Entering the Valley of the Rainbow, Core spirituality, my personal journey

rainbowvalleyEntering the Valley of the Rainbow

We Are Being Led to Figure This Out…Together , core spirituality my personal journey

The year that lies ahead is filled with possibility….2015

The amazing way life unfolds leads us to one another in search of peace.

While the ignorance inherent in distrust and hate-filled painful isolation and separation only lead to repeating our inept cycles of dysfunctional behaviors. Murdering, killing, destroying, bombing, only lead eventually to our eventual meeting our enemies again and again.

The end of any disharmonious situation continues unresolved and is put off again until such time as the quantum numbers of us finally come to our senses and open up to acceptance of some kind, acceptance of something possible thru peace  and cooperation. There is a critical number of mass quantum activity that gathers increasing in power and force for us to deal with.

The quantum numbers of massive problems our humanity faces are leading us to our oppositions, enemies, and least expected people to peacefully resolve the pain that results from our actions here on planet earth. Not only do we seek similar thinking people out in our efforts, we eventually learn how we can heal and resolve by also including everyone.

Whenever the pain of a situation reaches that unbearable place of such magnitudes and great uncertainty do we find ourselves opening doors of thinking beyond our comfort zones and learning how to embrace a bigger picture, a cooperative one,  a notion our minds had rejected long ago.

We are drawn to the obvious differences to recreate a new answer for ourselves based in mutual respect and longstanding soulful patience. Eventually coming to that which we held ourselves away.

When masses of people reach these points in life those of us looking on as observers can see how the patterns unfold.

We see how the opposites naturally come together…. eventually.

We see how the  conflicted,dejected, rejected people and their thoughts make their way back to us to find their place in the overall solutions which arise from an open heart, and the willingness to cooperate, correct, and heal the shared pains that pass beyond the boundaries of taking different sides.

We find our answers together.

The acts of discrimination become acts of mutual redemption and efforts of cooperation, whenever we decide we will acquiesce and learn to make peace with the messes we create when the pain is just too much.

We learn that the pain we generate as human beings is the same no matter what side one takes.

No matter what.

Pain is universally the same for everyone.

It is a common denominator that ultimately causes the ignorant in each of us to submit our ego based, self centered, righteous ways to come together and stand beyond the conflicts of differences to seek common peaceful ground.

Thus now we have quantum levels of planetary pain unfolding thru the masses of human beings thinking these painful thoughts, and learning how this makes us feel.

We are reaching whole new levels of possibility thru the path of pain and suffering we inflict on one another and the directions that arise out of the sanctity and appreciation of life for everyone.

The world is a tearful place of living hell filled with imprisoned minds. Some refer to this as “the prison planet”. And indeed it is for many. Poverty rules, along side this making it all the worse. The global pain expressed thru the voices of this earthly agony are being projected thru all the medias of this world day in and day out.

While this continues the great distances between us diminish, we cannot help but be aware of our brothers and sisters who suffer. It is getting harder and harder to deny our human pains. The pain is overlapping all of us slipping into the awareness of anyone who turns on a TV, surfs the web, or reads.

The level of terror inflicted on each other rises from the cries of this great collective imbalance shared in our humanity.

What is terror ….REALLY?

Deeper in, deeper into the causes of  terror, perpetrating terror, participating in terror there are reason humans are hurting and crying out, and becoming desperate. While I do not condone terror in any way, I do seek to understand the nature of it, its roots, its causes, its deepest origins. ( I am well aware of how it appears that many so called educated people use the news of terror in the media, in military propaganda, and many other outlets to perpetrate a continual state of controlling fear that limits, and paralyzes the common person ) I question this… I question the real and deep causes that would bring people to commit their acts of terror, and then those who perpetrate the news of this terror in our world. I refuse to settle with the surface perceptions of terror as it is presented in our media, our consensus views from society. So I ask myself what could be some of the underlying causes of these people’s lives that create these scenarios? I write in the plural (we) form as I am questioning our humanity, as in we, the human civilization.

Terror is the loud voice of the thoughts of powerlessness.

Terror is the voice of the thoughts and the beliefs we create of oppression gone wildly mad.

Terror is the voice of the thoughts of deep injustice.

Terror is the voice of the thoughts of horrible unspeakable long lasting generational suffering of the likes many still have yet to understand and to embrace.

Terror is the voice of misplaced notions of how life naturally unfolds and results from our dysfunctional attempts to live.

We must scream out!

Terror is the voice of all of this multiplied by fear.

Terror is the voice of the thoughts we have in our powerlessness disguised as power plays, dominance, submission, control, oppression.

Terror is the voice of desperation magnified by those who are in its darkest expressions seeking to find solutions.

Terror is the voice of the cries of those with whom we have yet to listen, their lives shaped by thoughts of painful injustices, religious ideas of superiority, years of oppressions.

Terror is the voice reaching out to the larger humanity to listen and learn to see the real problems we face.

Terror is the voice of people who are thinking and feeling out of control and filled to the brim with pain acting “as if ” terrorizing  is a TOOL for powerful control ….lashing out in this world. ( which it is not )

By the act of believing that all these painful scenarios will be solved thru militarization is ridiculous.

Terror is only the voice of……. something much greater we have denied in all of us. Our human family has many unresolved issues.

Might over terror is simple child’s play and completely ineffective in resolving the magnitude of underlying problems that are deep in the roots of human terrors.

More bombs, more weaponry, more guns, more shouting, more protests, more violence, more dominance, all generating more of the same.

Terror… on it’s own is the face and voice of massive humanitarian  denial….that which we have yet to face.

Our greatest super powers are not our might, our military’s, our politics of domination, or our defeatist notions forced upon one another.

Soldiers, civilians, even the women and children are being murdered in our best efforts to use might as a solution.

Might is not our super power as we are lead to “believe” thru the propaganda’s of war and politics.

Not at all.

We are a suffering humanity.

Our suffering is leading us to one another in the eventuality of peaceful new terms of problem solving.

It is life’s great silent way of showing us that which many have yet to learn.

Where the problems really exist, who is suffering because of these problems, and what the problems are. The maddened, crazed, insane voices of terror rise from the underbelly of our denied humanity.

We have denied one another, in some way, in some unthinkable ways and we are starting to wake up to how we can embrace our suffering.

So while we lament, and cry our tribulations this coming year we can actually learn to start to engage peaceful, non sterotyping new thoughts, new conversations, and new possibilities of solutions in our individual lives by coming to terms with our denials and releasing our grips with ignorance and constant repetition of solutions that have not, and do not work for everyone of us.

We can follow the directions of our most broken notions of life and where they lead us to our op-poser’s, our enemies, into our conflicts not to create more, to resolve and find new meaning and possibility.

To face ourselves in one another.

And finally see who it is we are fighting.



The amazing way life leads us thru both our joys is also our pains, leading us back to each other. We can learn to respect the pain as well as the joy of our humanity.

Learn to love your enemies, yourself.

Learn to love enough to see what you have denied, ( I have denied)

Learn to break open the illusions of terror.

Our real super power is our capacity to co operate to find our solutions.

Our real super power is to bring our man heart spaces so strongly forward that we face our denial and learn to see the truth of our actions.

Learn to recognize the voices for what they truly are……

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

The Choices I Make for Anger, Core spirituality

Quote when you look deeply into your anger....






Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Quote may that which is hidden be manifest


Honesty in Our Feelings, Core spirituality, my personal journey

Let us not forget how we are each tender feeling beings here on this planet, no matter the age or circumstance…..in the year ahead.

There is a little one in everyone, though distant, and for some, far removed. Our feelings can lead us thru our own ability to comprehend that which is inside the human heart.

Our heart spaces reveal us.

This is one of our most powerful human experiences…. to be honest in what and how we feel, as what arises in us and to learn from these things that show up each day.

Honest emotional expression is a path that opens great things both scary and joyful.

When we own the process of what we feel in the year ahead we can add to our sense of personal revelation and discovery.

The honest heart feelings are the very messages inside us that discern our earthly experiences in ways that show us beyond what our intellectual thinking minds convince us is real and lead us into our greatest capacities to be authentic.

Emotional authenticity connects us into the larger picture showing us how we each have a role to express thru our individual lives in togetherness.

Emotional authenticity reveals how each person matters in the unfolding global experiences we share as  a humanity.

Imagine how this world can look when we choose emotional authenticity, instead of posturing.

Engaging our authentic emotional responses to what is unfolding in the world thru dropping into our man heart spaces will actually redirect much of the misunderstanding and disharmony towards new possibilities. We can test this in our lives by choosing this in any situation and learn the revelations that await us.

shared with aloha

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

it is said…. a child shall lead them….. that child could be within each of us !

quote the secret of genius is

Cognitive Dissonance, Willful Ignorance and the War on Consciousness

In this episode, Doug explains psychological phenomenon such as, information bias, cognitive dissonance, willful ignorance and Stockholm syndrome. He explains how human consciousness is manipulated, not least through the media, to maintain a consensus trance that entraps the masses within a psychological prison cell. He also touches upon stage-managed events that are created to manipulate the minds and emotions of humanity. All images contained herein are for educational purposes only, in accordance with the Fair Use Act. Some explicit language. ( apologies for the language at times however the points need to be expressed here )


Men and consensus reality… what is really going on here?

Whenever we accept the consensus reality that is all around us without asking… “Is this true?”  Without finding our own direct internal answers to what we see, hear and participate either thru action or inaction, we are subject to being lead into thinking thoughts that may not be our own. We become repeaters.

Academia is filled with repeaters. The majority of education is simply repeating words and ideas that fit a consensus that is a purposely placed controlled reality. Whose reality is this ? ( investigating the US patent office patterns of rejection of ideas based on the NSA, governmental and political agencies is a clear example of how new ideas for free energy are consistently rejected, snubbed, and repressed from actualizing supporting the petrol dollar consensus reality )

Corporate and scientific industries require the individual, fresh out of academia,  to tow the line of consensus in order to climb the ladders of success or find themselves butted out.

Media outlets, communication systems also require the same sorts of consensus agreements in order to climb their ladders of success, or be spit out. Blatant consensus agreements rule the workplace! ( constant reporting of negative, unhappy, bad, fear based news when certainly there is plenty of good news to report )

Military engages in consensus agreements in order to maintain agendas, provide growth of members, and to sustain these consensus agreements. Already the spending for nuclear weapons exceeds the actual need for weaponry, how many individuals actually understand how this is developing without questioning the consensus agreements that shape this activity?

(see the following link… http://armscontrolcenter.org/top_topics_nws/ )

the amount of spending in covert dark projects without the oversight of the people of this country is staggering, what consensus reality exists in this paradigm?

( see the following link… http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread613064/pg1 ) ( http://www.wired.com/2012/02/pentagons-black-budget/ )

Religion is filled with repeaters. Much of this is simply repeating beliefs for which a person has no personal basis. Not all people lack a complete basis in their beliefs, however much of the content of the religions are accepted without personal investigation and still infiltrates those realities. I know this because of my own investigations and findings. Blind belief….lasts far beyond the grave, as I have interacted with many who have passed over this world. And I see how we repeat  the behaviors of violence, stereotyping, dominance, bullying, and poverty despite the presence of all these religions and the people who submit themselves.

Loss of personal revelation, insight, direct knowing, and pure self knowledge runs rampant in our world culture.

This is demonstrated thru the massive amounts of covert activity now being put into place thru military, governmental, pharmaceutical, corporate business, religious, political, industrial, social constructs everywhere.

The loss of the individual capacity to experience direct self knowledge is the result of this activity because of the blind acceptance of consensus reality. Manufactured realities based on fears. Fears that perpetrate more and more fears in this world. Fear…fear….fear !

Question that which you are fearful. Avoiding our fears is a bypass that later leads to many outcomes for which we end up being victimized. I question my uncomfortableness.

I question the voices of authority that are presented in this world based upon my own internal sense of personal integrity and depth of personal experience. I question my right to free citizenry, spiritual authenticity, and my capacity to exercise my own ability to decide for myself.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Redefining Courage.. Opening to the Deep Masculine. Core spirituality, my personal journey


Redefining Courage.. Opening to the Deep Masculine. Core spirituality, my personal journey

Redefining our ideas about courage as they apply to ourselves involves the turning of our attentions from the outer circumstances of our lives to the inner ones.

Historically masculine courage has been collectively agreed upon and defined thru actions in the outer world and this is good, however it is no longer sufficient to meet the modern day circumstances arising around us as we watch conflict, stereotyping, war planning, domination, bullying, violence, isolation, and unspoken depression reach global levels of very large numbers of men, women and children.

There is a shift in consciousness developing as our attention is being so pressured that we must turn to our insides to find new solutions to the issues that repeat generation after generation and cause violence and suffering to so many.

What is a man without the fortitude and strength to ask of himself the very questions he asks his enemy? He repeats the cycles of misunderstanding based on beliefs and defining thoughts inside his head that tell him he must go outside himself to prove his worth, his strength, his courage.

When a man learns to turn within to find what is not working, what is unloved, what is left unresolved and then goes forward to replace his old behaviors, (like finger pointing ), he begins to take the path of the deep masculine.

The peaceful warrior arrives in us to redirect the notions that to solve the problems he must change another, conquer another, destroy another, and so on. Replacing these external based strategies with internal ones. This takes a different kind of courage.

This takes redefining what courage means and the process leads us to drop into our man hearts to find new forms of courage within us. The peaceful warrior arrives in us to take on the new levels of need inherent in the ineffective strategies of which we have succumbed. There is more work to be done and it is not the same. We then learn to start to redefine courage.

The courage to face ourselves, and what drives us crazy.

The courage to face what triggers us that is inside us as revealed by you.

The courage to face what has no words, yet blankets our day with feelings yet discovered.

The courage to face those feelings that were always to big too handle and too foreign to our sense of masculinity.

The courage to face how ineffective our ideas about conflict have been and find new avenues to walk thru that lead us thru new doors of soulful patience leading to conflict resolutions, cooperation, harmonious co existence, interconnectedness and acceptance of differences.

The courage to reveal the truths to ourselves about ourselves that were to painful to accept.

The courage to face the repeats that do not work, have not worked, and to stop repeating patterns of disharmonious conflict.

The courage to face what our ancestors were unable to face and to resolve what has not been resolved in our lives and stop passing this crap on to our children.

The courage to choose life rather than death as a means to an end.

The courage to hear, feel, listen and touch those with whom our painful ways have hurt.

The courage to cry and finally let go of our own discord.

The courage to love, and stop hating.

The courage to embrace differences and stop distancing.

The courage to be willing to be open and yet remain strong.

The courage to be tender and strong as steel all at the same time.

The courage to let out our voices of painful histories and reclaim our deeper voices of purity, restoring our honor within.

The courage to advance on the path of re-identification of our unique masculine selves alone, when those around us choose to go with the crowd.

The courage to ask the difficult questions instead of malingering in ignorance common to those who dismiss and reject “inner peace” as a viable path to world peace.

The courage to trust ourselves and use this to replace our out dated modes of distrust of one another.

The courage to listen, really listen, to allow ourselves to be touched deeply and to own how this makes us feel as men.

The courage to act upon our deepest heart messages, instead of buying in to the acceptable norms of common masculine behaviors that are toxic. We learn to replace toxic thoughts, acts, and lack of taking action with deep heart motivation.

The courage to embrace our fear, and to stop projecting on those around us, families, friends, society, and the world in general.

The courage to face responsible action, and stop placing it on others. (finger pointing)

The courage to do this now, instead of always putting it off, to another day, another time, a time that never really arrives.

The courage to speak up in the face of hatreds, bigotry, stereotyping, injustices, and suffering.

The courage to act towards peace rather than wars.

The courage to be truthful with ourselves, our significant others and the world, instead of believing lies, perpetrating lies to ourselves.

The courage to walk away from our old habits which are anything less than the heartfelt deep masculine that lie within us.

The courage to see the beliefs we hold that are false and lead to more separations, more discords, more exclusion of others. Replacing these beliefs with ones that are inclusive, lead to interconnection, and harmony.

These are but a few of the ways that come to my mind when I look at the shift in what it means to redefine courage.

We can learn to walk in the world in new ways.

We can learn to embrace the wisdom of our mistakes and reach further, better, and closer to our brothers, women, children, families, communities, and this world.

We learn to find a new comfortableness with the deep masculine that has a remarkable way of shifting our day to day existence. We learn how to respect the deeper feminine around us and thus we claim our own inner nature. We truly learn to accept, embrace, and love the deep feminine in what ever way this shows up.

Taking responsibility for own nature as men and stopping the tendency to project ourselves outward is a courageous step in the direction of healing the wounded masculine in this world.

The wounded masculine hides, hides in the world thru pretending it’s opposite.

By pretending to be powerful thru dominance, thru aggressions.

Thru pontificating in big ways in religious authority, military planning and strategizing, business acquisitions, scientific righteousness, political stands which exclude and dominate, covert communications designed to control and manipulate masses of people. The list goes on and on.

The actions of the toxic masculine sweep thru our world cultures on a daily basis poisoning the sanctity of life. The toxic masculine justifies war, displacement of the masses, murder for right, loss of life, destruction of society, destruction of ecology, endless proliferation of dangerous weaponry, all leading to recreating fear based situations that perpetrate more fear based situations.

The toxic masculine creates the toxic problem, finds the toxic solution to that problem and then recreates it again. It is a vicious cycle of huge proportions that only stops when men stop believing their ideas based in external forms of toxic male thinking of hundreds of years of toxic misery and hardship.

Yet we are told this is for peace.

I question this seriously. Very seriously.

When we redefine our mindsets of courage we learn that what we are creating is only a lens of perception and that we can literally shift this lens.

When we face ourselves we stop this in the outer world, around us.

Whenever I listen to a man postulate his righteousness thru aggression I observe a lack of self awareness, a lack of inner seeing. A lack of inner connection.

I hold ground each day with my inner peaceful warrior.

I discern the differences.

I am in willingness to redefine courage and to embrace the deep masculine.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

“Unconditional Positive Regard”, The Return of The Peaceful Warrior…core spirituality, my personal journey

quote make sure your worst enemy is not livng between your own two ears.

“Unconditional Positive Regard”, The Return of The Peaceful Warrior…core spirituality, my personal journey

How can I recognize the arrival of the PEACEFULL WARRIOR inside my life ?

How do we as men heal ourselves and our relationships? Our relationships with one another, with women, with family?

How do we heal ourselves with the world, and the effects of negative images perpetrated as masculinity? (when actually those images are not truly so positive?)

How do we interrupt the cycles of suffering caused by repeating thinking and behaviors? Behaviors learned from each other and our fathers, our grandfathers, our ancestors?

How do we heal the immense unspoken pain of our wounded warrior selves?

We learn to cultivate the perceptional lens of UNCONDITIONAL POSITIVE REGARD.

We practice the intention to see, hear, listen, observe, and empathize without all the opinions, learned male messages, and stereotyping of our world culture.

We engage with one another in this way so as to learn how it is we are able to identify differences without reacting except for an inner place of unconditional positive regard for what our human condition is experiencing at this moment thru one another.

We suspend any kind of judgmental thinking.

We learn to pay attention to our pains!

We learn to see what is before us.

Awareness is seeing…. not thinking about what we see! (please read that again)

Plain seeing and nothing more. Seeing as much as we can about what arises. Taking it in…. with a sense of unconditional positive regard.

By doing so we create conditions that open pathways to face our conflicts peacefully, and with soul-full patience. We learn to create extraordinary moments of possibility where we make it possible to end bickering, fighting, hardships, suffering.

We lift the unspoken masculine “dark cloud” of burden we secretly harbor, while we hold ourselves open to pure seeing…. A conscious awareness of what is.

We are able to avoid meltdowns, smooth out the rough edges of ourselves and situations that are disharmonious, TAKE ON abuses of all kinds, and manage mistakes and repetitions whenever we are able to stand ourselves inside our own unconditional positive regard for life…. for living.

This is the arrival of the PEACEFUL WARRIOR.

We learn how to validate life in one another, with all the messiness and misery, joy and unexpected synchronicity possible.

We see with new eyes the cost to heal our issues and how to begin to form new steps which bring resolution, relief, and unburden one another thru new solutions.

When we allow ourselves to drop into our man heart – spaces, when we learn to allow ourselves to have our feelings of being touched in deep and meaningful ways we completely redesign the limbic systems of distress we carry inside our bodies. ( the emotional center of our brains)

We acquire realistic outcomes that we can then apply to generate and influence the positive outcomes we need to feel fulfilled and in greater harmony with ourselves, with other men, with women, with children, family and our communities and the world.

Getting realistic is the goal.

Becoming real is the result. Honor returns to the man.

This is the way of the peaceful warrior.

Historically men have created and then repeated creating world scenarios of war, enemy thinking, and conflict, along with dominance and greed. Power grabbing at the cost of one another, of societies, and the innocents as a means of feeling that power.

The ultimate power is not outside the man here, the ultimate power is within him, within us.

When we live and act with unconditional positive regard for all of life we then have the capacity to share power with one another that addresses life in healthy, regenerative, healing, with bridge building new efforts for peaceful outcomes.

This is the spiritual power inside us, not the stolen power we seek from others!

We stifle the tendency to plan for and energize war thru the illusion of power thru dominance, a toxic trait of the earth based masculinity lived for centuries here. We gain access to the ways of wisdom left dormant thru previous learned behaviors of toxic masculinity!

We stifle the tendency to stereotype our “enemies” and we begin to heal the effects of our historically based WOUNDED WORRIORS.

Until we heal our own wounded warrior we will not be able to heal that which makes us crazy about our enemies. We repeat the cycles over and over and over.

The wounded warrior carries the wisdom of our work ahead as he has seen the battle and learns to understand the fight. He has suffered the loss and knows the pain this brings. He has given up much to his battles and is left without all of the rest of himself intact.

The peaceful warrior reclaims the sanctity of his heart in order to learn to become whole once again.

Our men have yet to shed their tears.

And come home to their innermost super powers which lie dormant within the beating hearts, and breath inside our bodies. The real super powers are peace, not war. Harmony with… not dominance over. Understanding not misunderstanding. Loving not hating. Cooperation not covert agenda making. These are but a few of the true spiritual powers awaiting any man willing to allow the presence of his own peaceful warrior to surface.

We must come to terms with our warring manhood. We must learn to yield to our man hearts so as to learn the languages of how to heal our wounds. We must learn to open our hearts so that we may comprehend the greater work ahead beyond constant war and battle and conflict. That which lies ahead is the building of peace. This is the ultimate and true power for a man.

Our wounded warriors lead us to surprising meetings as we open to our wise elders. Who are our wise elders? Where are they? Who has learned to listen , to embrace and to love them? The silence we now relegate to our wise elders is a sad, sad state of our ignorance and unwillingness to embrace our man heart spaces. Our wise elders know the pains and distresses of our wounded psyches. We need them to show us how to heal us.

We need our wise elders voices to disturb the comfortable places of dominance and power mongering inside us and amongst us.

We have learned to settle for a far lesser possibility thru our repeating and repeating. Our insistence’s of righteousness and might.

Once a wise elder spoke and reminded me of that thinking…. “an eye for an eye” which is a basic tenet of many and said to me what would this bring to you? Continue like this and everyone will be blind !

He knew, he had seen, and now he reminda me.

Blind men leading more blind men.

Many still carry on this way, many are blinded by the thoughts of their aggressions.

The peaceful warrior steps up and says to me.. “this is your cause to pause, reflect on these things.”

“Learn to open up.”

“Be strong, be whole, learn to be wise. I have returned in you, the journey of the peaceful warrior has much further for you to go.”

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investiagation

Meaningful Chaos…How do I own my feelings? One man asks… Core spirituality, my personal journey

Quote    26911-You+need+chaos+in+your+soul+to (1)

Meaningful Chaos…How do I own my feelings? One man asks… Core spirituality, my personal journey

As men how we take ownership of each feeling within self is a door that opens the way to personal revelation. Leading into self awareness and the capacity to increase responsibility to myself, my life, my family, my community, the planet.

Responsibility places the ability to direct the outcome of any feeling that arises into my hands. This places meaningful purpose for daily life experience. No matter what!

The process of ownership, meaning “owning the processing” of my feelings leads to recognizing the thoughts that pass thru my mind and how these thoughts make me feel.

This opens up the door to deeper significance which lies behind the simplest of moments. Causing the awareness to enliven with the now-present unfolding of life. This activates the many other facets of the self with the excitement of living and the possibility of discovery.

Discovery leads the me further along into the soulful aspect of myself where greater understanding and acceptance is reached. The soulful aspect of myself is filled with an unlimited desire for connection to Source. This soulful connection to Source energizes any single thought we have. ( and one reason it is smart to pay attention to what that thought might be )Thus self development proves to be a vehicle for a continuous unfolding plan with which each of us is born. Even if we do not yet know our plan then it is the job of myself to find this.

However this may look, it is for each individualized aspect of Source in us as us to learn to see, feel, and live this out in a way that satisfies the most innate urge of our spiritual being.

Bypassing self awareness ( remaining ignorant) has all the consequences of acquiring more experience and knowledge and is still a door way thru life that brings to one the possibility of discovery, life purpose, and upliftment, however this will be sporadic, less joyful, and contain many more moments of life confusion and repeatitions. Either way, with or without ownership of feelings, each is in a state of ownership and discovery by nature of the organization of life. Without it one must experience the repetitive victimization which accompanies the “bypass” with less understanding of how to direct the personal life forces available that present to self on a regular basis. ( we miss the awareness of possibility )

Consequences are a natural outcome of every thought and lead us further.

Without self awareness and the continuous intention to develop self we will repeat consequences until such a time that we begin to recognize how life works. Thoughts repeating thoughts.

This is our growing edge.

The place where each of us is experiencing something new that will bring to us more personal development and the possibility of unburdening the incarnate life we find ourselves.

Our growing edges merge in numbers as individuals find themselves on similar thought patterns and feelings. Entire generations of incarnate souls actually enter into life here with specific themes and we can see this thru the historical breaking down of ignorance which is a hallmark of each generation.

This elimination of hardships and increased self development serves the greater good of the entire species and does require the individuals in our human species to become activated. ( everyone matters)

We increase awareness by creating both negatively and positively charged scenarios of which we must face and transform. The human species is now on a giant growing edge of self awareness of unparallelled proportion as we discover the greater truths inherent in life, thru ourselves and one another.

Collectively we are rearranging our lives for better or worse depending on our own individualized elements of self development arising from our perceptions of greater inherent truth.

Ultimate truth unites, solidifies, repairs, and generates greater good for everyone.

Once the incarnate self learns to live in harmony with ultimate truth of the self, and of life itself there is a lessening of the repetitions of burden and suffering common to this planet. Co creation takes on greater meaningful purpose as “all for one and one for all” or “we are One” is realized.

Quite different from the “me versus you” mentality of present day politics and military conflicts and war. While the world on a grand scale is not expressing this universal understanding as of yet, small developments thru individuals,local groups, and even some multinational intentions are forming, and individuals are seeking this in our personal lives thru our friendships, work relationships, and families.

We have much further to go. Much further. Much, much further!

The ultimate truth of universal understanding and interconnection drives onward. Ever pressing thru our lives showing us how it is when we hurt another we hurt ourselves, when we help another we help ourselves, when we serve another we serve ourselves and so on.

This perception of life has completely different consequences to it. This perception alone transforms any single individual situation or any single global one.

That is the nature of universal awareness.

Thus when we take responsibility for how and what we choose to invest our life energies into we are co creating a world that looks like it does. This gets better the more we own what it is we feel, the thoughts we have that make us feel that way, and we redirect our lives with intentions of greater good for all of life, even our supposed “enemies”.

Enemy mentality is replaced with new solutions that arise because we stop “either or thinking”. ( either it is me or it is you, and replace this with us)

While we are in staggering proportions of transition from “enemy thinking” to “universal awareness”, we can stay vigilant towards not recreating any more scenarios in our daily lives with every opportunity that arises.

We are in a species level, global level transition of consciousness right now. Chaos ensues as the different paradigms of perception and thinking and feeling meet one another.

Meaningful chaos !

I respect and honor the “meaningful chaos” in our world today!

Meaningful because which side of the equation we choose to energize will generate that side of the current world scenario. We are all choosing now, consciously or unconsciously, with or without self awareness of our thoughts.

The chaos continues.

We continue.

What will each of us choose?

Right now every human life matters. Both good and evil. Because how and what we do to respond to the current situation is unfolding as we live out our choices day to day. We are creating our responses to this.

Do we repeat history?

Do we create a new future?

When finding self repeating a distressing thought we can choose to enter into the space of recognition and slow down the process enough to make new choices.

Repeating is a choice.

Do I want to repeat a distressing thought, and what will be the consequence of doing so?

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

quote between stimulus and response there is a space. in that space is our choice to respond

The Global Bankers’ Coup by Ellen Brown

Dandelion Salad

The colour of money; Financial Stability Board (FSB) headquartered in the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland Image by Dominik via Flickr

by Ellen Brown
Writer, Dandelion Salad
The Web of Debt Blog
December 12, 2014

On December 11, 2014, the US House passed a bill repealing the Dodd-Frank requirement that risky derivatives be pushed into big-bank subsidiaries, leaving our deposits and pensions exposed to massive derivatives losses. The bill was vigorously challenged by Senator Elizabeth Warren; but the tide turned when Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorganChase, stepped into the ring. Perhaps what prompted his intervention was the unanticipated $40 drop in the price of oil. As financial blogger Michael Snyder points out, that drop could trigger a derivatives payout that could bankrupt the biggest banks. And if the G20’s new “bail-in” rules are formalized, depositors and pensioners could be on the hook.

View original post 1,803 more words

John Pilger’s Message To World’s Journalists.


(Cross-posted from johnpilger.com – An article written by John Pilger)


War by Media and the Triumph of Propaganda

5 December 2014

mountain55Why has so much journalism succumbed to propaganda? Why are censorship and distortion standard practice? Why is the BBC so often a mouthpiece of rapacious power? Why do the New York Times and the Washington Post deceive their readers?

Why are young journalists not taught to understand media agendas and to challenge the high claims and low purpose of fake objectivity? And why are they not taught that the essence of so much of what’s called the mainstream media is not information, but power?

These are urgent questions. The world is facing the prospect of major war, perhaps nuclear war – with the United States clearly determined to isolate and provoke Russia and eventually China. This truth is being turned upside down and inside out by journalists, including…

View original post 2,461 more words

The Freedom of Allowing


Allow your opposites to exist freely, because when you do, they don’t have power over you anymore and by setting them free of your judgment, you free yourself.

By opposites I mean anything you dislike, anything that you avoid and anything that you wish you could change, anything opposite to your view of how the world and reality should be.

Usually we know clearly what we want, and even when we don’t know what we want, we certainly know what we don’t want. We gather information about the things we dislike all the time: out of previous personal experiences, out of other people’s experiences, when we watch the news or read the paper, by watching a movie or even when we walk down the street. We consciously or unconsciously point out all the things we don’t like.

And that’s ok, as longs as these things don’t evoke an emotional reaction…

View original post 543 more words

Questioning the Story….Core spirituality, my personal journey

The John F. Kennedy Assignation…finally the truth is revealed!

Remarkable military, and political files recently released  give an overview of history, contrary to everything we have been told as historical fact.

Files that were declassified early, reveal the horrific actions of people in these factions of our society.

I like to say to myself.. ” is this true?” is what we have been told for decades true?

This reporting of declassified documents can shed light upon what our minds think and how we are lead to believe thru media, political, and military actions and the purpose of questioning everything we are told.

I find this absolutely remarkable.




The Darkened Self, One Man Returns To Living Grace. Core spirituality, my personal journey

The Darkened Self, One Man Returns To Living Grace. Core spirituality, my personal journey

When i read this I say to myself,

“When I place the blame of judgment on someone else, this leaves me powerless to change my experience: taking responsibility for my beliefs and judgments gives me the power to change them.”

Men, as “silent” victims, who live under the dark clouds of their emotions, end up stuck in the harbor of many a discontent notion and find ourselves repeating and repeating the unquestioned effects of emotional pain. Our own, our father’s and the grandfather’s and those before him!

We do this as we place blame on others and judge them according to our hurt and hold hostage the image of our discontent.

I watch this scenario in the media as what is perpetrated as news is endlessly reported.

How we evaluate our circumstance in life without self responsibility becomes an endless tirade of finger pointing and mistrust, broken promises, and dangerous world circumstance. That men in politics, men in military, men all over the world continue to view the world as “silent” victims is a sad component of the sleeping unawakened self… Still dreaming a dream yet to unfold.

The result is the violence perpetrated thru war, thru dominance, thru greed and power stands, thru covert agendas and the insistence that someone else must make the change.

The voice of the wounded man is surely a voice we can learn to heal. In one another and in ourselves.

Yet without the inner power of recognition to the source of our discontents, our sadness and our own feelings of victimization we are self limited in “boxes” of our making. We struggle with the notion of external power as a means to the end, and it is not working. We build more weaponry, we create new strategies for control, and we distance ourselves from that which may have the greatest capacity to reveal to us new solutions.

First of all we need to look inside our own selves and see what we harbor inside our own bellies and learn to to turn the directions around inside the hurting selves. Then we begin the genuine transformation of the ills of this world. We take down and take apart our tendency to act out of violent response, and endless tyrannical outbursts and expressions of “the wounded”. We find the place where authentic power lives inside.

The awakening man is a glorious thing to see. No longer satisfied or under the illusion he must convert, force, control, or gather power at the expense of another, no longer hypnotized by those around him,  he separates from the pack of other men and walks alone for a time to discover what it is he can do within himself.

This is the shift from external power to inner power. ( See previous post on this )

This is how we make the remarkable strides in transforming this planet and the ghastly amount of violence and poverty and greed that exists all around us.

We as men on this planet can and are doing this.

We are choosing our trade offs and moving quietly amongst the crowds.

The inner warrior with whom we as men are more comfortable than practically any other archetype of behavior and identity on this planet take on new strategies.

The strategy of overcoming the war within.

The battlefield is moved.

It becomes the place in our own belly, our own minds, our thoughts and how those thoughts make us feel.

Temporarily we lay down our weapons and we find anew something with which we have not considered.

Our own dedications, and mighty stances of right no longer seem to work and must be reworked. We find there is more power to make a change, yet it is inside our own perimeters of life. Our own houses, our own families, our own work spaces, our own neighborhoods.

We find our enemy finally, and it is ourselves.

How startling a revelation to realize that who we have been fighting all along was yourself. How sad that we thought it was YOU and YOU and YOU! We learn to sit with this, we learn to walk with this and ultimately we rise up and accept the challenge.

We begin to take on the battles within.

When a man finally see this he becomes instantly different.

He begins the arduous task of becoming himself again. ( there is the start of a pure little boy in each of us still) The armors of self protection, of falsehood and right…he begins to take down, to lay aside and finally there is a spark of much greater humanity that begins to shine.

Beyond all hope is the actuality of true change in all this. There is possibility that needs hammering out. New behaviors practiced, and learned. A man becomes more of himself. Any mother would be proud. And father would be amazed.

For a man to take his life in his own hands and shape it according to his own inner needs, and genuine self is a mighty thing indeed, surrounded by so many others, yet alive to this kind of thing.

As men we can question each other, yet stand aside and withhold judging as we learn how we truly look to one another in peace, instead of war, instead of conflict, instead of, instead of, instead of…..

the time of making excuses comes to an end.

There is much resolution to be had, much to made with ourselves and each other.

No longer is it so important that I conquer you.

The peaceful warrior has arrived.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation


Shifting External Power to Inner Power… How We as Men can Learn to See Labels, Core spirituality, my personal journey


quote as soon as you believe that a label youve put on yourself is true....Shifting External Power to Inner Power… How We as Men can Learn to See Labels, Core spirituality, my personal journey

When i read this is say to myself…

“As soon as I believe that a label I’ve put on myself is true, I’ve limited something that is literally limitless, I’ve limited who I am into nothing but a thought.”

As men we view each other, and the women and children in this world thru our lens of thinking. We are creating life as we think and it is time for me to reflect on how this is shaping our realities. Here is a place we can learn about inner power. The power we give to the labels we think to ourselves.

We define ourselves by what we think, how we think, and the way our thoughts make us feel. Until we wake to the power of our minds to define our realities… we are stuck in the thought of the moment.

This is why I ask myself repeatedly, “is this true?” and “how would I be without my story?” .

The definitions I place on me constantly shift and change as thoughts evolve thru my consciousness. Leading me ever on towards recognizing that the bottom line is we are limitless in who and what we are.

This is core spirituality for me.

That label I put on you?

Well it is only a thought. I ask myself… “ is that true?”

In all honesty I look again and I realize how limiting my thinking is.

The power of one thought can define an entire person? A label! How silly is all this?

We label ourselves, each other and the world without editing and we end up in many painful, unhappy scenarios. Separate and distant and disconnected from each other. I am talking about our families here, our work relations, our mutual humanity! I find this horrific.

Christian, Muslim, Jew, atheist, gay,straight, sissy, black, white or yellow. Good, bad, ugly. Right, wrong, crazy or lame. Selfish, uncaring, blocked and stuck. Right wing, left wing, liberal. Open minded, closed off, unaware missing a lug nut somewhere.

The list of adjectives we use to identify ourselves and one another is long and repetitive. We use these words like they are real. We define people and we believe these definitions for years. They become our “boxes” and we create filters to our perceptions and we reinforce them by repeating them over and over and over.

There is danger in labeling ourselves.

There is limitation in this.

We take ourselves out of the present moment whenever we look thru our filters and then act as if they are real. No one person is any one of these words we use to define us. We are so much more.

Describing a moment in time, describing an experience we have with one another, describing an exchange we shared, these are little fragments of time, little pieces of experience in the totality of any one single day. And we limit us by our attachments to these thoughts.

Attachments to labels.

We deepen our attachments to labels as we invest ourselves in believing out thoughts and repeating them to one another to solidify our stories and make our cases.

The world we live in is defined by many a label, a label of attachment to seeing only one way, one thing about ourselves… about each other.

We miss a lot whenever we stop seeing the unlimited qualities of being that exist as the true nature of ourselves and one another. We end up making lots of corrections, we back step, we return to the idea to make it better whenever we learn a labeling thought is just that…. a label.

How could I do that to you?

How could I do that to me?

This is a brilliant question to ask of self.

Brothers all over the world now have the opportunity to revisit our labels thru the intensive demonstrations being waged in the world thru conflicts. How we believe these labels and what the effects of this are creating on our shared humanity.

There is much silence in men. Some of the silence in us is our unresolved thinking. Thinking that is full of labels about ourselves and each other. I find this kind of silence unsettling.

Labeling ourselves defines the next step. A step  that  is labeling one another and this is how we create divisions amongst the peoples of our world. Believing our labels and then creating programs, policies, agendas, rules, laws, systems, implementing them on to each other.

How would our world look were we to view ourselves as unlimited and we detached from our labels… as men? “

How would I act differently were I to let go of my labels?”

This is a brilliant idea to ponder.

Letting go of our attachments to labels we open ourselves to genuine vision.

Our capacity to “en-vision” beyond our limiting beliefs opens us to solutions. Solutions arise that are available to us that serve everyone.

Because the little “boxes” are far too small for such endeavors to succeed by way of the labels.

We are starting to outgrow our labeling. Some of us.

Make a list of the labels I use to describe people has shown me how easy and habitual labeling is in my mind. The habit of labeling becomes a form of identification and boundary making keeping me “safe” . When actually it is only the thoughts in my own mind making me unsafe. We men do this a lot.

To free ourselves of our unresolved distress, we need only find our labels, and dismantle them in our minds to reveal what more lies ahead. What more is possible inside us. What more there is we are capable of. And begin with each new thought that arises out of self release.

I want to make the habit of recognizing my tendency to label myself and others. I want to experience a wider spectrum of happiness and fulfillment.

The human habit of labeling is temporary. Eventually we die our bodies and move on. Why wait until we are dead to realize the magnificent unlimited nature of our inner most selves? Why put it off?

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation.

How Do We Define Our Power as Men? . Core Spirituality, my personal journey

quote the goal of the  human experience is to


How Do We Define Our Power as Men?… Core spirituality, my personal journey

When I read this I say to myself,

The goal of my human experience is to transform myself from a being who longs to attain power in the physical world to a being who is empowered from within.

This is a complete flip flop on the paradigm the majority of human men being perpetrated thru every media outlet on earth, it is the opposite of many ( not all ) military strategies perpetrating their agendas on others.

This is a distant and almost non existent thought in the world of finances… banking.

The corporate structures designed to gain profit at the expense of and disregard for others ( petroleum, chemical and seeds, scientific ) rarely exhibit qualities in their financial stats that serve this intention. The world of so many men seems to be the opposite of this very idea. ( it is not really, yet appears to be so)

Though religions are in place and many men say they abide by those religions they do the opposite, and have been for many hundreds of years. The war machinery goes on and on and on, always pointing the finger at “the other” as an excuse for power domination. ( supposedly we are a”Christian ” nation, yet we have been in over 200 hundred acts of war thru the past 2 centuries )

Though a democracy is inherently designed to be for the people and by the people, men in politics and military standing around the world enact policy thru means which are the opposite of this thru corporate lobbying, spinning their stories and secretly making deals that are anything but for the people and by the majority of the people. We have enough resources world wide to care for everyone yet we do not share with everyone. “Money power” is behind the directions of much needed world resource. These men are acting out external forms of power.

Men who complain, whine, and suffer and point fingers thru their own “victimization thinking” have missed the idea that life is about inner work and empowerment within, subvert their own capacity to transform themselves thru their painful thoughts. They end up recycling and perpetrating the mistakes of ancestors in the thinking they are justified to do so. The cycle goes on and on and on.

Seeking to dominate, thru all possibilities political and military strategists seek to change the world thru others, instead of themselves. We can see this all over the world in most countries in many ways being reported as news, the endless struggles for power.

Religious men seeking thru their words to portray this idea, secretly use it to direct, dominate, control, and stifle the rest of the world thru their actions, they even try to get your soul! The catholic church being one of richest male dominated organizations on the face of the earth and have killed more human population it is purported than anyone. The radical Muslim men who are using their religious thoughts to kill anyone anytime anywhere generating horror and chaos to others. ( they are the minority of Muslims actually living on earth, however they get the most attention )

Corporate monopolies in all fields of life are enacting their agendas of super rich and world wide control thru thousands of men invested in selfish power grabs that leave many people out of the picture of true prosperity.

What does it mean to be a man in the world today? Somehow we have agreed that thru external forms of power we are fulfilling our greatest possibilities. I ask myself … “is this true?”and then I ask “who would I be without this story?”

Relinquishing the need to prove self thru external actions and forms of power is a big step to take, and redirects the outcomes of many decisions in any one man’s day. I know. I pass thru this gateway regularly.

In the thinking of worldly power any man who does not have it, sees himself as powerless. There are millions of men who experience this false notion of powerlessness. So the opposite is also detrimental. Depression, unhappiness, ineffectiveness, and believing himself to be without resources men who think because they have little outer power cower in their true spiritual magnificence and become statistics along life’s journey. Anytime we see ourselves as “less than” we become weakened to our most powerful internal strengths. We lose sight of our capabilities, and our willingness to take effective action in the face of such a “power mongering” mass reality.

I find this amazing.

There is only one thought in this one quote that can transform any man. The thinking that follows the shift in self awareness from one of external power to inner power is life changing.


When we believe our thoughts of powerlessness we create them. Subconsciously as well as consciously thru the actions we take or the actions we never act upon. We are creating the world that exists around us thru our belief in external power and replacing genuine inner power and resourcefulness with this for our future generations. Leaving the legacy to those yet unborn to do the inner work we ourselves are capable. Thus many of the world problems continue and even multiply !

To be or not to be… a man of power in this day and age is usually designated thru external forms of power. I ask myself… “is this true?” “Is it true I am powerful thru how these kinds of agreements?” “Am I powerless if I do not exhibit power in this way?”

Self inventory will answer these questions. And not until I break away from externally based power designated thinking will I ever be able to extract myself from these styles of self definition. “Who would I be without it?” is a brilliant question to ask of self.

Once the grip of external power is released, and strangle hold on our self defining thoughts is let go we are free as men to witness the larger context of life experiences in a way, that is first of, connective. Life is inherently interconnected and thru this much more resilient, with many more choices and peaceful possibilities. The future man realizes this and acts with this in mind thru every decision. “How will my actions effect others?”

The mindset devoid of personal power thru dominance, selfish gain, greed, and power mongering, opens to diversity that makes solving conflicts possible in soulful patience, and life enriching ways for us all. I imagine that military would protect and serve and the levels of violence, the levels of toxic dangerous weaponry, would diminish, to name just one possibility out of this.

The real possibilities for the progress of our humanity lied in the minds of men, men seeking to transform our dominant externally based forms of self identification to those of inner resourcefulness by examining our personal investments in power.

This is happening today, now.

Our future is being designed at this moment. Anything can shift.

Anything can shift thru a thought about ourselves and the choices we make about those thoughts.

The question is how will it shift?

Looking at ourselves is the only way we can find our own answers and stop the our sheep mentality of following in the footsteps of men who lost sight of inner power in their lives.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Veteran Speech….. Who are the real terrorists, war and violence… question this.

A different point of view when contrasted against one’s own is a healthy exercise in self reflection. I do not oppose different points of view, I welcome them. I choose to look inside. I choose to seek peaceful solutions. I choose to listen wholeheartedly. I consider the fact that if one has not actually participated in war, up close, and personal, then one cannot actually know the pain of which this veteran speaks, it is his experience and his point of view. maybe I can learn from him.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Charlie Morley about Lucid Dreaming

Charlie Morley about Lucid Dreaming

Charlie Morley is a Hay House author and teacher of Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep: the holistic approach to lucid dreaming within the context of mindfulness meditation and Tibetan Buddhism.Through learning how to sleep mindfully and dream lucidly we can begin to wake up in our daily lives as well as our dream and sleep as we enter onto a path of both spiritual and psychological awakening.In 2008 Charlie became one of the first Westerners officially “authorized to teach” lucid dreaming within the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. This allows him the rare ability to synthesize both Western and Eastern perspectives on lucidity. He currently lives in London and teaches around the world. Charlie’s first Hay House publication “Dreams of Awakening: Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep”.




Aggression and Masculinity, How We Define What it means to be a Man, Core spirituality… my personal journey


Aggression and Masculinity How We Define What it Means to be a Man….Core spirituality… my personal journey

In the event you are not totally aware of aggressive behavior and its signs and signals, its effects in our interpersonal relationships, social agreements, and the political and military constructs of this world I would like to dive into the subject a bit more completely and unravel some of the confusion we obviously have with these human traits .

Worth the cause to pause I was triggered by some written comments from a friend of mine in which I saw the blending of what to me looked like aggression and masculinity together as I read very masculine and alive descriptions of some completely overt and aggressive behaviors associated with tribal dance . So I decided to go deeper into my own awareness to uncover what I could find that made me uncomfortable. I was having thoughts which clashed in my head about the nature of masculinity as I see it and these overt expressions of aggression. Whenever I get like this I have to look at myself and start to question. To begin with I thought I would find definitions on aggression.

Here is what I found.

Aggression is consistently defined as hostile or violent behavior or attitudes toward another,

as readiness to attack or confront, especially when intended to dominate or master. For example “his chin was jutting with aggression” .

The action of attacking without provocation, especially in beginning a quarrel or war.

The forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one’s aims and interest.

In psychiatry aggression is observed as behavior that is the result of overt or suppressed hostility, either innate or resulting from continued frustration and directed outward or against oneself.

Behavior is classified as aggression even if it does not actually succeed in causing harm or pain.

The origin of this word comes from the Latin from aggredi to attack, from ad + gradi to step, go. First known use of word in 1611.

Synonyms are assaultiveness, combative, contentious, defiance, militance, scrappiness.

Forms of aggression may be expressed as..





Purposes of aggression can also serve a number of different purposes…

to assert dominance

to intimidate and threaten

to express possession

to compete with others

can be a response to fear

and a reaction to pain

Predatory aggression is defined as aggression that is controlled, planned and goal oriented.

Versus aggression that is unplanned and uncontrolled, which researchers in the fields of psychology have found to be from individuals who tend to have a lower IQ

Aggression as it relates to the militaristic mindset is…

The action of a state in violating by force, the rights of another state, particularly its territorial rights. The practice of making assaults or attacks or procedures. ( usually and primarily groups of men…not women)

Passive Aggression

Passive aggression is another fascinating aspect of this topic. It is a deliberate and masked way of expressing hidden feelings of anger and frustration.

Reasons for passive aggression are as follows….

Anger is learned behavior that is socially unacceptable , we learn to be “good”, so we must squash genuine honest self expressions of anger, and hide these feelings.

Sugar coated hostility is socially acceptable when people learn they cannot express angers openly, honestly, and directly within their relationships. The emotion does not go away, rather we learn to express it in alternative, covert, often passively aggressive behavior.

Passive aggressive is easier than assertiveness. Sulking, emotional withdrawal, and indirect communications are marks of immature, untamed emotional expression.

Passive aggression is easily rationalized. Procrastination, defiance, patterns of blaming are all rational explanations or excuses for this behavior.

Revenge is sweet. “getting back” at another person without recognizing the underlying anger issues. Typically it is an act of ommission, it is what you do not do that causes a major problem in the situation.

Passive aggressive behavior is convenient, using excuses to avoid taking action, making promises that one does not keep or follow thru.

Passive aggression can be powerful by denying feelings of anger, and frustration when withdrawing from direct communication, casting oneself in the role of victim and then sabotaging others, creates feeling of being on a roller coaster ride.

Procrastination allowing problems to escalate, and exact hidden revenge, the passive aggressive individual gets others to act our their hidden angers and frustrations for them. To control someone else’s emotional responses makes the passive aggressive person feel powerful.

Passive aggressive behaviors can be more convenient than confrontation and require less skill than assertiveness.

As I was researching and reading all this I was seeing my own past memories of myself, family members, and friends popping into my mind. This is definitely worth my own self reflection and inner pursuit.

We collectively as human beings certainly have a wide spectrum of this behavior on this Earth, we are not as evolved as we “think” we are.


Masculinity is defined as the possession of qualities traditionally associated with a man or men. To protect, procreate, and provide, and be strong are the typical manly roles and virtues most distinctly associated with masculinity.

Jack Donvan, author of The Way of Men defines virtues associated with being a man as the following tactical ones.

  • Strength:Physical prowess and power; ability to dominate an opponent (of the natural or human variety) instead of being dominated, and to stand fast and immovable when pushed.Courage:The spirit /will/discipline to engage and employ one’s strength when inwardly tempted to shrink/run/hide. There are “higher” forms of courage, but at its most fundamental, it represents an outwardly demonstrated indifference to risk, pain, and physical danger.Mastery:Skill and adeptness in using the techniques and technology employed in hunting and fighting; a deft understanding of knowledge that saves lives and furthers the interests of your group.

    Honor:Traditional honor is not the same as integrity — living up to your own, personal standards.

    Traditional honor is a reputation for strength, courage, and mastery — as judged by other men. Honorable men care about being manly, knowing that each individual member’s prowess in the tactical virtues bolsters the strength and reputation of the gang as a whole and thus deters attack from rival gangs. Dishonorable men, on the other hand, evince indifference or hostility to the standards, weakening the group and leaving it more vulnerable.

Gentleness, softness, weakness, passiveness, beauty, femininity, girlishness, gayness, are still components of the masculine persona in varying degrees yet may be sublimated in order to appear AS IF one is more masculine. These traits are still there, and may only be revealed in the most protected, and or intimate interpersonal relationships usually after a significant amount of trust and safety are in place. I am well aware of this social male coping mechanism and I see right thru it and I see it all around me.

Socially acceptable forms of masculinity vary from culture to culture, generation to generation and from group to group of males. The experience of being a boy develops with his innate qualities, genetic predispositions, and the general climate of acceptable behaviors that are surrounding the future man to be.

The awareness of angers, hostility, and its expression during this time significantly has bearing on the man that emerges later in life. The social and spiritual development of other men around him, the women in his life and their capacity to honor these feelings, or not to will imprint the emerging adult.

Think about this when ever you encounter the effects of a grown man or men in society or the world in general and then look at this in the context of the political, military, prison systems, and communication medias existing today. Specifically when absorbing some of the mass media messages in film, video, music, and pictures and social problems we face world wide.

Now see the aggression that is spread thru the idea of masculinity.

Now look at violence.


The amount of noise this kind of masculinity makes in the world attracts much attention and to me is deeply masked.

Deeply masked in that it draws my attention in ways that cause me to want to understand it. Behind the mask of aggression in men are many unanswered questions, many unfinished thoughts, and god knows how much unexpressed pain. This bring up many questions for me.

For girls and women it is a source of continual tension, stress, and crazy making. Unless the female is also fret with all the same qualities and then she is likely to find this aggression as sexy, attractive and inviting. Thinking this is real masculinity in a well rounded way, until she is the victim. The logical outcomes of these immature aggressive forms of maleness are far from true wellness, and eventually someone always gets hurt. Most often it is the females, and or weaker or non conforming males and also other males who are similar who are bound by those aggressions and must tolerate the effects of dominance. Lacking the skills of deeper understanding of themselves and the abilities to positively harness these traits and redirect behaviors into positive confrontational skills necessary to solve problems peacefully, and thereby avoid repeating the pain and suffering that usually results from the ineffective accountability that is a hallmark of this kind of masculinity.

Look at the world now thru this lens.

Mothers learn to dominate, wives learn to forgive repeatedly and retreat ! Women learn from boys and men how to mix in with these behaviors and may develop coping mechanisms that match the same undeveloped aggression behaviors and thus the patterns are made deeper and they simply increase instead of maturing to new levels of skillful capability. The cycles of aggression continue and we have new generations of boys growing into men who still lack the peaceful social, interpersonal, and strong ability to face differences, conflicts and difficulties of every kind. The operative word in this statement is peaceful.

The choice to question reality, to question aggression is one where we have the possibility to stagger the cycles of this in our lives long enough to do something new and different.

Meaningful understanding applied to the origins of our aggressions lead to different outcomes, different behaviors and vastly more choices for new and peaceful results.

We find this whenever we question our own aggressions, our own negative responses to aggression.

I question the unspoken messages in our social medias, the films with the incessant overt violence, the argumentative nature of news reporting, the dominating repetitive cycles of military action and hidden covert actions and announcements made by men in high stations of military world wide, the aggression filled nature of music, and the unconscious proliferation that appears to run rampant in this world culture of our human species. To me it is all forms of madness and insanity that historically lead to self destruction, more suffering, and ultimately loss of life on every level. The harmonious and peaceful quality of our mutual lives is seriously undermined by all this unquestioned aggression. We are creating this!

Who would we be without these stories of aggression as a species? What would this looke like for each of us in our lives and all of us as a species? Am I wiling to let go of the pain of my aggressions to learn what I would be without my story? What is left of me without all of this>

Brilliant questions I ask myself as I learn to trade off the unhappy skill sets born of my familial and social skill sets for ones anchored in the depths of learning that arise out of questioning and the answers this brings me.

There is tremendous personal and collective value in self reflection and questioning the reality of participating in aggression. There are new answers, new paths, greater capabilities awaiting any of us willing to be open long enough to stagger the cycles of suffering that are the result of UNQUESTIONED AGGRESSIONS.

And to redefine what it means to be a man, to be male, to be a woman, to be female, to be a mother, to be a wife, or to be a child. We ourselves define ourselves and bring meaning to what masculinity is. We have the power within us thru our choices, our self corrections, our intentions to be or not to be peaceful sentient beings living on this planet. And what shows up in our lives is the result of those choices, and reflects back to us what it is we are all actually believing ourselves to be. Our lives are the perfect set up to learn from our thoughts and how they make us feel. We have plenty of feedback from what it is we are creating. I ask… is this what we all want?

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

quote ask-yourself-1When i read this I  say… “I ask myself if what I am doing today is getting me closer to where I want to be tomorrow’

And I look at how I  believe the thoughts hidden in my own aggression!

Acceptance without Agreement, Core spirituality my personal journey

quote acceptance doesnt mean you agree

Acceptance without Agreement, Core spirituality my personal journey

I was listening to a presentation about the state of this world and my own view and personal experience was very different in the conclusions I myself had found with the speaker. Do I agree with a different point of view? No, do I accept another point of view? Yes.

Today I am faced with accepting uncomfortable thoughts, ideas, and the feelings I have from them.

When we hold the mental space of openness we allow our unique points of view to exist along side other different or even completely conflicting points of view. Is this always comfortable? No.

There is, for me, an art …. a practice to holding myself open while examining differences.

I experience a mental thought of “not thinking” long enough to examine how differences make me feel. I withhold my reactionary thoughts enough so that I may find my own deeper sense of connection with contradictions, conflicts, and opposing points of view.

By finding my own connection I am referring to a larger spectrum of thoughts I might hold, that have feelings that have more thoughts that are shaped into BELIEFS.

The mental constructions of my previous thoughts and experiences weighed upon some new data showing up now. The beliefs I discover in myself as a result of this kind of inner reflection, ( opposing or conflicting thoughts) are worthy of my asking “is this true?” to myself and this causes for me a reality check.

Many beliefs I have held were formed before I was consciously learning to review myself, or I blindly accepted without any basis of personal experience in the subject. Or sometimes I do not even recognize where a belief I have originated, yet I experience an emotional feeling “charge” of sorts. I question this thru my capacity to accept without agreement.

Robotic humans….

I have noticed a common theme in our social patterns where we are more likely to take positions for or against something, without the deeper significance of finding particular experiences that we have had that support these positions in life. Socially we jump quite rapidly into agreements with one another as a way of belonging, being personally accepted, or as a way of having some sort of structure for ourselves to steady the journey of our lives.

That is until we are strong enough to have our own thoughts based upon our own direct knowing thru personal experience. I do often reflect on the robotic nature, the acceptance WITH agreements I see people around me invest themselves.

How this looks…

This looks like people who believe everything on television, the news, do not question their religious teachings, who read the news and and never question it. Accepting AND agreeing both at the same time, passively living out their existence. This looks like people who accept everything the doctors say, or their political parties, or their bosses at work, or books they have read which influence the movements of their lives. Passively going thru life.

For example this is common in many religious doctrines which shape human behaviors in ways that cause a person to be less than they actually are in a spiritual sense, in one case being a “sinner” or having a “mortal sin” on their soul. Or the belief in punishment for mistakes that result in making huge subconscious feelings of guilt. Or the belief in an afterlife of many virgins just for one’s taking, or suffering now for th rewards in the afterlife.

I watch people in the world robotically living in acceptance AND agreement.

I often reflect on the Christian teaching about THOU SHALL NOT KILL, yet our American culture has been involved in war efforts that do kill people for hundreds of years and it does not look like this is going to stop anytime soon. Have all these self proclaimed christian individuals become robots that carry out all these grand schemes of incessant militaristic activity? And what about all the population of individuals who also claim to be christian who vote, carry out, create agreements, and support of killing others ? I ask myself are they also robotic thinkers? It seems so with how the justifications override the primary spiritual teaching. ( was not the teaching brought to us to learn?) I find myself with acceptance and not agreement here.

Another example of human robotic behavior is alignment in political and militaristic thinking that perpetrates the notion that others are evil, and must be destroyed at all costs as it seems thru the casualties and results of the landscapes around the world. Certainly there is an evil presence in our humanity and this we must address, however the results of actions… war protocols, taken towards these individuals have side effects which lead to much devastation to non evil individuals , such as innocent casualties… women, children and other innocent men, destruction of ecology of the planet, and harm to animals. Murders, horrific physical injury, and separation of people are a regular result and component to this style of thinking. Secrecy is the one of the major codes of all this activity. Again I find myself with acceptance and not agreement here.

I often reflect on the robotic human response that is created whenever these tasks are carried out and left unfinished in the world. Leaving these individuals, their families, the eco systems, and the animals in various forms of damage, injury and in need of repair. The effects of this last far beyond the present generations. Most everyone is familiar with the lingering effects of battle in families, societies, and the planet. Often the effect is to do more of the same, as more individuals repeat the same damages generation after generation. I wonder about the robot like repetition of behaviors that is so disharmonious and dangerous to our species. Lets face it the American people are still at war again and again and again. Acceptance without agreement…. over and over and over this lifetime for me.

That I truly hold myself as a spiritual being having a human experience I accept that this activity is ongoing yet I do not agree because of the infinite capabilities I experience within myself to face, and reconcile conflicts, disagreements, and opposing points of view. My own spiritual self has plenty of space to be open in the midst of such diverse life experiences. I test this one out regularly. And whenever I get stuck an experience comes along to challenge my stuckness in ways that cause me to stop…reflect… question my standpoints.

As a spiritual being having a human experience I regularly find that there is a greater harmonic system of reality underneath any negative thought that connects everything in amazing ways. There are infinite harmonic ways to approach any situation that could arise, and infinite patience to apply this whenever I am connecting to my spiritual self, my soul self.

My experience is that the genuine nature of the cosmos, of the larger reality is HARMONICALLY DESIGNED, it is the distressing fearful thought we humans create in our own perspectives that cut up, divide, oppose, and generate our world of conflicts.

The authentic reality of life is one of harmonious co creation.

That other reality I have been describing.. is fear based, self created and utterly false.

The significant reality of Life, as I have experienced it outside the box of human thought is magnificent, open, generous, life supportive, wholistic, interconnected, and mutually self respectful with total emphasis on co creative endless action.

Not the perpetual destruction, domination, divisive, and conflicting point of view held by large numbers of people in agreement who to me, appear to be robotic or plain evil or both.

As a spiritual being having this human experience I have that capacity to hold OPENNESS, in a any conflict I might find myself, or that I might find with this world and I learn to accept without agreement what is unfolding in a way that I may learn something that is meaningful to me.

Simply the action of openness is itself a tremendous spiritual quality to experience after years of suffering out of reactionary thoughts and feelings which brought to myself and those around me suffering.

So for today, I will face my experiences with conflict. I will choose to hold myself open to acceptance, and I give myself permission not to agree yet discover something new with which I may learn that is meaningful to me.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

quote one of the most sincere forms of respect is

Illuminating the Shadow: An Interview with Connie Zweig by Scott London

Illuminating the Shadow:
An Interview with Connie Zweig

By Scott London

In psychology, the dark side of human nature is often described as the alter ego, the id, or the lower self. The great Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung called it the “shadow.” By shadow, he meant the negative side of the personality, the sum total of all those unpleasant qualities that we would prefer to hide.

Connie Zweig
Connie Zweig

While Carl Jung coined the term “the shadow,” the idea of a dark side of human nature dates back to antiquity and has figured in some of our most famous stories and myths, from the dark brother in the Bible to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

For psychotherapist Connie Zweig, the shadow represents one of the most important yet least understood aspects of human nature. We all have a shadow, she says. The challenge is to meet it face-to-face. Unless we come to terms with our own dark side, she says, we’re condemned to be its victim.

Connie Zweig is the author of Romancing the Shadow. She has also edited a bestselling anthology on the subject called Meeting the Shadow. Zweig is the founder of the Institute for Shadow-Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy in Los Angeles.

Scott London: Of all the metaphors that have been used to illustrate the shadow in recent years, my favorite is Robert Bly’s image of the big bag we drag behind us.

Connie Zweig: Yes, he said that we spend the first half of our lives putting everything into the bag and the second half pulling it out.

London: What did Carl Jung have in mind when he formulated this idea?

Zweig: He believed that everything that is in our conscious awareness is in the light. But everything of substance which stands in the light — whether it’s a tree or an idea — also casts a shadow. And that which stands in the darkness is outside of our awareness.

As Jung saw it, the shadow operated at several levels. First, there is the part of the mind that is outside of our awareness. He called this the personal unconscious or personal shadow. That is the conditioned part of us that we acquire from our experiences in our childhood when that which is unacceptable, as determined by the adults around us, is cast into shadow. It may be sadness or sexual curiosity. Or it may be our creative dreams and desires. That’s personal shadow. But there is another level as well. Jung also talked about the “collective unconscious” or the “archetypal shadow.”

London: What are some of the most common manifestations of the personal shadow?

Zweig: The personal shadow is that part of us that erupts spontaneously and unexpectedly when we do something self-destructive, or something that is hurtful to someone else. Afterwards, we know it’s been around because we feel humiliated, ashamed, and guilty.

For example, one of my patients — a young woman in her 20s — has had a series of brief relationships in which she very quickly has unprotected sex with men she does not know. She feels so devastated afterwards, filled with shock and self-hatred. She says, “How could I? I thought I saw this the last time. I thought I’d never do it again. I thought I really understood why I was doing it, and that it would never happen again. And here I am. I can’t believe it.” This is her shadow — her sexual shadow is acting out in ways that are bringing her terrible pain and grief.

I would say the personal shadow is that part of us that feels like it can’t be tamed, can’t be controlled. For instance, many parents who struggle with their children with impulses of rage that rise up, and they yell, or maybe even hit the child. Then, afterwards, they say to themselves, “Oh, my God, I can’t believe I did that. Who am I?” That’s the shadow.

London: There have been a spate of books and conferences about the shadow in recent years. Why do you think this subject has become so popular now?

Zweig: In some ways our collective denial has broken down. I think that has been happening gradually since the 1960s. We’ve lost faith in politicians. We watch them enact their own shadows in the headlines everyday. And we have lost faith, to some extent, in celebrity heroes because we read about their failings and double-lives everyday in the news. I also think that a lot of people in the New Age or counter-culture — people who have been really involved in spirituality and Eastern philosophy — have had experiences in which either their teachers or their communities broke their hearts in some way.

And on a larger scale, there are so many topics that were in the cultural shadow which are now out in the light. For example, domestic violence, childhood sexual abuse, alcoholism in epidemic proportions. These are topics that would not have been commonly spoken about 20 years ago and are now understood by everyone.

London: Do these things all fall under the rubric of the shadow?

Zweig: These issues were in the collective shadow, they were taboo, forbidden topics, areas we didn’t want to look at. In terms of individuals, anything that is unacceptable to us, anything that’s hidden or denied — what we want to hide from, what we don’t want to know about ourselves — that’s the shadow. So I’m making the analogy to the culture.

London: I would imagine that many of us are unaware of our shadows and only encounter them through other people, in the form of projections.

Zweig: That’s right. By definition, the nature of the shadow is to hide. It hides outside the boundaries of awareness. Then it erupts spontaneously. It may erupt in an addiction, for example. But if it erupts in a projection, as you mentioned, you may have the experience of walking into a party, seeing a perfect stranger, and saying to yourself, “I can’t stand that woman! How could she behave that way?” That is your shadow speaking. There is a message there from a hidden part of yourself. There is information about your own psyche in that moment which, if you don’t begin to explore it, is like a letter that has been left unopened — you lose the message there. But if you begin to do shadow work and ask yourself, “What is it about that person I can’t stand, that is so unacceptable to me?” you will get the message.

London: Do you see the shadow at work in public events like the Whitewater Scandal or the allegations against President Clinton for sexual misconduct?

Zweig: With the media glare on politicians and celebrities, we see the fall of our individual heroes and politicians as they are taken down by their own shadow material. The accusations about Clinton’s sexual shadow, or the men in the Kennedy family and their sexual shadow, or we see politicians who lie, cheat and embezzle. Without the media, those shadow behaviors could have been hidden for years. Now they are much more difficult to hide. So, with all this exposure of shadow in the political arena and in Hollywood with celebrities, their drug addictions and marital problems, we face the loss of our fantasy heroes — the folks who seemed like they are riding the white horses and wearing the white hats. I think it’s a developmental step in our culture.

London: Perhaps we need celebrities to enact our shadows for us?

Zweig: I think celebrity has a purpose, but it’s changing. As we see begin to see people more realistically, as people are humanized through the exposure of the shadow, we can learn to take back our projections. In the case of Princess Diana, for instance, she really wore her vulnerability quite openly. She spoke about her eating disorders, and her struggles with the royal family. At the same time, she carried this archetypal princess quality for millions of people. So she was not a cartoon princess, she was a more rounded, humanized projection. I think that’s a very different stage for the hero archetype.

London: Do children have shadows?

Zweig: It’s natural and inevitable to form a shadow as a child. It develops in tandem with the more conscious side of the personality. The conscious and the unconscious, the light side and the dark side, develop together as we develop in our families and schools and churches, as we learn what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.

London: In your experience, do some people cast bigger shadows that others?

Zweig: It’s certainly evident that some people have more destructive shadow material and are more prone to acting it out. Obviously, a serial murderer is not the same as someone who yells at her child. Certain people have much deeper and more intractable psychological disorders than others.

London: What do we make of people like Hitler and Jack the Ripper — these great, historical shadow-figures?

Zweig: There are certainly statistics which show that most people who become sociopaths, who become homicidal, who become child- abusers, have had a history of incredible suffering. This is what we call the transmission of family sin, in which these unconscious patterns get carried on for generations in a legacy of pain. When they are not brought to awareness and worked through, each generation just automatically enacts them.

London: Have you seen examples of this?

Zweig: Yes, I recently saw a woman in a grocery store slapping around her child. I could see in her face and in her manner that there was nothing shameful to her about this. In her reality, this was a natural response to disciplining her child, to teach him how to behave. I would assume that she was treated in the same way. I would not assume that the behavior started there and she was inventing it at the moment. Because she was treated that way, she just passed on the legacy of abuse.

London: It sounds like a very common pattern since so many of our behaviors are automatic. We play out these legacies in our relationships with parents and children and friends and co-workers.

Zweig: Yes, the shadow is transmitted in a million subtle gestures and intonations. As you begin to become aware of them in yourself, you can look back over your shoulder at your ancestors and see where these patterns came from.

The family shadow is the sole answer, but it’s a place where we can do some work. It’s a realm that is within our means to influence. When we can stop passing the shadow on to the next generation, we can spare them and break the chain. Then they won’t pass it on either.

London: And what about these characters in history who embody what we think of as evil — people like Stalin and Charles Manson? They are obviously enacting more than just their own shadows. They must also be embodying something in the collective psyche.

Zweig: Yes. It is as if the ego and the shadow changed places in these people. Most of us live out a more conscious personality — the ego or the persona — that is polite, generous, kind and compassionate. The shadow is hidden and it only erupts occasionally. But these characters seem to live out the shadow side. It’s as if their egos — their good side — is hidden.

London: There is an arresting phrase in your book Meeting the Shadow. You write: “As repugnant as the idea may seem, we need enemies.”

Zweig: I remember when the Cold War ended, how quickly the United States was swept by a nationalistic fervor and turned against Saddam Hussein. As soon as we lost our age-old enemy, the Soviet Union, we instantly created a new one.

There is an enemy-maker in each of us. We make enemies of the people we love the most and the people we know the least. We talked earlier about projection. There is a part of us that attributes to groups an us-and-them quality. They are unacceptable because they are not wealthy or they are not educated or they are not the right color or whatever it is. This is an aspect of the shadow erupts and turns people into the other, into the enemy.

You may have experienced that in your own relationships: when you look at the person you feel the closest to, the most intimate with, and suddenly he or she is a stranger. He or she may even be repulsive. Someone said to me recently, “He is so attracted to his wife, but every once in a while he looks at her and she looks ugly to him.” In those moments, we create a stranger. Our shadow turns the beloved into the enemy.

London: Does the shadow have any redeeming qualities?

Zweig: Yes. One of Carl Jung’s real contributions, I think, was to point out that the shadow contains all sorts of creative, positive content. If you were a musically gifted child, for instance, and you dreamed about playing guitar or composing a symphony but your parents felt that they wanted you to perform academically and go to law school and join the family law firm, your musical ability went into the shadow. Perhaps at midlife, you have a drastic emergence of a fantasy of playing music. Some people who are taken over by that creative shadow at midlife may leave their marriages. They may leave their careers.

A man I met recently cried as I told this story in a workshop. He is an architect, 45, and all he wants to do is paint. He is remembering now, in very strong imagery and feelings, that when he was young he wanted to paint and draw, but nobody allowed him to. So he wants to leave his profession and stay home and paint.

So despite the popular conception of the shadow as dark or negative, there are incredible potentials, gifts and talents lying dormant there as well.

London: Midlife seems to be a crucial turning point for many people. In the opening line of your book Meeting the Shadow, you said that you met your devils at midlife.

Zweig: For me midlife was a turning to face those parts of myself that I hadn’t been willing to look at before. And I hadn’t been willing in part because they were outside of awareness. But also, I hadn’t been willing because I wasn’t ready. I think I didn’t have the will, the desire, until then. Then, when I turned 40, something changed. It’s different for every individual at midlife. For some of us, the devils can be a history of abuses or addictions that we were unwilling to face. For other people, the devils can be patterns of destructive behavior — let’s say, workaholism, or destructive relationships.

London: Carl Jung said that he never let anyone into analysis before midlife.

Zweig: Yes. In many of the ancient, mystical traditions that involve initiatory processes, a person was not allowed to enter until midlife. He or she didn’t have a stable outer family life established to be grounded in, or a stable internal ego structure to tolerate what comes up when you face shadow material. All of those ancient spiritual traditions knew that at some point you meet the demons on the path. It was understood that meeting the shadow was an integral part of religious and spiritual teaching. But contemporary New Age teachings split it off and basically say that everything is goodness and light, and we can transcend all that dark stuff.

London: I remember a conversation I had with the writer Phil Cousineau. He distinguished between spirit and soul. Spirit is in the heights, he said, while soul is in the depths. While we tend reach for the heights, it’s usually in the depths that we find that sense of aliveness. As he put it, “You don’t tell Aretha Franklin to `Get up,’ you tell her to `get down.'” [Laughs]

Zweig: Yes. I think that what has happened in our eagerness to be more spiritual, more conscious, more aware, is that we’ve only gone up. And some of us have been left floating up there in the skies, just over the mountain tops, like helium-balloons. We’ve lost the contact with the lower worlds, with the passions, the instincts, sex, desire. We’ve made desire wrong and have wanted to be free of our attachments and our cravings, as the Buddha teaches.

London: This may have something to do with our Judeo-Christian heritage which teaches us that our lower half represents original sin, unworthiness, and all our evil impulses?

Zweig: Yes. The traditional purpose of religion is to teach us the difference between the dark side and the light side, what is moral and what is immoral behavior. In the Judao-Christian tradition, those sides are very cut off from one another. So we have God and the Devil and never the twain shall meet. But in many other cultures, that is not the case.

I spent time in Bali a number of years ago, which is a Hindu culture. Over every doorway there are masks of demons to greet you, as if to say: “The shadow lives here, it’s part of our life, it’s part of our home.” That is very different from a Judeo-Christian orientation, which says: “Banish the demons. Keep them as far away as possible. Don’t let them in the doorway.”

London: You say that we must learn to “romance” the shadow.

Zweig: Yes, what my co-author Steve Wolf and I mean by romancing the shadow is this: if you can begin to coax it out of hiding, almost seduce it like a shy lover, then you can begin to make a more conscious relationship to your own shadow. The more the shadow hides, the more it’s outside awareness, the tighter its hold over us.

London: We’ve heard a number of variations of this phrase in recent years — “embracing the shadow,” “befriending the shadow” and so on.

Zweig: Well, It doesn’t feel like a friend. It feels like a damn opposition. [Laughs] In the 70s and 80s, people used terms like “integrating” the shadow, and “embracing” the shadow. My sense of it was that it was as if the shadow material could be taken on by the ego, could be synthesized somehow, eaten. We used to say “eating the shadow.”

London: A friend of mine who has been wrestling with his shadow for some time quipped that the title of your book, Romancing the Shadow, misses the point. “Forget about romancing it,” he said, “I want to annihilate it!” [Laughs]

Zweig: I really don’t think the point is to get rid of the shadow. The point is not to eliminate the unconscious. The point is to become increasingly aware of what we call the shadow-characters — those aspects of the unconscious that are erupting and leading us to destructive or self-destructive behaviors. So the goal is not to get rid of it, but as Robert Bly would say, to begin to take the material out of the bag.

Carl Jung used to talk about “holding the tension of the opposites” as a basis for working with the shadow. But if you’ve ever tried that in your own life, you know how hard it is. If you can hold the tension of opposite points of view in your intimate relationships with people, instead of making somebody right and somebody wrong, you are really taking an evolutionary step.

London: Jung said that we don’t conquer our problems, we outgrow them. Can we outgrow our shadow?

Zweig: If you begin to do shadow-work and uncover the character that is hiding there, and see what it’s needing, what it’s saying to you, what you feel the moment it comes up, you have a way to relate to it. It loses its compelling quality and doesn’t drive you so much. As it recedes, you can again hear the voice of the self, the voice of your own intuitive wisdom, the part of you that knows what is right action. Carl Jung used to say that if we can shed a little light on our own darkness, it will remove some of the larger darkness from the world.


This interview was adapted from the public radio series “Insight & Outlook.” It appeared in the August 1998 issue of the British magazine

The Remarkable act of Questioning Subconscious FEAR… With a list of corporations invested in “military defense projects “



The Remarkable act of Questioning Subconscious FEAR… With a list of corporations invested in “ “military defense projects “

Core spirituality ……my personal journey

In light of my previous posts touching upon the subjects of The Lens We See Thru, Thoughts are Things, I wanted to illustrate some of the human activities which are invested in specific forms of thinking and so I am including a list of corporations and projects posted below.


Subconscious fear is fear that is below the surface of conscious awareness.

Fear that is behind the curtain of what one thinks.

Fear that is hidden from self. Fear that exists inside you and me.

Fears that moderate and shape experiences and perpetuate unhappy social states and act as backdrops for creating poverty, lack of safety and immense material gain thru financial profits by the few, while purporting safety!

Fears are hidden inside us thru the beliefs we invest ourselves whenever we do not question what those beliefs say to us.

Fears are hidden in every religious dogma, perpetrated thru belief and practiced as truth.

Fears are hidden in systems of belief in specific aspects of society. For example the military and corporate political trans national alliances.

Thru our social agreements aligned in aggression, fueled by aggression, perpetrated thru aggression and enacted thru aggression planning for fear based aggressions are developing and the result is the undermining of the pure natural design of humanity to be harmonically aware. The intellectual mind thoughts dominate and override pure self and create disharmony, destruction, and all manner of division amongst people everywhere.

If one has not truly looked at the factual basis for monetary profit thru military then one would not even believe the staggering developments being created on this planet. Thus I have compiled a very short list of corporations that are listed publicly on the internet.

No matter how distant we “think” ourselves from what military people are enacting globally by many different nationalities, fear is one motivator to question here. Most people are not aware of the massive growth of industry around war, and how these industries are quietly infiltrating our societies. I was astonished to see just a few of the links I have posted below and the remarkable focus of the people investing human energy into these projects. I do have a sense of fear based feeling when I look at the pictures on the websites, and read the intentions listed. How much protection do we actually need from each other? The growth in these industries is staggering. I cannot help but look into the idea of profiting because these industries are all based on profit systems.

This indicates that many people are getting rich, and even richer the more these industries produce. I question this. ( and at the price of people’s lives both civilian and non civilain everywhere)

The entire human species is vulnerable to these activities both directly and indirectly.

The healthy protection and securing of safety is one thing! However the design and continuous proliferation of, the hiding of, the deception of dangerous military based control weapons and systems is beyond the human mind to comprehend as the growth and development of military systems continues without seeming monitoring or end.

I have to restate..the interesting component for me about these industries besides the obvious idea to protect is the fact that all these corporations are profit driven companies and we all know the bottom line for all corporations is PROFIT.

That this is a significant aspect of war is clearly illustrated in a simple Google search I did in less than 30 minutes. I found most sites have well developed investor relations pages, listings on the stock markets.

I also looked into military projects relating to private industry, and some of the ways these activities bring significant harm to our world.

Here are the links :





Mind control


toxic war heads


nuclear based weaponry

Without the understanding of the ability to clean up afterwords and the long term effects of destruction this creates to us and the animals and the ecology of OUR living planet http://science.kqed.org/quest/audio/navy-training-raises-new-concerns-for-whales-off-california-coast/ ,

chemical weapons

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_CHASE (http://www.scriptonitedaily.com/2013/09/04/the-shameful-and-recent-history-of-chemical-weapons-abuses-by-the-us-government/

the hidden black budgets of spending without democratic consent







STRANGEST MILITARY BASES LISTINGS http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/engineering/architecture/strangest-military-bases-gallery#slide-1

Operation Bluestar


COMPANIES PROFITING FROMWAR http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/03/10/10-companies-profiting-most-from-war/1970997/






























I like to question life around me as a responsible human being, I was taught this in my early catholic education, how to question,research find information. I like to question how I feel about what I find in my life, I question the unspoken motivations behind the massive force of aggression and war, military spending and military intentions.

Looking at all these corporations is truly revealing. Until we question how can we make wise decisions and an understand one another and what it is that some of our fellow human beings are doing here.

How are their actions effecting the rest of us?

How are their actions effecting our animals, plants, eco systems?

What are the consequences of not looking at this?

What are the consequences of turning away, acting in denial, or refusing to even ask such questions?

Core spirituality my personal journey of self investigation

The Filters We See Thru……….Core spirituality……my personal journey

B+W Filter Key Visual Poster Gruppenaufnahme vor Wei§

The Filters We See Thru……….Core spirituality……my personal journey

The filters we see life thru are the thoughts we invest ourselves consciously and unconsciously, the way these thoughts make us feel, and the beliefs we have about these thoughts. Transforming situations into our own consensus and editing information in a way that can eliminate or distort, or add to any piece of reality that shows up in our perception. This has been called a bias.

This is “the box”.

“The box” from which most humans live life, see life, experience life, and engage life.

Not until we recognize and learn to question the boxes of our own filters do we start to connect with the actual reality we live.

Realities are formed in the human realm thru our thoughts and are multiplied,enhanced and made real thru our consensus in these thoughts with one another. We agree, whether we do this consciously or unconsciously, and carry on as if this is real. Whether it is real or not real. Because we create consensus through our agreements does not necessarily mean that our perceptions are based in reality. As humans so busy with our thoughts, investing in them on a daily basis we have tremendous capacity to fool ourselves and believe what is fed back to us thru our agreements, our self made human intellectual creations.

Massive social structures, entire religions, whole political agendas, ever increasing military strategies and war efforts, megalithic scientific knowledge and data is formed out of these thoughts, largely composed of the vast intellectual thought of the human mind.

Entire nations with their artificially man made unnatural borders, multinational corporations containing hundreds , even thousands of individuals, massive cities, and all the physical material objects of this world that are man made…. I am talking billions and billions of objects are the result of our thoughts.

The entire state of the surface of our planet and the inhabitants both human, animal and all else are directly being effected by what I am saying and the fact that there is tremendous danger here is also the result of the filter with which we create our lives, and the results of this filter with all it’s missing pieces, unfinished business, and inaccurate protocols and reality conclusions about life.


We, as a human species, are not as evolved as we “think” ourselves to be.


With all the hidden agendas of massive greed, war mongering, poverty, waste, dangerous pollutions, uneducated, millions of displaced human beings running from the war and violence, the domination and acquisition of resources by a few, the bondage of banking systems effecting virtually all of humanity, the proliferation of medical care based on systems of profit making this available to less than every person, the use of religious beliefs of every kind to cause hate and violence to one another, the violent loss of life that is perpetuated and the stories related to this which are used to induce further fear and powerlessness and division amongst all peoples everywhere, the thinking which sees thru this filter is generating this individually and collectively thru out this planet. It is a state of massive unbalance, ineptness, short sightedness, and gross illusion to believe any of this is real. We are simply creating this out of thought.

In my meditations, in my out of body experiences I am able to pass thru all this illusion. I go inward  to see it because I choose to go out of “the box”, out beyond the filters of consensus thought to view the larger reality.

When I do this I see how the actual earth really looks, how the mind functions and how creation as a pure action from source unfolds, and what we are creating is purely out of our minds, and I mean this literally!

The actual plan and real design of this world is abundant, rich, ecologically balanced, peaceful, wise, and multidimensionally filled with endless life. I experience this place everyday as I spend time out in nature walking around, paddling on the ocean, gazing at the sky, listening to the bird songs, feeling the nature level of this world. The real design I refer to  exists simultaneously here right and  now, as all the other manifestations of human thought are projected over the natural reality of this world. Mankind has overlaid this world with human thought based, limited and short sighted endless systems.   I see, feel, connect and interact with the natural order of life purposely everyday of my life so as to maintain my own sense of equilibrium.

I willingly open myself to the monitoring of my own ideas, thoughts, conclusions that create my own filters in my effort to sustain a personal sense of spiritual integrity based in universal truth, natural law, and the unfoldment of creation around and inside me. This is at times a painful thing to let go of the illusionary ideas I have learned, and put myself into thinking I was “right”. However the result is the widening perception of a world that is everything for everyone and peaceful. I know peace exists here because I feel it everyday. And all this human thought based creation does not stop with this world!

Each day in my work I have opportunities to see and view those who have passed on and left this world, in my meditations I have witnessed these individuals and I can honestly say that the filters do not go away because we die out our bodies.

The filters of consensus agreement continue in the realms around us, this planet just like they do here in physicality. There are unspoken numbers of realities of consensus agreement beyond life as we know it. And it is artificially created out of thinking and belief systems while here on earth. I have seen this clearly and I was astonished, absolutely astonished to realize this. I have seen how religious beliefs in the afterlife create dimensions where people go thinking they are delivered, or even still are waiting for the second coming, I have seen all manner of creation arising out of the collective agreements of people who have left earth totally indoctrinated in specific religious filters which are purely created out of thinking.

Equally so I have witnessed realities where individuals exist where there are no such filters at all, where there exists the original thought of pure source devoid of human thought and seen the absolute magnificent and creative urge that exists in such domains. I was astonished.

A remarkable aspect of human created “beyond life realities” is that they are cut off from the larger reality of the cosmos. There is actually a kind of mundane flatness to existence and a lack of diversity everywhere in these realities in the afterlife.

The idea of hell for example resulting from the thoughts of humanity, and all the beliefs in this as a punishment is also a place I have traveled thru and witnessed the gathering of consensus filtering of reality. It is an expression of self induced agony and pain which is all based on the filter of the individuals stuck in these filters. I know this because I have experienced and witnessed the moments when individuals release themselves from these beliefs and is automatically freed from their self induced creations of bondage in pain and suffering.( I did this myself with my own self created agony ) Instantly they are released as they themselves release themselves. I found this astonishing.

The results of indoctrination of every kind, whether religious, political, scientific, social, generate the after life experiences we go to thru the vibrational component of our self created thoughts.

The same is also true for life here. The indoctrination of every kind is repeated thru the vibrational elements of our thoughts and is reinforced as reality thru our investments in them. We see, feel and experience the world we live in right now out of whatever thinking we hold for ourselves. And this all changes the moment we change our thoughts. What was once unknown to us suddenly is everywhere. What was once hidden from our perspective seems to become apparent. Our experiences change and onward we go. Everyone has at one time or another experienced a new idea which opened up some new experience for them in life.

The accountability of self, questioning life, questioning our thoughts, questioning our realities is a super charged massive element of each person’s life experience usually prompted by suffering. Refusal, denial, and righteousness filters keep us stuck in these realities. The result is very uncomfortable.

We are free to engage our will here. We are free to activate our unknowing, we are free to step beyond our self limiting boxes of man made filters anytime. I know this because I do it. This is my experience. I continue to experience revelation and increased personal freedom. I learn from my filters and I learn to pass thru them and I learn to let them go. Thru out my life I have increased my interior experience of harmony regularly, and any one can do this. Step away from the filters! Let go of them! Allow self to have the experiences of the natural existence of pure spiritual presence, knowing, and openness.

Core spirituality my personal journey of self investigation



Glenn Greenwald: Talking to James Risen about “Pay Any Price,” the War on Terror, and Press Freedoms

Rise Up Times

 Fear is hard to question. It is central to the financial well-being of countless federal bureaucrats, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, analysts, and pundits. Fear generates funds.

Featured photo - Talking to James Risen About <em>Pay Any Price</em>, the War on Terror and Press Freedoms

Glenn Greenwald  The Intercept  November 25, 2014

James Risen, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 2005 for exposing the NSA warrantless eavesdropping program, has long been one of the nation’s most aggressive and adversarial investigative journalists. Over the past several years, he has received at least as much attention for being threatened with prison by the Obama Justice Department (ostensibly) for refusing to reveal the source of one of his stories—a persecution that, in reality, is almost certainly the vindictive by-product of the U.S. government’s anger over his NSA reporting.

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Opening up to the difficult within…core spirituality, my personal journey

soul sun

Opening up to the difficult within……core spirituality…. my personal journey

To learn to open up to the difficult within the self, this is the task in front of us. The arrival of our soul!

Where there is discontent, disturbance, disagreement, unhappiness, feelings of lack, unresolved conflict, whatever it is that is speaking to me today. I open myself in an unlimited embrace from my heart.

I know my heart self can do this….I leave my thinking mind aside. I instinctively choose to run with my heart.

Whenever I call upon my heart I know that I am opening up. This opening allows the continuing unfolding of my life journey from the perspective of my indwelling spirit. My soul calls….motions, whispers, murmurs, and points this to me everyday.

I have long ago left the shore of my unconscious sleeping self, and have traveled into the realms of my heart’s beckoning. Into the voids of not knowing, yet open!

I realized this as I journeyed into the hard places.

Finally I realized what I had missed all along.

My heart was calling out to me, and I had answered.

Though in the midst of the difficulty I did not see this at first.

I have been smack dab in the middle of life difficulty grokking my way thru circumstance by circumstance.

The soul had placed every one and everything into place, including me, for the opening.

At first there is the struggle, then the realization, then the intent to work on thru, then passing thru.

New awareness is born of such circumstances and the heart is there, without it I fall.

That every difficulty arises is the construct of big stuff for us. Problems and obstacles all develop for us the perfect set ups for opening up! The classroom of life where I surrender to and admit we do not understand, nor do we see, or even want to go forward into all that lies ahead.

Yet I must! The heart and soul of each of us urges our human personality into and thru what we thought we could not even comprehend. Bypassing my mind, it’s endless thoughts and conclusions.

Life is amazing this way, to me. I am familiar to when my battle is ceasing, and the time has come for it to end.

Opening up is uncomfortable and we resist it every day. And we succeed everyday. We get thru anyway. Once we let go we pick up new momentum and the road becomes much easier.

Opening up…..The past.

When we open up old wounds we open ourselves to our most poignant soulful moments.

Old wounds carry the unfinished business of our lives. Under the surface of our everyday thinking, making us sick and limited and foolish. There is so much further to go, to discover.

These secret we keep from ourselves, our hidden wounds…..They do not go away.

Old wounds hold potentials we have backed away, and lost ourselves. Parts of us that go on inside us as we go forward.

These parts of us invested in old wounds become like old friends reminding us of how we were hurt.

We make them into allies and build up our case. They are there every time we need to confront the difficult in our lives. They help us to avoid the issue and perpetrate our unconscious addictions to suffering. They surface in the most surprising of ways.

The addictions to suffering replace all the lack of love, and fill the emptiness inside our hearts with nothing. Yet how we yearn to love and be loved, yet still.

The love we did not get, or think we did not get. Old wounds and hurt parts, they are a part of the difficulty in life that show up every time we try to avoid life when it is set up for us to learn thru our hardships.

Opening up to what we resist can signify we are ready.

Whenever we resist we are on some level not fully ready, not yet but almost. Yet, the timing of the soul does not always coincide with our idea, once inside the incarnate life we learn to pay attention to our souls work here. We become urged forward by the doings of our soul anyway. We learn to overcome!

Learning to align with the timing of life as it arises. We learn how to lower our resistance to living fully. Resistance is permission to process. Processing is our way of looking into all the details. And then we move onward clutching onto our beliefs like they are jewels never to be let go. And we do let go anyway.

Opening up to the difficult side of ourselves assures us we can steer the directions of our responses in ways that fit for us rather than having these things come upon us as we take care of our victimized thinking, our hurting victimized selves.

Opening up is what happens when we least expect it, we may be surprised, or shocked, or “caught off guard” in that moment. This is a gift, though often not received.

These happenings occur mostly when we have turned away from the delicate messages our souls bring to us. Whispers of words, images within dreams, and coincidences. We ignore and thus we have become ignorant to our own soulful stirrings.

When we turn away from our own souls something must be done, and so it goes the circumstances arise.

We are confronted by that which we most turn away.

The human struggle…. it is a sad and difficult one. Showing us how little we actually understand about our souls. Yet opening, opening us thru the trials and tribulations of our daily lives, circumstances proceed onward.

How perfect each stinging word, each cut. How perfect our misery showing us the way to the unlimited view of something greater inside us, around us. Each step forward until we find our laughter once again. Realizing how silly and ridiculous we have been.

Life is innately wise to itself in us and thru us and in each other, always here to show us our most far reaching lost notions, our ridiculous conclusions.

The soul beckons in every way it can as it animates the circumstances of our lives, balancing that which we were unaware needed a leveling out of our humanity.

Finally in each revelation is restoration.

Our humanity is learning, each of us, one by one to recognize that which is and is not of the soul.

To lose the tender and remarkably strong presence, and the awesome grace of patience of one’s soul brings upon self the darkest of nights, the deepest of pains, and the assurance of life lived without joy. The world’s most ugly wars!

For joy is the natural state of the soul and is present when we are connected to it. Joy is paradoxically here even as we weep, for the soul is connecting. This is why we cry in the face of the most difficult life circumstances. We are opening to our soul. Pain is but the opening, the love from our soul floods into us as we release the sorrows, our prelude to letting go of all that is untrue. The deepest sobs are the return to joy as once again our hearts open. Love is arriving!

So weep if you will, throw out your deepest sobs and release, you are becoming free.

“I love you” the soul whispers, and once again another illusion is broken.

Remembering again that love is the language, the very garment of the soul, of which you forgot while you were busy making up your life and building your conclusions. .

“Oh my soul…” the wise grandmother said in response to the news. We say this because it is true. Something of the soul is becoming apparent. This was once a common phrase, how little we hear these days, when was the last time you even said the word… soul. It is a clue.

The workings of our souls are not limited to song only. Yet it seems this way as we text, and drive, and drink coffee and watch the news. Behind the scenes of all of this there is the stirring of soul, the arrival of something yet unknown. There are openings arising here, everywhere.

The painful circumstances of this world are ripening, are showing us that which is our doorway, the very direction to take leading us into our greatest moments, our greater selves. Every human life has the opportunity to choose the soul of itself in any single moment.

We are arriving to our souls. These are our soul moments….

Go directly into and thru your pain, do not stop, discover what awaits you. you will not learn this until you do!

There is no greater experience than to drop that which has pained you and to stand in the naked light of that which you are….soul! The moment joy returns!

Core spirituality… my personal journey of self investigation

comedy and tragedy

“Thoughts are things” my investigation thru core spirituality

EPSON scanner image

“Thoughts are things” my investigation thru core spirituality

Everything in the room I am sitting in was at first… a thought.

Physical matter… is effected by thought. Consensus of thoughts create matter thru agreements that things are the way they are until we change them.

We are responsible to our thought – creations.

When I look at my desk everything on it was once a thought. The pens,

the paper,

the books,

the computer,

the lamp,

the calculator,

the aquarium ( yes I have an aquarium on my desk).

Someone at some time had a thought and decided to make something out of that thought. This resulted in all the “things” I have here.

When I look around my room everything in the room was a thought before it got to my house.

The couch,

the chair,

the pillows,

the curtains,

the carpeting,

the door,

the windows,

the television,

all the knick knacks,

the art on the wall,

the air conditioner,

the cabinet were all once a thought someone had and decided to make that thought into what it is now, a bunch of stuff inside my house, and that includes the room I am in and the house the room is inside. All thoughts at one time.

Outside it is the same, the street was not there until someone “thought” it up, and put it on the ground, all the houses in the neighborhood…. someone had that thought too. The city I live, all the buildings and streets, lights, etc. were not here until people with their thoughts brought this city into what it is now.

My car is made of thoughts as well, someone, I imagine, drew this on a paper and then decided to make it so I could drive it around to get places faster and easier. We are responsible for our thoughts. This is why we continuously upgrade the car design, making it safer, and making agreements about how we use the car. We orchestrate the thought of driving the car with care and attention towards other cars around us by following agreements called rules of safety, or laws of the road. In all reality we are managing the thought in physicality of a car, being driven, along with who knows how many other cars on the road. We are responsible humans.

How often do we consciously realize that the physical world we live within…. arises from our thoughts?

This is a brilliant reflection that can lead to a meaningful deepening of our perspective about thought and thinking.


Now to the dark side of our thought-creations.

Looking out further into the world holding the notion that “thoughts are things” I reflect on bomb making, nuclear war heads, chemical weaponry , these too are all thoughts humans have had and acted upon.

Human minds thinking up and  creating dangerous weapons of massive destruction. Surely were we to release just one into our world, the ramifications would instantly be deadly to us, to our physical world, I am not even sure we could survive as the reactionary effects of one nuclear release could set off massive more by other adversaries.

I reflect on the responsibility we have in creating such “things” (“thought-creations”) in our world.

We seem to have built cars with a lot of attention to safety, and certainly there is some element of safety in war machinery and weaponry, however certainly not the same levels. We do not even know how to address the fatal effects of a nuclear fall out yet. Amazing to consider ….we are not as smart as we act like we are.

The awareness of thought and what we do with it bears deeper understanding, and continuous monitoring for us as a human species because of our capacity to use thoughts to create reality and a dangerous one.

Meaningful on an individual basis as well as a collective one because added together we create consensus agreements about how we see our thoughts reflected back to us thru our physical creations.

In this world this is a powerful, very powerful place to hold and to understand about the mind and thoughts we hold. The thoughts we have and our acting or not acting on each thought. Learning how we self realize we are creating a physical reality thru our thoughts.

This leads me to ask the question.. “what are we creating ?” “what am I creating?” and how does changing my thoughts create new outcomes?

Certainly our thoughts change as a species otherwise we would all still be driving around in wooden caravans drawn by horses and getting stuck in the mud when it rains. Thankfully someone realized the thought to build roads out of tar, put gutters on the side so that when it rains the water flows away from the street. That was an improvement on a previous thought.

We do constantly learn from what it is we are creating via our thought process.

In fact now we have groups of people who gather together to influence other groups of people called “think tanks” where thoughts are discussed, gathered together, organized, and used to make more thoughts. ( does anyone watch what happens with our congress, with lobbying for example?) “Think tanks” are prevalent now because of the so called sophistication of realizing the “power of influence” one group can have over another if they organize all their thoughts on a subject.

We all live in a thought based, thought originated, thought designed physical reality.  “Who actually lives like they know this?” (I have to ask)

If case you have not realized it …. Every material man made object you see before you started as a thought before it could even exist. The power of a thought is demonstrated clearly in this way.

Thoughts are things. Even before they are made manifest.

This is clear when for example, in human relationships. A place where our thoughts are creating a massive amount of distress right now towards one another and all other living creatures including the very ecology of our planet.

How many times has it happened that you were thinking of a person and your phone rings, or you get a text and it is the very person you have been thinking about? How many times have you held a thought in your mind without expressing it, perhaps it was a negative thought. You return to the negative thought day after day after day not ever saying a word. Then in a moment of stress and surprising unexpected surprise… to yourself, you hear yourself blurting out the thought…. and it’s out! This is the subconscious mind that has overflowed with thought that cannot hold it any longer. Once the thought is out, life changes….

The subconscious mind is an artificial place that exists inside us resulting from all the thoughts we have created and did not let out, a convenient DNA alteration put into place many hundreds of years ago. The natural, original human design has continuous direct knowing of source.

Those subconscious thoughts! They are in there.

They even stick to us, stick to our very souls, and travel with us after we die our bodies.

Our subconscious thoughts go on with our core essential consciousness even after we die our physical bodies.

I know this because I have experienced this myself.

We also act on our subconscious thoughts without realizing this. For example, this happened when a woman dentist ran over her husband with her car out of an outrageous uncontrolled anger, and later… says in court, I am a peaceful woman, I don’t know what came over me. ( I saw this case on a documentary on television ) Her subconscious thoughts escaped her  conscious mind and led to her committing  this horrible act upon her husband.

Multiply this by 7 billion people on a planet who have overloaded subconscious thoughts and you can get a clearer picture of our current dilemma on earth.

It is time we start the real clean up , within our own thinking mindsets, and beliefs about those thoughts we are having. Why?


We continue to kill, murder, injure, plan and orchestrate those plans in our minds, before we actually ever do them.

We are planning to do this, for example, by way of our current world military and political spending, our corporate investment into the machinery of war, and our constant focus on conflict rather than patient, peaceful, unceasing effort towards conflict resolutions. As well as  our current constant banking system of domination, control, and greed upon one another which creates , generates and sustains human misery on a level that is hard to even comprehend in our human species.

Entire media efforts perpetually drill this out into the world thru incessant fear based reporting and perpetrating of sad, endless scenarios of threat and possible destruction.

This is our mind at work creating our reality, not all people, but some.

I often wonder about all of this in this way… are we being influenced by the minds of men in high positions of military, banking and political and corporate origins whose minds are actually filled with maniac egocentric thinking of constant war efforts, land acquisition, domination, suppression designed to influence all the rest of us?

These are the thoughts of a few men.

Ego centric maniac minds filled with egocentric maniac thoughts hard at work. Incredible…..

So how can we  increase our awareness of thought-creations, subconscious thought processes. What this does to wreak havoc in our lives! I ask myself…  simply by questioning my  thoughts, “is this real?” “is this absolutely real?”… “who would I be without this story?” and becoming increasingly more conscious. Self conscious.

Being still, learning to embrace silence, and letting go of loaded subconscious contents.


I love this planet,

I love our humanity,

I work on this everyday.

I am monitoring my thoughts, my subconscious.

This is my experience of…core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation