Our Human Propensity to Demonize … All Around the World… core spirituality, my personal journey

Quote i believe in diginity

Our Human Propensity to Demonize … All Around the World… core spirituality, my personal journey

The activity of demonizing individuals, groups and nations is the habit of making wicked or evil someone, or some group of people and promoting facts in a way that generates a climate of being less than the totality of their true identity. By obscuring details, deleting information and leaving out certain facts, and or out and out lying about that individual or individuals in an attempt to persuade ones point of view. (including yourself !)

How many of us have participated in this behavior within our own social groups and families? Especially as a retaliatory response to some hurt, or wound we felt as a result of our perceived threat and injury. Escalating that threat or hurt to levels not truly a part of the actual reality of the situation.

To take the stance that someone is bad, or evil when we ourselves feel slighted, hurt, or the target of hurtful actions (to us) in an effort to make ourselves feel better, justified and right about some form of “perceived” injustice.

This human behavior is highly toxic, especially when left unchecked!

This behavior is practiced by little kids at school, adults of all kinds; moms, dads, teachers, politicians etc. , entire groups of people, and specifically…governments.

The consequences of demonizing is monstrously vast and has tremendous repercussions to healthy balanced and enriched human community.

To me this is appalling and highly injurious to the innate spirituality of any group of living beings, especially ourselves, when we are casting judgmental stands and pointing the finger. The hidden side of this is the righteous stand which perceives itself to be free to distort, malign, and denigrate character by hurling partially true or even completely false accusations aimed at the target… at any person, group, or nation, leaving out the complete body of truthful facts and information.

When the origins of this behavior are held in secret, left unchecked!

This human behavior is so very negative and is intended to be so, even when the source of such behavior is “acting as if” it is not and justifying false or partial information by acting “nice” and smiling all along the way.

This is obvious when looking through the lens of secrecy, deceit, and political bantering which is pervading our world through government activity, so called free media outlets, military stances around the world and the actions with which they are generating for the masses through their “covert-sourced” law rewrites for profiting by the few at the expense of the many. (the mass surveillance of internet activity and elimination of privacy therein without due process of law by governing bodies as exposed by whistle blowers across the world, and TPP, the Trans Pacific Trade Accord for example)

I see this now growing all through the internet media, corporate news sources, all across the world especially by politicians, and various other government representatives along with people in the various military bodies of the world on a daily basis The climate of such negative communication has become the norm and the general population appears to become quite passive and numb in response. Looking away is becoming a common response.

This care less attitude is exactly the climate much of this negativity requires to continue to grow and organize and covertly shape the world with which we live. And it appears to be working as more and more governmental bodies, along with social groups gain access to media outlets in an effort to promote their negative points of view, often in partial truth, distorted truth, obscured details of truth, or pure lack of truth along with eliminating all privacy in the world of internet activity through the secrecy of enacting policies of taking on surveillance and monitoring of any individual.

The effort to eliminate all privacy has devastating repercussions.

Thus undermining the integrity and fabric of honest and forthright community and social interaction among people. Continuously stirring the pot of discontent and maintaining an unending climate of discontent. Thus swaying popular opinion in the masses of people who still would rather follow along and believe such actions without the personal integrity of thinking for ones self. The effect is diminishing creative freedom, free expression, and dumbing down. And still people go along casually and grow to accept this as the norm. This is all very toxic behavior.

I know that within my own family we have such situations where this behavior is active.

I know that our own governing body is participating in this behavior and any voice of which expresses dissent to this prevailing attitude of maligning others without due process, and fair justice continues in our court systems ( more whistle blowers have been indicted in our present time than any other, continuous reports of police injustice within the general population, and the unending maligning of individuals across the world through political talking heads,and politicians without the full benefit of due process, and total fact representation.)

Our very right to free press, free speech, and many other personal rights are being violated on a daily basis and justified via powerful forces which act in secret, behind closed doors, and without full transparency to the masses.

Our collective spending, is subject to all this without due process and full disclosure and our infrastructures, our educational institutions are diminishing while the wages of war continue to be harvested and purposefully grown by small numbers of people in high offices of power. Certainly the collective humanity of this world does not truly want all this and yet to the common individual it appears to continue regardless of who is in office, and whatever vote we have cast in all the free nations of the world. And still people casually look away.

One of many starting points is with demonizing others, and hidden arrogance.

When we allow ourselves to be undermined by not taking the time to be fully informed by all the facts out in the open in our personal lives, we subject ourselves to horrible forces of darkness. Levels of misunderstanding then pervade our daily lives and break down the deeper connections that we all have on a spiritual basis. The end results are we are doing this to ourselves!

What can one person do? Am I truly powerless here?

Our spiritual selves know and sense truth, our personalities may not, so the work of honest self reflection, fact finding on any single issue, and personal responsibility carry tremendous capability to heal our broken selves, our disturbing world and misunderstood relationships. The need to suspend our tendencies to be judgmental along with recognizing hidden arrogance’s goes a long way here.

The natural response to injustice and secrecy. ( Both privately and collectively)

The spiritual component is the rising of conscience (as I have written in the previous essay) and the integrity of genuine disclosure to ourselves of truthfull fact finding where we consider all the details whenever there is a climate of demonizing taking place. And choosing to investigate our life circumstances so as to learn how to get along.

That we also learn to hold accountable those individuals, and or groups of people in non violent and compassionate attitudes of investigation can move us along with tremendous force for correcting our human mistakes, and deepest hurts. Redirecting the forces which attempt to generate powerlessness combined with righteousness over any one person or persons.

By choosing self honesty and holding our own selves to this while holding accountability with others as they learn to process their actual deeply felt hurt, injustice and misunderstanding. We align with our most powerful inner places of spiritual integrity and bring to our human-ness these qualities. Along with the possibility to correct what needs correcting in our world. In this way we each learn to evolve our consciousness and invest in larger capacities our ability to express freely, generate creativity, grow our joy and share this with others.

So if I or you have a chip on our shoulder, if I have an un-investigated accusation pending, if I feel hurt or wounded by another, if I don’t understand something about someone, or some body of people I can always do my own self investigation and my own inner work to fully come to a healthy and just conclusion.

However that work does not get totally complete by pointing fingers alone, calling names, or accusing. It comes from taking personal responsibility for self and starting with the place I live, you live where we may be and the willingness to see information with which I may be personally uncomfortable with and yet must in order to gain the full, wide range of information in any such situation.

We are free as spiritual being to question, to question authority, to question those in power, and to question ourselves. This is an innate spiritual component of living life. Whenever someone is exerting pressure, attempting to intimidate, or to squash your questioning…. question that. And especially if you are feeling overly justified and righteous in your own stand. I could be doing this to myself and not even realize it. Learning to recognize inner arrogance and righteousness is a significant part of the work needed to live freely and with healthy measures around us. Our first place in working on issues of demonizing is always ourselves and the ways with which we passively or actively participate in such activities.

Core spirituality, my personal journey


The Awakening of Conscience… core spirituality, my personal journey



The Awakening of Conscience… core spirituality, my personal journey

The human being that realizes….

The stirring and the awakening and the increasing expression of conscience is a signal for our times arising as a natural balance with regard to the dishonesty now prevailing through out our once free thinking human world. Particularly within the climate of mass deceit, deception, and secrecy.

The expression of personal truth in the face of such forces around the world becomes meaningful. As whistle blowers emerge to inform us, their actions arise out of their sense of personal conscience. By bringing truthfulness to overly powerful secretive bodies of individuals involved in corporations, government bodies, schools, militarism, and various other groupings profiting through covert actions.

Considering the consequences…

In our daily lives how we conduct ourselves either tears at the fabric of personal sovereignty or strengthens it. Our daily decisions to participate knowingly and willingly with those systems, those individuals, and or other forms of socialization that undermine the very core of personal sovereignty and honest, creative self expression has consequence in the over all conditions of our lives. We can see this by becoming aware of how laws, banking, military functions, media reporting, government spending, media spin, to name a few are changing all around us. Many are not watching their own consciences.

Fear states, fear proliferation, fear doctrines, fear justifications, and all the fear mongering..

Perhaps the most visible outcome of this behavior is fear mongering. The perpetuation of fear thru secrecy, half truth, and misdirected appropriations of human resources, finances, etc. can have a weakening effect on our social structures, our relationships, our collective dynamic spending, and so on. When we succumb to fear mongering through the alignment and agreement with these forces and bypass our own innate conscience we are allowing our world to be governed not by ourselves, but by those whose intentions may not be in our best interest. The proliferation of poverty, social class-ism, religious intolerance, war mongering, fear mongering and the deliberate avoidance of protecting those weakest in our world becomes the vehicle for further displays of misplaced power plays and profiting of the few for the many. We create how this us for us! Too many of us are just looking the other way.

The dynamic action in which we learn to observe, attend to, and express our very conscience has profound outcome in even the smallest ways for every individual. Thus the path of awakening whereby we learn to know ourselves, the contents of our hearts and feelings lead to creative solutions that not only serve the individual, this also serves the whole body of our humanity.

When we persist in looking away…

The avoidance of our conscience and bypassing the inner signals of our innate voice of right and wrong will allow loss of personal choice and many freedoms we hold dear in many free societies. When fear mongering becomes the norm, as it is now developing in all free nations, as well as third world countries, the danger arises through systems of control. Our world is now filled with millions of examples of this easy to see once we choose to see, and to stop looking away.

Fear mongering generates and lays the groundwork for control mechanisms, and many different control systems to be made, as in the many new laws now being created all over the free world, the militarization of local police authorities, and the daily proliferation of news and media outlets whose voices then support those of the fear mongers ( hiding behind the secrecy of their real actions). Thus generating a non free press, or a free press that is not really free, acts as if it is, but subscribes to the very forces behind all the fear mongering. The suppression of whistle blowers becomes the norm.

When an individual feels that they are not free to be creative and begins to adjust their attention towards decisions made out of fear we create, ourselves, the very thing we fear most.

Our own loss of freedom.

We can look to history to see how previous totalitarian bodies exerted control and fear to gain profit for the few not so far back in history. Loss of freedom leads to control which leads to totalitarianism and this corrupts the very fabric of our human dignity.

When our very core infrastructures, our educational systems, our governing bodies all lean towards these forces and our resources are then placed into militiarizing this world, withholding freedoms such as freedom of the press, freedom to move about, freedom to live without the notion of being watched we are all weakened while a few become strong. Our own collective spending budgets exceed all historical spending towards for example….militarization, away from education, and infrastructures right now.

The injustice grows through the squashing of the right to organize, and express free decision making about those governing bodies we “think” are governing us rightly. The climate of questioning authorities can become unsafe to any one individual and is subject to much much injustice, criminalization and oppression and subverting of free expression . (leading to lack of truth in any situation)

The current state of local courts in all free nations are showing signs of being infiltrated by further corruption, secrecy, and forces which appear to act beyond the agreed system of law which has been voted on by those in free societies. Enacting laws that remove freedoms, subvert true knowledge, and suppress the voices of those who would tell the truth about the secrecy now growing all around us.

The evidences of these actions continue to grow as more alternative forms of reporting spring up so as to bypass the “normal” forms of news currently flooding the medias. Why does this happen? Because these corporate medias are distracting the attention of millions of people by only reporting on the themes that are in the interest of these giants and avoiding at all costs those things they do not want us to know. Something has to give so the voices of the people can continue to express creatively and honestly without subjugation to current themes based in secret agendas for profit to the few.

The inherit human dignity of the individual becomes subject to these forces as the norm and the wave of powerlessness, poverty, victimization, and so on continues to grow. All this without conscience. This is why we choose to act with conscience and to observe and to grow as spiritual beings having this human experience.

There is tremendous spiritual possibility inherent in our current times…

This is a great spiritual learning unfolding for our humanity at this time. Spiritual in that our conscience is directly connected to our spiritual self. How we choose to investigate and learn the spiritual side of physicality, is at hand now. That we begin to investigate the deep and meaningful spiritual questions and find those answers inside our own hearts, our own bellies contributes to the unfolding condition of human behavior all over this planet. Without it, darker forces of fear and control take over the individual and shape the conditions of that individual in victimizing, demoralizing, degrading, limiting, and controlling ways. How we activate and use our sense of conscience to face and process these darker forces will deeply effect all our lives and the lives of future generations thinking they are living in a “free world”.

We are free when we are living within our own conscience decision making and we are not free when we are living in the decision making of those outside of it.

That we learn this is paramount to a bright future surrounded with such dark clouds of fear and oppression. How it is we go about the simplest of activities is shaped by how we invest in our most sincere forms of honest conscience, or lack of…

core spirituality, my personal journey

quote conscience jefferson