Bringing Authenticity to Every Moment… core spirituality



Bringing Authenticity to Every Moment… core spirituality

Awareness in us as us is presence recognizing the opening thresholds of our daily experience thru touching into the profound depth with which we are actually capable.

When core spirituality of pure light of awareness enters into our human experience we access the possibility for touching into our deepest heart space. Where love within us loves to love unceasingly.

Loving from our hearts… not our heads or just our groins opens the authenticity of expression spontaneously to let out the love that is our deepest core self. Not that we must find love, not that it find us as we learn to recognize how love is what the ground of being actually consists.

Love is everywhere.

When we witness human beings where love appears to be absent of expression our deepest opening becomes the action of allowing love to pass thru us without editing.

This is authenticity of being.

As we discover that we are actually spiritual being incarnate as human being… we became embodied, we touch upon the wave upon wave of infinite presence that is authentic in life and around this world.

Authentic being takes the place of many broken, hardened, hidden forms of expression in the human condition.

Love is felt and allowed to flow as it does so naturally thru out the cosmos as it issues from the very source of creation.

I call it the great undoing… as we feel ourselves becoming alive in fantastic deepening and unceasing ways. The impulse to authentically show up to ourselves, to each other replaces the old scripts of our lives as we learn how to navigate daily life in a naturally joyful manner.

We discover that all along, every role, every action, and all of the scenarios of our lives had as its deepest intent to connect us with authenticity of the deepest profound spiritual self.

We are not really ourselves until we are deeply and profoundly authentic.

This authenticity of spiritual awareness lightens our darker nature in ways that ease our transformations into becoming that which we already are in the most primordial sense.

Deeply spiritual being.

Attraction becomes “calling” as we discover the urges and intuitions that compel us forward thru each new day leading into new experiences arising out of the wise core spirituality of this deeper reality unfolding thru life.

By finding inside us the authentic place of ourselves many old patterns no longer weigh as heavily nor do they have the same appealing attraction in our lives. Circumstances and relationships begin to redirect as we take in more and more of our potentiality to grow and transform. Now we have the deeply intuitive compelling of a greater significance in all ordinary living.

We learn to live lightly and care more deeply thus satisfying the truth of our hearts.

The power of authenticity has a compelling presence in the world as it connects with itself in others.

We find the mutual ground where we share the authentic space of oneness.

And as many lovers thru time, many singers and their audiences have felt… the one… the oneness becomes the many and so on. It is a marvelous state of being to learn about as we re-inform our human selves.

We respond inwardly to the calling of our authentic nature instead of always trying to react to the world around us. Responding by being authentic replaces the habit of reacting and this feels good.

When we are rooted in our authentic self we then begin to pull in all the components of our human conditional selves and find new energizing ways to express this. Communicating, relating, listening, genuinely finding ourselves blending into the world thru a gigantic common ground.

As we grow in trusting our authentic being the internal space of who we are grows in all directions…. above us , behind us, in front of us and below us as we find ourselves transforming our past, our future, and the present moment. Anchored in this awareness authenticity informs and clarifies situations with ever more possibility.

As humans we each have patterns of behavior and emotional imprinting with which we must learn to face in order to release ourselves from the pains of our embodiments. This authenticity supports us in respecting the feelings that we need to let go, to feel, and to release in a manner of finality. Thus ending our cycles of self made pain and suffering. As an action that arises from within self no longer outside self we shift from our inside places.

Authenticity is the most natural ground of being we are capable and acts as a threshold to open up to us the larger view of who and what we truthfully are as spiritual beings having this human experience.

Authenticity is our ticket thru life showing us how to shed the falseness and depraved, the shameful and the broken. The strength of this is beyond our imagination.

The doors that open in life thru authentic being are quite different from all others and though it is a mystery it is of utmost value to open those doors so as to have the deeply satisfying life with which we are capable of living.

Our authentic selves love life and transform it from simply being in the world. Every place has its comfortable space as we no longer seek to be that which we are not.

Ceasing to change the outside world, our actions are driven from the inside places .

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

The Awakening of the Human Form… core spirituality



The Awakening of the Human Form… core spirituality

The arrival of the light of the infinite “one” that which is our source within us, brings attention to all that is necessary.

In each inward down pouring of this light there is a deepening and strengthening of the human self.

Awakening our attention to that which is to be dismantled, burned away in the stepping up of the infinite radiance that issues from the soul.

This carries within it an internal sense of purposeful direction emerging to our lives with which we bring to all our situations.

Actions we are to take and movements of actions inside us freeing us from our own self made ideas and notions which no longer fit the body of the soul as it descends into the humanity of each living self., the human form.

This is the transmutation of the human condition in each of us as we take care to address all that we are meant to face that is here for us. For in the facing we deepen ever more so into that which feels the depths of possibility in any one feeling. When it is sorrow it will deliver us forward , when it is changing our diet it will deliver us greater health, when it is joyfulness it will ground us into the reality of the truthfull.

Arising each day we take our places in the world carrying out our duties and obligations attending with an inner peace that far surpasses whatever our minds have previously thought. We become attention !

The human is here for this.

The human is here for transmission of the light that has been sought thru all the ages passed.  Spoken in all great religions, expressed by all illuminated poets and sung by all singers from the depths of their souls.

The human is capable of purifying thru the complete ongoing inner acceptance of the self on the deepest level.

This real self is the same exact as that which is essential in all of life and purifies all form.

Simply experiencing this in ever more increasing ways opens us to the possibility. The act of self purification is nothing more than the doing of that which is most completely underlying all of creation, the primary impulse of living as it translates thru form. Completing self and creating another and so on as the act of creation herself.

How remarkable the edge where there is no more littleness, only the full meeting of that which presents for each of us to attend. The diminishing of the self is no longer comfortable as being so small next to the fullness of life calling out. The urge to respond increases to meet wholeheartedly… the life we live.

Calling us out of our little selves we are translating this life substance as each of us meeting life in larger and larger capacity.

The profound becomes common and the realization of the “one” pervades our attention as we see into our humanity that “one” looking back thru all pain, willing to embody and process it…. so as to purify this life we live as human being.

We humans are learning how to do all this as we build better bridges, bake better cakes, reform our ideas of life thru better laws, improved service industries, and on and on and on. The activity of the human species is magnificent in its daily urge to make corrections and improve that which we find ourselves.

We receive our realizations with more and more attention as we create the internal space for the divine within us to love and co-create as willing participants in our lives.

Realization is the way shower redirecting our attention in ways that lead us forward into the moments of our lives where our choices make differences that call forward better and better outcomes.

Realization shifts us and takes us into spaces of opening and relief from our own limiting past. Opening our attention facilitates presence of the great stillness and knowing inherent in life that is pure and natural. Refreshing each space of our day with new energies. We live in the connection and presence of life without all the space of feeling separated. There is a merging as we attend to our lives with the amazing wave of life passing thru time and space. We are here for this.

We feel ourselves merge thru the greater love that is revealed thru all our passages in the limited realms of the human condition. Our issues , our limits, our bias’s, our thinking and the roles we have participated.

There is a sense of unlimitedness inherent in love that compels, urges, and carries each of us where we never thought possible.

The activity of the human form becomes fully more and more compelled from that which is divine in nature that loves and loves and loves to love and be loved ….filled with wisdoms and insights.

These are some aspects of the human form awakening.

Core spirituality, my personal journey


shared with aloha

The Habit of Memorizing Life…core spirituality



The Habit of Memorizing Life…core spirituality

Core spirituality…that is living from the deep self, our core self, frees us from the habit of living from our memories and redirects our consciousness into the now.

The present moment holds the possibility of deep knowing thru the revelations we recognize when we are not living in a scripted existence.

The initial stages of awakening to our habitual nature show us how we live by scripts that we have memorized, many times unconsciously… subconsciously. The startling realizations smack us when we find out what we are encountering is not in our scripted ideas of reality.

We memorize our lives thru thoughts and ideas we hold on to without ever questioning and this can lead us into all kinds of frustrating situations, repeat scenarios, and many unanswered questions. These unanswered questions stay this way because we subconsciously memorize “how” we hold our realities.

We memorize life exchanges, events, with people and imprint our emotions and thinking inside ourselves so as to learn valuable insights and direct knowledge from these experiences. We can deepen into our experiences by replaying these exchanges and the emotional imprints as a way of taking apart and exploring the human experience. However when we live by these memorized scripts we leave the present moment and repeat life.

When the pure light of awareness enters into our consciousness this will illuminate these scripts we live by and show us how it is we are stuck, repeating, and unsuccessfully living out the full potentiality of our daily lives. This light of pure awareness will point our attention to memorized situations so that we can break the habit of living in them.

The habits of living in memorized life versus the present moment is the cutting off of the present moment unfolding and our capacity to receive the information that is available now. Considering how often we subject ourselves to habits versus spontaneous living and discerning when it is time to let go of details that prevent our growth and evolution as spiritual beings having this human experience.

Daily life becomes a script that repeats itself until we break out of the habit of living in our minds and opens us to life and the spontaneous nature of existence as natural.

When we become increasing natural we unlock our selves from the habits of memorizing and awaken more pure light of awareness that supports the directions inherent in any personal or collective situations we find ourselves within.

We evolve as a natural outpouring of life as life’s pure expression… in us as us.

Behind the occurrences of daily living within the field of our interior mind landscape lie the many memorized versions of life we hold.

Discernment arises in response to the pure light of awakening in us.

We learn to differentiate being fully present in the now and having our interior consciousness engaged in an emotional script, belief script, mental script, reality script or any kind of  life script. When we begin to recognize that we have these interior movies playing in our minds and that we are simultaneously responding both to the outer moment and the inner scripted one we are shown how what we are actually doing is repetitive and is pre arranged in our minds. Often our bias’s, our emotional reactions are not truthfully in the now moment but connected to these scripts.

When we awaken to this realization we can then disengage thru simple permission towards ourselves and choose which way we want to respond.

We can choose not to invest in the script and go the route of the spontaneous present moment and await a new response.

I find in this space that the revelatory nature of awareness is immediate and responsive. We then can recreate our selves in the moment, over and over again and increase direct inner knowing. The more we accustom ourselves in this practice we can ignite the most simple and natural awareness in life. True recreation!

The choice to live spontaneously in a truthful, real, authentic interior space is how we learn that we are creating this life.

We can practice this alone quite easily anytime, anywhere as we move about by simply turning off the habit inside our minds. The habit of having already seen a tree to actually see the tree that is in front of you, in front of you with the light that is on it as it is right now and so on.

Much like a baby first experiences life, we allow ourselves the new now with each choice to practice this in our lives.

Even with happy and positive memories we can choose to turn them off to see what exists in our now moment. Refreshing the human, so to speak, just as we refresh our pages on our computers. Only with this instance we are not repeating something we are simply seeing again from the fresh new possibility.

Learning to be present and spontaneous is how we engage the larger possibilities for new information and teach ourselves by living. we expand our circles of living into larger parameters.

Living by learning in the present moment engages more of what we missed thru our memorized life scripts. We access more of what we missed and this connects us to what truthfully satisfies us…. consciousness unfolding.

Materiality in all it’s diversity is short lived in how it truthfully satisfies the deeper calling behind all our physical desires.”

The actual stuff of our desires is the consciousness that illuminates our divine connection in life and all “things”  ” all material forms” ultimately have this as their truthful purpose.

Only to point us to that which is invisible, like love for example, we cannot see it, we all want it, and thru our relationships we can experience it.

Thus people and things are only the see-able forms that connect us to the un-see-able , the invisible.

The invisible presence of life contains all that our souls as incarnates seek thru the act of life, relationships, and the material form.

History, art, and writing have recorded down thru the ages the many invisible qualities that we as humans hold as treasures… in a life enriched and well lived.

Memorized or not life holds precious the opportunities each of us encounter as possibilities to awaken while we are embodied in these physical forms.

We can choose to enjoy our memories, yet remain spontaneous in how we respond to life at any moment by enacting our will to be completely natural and stop ourselves living in life scripts that do not actually exist in our present moments of time.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation


AtmanFeather staying_grounded


Exploring The Deep… core sprituality

awakening earth


Exploring The Deep… core spirituality

The great call of our time is to awaken and this leads us deeper into our humanity as we face emotional situations that arise.

How deeply human is it possible to become?

How deeply human are we capable of accepting everything that we feel inside us ?

And how many times a day do we encounter fear around something we see inside ourselves or around us in life ?


When we accept that being human is a spiritual path then our Spirituality leads us deeper into our bodies, our minds, and our emotions to discover the that by going deeply inside our human conditions we contact our purest spiritual possibilities… deep spiritual being.

Indeed our greatest joys show us the divine inherent in our lives. Yet equally so our greatest fears and sorrows lead us into our most undiscovered divine aspects of self.

Our feelings and thoughts held behind our self imposed walls of fear or our self made intellectual notions of fundamental beliefs are the passages eventually showing us that which we have yet to understand or accept about what it truly means to be authentic, honest, whole spiritual beings having the human experience.

Day by day we pass into experience leading us into scenarios that are informing us about the pure nature of reality and what it is we are believing about that.

Exploration into these moments by allowing ourselves to go deeper into our humanness is the pathway leading to direct knowledge of ourselves as we encounter the details that we are shown by the incoming light of awareness. This is called awakening.

It may seem paradoxical at first that as we open to the light of awareness we become super sensitive to the darker side of life and how this is causing disharmony, while the light of awareness also shows us the very magnificent side of life in perfect unfolding divine order.

There is a master plan being lived out here in the earth experience and each of us is a player in this experience, whether we have awakened to know this or not.

The challenge of allowing ourselves to awaken in life is not pushing away those aspects we discover about ourselves, one another, and the world that are uncomfortable. By not pushing this information away instead of repeating, perpetrating or buying into some lie that we are powerless, we have the capacity to allow the feelings inside us to deepen completely into what these life experiences are impulsed to show us.

In the deeper self we touch upon that divine aspect of being from which all of life emerges. This divine aspect of being surpasses all the societal, religious, cultural, intellectual, emotional perceptions that are conventional in our world by showing us that we are of one universal substance that is innately wise and purposeful no matter the circumstance we discover this in. And the larger context of the mind of creation as we have the revelations that are pointing us toward bigger picture of our true reality.

This then transforms from a mere belief in us into a living experience of deep personal knowing and presence.

The divine aspect of existence is born of the primal ground of being which is the pure substance of the creation herself as universal being. The pure void.

When we invest our attention into and our energy into this divine aspect of self we pass thru all the stages of our broken insights, our broken emotional patterns and our shallow thinking. This begins a process of healing our minds, bodies, emotions and life circumstances. Every bit of self invested in broken-ness, in half truth, or in trauma and conflict arises to our attention to be made whole again as we make the choice to learn, let go, and move on into a more productive life expression.

The practicality of this spiritual light has tremendous reason in our lives as we restore ourselves as never before. We surpass ourselves continuously as we learn to accept and transform.

We discover that the human being actually has the capacity to do this in new and surprising ways as we allow ourselves to face the deep, and move on.

Every stage of this involves elements of some kinds of fears arising that scare us and make us recoil from the possibility ahead . Yet go forward we are called and compelled. You might linger in a fear for years and then pop thru it. You might linger in a fear for a lifetime and never get thru, yet we can see by virtue of birth that in some instances we begin a life deeper into some fears so that we may continue in another embodiment doing our research into passing thru our fear.

I know this to be true from my own life experience i remember far beyond this one lifetime.

When we are challenged by life circumstances that scares us, hold us back, freeze us in our steps we are on the edge of our next possibility and only by going deeply into our selves, our bodies, our sexuality, our life circumstances do we find that which is the “greater purpose” life is offering us.

Life, all of it…. from the most awful to the most awesome is an offering from the primal ground of being that is life herself.

An offering to return into TRUTH and the reality that life is created out of. This will bring us into the source of life, and establishes what some might call the “god experience” as we redefine every thought we have ever held about what God is to each of us.

This “god experience” is masterfully sustained in us as we deepen more and more..

The divine understanding of our hearts begins to open and we learn to cultivate tremendous respect for life in all forms and possibilities and this has very practical reason to the evolving human being that each of us has come here to be. All manner of personal and collective, societal, and cultural life is now exacting tremendous new ways of becoming as we dismantle the histories of our ancestors, our own families, all that the broke life of history has lived. Equality is ringing thru the air, opportunity is seeking its way thru every crack in the system, compassion and self less service are rolling out of every horrible tragedy and around every place of terror filled conflict.

This world is transforming.

The great calling of going deep…. of our times, the impulse within our humanity and our planet is opening like never before.

This is core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

shared with aloha…..


Understanding The Call to Awaken… core spirituality



As the hand held before the eye conceals the greatest mountain,

so the little earthly life hides from the glance the enormous lights and mysteries of which the world is full,

and he who can draw it away from before his eyes,

as one draws away a hand,

beholds the greatest shining of the inner worlds.”

 Rabbi Nachmann of Bratzlav






When the call is understood… and we come to deepen into that call,

we recognize the depth of our own possibility as we make our way thru the passages of human experiences.

This is the awakening of the human, the species impulse in us to evolve our perceptions.

When we allow ourselves to move beyond our own memories and limitations with new perceptions of what is it that is really seeking to express in ourselves we shift the presence that is us.

The presence we bring into our moment to moment existence meets the circumstance that is arising. Whether this be close at hand or far out in the world the significance of our presence creates the world of our collective humanity.

How we are here is the vehicle for our spiritual soul to develop further awareness of self in us as us. How we show up in our everyday lives is what matters here.

The deepening experience of many possibilities is arising now.

We are recognizing that we are all connected.

We are recognizing that we are of one source.

We are recognizing that we are more than a little planet and that our place is one with the cosmos.

We are recognizing the shadow components of all this thru our conflicts and wars.

As we bring in the light of our souls to everyday life we gain access to the hidden or dark sides of our nature seeking to be released into that light of pure awareness.

This pure light of awareness unveils the thoughts and feelings we hold that no longer are in alignment with the source of our deeper spiritual selves. Our psychology undergoes transformation along with our feelings as we see ourselves and one another with this light of awareness.

We are making significant corrections to that which we find thru our deepening acceptance and pure service to this inner place and to one another all over the world.

Some of us are resisting this light and clutching to our old ways thru the enacting of more old style thinking and believing … causing much more hardship and pain to one another thru furthering our notions of separateness and better than.

These limitations are valuable markers in our collective experience. In that pure seeing of awareness capable of recognizing how this limits us may fuel further reorganization of the human condition with greater sensitivity to the deepening of our collective spirituality in personal ways and collectively in our societies.

Rather than repeat, rather than perpetrate we have also the choice to shift our thoughts and reactions, and how we will think ourselves in reality thru deepening compassion and understanding along with acceptance.

The internet as the outward collective manifestation of the inner mind is a superb example of how we are developing our awareness and increasing our capacity to see and learn these things about our lives.

To be able to see more of our humanity outwardly thru media and the internet is refocusing us to be able to comprehend the larger spectrum of what it is that happens when we do what we do to one another and this planetary body.

As we heighten our perceptions of reality our capacity is immensely magnified so that we feel the pain of our shortness of seeing and the outcomes of how this effects everything.

Our capacity to ride the evolutionary edge of our collective manifestation of life is developing as we manage our personal and collective resources thru what we decide each day.

Fighting, wars, overt wealth and material possession, greed, conflict and so on are all effectively the result of our own doing and so we are called to see this.

We are victims of ourselves thru our choices each day.

As the sting of our own choosing shows us we learn not to choose pain and we look otherwise into the the deepening awareness that is possible.

As more of humanity re-decides each day the calling of our involvement is developing further as life herself seeks expression thru us.

Thus we may go deeper into our spiritual presence and rest inside this place and go further than we have ever gone before. This deepening of our place in how we see ourselves is paramount to the unfolding design of life. The religious beliefs that point to this deepening of spiritual presence become the framework for personal decisions. However these teachings may be, ultimately it is our own intimate choosing within that shapes our experience. In this way religious teachings may assist the process of actualizing spiritual presence in our lives as never before.

This creates the space of new ideas, solutions, directions, and outcomes for each one of us in our personal lives, while simultaneously in our entire human species. Many are catching on to this as a result of the current state of the world.

We learn to move on beyond old styles of perceiving….

either /or thinking

right / wrong

better / worse

higher /lower

The duality of our previous thinking no longer fits the current options of whole thinking and perceiving. Everything is pointing towards a wholeness of existence.

We translate this holistic perception into our unique circumstances trading off the uncomfortable aspects for that which feels comfortable. We are free always in any moment to change our minds, shift our perceptions, and allow ourselves the option to enact change.

We learn to be vigilant, compassionate, and wiser in re-deciding our lives. Instance by instance, day by day. There is not really any need to look back along our earthly visit here with remorse once we tackle our own life circumstances with continual renewed vigor and self permission.

This opens us to the remarkable downloads of new information, joyful reasoning, life purposes, wise connections with one another that further strengthen the human species and provide gateways for the future generations that are coming up right behind us.

The blissful state of reality and the unending nature of pure love together fuse into our dna structures, our living bodies and we become enlightened. This is the ultimate outcome of the deepest inner world within ourselves.

The pure ground of being that is life is completely supportive, and not a vast hole of unending falling and falling. The pure ground of being is beyond our imagination in her full expression and so it behooves us to touch this in ourselves and learn to get comfortable with going deeper into life than we have ever gone before.

This is identifying the core spiritual self in each of us.

This is our core self expressing as many individuals.

This is our core self teaching us thru experience to readjust to recognizing we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

This is the part of the equation in our “human being” that is “Being”.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation


We Bring Awareness In To That Which Arises… core spirituality, my personal journey



The action of deep silence arising from the core of who we are instills a deepening of presence.

This deep silence opens the field of the universal self, the cosmic being that is the spiritual self, the core self.

This core self is life herself as each one of us expressing thru our humanity.

“I bring the love of the awareness of core self to that which arises… and I am informed in completely new and unconventional ways of recognizing life around me.”

The deep spiritual presence with which all of life is actually made  has the capacity to pierce thru our own limited human systems of thought and feeling in ways that open us to our potentials in everyday living. Thru the recognition of that which is eternal and behind the passing moments and details of our human expressions I am able to embrace the un-embraceable human pain, conflict, and question that arise in my day.

The deepening of our collective awareness is no longer comfortable in the limited consciousness we have held on to and we can see this clearly thru the emerging struggles and conflicts arising in our human family, both in our close personal relationships and our collective human experience all over the planet.

We have entered into the great collective passage of our own human evolutionary impulse and we deepen into every  “now moment” as best we can as the great call issues forth in each of us to move onward, forward, and to release ourselves from our old ways.

As we learn to recognize and make the place inside ourselves for this deepening of awareness we access the new possibilities available to us which will lead us thru our struggles, our conflicts, and our limited notions about life. And so we find ourselves letting go quite naturally of our conditioning and beliefs that do not fit well with the emerging state of our opening into our most deepest spiritual selves. Fear, sadness, resistance, struggle, strife, confusion, are but a few of the examples of the “great passage”, the real process we are passing thru on our way to engaging ourselves with that which is arising as an opening to the much larger perception of life available to each of us.

It is thru the personal and the impersonal circumstances of each of our lives that we begin to catch on to the magnificent aspect that arises in this time of great passage. as the fear, sadness, resistance, struggle, and strife, and confusion of circumstances meets face to face with the arising awareness of moving beyond it all into new ways of seeing and the emergence of deep spiritual presence in us as us.

This actualizes our capacity to bring a presence to our lives that is connected to the wisdom inherent in life thru choosing to be aware , more deeply than we have ever been before.

Fear being a powerful component of our humanity now, we can actualize ourselves into deepening into what it is inside our fears that limits us, holds us in “past memory”, and prevents the healing of conditions that is actually available thru our deepening and our acceptance of life herself.

That we have forgotten how life herself is wise is paramount as we face what she brings each of us and we are catapulted into and thru whatever it is that makes us afraid. Remembering that life… herself, is ultimately wise as the full expression of the source of which life arises.

Here is where within ourselves we find ourselves in the alchemical transformations of circumstance.

Each moment of each day as we breathe in and out opens up the inherent possibility of this transcendence.

Do not stop only in your fear, go on. Keep moving into and thru and deepen into the very presence available inside you as you dance your way thru your physical incarnation. You were a spiritual being before you came here, you are still one now, and after you drop this physical body, you will remain that which you have always been. A pure spiritual being.

And for now… a spiritual being having a human experience.

core spirituality, my persona journey of self investigation

I Am full of the world…. core spirituality, my personal journey

quote the moment you remember you are made of...

When I read this to myself I read it like this :

The moment I realize that my bones are made of the same dust as the planets,

my lungs are breathing the same air as the migrating butterflies,

and my blood is pumping because of the love and care of thousands ;

is when I realize that I am not as broken I think I am

I AM full of the world.



As a spiritual being having a human experience I learn to recognize my body as more than the conventional view usually thought of here.

life as an evolutionary force in me as me shows me new ways to view reality.

learning to adapt to new views of reality especially as they are broken open thru conflict, pain, and disaster.

Yet not at all from this alone, simply in my moment to moment … is the potential possibility able to be born in me.

I love this about life and I love how we are truly born and made of the stuff of the cosmos.

We often define our selves in such small ways, in personal ways and thru the memory of ourselves.

I find it refreshing to open up and notice the larger TRUTH of which our lives are made manifest.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation