Who would I be without my story? PART 2 … core spirituality my personal journey


Who would I be without my story? PART 2… core spirituality my personal journey

“Who would I be without my story?” Continuing the journey of self investigation.

One of my favorite questions to ask myself whenever I am overwhelmed, distressed, saddened, angry, hurt, betrayed, misunderstood, irate, dis-empowered, overly selfish, upset with someone or with myself is this one.

The question is one that tracks my genuine feelings about anything that is disharmonious to me.

Contrary to when I feel peaceful, harmonious, giving, happy and well about life.

Releasing my story is the result of honest self reflection, self evaluation, and deep stillness within around issues of discontent.

It is a process of dismantling thoughts going thru my mind that cause me to feel less than my true self… a spiritual being having the human experience.

We all build stories in our minds about the lives we live, each other, and the world around us on a daily basis. We all have story lines in our heads each day. And not only do we build these stories with endless ideas, notions and thinking, we also take them down and destroy them as we go along and come to new conclusions!

So this is not such a brainy idea to ask of me…”who would I be without my story?”

Everyone grows along their time-line of childhood, youth, adult, elder creating story-lines, huge themes, and so on.

Some of us do, but many do not, continue in the same thoughts and thinking they had as children, we release those ideas because we found ones that were better!

Then we release our stories. We let go!

In fact in my own inner work of remembering my past lives and integrating gifts and talents as well as healing issues of carry over, I discovered we continue this process thru different embodiments until what it is we are seeking to discover and learn is accomplished.

What differentiates this process as I am writing about it is THE OPEN = WILLING CONSCIOUS CHOICE TO question.

The conscious choosing to face into, look squarely thru, to go to the source of our discomforts. And make new choices because we can.

Because it is no longer necessary to suffer so much when we awaken our ability to use our faculties to question our reality. We have the innate capacity in our original human design, and our innate spiritual selves to unravel ourselves from any dramas we feel entangled. I know this because this is my experience. I do it.

And I will do it again and again and again in my own way towards reconciling myself to the painful experiences of living on this planet in a human form.

Whenever I encounter myself in this process and I break through my thinking and reconcile myself I look back and I seem to have been in some kind of daze, some kind of hypnotic trance of believing my story that seems ridiculous. And just as astounding is the fact that so many others are engaged, fueling, and perpetrating these same hypnotic like thinking states, that when completely questioned, are not even real.

Well… the thoughts are only thoughts and the feelings they cause in me are real. Real feelings, however based, originatingfrom thoughts going through my head. ( who knows where all these thoughts come from, I don’t know but I find them ) (at times the thoughts seem to be thinking me versus me thinking them… they just pop into my head!)

Hmmmmmmmmmm this is a huge wake up.

The unburdening of the self by recognizing the power in thinking and the feelings this generates when my thinking is distressful is nothing more than liberating. So simple a task, once one learns these things we believe in are only our thoughts. There is tremendous “mana”, or life force in this.

Where my thoughts are is where my life energy goes.

So it is a wise idea to get conscious about thinking.

I really do not want to spend my days in fighting, or conflicts with the world or you, or agonies, and misery without solutions and unable to feel the joy of living! All of which is guaranteed until I choose to get conscious about how my thoughts are making me feel and seeing you are not the source of my pain, nor is the world the source of my pain, nor is the government, the mega corporations, so on and so on ad infinitum…….

When I am hurting I am the one doing this to me. This is paramount in understanding since we all grew up thinking so and so hurt me. ( the feelings may be real and yet the source of this… is this true ?) It is not your job to hurt me, that is mine and mine alone.

We all have the experience of someone lashing out at us, or speaking a painful thought at us and not getting hurt because we already see the truth about it. It is when we don’t see this and we are still stuck, or lingering or malingering in pain and suffering we can learn that it is what I do with what you say that is the origin of my hurting me, not what you did or said.

I call this self accountability, self responsibility.

And until one reaches this understanding one cannot do anything else but act accordingly, striking out, projecting out, lashing out at the world. It is impossible to do anything else because at that painful moment the person is still believing their thoughts. They cannot react any other way.


The next level to all this is the collective one.

This where we take two people believing their painful thoughts, then 3, then 4.. OK, this could be any one family. Then take it to groups, organizations, this could be governments or any military. Then take it to masses of these groups thinking someone else is hurting them this could be nations. Then take it to the world, here we have a common belief that someone else is hurting us, hurting me, on a species level. And when we question the origins of all this insanity, I learn this isn’t so, it is me hurting me with what ever you said or did.

We do this to ourselves in micro ways and project this out into the world believing we are all in danger. And we are whenever we are believing the thoughts that create this inside ourselves.

Look at what we do with our minds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( on a collective level)

As we individually grow in our conscious thought processes we grow our collective self, our species. We are ONE, made up of MANY individuals. It is only in limited perception we have that does not see that what one thinks effects all the others. This completely shifts in us once we clean up, clear out, and let go of our distressing thoughts and the ways this make us feel.

I find my experience as a spiritual being…having the human experience filled with opportunity to uncover the magnificent joy that is the genuine basis of reality for my human condition. Every time you or the world brings me your pain, I have the opportunity to look at it. And to choose to hurt myself or do something else, so thank you.

This takes practice and as I do this practice I am learning how there is really nothing special about it. We are intrinsically designed to undo ourselves consciously using the mental, emotional faculties of which we are made. This is simply a form of redirection away from constant repeating the old styles of thinking we all have been born into.

I am certain future generations of humans will ultimately unlock the limited thinking styles prevalent in today’s world. And there will be the outward demonstration of the transformation of thought in our species.

It is paramount to to succeeding as a species.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Thank You Byron Katie… for   THE WORK          http://www.thework.com

Who would I be without my story? Core spirituality my personal journey

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How would I be without my story? Core spirituality my personal journey

The remarkable act of questioning my personal reality includes this question about life. This bears reflection and contemplation. Whenever I visualize and then feel myself without my story, my thinking, my drama themes I see myself as whole, light, clear, radiant being. Finding the pure very still place inside me is when I recognize myself in this way. Truly… a spiritual being….. having my human experience.

After I ask myself “is this true?”, “is this absolutely true?”, then I ask “ how would I be without this story?”

There is such a place we humans go in ourselves where we identify so completely with our stories we lose sight of the intrinsic nature of our actuality, our core selves, our prime identity as spiritual beings. This is particularly true for me when I find myself unhappy and overly stressed about something, even when I have yet to name it, to really know what the source of my feelings are. I can ask myself, “am I overly identified in something, some idea or thought, some belief in the way I am experiencing my life?”

The process of experience here on this planet, is one where we take on, go thru, and pass out of identity.

We are born and the circumstances of this beginning and all the details this contains frame the perspectives we take on as we learn how to identify ourselves.

This is quite a project and is to my mind, a worthwhile opportunity for endless discoveries. We learn about the nature of reality thru that which we identify, and that which we do not. Either way it is a learning.

When ever I experience lingering discomfort I know to ask questions which will help pull me thru this process. As often enough I get attached and believe the thoughts that arise in my mind which tell me I am this or I am that, you are this and you are that. When truthfully none of it is true, these are simply the experiences we are each passing thru on our journey thru time and place teaching us about our nature and our source of life.

Our bodies are our vehicles for the journey.

The physical body is a package providing the life space here in this time continuum for the spiritual presence of which each of us is a part.

The human body is designed to navigate thru tremendous stresses, conflicts, and transformations.

The human biology is also designed to undo any false identity that manifests as our physical reality.

We create and then destroy ourselves, our ideas, our identities regularly as we experience personal growth and development. For example it is for most individuals impossible to stay a baby, we grow into a child, it is impossible to stay a child, we grow into an adult, it is impossible to stay a youthful adult, we age and become elder. We then die our bodies and this releases the package of our spiritual self in this time and place. We do not die, our biology does. ( or rather it converts into the simple matter of which it is made and then is used again to reform matter in some way, we are all made of the component of matter and stars)

I watch the dramatic stories of those on this earth who believe so intensely in their stories, in their beliefs, in their ideas, in their dramas that they will do anything to keep them intact, fight to the death, create and generate human systems, religions, corporations, organizations, governments, military’s, laws based in all these identities.

Then without questioning them pass them on to children, and to one another as if they were the very basis of life and designed from God Himself. Realities that are exclusive, poverty creating, war instilling, painfully hurt based to other members of our own species, as well as our very planet. Who would all these people be without their stories? Who would I be without my story? It is a brilliant question to quietly reflect.

I have seen how desperate we humans become with levels of threatening fear rising like giant waves upon the shore, when we “think” our story is about to be taken away, or misunderstood, or challenged.

We have a kind of craziness around all this.

I see this as over identification with thinking and feeling to the exclusion of the divine nature of what it is we truly are… spiritual beings having a human experience.

We totally fool ourselves.

Acts of aggression arise from this foolery.

Acts of violence arise out of this. And we humans really hurt as a result.

The hurting is a massive clue to what we are doing to ourselves and to one another. (thru what it is we are believing at that moment)

The disharmonious results tell the rest of the story we happen to believe when we find self feeling bad about something. This is called ILLUSION!

Our humanity is suffering the effects of our illusions in a collective way that has been building for many many generations now. We have been creating these illusions, passing them on to our children and each other now for hundreds of years. We are reaching a massive crescendo!

Many of us are awakening to the fact and questioning it. “is this real?”

I know for myself I am undoing many thoughts, ideas, and notions about life, and how it makes me feel trading this for something that is real and brings me feelings of wellness and connection.

How do we change a world? How do we eradicate the ill effects of all this negativity?

We can do this for ourselves as we question and then ask who would I be without this story/

Then going into the truth of that answer and letting go of what we believed about our world that is not spiritual being.

Yes I may be Jewish, or middle class white. Yes I may be black and christian.

Yes I may be transgendered, straight, gay, bi.

Yes I may be democratic or republican.

Yes I may be nationalistic, patriotic, or communist.

Yes I may be overweight or an all out athlete.

However is this true? is this absolutely true?  (IS THIS REALLY WHO I AM?)

Is this the heritage of my genetics, my biology, my body? (yet me, deeply me, deeply intrinsically me ?)

This may be the color of my skin, but is it the color of my soul, my being?

Yes I may attracted to my own gender, another gender… is THE  love we share actually a gender? The love radiating from your body, your biology?

We can learn to use the amazing design of our human selves to free ourselves from any and all illusions, beliefs, or over identifications.

We are divinely designed to surpass ourselves, transcend our own thinking, our own limitations for something better. This has been my experience.

This has also been our history!

Who would I be without my story?

You will never know until you are quiet enough inside you to look, see and feel your own answers to these questions.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Thanksgiving Prayer, Native America, and gratitude.


Thanksgiving Prayer, Native America, and gratitude.

This is from NARF (Native American Rights Fund). The last part is one version of something called the Thanksgiving Prayer, tho here it is an “address”.

Each November in America we celebrate the harvest festival of Thanksgiving. Over the years, much lore has evolved surrounding early Thanksgivings and feelings of brotherhood and good will between pilgrim settlers and the Native inhabitants of North America. Sadly, most of these stories are inaccurate at best, and serve to ignore or gloss over a broad history of atrocities. In our hearts, we cannot celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the way revisionist history teaches our school children. We still feel the pain and suffering of our ancestors as the Pilgrims celebrated their thanksgivings by theft of our lands and the genocide of our peoples.

Still, Native Americans are grateful for all that nature provides, and many of us celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday in our own ways. Moreover, we give thanks every day as we greet the morning star in the eastern sky giving thanks to the Creator, our families, our ancestors and our survival.

We wish you and your families a happy holiday, and hope you are able to set images of pilgrims aside and join in gratitude for the bounty the living earth provides us. In that spirit, let us share with you the words of “Thankgiving” from our Mohawk relatives in belief that one day there will truly be a Thanksgiving for all.

Thanksgiving Address

Greetings to the Natural World

The People
Today we have gathered and we see that the cycles of life continue. We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. So now, we bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as people.

Now our minds are one.

The Earth Mother
We are all thankful to our Mother, the Earth, for she gives us all that we need for life. She supports our feet as we walk about upon her. It gives us joy that she continues to care for us as she has from the beginning of time. To our mother, we send greetings and thanks.

Now our minds are one.

The Waters
We give thanks to all the waters of the world for quenching our thirst and providing us with strength. Water is life. We know its power in many forms-waterfalls and rain, mists and streams, rivers and oceans. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to the spirit of Water.

Now our minds are one.

The Fish
We turn our minds to the all the Fish life in the water. They were instructed to cleanse and purify the water. They also give themselves to us as food. We are grateful that we can still find pure water. So, we turn now to the Fish and send our greetings and thanks.

Now our minds are one.

The Plants
Now we turn toward the vast fields of Plant life. As far as the eye can see, the Plants grow, working many wonders. They sustain many life forms. With our minds gathered together, we give thanks and look forward to seeing Plant life for many generations to come.

Now our minds are one.

The Food Plants
With one mind, we turn to honor and thank all the Food Plants we harvest from the garden. Since the beginning of time, the grains, vegetables, beans and berries have helped the people survive. Many other living things draw strength from them too. We gather all the Plant Foods together as one and send them a greeting of thanks.

Now our minds are one.

The Medicine Herbs
Now we turn to all the Medicine herbs of the world. From the beginning they were instructed to take away sickness. They are always waiting and ready to heal us. We are happy there are still among us those special few who remember how to use these plants for healing. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to the Medicines and to the keepers of the Medicines.

Now our minds are one.

The Animals
We gather our minds together to send greetings and thanks to all the Animal life in the world. They have many things to teach us as people. We are honored by them when they give up their lives so we may use their bodies as food for our people. We see them near our homes and in the deep forests. We are glad they are still here and we hope that it will always be so.
Now our minds are one.

The Trees
We now turn our thoughts to the Trees. The Earth has many families of Trees who have their own instructions and uses. Some provide us with shelter and shade, others with fruit, beauty and other useful things. Many people of the world use a Tree as a symbol of peace and strength. With one mind, we greet and thank the Tree life.

Now our minds are one.

The Birds
We put our minds together as one and thank all the Birds who move and fly about over our heads. The Creator gave them beautiful songs. Each day they remind us to enjoy and appreciate life. The Eagle was chosen to be their leader. To all the Birds-from the smallest to the largest-we send our joyful greetings and thanks.

Now our minds are one.

The Four Winds
We are all thankful to the powers we know as the Four Winds. We hear their voices in the moving air as they refresh us and purify the air we breathe. They help us to bring the change of seasons. From the four directions they come, bringing us messages and giving us strength. With one mind, we send our greetings and thanks to the Four Winds.

Now our minds are one.

The Thunderers
Now we turn to the west where our grandfathers, the Thunder Beings, live. With lightning and thundering voices, they bring with them the water that renews life. We are thankful that they keep those evil things made by Okwiseres underground. We bring our minds together as one to send greetings and thanks to our Grandfathers, the Thunderers.

Now our minds are one.

The Sun
We now send greetings and thanks to our eldest Brother, the Sun. Each day without fail he travels the sky from east to west, bringing the light of a new day. He is the source of all the fires of life. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to our Brother, the Sun.

Now our minds are one.

Grandmother Moon
We put our minds together to give thanks to our oldest Grandmother, the Moon, who lights the night-time sky. She is the leader of woman all over the world, and she governs the movement of the ocean tides. By her changing face we measure time, and it is the Moon who watches over the arrival of children here on Earth. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to our Grandmother, the Moon.

Now our minds are one.

The Stars
We give thanks to the Stars who are spread across the sky like jewelry. We see them in the night, helping the Moon to light the darkness and bringing dew to the gardens and growing things. When we travel at night, they guide us home. With our minds gathered together as one, we send greetings and thanks to the Stars.

Now our minds are one.

The Enlightened Teachers
We gather our minds to greet and thank the enlightened Teachers who have come to help throughout the ages. When we forget how to live in harmony, they remind us of the way we were instructed to live as people. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to these caring teachers.

Now our minds are one.

The Creator
Now we turn our thoughts to the creator, or Great Spirit, and send greetings and thanks for all the gifts of Creation. Everything we need to live a good life is here on this Mother Earth. For all the love that is still around us, we gather our minds together as one and send our choicest words of greetings and thanks to the Creator.

Now our minds are one.

Closing Words
We have now arrived at the place where we end our words. Of all the things we have named, it was not our intention to leave anything out. If something was forgotten, we leave it to each individual to send such greetings and thanks in their own way.

Now our minds are one

Violence and the Heart of Transformation, a Matt Kahn Quotation

heart in wood

Violence and the Heart of Transformation, a Matt Kahn Quotation

Violence is fear in action.

Fear is an avoidance of sadness.

Sadness is an aversion to loneliness.

Loneliness is a denial of emptiness.

Emptiness is the presence of being.

The presence of being is awakened consciousness.

Through an awareness of fear, violence no longer becomes an option.

As fear is faced, sadness is encountered.

As sadness is encountered, loneliness is acknowledged.

As loneliness is acknowledged, emptiness is recognized.

As emptiness is recognized, a presence of being is discovered.

As a presence of being is discovered — consciousness awakens.

In noticing how the deepest pain inevitably leads to your most profound spiritual discovery, I invite you to support the end of violence by acknowledging any discomfort as a catalyst of your highest evolution.

As you take the time to face what is unresolved in your heart, waves of high vibrational energy are sent throughout the field of consciousness. With each wave entering every energy field, it inspires those who use violence to avoid their soul’s journey to come out hiding and surrender at last.

This is the heart of transformation. ~ Matt Kahn


The Remarkable Act of Questioning Aggression, a client case history of back pain, core spirituality my personal journey


The Remarkable Act of Questioning Aggression, a a client case history of back pain, core spirituality my personal journey

Recently I had a client present to me with a aggravating back pain that suddenly appeared in the upper back and was unaware of the source of this pain. There didn’t seem to be any physical reason like lifting, or over exertion for this.  This is a regular client I see on a weekly basis. We have a trusted client therapist relationship. Whenever a client is unclear about pains in the body and is wanting to get clear about it I reflect on the somatic notion that the body will express what the person cannot- or will not at the moment. The body can and will store this as a memory somewhere inside, and for good reason, so I asked if he would like to explore this and he did. The outcome to our discovery revealed to me a simple understanding of the source of the pain this client was experiencing. ( and the nature of an aggression left unquestioned)

Upon inquiry we went back in time thru the week previous and discovered a public meeting where the client had been approached by the hostile angry words of a person attending the meeting. The client reflected on the tensions in this confrontation. He related this has been an ongoing situation, and graphically shifted his body position in front of me as he began to recall what happened.

He began to slouch, leaning forward, arms raised, fists clenched, jaw tightened, complexion reddening… all before me. As he described it, he realized he was having thoughts that he was ready to fight, and went on to describe his thinking as he wanted to attack, to strike out, he was feeling furious, angry, and threatened. (though as he recounted he did not see his sense of threat, as he was consumed in the thoughts)

He was clearly showing me the posturing of “fight or flight response” common to someone who is feeling he is in a state of personal danger and ready to punch out the confrontational person before him.

This was a public forum and yet, as he continued along with his story, he related he never had to hit the other person because it never got to that point. This was a continuing drama that was not resolved, this person was an ongoing source of irritation to the client. So as he said , “I didn’t have to hit him, it never got to that.” I found this remark telling.

What is valuable here is learning to see the perception of threat. As a result of this perception of threat, my client’s back seized up and later he was overcome with back pain in between his shoulders ( a form of defensive armoring relating to being threatened). This interfered with his daily activities.

I silently noted to myself how he had suffered from his own responses to a perceived threat, a physical level of threat that was self created that lingered on long after the actual event.

Here is where I like to bring in the process of inquiry to reveal important information that I learned from the client. He was having thoughts of danger, of a personal nature, and he was readying himself to attack. He was believing his thoughts. Believing his thoughts made his feelings shift into “fight or flight”. And yet it wasn’t happening, not at that specific moment!

The confronting individual was showing tones of angry conflict without a show of fists. The degree of threat had not even reached that of physicality! Hmmmmmmmmmm

This illustrates, to me, how we actually create dangers out of our thoughts.

Creating a level of personal physical threat within ourselves causing the self to suffer. (surges of back pains, in this case)

A more common response to the effects of this kind of tension is a person would point the finger and hold the confronting individual responsible for these reactions, as did the client. “he made this happen to me” He was certainly right in how he felt and how he was ready to have a physical altercation, as he made this clear to me.

In the wake of a “flight or fight response” our minds are in a tunnel vision sort of function, we do not see outward, or beyond the perceived threat of that moment. Nor do we always recognize the after effect to ourselves.

The dumping of adrenaline into the body, the squeezing of the muscles, the clenching of the jaw, the twisted gnarling of the stomach, ( the client then reveals to me the additional component of chronic abdominal pain) the increased fearful heart rate resulting in a red flush upon the face. No, none of that do we see. Yet in retelling the story for himself, my client actually reenacted the scenario, and this was all out in the open for me to take in. Yet to my mind, the source of his threat did not match the intensity of the actual confrontation, certainly not on the level of this. We clearly identified a scenario in which this back pain could have been sourced. He started to become more aware and felt this was what had caused him the discomfort. We went on to the next step in the session.

I then proceeded to administer the treatment. Slowly and methodically, layer by layer, coaxing the tensions out of the muscles and nerves, and slowly quieting mind with the addition of soft gentle background music. A few good full deep breathes began to spontaneously arise as he began to unwind. His chest heaving with slow natural out breaths.  He allowed himself to deepen into greater levels of letting go and he became significantly more relaxed. The tense “armoring” of his body’s defense mechanism began to subside. (having been carried for days now since that moment when it had happened)

At the completion of this session when the client sat up I noticed a distinct shift in his appearance. His head seemed to be floating higher on his shoulders, his face had returned to a childlike softness with a radiant glow. His manner had become still and quiet. He had returned to his true nature. His countenance was emptied and now- present, he sat for a few minutes allowing this new level of stillness to envelope him. ( a peace full human being)

Such an experience causes me to question how many people in this world experience similar levels of threat within themselves. Whether their threat is a major one with fists drawn or milder, where one only prepares the defense without ever actualizing it. This fight or flight response, I estimate, is a tremendous component of human aggressions.

Multiply this idea in the world. For example, and we can start to see emerging a collective experience of perceived danger, that may or may not even exist.

To the person having this experience it is completely real. No question about that. In the mind, in the body, it is a real experience.

However I question the reality of actual threat. On one hand it appears to be real, on the other it does not. Until one learns to question this how would one really know? How would I know?

I have entered many a home in my work thru many years of practice doing out-call massage therapy. Some homes, regardless of the contents of materials, have huge systems for protection. Signs posted on the yard, in the windows, decals on the front door saying this property is surveiled, and protected by…so and so. Is this the result of a perceived threat? It may or may not be real.

And so it is with our society, how we think creates our collective reality of real and or perceived sense of danger. It starts in the mind of the individual, then multiplies into several, then into groups, then into cities, nations and finally the entire world. Masses of human minds thinking thoughts of threat, believing those thoughts and then creating them. Both real and not real. Yet to each this is a real thing. I find this astounding. I HAVE TO QUESTION THIS SCENARIO!

Astounding because in light of this subject we have aggressions and these aggressions redirect our attentions and there are many issues of hurt and injury, issues of misunderstanding and judgmental-ness that arise from such aggression TO OUR PRECIOUS HUMANITY.

Positions of righteousness fuel these aggressions and carry them out magnified into our human species. Industries are built on this, profits are had. A cycle is generated that creates monetary profit out of huge emotional investments in aggressive activities. Much of it may not be real…. however justifications are built on this. Human energy is focused in this way and while all this is going on we are not clearly able to perceiving outside the “tunnel vision” of our focus, THE RESULT OF “FLIGHT OR FIGHT THINKING”.

In my lifetime alone the magnification of this human activity has grown monumentally year by year, decade by decade until now our entire planet is being flooded with waves of fearful, threatening thoughts of danger, WITH FLIGHT OR FIGHT ALL OVER THE PLANET.

And we are doing this to ourselves!

We as a species have a great wake up call in all this, for while this is going on people are in poverty, food is unequally distributed, resources are greedily taken, the care and education of our own is thwarted, the ecosystems of this planet are plundered, the animals of our world are diminishing.

Our continuous regeneration of perceived levels of threat outweigh our healthy care, nurturance and sustenance of our own human species. What in the world are we all believing about each other? HOW IS OUR AGGRESSION A SIGNIFICANT COMPONENT OF OUR EXPERIENCE AND HOW DO WE CHOOSE TO CONSCIOUSLY HANDLE THIS AS A SPECIES?

For one thing I would like to submit the idea of questioning our experience and learning to better understand our own thoughts and how our thoughts make us feel. Individually and collectively in a more moderate, relaxed manner. Without all the hype, the spin, and the drama,drama, drama!

As a therapist for many decades now my job has been the nurturing of the human condition. Addressing thousands and thousands of sessions of individuals experiencing all levels of stress, distress, and tensions in their bodies and their minds. Much of this is repetitive.

I have been feeling this in my fellow human beings for virtually my entire adult lifetime. I have been quietly attending to this situation we share via my practice of healing massage therapy.

Finally I have simply learned how to question the source of these distressing states of human expression. I cannot any longer deny the fact that we do this to ourselves. That we do this to ourselves repeatedly, and that we inflict our aggressions on one another. This may be common amongst us, however it is not the genuine design of our human nature to be so. I know this.

I know this because thousands and thousands of sessions later is see the same response in people, they return to peaceful beings once they let go. Once they let go of all the aggressive, dynamic distressing, tension filled experiences in their minds and bodies. This has happened in my presence for an entire lifetime. I have to question this. Is this real?

Are we, by nature, genuinely peaceful beings? Because I keep seeing this response repeated as a result of beneficial massages therapy. My findings are we are peaceful by nature.

I cannot even tell you how many furious, distraught, unhappy, miserable, tired, individuals have lay upon my treatment table, and gotten up after a session peaceful, kind, generous, and happy. It is an amazing experience to witness thru all the years.

Core spirituality is about the realization and the living out of the idea that I am a spiritual being having a human experience. How I learn to question my human life, my day to experiences can show me much about my humanity and also lead me into my spirituality. Is it true? Is this absolutely true? These are questions to ask myself anytime I find myself in a distressful moment, feeling, or situation.

We are by design, most capable of selecting our realities here, our day to day state of being. We are very capable of understanding the truth in any moment when we simply ask these questions of ourselves. We are very capable of learning how to lower our aggressions and all the consequences that arise and are built upon them. We are capable of returning ourselves to original design, that of a happy peaceful human. I know this because I experience this everyday. I know this because I share this experience with others on a regular basis. I know this because I choose to question all my tensions, uncomfortableness, and distressing thoughts and feelings. This is my core spirituality.

I am a spiritual being having a human experience!


The Remarkable Act of Questioning War, core spirituality, my personal journey

The process of questioning the messages we listen to around us , of inquiry is inherently of value here when we look into the messages sent to us thru our American medias. Is this true? Is this absolutely true? I ask myself, because as I investigate news for myself… thru understanding the sources of our news, the intentions of those who generate news, when I look at the state of things that arise as a result of what is perpetrated here I wonder to myself. I am certainly aware that “perceived” dangers exist, that the innocent need to be protected, and for that I am grateful. However the never ending militarization of this planet, her peoples, surface areas of land, and the compromising of our future possibility as a benevolent species, the damage and destruction of eco systems, the toxic effects of all this is still staggering to me. (having watched this now for a lifetime of over 50 years it has increased thru every decade of my own life)

I find tremendous value to uncovering the larger reality of war mongering, and all the benefits this brings to a certain few. Such as control over petroleum and energy resources, control over populations, greed and the growth of financial gain to select few, ( check your stock portfolios, these companies are gaining )I wonder about all the hand overs to non military sources for the industry of war and the profits this brings, the use of non military human energy directed at not just protection, but destruction, deception, and selfish aims for still more profits and gains. ( the military use of human resources for the proliferation of war and aggression has grown significantly within our generation, thru privatization of military like sources in the civilian areas of society) Why is this?  What is the real truth here?

I am learning to understand more thru questioning the differences between true war and political take overs, and forced aggressions towards selected populations, areas, and industries. Were we not to question what is going on here we would not discover the actual truth within ourselves and we regenerate more and more and more of the same, aggression and destruction of the infinite valuable resources of our humanity and our living planet

For this reason I question the real nature of prolonged, sustained acts of continual aggression. (by anyone)

And truthfully is this not an aspect of a free society, a democracy ? That we question what the heck we are doing?

Continuous militarization of basic human dilemmas as the answer to the problems has lead to compartmentalization and divisions. This leads to greater and greater compartmentalization within our human populace and generates continuous divisions amongst all good peoples. Compartmentalization also adds to confusion because not any one person, or body of people understand the whole picture or truth in what is happening around us. ( the proliferation of secrets, black op spending without democratic consent, immensely secretive commissions, boards, and bodies who share partial explanations, spins and withhold information of the whole story) This perpetrates the divisive human energy that might be better used in education, global human cooperation, intensive understanding to the problems underneath acts of aggression, acts of terror, such as the global human problems of every kind of powerlessness, human poverty, human suffering and death and destruction. I am reminded of an ancient military strategy for take overs which is “DEVIDE AND CONQUER” , this to me, looks like what is happening here to our national and global society by unknown origins)  I ask my self … “do i want to support this?” within myself. “How will i interact in my daily life so as to demonstrate my values?”

Ultimately all this information points me to the inner self and the place I have to actualize my sense of purpose. Will I stop the war …within me?

Will i stop the fighting within myself, and around me?

How can i make peace with me?

How can i make peace with each person in my life?

What will i do with my own aggressive thoughts?

Thru inquiry to self  I am able to answer these questions for me.

When we study the nature of WAR, when we study the role of AGGRESSION, when we learn to ask questions and see how and what this really is all about we can unravel the source of many shared human problems and redirect our human resources towards acts of peaceful, intensely patient, non aggressive peace keeping, lessening aggression and seeing clearly what deception,subterfuges, undermining, greed, sadism, ineffectual paths to problems, power grabbing, and submission from one person, or one people to another really look like. We can then re-orchestrate ourselves to attend to the actual problems and much of this is not thru prolonged war and aggression thru further militarizations.

I often reflect on the immense price  good military people all over the world, pay to solve such immense problems in our world. To me we are asking our world military’s to solve problems that are far to big for them alone. I often reflect on all sides of military aggressions and their families and the price they pay with their lives and the wounds of war. I often have the thought we place far too much pressure on these fellow human beings ( whom i truly love). Ultimately wars are not won thru power over one another, they are won thru understanding what we once did not and bringing a new set of actions to address our common human problems in non violent cooperative ways.

So having shared some of my own introspective thought on the subject I like to share the following short speech this lovely woman has to share to bring forth the ideas that we can bring to our own awareness. Especially when we grow enough to learn to question a bit more thoroughly, a bit more deeply into what we choose to invest our thoughts and feelings.



Corporate Media Beating the Drums of War — Mnar Muhawesh Speaks Out

Mnar Muhawesh, Founder and Editor In Chief, MintPress News, talked about how the tightly controlled corporate media ignores reporting and good journalism to follow directives on creating enemies and promoting wars. Almost all of the media outlets in this country are owned by a few corporations.

The Remarkable Act of Choosing Presence, the Natural Human…. core spirituality, my personal journey


The Remarkable Act of Choosing Presence, the Natural Human…. core spirituality, my personal journey

The remarkable act of choosing to stay still enough in any situation to see what there is to be seen is a remarkable way we have to use the 5 senses of our bodies. While also opening to our inner senses.

Senses of connection, empathy, knowing, such as…

Clairvoyance – seeing without the use of the 5 senses,

Clairsentience – feeling touching psychically,

Clairaudience – the ability to hear in an extraordinary, paranormal fashion,

Claircognizance – the ability to know something without physical explanation why you know it,

Clairalience – the ability to access information thru the sense of smell.

Once we have cleared out much of the contents of our subconscious minds, our past highly charged distressing emotional memories, and resolved what bothers us from our early programming there is a stillness that takes the place of all the discomforting content.

We become free to spontaneously charge more of our innate self thru our internal senses, all of which are natural aspects of the real human being. Freeing us from the common experiences of overactive mental thoughts, philosophies, and highly charged positions of right and wrong.

The intellect returns to a more natural position where it is primarily used to decipher the new information that floods into our awareness. The intellect sorts, deciphers, and manages, and illustrates the larger perception that presents itself thru natural pathways in awareness so that I may increase and develop in understanding. In other words the intellect and all that “it thinks” is not the basis of the construction of my reality.

The intellect then becomes a kind of translator, rather than the source of our reality.

Much of our collective reality is still constructed from the ideas of intellect, and thus has many pieces of the larger spectrum of “what is” missing.

This can happen to vast numbers of people, groups, nations, entire religions, as a result of the beliefs we fuel thru our thoughts that we believe without sober questioning. Looking into the world and believing the massive systems of human creation based only in intellectual ideology, looking at the world and recognizing the intellectual basis for belief becomes apparent, as “what is” missing in the larger spectrum is felt. This is our “not knowing”, our “I don’t know”. The very basis for fear and all that is generated by this grand massive experience of terror….. which is a fear magnification of  “what is” that is still missing in our awareness. We each have the design to repair this within ourselves.

The natural human being without the intellectual constructs has the other parts of the mind, ( via other access areas of the brain ) available to experience. I call this “consciously aware” versus unconsciously aware. We are a blend of both at this place in our human development.

The natural unburdened human being is easily informed by knowing directly from the source, within the self. Knowing about life is a natural state and being informed by this knowing is a daily occurrence.

The natural human being is connected to life in it’s unlimited versions of free expression, form, and appearance. Whenever we choose to unburden the overload of the subconscious mind we free up all the natural capability of which is our pure design.

The benefits of therapy, emotional clearing, honest emotional expression, and the regular questioning and challenging of our beliefs and their truthfulness all serve to unload the subconscious mind.

Tremendous amounts of information stored in our minds and bodies overlay all the natural abilities we each have as our intrinsic design as human beings. (tensions, headaches, sickness, drunkenness, addictions, sleeplessness, angers, conflicts, distancing, misunderstanding, and so on. )

I once took to the study of Alchemical Hypnotherapy, a kind of hypnosis. In my years of study and interaction thru sessions on myself and with clients I have come to learn all these things are true for me. Were more people to investigate their own subconscious thoughts they would learn how limited we are by this and how common an experience this is for most people. For example I encounter responses to my own clairvoyance with people as something almost unnatural, special or unreachable. While this could not be actually more further from the truth. Every human being has all of this capacity and normally arrives at these capabilities once they clear out their subconscious minds and free their attachments to their intellectual bias.

The “work” of personal development, of healing our wounds, of amending our relationships, of dismantling the effects of an intellect left unchecked for decades, or for generations is only the beginning.

Because once we clear out the free space inside… each of us is opened up to what I call the larger spectrum of reality that is not based in ideas of fear, lack, bondage, false religious notions, and selfish political agendas. I know my intellectual mind does not rule my world any longer. My conscious attention is asking for truth, questioning my thoughts and is on call to regulate the effects of overpowering via the intellect.  I experience on a daily basis another kind of mind which has fluidity, and deep automatic knowing. My intellect translates this material to my conscious awareness. This is a much more comfortable place for the human intellect.

As more and more human beings heal our hurting selves and release our attachments to our suffering, we learn to let go of the astoundingly limited control our own subconscious thoughts have over the rest of our being. (and hijack our joy!)

When we release the astoundingly limited control our own subconscious thoughts have over us the access points to inner senses are freed up to develop and utilize in our daily lives. I find this tremendously life supportive. Because when we get to this point our natural connection to life is uncluttered we are informed much more clearly about everything in our world, including one another.

I post a lot of writing in this blog on clearing out, healing, and learning to open up to our negative experiences with one another, and ourselves because it is the “primary step” which leads to the natural human being that is far more expanded in all ways. Without clearing out our subconscious minds most of us are left in the dark, not knowing, disconnected, and believing the constructs of an unchecked intellect. We hurt one another, and ourselves when we believe all this extra mental thought inside ourselves. And yet there is the way thru it all that frees us from this kind of daily, “normal suffering”.

The natural human being is not full of suffering, the common one is!

My personal experience of divinity is not that I must be in pain all the time and suffer. Rather that is the consequence of the kinds of thoughts I have held, my attachments to those thoughts, and my emotional investments in unconscious forms of living. Not some greater God source trying to teach me a lesson, not some karmic law teaching me a lesson, not some punishment from a higher authority. Simply it is my own disharmonious, negative, unhappy, sad, selfish, righteous, thoughts here. My personal experience of divinity is completely benevolent to itself in all of us, in all creatures, in all things, everywhere. When my experiences show me it is not….THEN …this is our own doing. It is the response we are creating collectively that hurts our species, not the God Source. This arises from our own unconsciously held thoughts about reality and how we believe them and invest our life force into them. This is the education of the human form inside the reality of a great cosmic design called LIFE!

This discovery that I am doing this to myself is tremendous.

The amount of subconscious powerlessness this erases is staggering.

Each element of my own doing is right within my own grasp… every day. And I can choose to stay present, be still, learn to observe, and realize how my ability to choose is something I can activate anytime I will myself. This completely eliminates any form of external domination, releases every form of burden, and most of all unlocks the deepest most profound state of love within my heart. I literally go thru ecstatic moments on a regular basis. Again and again I find myself in greater states of realizing ONENESS…experiencing how the real interconnection of life is designed.

Then I return to “my inner work”. That is not to say I lost anything of an ecstatic nature inside me, it is only that I have dipped down again into my own subconscious to clear out some more. I find this is how it works for me.

I know that as a spiritual being having a human experience that it is possible to return my toxic human self to an un-toxic one. I know that my human body, my human self is naturally designed to be open and free, knowledgeable, and forthright in this knowledge. I KNOW THIS BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT I FIND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AS I DISMANTLE MY FALSE IDEAS.

I know that my human self is capable of experiencing many kinds of life thru all the different forms and appearances. (animals, plants, insects, physical places, spiritual beings from other dimensions as well as other types of sentient beings ) All of this is quite normal and natural to a human who is free of attachments based in loaded subconscious negative and false- reality based thoughts.

The new emerging human is continually developing around us in one another as we learn, as we release old worn out data, as we multiply new generations. All of this is normal and natural.

All forms of bondage, domination, entrapment, servitude, powerlessness, insanity, suffering, injustice, burden are anchored within each of us thru our own unconscious minds. (each generation unravels…dismantles…. and destroys some aspect of false reality here on this Earth in some new way delivering that generation to freedoms previous generations did not permit themselves)

We can and are discovering this more and more.

We are naturally designed to undo all of this inside our selves.

This is our normal, natural state of being human beings.

We are spiritual beings passing thru this experience of being human and we can make the most of this experience by ending our own attachments to what is called normal and presents as suffering in our world.

Core spirituality my personal journey of self investigation

“Life is a pain in the ass”…. and, “how you hurt me” thoughts … core spirituality my personal journey

man in the mirror

“Life is a pain in the ass”…. and how you hurt me… core spirituality my personal journey

“Hurt is not resolved until I resolve it within me.” Byron Katie

I thought I had to scream out and make you understand how what you do is filled with injustice.. to make me feel better my hurting would stop.

How is this possible? I thought I had to convince you, change your ideas. Make those awful people who do bad things stop so I could stop hurting.

I thought if I pointed out your rude actions, harsh words, and complete violations that would make me stop hurting.

I thought if I posted everyday your righteous actions of deliberate disregard I would feel better and this would stop me hurting. ( corporate, political, and religious zealots )

I thought if I read enough books, took enough seminars, I would stop the hurt.

I thought if quoted enough bible verses, this would make you stop what you are doing to me, to the world and my hurt would go away.

I thought if I was persistent, if I pointed out how you hurt me over and over you would stop and I could stop hurting.

I thought if I wrote you a letter, emailed you, or called and left you a message about how what you do hurts me you would stop, and I would not feel hurt.

I thought if I played over and over in my head everything you said and did, I would feel better and like I could stop myself from all the hurt.

I thought if I bought a new car, a new outfit, went out to dinner, took you to a show, gave you a bouquet of flowers, this would make my hurt go away and you would stop what you are doing to make me feel so badly.

I thought if I ignored whatever you said, whatever you were doing, and I looked at all my TV shows I would forget how what you do hurts and I could stop my hurt.

I thought if I meditated, did good deeds, and ran around the world with all my causes I could get away from how I hurt, and I could forget all about the real pain inside myself.

I thought if I played happy music real loud, and smoked a little you know what, I could alleviate my hurt and how you make me feel.

I thought if I just slept, went to sleep, it all would go away. My hurt would be gone.

I thought if I slammed you like you slammed me I would feel better and my hurt would simply disappear and I would not have to feel like this again.

I thought if I made myself busy, took a lot of classes, and helped a lot of people I would stop the hurt, and it would go away.

I thought if I made a mental shield in my head, and pretended you did not exist, and ignored my heart’s deepest desire to love you, that I would stop hurting and what you said and did would all go away.

I thought if I put up a strong front, acted like what you said didn’t bother me and carried on like this for years my hurt would really just go away.

I thought if drank enough liquor and obliterated my mind all the hurt would keep away and I could go on without you.

I thought if I moved away, and lived further than I ever had from you , to the things you said and did… my hurt would not effect me.

I thought if I went on a great vacation I could forget how hurt I really feel.

I thought if I pretended not to notice what you said and did, this would hold what I feel that hurts away from me and I wouldn’t have to really feel my pain.

I thought if I repeated a holy word, recited a bible quote, repeated my mantra, over and over… the hurts I feel would simply disappear and I would not have to face the pain inside me.

I thought if I were to learn how to eat better, take a cooking class, and invest in a life coach, my hurt would fall away and I would be able to go on feeling better.

I thought if I found another lover my hurt would finally leave me and I could go on without another day of painful emotions.

I thought if I stuffed more food into my mouth I would feel better and the hurt I feel would magically disappear and I would not have to remember the hurt I feel.

I thought if I worked out, got buff, the hurt inside me would somehow all disintegrate and I would finally be free of my pain.

I thought if I only focused on all the good in my life, all the hurt I feel would somehow distance itself and I would not have to feel any of the pain.

I thought if I concentrated on gratitude alone I could eliminate all pain and suffering inside me and then I wouldn’t have to feel anything like that again.

I thought if I made a lot of money, lived in a nice house, had a great husband, my pain would somehow all go away.

I thought if I knew I was protected, that if my homeland was safe… my inner pain would all go away and I could live as if I never felt it again.

I thought if watched a movie my pain would stop and go away.

I thought if I prayed for you… I would stop hurting.

I thought if I ….

I thought if I ….

I thought if I …..

The mind we all share has many thoughts. Our thoughts can lead us in infinite places. What we think has a direct bearing on our experiences. What we think and how this makes me feel is important to understand, to see and to face inside me.

I thought if I did all these things and a zillion other things my pain would go away.

Is this true?

Is this absolutely true?

No… the only way my pain goes away is to question it... to be open to it.... to face it... and to choose something differently.

In my experience the only solutions that work are ones that are benevolent.. good for me, good for you, good for everyone, good for everything, good for everywhere.

Until I arrive at this… everything is simply drama, drama, drama, distraction, distraction, distraction.

When I am open directly to the depths of my own hurt, my own pain, and I take myself into account and process the painful thoughts, and how what I think at any one moment is making me feel…. I learn to stop it all within me, by me.

You are not the source of my pain, the world is not the source of my pain, my thoughts and reactions are my source of pain.

How you show me, how the world shows me what hurts is your gift to me, the world’s gift to me.

I can always go into myself, into my own thoughts and feelings, to discover how it is I am creating the reality that I find myself.

This is the true miracle of questioning my reality.

I learn I have a choice.

All ways, every time, in each thought, and every moment.

I am free to re-decide, to rethink myself, my thoughts about you and the world and how these thoughts make me feel.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

quote life is a mirror

Coming from Honesty….core spirituality my personal journey

Coming from Honesty….core spirituality my personal journey

Coming from Honesty

“Practice moving and responding honestly.

Be a child again.

Act in full integrity with your feelings.

If any feeling feels too huge or unbearable to feel all the way, give yourself permission to sit alone and really get in touch with it. Music is a wonderful partner for this. Dare to feel it even if it feels too big. Dare to cry, raise your voice, laugh, and allow the whole sound to flow out in a way that you know is genuinely all the way honest for you. Be attentive to the beliefs that appear to compromise expression.

Live your truth without explanation or qualification.

For example, practice leaving a room honestly without manipulating those you leave behind with polite excuses. “I need to leave now” is enough to begin. Turn, walk, and leave; nothing more. Who would you be without your story?”
Byron Katie quote


When I read this I say to myself….

I practice moving and responding honestly.

I am a child again.

I act in full integrity with my feelings.

If any of my feelings feel too huge or unbearable to feel all the way, I give myself permission to sit alone and really get in touch with it…… “


The practice of profound self honesty is something I can do quietly inside myself everyday, without the scripting of anyone. The practice of profound self honesty aligns me in my most profound integrity with who I am as an expression of……THE SOURCE.

My practice of profound self honesty does not require a book, a class, or any instructions from any organization, church, or outside authority.

My practice of profound self honesty shows me how and what my thoughts are in the truest way, and how my thoughts make me feel when I believe them inside my own mind. This shows me new options, and choices for my life everyday.

My practice of profound self honesty redirects the course of my actions so that I feel one within myself, and congruent in the world, therefore diminishing my confusions with self, and with others. It costs nothing except my willingness and daily attention to follow thru.

My practice of profound self honesty cuts thru lies, deceptions, and mistakes, and misunderstandings in a way that supports the purest form of my own life force as a spiritual being having a human experience.

My practice of profound self honesty shows me when people, circumstances, and situations are deceptive and illusory. When I am honest in myself no one, no group, no agenda has the power to distract my being-ness from what I know to be truth within me. I stay the course no matter the circumstances.

My practice of profound self honesty pierces thru my own self created distractions, lies, illusions in a way that frees me from the effects of learned behaviors, brain washing dogmas, family stories based in lies, wishful unrealistic expectations, and hurtful agendas that I may find within my own mind. The effect is to unburden the self and free the purest self, the core spiritual being that is me while I am having my human experience.

My practice of profound self honesty shows me the spiritual reality that exists underneath, behind, and hidden from all the ways of the illusory humanity around me and the beliefs and thoughts that generate these illusions. Instead of hope I experience the unlimited, unconditional, unceasing omnipresence of creation, at any moment in time.

My practice of profound self honesty as a daily intention increases within me the awareness of pure seeing, pure hearing, pure understanding substantially thru all the days of my life. It quantive-ly increases within me these qualities because the nature of my spiritual being is limitless. And I know this because I am honest with me.

My practice of profound self honesty provides a basis for living with what I know to be true and eliminates not knowing, not understanding, not seeing clearly that which is before me. This basis of self knowing and self honesty is the real me. And I know this is the natural state of a spiritual being having a human experience.

The practice of profound self honesty is the doorway that opens me to revealing more of the grand reality of life in any moment with anyone and at any time. I do not need any church, dogma, or outside authority to show me what is inside my own experience of self honesty.

The loss of profound self honesty in any situation, with any person, at any time, in my experience, closes the possibility of revelation, and CAUSES the perpetuation of lies, illusions, disharmony, blocks loving, and stops joy in the moment I am losing myself.

The practice of profound self honesty protects me from dangers, the ill will of others, and the negative consequences of those still trapped in believing their thoughts that cause pain and suffering.

The practice of profound self honesty protects me from the dangers, the ill will of myself, and the negative consequences of my own thoughts still trapped in believing in what causes me pain and suffering.

The practice of profound self honesty connects me in dynamic and amazing ways with others deepening our connections to SOURCE, including those with whom I may have conflict of interest, differences in opinions, and different life experiences. Showing me how we are all one in a profound spiritual way and share a one common mind.

The practice of profound self honesty has delivered me from evil, delivered me to wholeness, healed my aching heart, and reinstated me on all levels when nothing else could. Self honesty has been the key that opened the lock in my illusory thinking that delivered me to freedoms that were beyond anything my mind could conceive at the time of my enslaved, victimized thought and painful experiences. Rejuvenating my spirit, my mind, and my body.

The practice of profound self honesty has shown me reality in an expanded way, revealing much more of the tyrannical nature of systems and organizations and governments, and religious dogmas that would hold me to being fearful, less than the real spiritual being that I AM. Showing me realities thru expanded psi abilities, and direct knowing.

The practice of profound self honesty reveals to me endless possibilities that extend beyond limited, fear based thinking on a practical daily basis. Choices for me that I would otherwise have missed had I not held to my practice. Having choices in ANY situation is the honest truth especially when I thought myself into a place of no choice.. “up against the wall” or “stuck in a hard place like a rock and the wall”.

Coming from profound honesty is my practice as a spiritual being having a human experience and expands continuously as I live out my life in my human form. Honesty feels good even when I feel bad about something, showing me the way out of my own distorted ideas which cause me to suffer. It is one of the most profound components to my sense of authentic spirituality and feels the best of anything I have found in my human experience.

Coming from honesty with self is challenging whenever I am not honest, and because of this, is always an easy way to unravel an experience, or dismantle an expectation, or find the truth for me in any day of my life.

Profound Honesty with self connects me to the ALL THAT IS in a personal manner that I can hold within myself and share with others. And opens me to connections with greater expressions of life who are reaching to our humanity. Purely developed sources of guidance, assistance in times of need, and healing mercy, healing and love that reaches thru anything no matter how fowl, negative or denied.

Coming from mental states of dishonesty with self……or coming from profound honest mental states with self is always a choice thru which I may learn. This is what I am gleaming from coming from honesty.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

quote the need to prove who you are...

The Ego….The Soul….. core spirituality, my personal journey

Ego VS Soul


Instead of “versus” I see  “and”.

I am learning to reconcile my self as I learn to love and honor all parts of me, and choose ultimately that which is my soul.

In this way I am able to make peace with my self in any situation. I know that.

I am a spiritual being having a human experience.

The human me is also the spiritual me. I know that.

core spirituality my personal journey

Adronis – Beyond Letting Go and Embracing What Matters

The difficulty we all share when we begin to examine our feelings and reconcile ourselves to difficult emotions, when feelings of panic arise, and the overwhelming weight of our past hurtful circumstances pop up.

There is a way to manage this thru EMBRACING…

how we may do this and what are the outcomes are shared in this short transmission here.

In my own practice as a healing body therapist I encounter layers of tensions hidden inside the muscles and tendons of my clients. In this video referred to as “stacking”. This “stacking ” has a way of blocking, interfering, causing pain inside any of us .

For this reason I am posting this informative video to assist others who may feel the need to unburden themselves in an effort to experience life and its challenges with greater presence of mind, clarity of vision, and expanded states of profound self honesty.

I invite you to listen and understand what it is this man is sharing  about the dynamics of Beyond Letting Go.



I was verbally attacked by a family member! Core spirituality, my personal journey

quote there are no enemies


I was verbally attacked by a family member! Core spirituality, my personal journey

I want to open up about these kinds of experiences in an effort to show how we have different choices in how we choose to perceive them. The outcomes are determined not by the actual events themselves, but by the lens of perception we take as we reflect into them. So here goes my story…

I have been attacked on and off my entire life (physically as well) , mostly by family members, this has been to my face, in letters and emails. This was always disconcerting especially when I was not expecting this. Always these experiences have caused me to reflect deeply. And I have used these moments to come to new perceptions about myself and whomever was doing the attacking. Whenever I have had to encounter these moments I have had to investigate deeply. The following quotation illustrates the clearest sense of such a confrontation that I can share to illustrate how what happens to us is purposeful.

“Once we choose to be open and to question our experiences we can learn to see what it is we have been missing.” Bryon Katie quote

This always shows me how to open my heart further than I thought possible.

In my earlier years I was confounded by how I was being verbally attacked by those who I thought were supposed to love me. By choosing to look at these experiences in the following ways I have learned a completely fresh approach that gives me information that I can use in a way beyond the typical defensive blame and shame game that goes on around these kinds of experiences.

The after effects of choosing to see myself. ( my own thoughts and how they make me feel ) thru such experiences gives an eventual form of peace and understanding that far exceeds the drama, drama, drama of such encounters.

What I learn about myself is what takes me out of defensiveness, retaliation, and perpetrating positions of righteousness, further hurt, and stops the drama, drama, drama immediately for my side of the equation.

This brings me to a moral kind of tenant I have about myself which is to live, and act as a responsible human being. This process guarantees this for me every time.

While the subjects of which I am being attacked and accused may not be actually true in that moment, I can always find moments of time when I have had such thoughts and feelings, and I can also look into all the other negative thoughts and feelings I have in response.

This is good material for becoming aware of self, learning to turn myself around, and to let go of pain and suffering that arises from my own internal thinking and how this makes me feel. I am able to feel my loving heart, I do not have to withhold and I can maintain inner peace whenever I reflect on the situation.


The transcript unfolds as follows….

“We see people who attack us as enemies, and actually they are friends.

They enlighten us to all those deep secrets we’re keeping from ourselves.

Until those secrets are brought to light, there’s no way for us to realize them, so there’s no way that our patterns of behavior change.

They can’t, because the causes are hidden under the surface.

The word is denial.

So people who attack us let us tap into that.

And mothers are good at that.

Your partners are good at that.

Your children are good at that.

So when you feel attacked, you defend and justify so that you don’t have to look.

And then you say that they’re the ones who are causing your misery, and it’s the opposite.

It’s you causing your misery, because you’re not allowing your truth to surface”.

Byron Katie Quote

core spirituality my personal journey of self investigation


quote the pain shows you

Mary Rodwell Part 1 Bases Conference Lecture ( contacts with children research studies)

With an increasing number of reports coming in from children and adults who have advanced abilities as a result of their contacts with extraterrestrial and multidimensional beings, we have to wonder whether humanity is evolving as a species.


“…something of great importance is going to happen on this Earth. Not in your lifetime

but in mine. It will affect all units of consciousness, whether they are Mineral,

Vegetable, Animal or Man. It is to do with global consciousness, a vast change of

consciousness, and that is why I am here at this time, to experience this change.”


— Mike Oram, author of Does it Rain in Other Dimensions?, in a statement he made to his mother when he was four years old.


The Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN) has a database of over 2,000 accounts of human encounters with non-human intelligences. Family bloodlines and genetics appear to be linked to most experiences. Witness testimony showing an intergenerational connection can provide some key answers to our understanding of why these non-human intelligences are so interested in us as a species and why we have a profound and intimate connection to them.

A common misconception is that individuals with claims of encounters believe in this subject in order to experience Contact and that belief in its reality may only come as a result of their experiences. The truth is that the evidence of its reality manifests as transformational shifts in core beliefs emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.

The accompanying data for Contact has recognised corroborative “patterns” within ufological research and related data from anthropology, archaeology, psychology, theology, metaphysics, mythology, whistleblower testimony, biology, parapsychology, science, astronomy and quantum physics.

With an increasing number of reports coming in from children and adults who have advanced abilities as a result of their contacts with extraterrestrial and multidimensional beings, we have to wonder whether humanity is evolving as a species.





“I have studied this subject for over 15 years. We now understand that the speed of thought far exceeds the speed of light, and we live in a quantum universe in which the quantum effect resides in the ‘dark energy’ field.  This quantum universe supports information transfer from mind to mind through the exchange of quantum holograms, and proceeding at the speed of thought allows for what society calls ‘miracles’, such as telepathy, past-life experiences, remote viewing, crop circles—all the things that science hates to deal with.”

Schild also explained his perspective on why the experiences are so diverse: “UFOs in particular get here at much faster than the speed of light and allow their alien visitors to interact with us in a variety of ways. It has been confusing because the craft can be so very different, and the ‘beings’ reported can be so different.  I t simply suggests there are a great many civilisations out there interacting with us.

“My colleagues are not really surprised, because we all understand that basically all stars in our galaxy host a family of planets, much like our own solar system.  And what article of religious faith would it take to say life emerged on only our planet?”

As a former nurse and midwife, I sought biological and anthropological clues. I wondered how the so-called “missing link” and the emergence of modern man (Homo sapiens sapiens), with twice the brain size, could occur unless—as stated by Dr Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the DNA molecule and author of Life Itself:  The Seed of Life—it came in a spaceship.  This brought to my mind the familial link to encounters and the ongoing collection of genetic material which is so much a part of extraterrestrial experiences and why successive generations appear to have higher conscious awareness.

Crick is not the only high-level DNA scientist to offer the suggestion of genetic manipulation in human DNA.  A whistleblower geneticist, still not willing to be named, sent a letter to Lloyd Pye, author of Intervention Theory Essentials, around his investigations into the Starchild skull:

“By certain methods of DNA dating, one can tell numerous genes have been recently added to the human genome.  If workers in my field were to say such things openly, we would be ostracized and forced to live in a tent.  Any work along these lines would be rejected without any form of appeal.  So what can we do?”

Segments of the human genome have been fused, leaving trace evidence of extraction, inversion and splicing of single genes back into the human genome.


Mary is recognised internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers in the UFO and Contact phenomenon. She is the author of Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life (2002), and producer of EBE award winning documentaries, Expressions of ET Contact: A Visual Blueprint? (2000), and Expressions of ET Contact: A Communication and Healing Blueprint? (2004). 

Mary has also lectured in Hong Kong, USA, Canada, Hawaii, UK, Ireland and New Zealand, appearing regularly in national and international media news programs and in documentaries including; OZ Files, My Mum Talks to Aliens featured on SBS Australia in 2010, Paranormal Files in the UK for BBC TV, and Animal X for the Discovery Channel, as well as participating in University debate forums on this phenomenon, including Oxford University, UK in 2006 and Australian National University, Canberra in 2010. Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform your Life was re-published by New Mind Publishers in 2010 and author and Physician, Dr Roger Leir was quoted as saying, “In my opinion this book will become the Bible of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon”. Mary is the Vice-President of Star Kids Project Ltd and an Advisory Committee member of Exopolitics (www.etworldpeace.com). 

Mary was responsible for organising the first international conference, Hidden Truth’s in Perth, Western Australia. Research from over 2000 cases suggests this is a global phenomenon. The ‘Star Children’ exhibit a maturity and wisdom beyond their years, an awareness and connection to spiritual realms. ‘Indigo’s’ or ‘Crystal’ children as they are often labelled have telepathic abilities, are spiritually awakened, describing many species of non-human visitors with a feeling that they are as real to them as their ‘real’ family because they feel supported by them. This research also explores evidence from a scientific, biological, psychological, anthropological, spiritual and historical perspective to support what Mary believes is a ‘genetic’ engineering program, for ‘upgrading’ homo sapiens, leading to a paradigm shift in human consciousness. Data suggests children are being altered and transformed on many levels through extraterrestrial encounters. 

Some of the latest DNA research that could qualify how this upgrading may occur and how it may be linked to such conditions such as ADHD, Asperger’s and possibly Autism is also explored as many of these individuals demonstrate awareness of the non-physical realms. Although many medical professionals are still sceptical about Contact experience, in November 2003 Mary’s work was featured and she was interviewed for the article Alien Invasion: Why We Need to Believe in Australian Doctor Focus Magazine. A growing number of professionals in the medical community share similar conclusions and have spoken publicly. These people include the late world-renowned Harvard Medical School professor of psychiatry, Dr. John E. Mack, author of Passport to the Cosmos and Dr. Janet Colli, author of Sacred Encounters. 




Resistance….. core spirituality, my personal journey


Resistance….. core spirituality, my personal journey

Resistance is the mental refusal to accept or comply with something, someone.

It is the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.

It is the ability not to be affected by something, especially adversely.

It can also be taking a stand of opposition.

Resistance can also be a form of denial or rejection, and defiance.

Other related words to resistance are protest, misgiving, reservation, disobedience, noncompliance,objection.

I have a lot of resistance in my personal path this lifetime. I am continuously looking at my own rigidity, reluctance, and denial.

Even to the point of resisting my resistance!

It can be a mild form of mental insanity and pain. Mirrors of it are everywhere. I see them because of my own inner unquestioned thoughts and feelings of resistance. At first I encounter these “external” forms of resistance in the world around me, though the discomfort is clearly my own. Eventually I always come to recognize I am projecting again. Projecting my “rejected” thoughts of my own inner states of resistance onto people and situations in this world. It is a roller coaster spin out ride of craziness I have found myself repeatedly.

It is a such a mild form of crazy making that it is often regarded as a normal state of affairs amongst friends.

Yet still, there are the unsettled thoughts and feelings which are inside my own head. I have given myself stomach aches over it. I have over eaten thru it. I have had fights because of it. I have caused myself tremendous pain and suffering in my unconscious states of resistance.

One of the main reactions to resistance I have is one of making myself feel less than, or smaller.

I find that resistance to life causes a diminishing personal me that I do not like. How resistance makes me feel is less than I truly am.

This is disconcerting and points me to understanding how this is such an effective life experience. I have struggled with this issue my entire lifetime. Anything that diminishes my sense of authentic self is worthy of questioning.

Left unquestioned, personal mental and emotional states of powerlessness, take away from my core spiritual authentic presence in my life.

This feels like withdrawing, this feels like contracting, and I find it very uncomfortable. These are more reasons for me to inquire into my own thoughts and how they make me feel when I am in stark resistance to anything.

Yes, anything!

I am learning how this is like a school bell calling me into the classroom to have some reviews of my own opinions and ideas and I find it always compelling. Compelling in that reviewing my opinions on what feels like stark resistance leads me to self discovery.

Self discovery of the deeper me, the under surface of my outer thoughts.

Usually there are a whole string of thoughts that are all linked into any one kind of resistance.

It is very common for me to open up on the surface to my resistance, which leads me to the string of thoughts and feelings, and then I resist even more, to those resistive ideas that were just below the surface of my attention. The process has been complicated and I have found layers upon layers of beliefs, thoughts and feelings attached to all of it. It is staggering to undo.

Yet it is the undoing here that is my inner work here in this life. My source of personal revelation and the breaking down of my beliefs which are based in various forms of resistance.

Beliefs based in resistance do not feel all that good to me, thus I continue to investigate them. I can go for days on one strand of thoughts tied into some form of personal resistance or protest, even years, and as I have found even decades.

Until I realize I am the one here doing this to me ( It is not all the infinite forms of projection named by my ideas of issues, of people, of persons, or circumstances in the external world).

Personal revelation arises as I do my internal self examinations and learn to recognize what I may be fighting against, and learn to release myself from the pain and drama of how this blocks positive life experience. Prevents me from going forward. Slowing down what life is offering me that I cannot seem to embrace. This is major inner work for me. I have created fatigue and lethargy out of it. Out of avoidance comes misery. It is a predictable cycle. I have been thru this all my life.

Groups of humans bond together thru resistance. I find this astounding. Huge struggles we humans must face are empowered by our bonding in our resistance to something. Ultimately it is the individual that finally shifts, makes a change, and redirects the force of resistance into something authentic.

Gandhi was a perfect example of this. He died.

This was his action that arose from resistance, and the millions upon millions of others that followed his actions in the world ultimately also died. Died to some form of resistance in themselves that redirected them toward authenticity.

The authenticity is the turning point.

The turning point where life carries on with what it has to offer. The resistance is only the build up to… it is not the transformational moment.

The transformational moment is when we let go of the resistance and embrace the truth of ourselves.

When “we die” to our object of resistance we become something else.

We become what has been a potential waiting to happen.

We become the courageous, the true, the real self.

The resistance was the “just before” moment. I find this illuminating.

This is why I inquire into my resistances.

Today I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to look at my own resistance and to examine how this makes me feel, once again. It it truly an old story for me. I have been lingering in resistance on several topics now for weeks. I have felt awful because of it. Sometimes not even realizing I am wallowing in it… all by myself.

This is definitely is my “wake up call”. Appearing right on time, just as usual for me to see my thoughts and feelings.

My attachments to them as beliefs. And to find new choices for which to engage my reality.

I have had enough of the pains and discomforts associated with my objections, my reluctance, and my protests.

Core spirituality my personal journey of self investigation.

Message from my heart to me on this today…. “John your living life stream has for you all that is possible and will show you..

… You are capable. You have before you more authentic living than you can imagine at this point. As you learn to accept what feels uncomfortable in your self, you open your capacity to feel loved, and to love. This has and always will be the driving force of your spiritual self, and especially as an incarnate being. How compassion grows within you as you live out truthfully your discoveries of both your negative as well as your positive thoughts and feelings will surprise you. As you trade your thoughts of resistance, and opposition to thoughts of acceptance you find yourself aligned with your most authentic self. Your authentic self truly accepts anything that is unacceptable to your human mind as It knows and holds the vibrant frequency of unconditional love. Thus you may inquire so you may liberate the rigidity, the polarizations, the limitations of your own personal humanity. One day at a time, one thought at a time, one issue at a time. As you grow in this you continue to identify with that which you truly are. Free and unlimited. A spiritual being having your human experience”

quote the reason we suffer from our emotion is not ...

Charlie Morley about Lucid Dreaming

Charlie Morley is a Hay House author and teacher of Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep: the holistic approach to lucid dreaming within the context of mindfulness meditation and Tibetan Buddhism.Through learning how to sleep mindfully and dream lucidly we can begin to wake up in our daily lives as well as our dream and sleep as we enter onto a path of both spiritual and psychological awakening.In 2008 Charlie became one of the first Westerners officially “authorized to teach” lucid dreaming within the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. This allows him the rare ability to synthesize both Western and Eastern perspectives on lucidity. He currently lives in London and teaches around the world. Charlie’s first Hay House publication “Dreams of Awakening: Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep”.


dreams of awakening book cover


I am posting this video because I have an interest in the inquiry into UFO phenomena and of Life beyond our known human species.

I have this interest , for one thing, because of my own lifelong experiences with contact, both physical and in meditative states.

The association with sentient beings that have developed their awareness outside our familiar, and beyond our spiritual concepts has always been staggeringly moving to me. I have and continue to learn much from these experiences. sharing in the presence of beings with remarkably further developed minds, hearts and spirits has opened my perception dramatically. These experiences go back in my memory to my earliest years even as a 2 year old. I am sharing this particular discussion because of the inquiry nature to Richard Dolan’s curiosity, and his need to open up and learn because he asks valid questions and discovers unknowns.

It is not a scary video, simply a questioning one to ponder. He shares many military declassified pieces of info, and testimony that reveals the activity here that has gone on for many many decades.





Recognizing the illusion within any single moment… core spirituality, my personal journey

is it reality...cartoon


Recognizing the illusion within any single moment… core spirituality, my personal journey

What is the word… illusion?

It is a noun that describes a false or wrong belief, or idea.

It is an appearance or effect that is different from the way things really are.

Synonyms for this are confusion, deception, delusion, fantasy, misconception.

One of the most interesting components of waking up in awareness is the idea that illusions exist. These are the actual things we see with our eyes, in our minds, and all around us.

For example solid matter appears to be just that a solid, when we look with our normal eyes. When we look with stronger better eyes like a electron microscope nothing is actually as it appears, nothing is actually “solid”. Discernment is the quality that arises as we develop our consciousness and engage ourselves with new states of awareness… new information and develop more heightened states of perception. These are the components of discernment.

As we redefine our relationship to truth we find how what we think can actually shape what we see, and how we see, and thus define our reality. THIS IS IMPOTANT TO RECOGNIZE !

Everyone practically speaking, has at one time or another, had a revelation about something in their lives where all of a sudden the appearance of some aspect of their world changes. Where we actually see something that up to the moment of the revelation, did not exist. This is how we learn to recognize illusion.

Personal revelation. The object of perception did not actually change, our perception changed.

I found this all to be particularly true as a boy child. I grew up in the fifties and sixites. A time when most people in my world did not actually speak on the truthful level we find ourselves today. Also I lived in an alcoholic household. There was fear, deception, and hiding of all kinds. This was not really a thought out thing, it simply was the way the adults around me were living their reality. Early on I realized thru my 5 senses how to watch and listen, ( I was told to do so repeatedly by these adults either verbally or in non verbal tones). So even though my eyes told me one thing, my ears were reporting something else, actions were informing me all the while, there was still a gnawing inside me that would not let me believe my senses. I learned I had an inner voice… some sort of messaging inside me that spoke or felt differently from all the other senses. I could not even ignore this, ( though many times I was told to ignore things by one of my parents ) this was very helpful when it came to lies.

When ever we encounter a person who can tell a good lie, we have a chance to see illusions… deceptions. All the senses are reporting the lie, yet it is delivered as truth, and the inner voice reports some feeling, or little voice that says to me, “hey!…. Look at this more closely”. This is not real, or this feels false, or this is misleading.

I had an alcoholic parent that did all this, lied and a lot, and for many years. All the years of my little boy youth. Looking back I can see how this taught me to see illusions, deceptions. How to question confusion, as there was a lot for me, and to develop my skills of truthfulness so as to learn the art of reconciliation.

Reconciliation within myself and the various pieces of information my senses were delivering along with my innocent young inner voice.

As I grew up and was attending a catholic school system this overlapped into whatever teachers were teaching us. This became particularly pointed when it came to the religious, dogmatic teachings we were supposed to swallow, to believe, and to live by. I could not, would not do it. This lead to questions that lead to confronts that lead to actions where I was punished, pushed to the back of the classroom, or humiliated by these well meaning adults. By my 10th year of high-school I had had enough and I left this system on my own . I learned their reality was not mine and I could not live by the same ideas. Something inside me simply did not feel right.

Not feeling right inside ourselves has valuable meaning. I want to say this again. Not feeling right inside ourselves has valuable meaning. As spiritual beings having a human experience our spiritual selves are always intact, though may be deeply buried inside us under beliefs, thoughts, and experiences shaped by those beliefs. Still the pure spiritual self is us, and informs us.

At times the only message that can get thru is discomfort, not feeling right about something. This is the state of a human being where possibility opens up and we may learn something new.

It takes strength of character, strength of will, strength of emotions, to want to open to something that we are feeling that is uncomfortable. For me many many times this has been a lingering experience that lasted for days. Even weeks, and years. Until I forged thru the data of my senses and broke thru my beliefs, thoughts, and perceptions to reveal the more deeper significance of my discomfort.

This all occurs simultaneously while we are having other experiences in life. Together these experiences collectively develop the mind, develop the character, and develop the person until such a time that enough strength is in place to go deeper and explore beyond the mere misery, the utter discomfort about something that has lingered in us around us.

There is perfect timing in all of this. I have learned not to open too much too far too quickly as I could get far too deep and the process becomes immensely overwhelming and almost impossible to imagine myself getting thru. This has happened still anyway and I have managed to always get thru it. I have learned to watch the timing of information as it arises in my day so as to learn how to calculate my steps. How to take on more information and how to develop my awareness.

Thru the years I have practiced meditation. The state of stillness. The attention to the nothing. The awareness of the emptiness that is possible in simply being. In these states of meditation I have found myself learning to see the components of “reality” and to see the “illusions”. The mind is a powerful thing and can literally think itself into any possibility….true or not.

When I look around at the world cultures and the ways human beings struggle and fight I see much misunderstanding, discord, and projections of how people think and believe their realities are uncomfortable for them. I often imagine people waking up in their awarenesses to the idea that they are actually manifesting what they are afraid, what they see as their enemy, what they think is their negative lot in life.

There appears to be illusion everywhere.


How we deceive ourselves thru materiality, thru possessions, thru our religious dogmatic beliefs is astounding. How we battle with each other holding on to false ideas of one another is staggering. How we injure one another by believing in our fantasies is immensely unnerving. How we hold on to misconceptions about the nature of existence that cause some of us to suffer, live in poverty, and to die painful deaths is overwhelming.

How hugely delusional our humanity has become is obvious in the immense levels of insane behavior all over this planet. All of this is arising out of our belief, our thoughts we invest in, and how this makes us feel when we believe THE ILLSUIONS! We are not only destroying each other we are destroying the very planetary life force of our home…earth and her animals and plants.

So what is the power to all this illusion is the waking up. The awakening that is happening moment to moment within those of us who are watching. The watchers are watching and waking up to the insanity of living lives of illusion. We are the watchers. We are the awakening and we are dismantling our illusions. For those individuals still heavily invested in illusion, for those whose thoughts and beliefs are deeply rooted in illusion this is nothing but a huge nightmare. A nightmare worth killing for, a nightmare worth destroying for, a nightmare of such horrific proportions that almost any act of deception, or fight is justified. For the watchers we see the tumbling down, the breaking away of all the old systems and structures based in illusions, and we understand.

We understand that the discomfort of old systems falling is purposeful. We see these systems based in illusions and they do not serve everyone. They do not serve our entire human family and they do not work. Now as those of us recognize that systems that do not serve everyone do not work we honor and respect the suffering and the pain of our fellow human beings. There is a much much greater reality that is not based in human illusion, human deceptions, human delusions of separation.

This reality is something I live in everyday. Simultaneously whilst many live in just the opposite.

This world is transforming right before our very eyes.

It is in our best interest to learn to let go of any and all emotional investments we harbor which are based in some form of illusion, deception, falseness. It is in our best interest to define out thoughts, name our ideas and weed out the personal components of illusion.

The spiritual guides that work with me have told me they call this THE GRAND AWAKENING!

The GRAND AWAKENING is the release of bondage of every kind, of deceptions, of powerlessness inside the human being. The advancement of broader, higher vibrational, immensely loving new states of consciousness for every person who can muster up. Day by day we are learning to adapt ourselves thru this grand awakening in personal new ways.

I have been shown, and I have felt the immense joy that actually exists in the firmament.

As the cosmic, galactic families of creation oversee what is happening here to our human experience. This is truly amazing and joyful beyond my ability to put into words. Outside and beyond our little blue jewel of a planet, into and out amongst the starry firmaments are the many other lives of God’s creation and they are doing all that they can all that is possible to assist us in our collective transformations. There is a cosmic excitement and I feel it.

So whenever I get a “reality bump” and I stumble, fall over or get stuck I know I also have an opportunity to let go of some form of illusionary thinking, believing and acting. We are living now, in this time of change, so that we may experience these things, be apart of the grand awakening of humanity. Whether that be awful or awesome. We are here to discover our capacity to exercise our choices, our decisions. We are here to decide how we will feed into and manifest the illusions of life, or experience the truth, reality and certainty of living in a pure existence of genuine unconditional love.

Core spirituality, my personal journey


quote illusion by byron katie

Criticism…core spirituality, my personal journey



Criticism…core spirituality, my personal journey

“Criticism is an incredible gift to receive, as well as a great opportunity to grow.”

Criticism a common form of sharing in our human exchanges. It is all too often a trait we use to get hurt or to hurt another. It is within the context of the painful effects of this I want to post this today. I have found about myself that I am particularly sensitive to this trait, in myself and others. In my effort to learn to heal this experience I have drawn from the following transcript of a Byron Katie exchange.

Here is an example of doing self inquiry with criticism and how I can re-look at this from a fresh perspective. My intention here is to maintain an open mind and get to the absolute truth with myself about this subject.

The process of self-inquiry reveals every form of self denial I may hold within myself about any unfinished business in my relationships.

Thru honest self-inquiry I am able to format my own way thru negative criticisms and learn to embrace my own negative traits. And return to an inner peace once I get to the truth…the absolute truth within me.

The power thoughts have inside us to hurt us is immense whenever we let these thoughts go unquestioned. This is the purpose of self-inquiry here. To really get a vivid clear picture of thoughts passing thru our heads and how these thoughts are actually a form of self hurt.

Here is the transcript …


When someone said, “Katie, you are wrong, terrible, uncaring, etc.,” there was little to defend.

This awareness put me immediately into a space where I was available to hear the information in a way that could serve me. What could they say that I had not realized through inquiry for myself?
I didn’t suggest that they turn it around.

Rather, I said to them, either in my mind or aloud, “Thank you for sharing that.”

Given genuinely, that statement dispelled all defensiveness and left me free to go inside and find in myself what they were accusing me of.

If I noticed “hurt” somewhere within me, that was because I believed the criticism not to be true. If I wanted to end the war in my own mind, I looked for the criticism within myself. I have to see it to un-believe it.

If my neighbor says, “I’m angry because you lied to me,” and I go into defense, I am lost.

I’ve got a war going on.

But if I go inside and ask, “I lied to her. Is it true?” I may find, “Well, yes. I thought it was the truth at the time, and I can see how she would see it as a lie. The truth is I lied. It doesn’t always seem planned. I’m doing the best I can.”

That is giving myself the whole truth.

If I cannot find it with that person or that incident, rather than claiming innocence, I find some other place in my life where I have lied.

If my husband says, “You don’t care about me, Kate” I may not find it today, but I can go inside and find that for forty years I didn’t really care about anyone I begin to see once again through him that he is right.

I seek through him my own freedom. That’s my job. It’s not about pleasing him or changing him.

This is for my peace and understanding. This is self-inquiry. We’re taking a step into what it really means to see the enemy as a friend.

When someone says, “i hate you,” and I hear that literally, I may find, Wow. I hate me too sometimes.” Then there is no illusion of separation for me. We have the same experience in common. There is only awareness of the joining.

The enemy is the friend who brings me self-realization.

Being honest with myself and being vulnerable means that I can no longer hold the illusion of being manipulated.

There is just no place for criticism to stick. This truly is turning the other cheek.

It doesn’t mean I’m going to get hit. It’s like, “give me more please.” it’s a kiss, not a club that I use to hit myself with.


here’s no one out there but a voice, my own voice, saying what I haven’t listened to closely enough.

That’s what’s so beautiful about living life openly and sanely.

No matter what anyone says if I’m upset. I know that I am the one who’s limited in the moment I know that it’s time to ask myself.

I judge my neighbor, write it down ask four questions, and turn it around.”

Bryon Katie Quote

( the work of self-inquiry is a 4 step question and answer sheet that can be found for free at the following web address


Whenever I encounter criticisms, now, I am teaching myself to say, “thank you” mentally or out loud which ever is appropriate. I welcome the opportunity to look at this in myself. I want to be authentic, loving and open minded…. more and more and more. I welcome the opportunity of living and realize that these exchanges are valuable and can teach me about what it is I am thinking inside myself. I can learn to be still and find within myself all that this points to and I can choose to transform any of my old ideas, thoughts and feelings. I can learn to find peace within thru criticism.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation


Defensiveness… core spirituality, my personal journey

quote victims are violent

Defense is the first act of war.”

Victims are violent people.”

Byron Katie Quotes

Defensiveness starts it!

When I first took in this idea I saw in myself exactly how I have escalated things… thoughts, feelings, emotions, circumstances. Not only inside myself, but also around me involving others. I knew this was me and I knew it was right on.

So I look at this over and over in the context of taking apart any kind of personal suffering or pain that I have. The defensiveness points to something inside of myself that I am believing at the moment I have that thought.

I realize I must truly take a personal inventory because looking back I did not see how my own defensiveness began an act of violence… though in thought at first, there are deep consequences to my behavior to look at here.

 Thoughts inside us can hurt us, violent thoughts can become violent actions in the world. Tearing apart relationships and fueling pain and suffering. It starts with one person. In this instance I am looking at one person…. me.

The context of this inquiry for me is about honest reflection and has nothing to do with denials of any kind. This is about honesty in reviewing defensiveness is a way to recognize the feelings and the thoughts that create suffering. My intention here is to generate an open mind, and to tackle the thoughts that are making me feel badly.

It is my side of any equation where I am involved in a dispute, an argument, or a conflict. In this context I am willing to see how my side of any equation is for me and the how this is effecting my life.

I also find this inquiry to be revealing whenever I am invested in disputes, conflicts, or circumstances that look to be outside of myself… what may be happening in the world as I am viewing it. ( news of conflicts,war, fighting, family conflicts etc. fill the medias of today and have my entire lifetime) I find this well worth questioning.

The role of a victim has many sides to it in therapy. I have learned previously ( in therapeutic trainings of which I have many certificates) that the victim is the part of ourselves that lets us know we have been violated. The victim is the part of ourselves that cry’s out for help. All of that is true. And also what is true is how the victim’s defensiveness behavior sets into motion many more complicating effects. So in this examination it is not simply “the victim” I am looking at, it is the “defensive behaviors…thoughts, feelings” the victim in me experiences. This is important to discern in this context of inquiry.

I find the following transcription to be valuable in learning to look at defensiveness thoughts and feelings in a way that reveals the dynamic of self hurt.

{transcription of some of Katie’s words she spoke on a public event in Amsterdam 2004}

Woman: I would like to ask my question now…Does The Work always ask people to sort of criticize you?

Katie: To go in and ask yourself: could they be right?

Could that person be right?

Could it be true what they say about me?

And if I feel defended I know immediately that it IS true.

And defense is attack.

Defense is not a neutral position, it’s war.

You are the warrior. They didn’t start the war: YOU do.

Defense is the first act
of war. Victims are violent people.

Later, someone from the audience: could you go in to why victims are violent people?

Katie: Well, why would I say that? [But you did say it.]

Woman: What do you think what that means: victims are violent people?

Katie: If someone hurts you, you become defensive. Feel that inside of you: it’s war.

And then you talk about that person and you teach.

You teach what you talk about, like that person is terrible. So you teach if there is something terrible in the world. Feel that: it’s violent. Or you attack that person and everyone agrees you’re right. And now you have the “I am right cote” going and you get to be the leader.

[woman: yeah it’s true] It’s violent.

Katie: So, if you say something to me … You wanna know what grace is? Someone walks up and just slaps me across the face as hard as they can. That’s grace. You know why?

It’s over.

[woman: I don’t get that] Someone slaps me…

Katie: It is over! That’s grace!

Here’s what hell looks like: How dare they!

Who do they think they are?

Did you see what they did?

There was no reason for that!

How could they do such a thing; look what I have done.

And on, and on and on…Keeping the slap alive and alive and alive and alive… But that’s not enough: there’s YOUR face…After all: I’m justified…

You did it first: it’s your fault. It’s over…That’s grace…Understand?

Good. Who keeps violence going?

Well that would be YOU!

If you   If you experience violence within you in the name of any kind of justification it’s still violence.

The more you try to justify it, the more violent it can feel inside of you. And it’s ok…

We’re just noticing. That’s all..I do violence to me.

The person that hit me: that was merciful.

“They slapped me” is it true? Where’s my proof? Except for my thought…where’s my proof? It’s gone, it’s over, they slapped you…is it true?

Do you believe everything you think?

How do you react when you think that thought?

Violence…Violence…justified violence?…I don’t think so… Feel it.

That’s enough for me.

To feel that inside of me that’s enough for me.

It only takes one to end a war. Any thoughts? Victims are violent people.

I realize more and more the power of thinking… the thoughts we have, the thoughts we invest emotional time and energy cause the world I live in to be shaped. It is not until we learn to recognize it is our thoughts, singularly and collectively that create the living hells of this earthly experience.

Frequently in my past I have questioned God, and asked why would you allow all this? How could you let this happen to us? Why won’t you stop all the wars. The suffering, the pain?

Now as I come to awaken to seeing my thoughts and how they make me feel I realize the answer to all of these questions.

I am doing this to myself. We are doing this to ourselves.

We have made a world like this ourselves, our past ancestors for generations. We have built up whole systems of thinking and society out of such thoughts. Whole armies, nations with borders, and millions more structures based on the fears underneath the thoughts that arise out of defensiveness. This is an amazing realization.

Whenever I turn around any of my negative thoughts I find myself inside my heart where love is eternally loving me,loving life, showing me I am life itself as me and love is answer.

This is my wake up today and now everyday as I look forward to any time I find myself being defensive in any way. I can re-look at how this makes me feel and what I am actually doing that may be causing myself to feel hurt.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

quote be very careful about what you think


The Forgotten Promise tells the story of my lifelong interaction with beings of another dimension….or world. The memories of these encounters were buried deep within my subconscious mind until 1988.

It was then that a UFO flap occurred in my community bringing investigators from the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies to look into what was happening. Like many people, I could not and would not accept that such a thing as alien abduction was even plausible. Now, after having many years to adjust, grow and learn about this phenomenon, I must ask how is it possible to not believe that there is life “out there”. The universe, or multiverse, as I’ve come to understand it, is infinite. Think about that for a second. It is mathematically impossible for us to be alone in the cosmos. From there it is only a short step to recognizing that superior life forms are bound to exist and those life forms would have an interest in studying other life forms, just as we, one day will do. That is, if our species survives long enough to master space travel.

I’ve had the privilege of living an extraordinary life and learning from beings that exist in a realm quite different from the limited one we do. 
I am now able to say that I am extremely grateful for these experiences, although it was not always so. The lessons they taught me, the things they showed me, the profound teachings & the high level of peace that is prevalent when in their company gives me hope for our planet. Knowing we are not alone and that we live in a universe governed by love is comforting.




quote the forgotten promise

The Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization – Richard Dolan Lecture

The Secret Space Program: In this lecture Richard Dolan shares his discoveries about how the UFO phenomenon is infinitely more complex than many have previously suggested, and that human and non-human groups are behind what we call UFOs. 

Within the human, classified part, breakthroughs have leap-frogged over each other to produce a society with substantially more advanced scientific, technological, and cosmological ideas — a society that can accurately be called a “breakaway civilization.” This covert civilization has continued to interact with our own “official” society, but at the same time appears to have interactions or encounters with one or more of the non-human groups that are here on Planet Earth. The result is a clandestine cold war, very possibly with multiple human and non-human 


I am sharing this lecture because of my own interest, and past experiences in ET contacts. These contacts have significantly effected my personal and world view. The single most aspect of these experiences being  how opening the mind can reveal so much more to each of us about the nature of reality.

The ideas in this lecture will provide a basis for examining more of the story behind some of the human/Et activity going on here while we are distracted by the smokescreens of what world medias are putting out. Including military documentation, governmental, and private industrial sources.  There is a “breakaway” movement going on and this is just the tip of learning how to recognize it. In my experience,  well worth inquiring into. Question everything.

Outrage and moral indignation…core spirituality, my personal journey

Angry man face screaming

There’s no value in moral outrage. The rumor is that passion through outrage, and justification for that outrage, is the motivation that changes the world.

It does not.

It’s exactly what keeps the world in place. Without the outrage, looking at things the way they are, seeing them clearly, more options and solutions can be seen within the same circumstance than fear, and moral outrage is fear.

Education, the end of the ignorant mind, allows the benevolent open mind to see solutions that were never before available.

Basically, love is the power, not moral indignation. Moral indignation is stress, disrespect, smallness, and it has been done, and the world is still in the same place.

There’s fear and hatred, which are words for ignorance—pure, fearful, unenlightened ignorance.

If I say you shouldn’t, and I point my finger at you, and I notice the power that comes out of me toward you, immediately I shouldn’t. The war begins with me, the war ends with me, not with you.

Sit down with me, enlighten me to the way that you see it, and let’s talk. I will not con you, I will not trick you; I’ll open my mind to you, and you will show me the way, you’ll always show me the way.

And as I open to you, I notice that you open to me.

And what comes out of that, two open minds sitting together, can never be war. Two open minds can’t oppose each other.

It’s a law.

Solutions are found in that.

For most of us, our minds aren’t yet open to understanding these laws. An open mind is not a mind that waits and listens and uses what it hears as an arsenal.

An open mind is unlimited. It’s always learning; it only rests, if at all, in a solution.

And from there it accelerates and energizes and sees that as rest.

It’s infinite”.

Byron Katie Quote


I question my previous strong holds, my thoughts and beliefs on moral outrage and indignation now.

When I catch this voice of passion inside me and I “think” that it will change this world, yet I feel horrible in it,in the emotions this brings up in me.

I grew up in the 60’s as a child when protest was cool, and the voice of the people became heard thru such thoughts. It is a huge experience in my generation for millions.

I have to question this, now is this truly effective?

The mind is powerful, when my thoughts go unquestioned…. and can lead me to believe that this is the only step to take and how justified I find myself in it. I have to question this in me… now is this the solution?

In unity consciousness, or oneness I can completely feel and share in any voice of moral outrage shared by any voice… I get it inside myself. And there is further go with this dialogue. Beyond the limits of this voice is the opened mind that can be with the source of any such voice. I love this. There is a common ground in what we can learn from one another. Where the open mind beyond outrage discovers the next viable solution for self, for another. Here is where we find the peace.

Over and over thru relating I am arriving at this unity awareness, that there are no real workable thoughts in protest, outrage, indignation alone. We have all felt such things for many many generations of every kind of human enslavement on a personal and a collective level.

It is my time to move to another dialogue where I find our open minded selves learning more and learning to share in mutual participation in bringing to ourselves and each other the peace that exists under any of the mayhem, the discordant, the indignant experience of our lives on a day to day basis.

Whenever I find myself inquiring enough I realize a lighter version of things, a universal intelligence that does have answers, does have insight, does have purpose. A state of mutuality that any human being can share, if opened to it. And in this way I change this world, starting with one, myself.

When the number of “one” multiplies we have whole groups, then communities, then nations, then a planet. We return to the universal principle of “The One” , starting with one, becoming the one.

Unity awareness and presence in this world.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation


YOU are pushing my buttons.. triggers and core spirituality, my personal

quote natural forces within us are the true healers of disease

Our job is unconditional love. The job of everyone else in our life is to push our buttons”. Byron Katie Quote

Triggers….. those moments when I find an emotion and thought that irk me, disturb me, and mess up my peace.

I feel provoked,

I have fought them,

I have distanced myself from them,

I have pondered them,

I have worked with them,

I have been surprised by them.

I have attempted in every way to maintain my composure around them.

I have felt a reaction that was like corn popping off inside a kettle that I hardly could control. I have felt like I was temporarily insane!

I have felt sad, threatened, angry, ill, furious, belittled, ashamed, embarrassed,cornered,powerless, out of control. To name a few feeling states that suddenly appeared inside me. I am focusing on negative uncomfortable triggers here, not the happy ones. They happen too.

What exactly is an emotional trigger?


An Emotional Trigger is a response to a

person, situation, event, dialogue, reading,

film, or other content providing entity, that

provokes a strong emotional reaction.


we are not self aware when we are triggered,

and fall into reacting prior to sifting through

our strong emotional response.

The following list includes some of the most common emotional triggers, meaning you react when you feel as though you aren’t getting or will not get one of these things that are very important to you.

Acceptance respect be liked

be understood be needed be valued

be in control be right be treated fairly

attention comfort freedom

peacefulness balance consistency

order variety love

safety predictability included

fun new challenges autonomy

Some of these needs will be important. Others will hold no emotional charge.

Places I get triggered are…relationships,

I have been triggered in my work,

in family situations,

in bed,

by music,

at the movies,

on a walk,

at a show,

in a classroom,

in church,

watching TV,

I have been triggered anywhere, anytime and it is always a surprise to me.

My usual thought about triggers is : “I will avoid triggers at any cost to maintain my idea of who I am, to maintain my sense of dignity and to protect my feelings.” My behavior over the years has been one of vigilance.

Vigilance was my answer to the problem of my negative triggers!

I thought I was wise by investing in this idea. Until I learned to inquire more deeply into what it is that is thinking me, the thoughts that pass thru me.

I thought I was building a better world, contributing to world peace by believing this thought and engaging myself in vigilance.

( yet it doesn’t work to stop them…)

The triggers still happen, not as often, yet they still surprise me. “Why is this ?” I ask myself.

When an uncomfortable trigger gets me, and I look at the feelings this brings up in me I am challenged again and again.

Thrown off my game, upset and lingering in negative thoughts that create negative feelings, of which I must deal with to maintain my sense of self.

It is a ridiculous kind of human game I am playing within me. I can go long periods of time with no triggers whatsoever and then boom… it happens, usually at the most unfortunate moments in my life.

The thought inside my head that I will turn around today is this : “I will avoid triggers at any cost to maintain my idea of who I am, to maintain my sense of dignity and to protect my feelings.”

My turn around is : “ I welcome all triggers at any cost so that I may maintain my idea of who I am , to maintain my sense of dignity and accept my feelings.”

Every time I have a trigger come up I have the opportunity to look into some kind of thought I am holding onto and inquire is this true? Is this absolutely true? To investigate my own thoughts and the feelings they bring up is a way for me to truly understand myself, and return myself to a greater state of sanity. I can learn to let go of ridiculous ideas inside my head that have no current validity outside of the actual thought I have been investing myself, I can learn to see how my thinking is causing me pain and I can shift “losing thoughts” into “wins”. I can let go of any “losing battle”! I can learn to see the tremendous value of you triggering me as a gift for me to be honest with myself, and I can learn to see how perfect the timing is because it is happening in my now. I can let go of being a victim and learn to see that triggers are great ways to increase personal authenticity and realness in myself and my relations. In this way I am contributing to world peace and learning the wisdom of a spiritual being having the human experience. I look forward to all my negative triggers so that I may stay on course with learning to create the best life for myself and find the corrections in my thinking that will cause this for me. Instead of disliking the triggers I am grateful and I find my heart learns to open further whenever I hold this thought. I can increase my internal state of peace with every inquiry into my thinking and how this makes me feel. My work is to discover unconditional loving and to bring this into this world.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation