical, mysterious, and vibrant transformation.

When we look into the world and the millions of things unfolding we can easily see.

See the world still needs more love. It is here that I begin to answer the call within. We are the world and we are the ones who can unlock the gates of the human heart.

To realize that we are each capable of living thru loving in the world causes the transformation of life.

I often simply love, I love the sky, the land, the animals, the people on the road driving around me. I stand and wait in line at the grocery…… silently I love all around me. Love need not be flashy or loud. Love can be silent and calm. Love fills ordinary life around the edges of our busy day. Loving strangers whilst getting my list done, I experience spiritual being having the human experience all around me.

I practice loving randomly and frequently as I go about my day. I consciously love the tiniest of life forms and events and I love the world.

I love those who’s stories are presented on the news, in film, and documentary, those caught in the painful throes of their humanity. I pay attention to how I am moved when love rises up inside me in their response. When dark teachers hurt others in the world, I love anyway. I choose to love out of my heart’s unceasing will. For I have not always lived in my heart and the practice feels really good now.

Love directs me to understand that silence is needed here and to withhold my speaking. It reveals to me love and only love in this moment… no words are needed here.

Love has a voice in me that shows me how and what to say. Love has a voice, that in the not knowing knows ….love anyway.

Love in me whispers gently I have learned to pay attention to the little whispers as I live out each day.

Love does have answers and leads us to those answers.

Love is so very brave, and in the face of deceit, dishonor, disagreement, and disturbances of all kinds, holds me up. Urges me forward, takes me thru, and delivers me to it’s way.

I find this absolutely amazing.

Love directs me to pay attention without subscribing to dark agendas, while strengthening my capacity to understand. Bringing my own awareness to resolve in the paradox of living surrounded by the shadows of the absence of love in this world.

Oh………. but if I could give this to every person so that we could share. The thought seems to never stop.

Love is not a Pollyanna …empty clump of words. Love is a substance, ethereal, and capable of being translated thru our humanity. One can touch love when we allow this substance to pass thru us and acknowledges we are not alone, not separate. Love shows me again and again we are all on equal ground and stand in this place of the world together. Love moves thru all manner of human created charade, costume, and agenda. Love may go where nothing else is allowed. Love is this way!

Love awakens me to the opening of possibility when my mind hasn’t got a single clue. Showing me the way thru difficult circumstances.

I could write about this all day long………………..


only love…………………………

core spirituality for your discernment

shared with aloha

Sacred Activism…………….. core spirituality…………… my personal journey


If you’re really listening, if you’re awake to the poignant beauty of the world your heart breaks regularly. In fact, your heart is made to break. It’s purpose is to burst open again and again so that it can hold evermore wonders” —————-ANDREW HARVEY



When we make sacred the divine presence of spirit in all humanity we are shifting the paradigm of thousands of years of collective unconsciousness and ignorance in the human condition.

When we make sacred the ordinary moments of our day we cease the disconnection from Source. When we make sacred our attention to life we engage awareness that becomes filled with the wonder of existence and the miracles unfolding.

When we make sacred the suffering and pain of our humanity we bring purpose to that which seems meaningless.

When we make sacred the ills of our relationships we honor that there is spiritual presence within the unfolding events of our togetherness.

When we make sacred the physical world around us we transform the unbalanced effects of mankind to the living planet.

When we make sacred the those who have passed before us we bring their knowledge and experience into out lives fueling the possibilities for the larger dreams of the world .

When we make sacred every battle, every war, every soldier wounded, every soldier lost to the battle, and every person who is standing by lost to the same we open the possibility that one day this will all be unnecessary.

When we make sacred the cries of the children we bring to our bosom the future of this world.

When we make sacred the animals and plants we honor their presence and the tremendous benefits they give to our world.

When we make sacred the chaos of living we find the rhythms of unfolding new possibilities.

When we make sacred the dark teachers, the angry, irate, hurtful, deceitful, greedy, selfish ones who seek only for themselves we disengage the illusion that there is lack, and we redirect our own awareness and resources with increased equilibrium.

When we make sacred the food that we eat we shift the vibration of that food and bring its spiritual blessing into our bodies as living energy.

When we make sacred our physical bodies we stop violating what our bodies say to us and we love them with acceptance.

When we make sacred the difficult we lighten the journey.

When we make sacred the denial we have invested ourselves we realize what we were missing all along.

When we make sacred the differences of opinion we bring room into the world for all voices to have their say.

When we make sacred the last moment we realize it is the beginning of something new.

When we make sacred our first step we guarantee the return home.

When we make sacred the path of least resistance we slide thru the complexity with ease.

When we honor the resistance in one another we open the possibilities to process and deepen into further understandings.

When we make sacred our own experiences in life we bring our unique wisdom’s to the unfolding plan of our species and we support our amazing humanity.

When we make sacred the all the loss of life we find something new in its place.

When we make sacred all the trouble we have made for others we learn to make corrections.

When we make sacred the argument we find silence which heals.

When we make sacred our needs in life we get them fulfilled.

When we make sacred the unfortunate ones in life we learn to extend a helping hand.

When we make sacred that which we have we learn to share whatever, whenever it is possible. We find there is joy together.

When we make sacred the least of us we provide the most in our hearts.

When we make sacred the voice of civil disobedience we open the possibility that man’s ideas can be made better for everyone.

When we make sacred our disagreements we learn that being right is not that important, being good is!

When we make sacred the time we have in life we learn there is only the NOW, and we stop rushing to the next moment.

When we make sacred the voice of discontent we honor the work we need to do for change.

When we make sacred the planet we live within we realize this is our garden, we all belong, and it is a magnificent, wondrous, place we come to learn.

In celebration of Earth Day today I invite the awareness of making life sacred so that the experience of spirit having a human experience may transform into the next levels of greater joy awaiting all of us.

Core of spirit for your discernment

shared with aloha

Respect……..core spirituality……………my personal journey


If I were a brick layer I would understand that the cornerstones of my house would support the entire building. I would place each cornerstone firmly. So that my building could become a place where my heart could rest, and all others would seek it’s welcome and safe haven.
And so it is with my life… respect is the cornerstone of LOVE and supports its presence around us.
Love without respect is like a building without the cornerstone. It will not stand and will easily crumble.

Where love is hurting…… there also is lack of respect

Respect is the healer of a heart filled with pain.

Respect opens the doors of possibility and restores the broken pathways to one another.

Respect leads us to the unfinished business of hurts and pains left by the side of our hurting pasts and fulfills the longings to love and be loved inside our hearts.

Respect honors all sides and every voice and seeks no other agenda.

Respect restores integrity and our desire to express authentically.

Respect holds the darkness as well as the light in one another equally.

Respect says what it says and has no hidden agendas.

Respect has the power to alleviate your fear, taking down its walls of defense, while holding you still, so that you may pass thru that which is making you afraid.

Respect shows me why there is war, hatred and violence. A world of warring starts with an individual who has tossed aside their respect and engages another in this. Disrespect grows and multiplies from this simple equation and it is multiplied by agreement in larger numbers of individuals. Where there is fighting and warring there is absence of respect. Where there is absence of respect loving understanding waits on the sidelines. And so the battles rage on…..

Respect will lift one out of shame, embarrassment, subordination, misunderstanding, conflict, misery.

Respect is a spiritual quality of the Source of which we are made. It is the substance of who and what we are in the purest sense of ourselves. When we disallow, or denigrate self respect we bypass the innate quality of the blessings of our lives and prevent the free flow of loving possibilities we could share as spiritual beings having a human experience together.

Respect has a presence that can withstand the least in any of us and provide strength where there was none.

Authentic LOVING = RESPECTING one another.

I am VIVIDLY AWARE of your words of love, when your actions are without RESPECT.

Therein lies the dark gapping distance between us.

core of sprit within me speaks….

Resentment………..core spirituality………………… my personal journey


Resentment is the negative, angry, bitter emotional response to real or imagined wrongdoing. Leading to various forms of contempt, hatred, arrogance, spite, revenge and disturbing life experiences towards one self and or others. This turned inwards can lead to remorse. Resentment can arise from injustices as well as acts of a personal nature and are a common human hardship.

Resentment is a valuable emotional signal.

A resentful moment unchecked can grow into a resentful attitude.

A resentful attitude is “one after the other moments” all piled up and linked by the common feeling of being hurt. Interesting how easily they can attach to us, acting like a chain of pain that weight us down and holds us back from the joys of living and free self expression.

Resentment unchecked will turn any lovely person into a monster of a human being.

Resentful attitudes have a way of collecting momentum and size when multiplied in numbers of people who are all feeling this together. Resentment in groups of people can have dangerous and violent repercussions.

Resentment built up in an individual is the same, it can have dangerous and violent repercussions inside the mind and the body of that person.

Resentment unchecked in families can live on for generations upon generations and can spread like a wild fire in a dry grass field on a hot summer afternoon. Resentment hurts. It hurts the one experiencing it, and it hurts those it comes into contact.

Attitudes of resentment unchecked can twist, distort, and ruin the best of any situation, any person, any moment.

I know I have been thru it all.

In my life this has been one of my most daunting, repetitive emotional scenarios. I would like to completely ignore it and I cannot. It is a strong force to be reckoned. I have come to realize how sensitive human beings really can be thru my witnessing of this emotion, including myself.

I have learned to become far more compassionate from the reckoning I have traversed as I faced the dark side of this. I have learned to back up, step away, let go, yield, change my direction, all as a result of my facing my own internal resentments and that of others. I have learned to stay present and to be objective when sorting this one out. I have had to submit much personal time and effort to comprehend the origins of resentment in my family of origin and the world around me. I have learned not to ignore its voice, as I know I will certainly pay some consequence if I do. This is a loaded subject for me and my original family. It continues on to this day even though I have stepped out of the immediate fire of its burn and learned to heal my self of its debilitating ways.

I watch the face and hear the voice and listen to its words in the public domain of the media reports. I believe we are collectively all learning tremendous things thru our awareness of what causes us resentment in life.

There is the light at the end of the tunnel…. when we learn to pay attention.

Unrecognized resentment has an insidious feel to it as it is perpetrated from the layers of time inside a personhood. Compressed and layered feelings of resentment block the natural awareness of self understanding, of universal understanding towards one another that we are all capable of having.

The conscious intent to hurt each other, to lash out, to twist and pervert the sweetness of life all arise from resentments unchecked. I find it astounding. I am certain much of the violence we see around us originates in some form of personal and collective resentment. Our ignorance of this subjects us to the repetitive accumulation of more of the same.

People are afraid!      

( I wrote about this fear base in previous post…. enslaved…. to be or not to be )

People are afraid of looking into this directly and reckoning their standing in such dark human emotion. The fear of facing such stuff literally paralyzes. As a human life takes on year after year of resentment the accumulation can be staggering.

Surprising acts of hurt and pain pop thru our realities and it is then I often hear people exhort it is the work of the devil. I am sure it is not !

I am sure it is we who are not facing this in ourselves.

The mysterious workings of the heart are active in this process. Facing our resentments requires a strength of heart and bravery. This action of brave hearted-ness leads us into where we are not loving and that is the perfect place to begin ones journey into experiencing something remarkable and beyond ones comprehensions.

I know I have been there too.

You can miss this completely when you feed your resentments. Avoiding the painful feelings avoids the loving as well. That there is heart work to be done and this heart work on ourselves arises from such a difficult place is remarkable yet true. The feeling of letting go of years and years of resentments is almost beyond imagination. The restoration of love and personal integrity grows immensely in huge leaps and bounds. All of life appears transformed once we take off our cloaks of dark shadowy resentments and remove them off our backs.

When we let go of our hurts and all the resentments we have accumulated in response to these hurts we free our hearts in a way that lifts personal restrictions, limitations, and distances we have generated with one another. Underneath all that pain is a simple unmet need to love and be loved.

As an alchemical hypnotherapist I had a practice where I worked with many dark emotional themes. The amount of cumulative pain in human beings was staggering to me. ( myself included here ) We would involve ourselves therapeutically in taking off and feeling the layers of emotions anchored in pain in our sessions. Every time with every person there was one single  message left inside underneath all that drama. After all the emotional release, inside the opened self were the words….. “I want to love…………. and be loved.

All that pain investment was about love.

Universally true and amazing to me. I found this over and over and over.

Resentments can eat the good life right out of us whenever we do not heed its presence.

Yet when we tend to its beckoning…. the imprisoned heart is opened. The love is freed…………

Core spirituality for your discernment

shared with aloha

Enslaved….To be or not to be! That is THE question……core spirituality………my personal journey


Though many people are against enslavement and even recoil at the idea of such a thing in our modern day many people do find themselves the slave of someone, or something in life. (Jobs, bosses, money, wealth, materiality, what others think of us, how we dress, act, social rules, religious teachings to name a few). Personally I am attuned to this subject as it directly effects my indwelling spirit. The real me. The authentic self. Any form of fear based thinking, deception, entitlement, superiority, class-ism evokes in me a signal to pay attention. Thus I ask myself, to be or not to be…..a slave? That is my question of the day.

To be a slave is far more complicated than becoming the property of someone. This evokes in me feelings of being treated as less then, as losing my capacity to exercise my free will in matters that are important to me. To be deprived of my rights or to authentically express myself at all times. To act out of fear based thinking. Subjugation, dishonor, and feeling powerless.

The beginning stage of uncovering that which enslaves us is acknowledging the unconscious self.

That there exists in us something unconscious and unknown about our behaviors, our habits, our thinking, our agreements in life.

Without this first step, the level of self honesty is undermined and the idea that one is enslaved gets put into boxes like:

“that’s the way it always has been”,

“that is how my church tells me it is”,

“it is the fault of the government”,

the educational system, the bankers,

“my parents made me this way… I can’t help it”,

“life is dangerous… we have to be afraid”,

“other people have these issues, not me.”

There are all manner of reasons not to conceive of the fact that there is an unconscious component to how we get to the way our lives unfold.

Looking at how we might be unconscious, especially around enslavement, we have only to look into our own past, our own family genealogy to realize this is not so far fetched a notion. Slavery is a universal human experience that has been repeating itself in our lives for thousands of years. Written history is absolutely over flowing with the facts of how we have been enslaved, how we enslave one another. The atrocity of slavery. I would like to shift the attention to the other side of the equation, what do we do with the power of enslavement in our own lives?

But first lets look at some of the history.

References in Wikipedia describe a brief history of slavery in the following way.

In the earliest known records slavery is treated as an established institution. The Code of Hammurabi (ca. 1760 BC), for example, prescribed death for anyone who helped a slave to escape or who sheltered a fugitive. The Bible mentions slavery as an established institution.

Slavery was known in almost every ancient civilization, and society, including Sumer, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, Ancient India, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, the IslamicCaliphate, the Hebrew kingdoms in Palestine, and the pre-Columbian civilizations of the Americas.[7] Such institutions included debt-slavery, punishment for crime, the enslavement of prisoners of war, child abandonment, and the birth of slave children to slaves.[34]

The earth history of slavery involves every people and goes back in history thru generations and generations. The cycles of enslavement are repeated year after year, lifetime after lifetime to the present day. And though we think of ourselves as free citizens, I hardly feel like there is real freedom from the grasping claws of such an insidious force…. even today. Virtually every organized religion has participated in this. Every ancient government. All military’s. People in positions of authority have been practicing slavery conditions both covertly and out in the open with amazing justifications for their actions.

There are those that do the enslaving, and there are the enslaved. It is an old, old, human game. When we look at slavery from both sides of the equation, the giver and the receiver we are able to begin to understand how this insidious force is perpetrated on this planet. To have the power as a master, or giver of enslavement has a tremendous pay off to it. On many levels…. in trade, business, for example. And there is the emotional equivalent to this I call emotional slavery. There is an element of control in the perpetrators of slavery. Control = power, authority, and these bring money, prestige, material possessions along with many other things. Slavery to something in life, be it a person, a thing, or an institution is so historically prevelant and common place is it possible that we do not even recognize it in modern times!

My awareness shows me that many humans are unconscious around their enslavements. This is the result of side stepping personal resposibility, of avoiding, of blaming, of investing into attitudes that justify denial, victimization and the most insideous of all beliefs on earth…… participating in belief systems which teach……….. that we are powerless.

People play out these scenarios in their personal relationships, in sexuality, in the work place, in government positions, in religious institutions, in the educational systems, in sports, in adverstising and media promotions, in the american medical system, in court rooms, in social programs, in the military, the abundance of unconscious activity motivated out of our own side stepping personal responsibility is rampant. People in postions of authority are equally suseptible to this behavior as are all the victims. It does “take two to tango” as the saying goes!

Core spirit within me, as me, shows me no matter the circumstances around me i always have a choice to take personal responsiblity for my side of any equation….. 100%. This is my antidote to enslavement in life and provides new and different challenges and opportunites that i would otherwise avoid.

We enslave ourselves!

A refreshing way to hold the idea of emslavement is to shift the equation into how i am enslaved by my own beliefs, thoughts, emotions, reactions, habits, and patterns in life. Putting aside the notion, temporarily, of the external perpetrator, i find looking at my own self and how i process my own day to day existance takes on a deeper meaning whenever i choose to look at my own self imposed slavery. This is awful to have to confront yet it is the primary source for shifting the entire paradigm. Inner resourcefullness, inner responsibility, and then measured with my purest core of spirit, or indwelling spirit.

Frequently when i approach this discussion with friends and family i find there is a real gap in that people often have a different sense of themselves from the purely spiritual side, however externally they will succumb to the external situation as their defining strategy when it comes to these matters.

This became apparent to me recently with a relative of mine when we were discussing the issue of semi auto matic guns and the need to and the right to have them. While this person reflected the very dangerous aspects to this equation, the levels of fear were so great in an external way, they chose to side with the idea of how important it is that we need to have these giant killing machines in our homes! “People are afraid!” I was told, thus “one must protect themselves.” My postualtion was that fear based decisions promote more fear based results and that because this person was a christian, i reminded them of the bible reference Matthew 6:33 … “seek ye first the kingdom of god and his rightousness , all these things will be provided you.”. This was my own demonstration of measuring a decision with indwelling spirit. ( as i had decided myself to do) however this person disregarded this quote completely and restated how dangerous and fearful the world is and thus their side of this question was answered in this way. I find this very interesting. I do not hold either of us right, however i do take personal responsiblity in a way that will not allow myself to fearfully make such a decision. It is a difference in opinion, all opionions are welcome here on this planet in the classroom of life. Thus the discussion was over with each of us holding very different points of view.

That fear based decisions are a significant component of the decisions we live and cause us to be enslaved by those decisions is a common occurance. Especially in that one must drive up the fear every time the question of the decision is raised. On the other hand, a spiritual loving based decision does not require bringing up anything. ( for me anyway) I do not have the inclination to have to abide by a fear based reality everyday of my life and the possible danger associated with semi automatic guns in my home. It is a personal choice. Nor do i have the inclination to increase this fear around me. Fear is a great teacher and provides specific outcomes whenever it is the basis of any life decision, just an non fear based decisions have their outcomes. I do not want to be enslaved by such thinking. So i go back to the bible quote i mentioned above. I simply feel a resonance to this quote.

In my own soul memory where i have had the chance to view my actions in past lives i have been completely invested in war and enslavement. I have remembered this easily as a little boy child. I often had flash backs of the terrible effects of violent fighting, use of killing weapons, and slaves. It is a huge part of many lives both here and off planet that i remember. I cannot even state how powerful this has been to me thruout my entire lifetime. It is that i have already learned how damaging this can be to myself, and life in general that i do not participate and have such a strong repelling from all forms of enslavement. Growing up from a little boy with this awareness my entire adult life has been structured in a different way. I have always sought the non violent, peacefull path to my misunderstandings in life with people. Though i have been a victim of violent vicious physical attack (at 12 years of age ), even so, i hold true to my peacefull perspectives. And desire to learn how to be free of such acting, thinking and behaving. There is that time in a soul journey where these ways do not draw one in, or appeal and thus paying attention to my indwelling spiritual nature has developed for me the clear ability to seek the indwelling spiritual self first and foremost. To question… to be or not to be a slave in life. And reflect from the place of many lives already invested in enslaving forms of decision making.

Eventually the spirit having a human experience grows to remember their innate nature and the overall pure nature of existance. Where any path towards a sense of cooperation, willingness, peaceful conflict resolution, and honest spiritual vision takes prescedent. Life is a creative experience that provides each of us whatever it is we are seeking to have as an incarnate being. Every position in life is held in loving acceptance and pure unconditional love by Source, god. Eternal in the understanding of each of us as we traverse the journey of our lives. This remarkable loving presence is unceasing and unlimited. My eperiences in this light have shown me every experience counts. Every person counts, and how and what we choose to do with these experiences contributes to LIFE. There is not the need to be right about any of it. We are each free to have the incarnative experience we are having. There is a place beyond paradox in which differences are accepted, and freedeom to make personal choices of any kind exists.

Although we can not make core spiritual choices without understanding that we may be unconscious about our deeper motivations, habits, choices, beliefs and where these really originate. Stepping off the wheel of human commonality, and investigating throughly into the origins of what it is we believe, how we all arrived at this, our thinking and where this actually originates. Very often i find people merely parrot something because it feels a certain way without the inner exploration and objectivity that arises from getting the facts. Enslavement issues arise out of this lackadasical way of coming to conclusions. Particularly when we “think” we are so free! And yet we are driven by fears. I find this very interesting. How free is one if their decisions are based on fears?or the potential to fear?

Enslavement issues can be quite hidden, and insideous. Fear of danger and the perpetration of danger is a common way to maintain any form of slavery… and the feeling that one is powerless. Every slave master will tell you! I know that discerning a real danger, a real fear, a primal gut feeling in the body is quite different from the false fear generated by word of mouth, belief systems, authorities in power, any voices which have agendas of control and condtioning people’s minds. There is a huge difference between sticking my hand into the gaping mouth of a poisonous viper snake and the mere idea of that. Discernment around fear issues require we define real fear vs false made up fear. Our choice in the matter will determine our susseptibility to enslavement. Especially in how we unconsciously are choosing to do this to our selves.

Enslavement is a choice that requires deciding to be in a certain place, participating in certain behaviors, with certain people. Causing ourselves to be victimized over and over or not. As a human species i believe we are on the edges of learning this in a larger way than we have ever in our recorded history. We have a body of information available that is both positve and negative on this subject. We can learn to discern this with much greater power of personal choice. The choices are in our own hands now!

Core spirituality for your discernment

shared with aloha

footnote: I am well aware of the real enslavement of individuals thru out our world who are genuine victims of the atrocity of slavery in its many forms, I am directing my attention to the internal process of self enslavement thru this writing and in no way do I minimize the continued experience of millions of people caught up in modern day external forms of slavery. Their story is equally important here.

The Paradox of Existence | THE RABBIT HOLE with Deepak Chopra

How do you deal with ambiguity, contradiction, paradox, and the play of opposites in your life? Deepak Chopra takes us down the rabbit hole to explore the paradox of existence.* The entire Universe is a seeming play of opposites – creation and destruction, light and dark, vast galaxies and subatomic particles. So how does nature keep a perfect balance of evolution and destruction – renewing life out of the death and decomposition of former matter?

The Paradox In Our Awakening…………core spirituality…………my personal journey



This is a common experience which arises for us all as we awaken to the deeper significance of the ordinary expression of life around us.


When we realize that not everything is as it first seemed.

When we discover the masks we are wearing,


When we find ourselves no longer able to maintain our status quo.

When we run out of our excuses.

When suffering becomes so obvious that we start to realize there must be a reason for all this!

When we discard the old answers we were taught and begin to search for ones that fit better.


As we unravel the mysteries of our unknowns we bump into new information that we must find a place for in our lives.


When relationships take on unexpected turns and leave us standing all alone!

When we are faced with unexpected emotions and events that crack open our ideas of who we are and what we are doing.

When boredom must be faced and we find ourselves at the end of our road!


Welcome to awakening….. we are about to enter into the dynamic world of PARADOX.


All these circumstances are the places I have arrived at one time or another in my life journey. I found myself needing to get off my stand, redefine my experience, and develop new directions.


I found myself in paradox in a confusing way and I determined that I would give myself permission to live in paradox and learn more about how this actually works. Paradox is a fascinating way to live with contradictions, opposites, opposing views, and polarities. I learned I could hold totally different views of life at the same time and still go on. In fact as a spiritual being having a human experience this is a large part of the classroom in my life.


Paradox is a natural component to the way our human experiences unfold.


I have learned to honor this and walk my walk with respect for what is paradoxical in life. Both in myself and the people around me on this planet. In nature and and in circumstance. I became aware of the immense world of navigating in the world of this interesting experience. This somehow just throws a monkey wrench into a left brain dominant thinking reality, many people still exist within!


The development of the feeling based, intuitive, spacial, sound, color part of our brains with the linear, logical, deduction of , and concreteness of mind is at first a thing of paradox. Both sides exist simultaneously and can feed into our awareness filling our attention with paradoxical imagery and information. I have learned to pay attention to this happening with a vigilant sense of being present to what arises in myself, around me.



To the left brain linear logic based mindset opposites are confounding. In the linear left brain dominant style of thinking of either/or the paradox’s of life shatter this perception. Showing us that two or more equally true ideas can exist at the same time. Moving from either/or thinking into paradoxical awareness opens the perceptions and unleashes fantastic real possibilities. I watch in discussions how the mind will automatically shift gears from…. if it this…. then it must be that! ( automatically deducting the next step) The very tracking of either /or thinking. While in paradoxical awareness both exist. And the mind remains opened.


Holding opposites in our awareness leads to more experiences of coincidence. Two things that happen at the same time seemingly random, yet maybe not.

The amount of coincidence in my life has shown me how parallel realities co exist and intersect in time and space. These coincidences arise from a broader mindset, beyond the limits of linear left brain logic. They suspend this style of thinking momentarily so that we can observe a larger picture. I love this.


It is not such a hard task to learn to accept paradox. That opposites can arise….inside us as feelings, around us in behaviors, in the world side by side. The acceptance of this way of seeing helps me to resolve issues that get stuck in the logical mindsets. Learning to integrate right brain intuitive mind happens when we stop editing out these pieces of information. When we stop logical linear editing and process intuitive awareness we have again much broader scope of information that can bring meaning to the events of our lives.


I find there is another level of logic that embraces this model and it is a form of non thought logic, a kind of pure attention, that oversees left hemisphere style thinking and right hemisphere together into a synthesis. It is simply the thinking mind is on hold while the intuitive mind is processing and then the thinking mind can go ahead with what it does best. Process all the information.


We all receive mixed messages in our relationships from time to time. Even this term “mixed messages” arises from an either / or style of thinking that connotes linear logic. I am learning to simply hold the mixed messages equally. And then see what happens. Often we as spiritual beings are having a human experience struggle with our own paradoxical natures.


We can learn to understand ourselves with more depth as we embrace totality in the paradox.


There is a giant paradigm shift happening here!


Our behaviors with one another take on a different light. Conflicts are more easily understood and resolutions, if there need be any, are more available. Often in my life when I realize I am living in a paradox I realize I need to come to a better solution, paradox signals me that I am not quite as resolved as I first thought myself to be. Paradox is a valuable tool in self awareness as we investigate, learn, and move thru our incarnate experiences. I have learned thru paradox there are larger still ideas which completely embrace paradox. And upon this realization I have found that I was in a polarity of opposites. Not until I united these opposing ideas do I find the larger idea from which the two opposites came. It is all very interesting the idea of polarity as we learn about how life unfolds here.


Paradox is a natural part of life. When paradox touches us pay attention. There may be a larger picture about to unfold in your consciousness. Paradox arises as we graduate out of our linear box thinking and are ready to integrate a larger perception. Paradox is a paradox itself, as there is only THE ONE . Paradox leads us to the understanding of the unity in everything. When we are stuck in something it us usually because we are so invested in part of any equation and are polarized in our thinking. Paradox will take us out of these stuck places in our minds.


Learn the wisdom of paradox.


Learn there is only THE ONE.


Beliefs that hinder the spirit in human form are full of stuck thinking. We are learning to let go of these kinds of investments in our selves. Exclusivity and being right are hallmarks of either/or styles of thinking. Some will go to heaven, some will not…….. these styles of thinking are not the larger picture of my experience of what SOURCE, or god, as you might say. There is such tremendous tremendous love and patience for every soul, every being. There is a place for every expression to have its experience. That some of us can learn to hold paradox allows us to be inclusive and understand the unfolding right-ness of each person’s life. That we are all going thru a shift and learning something new. Paradox is one small aspect of a larger paradigm shift in the human experience.


Core of spirit……….for your discernment


shared with aloha


Negativity …. what to do with it…………….. core spirituality……….. my personal journey


What we do or don’t do with the negative forces of our lives has profound impact on the each of us. Negativity in the human experience is a polarity of life here, prevalent in all our lives.

I have learned thru meeting up with and learning to embrace the negative experience of my life with an attitude of keen observation. I am learning to control my reactive nature and step back to negative situations to give myself room to understand them. Externally and internally. In previous posts I have written about how I have learned to shift the attention and energy of negative situations to my side of the equation. That I learn to understand how I choose to handle any negativity that arises. And make my own peace with what arises.

Activating my own capacity to process, transform, transcend, transmute these experiences. This theme of shifting my attention over to my side of any negative equation is a constant message within me.

I know that it is impossible to change others. This is totally unnecessary. Everything is unfolding in perfect order.

I find that I have the capacity to respond, after I have acknowledged my sense of victim feelings or other negatives. Then this response has an energetic opening to it. This opening inside me is challenging in that I learn to do several things.

  1. identify and name the negative situations

  2. step back, breathe, generate space

  3. identify my own participation ( no matter what the negativity may be!)

  4. find the feelings I have and that are projected to me

  5. check the levels of investment and meaning I bring to this

  6. determine whether I will continue or suspend these investments

  7. take time out to understand the nature of the negativity

  8. open myself to how I many make a correction in how I choose to see and hold it.

  9. Learn to accept new ideas around the negativity

  10. begin to apply these ideas for a test run, while simultaneously letting go of old ideas and positions

  11. deepen into any acceptance I need to fully accept my side of the equation

  12. practice the new ideas I have around the negativity more concretely thru my thoughts, action, and feelings

I marvel at how much more capable I learn to become with negative situations as I take more personal responsibility….. for my part.

That as I handle each negative in my life I become redirected by my openness to move forward with new possibility.

Whenever I recognize how shut down, closed off, and feeling not open I feel… I know I am in a potent place. Because in these shut down, closed, unreceptive parts of my own nature, where I am heavily invested in my position I have the greatest untapped potential awaiting. Thus learning to develop an attitude of openness is a primary component of handling negatives that arise in us and around us. So I arrive into a paradox….. where I am feeling negative and I choose to open up and be positively aware of this in myself simultaneously.

Learning to become more open to different ways of seeing is a valuable skill in addressing all forms of negativity.

Learning how defensive, shut down, and closed we are is very very potent. It is the beginning step in developing a positive attitude around our own negativity.

To me it is pretty obvious that without developing our own strategies for handling negativity we succumb to habits which perpetrate this in our lives. In my own case, I have learned that my old habits are not always in the best interest of my own sense of harmony. Usually these habits were formed early in life, I inherited them thru my care givers and family of origin, and I did not have the freedoms associated with the adult I have become. Coping habits that turned into addictions, and ineffective childish ways of dealing with circumstances that were too overwhelming when I first had to deal with them. Another reason cultivating an openness is important. Frequently we are stuck, stumped, withheld, stifled, and hidden in our deeper true self. As an adult I have much more personal say in how and what I choose. This is important to understand for ourselves. This can free us up to truly come to meaningful new conclusions and redirect our attentions in much more favorable outcomes.

The Inner Child

As I listen to clients and friends relating the tales of their woes, I often reflect on the deeper significance of the child self in these people. I often get the feeling that there is an unhappy inner child, so deep, so forgotten in this whole dynamic. I often look to see if I can feel this inner child in my clients in a way that will support them in a healthy manner. It has been my experience that whenever I hold this space of listening, as I have described, the person will begin to shift into memories, and specific instances that parallel the present day situation of woe they find themselves. It is amazing to me how many unheard and unloved and unacknowledged inner children there are in adults today. These parts contain so much power within self and without the knowledge of this kind of awareness the woes of life go on and on. I find this tremendously full of untapped possibility. And the fact that we are unconscious about this causes us to repeat, perpetrate, and malinger in negative situations.

I am a person who will discuss feelings and emotions any day. I find that by cultivating time and energy around our feelings can positively bring these things to the surface. But this has a malingering quality without openness.

The investments people give to the negatives are immense.

To the point of defending them.

To the point of justifying them.

A lack of negative awareness…. of dark wisdom, has a detrimental impact on our daily lives.

When I write about negativity I am not just referring to those situations alone which have the intensity, direct hurt of my being a target, or my being a perpetrator. I am also including where my attention in life is going. We frequently hold opinions at a distance. We have negative feelings to world events, or things that happen to others. I also maintain that I am responsible for my own negative attention in these places as well! Indirectly we are all connected in life, and how we respond inwardly, privately also has a potent bearing on our experiences in life.

Whenever I am sitting in my core of spirit self I find that the “charges” of negativity diminish and I find I am more open to understanding the purpose of negativity in my life. I find that there is a direct meaning to becoming self aware and I am willing and able to process this stuff. I find an inner sense of well being comes over me when I have satisfied my own part of any negative equation by making the changes I come to realize. This is liberating. I find myself remaining more present in the moment and more actively engaged. Often I let go of my attachments to what others think, feel, and do. I realize we all have our own timing in life. I learn to love more fully and to accept whatever is ….is. I continually find myself acknowledging that everyone is in different spectrum’s of what they are learning.

As spiritual being having a human experience the overwhelming negativity on this earth can easily consume us. As spiritual being we all know how to love, how to understand, how to give this to others.

It is in the state of our humanness we are challenged.

To elevate, lift, to free ourselves in the human experience as spiritual beings here. I believe whatever our place in negativity we are deeply loved and supported in that experience. Source, or god, in each of us holds us equally in this love.

Core of spirit……for your discernment

shared with aloha

Common Defense Mechanisms………………. core spirituality……………my personal journey


Defense mechanisms are so prevalent in all of us that I wanted to post this excellent article by the doctor who wrote the this article to illuminate the behavior in clear terms. He describes so well  in his definitions. Learning to discern our own behavior and put a name to it can actually support changes we may want to make. By untangling our own actions and motivations on any side of an uncomfortable equation we begin to redirect the energy of exchanges we participate. By redirecting our actions and motivations into circumstances that will truly address our needs and fulfill our emotional, spiritual lives and removes us from cycles of perpetrating unhealthy interactions.. I have found myself learning to identify my own defense mechanisms as a means of becoming more deeply honest with myself. I have learned how defense mechanisms have both positive and negative traits as you will see below. Taking a personal inventory of defense mechanisms assists the process of uncovering the shadow aspect of our personality. ( see previous post on The Shadow, The Masks We Wear) The personal revelations available to us thru our self honesty is truly amazing to me. Well worth the consideration in reading the presentation that follows.

15 Common Defense Mechanisms

In some areas of psychology (especially in psychodynamic theory), psychologists talk about “defense mechanisms,” or manners in which we behave or think in certain ways to better protect or “defend” ourselves. Defense mechanisms are one way of looking at how people distance themselves from a full awareness of unpleasant thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Psychologists have categorized defense mechanisms based upon how primitive they are. The more primitive a defense mechanism, the less effective it works for a person over the long-term. However, more primitive defense mechanisms are usually very effective short-term, and hence are favored by many people and children especially (when such primitive defense mechanisms are first learned). Adults who don’t learn better ways of coping with stress or traumatic events in their lives will often resort to such primitive defense mechanisms as well.

Most defense mechanisms are fairly unconscious – that means most of us don’t realize we’re using them in the moment. Some types of psychotherapy can help a person become aware of what defense mechanisms they are using, how effective they are, and how to use less primitive and more effective mechanisms in the future.

Primitive Defense Mechanisms

1. Denial

Denial is the refusal to accept reality or fact, acting as if a painful event, thought or feeling did not exist. It is considered one of the most primitive of the defense mechanisms because it is characteristic of early childhood development. Many people use denial in their everyday lives to avoid dealing with painful feelings or areas of their life they don’t wish to admit. For instance, a person who is a functioning alcoholic will often simply deny they have a drinking problem, pointing to how well they function in their job and relationships.

2. Regression

Regression is the reversion to an earlier stage of development in the face of unacceptable thoughts or impulses. For an example an adolescent who is overwhelmed with fear, anger and growing sexual impulses might become clingy and start exhibiting earlier childhood behaviors he has long since overcome, such as bedwetting. An adult may regress when under a great deal of stress, refusing to leave their bed and engage in normal, everyday activities.

3. Acting Out

Acting Out is performing an extreme behavior in order to express thoughts or feelings the person feels incapable of otherwise expressing. Instead of saying, “I’m angry with you,” a person who acts out may instead throw a book at the person, or punch a hole through a wall. When a person acts out, it can act as a pressure release, and often helps the individual feel calmer and peaceful once again. For instance, a child’s temper tantrum is a form of acting out when he or she doesn’t get his or her way with a parent. Self-injury may also be a form of acting-out, expressing in physical pain what one cannot stand to feel emotionally.

4. Dissociation

Dissociation is when a person loses track of time and/or person, and instead finds another representation of their self in order to continue in the moment. A person who dissociates often loses track of time or themselves and their usual thought processes and memories. People who have a history of any kind of childhood abuse often suffer from some form of dissociation. In extreme cases, dissociation can lead to a person believing they have multiple selves (“multiple personality disorder”). People who use dissociation often have a disconnected view of themselves in their world. Time and their own self-image may not flow continuously, as it does for most people. In this manner, a person who dissociates can “disconnect” from the real world for a time, and live in a different world that is not cluttered with thoughts, feelings or memories that are unbearable.

5. Compartmentalization

Compartmentalization is a lesser form of dissociation, wherein parts of oneself are separated from awareness of other parts and behaving as if one had separate sets of values. An example might be an honest person who cheats on their income tax return and keeps their two value systems distinct and un-integrated while remaining unconscious of the cognitive dissonance.

6. Projection

Projection is the misattribution of a person’s undesired thoughts, feelings or impulses onto another person who does not have those thoughts, feelings or impulses. Projection is used especially when the thoughts are considered unacceptable for the person to express, or they feel completely ill at ease with having them. For example, a spouse may be angry at their significant other for not listening, when in fact it is the angry spouse who does not listen. Projection is often the result of a lack of insight and acknowledgement of one’s own motivations and feelings.

7. Reaction Formation

Reaction Formation is the converting of unwanted or dangerous thoughts, feelings or impulses into their opposites. For instance, a woman who is very angry with her boss and would like to quit her job may instead be overly kind and generous toward her boss and express a desire to keep working there forever. She is incapable of expressing the negative emotions of anger and unhappiness with her job, and instead becomes overly kind to publicly demonstrate her lack of anger and unhappiness.

Less Primitive, More Mature Defense Mechanisms

Less primitive defense mechanisms are a step up from the primitive defense mechanisms in the previous section. Many people employ these defenses as adults, and while they work okay for many, they are not ideal ways of dealing with our feelings, stress and anxiety. If you recognize yourself using a few of these, don’t feel bad – everybody does.

8. Repression

Repression is the unconscious blocking of unacceptable thoughts, feelings and impulses. The key to repression is that people do it unconsciously, so they often have very little control over it. “Repressed memories” are memories that have been unconsciously blocked from access or view. But because memory is very malleable and ever-changing, it is not like playing back a DVD of your life. The DVD has been filtered and even altered by your life experiences, even by what you’ve read or viewed.

9. Displacement

Displacement is the redirecting of thoughts feelings and impulses directed at one person or object, but taken out upon another person or object. People often use displacement when they cannot express their feelings in a safe manner to the person they are directed at. The classic example is the man who gets angry at his boss, but can’t express his anger to his boss for fear of being fired. He instead comes home and kicks the dog or starts an argument with his wife. The man is redirecting his anger from his boss to his dog or wife. Naturally, this is a pretty ineffective defense mechanism, because while the anger finds a route for expression, it’s misapplication to other harmless people or objects will cause additional problems for most people.

10. Intellectualization

Intellectualization is the overemphasis on thinking when confronted with an unacceptable impulse, situation or behavior without employing any emotions whatsoever to help mediate and place the thoughts into an emotional, human context. Rather than deal with the painful associated emotions, a person might employ intellectualization to distance themselves from the impulse, event or behavior. For instance, a person who has just been given a terminal medical diagnosis, instead of expressing their sadness and grief, focuses instead on the details of all possible fruitless medical procedures.

11. Rationalization

Rationalization is putting something into a different light or offering a different explanation for one’s perceptions or behaviors in the face of a changing reality. For instance, a woman who starts dating a man she really, really likes and thinks the world of is suddenly dumped by the man for no reason. She reframes the situation in her mind with, “I suspected he was a loser all along.”

12. Undoing

Undoing is the attempt to take back an unconscious behavior or thought that is unacceptable or hurtful. For instance, after realizing you just insulted your significant other unintentionally, you might spend then next hour praising their beauty, charm and intellect. By “undoing” the previous action, the person is attempting to counteract the damage done by the original comment, hoping the two will balance one another out.

Mature Defense Mechanisms

Mature defense mechanisms are often the most constructive and helpful to most adults, but may require practice and effort to put into daily use. While primitive defense mechanisms do little to try and resolve underlying issues or problems, mature defenses are more focused on helping a person be a more constructive component of their environment. People with more mature defenses tend to be more at peace with themselves and those around them.

13. Sublimation

Sublimation is simply the channeling of unacceptable impulses, thoughts and emotions into more acceptable ones. For instance, when a person has sexual impulses they would like not to act upon, they may instead focus on rigorous exercise. Refocusing such unacceptable or harmful impulses into productive use helps a person channel energy that otherwise would be lost or used in a manner that might cause the person more anxiety.

Sublimation can also be done with humor or fantasy. Humor, when used as a defense mechanism, is the channeling of unacceptable impulses or thoughts into a light-hearted story or joke. Humor reduces the intensity of a situation, and places a cushion of laughter between the person and the impulses. Fantasy, when used as a defense mechanism, is the channeling of unacceptable or unattainable desires into imagination. For example, imagining one’s ultimate career goals can be helpful when one experiences temporary setbacks in academic achievement. Both can help a person look at a situation in a different way, or focus on aspects of the situation not previously explored.

14. Compensation

Compensation is a process of psychologically counterbalancing perceived weaknesses by emphasizing strength in other arenas. By emphasizing and focusing on one’s strengths, a person is recognizing they cannot be strong at all things and in all areas in their lives. For instance, when a person says, “I may not know how to cook, but I can sure do the dishes!,” they’re trying to compensate for their lack of cooking skills by emphasizing their cleaning skills instead. When done appropriately and not in an attempt to over-compensate, compensation is defense mechanism that helps reinforce a person’s self-esteem and self-image.

15. Assertiveness

Assertiveness is the emphasis of a person’s needs or thoughts in a manner that is respectful, direct and firm. Communication styles exist on a continuum, ranging from passive to aggressive, with assertiveness falling neatly inbetween. People who are passive and communicate in a passive manner tend to be good listeners, but rarely speak up for themselves or their own needs in a relationship. People who are aggressive and communicate in an aggressive manner tend to be good leaders, but often at the expense of being able to listen empathetically to others and their ideas and needs. People who are assertive strike a balance where they speak up for themselves, express their opinions or needs in a respectful yet firm manner, and listen when they are being spoken to. Becoming more assertive is one of the most desired communication skills and helpful defense mechanisms most people want to learn, and would benefit in doing so.

* * *

Remember, defense mechanisms are most often learned behaviors, most of which we learned during childhood. That’s a good thing, because it means that, as an adult, you can choose to learn some new behaviors and new defense mechanisms that may be more beneficial to you in your life. Many psychotherapists will help you work on these things, if you’d like. But even becoming more aware of when you’re using one of the less primitive types of defense mechanisms above can be helpful in identifying behaviors you’d like to reduce.


Dr. John Grohol is the founder & CEO of Psych Central. He is an author, researcher and expert in mental health online, and has been writing about online behavior, mental health and psychology issues — as well as the intersection of technology and human behavior — since 1992. Dr. Grohol sits on the editorial board of the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking and is a founding board member and treasurer of the Society for Participatory Medicine.

APA Reference
Grohol, J. (2007). 15 Common Defense Mechanisms. Psych Central. Retrieved on April 16, 2014, from

Minimizing ……………………. core spirituality…………… my personal journey



Minimizing is the process of thinking in a distorted way which usually manifests as underestimating the value and importance and the relevance of events to oneself or others.


This happens as a means of coping with negative information and we are hard wired to cope with this on a daily basis. There is the healthy application of minimizing where we process negative information in a contextual way that does not allow the experience to override the intended outcome. However when we use this psychological capacity in a distorted or denial application this is where I have found myself in trouble. The results are always damaging.


It is typical when a person begins the journey into self awareness to start to look at how they have minimized painful messages in their lives. It is also common to minimize the action perpetrated on them by others. When this awareness starts to blossom in our consciousness we find ourselves having to rethink how we have processed our lives and what the outcomes of this minimizing has had on our life. We can be shaped in all manner from the activity of minimizing… to our detriment. In the context of minimizing we do not have all the clear facts of any situation. Thus we develop conclusions that do not fit reality. Frequently a long span of time spent in minimizing thought processes produces a series of life experiences that do not feel comfortable. In my own self healing I have learned how these uncomfortable feelings do not go away, and rest inside me until I come to terms with the clear understanding of all the facts. I learn to stop minimizing and I face the delusions and find that the source of my repetitive unhappy emotional tones are in fact the result of my own minimizing and the minimizing behaviors of individuals concerned. This is an uncomfortable wake up call to process as we learn to become more fully present and responsible emotional beings.


I have missed important details in my life which caused me to either repeat scenarios, or take a few steps backward in order to right something that has felt wronged. This was my own thinking where I had underestimated the value of significant events in my life with people I love. This is a common experience for human beings and is the result of minimizing.


Whenever I have a reoccurring uncomfortable person in my life, or an uncomfortable situation that seems to not go away there is the possibility that I am minimizing some aspect of the equation. This is an awareness clue to consider as we unravel our own negative life experiences and I find this important to look squarely into. Am I minimizing here?


A common theme is being approached and caught off guard by someone and feeling their emotional charge being pointed right at you. This could be, but not always, the result of minimizing. When we are the recipients of this kind of behavior this can lead to maddening exchanges and outbursts of pain. There is a real frustration in being on the receiving end of another person’s minimizing! Thus a discernment is required to determine whether there truly is any form of minimizing going on.


I have learned this to be a monstrously huge issue that many people participate. And the fact that those who are the recipients of this kind of behavior persist and get louder is something I frequently observe. Ultimately if one is the recipient of this frustrating kind of treatment there is a resolve.


Stop doing it yourself!


We do not have the power to make the people in our lives who minimize change. However we do have this ability within ourselves!

This will stop the dynamic for your own side of any equation and bring you into an increase of information emotionally that was skipped over originally. This will all have to be processed and you do not have to have the other person to do this for yourself. I have frequently had to self correct without the person or persons available. I learned to let go my attachments to the feelings of injustice and mis-perception I felt . ( see previous post on Attachments )


Minimizing is a way to stay stuck in painful life drama drama drama!


Many people are heavily invested in this behavior as a way to avoid the larger picture coming up on their time-line to process. Feelings of being stuck can also be a clue that there is minimizing thinking going on and looking at how we do this can open the door to much personal revelation!


Which leads me to a favorite expression…… “let’s get real!”


Whenever we invest in minimizing our life experiences we are avoiding something that is real for us to process and learn from. Investments into minimizing generate entire lengthy emotional dramas that undermine our integrity and honesty. Investments in minimizing redirect us away from the heart of life steering us away from the tremendous love that awaits us from getting real with one another. Investments in minimizing thinking are often shrouded…. hidden in political and religious themes. Investments in minimizing thinking are perpetrated in these beliefs and pull people apart, destroy lives, and create levels of negativity that create more of the same.


( How often as a gay identified man have I listened to religious zealots and politicians perpetrate belief systems and dogmas that devalue and minimize the reality of millions of human beings on this earth who are demanding the freedom to be real and included! The suicide rate for LGBT youth exceeds the average in horrific ways. The injustices of this world perpetrated on the basis of minimizing is beyond ridiculous, it is a huge wake up call! )


Minimizing behaviors touch all our lives in one way or another and my sense is that it is time to face this in our world in larger ways than we have ever faced. Personally and collectively we have the capacity to illuminate ourselves in some form of how we have been participating in minimizing the events of our lives!


It is by way of the process of learning to be aware of our own minimizing thinking and actions that we give our selves the capacity to heal, correct, improve, redirect, uplift, free up, and make positive the negative effects of our lives!


If there are highly charged incidents of this that you find in yourself this can be overwhelming….there are millions of people who incarnated on this planet at this time specifically to handle this. They are called therapists! A healthy practitioner is well aware of the damages incurred thru a life time of minimizing and how to process this information on an emotional level. Or having been the recipient of a lifetime of minimizing.


The cumulative effects of minimizing are damaging. Long term even more so. Stop it!


Core of spirit within me shares for your discernment


shared with aloha.

Thoughts on Liberation …….. core spirituality …… my personal journey


Liberation is a central theme whenever I watch the news. Liberation is growing in the awareness of the masses. There is a tide of activity centered around the liberation of whole nations, groups and individuals. The voices of the oppressed, the disheartened, the underprivileged, the religious, the social and political individuals are rising with a passion which seeks release.

The global atmosphere of the different expressions seeking freedom is a daily occurrence in this world today. I believe that we are born to be free. That the human experience is one of liberation and release from the forces of our own ignorance and those actions we perpetrate on one another out of this ignorance. I would like to describe my own experience of what liberation is from core of spirit within me.

When I place my attention into the core of my spiritual self I experience complete and total liberation. I experience that my most pure, intrinsic self is completely free. This freedom is infinite by nature and stretches into infinite direction, to and away from my center. In this core self I feel complete possibility and promise already in place. I feel total acceptance and the capacity to learn any thing I need . In core of spirituality there is already everything and nothing. Stillness…. and the movement of infinite things. There is the balance point in all paradox and the infinite eye of perception to see. This core of spirituality is a driving force in the humanity of my self expression as a person and is ceaseless, and yet still.

As I embrace the core self I realize how liberation is learned by my humanity, by my physical incarnations, and all the other incarnates I find around me. This informing of liberation has many many levels of understanding and experiences that coincide with those understandings. The opposite of the equation is also relevant in all the misunderstandings, obstacles and darkness where there is the appearance of no liberation.

I realize that the human experience is merely the vehicle for the embracing of liberation.

Or that in the process of spirit being human I am able to liberate that which in me does not see itself liberated as a person. Each day in materiality consists of a matrix or framework. This is life as a human being knows it. This construct of reality has a design to it and that design is in place thru the unseen “laws of life”. There are material laws like gravity, polarity, density, lightness, movement, transcendence, transformation, and transfiguration, action and reaction to name a few. Our journey involves our development of our awareness of what these “unseen laws of nature” are and what our material experiences point us towards. That which we currently do not see thru our physical senses, though our lives are filled with the outward expressions of the results of what life is pointing us.

Where people get stuck is in the awareness of exercising the will thru choices we are making and that we are…. moment to moment…. in a continuous flow of choosing. The unfolding circumstances of our lives reflect these choices. For humanity much of what we are choosing is still in an unconscious, or partial understanding of this as freedom. Freedom thru limitation.

I have learned that as I make choices that continue to evolve my own sense of liberation I release myself thru the different layers of materiality and all that this involves. The laws of nature become stepping stones on my journey instead of hindrances.There are times of minute little releases in the ahaa’s and there are the gigantic releases that redirect the whole course of our lives. The release comes from the “perceptions ” of  limitation of the matrix we find ourselves, the life circumstances. That we face these limitations in our realities is commonly not seen as a component of freedom. ( religious and political institutions all teach their ideas of limitation and often they are not freedom based…. you are born a sinner or you must show allegiance to this or that to have freedom)) Rather it is perceived as anything but freedom. Yet this is a falsehood in perception.

Freedom exists simultaneously as we encounter any limiting situation.

We have the freedom of will that is exercised thru our ability to choose. Forgotten yet remembered and rediscovered over and over and over. We forget that we are choosing limiting ourselves. We forget that we are choosing our directions into more limits. We forget and choose self imposed situations thru our lack of understanding ourselves, this reality and how it is set up by design, and thru our own ignorance when we look away from our realities.

We compound this by projecting our frustrations, our pain and our suffering on everyone, everything that is not us. ( as we perceive ourselves) When we compound our sense of imprisonment, our sense of powerlessness, and we ignore the possibility and promise of freedom these are the consequences. Yet even still we are making a choice in this.

How we perceive choice is very interesting to me. As I have learned to pass thru the human self into the soul self into the divine nature and realize how choices are set up in the human experience. I am clear that every person born into every circumstance of their birth has made on a soul level a soul choice to be engaged in those circumstances. The human experience has a broad spectrum of what this looks like from appearing fortunate to the unfortunate.

Many individuals learn thru negativity here. Thus we make negative choices. We can do this for many lifetimes before we choose to remember and exercise our capacity to make choices with the idea of liberation. The consequence of repetitive negative choices is repetitive negative life experiences! How long any of us stay in this is held in total freedom by core of spirit in us. There is no judgmental-ism, in my perception of this, only more opportunity to have the same negative experiences until one chooses differently. We can have as much as we need to realize the underlying reality that LIFE, by it’s very nature is FREEDOM. FREEDOM is a quality of god, or source in us as us. We are made of this!

The more we study life with the idea of freedom the more we may encounter it. The more we focus on life with the idea of how negative it is the more we may encounter it. There is another one of those unseen laws again……….. where our attention goes our energy flow!

Either way all experience is valuable when observed in totality. It is THE EXPERIENCE itself spirit in us is choosing to have…. be it negative or positive.

There is also a point in materiality where choices and decisions appear to be made beyond the self. I find this also very interesting. I have encountered this in both negative and positive ways. These are the soul level decisions that appear outside our ordinary perceptual reference points. ( see previous post on Soul Agreements) This happens not only with the day to day occurrences it also plays a big part in how we leave our material existence thru our death experiences. I find tremendous information in soul level decisions. As they unravel into my awareness I have huge shifts in my attitudes and circumstances.

My awareness of humanity is that we as a species are a free life form. My awareness shows me what we do with our freedom, thru our choices.

That we select decisions that are anything but freedom is our own doing, no one is pulling strings like a giant puppeteer here. There is no gigantic being moving us around like chess pieces on a game board. We are doing this. I am well aware of the huge forces of darkness active in this world, the covert activities of off planet beings, black military ops, those in the banking systems, the politics of governments, the mega national corporations, the American medical system, religious institutions and all their dogmatic stipulations. All these individuals depend on our lack of self knowledge, and our belief in our powerlessness. All these forces depend on our ignorance, our choice to ignore our lives and all the daily messages we get from living. Still this does not change a single thing about freedom. We still have the capacity to develop freedom for ourselves and develop more capacity for more freedom on top of that! That we are powerless, is to me, is the greatest lie perpetrated on the face of this earth. All one has to do is exert their will in developing freedom to realize this.

Core of spirituality for your discernment

shared with aloha

Attachments…………………core spirituality…………….. my personal journey


The single most valuable outcome of having received the understanding of the dark teachers has been the awareness that I am overly attached. This attachment and my  resistance in recognizing it in myself has revealed to me much  about my own character, my own emotional patterns, and my attitudes in unhealthy attachments I have engaged myself.

Letting go is the second most valuable response I have learned thru my blessed dark teachers. They did not realize it, but they led me to see that it was my time to LET IT GO.

Whatever the IT was!

Dark wisdom has such tremendous energy to it for transformation! When I realized that I can respect the dark equally to the light…. this has completely shifted my attitudes. Learning to respect the dark actions of people in my life led me to understanding that I did not have clear boundaries in my relationships and that I needed to respect the darkness coming at me. This was a transforming moment of self realization. More valuable than any sum of money!

I stopped fighting back! I stopped allowing myself to become engaged and I stopped resisting.

Always, in the dynamics of dark teachers, I have found my own unconscious attachments to what is supposed to be right, “what is supposed to be” scripting in my mind. Learning to recognize my own depths of feeling around issues and the layers of my own investment in them.

In this world there is much discussion around financial investments…. yet the awareness of our own emotional investments is rarely acknowledged or accounted for when it comes  to the repetitive emotional  cycles we find ourselves and the pain this perpetrates in our lives. Dark teachers always have illuminated this for me. And their timing has shown me that I need to handle this now. That dark teachers show up in specific times in our lives is a polarity of life, a natural occurrence. ( see previous post on Polarity) My own lack of understanding of this invisible law of physical existence would be revealed. Thus I have learned, like an actor on the stage, to take a cue. It is time to let go my attachments.

Attachments to drama drama drama, where we get to play the victim role are no longer appealing to me. I know when I have a dark encounter with someone that it is my time to let go. This has even happened to me whilst I am driving as I experience ridiculous, unsafe, driving in my fellow drivers. Instead of reacting in drama I choose to let go of my attachments here.

The Petty Tyrants

At a time in my life where I worked internationally, living aboard cruise ships  and working in spas at sea,  I was often the only person on my team who was American. My managers were usually British and their work manners were a bit different from American ways. They were usually much younger than myself, ( and far less experienced in life) their style of management was that of a twenty-something, and it was, I would call it, petty tyrant style. I found the immature expression of so much power very uncomfortable.

I learned that were I to invest myself in this behavior it would increase and I would be miserable. Reacting, fixing, or any attempts whatsoever to remedy the situations that would arise …were absolutely useless.

Petty tyrants will do anything to be right, to have power over people and to confuse and mix chaos into situations. I learned to let go my attachments to all of it. I shifted the attention and energy I had, over to my own side of this equation and simply did not participate whatsoever in the drama drama drama. I found my sense of integrity dramatically increased. I traded my unhealthy attachments for my own integrity. This redirected my energy into much happier outcomes no matter what was transpiring around me.

In business meetings where I would be asked for my point of view on matters arising out of the insanity of petty tyrant scenarios I would remain true to my integrity. This would result in utter complete silence, and the realization for everyone that what was passing thru us was craziness. Often the managers would then approach me in confidence and request my help. Sometimes they would not and the battles grew even larger. This would become even more apparent to those higher up in the company and they would be fired or reprimanded. Eventually the vice president of the company would approach me, repeatedly in confidence, and get the details. I found my standing with the higher ups was increased and I was offered better choices in my work environments as I traveled around the world. Were I to engage in my attachments to the dramas this would have never happened for me. And I would have been stuck in situations I would have been very miserable . Thus I learned by letting go of my unhealthy attachments I was able to shift into my own deeper levels of personal integrity and this opened doors for me.

Love, love anyway!

In my family of origin where I have experienced unhealthy attachments with dramatic emotional themes of hurting I have learned to step away. I do not participate in the unhealthy attachments that I am offered. And I do not withhold love either. That an individual in my family is attached to how they are hurt, that they perpetrate this for themselves over and over and attempt to pull me in is not a reason to withhold love. I love anyway and simply step away from the attachments to drama. People invested heavily into their pain scenarios do not understand this. Not until they also begin to release their attachments and find a wider sense of objectivity. I find the compassionate heart is always willing to wait, or to love anyway for these people. And even to love at a distance while the dramas continue! ( The remarkable thing is that stepping out of unhealthy emotional attachments is the most loving act I can give to these situations! It takes a lot of love to stand to those we love and who love us in this way, yet this is not immediately understood and often misunderstood. I let go of my attachment to that too!)

When I start to recognize my feelings of toxic attachments I get a sense of feeling like icky, sticky, yucky, thick, hopeless, unhappy, depressing, oppressing and dark emotions. Entanglements, and emotional themes that go on forever and seem to cycle around and around and around with no end in sight WITH THESE PEOPLE. I know it is time to let go of MY ATTACHMENTS. My attachments to the people, my attachments to the dramas.

 Inner Strength

There is an inner strength that develops and comes up inside us whenever we choose to stop the dramas. This inner strength is a spiritual form of who we are.

We are , I believe, meant to discover this thru our negative attachments and the releases we give ourselves thru permission to step away. This inner strength operates on a completely different level than someone deep into their negativism. Looking for a fight, looking to argue, looking to malinger in their sufferings. This inner strength opens doors of awareness that have showed me the  covert motivations in the actions of people heavily invested in their dramas. The inner strength prompts us whenever this is about to happen again and becomes a safety net, so to speak, protecting us from future toxic involvement. This inner strength develops and increases in us when ever we step out of our unhealthy attachments.

Every dark thing that occurs in this world whether it is on a personal level or a wide world level has the capacity to show us some form of attachment we are investing into. Every form of evil depends on our not knowing this so its agenda can continue. How we choose to conduct ourselves in the face of disturbing unhealthy emotional attachments and various form of evil and darkness is significant. How we “ run energy” in this matters and shapes this world we share. The life energy of each person on this planet is contributing to the collective experience of life as we know it.

We can choose to illuminate our reactions thru giving ourselves permission to stop perpetrating our unhealthy attachments to each other. By honoring our emotional messages and then making different choices. Every negative encounter becomes a an opportunity to step up,  evil in this world becomes a vehicle for increasing light and understanding awareness in each of us one person at a time. One scenario at a time, one day at a time. This is called being 100% responsible for what is happening in my world.

Core of spirit within me shares for your discernment

( see previous posts on Ho’o pono pono, and Dark Teachers)

shared with aloha

The Dark Teachers of Life……………..core spirituality……………. my personal journey


Who and what are the dark teachers of our lives?.

What are we locked into thru our circumstances our emotional investments and our feelings?

Dark teachers are our adversaries, our opponents in duality.

Dark teachers are the people and circumstances that





manipulate negatively,









accuse falsely,


take advantage of the weak, the disheartened, the lost, and the unfortunate.




heart break,

and ignore you.

To name only a few of the many dark human experiences we are capable.

The wisdom of learning about our own dark emotional nature is in part the awareness of the capacity to learn from our most uncomfortable feelings.

Dark wisdom

While typically people will invest the bulk of their emotional energy into who and what was done to them and the injustice of it all, dark wisdom takes into account the other side of the equation providing us the larger picture.

What we do with what happens to us as result. The power of what is revealed in ourselves when this shit happens!

 It may not be seem fair…….however….. Dark wisdom says  IT IS PERFECT!

DARK WISDOM shows us ourselves and herein lies the perfection. The capacity to embrace whatever arises to learn how this is inside self. And what to do with it. What can be revealed by a twisted petty tyrant who incessantly pokes away at you is amazing. I know. I have been there many times. So much so I deepened into the dark wisdom and found the gifts of shifting my awareness from the victimization I felt to what inside me this revealed about my own life. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm….. very interesting what happens when we choose to get conscious. Darkness rises up!

The dark teachers are having a marvelous time all over this planet right now as they are having the opportunity to wreak havoc with complete freedom. Insidious, covert, open and exposed! This game we find ourselves is filled with mysterious and dark forces. And all our lives are in some way participating. Whether close or at a distance, we are each effected thru the actions of one another in some way. I choose wisdom, dark wisdom that is! I’ll have a cup of that…… no cream! Black please!

Emotional intelligence is a term coined by Daniel Goleman, who published a bestseller of the same title. His message that the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions delegated a new paradigm in thinking about our emotional nature. Emotional intelligence is an aspect of the dark wisdom of emotions.

When we consciously shift our emotional investments into our own side of the equations, by allowing ourselves to fully embrace our own experiences we take the emphasis of the situation into our own doing in a way that can totally transform us. We engage in a significant meaningful skill that gives us exactly what we need by addressing our own feelings. This is always perfect.

The dark teachers show up at just the right times in our lives.

When we least expect them,

when we think we know it all,

when we have it all too together,

when we think we are right,

when we think we know better than,

when we have decided we are better than.

When we think we cant possibly go on any longer,

when we are cornered,

when we are looking away,

when we are in denial of something,

when we are afraid!

The dark teachers arrive to push us off our pedestals so that we fall into our dark truths, those things we have not payed attention and our soul agreements we have been born to pass thru. ( see negative soul agreements in previous post entitled Soul Agreements )

I have been fortunate this lifetime in that I have had many such teachers come forward, all in perfect timing. I have suffered thru many stages of denial as I have come to learn my own greater need to develop the qualities that arise in facing my own dark emotional nature. I have been humbled and lay ed low enough times to finally get the messages. I have then transcended and risen beyond my own seething unconsciousness multitudes of times. I look back now and I am truly astounded!

The shift we are each called into thru the dark teachers in our lives is one where we stop the cycles of suffering so that we can get on with the living of our greater soul potentials. Dark teachers accelerate life for us so that we may encounter factors that will add to our developing awareness to LIFE. The potential for waking up is remarkably increased ! Dark teachers are usually very self centered and selfish, they are confounded by our freedom and choice once we establish our dark wisdom and use these experiences to redirect our selves. Humility is often very confusing to them. Individuals engaged in negativity do not understand the bigger picture of life and how honoring pain can actually move you forward on the game plan of life. These individuals suffer silently, often in hiding.

Dark teachers can also be soul paths. Certain souls will choose to incarnate to “play-out” the negative side of an equation with a loved one in an effort to support that loved one in passing thru the fire of their trials and tribulations. Thus dark teachers, on the soul level, may be the ones who love us the most. Which brings me to the biblical admonition to “LOVE THY ENEMY”!

Beyond the play of duality….. the dark and light of it all, is the pure presence of self. Non self, non engaged yet engaged. This pure self is the one self that is in all of us expressing. This is THE ONE! Passing thru the polarities of dualism in the earth reality enough times delivers us to the one presence inside all of us and in life. Where there really is not any separation with you and me. The context of the script of life becomes what it really is ….. a script.

In closing here I would like to re-look at a famous quote from the standpoint of dark teachers, and it goes like this;

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.”

William Shakespeare

core spirituality for your discernment

shared with aloha

Josh Groban YOU ARE LOVED (DON’T GIVE UP) offical video

There is an inner strength ( love) within each of us that is revealed in the face of differences, challenges, defeats, long sufferings. That we are challenged by difficulties is only half the equation, what we do with these challenges is the other half. That we lose and forget that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We always have a choice to believe the greatest lie perpetrated on the face of the earth…… that we are powerless and insignificant humans. While one may feel this way THIS IS NEVER REALLY TRUE, NEVER!

We are loved because that is the substance of which we are made. That there is a heart beating inside your chest as you read this is your physical reminder, pay attention to it’s message inside you.

The times we live are such that tremendous shifts in our awareness are moving into quantum possibilities. I am posting this in celebrating those possibilities in each of us.

Josh Groban – Brave [Official Music Video]

There are instances in our lives when everything is pointing to one thing, in one direction, and there is little else. When this happens our need to take a step takes on increasing power and redirection. In our hesitation and fear we know we can take that step if only to learn one simple thing about ourselves. That is that we are brave.

Music to celebrate that step we take to become brave and face what we do not understand.


The Process/Experience
When you look into the real and see the truth you feel the moment as it presents itself in the now…for it is not the state of mind but …the state of being…within seconds a life time passes as the person is so relax and safe they tell you things that where buried so deep…covered in pain…seal with resentment and denial. The mere thought of exposure would set in motion rivers of anger and frustration cultivated by rage. Within a few minutes all that had been pent up comes pouring out as they release and let go.

For the first time they meet peace, a feeling that eluded them for an eternity.

All they can say is: “who are you”? You smile and say “a friend”.

Their response is: “how can I ever repay you”?

You smile and say: “just leave it all here and pay it forward”!

The last words you speak are the recipe to life…

Kindness is Caring! Joy is Sharing! Life is Giving!

SPREADING LOVES SEEDS…removing hates weeds!


This was posted on my Facebook Page by SPIRITUAL WARRIOR

WHO I AM – Ray Isaac (Official Music Video)

liberate the voice of genuine you and then make a video about it……………………..

“I believe music can heal those who have been bullied and shine a light on those who are the cause of it. I believe everyone has the right to equality, to harmony and to a peaceful existence. You are made perfect and you are beautiful just the way you are. I finally found happiness because I am proud of WHO I AM” Ray Isaac

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Secondary Gain…………..core spirituality ….my personal journey



Secondary gain is the experience of doing something that is really to your detriment, however you do it anyway because of the pay off, or the benefit….. you get something for the price you pay. This behavior is mostly referenced in a medical model. Malingering pain and suffering because of the medical benefits one can get, or a pending legal payment in court. However this behavior is applicable in any situation. I believe we become entrapped by our unconscious interior motivations around what it is we want out of life. We do one thing in order to have something else.


Frequently in my practice of bodywork when I have a client who reappears time after time suffering with the same complaints after we have cleared the “issue in the tissue”. And this goes on for months and even years and a whole lifetime for some people. When this happens I suspect there may be secondary gain. My inner sleuth begins to look for clues. I have learned that there are unconscious to the client, motivations for why they do not get better. (they act as if they have absolutely no clue!)


This occurred early in my career with a client who was suffering the ill effects of injury due to an auto accident. Though we had done all the normal protocols with normal time tables for treatments she was not improving. This went on for months as I listened to her complaints each week in treatment sessions. As a practitioner and a human being I was getting frustrated and short on patience and I had to wonder why I was feeling this way! I could not figure it out until the day she revealed she was in litigation for a substantial sum of money and the court date was fast approaching. After the hearing and upon receiving the money she instantly became well. The symptoms disappeared!


When similar situations after this arose I began to pay attention to the details around clients and their malingering pains in a way that might inform me whether there was a secondary gain issue involved. I became clear that this was a frequent occurrence and thus I structured my work appropriately with new boundaries and communications around my availability.


In my own life then for many years I have watched people around me seeking support for their suffering, in my work this arises normally. In my personal life I found also that I was giving attention and energy into fruitless situations that were not going to improve because there were underlying issues tied to the situations. Once again I shifted my personal boundaries so that I would not feed into the drama drama drama of these people.


They were seeking a personal gain in some way at the expense of hurting themselves. And I was no longer going to participate.


Any time a friend would be open to looking at a secondary gain motivation I would explain it and we could take it apart and learn valuable information about how this arises and what to do now to shift out of it. However were someone not willing to face this head on…. my new personal boundary became I would not participate in any way.



When we “act as if” pretending to ourselves and everyone else , for ulterior outcomes without realizing what we are doing we engage ourselves in a diminish-ment of personal effectiveness in any situation.


We become enmeshed ( stuck to) in situations and with individuals and a feeling of entrapment is generated that in turn prevents real genuine solutions. Repeat scenarios ensue.


Without the understanding of secondary gain in our lives and how we act this out we find ourselves repeating life situations. This is frustrating and leads to dead ends. Even when we get what we wanted the payoff we are still not happy. We are still having to pay some price on some level for this kind of behavior.


Away to discern whether or not this pattern is part of your life I do a personal inventory to uncover this pattern to look at repeating situations. Name them take them apart and find where, who, or what is your pay off! Determing this may stop self sabotage, or self inflicted pain and suffering. Once this happens new ideas arise and new directions will unfold leading me out of the situation. Self honesty always works with this kind of thing. When we delude ourselves we set up the possibility for secondary gain to reappear once again and the cycle continues.


The possibilities where this can happen are truly infinite, I see it in marriages, business partnerships, horrible work situations people complain about, relationships in general are full of this behavior. Unless a person is willing to either give up the benefits, they will need to create another path towards their goal. Without realizing this there will likely not be any change that brings satisfaction. The behavior insidiously reappears with new players, and new situations.


What am I to gain from staying in this situation? How am I giving up my integrity in this situation? What are the ill effects of continuing in this? what would it look like were I to change my behavior? Is this really worth the price I am paying? Am I being honest with myself, with others about my situation? Do I feel deception, ulterior motives, and malingering unhappiness?


These are some questions I have learned to ask myself. The result the answers bring to me usually clear out my own subconscious and free me up to be available for new solutions.


Core of spirit within me declares this day


shared with aloha





The Rising Cost of Being Human…………..core spirituality……….my personal journey


This is about the subject of MONEY!

Reflecting on all the dialogue in the world where we place our attention to the subject of money and finances. Who has it ,who doesn’t have it, what can we do to get more of it , how to keep it , how to spend it, how to grow it !

What we are willing to do to ourselves to get it. The human behavior around it.

What we sacrifice in our lives to have it, how we go into debt to make more of it. Who will get it when we die. How to stash it, how to manage it. How to use it to control one another, to control countries, how we die for it. How we go to prison for it. How we dress for it, how we act for it.

Money money money….. the song goes….. “…money makes the world go around, the world go around..” and indeed it does for billions of people, and so it is true the lack of money spins the world as well.

How in the world did we get so taken up in the attention we place on money?

How did money become the replacement for virtually every human joy and thing in life?

How did money become the motivating factor for who, what, where, why, we do what we do with our day to day existence?

How did money become the scourge of billions upon billions of people all over the world and leave them with less than?

How is it that money has replaced the very dignity of being a human being in this world for so many of us?

The cost we pay to invest ourselves in the game of money in these ways is staggering. The loss of simple human dignity and self worth around this is beyond comprehension.

The secretive, covert components behind the motivations of why and what we do in our lives around money is horrific. The amount of attention human beings invest in frustration, suffering, sickness and painful human relations around money is almost offensive to my senses.

The level of distraction away from the core of humanity, the spirit of that which we are made, and all that is truly possible as a result of spending so much attention and energy in money is monstrous!

The fact that the balance of many decisions that are purported to be for our well being is actually not the case but has a hidden agenda for profit thru attention to money is unfathomable. That the numbers of people who do not realize this and all who do and do not know what to do about it is a force of energy so prevalent in this world. That whole nations of people do not have what they need and a few have more than any of them is absolutely so out of balance it is mind blowing to me.

That virtually all god given rights on this planet are preceded by the attention to money and how we have it or not is questionable.

That people will literally jump out of buildings and kill themselves, that people will take drugs and cause horrific scenarios, that people will murder one another, that people will swindle, lie, cheat, deceive, and destroy…. all out of their attention to money is up for review ……now for the world….. for all of us. These are the times we are living and I propose we take a look at the rising cost of being human and what this is doing to our lives.

Secondary gain………. who knows what this is?

Secondary gain is not a profit margin for accessing ones financial portfolio.

Secondary gain is the action of obtaining a benefit thru behaviors that are not actually in your best interest, yet you go on because of what you are getting out of it anyway. The price we pay in this is staggering. For many people this THE TRAP! And the cycle of the greatest lie perpetrated on earth goes around again and again. That we are powerless insignificant human beings. We end up entrapping our own selves for lifetimes in this drama!

Like everyone else in this world I have had to face the issues of money in my life. I have lived every conceivable position in the equation of money. From having none of it and all the pain and suffering and misery this can potentially bring upon self to having so much of it I did not know what to do. I have worked hard for very little, I have worked hard for a lot. I have been given gigantic sums of it completely out of the blue. I have had none of it and been the recipient of all it can do for one without paying a cent. All my life I have been in the company of people who had “more money than god” , as the saying goes, as well as common folk who had just what they needed. And I have been with people who barely have any at all. The experiences I have lived around my attention to money have sharpened my awareness in this life and caused me to do personal inventory around how much attention and energy I place into money. At this point in my life I put the least amount of energy into IT… !

I have had experiences that I have drawn upon many many times as I have learned to give up the common ideas of money. Specifically speaking here with the off planet beings and how they have showed me their set up. My perception goes like this. These beings when taking their little ones into their lives begin with the idea that every being is born for a purpose, this purpose is to be expressed thru the talents and tendencies these beings show their parents. These beings hold with tremendous honor and respect the indwelling spiritual presence in their offspring. Thru their observation and care of this indwelling spirit they also recognize that everything in their lives is available thru this spiritual presence in life. ( not money as is the common view here on earth) Recognizing this, all activities are developed and provided by everyone for everyone. The result is mutual sharing of resources for all the beings on their planet and any other like planetary civilizations they encounter. Systems of barter and trade arise out of this mutuality and continuous flow of resources are shared. There is no rent to pay to live. There is no fee for what is given. Their is no need to control thru materiality! There is tremendous knowledge and development all thru life. The tensions that we experience resulting from our money system are non existent! All activities are supported by everyone. And these beings experience a joyful state of living that exceeds our life times by hundreds of years! The crime is almost, not completely but almost non existent. There are no military’s like ours or police. And there is absolutely no money at all. I found this remarkable. The feeling of what this is like is something I have drawn from thru out my life.

Learning to shift my attention toward the indwelling spiritual nature of one another, and life as it is expressed around me. I have shifted the importance from the limiting money consciousness around me for the spiritual consciousness inside.

That I live in society that still utilizes this system of money is very clear to me and I make sure that I tend to my financial responsibilities in a timely manner. And all those things I do that bring money to me are natural expressions of the joy I receive thru the talents I have and that I was born to express! I do not labor needlessly. I love the work I have to do in this world and I love how my work connects me with people and life in general. Staying true to these qualities has provided the exact opportunities I have longed for all my life. ( once I declared to myself I would like to be paid to visit all the beaches of the world, next I found myself traveling all over the world in my professional capacity doing my dream. I visited over 75 countries in 7 years!)

The shift within myself around money has brought about a wonderful lifestyle where by I find that all my needs are met and are exceeded regularly. I live in a life of abundant living where most people close in my circle love to share resources and we do regularly. ( we have the Maui grocery……………… everyone has something growing in their yard, or they fish, or have eggs from their chickens and there is a constant flow of abundant fruits and veggies. Most gatherings where we share food everyone brings far more than normally so that you can have take home plates and packages ) I have enjoyed an abundant life now for many years, once I let go of all the false notions of reality around money.

I have learned to root out those false defining ideas of myself and life as defined by the money system on our planet. I have let go the need to worry, or become frustrated about money. I have learned to live with it and without it and enjoy life either way. My happiness does not come from the money, nor my unhappiness from the lack of it. Either side of the equation. I have learned to simplify my material world and shift the way I choose TO spend energy….. I do what I love and I love what I do. I acknowledge the genuine source of life in materiality for what it is….. and it is not money!

I remain open to my continual discovery and development of my own nature, the direction of my own talents and how this is unfolding. I support others precisely in the same manner as I do myself. The distance I have traveled from my painful early start in life to now thru my own attitudes is a 360 degree turn around. I remain humble in the face of any instance where attitudes out of proportion with money are around me and I stay grounded in realizing not everyone is in the same spectrum of realizations. I do not get entrapped, entitled, or enmeshed in any of the drama drama drama scenarios my fellow human beings get stuck in. And I strive to stay grounded in compassion for this humanity as we learn the valuable experiences we are having around money, and the cost of being human.

Core of spirit within me reflects this day

shared with aloha

Empowering Your Health: Beyond Monsanto, Rockefeller and the American Medical Association

Empowering Your Health: Beyond Monsanto, Rockefeller and the American Medical Association

Do you know the connection between Monsanto, the Rockefellers and the Us health care? if you think the American Medical Association stamp of approval should give you comfort. think again, Here’s why ;

The Deveopment of Our Attention……. core spirituality…………my personal journey



The process of being informed thru our physical senses, our internal feelings, and our thoughts involves the way we develop our attention to life as we experience it. The attention that we give to our lives has specific energy to it making something magnified, minimized, or deleted.


And then there is the quality of nothing, or the practice of simply being with……..attention. This is where there is only one consciousness in all things and this consciousness sees itself in multiplicity from any perspective, including ourselves. If this idea is too much for you , do not be concerned. Just skip over that part.


My sense of responsibility around matters of attention is strong. My intention to develop my attention is consistent, persistent,and relentless. What matters to me is something that activates my attention. What I pay attention to seems to be increasing as I develop my capacity to let go and empty out myself while integrating new information. We all do this everyday. That we watch our attentions is significant.


How our attention is developing is significant is that we all SELECTIVELY ENGAGE it.


We selectively see, hear, feel, intuit, taste, touch, thru our biology…. the human form. We have an expression in our language that someone is “putting blinders on”, like a horse! This reflects our awareness that we are seeing somethings and not others. I learned as a boy child that I needed to pay attention around me. My experiences were that the world was dangerous, sudden, unexpected. So I have spent my entire lifetime learning to pay attention.



The attention we place in life has a way of moving us thru our lives with specific edges to life. We are aware of some things and not others. This is valuable in that our discernment shapes the reality that we live. What is getting our attention is what we place our valuable life energy into. There is another saying that goes…. “where your attention goes your energy follows!”


The attention that we refuse, we ignore, is equally important and also moves us thru our lives. Who hasn’t unexpectedly realized they were standing on a pile of shit on the grass? Ha-ha!


What we deny, ignore, or refuse our attention follows us and persists in showing up to our attention. This is a universal experience that confounds people all the time. I find it fascinating that people do not get this.


That attention is valuable is becoming increasingly evident to me thru our technology. Have you ever seen the number of cell phones go up at a concert? Have you noticed the amount of surveillance cameras all over our cities? In fact I was at the swap meet last week buying my vegetables in a gigantic outside open space and suddenly everyone was looking up…. why? There was a flying robot above us with a camera watching us in the sky. Who was that paying attention, I wondered! Criminals depend on the fact that we are not paying attention, they know this. Why else would there be so many cameras all over inside the banks? Why would so many people place alarms, cameras, and systems in their homes? I see these things now everywhere as I travel into private homes for my work, hotels, and even inside all the elevators I see cameras. Surveillance by our government has been on the news now for months with hours and hours of discussion. Whew …. someone somewhere is paying attention to all this.


Our capacity to pay attention is taking leaps and bounds.

The minute something happens in a city in the Ukraine it is suddenly blasted all over billions of televisions all over the world.


So I return to the singular idea of what are YOU paying attention to in your life? And what do you deny, refuse and cut out of your reality?


Consistently in my life I find people turn their attention away from specific subjects. For years I have marveled at this. For years I have wondered at how and why human beings selectively view life. For years I have watched people suffer because they refused to pay attention!


In my personal life there are 3 subjects I find people “switch off”. I watch as the eyes glaze over, the subject gets changed, or I hear exhortations to stop. The 3 issues for me are extraterrestrials, the gays, and emotions. What are they for you?

I have had an entire lifetime of interactions with off planet beings. These experiences have shaken me to the very core of myself, they have dramatically shifted my life. I have experienced tremendous fear, tremendous insight, tremendous psychic upgrades as a result of these interactions and I have mostly kept silent my whole life because I see how people switch off their attention the minute the subject arises. The gays…. realizing that I was born to be authentically real I had to come to terms with my orientation, this has been an arduous journey for me,the straight people in my family, and life, for years and years would “switch off” quickly at the mere mention of the subject. I have always been astounded at this. And finally emotions….. not all of them, the ones that a person is hiding from inside themselves. Those feelings that to an outsider, are the very feelings that are running the show, causing what is happening to happen. Humans are masters of self deception, hiding, and denial when it comes to our feelings. I have found this to be absolutely craziness! And the source of craziness!


Whatever we selectively do not pay attention has tremendous weight, consequence in our lives. What ever we pay attention to thru selective viewing also has tremendous weight and consequence. It is equal both sides of the equation.


Have you noticed in countries where the voice of the people is being ignored there becomes a quantum leap of the collective and demonstrations arise? Violence erupts, people are hurt and even killed when the governmental powers consistently deny, ignore, look away? Which leads me to another saying “whatever you resist…..persists!”


When groups of individuals (corporations, governments, military’s ) refuse to listen to the voices of the people these are the outcomes, and so what about the environment? We have enough intelligence already on the planet to maintain a tremendous equilibrium and this intelligence is expressed in the face of the dangerous chemicals,weapons,and practices of these individuals and still we experience the destruction and annihilation of our animals, ecosystems and forests! The amount of disharmony that results from this is all staggering to me.


We as a species are having to learn to pay attention. When an entire species such as ours reaches the universal experience of life all together, in our attention, we have the most remarkable capacity to improve life for everyone and everything on the planet. That what any one individual is giving their attention to is not important is feeding into one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated on our planet. That we are powerless. Every person’s attention is filtering into the collective experience we share. We are learning this now. Your attention now is valuable. How you use it is personal. How you act according to your attention is shaping this world for someone else. Please lets all pay attention to one another, to our animals, to our magnificent planetary body.

Core of spirit within me reflect this day


shared with aloha

Complacency…………core spirituality …………… my personal journey ( REPOST)

 In light of the current times ( see previous post on the Cardinal Grand Cross)  I wanted to repost an older previous post to rekindle a sense of attention to an experience which masks something more prevalent and more common in us in which we may awaken. The acceptance to the places of complacency in ourselves facilitates that it is now time to review, re-decide, determine, and unfold that which is within us to be expressed thru our agreements, the agreements of our soul selves.

Complacency is defined in the following ways; feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do not need to try any harder. Pleased or satisfied, especially extremely self satisfied even though the situation may uncertain or even dangerous. Synonyms for complacent are confident, self righteous, smug, unconcerned. I find myself having to confront this within myself regularly and this is very uncomfortable.

I have learned for myself this arises as a form of resistance. It shows up always when I am resisting moving forward making the changes I honestly see in my future self. I fight the flow of direction by becoming complacent and I especially act this one out with food. I feel horrible whenever I catch myself in this behavior. I allow my mind to think as if everything is alright inside me, I usually don’t catch the thoughts immediately. This feeling of horrible is a sure indication to me that I need to face whatever I am avoiding.

Sometime I have to even pray for the will to make a change within myself as even the will to change is so diminished.

Yet I know I must make changes. Being successful as a spiritual being having a human experience is not all sweetness and light, that is for sure! Lol!

This complacency can go on for years and has, for some issues, others it is only months, and still others it may be days, and still others it is only minutes. It is all the same though. Some kind of resistance to moving forward according to all the signs, messages, signals, intuitions, facts about it! Just plain old digging ones feet in to the toenails and resisting. Ughhhhhhhhhh

These are the moments when the spirit within you is talking to the human as you. This is very potent john! When your hesitations become avoidance and you feel the negative effects of not acting. You are actually going deeper into your essence each time you fall to this. Your essence is seeking to push thru your habits of resistance and eventually you may have a break-thru, sometimes referred to as a breakdown, or reaching your breaking point. It is simply a self aware level of honesty increasing with you. Very very potent. Pay attention here.” my still inner voice of core speaks to me.

I truly truly hang onto these words for in these moments of complacency I am comforted in my acceptance of self and my need to move on. Sometime it is all I can muster up… until finally … I push on through the inertia.

On occasion , john your resistance is actually your deeper need to process, to process more information about what it is you are feeling. Slowing you down so that you do not make more unnecessary mistakes or prolong unduly. Go lightly with this… with yourself. You are also simultaneously widening your experience of the now and sometimes you will discover in the moment that you have more than one layer of yourself invested in your resistance turned into complacency”

Thus embracing complacency inside you leads you to richer knowledge of yourself and the world you are in. letting it become a dominate in any area of yourself, for prolonged amounts of time is how you must monitor yourself. Making even little steps when possible. You can do this …..” quietly I hear the words within myself.

Once again I feel comforted.

When I look around this world I notice I am not the only one here struggling with this issue. It appears to run rampant thru humanity.

Particularly when on the verge of great new possibilities for us.

I know from previous notes I have written I have been told the degree of problems you face are equal to the degree of answers , of possibilities also available to you. We are living in very potent times are we not? This complacency seems to be a common response to new ideas, different ways of doing things, facts that are arising pointing to outcomes that are imminent! I often wonder what is going to happen to all the complacent people living in this world?????????????????????

Well for myself and the others in this world who are experiencing complacency I wanted to write about this today.

Shared with aloha….