How the Language We Use, Shapes and Changes Our World View… core spirituality, my personal journey

words change the meaning

How the Language We Use, Shapes and Changes Our World View… core spirituality, my personal journey

How and why communications are so important.

Language and speech are ways we can track ourselves when it comes to discovering what our world view is and how it is or is not changing, by listening to our own words and paying attention to the speech we generate.

The words we think and speak open up the neurological pathways inside our brains and this sets into motion many other responses in our bodies. Like our hormonal levels, our heart rates, our oxygen levels as this relates to our breath. Our muscular conditions and even our daily activity in the world are all lead by the words inside our minds, and those words we speak into the world.

When we speak more than one language we can even shift our entire perspective. Each language has its own characteristics and these elements lead to different expressions of who and what we are, and what we are doing.

How we communicate with others either builds the bridges of our community thru togetherness or it may distance us and generate wide gaps between us all.

The unconsciousness of our speech.

The unconscious use of words in our day to day relating has tremendous effect. Whenever we are not congruent or we are not exact in our use of words we are apt to be misunderstood by those around us. Whenever we are unconscious about our words we set into motion circumstances without realizing how it is we create these circumstances. And with the omission of words we do the same. With our words we guide the life force, or “mana” as we say in Hawaii. Where our words go is where the life force follows and flows into energizing.

When we use words that do not match the actual thoughts, ideas, contents of our feelings accurately we are more likely to be misinterpreted and our desired results are put off by our lack of clarity and our disregard for our capacity to express ourselves with congruency to our true feelings, and thoughts.

We may not be expressing the genuine vision of the world that is truly within whenever we find ourselves using words that are not matching this inside us. This is how language shapes our world. The opposite is true when we find and use the words which most clearly express out thoughts and feelings we set into motion our vision for ourselves into the world.

Whenever I have discovered my unconscious use of words I get a “wake up” call which alerts me to my need to look more completely at what I am saying. This acts as a triggering element for the ongoing development of my awareness, and thus becomes a good thing. I can get conscious about something that I was previously unconscious about and add on to my sense of greater congruency.

Which language do you speak?

Early in my youth I had the opportunity to learn to speak Italian and live amongst many Italian families. I found that when I spoke Italian on a regular basis, which is not my native language, I found myself feeling much more fluid, more musical and open to feelings that ever before. I allowed myself to be more highly creative and open. I also have this experience whenever I listen to Italian songs. At another time in my youth I studied French, and lived in a french speaking country where I had another shift in my world view. Here I learned to drop a certain sensibility that was my American way of relating to people. I found myself taking on a European sense of community unlike I had ever experienced as an American at home. And still on another level of myself living and speaking in another language catapulted me out of the smaller view of the world I had held as an American and expanded my view of the world beyond those borders to include many more ways of life, ways of acting, and general understanding of how life works.

The different words in the different languages map the brain in different ways and this changes the view of the world.

Anyone who speaks more than one language knows how this is. We can also see this in a smaller way in different neighborhoods where there is a local style of speaking, certain words with different music to the sentences convey totally different views of the world. Including even the differences in the USA from the north to the south. The cadences in our expressions all create views of the world in which we place ourselves and communicate to one another.

Our lack of words and inability to find our most genuine speech.

Whenever we have not taken the time and the depth to define our selves in our language we get stuck in misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and general disconnect with others. Thus the omission of words is as telling as the words themselves. Numerous times in therapeutic settings working with people I have encountered how not having developed a language for how one feels stops the flow of feeling and experience and stifles the understanding that would or could be available.

An inability to put into words how it is we genuinely feel or think is an indication that we have more processing and this requires some time and attention to sort out how it is and what it is that is ongoing inside us.

Our need for genuine inner reflection.

This leads to reflection and quietude. This can do wonders to bring about the words that best express us. Going inward serves to define and redefine our own thoughts and feelings so that we stay congruent with our daily growth and development as spiritual beings having a human experience. Without it our world view can easily become stunted, out grown without our even being aware of it.

This is important because the world around us, and the billions of people too are all still growing. We can end up having a real crisis when new information smacks us in the face when we have not taken the time inwardly to define and redefine our own thoughts and feelings. I call this a “reality check”. ( more valuable than a money check!)

When we change our words we change our world.

I learned early how changing our words truly changes my world. Particularly as I learned to be more accountable to myself. I found that I had to change the way I spoke to people. For instance in my old style of thinking I would have said to myself …”you make me mad!” or “you make me feel awful!”, when I changed my words to say “when you act like this I find myself feeling mad” or “when you do that I have feelings of being awful”. The shift is that now I am recognizing that I am my own source of these feelings, not you. I shift the action of blame outside myself to the action of accountability within myself.

This is a major paradigm shift that takes all the power back to me where before I had the world view of powerlessness.

My own process for my experience becomes one that is my own to manage and I am not subject to what you may say or do any longer. Thus people and circumstances arise as triggers that help me to discern how it is I feel and think, I do not have to be victimized, rather I am empowered.

Over the years as I have learned to shift my speech habits and this has adjusted my world view considerably. No longer do I see the powerlessness in life as I used to, not for myself or for another. I do see how others unconsciously see themselves as powerless thru their use of words. And I now use this information to have a better understanding of things. To have true empathy and I am able to generate the appropriate concern without adding to people’s unconscious drama, drama, drama.

When we become conscious of our words we shift our thinking.

As I have learned to use my words more consciously I have learned how this has a ripple effect inside the thinking mind. I have learned by using accurate language and defining and redefining myself that I am better capable of shifting my thinking into progressively broader ways.

I find that changes I need to make, while not altogether are without their hardship, they are much more manageable to make. I find there is a natural progress in making changes that “fits” me as I go along. This better “fit” to my speech aligns my mind and heart and I find myself flowing with greater ease as I adjust to circumstances on a day to day basis.

When I am really in a hard place I find myself much more open and self accepting as I notice how difficult some changes are to make. I still use my words as allies in my life.

I value the spoken word, and the written word.

I pay much clearer attention to the words you use too.

And I can see how making simple changes in speech, better choices in my words actually promotes the well being of my ongoing developing world view.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery

Quote words by rumi

Our World View… How is yours changing? … core spirituality, my personal journey

world view eye

‘I understand your world view, but what world are you coming from?’

Our World View… How is yours changing? … core spirituality, my personal journey

What is a world view?

It is a set of beliefs, assumptions,a philosophy, or point of view with which a person understands the world. Our individual views blend together and form the larger world views making up our global society understanding. We each have a world view and together we have our collective world view. And I see that our world views are shifting and changing in massive ways on our planet today.

When your world view is about to shift.

When your world views are about to shift there arises circumstances that let you know.

This appears at first to be quite uncomfortable. Challenges to thinking, and believing may arise that are contrary to your own well established ideas and they persist in a pattern of repetitions as themes. At first this may not be so noticeable, however after a series of repeated exposures to new ideas we can learn to discover how a point of view may be up for some rethinking.

There may be a series of uncomfortable feelings that do not go away and linger inside the body until such time as one chooses to look more deeply into what it is that is upsetting the status quo in your life.

Whenever we are stuck in our left hemisphere of linear logical thinking as a pattern of seeing the world, this will have very upsetting messages to that mindset. The left hemisphere of linear logic aspect of our mind likes to “think” that it has the whole picture and may resist the natural progression of new information arising to the attention of the world view inside one’s perceptions. It may tell you it is right and justify with every conceivable notion why one should not change. This is purely mind thought attempting to deal with a level of change that is about to upset it. People can get real crazy at this juncture in this whole process and fly off the handle, all to preserve their point of view and not make any kind of change. All manner of scriptures from all the religions, all manner of philosophies, past educational, previous experience come up to defend at this one point. I have encountered all such things in myself, and in my private practice working with people.

When the gap inside a person becomes wide enough between the old style of thinking and the new one arising and a person persists in holding on, the disharmony becomes increasingly more uncomfortable with pain, to the point of headaches, stomach aches, fatigue increases, loss of joy, and general melancholy.

There is a law of the universe that states whatever we resist… persists. And so cycles of dysfunction develop and grow and ultimately become our illness. The physical body registers all the interior thought and feeling thru out the cells and structures, this is how we self create some of our states of illness. Weakening the immune system and opening us to the myriads of other illness traveling amongst our world. This is why some people never catch colds, or catch illnesses from others as they maintain a high degree of interior congruency with mind, emotion and physical body that generates a healthy, strong immune system response.

As a new world view arises to be taken into account and disturbs the status quo, a temporary form of chaos ensues that shakes up our perceptions. Confusion increases and may well dominate our consciousness for a while. This confusion is the mix of the old information we hold onto with the new information seeking to find a place in our awareness.

Confusion of this kind is one of the signals of world view changes.

In other words, attitude shifts, emotional openings to new or old unprocessed emotions, new ideas and visions all clashing with the old styles of perceiving. As one learns the value of this type of confusion one can learn to translate the confusion as being the time to rethink, reorganize, or drop certain ideas, beliefs, philosophies, and world views. Like a surfer riding a wave thru all the phases of highs and lows in the sea, so too can we ride the waves of our changing world views and the confusions that come with this adjustment.

The more aligned a person may be with their interior sense of authenticity the more uncomfortable it can be to stay resolved in old style thinking, and thus the intensity of the results of new information pouring into the awareness will have deeply upsetting or changing outcomes. The personality is pressured to let go and move beyond what it had held as “the truth” or whatever the world view they have invested themselves and eventually learn to come to terms with the new awareness.

This pressure which arises inside the self as mental, emotional, feeling based components that may not even have language or words connected to it yet. However as a person goes thru a process of self inquiry the words appear and the whole matter becomes much more real, and the possibility to handle it increases over time. This is actually a very dynamic state for any human being.

Reconnecting to our child like strengths.

Children experience that regularly as they grow thru their early stages of development.

As adults we learn to become static and stuck without realizing it, and thus we disrupt that natural understanding of personal growth and development.

Perhaps this is why prescription drugs, and alcohol play such a significant place in so many adults lives. They have disengaged from their own inner growth and misunderstood all the messages.

A valuable way to align with the shifting of world views is to rekindle our child like wonder, and child like innocence towards ourselves and one another. Our inner child qualities are very alive with the unknowns and the joys of discovery and learning.

When our inner child has been overwhelmed with experiences from a childhood filled with many painful or disturbing experiences the filter to the world and ourselves becomes clouded and again we resist the new. This is particularly important to understand so that we can take the time to rekindle our relationship with our own child like self and heal the past wounds thru therapy, or play or especially self acceptance for our little child pains and learn to allow the feelings and thoughts to flow safely out of ourselves.

This will cleanse the filters of our perceptions and open us up to present day time, present day now moments and avail us to living more congruently. When we live in the present moment without the painful effects of our past experiences we can access with greater clarity the components of confusions arising now as adults. This is critical to get and to practice so that the current stage of our lives is open to more spontaneous out-flow and genuine self inquiry.

Learning how to accept new ideas for ourselves is not so hard.

When we cultivate a practice of learning new things, learning different ways to view our world and we allow the discomforts of conflict within us to arise peacefully we actualize the process of growth.

When we learn to practice acceptance in all the ways it is arising for each of us we gain a strength of self, and a deepening of spirituality within. Though it may not always make the dismantling of a world view that has met its time of demise inside us, it does offer a place to step towards that ultimately brings us inner peace. When this becomes a way of life the changes we need to make in our lives go by with less negative charge to them and there becomes a kind of “flow” which holds a precious meaning and greater significance to change. I find that joy has more of an option to fill in to life for me as I have learned how to allow myself to keep changing.

How much change do I have to go thru, its enough already?!!!

So often I have had this thought, and languished over it all. So often I have wished it were over, and my mind was confronted with the notion that change is inherent in this universe. I have had to confront change so much so that it took all resistances out of me. I have even been left with nothing but the change I was going thru, while all else fell away by virtue of circumstances, by relationships etc. Raw naked to the moment and completely revealed to myself, I have discovered that I can embrace change as a regular thing, a daily occurrence, a way of life.

I have discovered that I actually prefer it. I don’t mean it is comfortable, I mean I prefer the change to the resistance of change. I prefer the way this releases my self in the world to redefining me. Redefining how I see the world, in other words redefining my world view.

We can all mostly agree we live in tremendous times of change.

We can ultimately learn that this is the very reason and purpose for which we were born…. to live thru such changes. To watch ourselves become what more there is to become and to break down the old and watch how useless it truly is now.

We can become change agents in each of our lives both for ourselves and our loved ones. We can learn to love the changes, love the conflicts, love the confusions, love the hardships of change for each other.

As change agents our silent awareness to what is going on allows the incoming new waves of possibility to exist, we create the space for this all around us where ever we go, with whomever we are with, and whatever is arising.

As change agents we recognize the signals of change and we facilitate them, even without speaking.

When we accept our capacity to process changes we vibrate this into the world with our personal essence. Our individual essence combines with others on a vibrational level mixing into the world in a way that acts as a buffer for the difficult changes we are all passing thru in our lives.

Yes it is scarey that the old ways are dieing, many are reacting in increasingly more dramatic ways to these changes. Our presence is a balance to these fears. Our love is a soothing vibration that heals these fears in our atmosphere of social and planetary shifting.

We have so much more power when we live with change instead of fighting it, we have so much more power with acceptance and love in what is arising as new possibility.

The old ways do not have a grounding in this powerful new way of living. They cannot stand the acceptance and all the love it holds.

As change agents we do not have to react so negatively to what we see as fear based reaction in this world.

Fear only has the power we give to it.

As change agents when we face head on our fear based notions, we can stand strong and firm in our own place and not be caught up in all the drama that fear likes to make and EMPATHY IS BORN.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery

'I understand your world view, but what world are you coming from?'

‘I understand your world view, but what world are you coming from?’

10 Signs of Spiritual Bypassing and How to Reverse It….. By LJ Vanier

10 Signs of Spiritual Bypassing and How to Reverse It By LJ Vanier

If you haven’t heard the term before, a spiritual bypasser is someone who prematurely jumps to the spiritual side of things in order to avoid dealing with their own unresolved emotions, memories and healing.

A spiritual bypasser is someone who hasn’t done the inner work to make their outside their inside and because of this, that persons spirituality manifests itself only externally preventing internal, personal, and authentic growth — such as unconditional love and tolerance for others.

Bypassers can also be viewed as “fanatics”. These are people who fall in love with the idea of spirituality, or the idea of religion without doing any of the real work themselves.

Here are 10 Ways to Spot a Spiritual Bypasser

  1. Using spiritual beliefs and practices to avoid dealing with unresolved wounds and painful feelings
  2. Showcasing premature forgiveness
  3. Wishful thinking
  4. Ungrounded behaviors
  5. Experiencing a radical detachment from one’s self-identifications
  6. Emotional repression and numbing
  7. Blind tolerance and compassion
  8. Overdone niceness towards others instead of developed emotional depth and authenticity
  9. Overemphasis on the positive
  10. Manifestation of anger-phobia where anger is confused with aggression and ill-will

Consequently the person who is bypassing will build their spirituality from the outside in, instead of from the inside out. These types of people can sometimes be deemed as a energetic vampires as they need to pull energy from others who are doing the real healing work to grow spiritually.

How to Reverse Spiritual Bypassing

Bypassing can only occur when we make the conscious choice to avoid dealing with our own pain and emotions.

It’s a “fake it until you make it” way of being. But when comes to growing spiritually, faking it won’t get you anywhere.

However, we can reverse this problem with 3 easy steps.

  1. Seek Knowledge — Find teachers, workshops, books, meditation classes and seminars. Any practice that teaches you how to grow and gives you empowermentof self. Do not attend the class simply to be a part of the group.  Bring a note pad and a pen, be open and willing to learn, then apply these teachings to your every day life.
  2. Find Time for Yourself— The best way to know yourself, is to spend time with yourself. Set aside at minimum 5 hours per week to be alone with no distractions. Get into nature or find a quiet place to just be you. Sit with your own emotions and feelings, listen to yourself.
  3. Get Creative — Find a healthy way to express the true essence of yourself. Head off somewhere alone, bring a journal or a paint brush and paint. Or grab some clay and create your masterpiece, plant a garden. Do what you feel is an expression of you. If you can’t think of how to express yourself creatively, go back to Step 2, you’re not done yet.

The real danger to bypassing is that it prevents the person from true introspection. Which is essential to truly become self aware. Introspection gives the seeker the opportunity to transform them self and paves the way for the journey into the depthsof the soul.




The New Normal? Core spirituality, my personal journey

New York Times best selling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. For more than 22 years, Gregg has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. To date, his work has led to such paradigm-shattering books as The Isaiah Effect, The God Code, The Divine Matrix and his 2008 release, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits. Gregg’s work is now published in 17 languages and 27 countries and shows us beyond any reasonable doubt that the key to our future lies in the wisdom of our past.

Restoring Joy… core spirituality, my personal journey


Restoring Joy… core spirituality, my personal journey

Joy is the energetic quality of feeling of pure happiness and connection with life and is directly received by the soul self from source as a substance of pure being.

Joy…. different from happiness, is eternal in nature and and deep.

Joy is not limited by circumstance in the same way as human happiness in that it springs from the depth of the self and permeates the human with a multitude of pure vibratory frequencies that heal, restore, strengthen, illuminate, and expand the self. Revealing many of the components of the core spiritual self in ways that have direct bearing on the activity and lifestyle of a human being.

Joy is the vibrational quality of our higher dimensional self, which simultaneously exists as us as we undergo the experience of our embodiment. This higher dimensional self is outside the conditional matrix of our lives yet within it, when we choose to learn how to stay connected to our soul self beyond this world.

The returning to joy and the learning to translate this soulful quality is one aspect of core spirituality that reeducates the human awareness so as to maintain a frequency of life force that brings in the experiences of which the incarnate being learns about the greater evolutionary impulses within self. And thus guides each one of us thru our difficulties making safe passage thru them and out of them.

Joy is purposeful, meaningful, necessary and takes the place of the incessant ego based mindsets, ego based commands, ego based ideologies, ego based dramas that most of us learn to pass thru on our journey thru our embodiments.

Joy is not subject to happiness to exist and may even coincide with sadness as the baseline experiences of joy do not depend on earthly conditions to exist.

Joy is the soulful expression of being-ness that is innate in the life force as a primary component of existence.

Joy is expressed all thru nature in the various life forms, and to my knowledge even in the rocks, sky’s, oceans, and landscapes. It is the natural harmonic of life that signals the loving vibrational aspect of a loving creator, a loving creation. This harmonic of joy is the substrate of life and exists before materiality and exists beyond materiality. The joyful nature of the human is categorically and historically associated with good times, good music, and high states of happiness, yet these are only snippets of the experience that joy brings.

Caring for joy

When we choose to intend joy in our lives our intentions shape what we do with a perspective that is accepting and open ended.

Caring for joy thru choosing right actions, choosing right decisions becomes a priority with regard to the unfolding conditions of each and every day.

By paying attention to and choosing to care for joy we learn how powerful this substance actually is and we can learn to allow this to all of our human conditions.

Acceptance is a key attitude to joy as the ego based mentality, the slave mentality does not quite understand it and will work against this by insisting on having its way. Ego based mentalities are righteous and commanding beyond reason. Lifetimes of ego based living take time to go away.

Thus to access this joy requires the willingness to bypass many of the ego based ideas and to go forward with the joy regardless of the circumstances.

Living In The Paradox

By caring we learn to develop and cultivate joy and we can understand how joy is lived in the face of hardships, sorrows and sadness, depressions, disappointments. I have experienced this many times thru all these circumstances as I stayed connected to my soulful self as the conditions of my life unfolded around me. This has been my experience. Yet in the early stages of awakening this seems to be almost impossible and even crazy. This is because the ego based mentalities are still in charge and until more of the soulful self is allowed to express then the joy seems distant and fleeting. However it does still exist even if it is only momentary and this is the signal that something is deeper inside us all that is potential still as yet expressed. Many of us have lived many many lifetimes in negativity and the process of breaking down these human habits requires transition time. This time will feel like we are living in a paradox, yet onward we go. I have practiced this thru out my adult life.

I found an ancient Sufi expression that I felt expressed this perfectly as it fit me quite well, many many years ago when I was in greater daily torment and suffering. The saying goes like this: While the heart is weeping for what it has lost, the soul is smiling for what it has found. This Islam Sufi saying has been a grounding one for me for many years and I know it is a true one.

Learning to access joy thru our decision making process is an amazing feed back experience in that testing this does bring results that confound the thinking mind. In fact may go completely opposite what the mental thoughts may be saying. However the access points in joy reward the human with simple pleasure and contentment and wisdom thru all circumstances. There is nothing a human being can face that joy will not lift one out of until one accesses this they do not understand its potency.

As a human being learns to let go of ego based negative thinking, believing, and acting, the balance inside self adjusts and the interior self feels better. As the balance of positive and negative are equalized this joy replaces the old ways. As this balance increases I have learned that it overflows into life. This overflow will reconnect a person with nature, or music, or some other activity that is especially good for each person. Connecting joy with outer activities increases the experience even more and the actual life style undergoes a transformation, not unlike a caterpillar to a butterfly. This is regardless of circumstance. I have experienced this with individuals in my work with whom had catastrophic life experiences and this was still true. Getting shot and paralyzed, losing body parts, severe death of family and friends, rape, and financial demise to name a few. In each of these individuals I witnessed tremendous joy after the fact as they allowed themselves to come undone and to be transformed by life thru forgiveness, or letting go, or simply by healing from the trauma it self.

The redirected self

The redirection of the self undergoes many a new transformation. This is in thoughts, feelings, physical health, mental health, and outlook. These new ideas begin to take root and eventually come to sustain a person as they tackle greater and greater issues until the self ultimately achieves a whole new equilibrium. This is happening within our humanity everywhere to millions of people as this new level of higher vibration begins its way into our world community. Perhaps the single largest component of this great transformation into joy will be with the forgiveness we bring to ourselves and to each other as we awaken and realize what we have been doing to ourselves and to our planet. Yet still the power of love is within joy and can increase evermore as we are all tested day to day in our personal lives. These tests are not from some master somewhere, they are our own tests from our own higher vibrational selves that are loving us thru existence. Much like angels.

Joy may also connect us to living angels, pure alive beings who know only the most sincere forms of love of source. Joy may connect us with entirely new people. Places, and circumstances of which we never could conceive in our lower vibratory life patterns. Joy naturally connects with pets, animals, plants and life forms all around us providing heightened interactions with these life forms that are mutually pleasurable and full of harmony. I have watched the natural state of joy in my pets, and the pets of friends grow substantially whenever we share joy. This is a tremendous feeling. Leading to nature herself.

Joy naturally connects us with nature in ways that are awe inspiring, uplifting, and catapults a human in a nano second into a higher state or frequency of living. A plant, a sunset, a garden, a field of grass can ignite the heart and uplift in amazing new ways. These joyful interactions with nature increase and as they do our interconnectedness grows. As we come to recognize our interconnectedness we are much less inclined to violate nature. This walking with beauty, or walking in joy wherever we go adds a marvelous feeling to the most simple of walks. Nature is truly alive with astounding energy and to feel that one is also a part of this is a most fantastic and liberating experience. This can lead to much more in depth healing to humans, animals and our magnificent planet.

When we allow joy to live within our hearts while in nature there is a quantum lift in our vibrational self that heals. This healing takes place on many levels as we heal our minds of our negative thoughts, as we heal our pains and emotional wounding, as we heal our bodies of years of negativity and fatigue. There is an automatic reciprocal exchange of life force that attends to joy and this exchange brings possibility of healing to each of us the more we allow ourselves to spend time with nature and to relax into these new higher vibratory fields.

Our human species is undergoing a joyful transformation right now, as I have learned I am not the only one on this planet having these experiences. This joyful transformation has been written about, prophesied, and hoped for by many generations. And it is happening now.

Restoring joy is going to catch on pretty quickly as more and more individuals awaken and let go of old ways. Many more transformations will occur of which I have not spoken, as we learn to liberate the human self and find our way. Joy is a clear indicator of this direction, and lack of it may also be a clear indicator. Lack of joy may be showing one how far off the mark they actually are in their thinking and how they live. The immediate contraction and discomfort of joyless decisions is becoming more common, the immediate lack of joy is a painful experience. We can also learn to navigate better once we realize we are withholding ourselves from joy by making choices which hold joy outside of our lives and all our relationships. Joyful relationships will be a topic I will write in a future essay.

I allow joy to direct my life and I willingly give myself to the discovery of what this means to me each day by living more, and more openly to the wisdom that joy provides me.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery
