Choosing Light Where Darkness Looms, Scarlett Lewis… cause to pause


Scarlett lost her six-year-old son, Jesse, in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting in Newtown, CT. In spite of this horrifying tragedy, Scarlett’s story is filled with powerful after-death communications (ADCs) and signs of precognitive knowing (when someone subconsciously knows about their impending death). 

“What’s even more amazing is that Scarlett Lewis learned how to choose thoughts of love instead of anger, hatred or fear, which she shares with us to use in our own lives. And only a short time after the shooting, Scarlett was able to forgive her son’s killer, and her example teaches us how to shed the burden of anger and hatred in order to find joy again following any tragedy. While the foundation of this story is sad, this Afterlife TV episode is both comforting and inspiring thanks to what Scarlett and Jesse Lewis have to teach us. You really don’t want to miss this special episode.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV



For me….

The interview really gets to the astounding presence of deep wisdoms around the 1:00 point. The remarkable path of this mom and her awareness and the deep wisdoms that are arising from the tragedy.

The entire story told here is well worth the time listening bringing to us many new solutions for the pain and suffering that still needs healing in our world.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation



Love Will Have the Final Say, core spirituality… my personal journey

Love will have the final say….. such words to contemplate in the messiness of human relations, human feelings.

How I have come to learn about this is thru my own emotional awareness of passing thru the many stages of my own thoughts and feelings however painful. Whether I have been thru therapy or have simply aloowed myself to feel so totally and so completely whatever it has been that has triggered me or bothered me I have come out of it finding love.

This is how I know without question I have completed my inner work with any particular theme.

Without it the sting of negative thoughts and the feelings they cause continue. This is the indicator that I have further to go inside myself with the business of being human. As a spiritual being here having this human experience I am repeatedly reminded of the complexity of human thoughts and feelings that point to me I have further to go in all of my self reconciling. The action of taking my thoughts and feelings into account with the notion that I have much to learn is part of the ongoing human experience of awakening.

The emotional awakening that is triggered by uncomfortable thoughts and feelings is rich in possibilities which also point us in the directions of loving ourselves and one another. Beyond the beliefs of our socialization, beyond the beliefs of our ancestors, beyond all belief is the natural, pure state of love from which all of life is born. From this original state ( not the state of sin as some religious views perpetrate) that pure original love is the basis from and the return point …of it ALL.

In between the beginning and the end are many twists, notions, beliefs, pathways, ideologies, and so on. Yet the pure state of spiritual love, unconditional love, eternal loving, unceasing love is the actual primordial origin of all out thoughts and emotions.

Being human we find ourselves smack in the middle of all kinds of stories, dramas thru the place of our birth, our families, our ancestral lineages, the social climates of our births, where we live in the world. We come here to manage the experiences this brings to us thru our activity of human life. However human we may be we are at the core spiritual beings…. being human temporarily in our brief existence of 70 or 80 years. The spiritual being that is us was alive before and still remains alive after the incarnational human experience. I know because I remember this.

I have remembered since I was a wee little boy child. I have not forgotten and I have had many more memories of how this is true thru out my entire lifetime.

It is in this context that I choose to make sacred all of what is unfolding here  and purposeful in the larger context. The larger context of awakening awareness that opens up a little bit day by day thru out this life. The larger context of awakening that sees this humanity and its greatest terrors, greatest challenges, greatest achievements thru the perception that something we call God is unfolding in us and thru us by way of our humanity. This is amazing to finally live in as a natural state of consciousness.

Living in the consciousness of God is the next step of our awakening and is a co creative experience where little by little we learn to experience ourselves in our most natural state and that state is spiritual, ( and not religious, though religion may point to it ).

That I am less than any other being here because I belong to a certain group, am a specific color, hold a particular religious belief, have joined a particular political view, am a gay, a transgender or any thing that is not white and heterosexual is all part of the massive awakening filtering thru our humanity as an equality of being is beginning to be recognized from every difference in this world. Truly amazing as this is so closely like the higher vibratory dimensions of life far beyond this earthly world where differences in expression are seen as diversity of the One Source of which we are all made.

A higher all inclusive vibration is being filtered into and thru our species and there are many hold outs. Many who are clutching to their old beliefs in the notion that we are separate and better than and worse than each other. It is the place of an old world view invested in old world values practiced by billions of people thru every lineage of every human and it is crumbling.


As we learn to open to our greater spiritual selves we have the capacity to move beyond all the thoughts all the beliefs still hardened by the idea of making another human being less than, or diminishing another human being because of their difference. Laws are being debated all over the world, wars and killing perpetrated, and all sorts of horrific injustice all still being acted upon by these old ideas of separation and one up man ship, better than, less than.

It is crumbling…. as more and more individuals feel the tremendous trade off of this for love.

Love will have its way and shows us this repeatedly. Even in the face of righteous domination eventually it crumbles.

No species survives the continual self destructiveness of such thinking and believing, history has shown us the downfall of all such “powerful experiences” of selfish egotistic small minded thinking. ( ultimately the dominators, the selfishly righteous, lose their standing in life… naturally)

We have many opportunities to wake up in our lives, I , for one struggle with the whole process as I see and feel myself triggered and yet still I choose to open and learn and transform my own small minded, ego based, selfishness.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

quote between stimulus and response there is a space. in that space is our choice to respond

Oppression and the homophobia outcome, cause to pause


Currently there is much discussion world wide about the gays.

Historically hatred, bigotry, fear, and terror have been normalized thru the actions of many people hiding behind there religious beliefs, political standings, and righteous opinions. However it may be dressed, it is still a form of oppression, and it has its consequences in the world

Whether one is gay  or not …..there are consequences to the oppression of gays for everyone. Few heterosexuals truly feel what it is like to be oppressed by so many people in the world on a daily , yearly basis.

I find these two speeches clearly illustrate what that is like from the point of view of gay people. These speeches have already pressed hundreds of thousands of people’s buttons by bringing to the forefront the issue of homosexuality and the bigotry associated with it.

We are one human family with many faces and how we all embrace one another is consequential to the collective harmony of our species and the planet.

There is an undercurrent of honest rage and pain in this man’s speeches that if straight people who are still homophobic could learn to understand… maybe they might open enough to know and relate better to those people who are gay and embrace them in friendship.

There is a giant question in these videos that is confronted about what the nature of homophobia really is.

The ways homophobia are perpetrated thru the normalization of bigotry and hate is being highlighted thru out world media today giving us all the opportunity to address, consider, and open up to our own thoughts and feelings about our fellow brothers and sisters who are gay.

“How” homophobia is internalized inside a person, gay or straight, and when one believes these ideas of fear what this does to dehumanize and diminish a person and how homophobia is dressed up to conceal the real pain of hatred, disgust, and diminishment of an individual.

I know that I am learning to understand this more and more.

Understanding is a spiritual quality of our own divine nature as we grow thru our experiences. Moving beyond mere intellectual thought, understanding in this context contains empathy, love and acceptance.

These are qualities of a spiritual being having a human experience. Spiritual being-ness is an inclusive quality which recognizes the paradoxical nature of difference and sameness.

This spiritual being-ness sees that we are not all separate, we are all actually connected and what we do to ourselves we do to another, what we do to another we do to ourselves. Learning this is another aspect of the unfolding state of consciousness evolving in our species.

The air of conflict around homophobia is a perfect climate to return to the issue to re look at our own notions, beliefs and opinions while considering other human beings that also live here on this planet.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation





Kahlil Gibran On Children… core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

In my world I have held this writing in my heart since the very day I was married. I began the journey with this intention and I have returned to this writing often thru out my lifetime. The notion that we own our children, own their minds, their spirits, their ways is one I find completely false. I have diligently striven towards keeping this in my attention as a parent. Whenever I reflect on these words I find my own spiritual nature excited by dwelling on the truth of my own intention here. As I identify as a spiritual being….having a human experience this writing serves the possibility that I may always recognize the boundaries of the human experience while also expanding my heart awareness to see the children who came thru me as spiritual beings as well, having the human experience they brought themselves here to have.

Acceptance and nurturance of the spiritual nature of a child as a free agent in our lives opens up the possibility for tremendous differences to exist as each child seeks the experience in their humanity best suited for the journey of their embodiment here. Respect grows and grows as I have learned to understand this, and practice however different their lives, their ideas, and their experiences may be from my own

In this way I am able to sustain my own sense of right direction for myself as I embrace the directions of the children that came to us. There is tremendous love that sustains the life that is surrounded in acceptance and respect without ownership of another human being. This is possible in ever expanding ways as the child  becomes the adult. I marvel in our differences, at times I have struggled with our differences, and with this I have been able to peacefully resolve this for myself,  in our lives. This is in keeping with the divine nature of the soul as it embraces it’s lifetime here.

In this way I am continuously in the position of learning as the child teaches the parent by their very presence in the world. I am certain this is one of the most significant and magnificent, yet at times trying aspect of parenthood.  Our children are the gifts life shares with all of us on our journey thru life.

Having said that I also realize that there may be significant learning that arises to the child from the parent. This being the basis of the physical incarnation for the child. Thus the cycle of life is fulfilled in all directions. However not to be misunderstood, or to override  the sanctity of each indwelling spirit housed within each child and the parent.


Quote Kahil Gibran children

Suffering… core spirituality





Richard Rohr




Suffering is the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship.

Transmit is causing something to be passed to another person, place.

Today I say to myself …

If I do not transform my suffering…. I will transmit it.

Then I ask self… “is this what I want?”

Dwell upon this idea…

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Saying Yes… core spirituality, my personal journey

quote Byron katie when you say yes


When I respect the indwelling presence of my spiritual self I connect with the voice and intent of my own soul’s doing.

This teaches me to choose in a way that there is a balance in my relationships.

I learn that I can respect myself and I do not disrespect you.

Respecting the me that is you is also the foundation of the expression of my love.

Love is continually awakening in me and thru me showing me how to be congruent.

One aspect of the awakening human is becoming congruent within.

Aligning our thoughts and feelings with our actions in a cohesive balanced way shows us the direction which serves the good in all things, in all people thru the original holy temple…. the temple of the human body, the home of spirit within myself.

When I say yes to others, I make sure I am not saying no to myself.

This is living from the core of spirituality.

I delight in helping, serving, assisting others in any way  I find I can.

There is joy in 2 yes’s.

The Love Energy Thread – Your SOUL chart – Wendy Sloan

Learn about the soul of you!

Sacred Ascension - Key of Life - Secrets of the Universe


Greetings everyone! What I would like to share with you today is the work of a beautiful soul whom I had the pleasure of meeting at the beginning of my full awakening. I wrote about her in my book Mission to Earth. In 2012 when I fully awakened to all of my gifts and abilities I was guided to seek out a hypnotherapist who was certified by the late Dolores Cannon. It was then that I was guided to Wendy Sloan, a phenomenal light worker who is completely in tune with the divine. When I met her I remember she has handed me my “Soul Chart” showcasing to me a lot of very intriguing information about my soul. This Soul Chart was so intriguing to me that when Wendy contacted me and told me that she wrote a book and that she is including information about this Soul Chart into…

View original post 1,155 more words

Getting Real About Our Solutions, core spirituality for your discernment

Quote byron katie if you think you will solve the problem


The awakening currently taking place for our humanity has many components to it. As we watch the unfolding world events around us, often we can have the thought that there is nothing I can do or that it is out of my hands, or just plain feeling helpless in the face of difficult scenarios. However the awakening process is expanding to the “wake up thought” that…. powerlessness is truly 100% a lie. We learn to turn within ourselves to adjust our own thinking and believing in whole new ways that effect the interconnectedness we find ourselves learning to live within.

Turning within ourselves we can always adjust some kind of reaction, some thought, some feeling that we have in reaction to that which arises and in doing so uplift the “totality” from our singular human life. ( remembering it is an illusion to think we are all separate )  Our every reaction, and each  thought has a resonance thru out this planet, even if unseen by my eyes at this time.

The interconnected truth of existence is underlying the current stage of world events and everyone of us is participating simply thru being alive on the planet. This knowledge alone and the actions we take from it may serve the continual unfolding world events by allowing ourselves to seek solutions to our own reactions to life. In this way we each are contributing to the human experience.

In my own case, I find myself committing more completely and whole heartedly to staying vigilant to my sense of genuine authentic self expression and the continuous opening of my heart thru every day in all my interactions and my alone time. I do this in response to the lack of authenticity I see around me, and the closed hearted action that arises out of hatred, bigotry etc.

I also ask myself in a genuine way how it is I may also hold similar feelings within myself though I may not show this outwardly. I seek to remain vigilant to my own states of discordant energy, and painful drama making. I purposely demonstrate thru my interactions my willingness to be open and to learn new things, and I choose to be humble to the heart of anything that arises in a way that I may at any time correct something inside my own self.

Individuals are placed everywhere on earth at this time with specialties which are specific to the handling of the immense problems we face and I acknowledge their actions in the world particularly with regard to the immense sources of conflict, terror, and injustice arising now for us to look into more completely.

This is a process, I have compassion and I ask for soul based patience.

When ever we choose genuine authenticity and purity of heart in our actions we bring to these difficult situations a vibrational space of possibility in the world to solve problems peacefully and spiritually.

In the awakening awareness of today this act of realizing these things we stop undermining the directions with which our innate spiritual selves are taking us and we allow our selves to love and love ever more the unfolding of our experience.

In this awakening process we stop diminishing the powerless messages of those still entrapped in the dramas of limitation without the understanding of the fact life is literally 100% interconnected and what we do to another we do to ourselves.

Significant internal resources within us open up to address how it is we think and feel and what to do about it. These internal resources have many names and are the natural aspects of our own spiritual / soul selves. Divine understanding, divine listening, divine non interference, divine assistance, divine supports show up in our lives in us and thru us that can truly make a difference in each life when we choose to go within for our solutions instead of reacting outwardly to correct problems.

For those that have the path to do work outwardly then this is also divinely supported thru right action, right livelihood, and much  grace.

The notion that we are not human beings having a human experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience is best understood in light of the awareness that we must turn inward to solve our problems and take into ourselves our own accountability in life. In this way the world outwardly experiences it’s own healing and change.

I have found this to be true many times in my life whenever I shifted my responsible action inward and stopped projecting outward. I have found the individuals with which this pertains suddenly not bothering me, or stopping altogether their negative actions. I have found new avenues of communications open in dramatic new ways and this brought about new resolutions.

To be anchored in our identity as spiritual beings first…..and then human,  shifts the entire equation of experience into many unknown and new divine possibilities for each one of us as we learn to deepen into this new awareness.

There are billions and billions of small turnings in the human condition every day on this planet. We can become conscious of this as we relate to our own places and our own thinking. Life itself in us as us is continually growing and evolving and to learn to live in this awareness presents a completely amazing dynamic state to anything that arises including what is awful.

The spiritual heart of the human being is now being opened and expanded beyond all the limits as we embrace the terror and the joy of life.

At any moment we can choose to turn inward to solve any problem. At any moment.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

@Leysan Idrisova

Awakening Thru Conflict… core spirituality, my personal journey




Awakening Thru Conflict… core spirituality, my personal journey

What does it mean to awaken thru conflict?

To awaken points to our consciousness moving from asleep and unaware to awake and conscious of something.

Conflict is the arrival of differing/opposing points of view that are colliding into one another. And different circumstances colliding into each other. ( Such as natural states of nature that arise for example.. weather, bodies of earth and water shifting, strange and unexpected car, train airplane etc. accidents)

To awaken thru conflict is the conscious awareness of having my attention alerted and opened up to something thru the pain of opposing forces showing up either inside me or around me.

Suddenly I recognize that I must pay attention.

Learning that a new understanding is needed is the first stage of conflict.

As new information floods our attention thru the opposing forces. Conflict then becomes the catalyst for increasing our attention to and our capacity to become self informed in some new way. Fighting, repeating, arguing, denial, ignoring, pretending, hiding from such circumstances may be our first reaction.

Though this is not enough.

Digging in and increasing a polarized stand, generating more conflict is also a way to further our disconnection to the new information arising yet may also deepen our need to understand before we are willing to let go of old styles of thinking and believing.

Humans who are consumed with this stage of the awakening will usually exact much more pain thru increasing the components of their invested places in conflict creating magnification that illustrates greater numbers of people who are likewise invested and also will be drawn into the conflicting equation.

This multiplication of magnitude is an illustration of how large and how many individuals may currently be investing into informational thoughts that are up for a great shift and the possibility of new awareness.

This is not enough.

As humans collectively recognize their conflicts we gather into our groups and proceed with our stand until we either kill one another, and die or we learn to shift and see the new possibility that is arising thru the futile edges of the problems at hand. What once worked no longer applies and new outcomes are up for discussion, revelation, and practice.

There are still many more new steps to take.

In the awakening process the breakdown of all the components of situations arise as we discover the many layers of information that are no longer working for us and we learn to see, and find out what new possibility exists in each layer as it unfolds thru experiencing the pain associated with each aspect.

To learn thru pain and conflict is not the only way to arrive at better solutions, grace and willingness do exist as alternate paths to this, however the degree of resistance we actually invest thru our thinking and our emotional nature exacts the price of suffering we eventually pass thru as we enter deeper and deeper into our conflicts.

Resistance to change precedes the change. Painful as that may be, this pain is part of the awakening process and thru it we go, sometimes in surprising ways as we find ourselves so deeply invested that we do not even realize the power of or the depth of our own unconscious attachments. We suffer more here at this stage. We realize our suffering and learn what it is doing to us in negative ways.

Resistance inside ourselves to making changes that are being signaled to us from our conflicting states can be another kind of stage in the whole process of waking up.

Resistance can be a signal that we do not have all the facts, or information we truly need to allow ourselves to move beyond the painful conflicts. Thus we suffer more as we gather more information relating to our pain and eventually that awakening process takes us to new levels of understanding.

We let go.

Letting go of our precious, comfortable attachments to thinking and acting out ways that do not work any longer then redirects our attention and confusion and mayhem can take its place.

This confusion is the arrival of the new information as we begin to work thru the new ideas, thinking, and feeling around whatever the conflicts were bringing up. Once we work thru the confusion and sort out the real the unreal, the necessary and the unnecessary new information a new plateau of seeing, thinking and feeling settles into the awakening human. Out of this new plateau arises right action.

Right action that is appropriate to addressing the conflicts. (whew!)

The awakened awareness develops new strategies, new ideas, new behaviors for the conflict that produce new and better results for it.

New awareness to each human at this stage changes the “life script” and the possibility of a better way is born.

However still…. this is not enough.

Once a new and better way of addressing our conflict is born we then go into action and live out the new scenario. Here we learn that the previous state of awareness that originally was very painful no longer is necessary and we can have a more positively based experience.

This new positive experience deepens in us as we learn to adjust to all the new information that exists in the possibility now arrived in us.

Positive from negative.

It is all a choice.

There is always willing grace and conscious surrender available in any conflicting scenario arising.

We humans are truly learning vast amounts of new information thru our conflicts right now on this planet. That we accept this is the design of a much more loving spiritual plan unfolding here is paramount to disengaging from the deeply uncomfortable nature of the dramas so many humans are passing thru at this time.

To make holy a painful conflict in the effort to solve something painful is part of the ongoing solution to reconciling the conflict we find ourselves.

Respecting the painful process of individuals, and groups of people struggling thru their dramas, their conflicts is part of the solution here.

Living each day with this in mind can and does ease the severity of our planetary situation.

Noticing whenever we are triggered in strong polarized thinking and emotion around anyone, anything right now is a kind of wake up call to the human experience.

Thus our conflicts serve our emerging growth potentials and our future possibilities.

So wake up humans…. wake up !

As spiritual beings having a human experience this is the ticket our spiritual/soul selves sought thru the incarnational process we find ourselves. This incarnational time on earth now is pregnant with possibilities for shifting the human species thru the immense waking up of billions of individuals simultaneously.

*A note about the death experience in all this. Having a death experience, while terribly sad, is one of the options currently available in conflict.

Death is only one aspect of the whole human game and is not a fail. Death is an “out” on the game board happening at this moment. We are simultaneously learning much much more about our thinking about death and how it is we are also invested in this as we pass thru our conflict scenarios. Many of us will be rethinking our notions about this as we come face to face with the tremendous dieing experience also available thru conflict. Many of us will opt out to die… that is from the perspective of the soul or spiritual self. The actual soul or spiritual self does not actually die, it only shifts its expression from here to another dimension of possibility. We are also learning this on a massive new level about ourselves.

As we encounter conflict our reaction is necessary to our human plan right now. Necessary in that how and what we do with our reactions develop the next stages of our experience.

Bottom line is conflict is a wake up call and there is no better day than today then to start realizing how and what we need to do to support the most graceful outcomes in each of our lives.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation


Feather staying_grounded

“Interconnectedness Is…” The enlightenment of our day, core spirituality


globe_linked_hands_400Interconnectedness is… The enlightenment of our day, core spirituality

The awakening realization of the fact that life is interconnected is one of the greatest components of life today. When we start to get it, to awaken to interconnectedness we begin anew the understanding of all our actions as we step upon this world. Though it is quite temporary, our footsteps upon this holy ground called Earth are not separate.

The realization begins in pieces of experience and moments of time when it becomes obvious to us that what we may be saying or doing connects to another. Around the ages of 6 or 7 we start to understand community and how we are all just one person inside a group. When we continue to explore the part we play in our small groups we learn how we effect one another and there are consequences to all our actions.

However this is not enough.

When we discover how interconnected we are as adults we learn how to selfishly or unselfishly carve our way through the immensity of the human and natural environment.

When we awaken to the human and natural environment we understand that what and how we live is causing life to be shaped and directed.

This is not enough.

When we awaken to the thoughts and feelings we have, however expressed or not expressed we realize who and what this touches in life. What we are walking around telling ourselves, our thinking and how it makes us feel actually becomes the lens we perceive the world. And thus tells us how it appears. We see how our decisions effect those around us…. people, animals, plants, and the world itself. How we carry on is doing something to our collective human experience and our planet and the animals and plants. Whether we are conscious or not conscious of the magnitude of this we begin to catch the glimpses of how this is actually true.

This is still not enough.

The growth of our consciousness in the aware state of interconnectedness progresses thru many levels of awakening feeding back to us valuable information about how it is or what it is we are thinking, doing, or not thinking or doing as a planetary group.

The history of the veils of separation are systematically, uniformly, chaotically, randomly, wildly, purposefully, joyfully, horribly dropping away. We are learning to see the ONE.

We are beginning to recognize the oneness of our existence and how this is all interconnected.

This is still not enough.

Our collective growing awareness is birthing new forms of technology and communication that mirror this interconnected new state of human evolution.

We are finding it harder to face much of our own past actions, our beliefs, our thinking, our separatist views as the differences now collide. Our human collisions are painful and show us how we can address our historical ideas of separation and trade these for ones of living in the state of interconnected consciousness.

As our technology grows and our world wide web reflects this back to us we can easily be startled any morning of our lives to learn how someone across the world made a decision about their banking system and suddenly our account is wiped out.

We can see how a decision about farming food one day is effecting farming and food far into the future far across many nations and beyond the oceans further than we have ever realized .

We can see how hatreds and bigotry thousands of miles away from us can stir us beyond our previous thought out possibility as we feel the human connection we all share thru the awakening new consciousness that all humans are interconnected.

This is astonishing and brilliant and difficult and sad.

However it is the beginning of the next human evolutionary step we are all taking to advance as a species.

We learn we are all connected.

Then we learn to act with this awareness.

We then learn to make better choices.

This is still not enough.

As this experience of the interconnected nature of life grows we garner this in our beginning new actions and we make those actions with the idea from the start. We already think beyond our selves, we act with everyone in mind no matter the distance. And we learn to make choices that are for the good of everyone and everything.

We have a long, long, long way to go.

We are still a young growing planetary group of human beings.

We are learning thru our trials and tribulations. We are learning thru our mistakes and our atrocities.

Life on this planet is in a chaotic, dynamic, evolving state of universal growth.

When we realize this we can take a breath, cool off, slow down, and anchor ourselves into the astounding notion of what is really happening here. In this way we come to the understanding that when we help ourselves we are helping each other. And the full cycle of life is taken into consideration in brilliant new possibilities.

Once it was only Rev. Martin Luther King who stood in his shoes… of the awareness of the precious  essence of every human, and the need we all have to create and  allow all people rights. When his soul flew away from his assassin ,  from those shoes he was standing in, into his heavenly new appointment thousands, perhaps millions of people after have stepped into those shoes.

His voice has become the voice of many. And so we evolve ourselves thru our most shocking moments of history. So many have now stepped up.

The number of examples of how this interconnected new state of awareness has leaped within my lifetime is countless to us, and yet it continues to expand and develop as humans restructure our lives knowing that we are, and everything is interconnected.

Children now have the experience early in life to learn this.

Still it is not enough.

When we learn to change course because we realize how our decisions are connected to “all of it”, we are making significant contributions to LIFE ITSELF.

Every human being counts and adds or subtracts to this equation in life.

Even as those who adamantly oppose this new state of interconnected press on and we move forward with our attention living in the  oneness, the forces of separation continue to topple over and destruct.

There is a new developing state of awareness and it is interconnected.

Perhaps the goal is that every person, animal, plant and molecule of this world is finally touched and cared for in this state. Perhaps then that will be enough.

And then, we can truly begin the magnificent co creative life that is our greater design as spiritual beings having the human experience. Then we can all experience the furthest reaches and possibilities for co creating a world where there is no more lack, no such horrible disharmony.

We may live, those of us who choose to, to live in the universal state of interconnected living now. With every new day, new decision and build and rebuild the life that is based in wholeness, goodness, and for everyone and everything.

Eventually our human family will get there…. eventually.

And it starts right now.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Feather staying_grounded

earth is connected

Which Fool Are You? … core spirituality, my personal journey

Quote sometimes you have to play the fool....


The Fool archetype has several versions which include the crazy/foolish fool, the funny/entertaining fool, the wise fool. The crazy fool is not altogether aware of all the facts present ( yet claims he knows it all ). The funny fool uses humor to dissuade, or point out and entertain. The wise fool appears not to know the foolishness but is secretly smarter than the crazy fool.

Which fool are you?


The term “archetype” has its origins in ancient Greek. The root words are archein, which means “original or old”; and typos, which means “pattern, model or type”. The combined meaning is an “original pattern” of which all other similar persons, objects, or concepts are derived, copied, modeled, or emulated. 

The psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, used the concept of archetype in his theory of the human psyche. He believed that universal, mythic characters—archetypes—reside within the collective unconscious of people the world over. Archetypes represent fundamental human motifs of our experience as we evolved; consequentially, they evoke deep emotions. 

Although there are many different archetypes, Jung defined twelve primary types that symbolize basic human motivations. Each type has its own set of values, meanings and personality traits. Also, the twelve types are divided into three sets of four, namely Ego, Soul and Self. The types in each set share a common driving source, for example types within the Ego set are driven to fulfill ego-defined agendas. 

Most, if not all, people have several archetypes at play in their personality construct; however, one archetype tends to dominate the personality in general. It can be helpful to know which archetypes are at play in oneself and others, especially loved ones, friends and co-workers, in order to gain personal insight into behaviors and motivations.

The Ego Types

1. The Innocent
Motto: Free to be you and me
Core desire: to get to paradise
Goal: to be happy
Greatest fear: to be punished for doing something bad or wrong
Strategy: to do things right
Weakness: boring for all their naive innocence
Talent: faith and optimism
The Innocent is also known as: Utopian, traditionalist, naive, mystic, saint, romantic, dreamer.

2. The Orphan/Regular Guy or Gal
Motto: All men and women are created equal
Core Desire: connecting with others
Goal: to belong
Greatest fear: to be left out or to stand out from the crowd
Strategy: develop ordinary solid virtues, be down to earth, the common touch
Weakness: losing one’s own self in an effort to blend in or for the sake of superficial relationships
Talent: realism, empathy, lack of pretense
The Regular Person is also known as: The good old boy, everyman, the person next door, the realist, the working stiff, the solid citizen, the good neighbor, the silent majority.

3. The Hero
Motto: Where there’s a will, there’s a way
Core desire: to prove one’s worth through courageous acts
Goal: expert mastery in a way that improves the world
Greatest fear: weakness, vulnerability, being a “chicken”
Strategy: to be as strong and competent as possible
Weakness: arrogance, always needing another battle to fight
Talent: competence and courage
The Hero is also known as: The warrior, crusader, rescuer, superhero, the soldier, dragon slayer, the winner and the team player.

4. The Caregiver
Motto: Love your neighbour as yourself
Core desire: to protect and care for others
Goal: to help others
Greatest fear: selfishness and ingratitude
Strategy: doing things for others
Weakness: martyrdom and being exploited
Talent: compassion, generosity
The Caregiver is also known as: The saint, altruist, parent, helper, supporter.

The Soul Types

5. The Explorer
Motto: Don’t fence me in
Core desire: the freedom to find out who you are through exploring the world
Goal: to experience a better, more authentic, more fulfilling life
Biggest fear: getting trapped, conformity, and inner emptiness
Strategy: journey, seeking out and experiencing new things, escape from boredom
Weakness: aimless wandering, becoming a misfit
Talent: autonomy, ambition, being true to one’s soul
The explorer is also known as: The seeker, iconoclast, wanderer, individualist, pilgrim.

6. The Rebel
Motto: Rules are made to be broken
Core desire: revenge or revolution
Goal: to overturn what isn’t working
Greatest fear: to be powerless or ineffectual
Strategy: disrupt, destroy, or shock
Weakness: crossing over to the dark side, crime
Talent: outrageousness, radical freedom
The Outlaw is also known as: The rebel, revolutionary, wild man, the misfit, or iconoclast.

7. The Lover
Motto: You’re the only one
Core desire: intimacy and experience
Goal: being in a relationship with the people, work and surroundings they love
Greatest fear: being alone, a wallflower, unwanted, unloved
Strategy: to become more and more physically and emotionally attractive
Weakness: outward-directed desire to please others at risk of losing own identity
Talent: passion, gratitude, appreciation, and commitment
The Lover is also known as: The partner, friend, intimate, enthusiast, sensualist, spouse, team-builder.

8. The Creator
Motto: If you can imagine it, it can be done
Core desire: to create things of enduring value
Goal: to realize a vision
Greatest fear: mediocre vision or execution
Strategy: develop artistic control and skill
Task: to create culture, express own vision
Weakness: perfectionism, bad solutions
Talent: creativity and imagination
The Creator is also known as: The artist, inventor, innovator, musician, writer or dreamer.

The Self Types

9. The Jester
Motto: You only live once
Core desire: to live in the moment with full enjoyment
Goal: to have a great time and lighten up the world
Greatest fear: being bored or boring others
Strategy: play, make jokes, be funny
Weakness: frivolity, wasting time
Talent: joy
The Jester is also known as: The fool, trickster, joker, practical joker or comedian.

10. The Sage
Motto: The truth will set you free
Core desire: to find the truth.
Goal: to use intelligence and analysis to understand the world.
Biggest fear: being duped, misled—or ignorance.
Strategy: seeking out information and knowledge; self-reflection and understanding thought processes.
Weakness: can study details forever and never act.
Talent: wisdom, intelligence.
The Sage is also known as: The expert, scholar, detective, advisor, thinker, philosopher, academic, researcher, thinker, planner, professional, mentor, teacher, contemplative.

11. The Magician
Motto: I make things happen.
Core desire: understanding the fundamental laws of the universe
Goal: to make dreams come true
Greatest fear: unintended negative consequences
Strategy: develop a vision and live by it
Weakness: becoming manipulative
Talent: finding win-win solutions
The Magician is also known as:The visionary, catalyst, inventor, charismatic leader, shaman, healer, medicine man.

12. The Ruler
Motto: Power isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.
Core desire: control
Goal: create a prosperous, successful family or community
Strategy: exercise power
Greatest fear: chaos, being overthrown
Weakness: being authoritarian, unable to delegate
Talent: responsibility, leadership
The Ruler is also known as: The boss, leader, aristocrat, king, queen, politician, role model, manager or administrator.

The Fool


The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions says that holy fools subvert prevailing orthodoxy and orthopraxis in order to point to the truth which lies beyond immediate conformity.Or as a monk said in his Sermon rethinking “metanoia” is the beginning of our journey with “authentic” faith in Jesus Christ, not as a U-Turn but as “think further”. In English the closest synonym is repentance, but it is not quite the same. The word repentance implies a “turning away from sin” or in German a form of turning around. This is an incorrect interpretation of biblical doctrine. One must first widen his thinking (metanoia) be critical of orthodoxy.

Let the fool lead the way. The wise and the sacred fool provide truth, balance, play, recreation, destruction, creation, change. Would Buddha live today his followers would be reprogrammed, Jesus would be in jail for subversion and the DEA wold breath down the neck of the Sufi poets. Lao-tse,well we all know the story of Gandhi a contemporary holy fool.  I would even think the new pope comes across as a sacred fool in the media.  They did not think, change comes from obeying rules. The sacred fool is the destroyer of our well-ordered world run by foolish fools. The wise fool is the creator of the new through play. It is by change that we are made new. We are all Phoenixes, capable of rising out of the ashes, if only the holy fool will bring us change.

The fool gets to tell the truth, the hard truths that might cause trouble if anyone else tells them. The fool can get (for while) away with telling the hardest truths just because he is a fool. He speaks in parables and paradoxes, we struggle to understand. He can speak harsh truths and we must listen because he is entertaining in his difference. We must listen because he is a misfit and cannot be held fully responsible . The fool plays and everybody believes that play is not serious so he can accomplish the difficult, controversial issues in play. In the middle ages there was an implicit understanding of this with the belief that joking could help shield one from misfortune and indeed we can understand the truth of this.

Jesus was a sacred fool. At the command of God he came to change the world. He sought to destroy the old structures and bring God’s kingdom, a change of great magnitude. His methods were subversive to the society where he lived. He was viewed as a dangerous fool but like all sacred fools, brought a message of change and hope crashing down empires. When Jesus was betrayed and arrested he said:

Luke 22-52:  “Then Jesus said to the chief priests, the officers of the temple guard, and the elders, who had come for him, “Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come with swords and clubs? 53 Every day I was with you in the temple courts, and you did not lay a hand on me. But this is your hour—when darkness reigns”.

Crazy visionaries as Jesus, the Sufi Poet Rumi,  Buddha, Lao-Tse,  Mahatma Gandhi travelled on a comedic course to enlightenment, representing the collective “Self” – that is the divine.

God has no religion ― Gandhi.

Tao called Tao is not Tao ― Lao-Tse.

“My soul is from elsewhere, I’m sure of that, and I intend to end up there.” ― Rumi.

Trickster / Fool

Coyote runs over the ground, warm in his thick fur, while Eagle soars over the wind, and Eagle does the wise thing and does not offer Coyote power anymore, and Coyote is crazy and cheers Eagle up with his tricks.

The Trickster, often represented as a coyote is no fool. It seems they come from a time, in which there was no good and evil. There is a duality here that often gets expressed in the trickster god being viewed both as hero and villain. Jung has assigned his collective shadows under the name ” Trickster”. According to Jung, the Trickster is a figure whose physical appetites and senses dominate his actions and decisions. His thinking does not rise above his belly or his genitals. Frequently the Trickster figure exhibits gender variability, changing gender roles and engaging in frequent sex practices. Not understanding finer feelings, his responses to other people seem crude, self-centered, cynical and unfeeling. In some of the stories however, the his exploits bring  transformation and he becomes a man instead of an animal. In the Navajo worldview, coyote sickness arises out of activities that distort social relationships like the breaking of a taboo or self-indulgence. It comes from contact with a storm, lightning, a corpse, or a substance outside the natural order of harmony and beauty. Or it comes from losing sight of the Holy Way, contact with ghosts, sorcery, or the intrusion of an evil force.

The Trickster as collective Shadow mirrors the basic ( personal unconscious) archetypes of the shadow experienced in individuation. That denotes the process by which a person becomes a psychological unity connecting  two fundamental psychic aspects, the conscious and the unconscious. The Shadow is the easiest of the archetypes for most persons to experience. We tend to see it in “others.” That is to say, we project our dark side onto others and thus interpret them as “enemies” or as “exotic” presences that fascinate. We see the Shadow everywhere in popular culture. We see it in popular prejudice as well.  Of course, Satan is the great Shadow image of popular religion.  The Shadow is the personification of that part of human, psychic possibility that we deny in ourselves and project onto others. The goal of personality integration is to integrate the rejected, inferior side of our life into our total experience and to take responsibility for it.

Trickster delights in all sorts of pranks mischief and jokes but is not by nature evil, even though the results of his activities are often unpleasant. These activities centre on bringing attention to our own or other people’s often hidden stupidity shams or lies. The Trickster is a shape shifter and so has the possibility of transformation an alchemist and shaman. In mythology, and in the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a spirit, man, woman, or anthropomorphic animal.  In many cultures, (as may be seen in Greek or Norse with Odin or Wotan), the trickster and the culture hero are often combined. Odin’s Germanic predecessor, Wotan, was associated with Mercury (Hermes) by the Romans. Odin and Mercury often deceive and trick.  In Native American mythologies, the coyote (Southwestern United States) or raven (Pacific Northwest and coastal British Columbia) stole like the Greek Prometheus fire from the gods. The trickster is thus an important archetype in the history of man. He is a god, yet he is not. He points out the flaws in carefully constructed societies of man and rebels against authority. Sometimes he pays dearly. Jung said once, ” unfortunately that the so-called civilization has forgotten the trickster”.

Throughout human history the mythological trickster, has played an essential role, the role of change of a therapeutic effect. In many myths the trickster brings a treasure to man, but is it really a treasure? All change has mixed blessings. When the Raven trickster of the Northwest Indians brings fire to the people is he a destroyer or creator? Looking back we say he brought a valuable change. But fire is also dangerous, a change that can and does destroy.

Satan thought as trickster may serve a crucial role. What if instead our understanding of Satan was influenced by the concept of the “trickster” figure, which seems to be present in the Hebrew Bible? Learning to interpret Satan as the ultimate trickster, rather than the embodiment of dualistic Evil, could end blaming the present reality on the metaphysical reality of evil or on the moral depravity of humanity.

For example, Satan in the book of Job leads Job to insights. The Satan who confronted Jesus in the desert in a way helped Jesus, in all his humanity, to assert also his own divinity. Jahweh did listen to Satan, as God did in the case of Job.  Viewing Satan as trickster is not without problems, specifically the ambiguity that exists between Satan and God—an ambiguity that can find its full expression in the trickster figure. Rather than being God’s antithesis, God’s opposite, a certain ambiguity, if not complimentary position, is held by Satan.  If Satan has no power except that given by God, we are left wondering whether evil can come from God, a proposition that the early biblical writers and ancient Church Fathers like Augustine raised.


According to the psychological model of C. G. Jung the archetypes originate in the collective unconscious, described as a repository for all of mankind’s experience and knowledge and are therefore  not available directly — only its images and created patterns can become manifest as symbols potentially unlimited in number and variety. Symbols of God are the core of our culture being the universal patterns of myth, religious symbols and ideas. They can be employed very beneficial in life. I am neither especially crazy, or especially wise. Sometimes my job was to communicate complex issues to those who shuns, even hate it.  Ideally I could get the Crazy Wisdom across with the headline, with a simple picture. I was the Jester on the court.  Senior Managers were the Kings.  The picture is easy understandable, isn’t it? Why? Because I don’t need to explain what a good King  or weak King is or enumerate his virtues or deficits. We know it since  thousands of years, Plato has written a long book about virtues of leaders.

Clown and Jester are paid to entertain or present. Fools and Tricksters unsettle. Foolish fools claim they lead with conventual wisdom.

“silence is the language of god, all else is poor translation.” 


My take on all this….

Which fool am I? I am all of them . At one time or another I have been taken over by each archetype. In my experience I have learned how to discern which fool is acting out within me or before me. And I know it is only a role, or pattern… it is not who or what I am or a person truly is.

In corporeal life we all go thru many roles so that we may gather experiences that inform our spiritual/soul selves and ultimately complete the source of which we are.

Source within us seeks to know itself in us as us thru the roles and experiences we gather in our earthly lives. Fulfilling the cycles of life thru separating and returning to itself. In this way source in us is more on the return to itself.

It can be helpful to remember that we are all only living out different roles, or patterns in our lives instead of thinking we are those roles. For truly we are all spiritual beings have a human experience.

I share this so as to focus on the awareness of patterns and roles we all live out, and warn ourselves against believing that we are these roles.

As Shakespeare so eloquently wrote…

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages….”

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation



Cause to Pause… core spirituality, my personal journey

When we learn to pause in our lives we learn to focus within ourselves, entering into our interior.

Here we find what is significant to us.

Here is where we move beyond the thinking intellect and here is where there are our own unique answers.

We can use thoughts to drive us inward for our own personal revelations and discover how it is we truly think and feel about life.

Pausing comes naturally as we assimilate our earth lives day to day, however moving too fast, or to thoughtlessly the circumstances around us will force us to stop, to slow down, and to pause.

I always take note of this and choose gratitude when this happens.

For I had not realized what I was missing until I had to wait, had to stop, or whatever I was doing was postponed.

Life as a real presence, an alive field of consciousness,  in us,  will do this to us.

It is actually a gift from beyond us that can assist us in redirecting our attention.

Particularly when we have not taken time out of our day to truly reflect, and pause.

quote how to let go of attachment

Quote we-are-not-human-beings-having-a-spiritual-experience-we-are-spiritual-beings-having-a-human-experience-sticker

quote energy is the currency of



quote  you find peace

Quotes on Religious Fanaticism & Fundamentalism…My Takes…

Quote we-are-not-human-beings-having-a-spiritual-experience-we-are-spiritual-beings-having-a-human-experience-sticker

Here  I take a moment to question my own thinking by sharing the following.

A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.”
― Winston S. Churchill

You have to quit confusing a madness with a mission.” 
― Flannery O’ConnorThe Violent Bear it Away

Fanatics can justify practically any atrocity to themselves. The more untenable their position becomes, the harder they hold to it, and the worse the things they are willing to do to support it.” 
― Mercedes LackeyChanges

It is precisely that requirement of shared worship that has been the principal source of suffering for individual man and the human race since the beginning of history. In their efforts to impose universal worship, men have unsheathed their swords and killed one another. They have invented gods and challenged each other: “Discard your gods and worship mine or I will destroy both your gods and you!”
Fyodor DostoyevskyThe Brothers Karamazov
…history has shown that the most terrible crimes against love have been committed in the name of fanatically defended doctrines.” 
― Paul TillichDynamics of Faith

Think of people you consider fanatical. They’re overbearing, self-righteous, opinionated, insensitive, and harsh. Why? It’s not because they are too Christian, it’s because they are not Christian enough. They are fanatically zealous and courageous, but they are not fanatically humble, sensitive, loving, emphatic, forgiving, or understanding- as Christ was… What strikes us as overly fanatical is actually a failure to be fully committed to Christ and his gospel.” 
― Timothy KellerThe Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

There is no place in a fanatic’s head where reason can enter.” 
― Napoléon Bonaparte

A true fanatic, his promptings were reasons enough for his actions.” 
― Robert E. HowardRed Shadows

Fanaticism is overcompensation for doubt.” 
― Roberston Davies

Fanatics are like debris following the course of the wind, they are swept around like sand, and convinced to believe in what they do not understand.” 
― Michael Bassey Johnson

All fanatics loathe the questioning mind and fear the truth.” 
― Stephen R. Harrison

Fanaticism is a belief or behavior involving uncritical thinking with and obsessive enthusiasm.

Various forms of fanaticism include but are not limited to :



nationalistic or patriotic





anti- religious

Obsessive, fixated and addictive psychological thinking and behaviors when unchecked and unquestioned can become sources of immense unbalanced life experience which may or may not have a negative effect and is at times considered “normal”.


You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.” 
― Anne Lamott

In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the People.”

(Canton, OH, Anti-War Speech, June 16, 1918)” ― Eugene V. DebsVoices of a People’s History of the United States ― Eugene V. DebsVoices of a People’s History of the United States

Without the voice of reason, every faith is its own curse.”

(History Will Teach Us Nothing)” 
― StingNothing Like the Sun

A fundamentalist is someone who wants to substitute what he believes for what you believe,” Max said. “And someone who thinks he knows the will of God better than anyone else.” 
― Robin WassermanThe Book of Blood and Shadow

At its most basic, the allure of fundamentalism, whether religious or ideological, liberal or conservative, is that it provides an appealing order to things that are actually disorderly.” 
― Peter MountfordThe Dismal Science: A Novel

Fundamentalism is usually understood as the demanding strict adherence to certain theological doctrines. The term usually refers to religious thinking and belief. However it can be applied to any broad tendency where a marked strict literalism is applied to scriptures, dogmas, ideologies along with the importance of maintaining a group distinction. There results a strong rejection of those who fall outside the boundaries of the fundamental belief. Fundamentalism exists both in religious and non religious context.



I realized that what I was thinking and how it made me feel, that what had formed my beliefs… were the ideas taught to me when I was a little boy child. I can go back to 7, 8 , 9 years old when I was wide open and innocent.

I can remember learning to memorize answers to questions about god, the nature of reality, and everything I was supposed to know about spirituality and how to believe.

Catechisms as a small child repeated to me from the adults … with the best of intentions.

I started to outgrow these beliefs and ideas around 16 years of age. As puberty began to course thru my body, shifting my everyday reality. I was overwhelmed with completely new feelings, ideas, and notions of my body and myself at that time.

This included the growth of my spirit inside me. ( How often do we neglect to recognize the powerful transformations in our youth, our teens, and the growing presence of spirit within them, causing them to question even further everyone and everything around them?)

I began to question, and resist what I had been told was the truth of my spirit. And I began to pay attention to that which was rising up in me.

Thru the questions that arose I found myself finding new answers, new ideas and new experiences which would replace the fundamental ideas I had learned in my early tender youth. As my senses were becoming more intense I found myself moved quite spontaneously by nature, and non religious ideas of god, I was finding in the world around me. All of life became far more alive to me at that age.

I had stepped off the path of religion and entered the path of direct spiritual understanding.

I willingly let go of religious ideas for the broader context of spiritual ones. Spiritual ways of seeing the world that included yet went beyond the limits of organized religion.

At the age 17 years I left the entire religious format of my youth with the wild openness that a youth will do. Never completely letting go of “god” but redefining who and what “god “ was for me.

At this time I was fortunate to travel abroad and witness my new beliefs as I lived with families as a student ambassador and exchange student in several non english speaking countries. Learning to compare the ideologies of different religious beliefs around the world further enhanced my curiosity and provoked further ideological questioning.

My own indwelling spirit took felt truly nourished as I learned to recognize the universal beliefs inherent in different religious teachings. I was on to something that truly felt good to me and better fit my interior self.

I discovered ideas about “inner” awareness learning to understand I had an interior life and the path of meditation, inward reflection, deep listening and the power of stillness. This practice would develop in me thru many decades of my life up to the current time.

Looking back now that I am in my late 50’s I can see the progressive developments. My own trade off’s from standard acceptable thinking and believing to that which is more intrinsic to my personal resonance and interior experiences.

And I began to see the world with another new question.

A question that almost haunts me now.

The question is… how much of the terrorizing, the oppression, the poverty, the powerlessness and the conflicts of this world are the result of a kind of spirituality that was learned as a child yet never went beyond 7, 8, or 9 years of age?

What occurs to me is that untold numbers of people never grew up their spirits… grew past the basic original teachings, ideas, and life constructs of their childhood.

When people think of “god” it is an 7 or 8 year old’s idea of this they are referencing.

When people perpetrate the inhumanity thru prejudices and use their religious beliefs to sustain the pain they inflict on one another their beliefs are not necessarily their own.

These are beliefs they learned as children, not as the adults they are now!

I find this mind shattering.

And so I have come to realize how a large number of our collective humanity is virtually in an immature, childish mindset of very limited idealization and experience of spirituality, understanding of god and the nature of reality.

Consider millions and millions of adult men and women, suffering, fighting and perpetrating division and conflict all being run by the 7 or 8 year old child inside them.

Consider the world being orchestrated by that level of immaturity. Never having moved beyond those early formative years of indoctrination and teaching. Using those principles to run the world.

We as a collective humanity still have much to learn about the nature of our source, a long path ahead of growing up when it comes to “god” and the authentic experience of genuine spiritual presence/essence in our world.

For example…

I know that I have learned to embrace a universal form of spirituality that is inclusive, not exclusive.

I have learned to let go of limiting beliefs that hurt those who do not believe as I would.

I have experienced many states of universal spirituality that embrace all of our humanity.

I have seen heard and felt my own direct spiritual states not limited to intellectual deductions, or definitions made up by man.

My thoughts on ridding the world of all such forms of divisive fanaticism and fundamentalism is to cultivate within my own awareness those thoughts and any beliefs that I may be investing myself that are of these qualities.

To understand my own thoughts and beliefs so completely that I may willingly choose to release them in exchange for loving, uniting, comforting, universal, inclusive new possibilities.

I willingly enter that empty space of nothingness with attention stilled in such a way that I may learn what is to replace all illusion, all man made form of dogma and belief.

I choose to call forth into my daily life those experiences that will arise from my spiritual soul light and not from some form of doctrine or belief that is perpetrated as truth.

In doing this I stop the behaviors and actions that would have arisen from fanaticism and fundamentalism in myself.

I let go of my need to constantly react to the business of others, and I surrender this to the higher power of the unfolding experience of something much larger than myself.

I allow myself to feel all the ways I get triggered so that I may deconstruct my own fanatical, or fundamental thinking and believing.

I have developed a habit of questioning my own thoughts and feelings, I ask, “is this true, is this absolutely true?” to uncover the emotional investments that I have held in my own unconscious mind as they arise thru the triggers.

This world of fundamental, fanatical thinking will not shift until I do my part, especially for me. In the place I live, in my own skin. Freeing my self is palpable, real, and interconnected with life here. Each of us has this placement in our shared humanity and we contribute to it thru that which we are investing ourselves on a day to day basis thru our thinking,feeling, believing.

When I think the world needs to change, I have learned to re-frame this to for the world to change I need to change. I accept my own place of personal responsibility, accountability for the world I live.

How we choose to view fanatics, fanatical thinking, how we choose to view fundamentalists, fundamental thinking is up to each one of us and this choice we make either consciously or unconsciously contributes to the whole of our collective view, collective experience.

I understand clearly that were I to think and believe as so may fanatics and fundamentalists do I would act exactly the same. I hold an honest compassion and willingness to understand that place. Whether I agree or disagree. Then I do my part by questioning my own places inside me.

We can learn valuable insight and understanding thru our willingness to explore the fundamental and fanatical minded people of this world. Thru the polarity of this experience we can learn to become wiser, more open, more understanding, more compassionate, and more forgiving. We can learn to see underneath the surface of such beliefs, see the oppression, frustrations, grievances, the pain of that which is underneath all such forms of thinking.

Human history is filled with information about the nature of our human suffering, our human need to believe, our need to find outlets for our feelings. Our history is filled with the many many examples of human suffering which are underneath the fundamental and fanatical belief systems. We still have much to face in this and we have yet to fully embrace all that this can show us about ourselves and the ways in which we manifest our human circumstances.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Feather staying_grounded