My “Inner Work”… Core spirituality, my personal journey

light within me(This photo reminds me…. “as I stand in the darkness all around me I am capable of living in the light that is within me !”)

The significant aspect of cultivating and growing my awareness is my open mindedness along with willingness and commitment on a regular basis to be self aware which has lead me to self responsibility and the many forms of non ordinary states of awareness with which I am informed each day.

The open minded willingness to face both negative and positive interior thoughts, feelings, and intuitions and the work of discernment.

The inner work entails much discernment as I slow down my outer responses originating from pure reaction within me. Now do not get me wrong here, if I am feeling a huge belly laugh coming I let it rip and I do not slow down. However in all other matters otherwise, I find myself hesitating to take action and discerning my true place in relation to my thoughts and feelings and intuitions. I find this cuts down on many regrets, and re-do’s in my life. As in the past I was quick to jump into whatever I was going thru with little notion about consequence.

It is the inner work which truly develops the individual character and life direction. It is the inner work I find many people have yet to deepen or to accept unless pressed thru the pain and agony of suffering. However to willingly choose to do inner work gives me a sense of sovereignty, a feeling of spiritual will about my interior self, my interior world that I like. This leads me to be less victimized, powerless, and completely reactionary in my life style.

The inner work of discernment involves really getting clear, understanding and recognizing the many layers of thinking, feeling and consciousness I have on any one thing. It is a sort of taking apart a puzzle. Only the puzzle is my life and what may be currently engaging my attention. Self honesty is major and this work requires the willingness to be uncomfortable while examining thoughts and feelings.

I find it helps to separate out the fact that I am not my thoughts or feelings!

I am simply having them.

This will assist the ego to allow the flow of uncomfortable perceptions much easier and allow for more credible, objective self reflection.

Objectivity is something I have learned is possible and becomes much easier thru practice. Objectivity with my own self has lent to me the wonderful possibility to experience this much more completely whenever I am listening to another person, a news program, or witnessing something very uncomfortable. If not at first, then afterwords I make it a point to review and make a secondary point of objectivity about the subject matter.

Following the consequence of what I learn to observe is next in discernment as this also allows me to assimilate possibilities and outcomes that I may or may not want or had seen coming. Consequence is a natural law of existence and is always in operation, thus I find that learning about consequence cultivates wisdom.

Re- deciding or making corrections, changing my mind on anything is my personal guideline in my inner work. I know that I may choose and choose again, even differently in the event that I have discovered meaningful new information…insight… or an intuition about something.

I allow myself to change my stand, my mind, and my angle of perception whenever it fits for me to do so.

I do not seek permission from anyone else, any outside authority, religious institution, social network, etc..

This is a very valuable inner work habit to learn to develop. And then when it comes to my relationships I realize it is my self responsibility to explain, or teach others how it is I choose to change myself. Not everyone is on board with this at the same time and it makes life much easier as we cross into relationship with each other.

I have noticed many many times how changing my mind changes how my body feels, and this is wonderful, because I can use my physical body like an antennae to monitor what my choices are doing to me. I have experienced this in both negative and positive ways all my life.

Our physical bodies are intimately communicating with our thoughts and feelings 24/7.

Our cells, and systems immediately respond to whatever it is we are thinking, feeling, or trying not to think or feel. Either way there is a communication about this inside each of our bodies and we can discern our place with truth thru paying attention in this way.

Quiet and stillness are environments that cultivate inner work. Noticing “busy-ness” and over doing, as well as laziness, not doing… or any forms of complacency are vital to inner work.

Over activity, or under activity are each signals that I may be avoiding something I do not want to accept that I am thinking or feeling.

Inner work is ultimately a spiritual journey that widens as we traverse the many people and situations of our lives and is the actual purpose behind all activity here. Physical embodiment is a kind of experiment to the spiritual being that we are as we utilize life experiences to discover our greater knowledge of life. Each physical embodiment has different circumstance connected to it, and thus each person is a little different, yet we share the exact same field, and same natural law as everyone else here. Our inner work has tremendous outcome to how our lives unfold for better or worse. It is wise to always remember that it is not as important what happens to us as is how we choose to view what happens to us, how we choose to respond, and what action we take. This is the vital aspect of the inner work. Which ultimately does lead to inner peace… regardless of circumstance. Which leads to joy… regardless of circumstance. For this reason we can learn to come to the wisdom of life no matter the circumstance we find and this creates the inner life of the spiritual being having a human experience versus the opposite world view, that we are humans having spiritual experiences. I find that any mundane event, thought, or feeling actually becomes a spiritual one as I learn to develop wisdom as a result of inner work. As I have learned that my entire life is a spiritual one, I have learned to take life circumstance with a more objective stride and enjoy myself, no matter how I feel. It is somewhat of a paradox, to feel negative, yet experience somewhere inside me a deep place of joy. This becomes so because I am simultaneously connecting to spirituality as I pass thru human conditions. Spiritual presence is naturally joyful with everything.

I find myself less likely to lose my connection on a feeling level with my joyful spirituality and not as dependent on circumstance to shape how I feel each day.

This is a remarkable outcome of inner work, because it is so difficult, and agonizing, and uncomfortable there is not the dependency on circumstance to feel joy anyway. Life continues as a joyful expression…. sometimes it is more negative, sometimes it is more positive and sometimes it is simply what it is. Ultimately the under current of joy persists no matter what. As I have observed this happening to me I have come to realize how life is generous, and loving regardless of circumstance, and that I do not have to depend on my circumstances to feel real joy. This is my experience of core spirituality… and real living.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

The 7 Natural Laws Governing Existence, core spirituality… my personal journey


The 7 Natural Laws Governing Existence, core spirituality… my personal journey

Here are the names of the 7 laws of existence, they are immutable, everlasting, transcendent, and do not care whether you believe them or not.

They exist like gravity.

They are impersonal and life, for the moment, is subject to them.

I find great solace in the knowledge that there is a natural order to our lives, and this order sustains the billions upon billions of life forms, and all terrains for these life forms in our physical reality.

  1. Mental-ism
  2. Correspondence
  3. Vibration
  4. Polarity
  5. Rhythm
  6. Cause and effect
  7. Gender

While these are structures that put order into life, they are certainly not all that exist.

However, that order is innate is valuable to ponder, to learn, to know. Compare these laws to laws that humans make and then believe and then look all around you to see how closely we align or do not align with these laws. We can see quite easily the resulting outcomes all around us.

Mental-ism is All is mind, the universe is mental in its nature.

Correspondence is reflection, as above, so below, microcosm and macrocosm. Everything is a mirror component.

Vibration is that nothing actually rests, everything moves and vibrates.

Polarity is everything is dual, has poles and has its pair of opposites. Like and unlike are the same, opposites are identical in nature – yet different in degree. All paradoxes can be reconciled.

Rhythm is everything flows, out and in. has its tides thru rise and fall, everthing manifiests in the pendulum swing, the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left and rhythm compensates.

Cause and effect is every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause, everything that occurs does so according to this organized law, chance is but a name for a law not recognized, there are many planes of causation, nothing escapes the law of cause and effect.

Gender is everything, as everything has its masculine and feminine principles and manifests on all planes.

Now take every conundrum, every condition, all unanswered questions, look at any patterns and filter them thru the knowledge and awareness of these laws and we can begin to see a grand order thru which our lives are made manifest.

We can learn to see and unravel the origins of behaviors, thoughts and to unravel circumstances of which we still are in misunderstanding.

We can learn to decode ourselves and the conditions of our lives once we apply the awareness of natural law.

We can make choices that align with natural order and thus avoid damaging ourselves, depleting ourselves, hurting others, and increase our true authentic, intrinsic nature and self expression.

To act out of alignment in any single way, thru ignorance ( ignorance meaning in its true form.. to ignore ) with only one of these laws …. say, cause and effect leads to dire circumstances that cause disorder. Cause disorder on every level. Mind, body, emotions, so it only behooves us to actualize,and live with this knowledge of how nature actually manifests thru every condition of life.

When I look around me at the state of the human field of life filled with the billions of people making decisions around me I am impressed with the perception that most of us do not even have an idea of how life truly is structured. We have tremendous ignorance (ignoring) of the laws of life and we”think” we can build happiness in seeing, acting, believing, and creating according to our wants, likes, and desires without any authentic consideration of life itself as it is set up.

Pondering this is fantastic and will shift your entire paradigm for life once you become consciously aware and apply these knowledge’s to your personal behavior, decision making, and way of perceiving life around you.


Suddenly my heart is beating faster and I am feeling a tremendous love inside me, the deep inner voice of my heart beckons me with the following words…

Oh human, how you abide in life is simple.

Look at the laws of your world and see what it is you have created for yourself, for each other.

Wake up precious ones and learn to become alive with your deeper spiritual selves.

Anchor your human expressions in knowledge, and understanding and alignment with life herself and then watch how your entire existence will transform and become so much happier, so much better, so much more peaceful.

This is up to each of you.

This is your daily work, behind the goings on of the details of your lives.

For you to wake up and infuse your humanity with the spiritual awareness of the harmonics of living.

This is core spirituality, where we bring the spiritual self, into the humanity of self and blend the two to realize we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are actually spiritual beings having the human one. “

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

“Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray. “

Lord Byron, in the Bride of Abydos (1814) Cantos 11,St.20

Deepening Our Awareness Within… ( Spiritual changes to the human condition )… core spirituality, my personal journey

Bohr Atom

Deepening Our Awareness Within… ( spiritual changes to the human condition )… core spirituality, my personal journey

Paying close attention to the interior of self, sorting out emotional messages, feeling what the wordless messages are that pass thru my body, watching thoughts, and observing reactionary responses are all ways the vibrational frequency of my personal consciousness has begun to open to embrace changes, transformations, growth and discovery.

As I learn to embrace a larger context of self awareness and to discern all such things I find my own personal point of view is transforming constantly. I find myself alive in the context of life with a plethora of different emotions, feelings and thoughts as I withdraw myself from my previously self made memorized patterns.

I step away from the ideas of conforming to fit in to conforming to a heart space of loving self , and loving what is. Acceptance of how life informs me whether this is a negative or a positive experience is about discerning and choosing how I authentically align myself in the world with my innermost sense of truth-fullness and the expression of my heart as it seeks to love and love and love evermore.

I notice my own ignorance… my ignoring what is intrinsic to life and how it is I have chosen to look away from the natural laws of life to shape my own notions of what I want life to be like. This is a delicate process as not all thoughts or ideas are actually aligned in the truth existence. We do not want to see life as it is because we do not want to, this is a common human way to live our lives. We simply edit out whatever we do not want to accept and think this is going to work in the larger spectrum of reality. It does not. And in case you do not see this… look around at all the personal and collective mayhem and insanity of endless unsolved problems seeping within our humanity!

We humans learn to shape life according to our wants, desires, needs, notions, and intellectual stands as if these are the laws of life itself. Many such notions are far from it and only the property of an unquestioned intellect. Formed thru external influences learned in our families, our neighborhoods, our churches and temples, our schools, our social and political locations in each of our countries.

However this may be there are far more universal laws of life which are common to everyone regardless of all these factors, and when observed and applied as actualities cause expanding states of internal personal freedom that does not have the need to exist in the world as the common person thinks. I am reminded of a bible quote about being in the world, but not of it.

For example when I reflect on the natural law of Vibration, of how life is vibratory in nature. Made of atoms, protons, molecules and light photons I look at things differently as I observe how nothing is as solid, nothing is as rigid, or hard as I have previously made it out to be. I am learning to recognize how life substance mingles and intersects, swirls and overlaps, how thoughts and feelings are free to travel beyond physical boundaries. I realize that my own thoughts and feelings are connected to other thoughts and feelings and this shapes reality.

I see how time and distance do not actually prevent the overlapping of ideas and feelings with others. You could be thousands of miles away and in a single instant also connect with a thought or feeling I am having, or me with you. Those ideas of separation simply are not the actuality of life. My internal world is intermingling with the larger one in quite a natural way. I learn to see how the ripples of human thinking travel and all the emotions and feelings travel across distance without any sort of physical boundary. I experience the thoughts and feelings of those not living in this physical domain. Repeatedly in my work I encounter the loved ones of those who have passed over from this life as I see their faces, hear their thoughts, and feel the messages of love they want to convey to their loved ones still in physical embodiments. This is happening because the opening up of the vibratory nature of our lives is occurring while at the same time our capacity to open up our own vibratory field expands, and the walls of separation between the physical and the non physical diminish.

I am learning to see how each person is a life force of vibrational light. The colors around and inside people have clear and distinct shades of different expressions and I watch as the thoughts and feelings change the colors inside and around them changes too. This is the aura… the vibrational component of us. I see how our lights can be clean and clear, or darkened and muddied according to our attention, lifestyles, thoughts and feelings on a daily basis. These vibrational color forms express the person precisely as they are, when there is deception this is very apparent as there are dark walls of shadowy light, when there is confusion there is mixing and overlapping of contrasting color and shading.

When I observe the vibrational nature of our lives I see how similar vibrational patterns and colors around people are attracted to each other and multiply and increase as those light particles engage in mutual vibrational resonance.

That life is not as solid as we commonly have held it to be!

That it is actually a gigantic vibrational field and completely interrelated!

Vibrational perspectives are a totally new and interesting way to learn to observe how life animates with itself thru each of us!

Often in my work, or even in my daily life I notice feelings that have no words, and even the beginnings of thoughts that seem to come from outside myself. As I learn to pay attention to these moments I have learned to open to intuition.

I have learned to cultivate an open place of awareness that is integrating information on a finer, more delicate, and I think… a higher vibrational level. As I am learning to integrate this I am finding how connected everything actually is and that this connection is capable of informing me so that I may be of greater service in how it is I choose to interact with people and how it is I walk with life and calls me into deeper self honesty in the world.

This opens me to the consciousness beyond the physical appearance around me.

And assists a connection to nature as a living presence with it’s own form of consciousness.

This is particularly fun with people’s pets. As I can see the pictures they have inside their minds and I can understand their emotional impulses much much more clearly. I also experience the wild life, the plant life, the terrain I live, the sky… all with this same kind of consciousness that is it. All of it is a vibrational expression of waves and particles of light shaped into what it is my eyes are seeing. However it is more than my eyes are seeing as it is real consciousness that is all connected. It is all connected to itself, and it is connected to the sun, the space around us and connected to the deep, outer cosmic field. I feel this as I a learn to recognize life as vibrational in nature.

Learning to recognize the vibrational nature and how nothing is truly in separation, though there are boundaries in place in some places, I cannot but help to become aware of the law of cause and effect. As I perceive what is happening from a causal level in the cosmic field from far out in deep space I see how it is effecting the local field of our physical domain as vibrations travel inward to this planet. Likewise I can see how what starts inside us as a little thought, (a cause), goes out into the world and “effects” the outer world. I also see how the military actions of violence and destruction vibrate out into the cosmic field effecting our solar system, the spaces inside it, and beyond. Everything is actually connected.

The observation of how everything is connected opens up the realization of how we are each responsible for what is happening in this world thru our individual thoughts and feelings.

The consciousness of every individual is effecting physical reality.

Whether one believes it or not, whether one sees it or not, whether one cares about it or not. This is an immutable, stable expression of cosmic law that is active 24/7 !

I find stability in knowing this and so I embrace this as a form of personal knowledge for living that supports my existence.

This replaces many of the false ideas, and rigid beliefs, and the notion that I need many of the man made laws ( which I still respect and abide), I simply inwardly do not allow myself to see them as the great pillars of strength we have been lead to believe.

Many of these intellectual laws, policies, and ideas simply are not capable of managing the immensity of the truth of life as billions of life forms co exist and manage their lives on a daily basis.

In other words there is a natural order of life that is truly NATURAL.

And it is not what science has lead us to believe.

This becomes apparent as we learn to integrate the knowledge of our lives from the perspective of vibrational awareness.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Our solar system is a reflection of an atom! see below. This is immutable, as above so below. Nature… discover it for yourself.


Attention To World Affairs (What’s Up?) … core spirituality, my personal journey

consequences ahead

Attention To World Affairs (What’s Up?) … core spirituality, my personal journey

The current state of media reporting on the “corporately run” sources for news has me truly questioning what I will accept as news and how I will take personal action in my life in regard to the world spin on war, economics, equality, injustice, international corporate take overs, governmental actions, military and police policies, religious motivations, social activism, and world politics.

Fear, power and control, covert population control thru mass genocide, financial maneuvering, manipulation of resources, deception, seem to entertain the news medias of the “corporately sourced” media outlets world wide.

They have reinforced and perpetrated fear based ideas and activities that continue to sway the masses and distract the true inherent reality of self sovereignty.

Continuous negative reporting, discussing, arguing about all this is a serious misuse of spiritual source of which we are all made and generates unending climates of fear, mistrust, manipulation, and constant… constant distraction from the inherent truths in fabric of reality. Pointing at these negative states and fighting, arguing, with endless discussions that only serve to perpetrate one side or another without due process of solving problems while appearing to solve problems. It is a circus of illusionist fools.

When I place my attention to all this craziness I see how individuals seeking egotistic, self centered, selfish, and I will add… hidden agendas are simply playing out a deadly serious game of power and control and people are beginning to awaken to the insanity of it all.

Losing trust in governmental decisions, police policies, military strategies, corporate run economical agendas, elite power mongering, and religious dogmatic rules that perpetrate blind faith and subservient acceptance. It is all the beginning of an old world system of control and slavery that is crumbling down around us as we realize none of this is as valuable as truth.

Moral value, awareness of spiritual principles /cosmic laws…. for example the law of cause and effect, the law of vibration, the law of as above so below are all deeply, powerful innate, immutable forms of reality that are actually what sustain life as we know it, not man made intellectual laws, ideas and systems of control where there is plenty for the few, and there is lack for the many. Banking idiots, news idiots, religious idiots, governmental idiots, military idiots to name a few are receiving tremendous coverage as they squeal their way into public attention and try to gain their controlling ways thru out societies world wide. It is essential to notice how this causes us to feel and how we choose to react now.

The immensity of cover stories, and media spins combined with talking fools perpetrating mayhem, while saying / acting otherwise is now reaching a proportion that makes it clearer and clearer that we need not participate in such thinking – believing- acting .

Genuine heart based problem solving, authentic self reflection, honest emotional clarification all lead to pulling out of the thinking – believing – acting that we are powerless and need all these systems to survive and be prosperous. None of this is true as I find it.

Social activism, political questioning, are reaching tremendous new levels in countries all over the world as the many people stop their passive subservience to authority which governs in controlling, manipulating, chaotic, violent policies. Individuals are reaching quantum masses of group awakening all together and the forces of control are doing everything they can to shift this equation thru perpetrating more and more fear and control thru policies, actions, and words that only ignite and further irritate honest, hardworking, families.

Images of military preparations for mass resistance… FEMA camps, the militarization of local police globally, images of violent murder, destruction are constant on the “corporate news” sources now. Repeated reporting of the powerlessness of whole groups of people being displaced thru violence, and individuals who speak out and are vilified are regular occurrences on the nightly news. People frustrated and angry reacting thru bullying, stealing, murdering, and protesting fill the “corporate news” reports regularly. Human rights being violated individually and collectively fill the news every single day!

The battles just seem to rage on in every front of society as people take sides and react.

Not realizing the covert ways in which all this is being fed to the public so as to do just that… get people upset, get them to fight with each other, and then distract them from what is covertly happening.

Resources are being distributed to the most wealthy, while powerlessness is reinforced to the many if they cannot agree… or conform to these ideas of how the world works. Systems of further control and manipulation are structured and created in anticipation of further mass control. It is all made up and the majority of all this mayhem is self made, self generated, and purposely orchestrated just so that human beings will be distracted as more protocols, more policies, more laws, more resources taken and hoarded, are being perpetrated.

What is valuable to be aware is that because as we negatively react we disconnect from the truth of the loving heart, and we engage in a lower vibratory awareness of how life actually unfolds. We forget there are natural laws which govern the reality of life and that these laws are in no way personal, nor are they subject to human wills. I find this amazing.

When I take the time to walk in nature, when I spend time placing my attention to what is natural around me, I find a tremendous sense of peace and grounded stability. When I place my attention even on a plant, a tree, I feel a sense of wonder and joy which elevates my vibration beyond all this crazy goings on around us in the world. When I slow down and breathe and center within I find a quieting place within me, even as this craziness unfolds. When I stretch, work out, play music, and reflect on genuine moral authenticity I feel a tremendous upliftment that takes me out of all the insane chatter and reporting. When I place my attention into service to others, and do the work with which I am engaged I forget all manner of mayhem and I feel connected to my own heart, and to the hearts of others.

When I piddle in my orchid garden and tend to the care of my plants I find a solace, and peace, a respect for living that is absent in all that “corporate news” reporting.

When I take my rest and awaken refreshed I feel energized, not drained as I would if I were to keep that television going for several hours a day.

We all have choices that we are making everyday, in my case I am attuned to the possibility of finding my own way to harmonize and act without adding to the negative story lines of world leaders, political pundits, military strategists, banking power mongers and manipulators, religious idiots, and so on.

When I choose to attune to the fact that I am a spiritual being having this human experience, and not the other way around…. a human being having a spiritual experience, I give to myself the option to hold different points of view so as to learn, discover,and choose.

Not to take sides, not to fight others, or react by adding to the already ridiculous nature of possibilities that are being offered by mainstream medias, entertainments and so on. I can actually engage myself in authentic inward connection to life without all that. This is core spirituality

Core spirituality… my personal journey of self investigation


The Choice To Stay In Fear, or Not … Core spirituality, my personal journey


The Choice To Stay In Fear, or Not … Core spirituality, my personal journey

Fear may or may not be a driving factor in life, it will depend on the choices we make to stay inside it and live it out.

Patterns of fears have a way of shortening our capacity for discovery, limit our spontaneous life experiences, and maintains themes and story lines. Fear can be a determining component to how our brains biologically function and whether we have an open or a closed mind around any subject.

Fears, left to grow, can shape our relationships… personally, and collectively in ways that keep down any new information from changing the story the fearful mind has learned to attach itself. Fears like this also perpetrate misunderstandings, confusions, chaos, and encourage disconnection in relationships.

Fears can be used as motivating factors in unlimited ways, the jobs we choose, the way we raise our children, our religious and spiritual notions. Fears motivate behaviors in humans and most often are in many forms, attached to control. Thus fear has a way of controlling the mind, the heart, and human behavior, as well as controlling any particular someone’s point of view. The “outcomes” !

Fear is often disguised as something it is not, and this is very common in human beings as we don’t always like admitting outwardly that a fear is actually driving a condition in our lives or directing an attitude we have. Deeper within ourselves inside our fears are out closed mindsets. These closed mindsets are frequently attached to the part of ourselves we call the ego.

The closed mindset attached to the human ego can create just about any form of justification, righteousness, idea or notion to sustain its own existence. The closed mind can occupy all manner of human activity from personal relationships to large financial structures that motivate laws, behaviors and politics. Including but not limited to military strategies. Creating all kinds of “take over” and many forms of overt as well as covert activity in many areas of living. ( military, police, social, economical, spiritual,familial, scientific, political for example)

Fear unchecked and disguised as religious belief, political action, scientific dogma, police authority, financial development has created for many many individuals a daily life style which results in the kind of world we live within today and share with billions and billions of others, all the animals, and the entirety of the planet herself. Very much of this results in disharmony, power over others, power under others, unhappiness, struggle, murder, pain and suffering for all forms of life.

Fear left unchecked, can motivate a person to live in a job, and within a life style, that directly goes against the natural heart based messages a person can have, leading to all manner of distress, sickness, and disease. Disease that is physical, mental and emotional.

Because of the insidious nature of unchecked fears in the human mind, and the resulting closed mindedness that creates this, we have what looks like a global experience now that is less than beneficial for all human beings living here. And this state of our world is filled with the malady of fear-driven living multiplied by the minds of billions of individuals.

Our human fears collectively multiplied and sustaining our life styles are beginning to have monumental expressions. (effects)

In nature when we look at a simple innate law… “cause and effect”, we can see the effects of this substantially overriding the health of our societies, our planetary ecology and our collective sense of peace.

When we observe “the effects” all around us we have only to look into “the causes” to learn to understand the way with which life lived in fear, whether conscious or unconscious shapes the overall state of peace to our world.

Behind all the fear based activities are the many, many, many closed minds of billions of individuals. Having never dared to question, take apart, or set aside the fear which drives the life activity. So many fears based in human created ideas which have become beliefs, held in consensus agreement as reality and sustained by ego based personalities.

This is a very immature, state of humanity.

We begin to grow up and shift this level of immaturity when we realize we have choices here, yet that requires a substantially more open mindedness in each and every human being alive now.

Once we recognize how self created all this disharmony is and we open the mind, we can start to see we have choices where before we did not see those choices.

The fear based mindsets, closed up, edit out all manner of possibility inherent naturally in any dynamic. This is how we miss the opportunities for further discovery, growth, and ultimately change and transformation.

Opening the mind takes the awareness just over the fear factor enough to begin to discover more. And new possibilities start to emerge for just about any kind of human activity what so ever imaginable.With just a small bit of open mindedness, a tiny crack in that closed door of mental thoughts, a glimmer of something new is born. And we can start to cultivate the notion that fear is always a choice.

When we start to work with the idea that fear is a choice, the familiarity of this one innate, immutable law… “cause and effect”, becomes clearer.

Perceptions that are clearer naturally cause discovery and the pause to wonder.

As we learn to understand this very basic natural law, inherent in life, not made by mankind, that is in operation at all times, whether we believe it or not, whether we see it or not, whether we understand it or not we can come to recognize a substantially powerful stabilizing and grounding force for living.

Natural law such as “cause and effect” acts as a path that leads our awareness into much understanding and lessen fears that we have invested and subscribed to, sometimes even for an entire lifetime. We begin to unravel how it is things have occurred thru back tracking actions and reactions and their causes and effects.

When we choose to align our perceptions with the awareness that every action has a reaction, and that every cause has an effect no matter how large or small we can take actions that serve ourselves and each other, the planet and all life forms in alignment with this immutable, inherent TRUTH OF EXISTENCE.

The choice to stay in fear may be an unconscious choice. Typically it is so because underlying this effect is a cause and that is the closed mind. Unconscious choice usually has to have significant uncomfortableness, pain, agony, and suffering to awaken the closed mindset enough to open up. Or there are those times when we get smacked with a “reality check” and we are confronted so directly that our best recourse is to open up. Such is the case now on the planet as we reach the zeniths of many causes humankind have generated that are effecting the balance of today’s world.

Fear when it is natural and reality based as in danger messages is one sort of fear that arises to inform us so that we many change course. Then again many fears are like that, eventually able to redirect our attentions. However when I speak about fear here, I am not asking myself to go into danger, I am referring to the fear based, linear left brain dominant, self centered, and righteous notions which arise from the closed minded human beings perpetrating the disharmony, evil, and pain and suffering.

A simple truth of existence that supports all of life is “action – reaction, cause -effect”. When I align myself, my awareness, and my actions in the knowledge with the cosmic, not man made law of this I am expressing what I call core spirituality. And in my small way I contribute to the larger spectrum of the magnificent expression of creation and I get to witness, experience, and discover continuously what this means as each day of my life unfolds. Unfolds even as there are billions of closed minded, fear based people living otherwise. This is immutable and happens simultaneously as all the suffering unfolds in the fear around us. I find this completely amazing and wonderful.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

cosmic wonderQuote the door is wide and open... Rumi

Open Mind – Closed Mind…. core spirituality, my personal journey



Open Mind – Closed Mind…. core spirituality, my personal journey

Money, status, comfort, belief systems, past history, religions, logic, politics, scientific dogmas. These are a few of the places I have found myself in a closed mind. Limiting me so that I will not open to another point of view. This is what i have come to learn from taking apart pieces of my own thinking and belief. Open mind – closed mind… an experience we all share and though we may consider ourselves in a general fashion as being open minded i have found fragments of thought inside myself that i had still held in closed-ness. I came to realize how a closed mind idea is connected into self image, self identification and tied into my own egoic nature. After much interior work i have come to the following ideas about my own closed minded fragments.

A CLOSED MIND perpetrates self centered and especially… ego centric self imagery, ego centric desires, ego centric thought processes, ego centric actions, ego centric laws, ego centric forms of power over others, ego centric teachings in every place in life.

A closed mind seeks only it’s own agendas, regardless of the facts, the situations, others, of what may be the best for the whole.

A closed mind will not see the truth in any situation and will fight to the death over it.

A closed mind will not only fight to the death it will gather other like closed minds to fight to the death…. the death of self, the death of others, the death of innocents.

A closed mind perpetrates hidden agendas thru disguises that appear normal.

Left brain dominant logic based mindsets anchored in egocentric positions of self righteousness refuse repeatedly in the face of all truth to see the reality beyond the view of itself and locks into other like minded individuals who hold the same views.

A closed mind will hide a fearful person.

A fearful person unable to grasp outside the limitations of their own world view, personal view, religious view, political view, money view and create more and more of the same nonsense that causes more disharmony all over the world, everywhere. And how what this person is thinking and believing is NOT WORKING!

A closed mind likes company and increases in power whenever it is joined in the camaraderie of hidden fear.

A closed minded individual will often be totally unaware of their own closed mindedness, and this close mindedness always leads to actions based in some form of ignorance.

A closed mind refuses, stops, limits, abandons, hides, deceives, twists, contorts any truthful reality and still the individual that has it rarely knows they have a closed mind.


This would cause their reality box to be uncomfortable and would cause the individual to have to recognize the consequences of something they do not want to be responsible towards.

The childish positions of not being responsible, not taking responsibility, and sustaining endless forms of human immaturity. Leading to the right to suspend any kind of victimization far beyond the original incident, which in fact, may have been a genuine moment of unconsciously being victimized.

A closed mind will always “act as if” it is much larger than it is. And seek power over others.

A person dominant in these closed minded points of view are consumed with power. How to get it, how to take it, how to exert it, how to squash it, and is always involved with others who also play the same sort of game. Or the reverse… never having it always without, never able, not having power leads to self loathing, and diminished self respect.  Never really understanding the genuine truth of power, they will engage in lifetimes of power over, power under forms of social interaction, and life direction all hidden behind religions, politics, the accumulation of wealth or lack of, or emotionally investing in scientific theories all simply revolving around the closed mindset, and self centered notion of how the world turns.

A closed mind withdraws from people who are different from them, and blocks the creativity of possibility inherent in any difficulty. Thus perpetrating social, political, military, and religious theories that do not actually work to solve the issues that arise out of such limiting thinking and perceiving.

Because a closed mind is so limited, the perceptions of an individual in that mindset are all screened, edited, or dictated by the limiting points of view and thus they miss the larger real truth that is all around them. Their own brain edits out anything… anything that does not fit into whatever closed mindset the individual is choosing to participate.

A closed mind delegates opinions as if they are facts and this can be seen running rampant thru out the world medias as news, as politics, as religion, as capitalism, as science and so on.

Closed minds perpetrating opinions as facts seek to mold others into their own ideas of reality and constantly bicker, argue, fight, and struggle in the power game to hold their positions. This occurs not only on a global militaristic playing field, but also a governmental, religious, and wide spread social level.

Along with this are the little wars closed minded people rage within personal relationships, and families.

Conflicts continue which grow out of the closed minded selves. Lack of clarity continues and the power games play on as everyone acts as if they are attempting to do right, while actually there are myriads of closed minds, fear based individuals trying to right other people instead of themselves. Attempting to correct life with self centered, fear based closed mindsets that actually have little genuine knowledge of NATUAL TRUTH.

I knew I was breaking out of this horrific mindset when I realized that I valued truth more than my what my thinking mind was telling me, my own positions, my own comforts, and how I looked to others in this world. When i realized that I had to give up my personal opinions… as facts, when I had to eat humble pie for my actions.

My ego based self felt diminished and many times squashed… yet continue on in my pursuit of truth I went. I felt horrible because the entire totality of my awareness was based in egocentric self centered posturing and I had not even realized it. Yet continue on I went.

Eventually as I gave up all this ego based theology, politics, logic, capitalistic consumption, scientific dogma and socialization I learned to re-identify myself. I recognized that without all that egocentricity that all was left was a spiritual being… me.

I began to shift from identifying as a closed minded person who didn’t even know I was, to an open minded person who genuinely now recognized myself as a spiritual being… a spiritual being having a human experience.

With the ability to choose my thoughts and feelings thru healthy doses of regular self reflection, questioning and suspending my thoughts and opinions.

And I learned to give myself authority and stop seeking all authority from outside myself.

Eventually a new reality begins to develop as I learned to discover the natural laws of the cosmos.

Not the man made laws, not the man made laws of politics, religion, science, and sociology. Not the limiting confines of constant logic based thinking and seeing.

Something began to happen to me… I started to feel better, to feel joy for no reason. I began to see how things connect, how incidences connect, how different systems connect, how nature connects and how I connect in all of this. I call this new place of self awareness and identity as my core spirituality.

This little change where I learned to suspend my opinions and have an open mind has caused me to have many years of completely new life experiences which have led me to discover tremendous new interiour sources of knowledge, and understanding. My life experiences have grown further and further out of openness and willingness and as a result I have had numerous repetitive instances of joy and connection within myself to my core, to others, to nature and beyond into and thru out the cosmos. Little ol’ me ….. amazing.

In my field of daily work as a massage therapist I hear many releases of tensions in clients that repeatedly seek my service and I often think to myself how what I see and hear coming out of them is all the result of some kind of self editing, closed mindedness, and limitation that prevents them from perceiving how they are creating themselves in the situations that arise out of their daily lives and the closed mindedness they are struggling. To honestly accept a genuine truth requires one to face the consequences that truth will reveal in them and too frequently this is not what they want. Thus they repeatedly recreate situations of tension.

An open mind requires… absolutely requires that I learn to know myself. Without this I am lost. Not to invest in learning who and what we are limits every effort as we continue to struggle to change the world without ever changing ourselves.

Thousands of years old the following statements still ring true and are ignored by billions of closed minded individuals who do not even realize how closed minded we can be in life.

… “to thine own self be true…” SHAKESPEAR

… “ it is the mark of an educated mind to entertain A THOUGHT without accepting it. “ ARISTOTLE

I choose to stay intent on having an open mind and whenever I encounter my own closed mindedness, I seek it out and open it up. I define and redefine until I surpass my mind, into awareness that connects with the genuine magnificent truth of life. All is one.

I care

I have empathy

I love


I serve

You may not like it, however beyond you and even beyond myself I seek the truth in life.

And now I realize the truth in life has sought me too, all along my journey.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Quote a closed mind

Decoding My DNA, Recoding My Human Self …core spirituality, my personal journey

DNA Scientists-discover-some-DNA-is-NOT-from-our-ancestors-Alien-Genes

Decoding My DNA, Recoding My Human Self …core spirituality, my personal journey

(my ongoing release from the grips of human slavery)

The activity of decoding my DNA is simply the process of returning to simple states of love and gratitude, choosing wisdom from inside myself, and disengaging from all thoughts and activities associated with those old programs with which I inherited by virtue of my birth, my social environment, my religious upbringing, my family rules etc. that are no longer in keeping with my ever expanding loving heart. When I choose to live by eating healthy foods, exercising in healthy patterns I change the way my genes will message the cells inside my body. When I consciously choose to act upon universal, transcendent, inclusive values based in pure loving self respect and the respect for all life forms, I am changing my genetic messages.

Decoding our genetic messages is actually something that is provable thru behavior modification, thru belief systems changes, the release of negative emotions stored in the subconscious, thru the actual thoughts and feelings we all have everyday.

In scientific studies I found it quite interesting that at birth identical twins found to have identical genetic profiles. When studied many years later, in their early twenties those genetic messages had changed. They no longer showed the same identical genetic messaging profiling they had each been born with. And even later in life those profiles were even more remarkably different from each other.

This process that our genes use to message is called epigenetics, a process by which the operation of genes is changed, but not the DNA itself. Epigenetic changes occur on the outside of the gene, mainly through a process called methylation. In methylation, clusters of atoms, called methyl groups, attach to the outside of a gene like microscopic mollusks and make the gene more or less able to receive and respond to biochemical signals from the body.

According to some scientists, changing your health may be as “simple” as changing your thoughts and beliefs.

“Contrary to what many people are being led to believe, a lot of emphasis placed on genes determining human behavior is nothing but theory and doctrine,”writes Konstantin Eriksen . “We are free to make decisions that impact our lives and those of others. … Our beliefs can change our biology. We have the power to heal ourselves, increase our feelings of self-worth and improve our emotional state.”

Epigenetics Shatters “The Central Dogma”

Eriksen goes on to discuss something called “The Central Dogma” of molecular biology, which states that biological information is transferred sequentially and only in one direction (from DNA to RNA to proteins).

The ramification of buying into the central dogma is that it leads to belief in absolute determinism, which leaves you utterly powerless to do anything about the health of your body; it’s all driven by your genetic code, which you were born with.

However, scientists have completely shattered this dogma and proven it false. You actually have a tremendous amount of control over how your genetic traits are expressed—from how you think to what you eat and the environment you live in.

Your Emotions Regulate Your Genetic Expression

As if genes changing expression in response to environmental factors such as nutrients wasn’t enough, other researchers have demonstrated that this “environment” that your genes respond to also includes your conscious thoughts, emotions, conscious beliefs. Cellular biologi
st Bruce Lipton, PhD., is one of the leading authorities on how emotions can regulate genetic expression, which are explained in-depth in his excellent books
The Biology of Belief, and Spontaneous Evolution.

Science has indeed taken us far beyond Newtonian physics, which says you live in a mechanical universe. According to this belief, your body is just a biological machine, so by modifying the parts of the machine, you can modify your health. Also, as a biological machine, your body is thought to respond to physical “things” like the active chemicals in drugs, and by adjusting the drugs that modify your machinery, doctors can modify and control health. However, with the advent of quantum physics, scientists have realized the flaws in Newtonian physics, as quantum physics shows us that the invisible, immaterial realm is actually far more important than the material realm. In fact, your thoughts may shape your environment far more than physical matter!

According to Dr. Lipton, the true secret to life does not lie within your DNA, but rather within the mechanisms of your cell membrane.

Each cell membrane has receptors that pick up various environmental signals, and this mechanism controls the “reading” of the genes inside your cells. Your cells can choose to read or not read the genetic blueprint depending on the signals being received from the environment. So having a “cancer program” in your DNA does not automatically mean you’re destined to get cancer. Far from it. This genetic information does not ever have to be expressed…

What this all means is that you are not controlled by your genetic makeup. Instead, your genetic readout (which genes are turned “on” and which are turned “off”) is primarily determined by your thoughts, attitudes, and perceptions!

The major problem with believing the myth that your genes control your life is that you become a victim of your heredity. Since you can’t change your genes, it essentially means that your life is predetermined, and therefore you have very little control over your health. With any luck, modern medicine will find the gene responsible and be able to alter it, or devise some other form of drug to modify your body’s chemistry, but aside from that, you’re out of luck… The new science, however, reveals that your perceptions control your biology, and this places you in the driver’s seat, because if you can change your perceptions, you can shape and direct your own genetic readout.

This new science also reveals that you are in fact an extension of your environment, which includes everything from your thoughts and belief systems, to toxic exposures and exposure to sunlight, exercise, and, of course, everything you choose to put onto and into your body. As Dr. Lipton is fond of saying, the new biology moves you out of victimhood and into Mastery—mastery over your own health.

It is a supreme confirmation of my favorite saying, “You Can Take Control of Your Health.”

How Nutrition Alters Genetic Expression

Two years ago, a study performed by the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University was showcased at the annual Experimental Biology convention. The study demonstrated how “histone modifications” can impact the expression of many degenerative diseases, ranging from cancer and heart disease to biopolar disorder and even aging itself. According to Rod Dashwood, a professor of environmental and molecular toxicology and head of LPI’s Cancer Chemoprotection Program, as quoted in a press releaseiv:

“We believe that many diseases that have aberrant gene expression at their root can be linked to how DNA is packaged, and the actions of enzymes such as histone deacetylases, or HDACs. As recently as 10 years ago we knew almost nothing about HDAC dysregulation in cancer or other diseases, but it’s now one of the most promising areas of health-related research.”

In a nutshell, we all have tumor suppressor genes, and these genes are capable of stopping cancer cells in their tracks. These genes are present in every cell in your body, but so are proteins called “histones.” As Dr. Jean-Pierre Issa at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center explains, histones can “hug” DNA so tightly that it becomes “hidden from view for the cell.” If a tumor suppressor gene is hidden, it cannot be utilized, and in this way too much histone will “turn off” these cancer suppressors, and allow cancer cells to proliferate.

Now here’s where epigenetics comes in … certain foods, such as broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, garlic, and onions contain substances that act as histone inhibitors, which essentially block the histone, allowing your tumor suppressor genes to activate and fight cancer. By regularly consuming these foods, you are naturally supporting your body’s ability to fight tumors.

Certain alternative oncologists also tap directly into the epigenetic mechanism, such as Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, who uses a three-pronged approach to cancer based primarily on nutrition and detoxification, and Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, who treats cancer with a gene-targeted approach. His treatment uses non-toxic peptides and amino acids, known as antineoplastons, which act as genetic switches that turn your tumor suppressor genes “on.”

A Healthy Lifestyle Supports Healthy Genetic Expression

So the good news is that you are in control of your genes… You can alter them on a regular basis, depending on the foods you eat, the air you breathe, and the thoughts you think. It’s your environment and lifestyle that dictates your tendency to express disease, and this new realization is set to make major waves in the future of disease prevention — including one day educating people on how to fight disease at the epigenetic level. When a disease occurs, the solution, according to epigenetic therapy, is simply to “remind” your affected cells (change its environmental instructions) of its healthy function, so they can go back to being normal cells instead of diseased cells.

You can begin to do this on your own, long before you manifest a disease. By leading a healthy lifestyle, with high quality nutrition, exercise, limited exposure to toxins, and a positive mental attitude, you encourage your genes to express positive, disease-fighting behaviors.

This is what preventive medicine is all about. It’s not about taking any one particular nutrient as a supplement to fix one specific “part” of your biological machinery… The more people become willing to embrace this simple truth, the healthier everyone will get.

It’s also worth pointing out that epigenetic effects begin before birth.

Epigenetic research from 2009 showed that rat fetuses receiving poor nutrition in the womb become genetically primed for a nutrition-poor environment. As a result of this genetic adaptation, the rats tended to be smaller. They were also at higher risk for a host of health problems throughout their lives, such as diabetes, growth retardation, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and neuro-developmental delays. Again, while some are tempted to blame such “predispositions” on bad genes, the KEY factor is nutrition, i.e. the cellular environment.

If you’re ready to address your dietary choices, read through my comprehensive nutrition plan, which will give you tips and tools for eating healthy, dealing with stress, and living a lifestyle that will support your epigenetic health.

You can also turn your genes off and on with your emotions too. Many, if not most people carry emotional scars; traumas that can adversely affect health. Using techniques like energy psychology, you can go in and correct the trauma and help regulate your genetic expression. My favorite technique for this is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), but there are many others. Choose whichever one appeals to you, and if you don’t sense any benefits, try another, until you find what works best for you.

Please, remember that ‘You CAN Take Control of Your Health.’


The strange deaths of many scientists has me asking some questions.

The power of the truth of the understanding our genes and how they function, the awareness of the developing science around this and those individuals responsible for educating the general public has substantially been effected by the almost 300 deaths of scientists all over this planet in recent years. These individuals have been found to be dead thru mysterious circumstances and why have we not questioned the disappearance of these people as murders? Researching the world of genetic science I found many many such occurrences that appear to me to be questionable.

See the following links :

Knowledge of self is the notion that we each are capable of developing intelligent, self awareness that cultivates the responses we choose thru whatever circumstances we may find ourselves having to face in daily life. When we understand and act upon our own capacity to choose and develop ourselves we can make ourselves into the images of that which is within our most pure and loving possibility. The path of determining our own directions thru the choices we make day to day is a self made one especially as we remain true and authentic to our most precious heart messages, and spiritual awakenings.

I have found myself dropping many ideas, and beliefs with which I found within my interior self that actually did not feel the best to me, and I do this by vigilant self awareness to any form of powerlessness, and victimization that I have learned to accept as normal and choosing to question this and then re-deciding to alter my thoughts, actions, and beliefs to better fit my own loving heart, and intuitive spiritual nature.

Left unchecked our minds are wide open and receive many subliminal messages whenever we engage in the many forms of media being promoted today, by blindly accepting many of the pieces of information served to us as “news”, by allowing ourselves to accept anything less than genuine internal joy.

Decoding and recoding my DNA messages thru consciously choosing what happens inside me as a human being, or rather a spiritual being having a human experience, and making choices that fit my own authentic heart and spiritual nature I find myself to be free of many of the ills, the frustrations, the conflicts normally accepted with being alive on this planet. I find myself free on the inside to be available to be much more present to others, and available to assist and nourish those that come to me for assistance. And most of all I find myself endlessly learning to love, be loved, feel love despite the horrendous negativity around me. My choices have led me to a lifestyle of increasing compassion and acceptance, harmony and respect for all of life. As well as recognizing and releasing myself from the effects of a world civilization filled with human beings still held in unending forms of enslavement and unconscious of the natural laws of the cosmos. I realize that authentic genuine and true “authority” is to be found within self, and not outside myself thru money, religion, or politics. I choose not to “willfully ignore” the cosmic harmonious laws from which life everywhere arises.

And the development of this continues as the core spirituality in self investigation arises each day with the rising of the sun outside my bedroom window and the singing of the birds each new morning of my life. I marvel at the complexity of life while also recognizing the simplicity of existence… I accept the marvelous walk of paradox I find myself.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Quote why raising your energy-vibration is so important

Reality Checks… core spirituality, my personal journey

Reality-Check-Ahead2-239x300(Better than money checks !)

Reality Checks… core spirituality, my personal journey

Whenever I am in confusion, or in doubt, or I feel triggered, or I have an immense emotional reaction to something somewhere, whenever I feel less than, or “under the weather”, whenever I eat without conscious awareness, whenever I feel lazy, whenever I feel like withdrawing, whenever I feel I have a strong aversion to something, whenever I don’t want to talk, whenever I just want to sleep, or feel overwhelmed or bored I know it is time for MY REALITY CHECK!

( I do not push it away I accept that I am having this experience and I go for it… a reality check )

A reality check is when I cash in on some time to ask meaningful questions of MYSELF.

It is when I go out into nature and I spend time alone or with a trusted friend and I take apart, I dissect, and I look from new angles at whatever it is that has got a hold over me.

I don’t blame my family, my friends, the government, the military, the society, the large corporations, or my past. I simply take into account my own capacity to be a responsible man, a spiritual being having this human experience and address my concerns, my mysteries, my conundrums and any sensations of lack in my life.

My reality checks are all about cashing in on my experience of universal truth and weighing this against my logical mind, what my senses are telling me, and my deeper wordless intuitive nature.

I have accepted and learned to know that as a spiritual being I do have unlimited interior resources from which I may turn to within myself at any time, or place. And though I may have no idea of my solution, or answer… I still go into my interior resource place and open myself up. No matter the circumstance.

As I have learned how crucial it is to flip the paradigm of perception from thinking that what is important are circumstances, to recognizing what is important is how I respond to circumstances.

This is a key component of realizing our true nature as spiritual beings having human experiences. We are not our circumstances, as much as we identify with them, and convince ourselves that we are the matrix of experience we find self inside, no…. we are the conscious awareness here to experience these circumstances to learn what it is we will do within ourselves thru how we respond. We are spiritual awareness within the temple body of the physical, the body of the planet.

That we develop our awareness and right that which needs it is no guarantee that we are free from future reality checks either! Because quite often in life it happens that another subject for concern will grab us, this is not entirely a bad thing. It is simply awareness within us dipping down into our deeper unconsciousness and awakening to more of what is possible for us to experience.

Untangling the self is a mighty task for any human and requires diligence, commitment, persistence, long lasting, fortitude and continual openness to redirect, be redirected and to cultivate receptivity that will move us beyond and thru our comfort zones. Out into our uncomfortable zones and eventually into new and refreshing dynamics more attuned with our interior nature. This has and will likely be a life long journey of which I have grown well accustomed to walking. The great thing about it all is I am constantly learning something new. Surprisingly new… that which I never even thought I would learn has surfaced again and again.

We recharge our lives when we are willing to recycle not only our garbage, but also our selves. Our thoughts our feelings our emotions.

When we recycle our thoughts, emotions, feelings, ideas, our imaginations are set free to widen new vistas of discovery and opportunities to express ourselves. This takes many forms and is happening all around us as humans are deepening into the creative aspect of our spiritual nature. We learn to surpass ourselves and to generate and discover new realities that serve as platforms for new life experiences.

When we engage within our interior selves instead of pushing away form our interiors, we avail ourselves tremendous new creative forces that up to that point had been held in limitations. We learn to overcome these and to engage ourselves in whole new ways that connect us to life, to each other.

Reality checks …. I am cashing in !

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

The Power of Self Honesty… Bodywork as a Tool for Centering… core spirituality, my personal journey

quote above all to be true

The Power of Self Honesty… Bodywork as a Tool for Centering… core spirituality, my personal journey

At this time on our planet the indicators for deep honesty with self appear to be the way with which we may successfully pass thru the complexity of what arises each day to arrive at the most healthy of outcomes.

I am specifically noting how it is I am thinking and feeling internally and the genuine self reflection that goes along with this. The negativity arises and increases and decreases, just as the tides ebb and subside, I find myself withdrawing to my quiet places.

Spending time making a new garden for growing food, time with my hobby of growing orchids, walking and simple resting in silence thru short naps, or quiet music. These times where we pull away from the input of information in our lives can be focused as moments of honest reflection with self.

I find myself giving lots of attention to the interior awareness …to the details of how I am reacting, being triggered, responding and noticing my need to be clear with self about all this.

These interior moments have value in that I am able to sort out my own genuine responses to my life experiences and determine where it is I find myself parroting another person’s opinion or idea.

The casual way with which opinions are shared, are televised and reported as if they were news items or pieces of information that are fact are worth noting.

I find myself needing to pay attention and make certain I am congruent within myself and my own interior sensibilities and intuitions.

Human beings everywhere are processing massive amounts of information and I feel it is necessary to be completely self honest here before I speak, or act on anything.

Our need to be honest with ourselves is one of our most valuable traits as spiritual beings having a human experience and will lead us away from news and information that is completely self serving in the world. There are many big egos running away with their versions of life here and right now these egos are having their heyday!

When I look at and listen to my own ego I notice how loud, how big, how incessant it can be in my life. I notice that were I not to stay in some kind of honest self checking I could be dragged into many an ego based thought process, life story, or drama of which it is totally not mine what so ever to be investing my personal energy.

Self honesty becomes a strength and an alliance inside myself that supports my progress thru the many moments of time that engage my awareness. I want to be careful with this…. full of care.

Self honesty with uncomfortable feelings and thoughts is particularly uncomfortable.

However uncomfortable this may be it is still worth the genuine acceptance and reflection to go thru in order to pass thru.

Whenever I find myself with these uncomfortable feelings and thoughts I know that I must have some silence, or some down time from my usual activities so that I may more thoroughly understand what is impacting me and how it is impacting me. And I have concluded that just because I have these negative experiences does not make me a negative being, unless I allow myself to go on unchecked, and I allow myself to continue to act without self understanding.

This may seem to be a minor thing, however I feel that it is far from that, it is in fact a major thing to deeply understand our own negative, dark, or confusing feelings, thoughts, and experiences.

The human body often will express pain that originates as negativity gone unchecked inside our own minds, our emotions, and experiences.

I encounter this regularly as a body therapist with the clients that seek me out. Body work… massage, chiropractic, etc. provides an individual with a framework to connect with, and process, and release these places inside us before they take over our physical bodies as illnesses.

Vague discomforts, muscle aches, patterns of fatigue, headaches, tightening up of the neck, back, lower legs, stomach aches and digestive issues, mental confusions around particular issues ….all are indicators of our greater need to honestly self reflect and process our interior climates of thoughts and feelings.

Our physical bodies can be overwhelmed whenever we lose sight of our need to empty ourselves of our negativity.

Many drugs used to assist people in pain merely cover up this entire process and circumvent the possibility of honest feeling of painful emotions, and painful thoughts we have inside ourselves. All addictions are doing the same. Pharmaceutical drugs used for pain long term can have quite a debilitating effect on the spiritual presence within a human being as they become dependent on the synthetic component of the drug instead of the interior components of honest self reflection and decision making where pains are concerned. I have encountered this numerous times on my massage table with clients thru the years.

Stimulating competitive over activities that overwhelm and exhaust the human, though it may look healthy, are not so. Especially when there are negative thoughts and feelings arising that are seeking to be expressed, yet are subverted thru the adrenaline of the stimulus. I have encountered this many times on my massage table with clients. This is where bodywork is valuable to receive as another track for connecting mind and body, emotions and body.

I often encounter the message that we need to find the quiet places, or to be still, or to learn to meditate to have a more balanced life experience. Equally as important, if not even more so is our intention to be self honest. To be self honest in the quiet places, to be self honest in our stillness, to be self honest in our meditations.

We are all learning to process our lives in greater detail, in greater depth and as a consequence we give ourselves the option to pull out of negative scenarios that drain, pull, subvert, redirect, misdirect, lose our directions. What we choose inwardly in these times is of consequence in our outer material worlds.

How we are living inwardly is creating the results we find ourselves outwardly. The circumstances of our lives and more importantly our interior responses to the circumstances is directly at question and up for revision.

When we develop the attention to and awareness of what is inwardly taking place inside ourselves and how this is connected to what is going on outside ourselves, our responses take on more value than the actual circumstances we find ourselves.

It is our response to circumstance that is essential, not the circumstance itself that matters here.

(this is a complete paradigm shift and worth deepening into and realizing now )

Read that last sentence once more.

This is core spirituality arising as we learn to disengage from whatever is no longer intrinsic to our core value and we learn to navigate this world as spiritual beings having a human experience, and not as human beings having a spiritual experience. This is a complete flip, a total turn around of the paradigm of how we may choose to identify ourselves.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Identity Based on Externals… core spirituality, my personal journey


Identity Based on Externals… core spirituality, my personal journey

Sorting thru identity, everyone of us have, as we look into the mirrors of our images, our personal scenes, ideas, and material things… much to reconsider here, we are creating identity.

Finally we are beginning to realize that who we are, what we are, is not our things.

Materiality is the illusion of identity we are breaking down as we awaken to the reality that what is truly valuable is frequency.

The frequency we hold as human beings.

The frequency we vibrate as spiritual beings having a human experience.

It is all a wake up. It is happening spontaneously everywhere.

It doesn’t matter what brand you wear, what car you drive, how much money you make, where you live, what restaurants you take me to. None of this matters to the core spiritual self when it is a form of self serving, ego driven form of self identification. In fact to the soul it is so far down on the list of importance that it is only an issue when we are sidelined and become over identified with the materiality of existence, and pursue the agendas that are based in the ego gratifications alone.

Murder, power mongering, exclusive privilege, endless war as a solution to living, commerce and profit, to name a few all arising out of the need to be identified in the materiality of life have led many an incarnate soul thru the darkest, most painful life experiences one can have on this planet. All because we thought we were who and what the things we have or didn’t have was important to who we really are in the world . And forgot it was the frequency we vibrate.

The case for mis-identification in materiality is a long one, historically with our species and one of the most significant realizations one can learn to awaken in…. as the proliferation of this is so deeply ingrained in our history as individuals and groups.

Mis-identification in materiality is also perhaps one of the greatest leaps in transforming our changing planet currently being dismantled in materiality as we realize we are not what we thought our selves to be.

The identification thru materiality no longer serves the planet, the species, the direction of solving all of our unsolved problems, mysteries, and greatest wounds, when our definitions no longer express the universal frequency of life.

We have misplaced our sense of self identification and we are learning how to lift the veils of illusion our history has been covered with for centuries.

The purposeful unfolding of the process based in self honesty, in conflict, in all of the mayhem is in part a loosening of the holds materiality has had upon the human condition as we learn to feel our feelings and notice how off this is not just for a few but for many on this planet now.

The revelations of awareness now arising as we break out of the thoughts, the habits, the histories, are all the shaking up of the old ways. The old ways of self identification thru the material forms we surround ourselves.

Sheer hysteria, panic, desperation, horror, lost-ness all rise up as the security of materiality no longer fits who we are or where life is going.

Retreating backwards into even deeper notions of materiality is one of the ways many humans are attempting to address the inner mayhem and without success as the gap in those illusory securities only becomes worsened. It is a human mess.

The identifications we have held to in the material world are breaking down in ways that appear to grow and grow and grow and no retreating into the old style of thinking is working.

The possibility to make leaps in self understanding thru the challenges of these times arise thru the dropping of the identification in material form for the “frequencies of spirituality” and this sustains, supports, and redirects our energy into new paradigms of possibility.

Universal frequencies of spirituality are where we are moving in our collective development as a species that survives and thrives, not exclusive ones…. which are a reflection of self identities that were formed in partial states of self understanding centuries old.

When we learn to be self aware of the frequencies we bring to our daily lives collectively our limiting self created identities based in old paradigms seem to be crashing…. crashing into one another, into the environment, into ourselves. We are feeling the uncomfortable frequencies of our identification with materiality.

The global presence of our living planet comes alive with greater possibility whenever we give up these over identities in materiality with new ones that embrace a larger idea of self that is based in true brotherhood and sisterhood with life herself. As we drop identification with the car, the job, the clothes, etc. we free ourselves of those limitations and our minds are more capable of evolving thought.

While healthy regard, respect, and harmony with the material world and all this offers is still here for us to enjoy and utilize as expression…. the challenge is to do so without the over identification and becoming out of balance. Those systems of identification that appear to have been so overly out of balance appear to me to be crumbling as they no longer deeply address the issues of what our life force on this planet is seeking to express as a unified whole.

How we determine our outcomes in life have tremendous basis in our mind’s ideas of identity thru material form and how we hold the value of this thru our actions day to day.

The practice of letting go, of questioning, of redefining, of allowing new expressions and even further questions arise all support the evolving mind of our species, our selves individually, and the planetary life around us.

Identity thru :



political stance

sexual expressions


family dynamics

our job

are just a few places to start to examine how it is I can learn about my own self identity and ask myself…

Did I form this myself, or did I inherit it, was I told to be this way, or did I choose it ?

Where ever we are in the scope of our identities it is essential to understand that from a core spiritual place we are all traveling thru these places of identification, these places are not our end destinations.

The roles we play thru our identities serve to create experiences thru which we develop the conscious spirituality of our selves and as such it all serves this purpose.

We are an evolving species, waking up, and redefining our ideas of what it can mean to be a human being.

Forwards or backwards we go as we learn to come to terms with what is happening.

The dramas around all this are staggering as individuals kill, one another, themselves. As individuals seek to compress the issues, minimize and oppress the growing evolutions arising around us. While at the same time these developments provide new platforms for discovery and redefining how and what we see ourselves to be. Paradox is everywhere and the paths are veering in many directions. Questions are arising, and decisions need to be made.

How do I over identify myself thru the things in my life?

How do I over identify myself thru the materiality of my mind’s perceptions?

And finally how am I hurting myself by clinging to old identities from which I have our grown and invested my self?

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

shared with aloha
