Deceit and the Awakening of Authenticity


Deceit and the Awakening of Authenticity

As a spiritual being having this human experience I am quite moved these days by the immense revealing of massive levels of personal and group deceit being exposed in our world culture.

As a spiritual being I am aware that the vibrations of this planet are in significant adjustment now as all that has been held covert and in secret continues to be revealed and unfolding right before our very eyes. As every week a new issue of something hidden comes to our news channels, and individuals and whole corporations, governments and groups are called out on behalf of their corrupt, deceitful, covert activity.

As a spiritual being having a human experience it is my perception that everything is unfolding in perfect order and I am not swayed by the drama and confusion this is revealing in the world.

However I am learning much and whilst the world spins in horror and more mayhem I find myself quietly looking within and finding how I may respond to all this with awareness.

I step back an look a little further and find…

Deceit is a form of deception and it’s opposite could be said to be authenticity.

We have many opportunities now with this polarity being activated every single day.

For example…

How we have deceived ourselves as a species is only just beginning to be understood and it is wreaking havoc in just about every level of our consciousness, our social structures, our political, governmental, military, religious, economic, ecological systems. Fascinating.

The authenticity levels of individuals is also rising and with that the development of many forms of awareness.

So my question to myself is… how smart am I (?) to utilize the awareness that arises in me and around me? It is one thing to note the growing awareness all around us , it is another to use our smarts to do something about this.

Observation is only one component of awareness, action is another and the application of free choice. When I utilize my intelligence to go beyond “drama -drama -drama” reacting to world events and I activate my capacity to smarten up and drive the inner directions of my own actions I use the world events as a catalyst for my own personal development and growth.

We each and everyone of us have a stake in what happens here and it is notable whether we idly stand by and groan, become moved and saddened, distance ourselves further, or choose to deepen into personal authenticity as a rebound.

The collective spiritual presence of our species, the living presence of our planet, both seek out the authentic human who will stand each day, each occurrence and live in authenticity.

I know this because I can feel within my own feelings the immense uptake that happens in authentic living around me in all of life.

For one thing the joy, the understanding, the harmony, the openness to love, the abundance, the assistance, the capacity of other like minded individuals also living in authentic presence grows even as its opposite seems to sweep thru our world society. I encounter this daily in my work and in my personal relationships.

Telepathic rapport, synchronicity, and surprising possibilities continue to unfold in my own personal life. These are indicators of the choices we act upon and it appears to have immediate consequence in the daily unfolding details of this life.

I am not afraid to FEEL.

Allowing ourselves to feel all our feelings out, to allow self to go deeply as it arises, and to sort out the emotions and mental thoughts we have is possibly one of the most empowering and fulfilling responses to life we can choose.

Taking inventory of my own ridiculous dramas, taking note of past emotional charges that I have clung to and refused to give up, taking note of how my heart shuts down at that which I am aghast, afraid, or my own opinions of what I think is unacceptable is all part of the spiritual component of living authentically.

Feeling my feelings with an eye of pure honesty within myself has significantly increased my capacity to drive forward a personal sense of free will. As I learn how to embrace and release my emotional investments in victim-hood, powerlessness, blind faith, and ignorance, I find I can choose differently and make intelligent, wise, and gracious space inside myself and stop all the madness within me. This is where it matters most.

Within the self.

As spiritual beings our life classroom provides every opportunity to learn and grow and evolve the humanity that we have embodied thru this incarnational experience. These circumstances we find ourselves today are the very ones our soul’s sought to face thru joining into the human collective at such a pivotal period in our planetary transformation.

As a consequence of choosing authenticity I may find myself in any one day of my life passing thru giant emotional feelings and painful thoughts that are not at all comfortable, yet necessary to bring into conscious awareness so as to sort. I may find myself in an emotional mess in the morning, and by afternoon totally renewed and completely giving in pure heart willfulness. The process is amazing.

Our capacity to experience revelation, and connection does not stop because we are willing to be honest with ourselves and feel out our deepest uncomfortable feelings, or to look into our most negative thoughts and ideas.

The opposite is true.

The result is a trade off from one paradigm based in externally based systems of authority and powerlessness to one of inner authority and power with life. Immediate increased connection beyond ourselves with those around us, the planet, her nature and all the life forms living here.
Bull shit detection increases with significant strides we make in our own personal authenticity as we choose our own honest self reflection, pure intention, and free will choices. My own capacity to see and observe all the lies, the deceits, the selfishness, the blind faith, on and on and on grows every single day. Developing an active bullshit detector is very handy in navigating thru all the information that is being fed to us on a daily basis. I am inwardly warned on a regular basis, I am inwardly shown on a daily basis, I am directed in an honest and pure way on a daily basis so as to avoid the hurtful life experiences I do not need. I do not need for myself nor do I need to inflict on another.

These are valuable life experiences to a spiritual being passing thru a human experience. More and more my value is weighed not in my external life… the life of things…. of status….. or how I look. No not at all my value is based on my personal frequency… my capacity to respond to you honestly, purely, clearly, authentically.

We may not be able to stop all the deceit in our world by others, however we can with ourselves, one person at a time, one day at a time, one awakening ahaa moment at a time.

quote make sure your worst enemy is not livng between your own two ears.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Tell YOUR Heart To Beat Again… core spirituality

I Reflect on this music

I Reflect on these lyrics

i may cry

I let it out

I may  smile

I let it out

While the world is spinning by in wild madness and there is the release of our greatest inhumanity, our darkest selves are revealed and the horror of it all comes to light….

I am choosing to be open…. this I know

Today I tell my heart to beat again… the story is still far from over.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Love Will Have The Final Say…Believe It or Not! …. core spirituality, my personal journey

In my opinion belief has nothing to do with it, love is intrinsic to the fabric of all creation and is ever present possible, endless in supply, seeking expression in us, thru each of us.

Whatever a person’s story, whatever the belief in some religion, or self created idea, love is far greater that any of this.

Whatever the circumstance we face close at hand or far away at any single moment of our day we have the choice to seek love inside ourselves.

We as spiritual beings having a human experience have the challenge of bringing into our experiences the love that exists and is always possible. When we, in our human-ness can reach thru our limited selves into our hearts we replace our own notions and beliefs with a love that opens completely new places within us.

This is the original and the final outcome of every embodiment, every life in the wide and unlimited span of the soul.

Wherever one comes from there is universally the capacity to experience what love is, what love can do, what love holds in wisdom.

When we open to this we open to learning in the dark gaps of our awareness and where there was once ignorance… wisdom fills in the broken pieces, the misunderstanding, and the incompleteness.

Our humanity is opening in vast new ways collectively now, in massive numbers of hearts the possibility to open to the love potential exists and simply awaits the capacity we choose.

We accelerate love consciously when we choose to pay attention to our hearts deepest purpose in life, to recognize and to feel and to share love as a part of who we are as spiritual beings having a human experience. Thus lifting our lower minds, and bodies into places of possibility where love shows us another way.

We will not get this unless love has called us so strongly that we ultimately surrender our love-less notions and ideas, or we ourselves consciously choose to forego our love-less positions and activate love in place of anything that we self reflect into that is outside the magnificent domain of love’s expression.

Love from within may be silent, and move quietly for a while as it is brought into the human self, yet in it’s path is a transformational quality, love from within may also be loud and demonstrative and trigger honesty, nobility, right actions, and healing in our actions with one another.

Love is the great leveler, breaking down the false egotistic positions we have held for lifetimes and thus temporarily we may feel deflated in our love… yet this is only the leveling of some ego based, ego invested emotional state.

Love reveals the ugliest of each of us while liberating the most magnificent in each of us.

Love is both personal and impersonal in how it moves thru us in the world, so if you find yourself just loving and loving without reason…. allow this and learn to feel how this is showing you a new place to live from.

Love guides us and when we allow ourselves to step beyond our false ideas created in the past thru our ignorant ego based past experiences and will always show a new way out of such ridiculous limitations that hurt and cause hurt toward life.

Love seeks to celebrate life.

Life seeks to celebrate love.

This I know.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Understanding and Beliefs… core spirituality, my personal journey


Facing what it is we hold strong to in our beliefs about each other, this world, the next, and so on is currently being triggered world wide and now is the time to re-examine what it is we are unconsciously investing our selves.

Commitment to the path of understanding when we find that our beliefs do not fit our experience is one way to open the mind and heart towards any resolutions to conflicts. (not forcing our beliefs onto one another again and again)

Beliefs held without personal experience leave the individual without a truthful ground of experience with which to navigate thru the experiences of earthly embodiment and thrive harmoniously.

Currently I see many people in the media expressing beliefs without experience. Merely believing without experiential understanding causes a gap in the time line of daily life with which learning will eventually arise.

Learning because once a lived experience arises, then one has the truthful experience with which to KNOW something.

Once an experience is lived, and knowledge becomes real, understanding fills in the gap.

Humans fighting out of their beliefs, humans making laws based on their beliefs, humans creating life out of belief alone… there are examples of this everywhere in the world cultures. Much of it is negative and hurtful, oppressive and demeaning to other human beings to the planet and to animals.

When a person holds a belief and this belief does not apply to other human beings this generates preferences that are divisive.

When our human beliefs are preferential and divisive we lack the substance as a species to transcend the difficult conflicts that arise from so many individuals holding onto their preferences. In this state there is a lack of understanding and cycles of division in the human family are perpetrated and repeated and repeated.

What is the sense in holding onto limited beliefs that do not serve the larger context of our humanity, as an individual or as a species, or beliefs that do not serve all animals, of this planet?

In this context we have gaps of understanding that lead us to learning and these gaps are where we are able to acquire direct wisdom thru our intentional search and development of new experiences that may transcend our current state of beliefs, yet bring experiential understanding.

There is purpose in lack of experience and our not knowing, yet blindly believing.

Thru our misunderstanding and the gaps in our beliefs the human experience drives forward eventually into experiences which will bring revelation, personal real knowledge based on personal experience, instead of arbitrary beliefs. The value of questioning our beliefs arises as a doorway to open to new possibilities of experiences that bring to us wisdom.

Human beings living in beliefs without personal experience are most subject to outside influences of manipulation and control. These forces are exerted thru endless sources of media, religion, cultural and social structures that people hold on to without questioning.

The difference in knowing something from direct experience and how solid this becomes versus a belief without personal experience is staggering.

I often reflect on the vast amount of human activity that is supported and energized thru blind belief and without genuine personal experience. And the lack of deeper understanding that occurs in human relationships, in our relationships to the environment, and to animals. The negative effects of this are damaging to life on all levels of creation. And this is self made. We do this to our world, to each other and to the other life forms with which we share this domain.

The awakening individual is beginning to realize the effects of empty, highly charged beliefs that divide and destroy any possible harmony that could arise.

The destruction of harmony is the underbelly of negative, egotistical, self centered, unsubstantiated beliefs with which human beings generate using up valuable life energy in a repetitive cycle of mayhem, confusion, oppression, and painful outcomes.

As a spiritual being having a human experience life forces which are allied in beliefs of this sort are quite unattractive and do require some personal investigation.

A valuable idea to remember is we all have free will, we can at any moment exert our own individual will to develop experiences which will show us how to know things and not blindly believe. Faith at this point can become based in genuine knowledge and not be blind.

Interior personal freedom is not something that anyone outside of the self may be allowed to penetrate once the basis of genuine knowledge gained from personal experience becomes a part of an individual.

This is important to know. Read that last sentence again. Over and over.

As the human replaces blind faith, blind belief with personal experiences the interior self gains a solidity that is grounded in a larger basis of reality that is supported everywhere, all the time, and regardless of circumstance.

This is genuine self knowledge and the valuable reason spirit incarnates into such a crazy earthly experience such as what we find around us today.

The possibility of developing spiritually our interior self.

A self that is based in the experience of knowledge that is grounded in the truth of ones experiences, not blindly held belief systems. As are perpetrated by countless religions, political bodies, governments, social groups, ad infinitum…..

What questions can I ask myself that lead me to developing new experiences that will bring me genuine knowledge?

What belief do I hold that prevent me from embracing others?

What belief do I hold that isolates me from those who are different from me ?

What belief do I hold that has no experience what so ever, what am I holding onto out of simple blind faith? Out of habit? Out of family conditioning? Out of some teaching from a source with which I do not actually have any personal experiences.

What belief do I hold onto that supports injury to the others, the planet, thru indirect action?

What belief do I hold onto that keeps me limited in my job, my personal relationships?

What belief do I hold onto that prevents me from having direct knowledge of God, not an idea of god, the actual experience of the creator, the creation?

What belief do I hold that limits my capacity to speak honestly to those I love?

What belief do I hold that prevents me from listening to others with whom I disagree?

What beliefs do I have about myself that cause me hurt and pain?

What belief do hold onto that subjects me to repeating the same outcomes over and over which prevent me from genuinely having new personal experiences of which teach me and are revelatory to my existing experience?

There are many questions we can ask ourselves that will unlock the self imposed prisons of which we fall victim that are merely the outcome of our own thinking and blindly held beliefs.

When we learn that our direct experiences are the genuine life supports that can lead us to understanding and even more so to knowing, we become that which is authentically what we are…. as spiritual beings having a human experience.

Not a dogmatic, unconscious, belief driven human being fighting for our own small version of reality.

Core spirituality, my personal investigation




Around the world, indigenous people stand up for their traditional sacred lands in defense of cultural survival,human rights, and the environment.

Watch them stand against industrial mega projects, consumer culture, resource extraction, competing religions, tourists, and climate change.

( includes our own Hawaiian island….Ka’ a olawe, the smallest of 8 main  islands directly out our front door here on Maui used as a bombing exercise location .) And also Australian aborigines as well as  many other cultures.)

i am moved and touched by the voices of indigenous peoples everywhere, their concerns, their knowledge, their wisdom and their connections to the sacred nature of our living planet. i found this series on PBS, here in the states. It stirs the very depths of my soul.

core spirituality, my personal journey

12 Worst Ideas Religion Has Unleashed On The World

In the great shift of our times is the transition from finding answers to life externally thru authority created by others to finding answers within thru our internal self authority.

Historically we can learn to recognize the damaging effects of some of the man made ideas, rules, beliefs created and perpetrated by human beings thru religions.

In my own quest for pure authenticity i have had to reexamine those beliefs in religions that do not serve myself, or the collective well being of our species. The fact than many people have been murdered, injured, wounded, or cast out of their families as a result of these particular religious beliefs is well worth reexamining.

i am posting this today as a vehicle for reflection and reexamination.

While at the same time the universal beliefs that support unconditional love, compassion, inclusion, mercy, and service to each other are also fine examples of ideas and beliefs in religions, my experience has shown me that not all of what religion has to tell us, or offer us is actually good for us.

These decisions are personal ones and each individual is free to examine and decide for themselves those beliefs they want to support.

In the spirit of discernment i like to post this article.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self examination


12 Worst Ideas Religion Has Unleashed On The World.