The Center within me speaks….. core spirituality… my personal journey



To love.

To be loved.

To never forget your own insignificance.

To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you.

To seek joy in the saddest places.

To pursue beauty to its lair.

To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple.

To respect strength, never power.

Above all, to watch.

To try and understand.

To never look away. And never, never, to forget. ” Arundhati Roy



With respect to the unfolding dramas of this planet, our humanity, and the personal, collective, and planetary sense of crisis and danger these words are very fitting.


Requiring only a few moments each day, the attention we place within our own hearts serves to encourage the most significant possibility for each of us, each day in any scenario.


As spiritual being having a human experience we always have a possibility from our spiritual nature to draw upon and love the human condition we find ourselves.


Resting in the heart of the pure source of which we are made we can increase our capacity to face fear, and stop allowing the human self to be controlled by FEAR thru self acceptance into love.


Ultimately it is an individual choice to live from fear, or to live from love and allow ourselves the undoing that arises as we catch ourselves investing into fear.


The great undoing of self, the history, the programs, the inherited belief systems, and mind sets that still are based outside the spectrum of loving is the response the heart may bring to the attention waiting.


My inner voice whispers …. do not be afraid.


Go forward and allow yourself to see in yourself that which is no longer useful, or beneficial to your relations, and your blessed planet.

Let it go… let it go….


core spirituality for your discernment


shared with aloha

Relationships……Allen Roland Ph.D.



“The only right love is that between couples whose passion leads them both, one through the other, to a higher possession of their being …. Union, the true upward union in the spirit, ends by establishing the elements it dominates in their own perfection .”
– Teilhard de Chardin

Relationships must be seen as a means to an end versus an end in itself, with the end being the full flowering of each partner’s unique self! Relationship is a proving ground for who you really are because unresolved issues with parental figures will always come to the surface during the relationship. These unresolved issues reflect who you are at that moment. Issues of betrayal, rejection or abandonment tend to be re-enacted, because emotionally that is where we are still stuck.

In relationship we are always challenged to become who we really are – for it was because of childhood relationships that we originally separated from our true self and created a cocoon of ego consciousness.

Remember, the ego is always externalizing the inner quest . It is always looking outside for an answer that can only be found within. The astounding divorce rate in the United States becomes quite understandable when we begin to realize that our primary quest is not for an answer outside ourselves, but rather to re-unite with our authentic self which is often trapped within a self-imposed prison of childhood fears.

I see this same scenario in virtually all of my clients, and there can be no question as to what they – and all of us – are looking for. In our intimate relationships, we are looking for permission to truly BE OURSELVES.

The key question we must continually ask ourselves in relationship is , ” Am I truly being myself or am I compromising myself and my values for the sake of the relationship ? “

To be able to be oneself and not have to disown one’s values to please another – that’s what intimate love is all about. – Milton Avery

In other words, intimacy ( into-me-see ) is based on the honest and full expression of our deepest feelings, regardless of the risks . And, interestingly enough, giving full expression of our deepest feelings is the only way we can truly love ourselves . . and truly be ourselves.


See Workshop



Great love can both take hold and let go and quite often – until you let go you cannot grow. This does not necessarily mean letting go of the love, but it does mean letting go of the fears, dependency and self-doubt that keep us from fully experiencing ourselves and accepting love. Our self-respect is a wonderful guide for showing us just when to let go. This step never happens at the same time for both partners . One partner will always let go first and thereby risk the relationship. As such, this letting go process can happen within the relationship and with the same degree of pain and aloneness as an actual separation. It was Jerry Jampolsky who wrote , “Love is making friends with fear because fear is the constant companion of intimacy .” Let me make one important point from my own personal experience of love, intimacy and fear within relationship. Fear will completely override love, as psychic pain can override joy, if we allow ourselves to be controlled by fear. Instead, we must completely open our heart in relationship for, in so doing, we will be fully embracing ourselves. By refusing to be controlled by fear and not denying love – I have found all my fears to be merely speed bumps on my path to individual wholeness , freedom and joy. By fully opening my heart I have literally embraced myself!

This is why relationship is the proving ground for who we really are, for we must eventually be able to say that affirming ourselves and being honest is more important than the survival of a relationship with someone else! It is only then that we are truly giving each other the ultimate gift – the gift of ourselves.

True relationship is thus a dance of intimacy (an honest sharing of our thoughts and feelings) in which both partners support and unconditionally love one another – leading eventually to inner joy and inner validation and the courage and freedom to fully express and sing one’s own true song, regardless of the risks !

Only then can we truly become an instrument in a divine loving plan of soul consciousness – THE UNIFIED FIELD.

When you realize that God is , in reality , A LOVING PLAN IN ACTION – you will know the true meaning of love. The intent of love is ALWAYS for each one of us to become an instrument in that loving plan. Relationship is the vehicle! As such, by fully surrendering to love in relationship we ultimately will embrace ourselves and our part in that loving plan.

Allen Roland



The Twelve Truths


  1. You can heal yourself by surrendering to love. It really is that simple. Only LOVE truly heals !
  2. The long sought for Unified Field is a psychic energy field of love and soul consciousness – which lies not only beyond time and space but ALSO beneath our deepest fears.
  3. The so-called laws of science and physics are essentially observer dependent – in that the consciousness of the observer determines what can be truly seen.
  4. This Unified Field of love and soul consciousness is the absolute constant of the universe – in that, within it, time and space do not exist.
  5. The near-death experience is, in reality, a state of soul consciousness – which lies beyond our present state of ego consciousness.
  6. Our life is a clearly defined quest, not a struggle, to emerge from our present state of ego consciousness and reunite with our authentic self and our original state of soul consciousness.
  7. Beneath our deepest pain and grief is a state of love, joy, and soul consciousness (the Unified Field).
  8. Jesus was divinely human – an evolutionary forerunner for a state of soul consciousness we will all eventually surrender to.
  9. There is no such thing as an ugly soul – we all come from a place of love, joy and soul consciousness.
  10. Relationship is the true test of who we really are – and every love relationship, regardless of the pain, is a gift on the journey to find and embrace our authentic self and our authentic vocation in the loving plan.
  11. Most long term therapy is thinly disguised co-dependency – we all have the capacity to heal ourselves if we will say YES to ourselves and not be controlled by fear.
  12. Darwin had it wrong – evolution is fueled by social cooperation and altruism – not violence and survival of the fittest. We cannot escape our destiny and it is divine!

Allen Roland Ph.D. author Radical Therapy

Radical Therapy Session Five: Opening Your Heart

Witness one person’s session to access your own possibility.

“The basic underlying and uniting force of the universe is a psychic energy field of love and soul consciousness (the Unified Field) which lies not only beyond time and space but ALSO beneath our deepest fears and whose principal property is the universal urge to unite.”

– Allen L. Roland, Ph.D.

“Think of the ego as a protective cocoon that is eventually meant to be shed. The Unified Field can be visualized as a grid of great luminosity joining all living beings within its energy field of love. The words of Longfellow would seem appropriate in describing this all-encompassing field or grid: “The thread of all sustaining beauty that runs through all and doth all unite.”

The Stigmatized Human Being…….core spirituality….my personal journey


Stigma is a social process, experienced

or anticipated, characterized by

exclusion, rejection, blame or

devaluation, that results from

experience, perception, or reasonable

anticipation of an adverse social

judgment about a person or group.” Weiss & Ramakrishna


To stigmatize a human is to describe or regard them in a way that shows strong disapproval, to treat a particular type of behavior as wrong or embarrassing and to make people who behave in this way feel ashamed, disgraced and / or branded.


Recently I was paying attention to my gaining of about 35 pounds of weight and found myself in compulsive eating. Once I stopped long enough to feel what is going on within me I found myself in uncomfortable feelings of which I had not identified. So I decided to pay closer attention and deepen into this discomfort and I realized a deep long felt sense of unhappy discontent that was malingering around inside me. As I spent more time with this I deepened further and watched the waves of emotion passing thru me. Still questioning this deeply unsettled feeling I began to seek a word description of my experience that lasted several days until I found the word “stigmatized”, it would not go away!


Hmmmmmmmmmmm………… I began to wonder and found myself reflecting on a series of mental images of memories in my life where inwardly I was hiding an uncomfortable feeling of being stigmatized to myself! I spent several more days looking at the idea of being stigmatized and I felt an authentic desire to begin to release this within myself. My core self is showing me it is time to let all this go. Now I am beginning to understand the process.


The core self within me had been messaging me for over 6 months with waves and waves of subtle feeling messages, finally I identified the group of emotions within myself, my physical body, and my mental constructs all under the umbrella of being stigmatized. I realize I am to release this now from my self, and in beginning to identify very old feelings that I have had for years I had come to form an “identity” of stigmatization that feels in conflict with my core self. Looking at my emotions from this point of view as well as my identity has provided me a whole new gauge of recognizing the process of self identification that accompanied me through out my life experiences.


I have invested tremendous emotional content into an identity of stigmatization.


Whether you are on the giving or receiving of being stigmatized this issue has huge consequence in self love, self acceptance, self esteem, and how we love one another and consequently how we choose to act in the world …. whether positive or negative. I decided to write about this in my attempt to uncover this situation I have found within my shadow self.


To harbor a stigma within self, typically is a hidden thing, as the embarrassment feels horrible. On the flip side of the coin is how others are stigmatized in our world. Once I began to sensitize myself to this I began to recall many such occasions of encountering “the stigma” either in myself or someone else.


As a spiritual being having a human experience I found this to be a widely common human experience… something I must investigate, I found some info on Wikipedia which defines social stigma.


Social stigma

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Social stigma is the extreme disapproval of (or discontent with) a person or group on socially characteristic grounds that are perceived, and serve to distinguish them, from other members of a society. Stigma may then be affixed to such a person, by the greater society, who differs from their cultural norms.

Social stigma can result from the perception (rightly or wrongly) of mental illness, physical disabilities, diseases such as leprosy (see leprosy stigma),[1]illegitimacy, sexual orientation, gender identity,[2] skin tone, education, nationality, ethnicity, ideology, religion (or lack of religion[3][4]) or criminality. Attributes associated with social stigma often vary depending on the geopolitical and corresponding sociopolitical contexts employed by society, in different parts of the world.

According to Goffman there are three forms of social stigma:[5]

  1. Overt or external deformations, such as scars, physical manifestations of anorexia nervosa, leprosy (leprosy stigma), or of a physical disability or social disability, such as obesity.

  2. Deviations in personal traits, including mental illness, drug addiction, alcoholism, and criminal background are stigmatized in this way.

  3. “Tribal stigmas” are traits, imagined or real, of ethnic group, nationality, or of religion that is deemed to be a deviation from the prevailing normative ethnicity, nationality or religion.



Stigma is a Greek word that in its origins referred to a type of marking or tattoo that was cut or burned into the skin of criminals, slaves, or traitors in order to visibly identify them as blemished or morally polluted persons. These individuals were to be avoided or shunned, particularly in public places.[6]

Social stigmas can occur in many different forms. The most common deals with culture, obesity, gender, race and diseases. Many people who have been stigmatized feel as though they are transforming from a whole person to a tainted one. They feel different and devalued by others. This can happen in the workplace, educational settings, health care, the criminal justice system, and even in their own family. For example, the parents of overweight women are less likely to pay for their daughters’ college education than are the parents of average-weight women.[7]


Stigma may also be described as a label that associates a person to a set of unwanted characteristics that form a stereotype. It is also affixed.[8] Once people identify and label your differences others will assume that is just how things are and the person will remain stigmatized until the stigmatizing attribute is undetected. A considerable amount of generalization is required to create groups, meaning that you put someone in a general group regardless of how well they actually fit into that group. However, the attributes that society selects differ according to time and place. What is considered out of place in one society could be the norm in another. When society categorizes individuals into certain groups the labeled person is subjected to status loss and discrimination.[8] Society will start to form expectations about those groups once the cultural stereotype is secured.

Stigma may affect the behavior of those who are stigmatized. Those who are stereotyped often start to act in ways that their stigmatizers expect of them. It not only changes their behavior, but it also shapes their emotions and beliefs.[7] Members of stigmatized social groups often face prejudice that causes depression (i.e. deprejudice).[9] These stigmas put a person’s social identity in threatening situations, like low self-esteem. Because of this, identity theories have become highly researched. Identity threat theories can go hand-in-hand with Labeling Theory.

Members of stigmatized groups start to become aware that they aren’t being treated the same way and know they are probably being discriminated against. Studies have shown that “by 10 years of age, most children are aware of cultural stereotypes of different groups in society, and children who are members of stigmatized groups are aware of cultural types at an even younger age.”[7]


Humans possess a deeply embedded need to belong. Feeling loved and needed brings confidence and happiness. When the need to interact and belong is denied through stigmatization, it can have disastrous consequences to the mental and even physical health of the stigmatized person. Stigmas have caused untold amounts of pain, hardship,suffering, and even death. (suicide for gay teens and transgendered individuals is among the highest rate in all of humanity)


Types of stigma


Anticipated stigma (perceived)

Internalized stigma (self stigma)

Experienced stigma (discrimination)



Annu Rev Psychol. 2005;56:393-421.

The social psychology of stigma.

Major B1, O’Brien LT.

Author information

  • 1Department of Psychology, University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93105, USA.


This chapter addresses the psychological effects of social stigma. Stigma directly affects the stigmatized via mechanisms of discrimination, expectancy confirmation, and automatic stereotype activation, and indirectly via threats to personal and social identity. We review and organize recent theory and empirical research within an identity threat model of stigma.

This model posits that situational cues, collective representations of one’s stigma status, and personal beliefs and motives shape appraisals of the significance of stigma-relevant situations for well-being.

Identity threat results when stigma-relevant stressors are appraised as potentially harmful to one’s social identity and as exceeding one’s coping resources.

Identity threat creates involuntary stress responses and motivates attempts at threat reduction through coping strategies.

Stress responses and coping efforts affect important outcomes such as self-esteem, academic achievement, and health.

Identity threat perspectives help to explain the tremendous variability across people, groups, and situations in responses to stigma.



How many of us stigmatize others? How frequent is this in our social dialogue, our private thoughts and feelings?


When I look at the pain of this world and all the people in it who are stigmatized I feel an undercurrent of such gigantic proportion that I can easily understand the difficulty in being authentic, finding one’s true inner being, true core self.


The realization is staggering, absolutely staggering.


While very uncomfortable to do, I decided to make a list of types of stigma. This sensitized me to go into my own uncomfortableness around the subject.


Weight issues, over eating, compulsive eating

parental alcoholism

gender identity

sexual orientation


mental illness


then I began to look at more social forms of this.



income ( high or low)

body typing





material status ( your car, your home, your clothes, your hair style,)

physical scars, missing limbs, mental disorders, physical disabilities


It seems the list could go on and on as to how we as humans are so used to stigmatizing one another.


Are you in or are you out?


What we determine as acceptable as a humans is having significant effect on our species, are you inclusive…exclusive?


As a gay identified man, I know I have lived an entire life functioning with an unconscious radar to safety and acceptance, fitting in and not. I had not realized how much energy I had invested into the idea of being stigmatized. The unaddressed hurt that is behind this is truly worth mentioning as I learn to adjust my evolving identity as a spiritual being having a human experience. The amount of pain I see being invested in just this one issue on this planet right now is completely correctable.


The range of human experiences we live thru and encounter in each others lives can inform the spiritual self within us. As we learn to identify our human experiences, learn to embrace them, learn to discover something. We find we are capable of learning how to transcend labels, transcend unkind conclusions or name calling…. stigmas. As spiritual beings we are very capable of learning from every experience. This that is learned adds to our being, and thus the divine in us, as us, as human is more from having lived the experience! I am grateful for every day here.


Core spirituality for your discernment


shared with aloha

Andrew Solomon: Love, no matter what

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less).

What is it like to raise a child who’s different from you in some fundamental way (like a prodigy, or a differently abled kid, or a criminal)? In this quietly moving talk, writer Andrew Solomon shares what he learned from talking to dozens of parents — asking them: What’s the line between unconditional love and unconditional acceptance?

Andrew Solomon is a writer and lecturer on politics, culture and psychology.

Solomon’s newest book, Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity, published on November 13, 2012, won the National Book Critics Circle award for nonfiction; the J. Anthony Lukas award; the Anisfield-Wolf Award; the Wellcome Book Prize; Books for a Better Life Award; Yale University’s Research Advocacy Award; the GRASP Friend and Benefactor award; the Fountain House Humanitarian Award; the Mike Wallace Award of the University of Michigan; the Columbia Gray Matters Award; the Green Carnation Prize; and the Distinguished Achievement Award in Nonfiction of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency.

It was chosen as one of the New York Times Ten Best Books of 2012 and has been a New York Times bestseller. Additionally, it has been a New York Times daily (Dwight Garner) Best Book of 2012; a Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2012; a Boston Globe Best Book of 2012; a San Francisco Chronicle Best Book of 2012; a / Laura Miller Best Book of 2012; a Kirkus Best Nonfiction Book of 2012; a Time magazine Best Book of 2012; an Best Nonfiction Book of 2012; a New York Times Book Review Notable Book of 2012; a BuzzFeed Book of the Year; an Economist Book of the Year; and a Cleveland Plain-Dealer Book of the Year.

It tells the stories of parents who not only learn to deal with their exceptional children, but also find profound meaning in doing so. Solomon’s startling proposition is that diversity is what unites us. He writes about families coping with deafness, dwarfism, Down syndrome, autism, schizophrenia, multiple severe disabilities, with children who are prodigies, who are conceived in rape, who become criminals, who are transgender. While each of these characteristics is potentially isolating, the experience of difference within families is universal, as are the struggles toward compassion and the triumphs of love Solomon documents in every chapter. Woven into these courageous and affirming stories is Solomon’s journey to accepting his own identity, which culminated in his midlife decision, influenced by this research, to become a parent.

The New York Times hailed the book, writing, “It’s a book everyone should read… there’s no one who wouldn’t be a more imaginative and understanding parent — or human being — for having done so… a wise and beautiful book.” People described it as “a brave, beautiful book that will expand your humanity.”

Solomon’s previous book, The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression (Scribner, 2001), won the 2001 National Book Award for Nonfiction, was a finalist for the 2002 Pulitzer Prize, and was included in The Times of London‘s list of one hundred best books of the decade. A New York Times bestseller in both hardcover and paperback editions, The Noonday Demon has also been a bestseller in seven foreign countries, and has been published in twenty-four languages. The New York Times described it as “All-encompassing, brave, deeply humane… a book of remarkable depth, breadth and vitality… open-minded, critically informed and poetic all at the same time… fearless, and full of compassion.”

Core Spirituality……my personal journey…what the ego says…




 “The ego says, “I’m here to compete.”

The soul knows, “I’m here to grow”.

When the growth of the soul becomes more important in your life than the ego’s thirst for competition, a shift from separation into unity consciousness begins.

From this space, a willingness to grow allows openness to be your response in the face of adversity.

Otherwise, a thirst for competition causes you to shut down whenever the dawning of unexpected change arrives.”

Matt Kahn


TED Talks… Andrew Solomon: How the worst moments in our lives make us …

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less).

Writer Andrew Solomon has spent his career telling stories of the hardships of others. Now he turns inward, bringing us into a childhood of struggle, while also spinning tales of the courageous people he’s met in the years since. In a moving, heartfelt and at times downright funny talk, Solomon gives a powerful call to action to forge meaning from our biggest struggles.

Beliefs systems We Invest into ….core spirituality…my personal journey


What we believe about ourselves and one another is generating experience here, and much of it is causing conflict, and pain for many of us. Heavy emotional investments and blind faith are a component of much of the belief systems of this planet. Leading to peace and harmony or it’s opposite.

What is it that we hold so important that we are willing to hurt another human being with our ideas of what is supposed to be?

That we use our beliefs to create huge monopolies of corporate take over and vast amounts of money.

How is that we use our beliefs to to rage vengeance upon our fellow human beings, that we fight to impose our ideas thru legislation of laws, that bring about a place of tremendous disharmony without resolution of conflict?

The ways of this world are filled with people seeking to place their point of view on one another.

What is it about our individual beliefs that does not accept diversity within the human species?

What beliefs do we invest ourselves that have such monumental lack of self acceptance and distancing to one another that we fail to resolve our differences?

How is it that we use our precious life force to demand from one another their allegiance to our own beliefs about how life is supposed to be? So much so that violence, anger, hatred, and denial pushes forward in ways that perpetrate more reason for war, disputes, and conflicts and harm?

How is it that our beliefs about ourselves will kill, maim, and cause more fighting?

How is it  that our beliefs about our bodies, how we identify ourselves will threaten you?

What is the fear around sexuality and gender transformations, sexual attraction? How is that belief so important to you that you must thrust it upon others? There are important reasons that support acceptance in this and that support non acceptance. How is non acceptance helping us as a thriving species?

How is it that beliefs are so threatened that good people will literally turn into that which they so much abhor? (and not even realize this )

How is it that political beliefs serve agendas that support the few and disregard the many……larger humanity of which we all share?

How is it that we believe that a political party can have power over the land, the people, the system, and that it is so right to exert this time and time again here in this country and all over the world?

How is it that a religious belief fuels the angry, misunderstood ideas of cultural differences and expressions in ways that we must annihilate one another? (there are currently over 800 organized religions world wide in existence)

How is that a religious belief is so strong that it fails to recognize the basic humanity of another individual? To murder in the name of god those with whom it is at odds?

How is it that a religious belief can decide it has the one and only way, above all others, exclusive of any other belief which are different to a life filled with divinity?

How is it that religious beliefs separate and undermine basic human differences and expressions in the name of a god, a Jesus, an Allah….. for example?

How is it that a religious belief can shape an individual’s self image as one of less than, or inherently wounded, or bad… as in the belief that “you are born a sinner”? How does this religious belief generate powerless views of ourselves that fail to see the innate divinity that is all of life and prevent us from understanding the different expressions of our humanity and the needs we have to experience living as a harmonious species, that we are less than anything that is divine soul incarnated as human beings? How does this belief support false humility, and the inequality of our basic humanity?

How does this belief support one path, one path only, and above all other paths?

What are the historical and long lasting effects of this belief to our world? Beyond the idea that this is a belief what actual proof is there of this? ( I was raised in a religious environment where I was indoctrinated with this belief, as a high school kid I questioned this avidly with the nuns and priests who taught us. I attempted to find this “sin” or mark, and beyond the belief of it I could not find it. Simultaneously within my heart I felt myself to be a spiritual being, and I found this belief to conflict with my innermost feeling and experience of my life. My own experience of spirituality held in me a natural humility and respect for all life, thus I discarded this as merely a belief and not true I stopped investing energy into it. I was moved to the back of the classroom in the furthest corner for continuously questioning dogma of the church, rarely called on again in classroom discussions. I felt the need to blindly accept this belief on the word of the teachers.) ( later in my life I had a vivid experience with Jesus where my concerns were all addressed in a spontaneous moment of prayerful meditation)

How is it that our belief in a god will support our wars, our political and military agendas, our right to take over, to invest trillions of dollars ( human energy), human energy into building the most powerful killing people, machines, bombs, agendas, strategies for take over, secret political and military operations which are deadly, and human control of land and annihilation of other groups of people?

How is it our belief in being right supports all these different ideas? How is it that righteous beliefs can support only part of us and not all of us on this planet? What is our history telling us about these agendas?

How is our belief that we are a superior species fueling all this righteousness?

How is that we even believe we are an advanced species with all of this happening now?

As the cycles of human experience unfold many questions arise for me personally, pointing to our beliefs, and our right to have them and then to push them onto the world.

We are fully engaged here….big time! We are going off now with an energy of which we could actually destroy much of the good that does exist. We have the free will to choose what we may and learn from these choices.

We may learn what love really is and what it is truly capable or we may circle around and around in versions that are less than our true potential. Our human species is advancing technologically far beyond our basic interior spirituality in ways that the previous questions are still left unanswered, and examined.

Our spiritual awareness of the larger reality of life is seriously short. I an astounded whenever I encounter the idea that we are an evolved species when we continue with agendas like pouring trillions of dollars into political, religious, and war agendas and leave education, feeding all, housing for those who need it, and basic human necessities at the bottom of the list.

Our human experience is our classroom, the place where our spiritual beings have the opportunity to express human ideas about our spirituality in ways that will bring to us immediate feedback. This earth classroom provides such valuable experience that there are trillions of souls now incarnated on this world. We are having an immense time of proliferating, creatively our notions and beliefs.

This is the gift of life from source, from the prime giver of life, the omnipotent. We are free to kill, injure, destroy, undermine, distort, all of life.

Clearly many of us are deeply invested in this scenario.

We have the opportunity to learn as this drama unfolds around us. We make little daily choices in our little daily lives that collective on a grand scale present the conditions of what it is we each believe.

Source within me shows me that too much energy invested into the dramatic disharmonious ways of so many people distracts the senses, undermines the quiet inner awareness seeking to address the mayhem.

The questions that I express are meant to illicit examination, and only that. Questions are not statements of fact, nor are they agendas, they provide possibility for deeper observation and further clarity. There really is not a right here, there are simply different outcomes that form in our reality as a result of what it is we do with what it is we believe. For these beliefs we hold onto are shaping our experience.

As we individually learn how our beliefs form reality, we learn to guide our creation in ways that could possibly heal, release, uplift, and love and support our collective experiences of one humanity. I say could do these things, as this our individual choice here.

Today you may encounter some question in your self today seeking your own answer. How will this answer you give to your own question support our world, our humanity as one family of brothers and sisters? How will you contribute to the world today?

Core spirituality for your discernment

shared with aloha

Radical Acceptance with Tara Brach

Enjoy this inspiring conversation between my friends Tami Simon and Tara Brach, on the transformative power of bringing kindness and an open heart to the entirety of our experience. When we can stay embodied to our vulnerability – and to our most triggering feelings and emotions – we can come to discover, in a deeply experiential way – the workability of any state of mind. When we are willing to meet whatever guest arrives, with maitri, love, and holding, every feeling, emotion, and sensation appears as a portal into the natural great perfection of what we are. Recorded live as part of our Insights at the Edge Podcast.

Embracing Emotions Beginning With the Feeling Waves of our Soul….core spirituality…my personal journey



It is my experience that any time in my life I have distanced myself from my feelings, or ignored my feelings, or denied my feelings I begin to find myself entering into states of confusion, mix-ups in communications, and schisms in relating to people. Without the self examination and willingness to honestly feel, information that comes my way has no real basis for my life.


Thru out my earlier life I was told I was “too deep”, and in my early years I was disheartened by this message from family and friends. However as time went by I chose to continue to explore feelings and the emotions this would trigger inside me as this was a driving force within me I could not ignore.


I realized I was on the path of self understanding and thus the ancient quote by Socrates became a tenant that I found comforting which states….”This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!?


Which later led me to the Ancient Greek aphorism “know thyself


When we do not take the time to honestly inquire within, and deepen into that which arises in us as pure feeling we project our rejected feelings onto the world, family, and relations in the external world. We generate, for ourselves….. the massive disharmony, distrust, wrong doing, hurtful actions into the world as conflicts, wars, separations, and misery. These actions translate into many forms of politics, military actions, environmental disasters, injuries, accidents, and difficult human relations on a collective level of our humanity. Yet many of us persist in this without realizing that it is we, not a they that are doing this to ourselves. Once again as we entangle into the negative consequences of our lack of self knowledge, and openness to feeling we repeat this scenario one generation after another.


Fear of feelings, and the consequential refusal to feel these feelings leads to emotional issues that can overwhelm our daily lives in infinite ways. I see this as I read the postings on Face book, I see this as I listen to commentaries in the media, I see this as time after time human beings project outward their own lack of genuine self examination.


As I learn to embrace my soul’s waves of feeling themes, those that I have yet to name, I learn to recognize and open myself to the emotional directions I am here to discover. I find myself watching this process and I am reminded to stay connected and to allow myself to be informed by what it is that is showing up each day. ( see previous post Reoccurring Emotional Themes)


Emotional awareness arises from paying attention to our feeling waves and the emotional content this will trigger for us. This feeling acuity has the capacity to cut thru all manner of deception, sub conscious agenda, and unconscious motivations in those around us.


As I am learning to develop this for myself I have realized how immense the capacity to judge and make conclusions arises. Which leads me to learning to let go of the judgmental persuasions that can arise from perceiving from beyond the simple surface of how things appear. Letting go of judgmental summaries, characterizations, and boxing people into little definitions of my own creating.


I find choosing the perception that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience and that our life times are each one, for our own discovery and development, helps me to release the tendency to criticize and jump to conclusion before genuine understandings have taken hold in my consciousness.


This is a practice, and though I may not always achieve this I return again and again until I do. This is the classroom of my spirit here and I respect that I can learn and relearn how to live my life in better ways, self correcting as I go along. This is an important capacity I feel within my self ….that I may make mistakes and then learn from them and self correct as I go along. I “feel” this as the infinite love that is also within me as my own spiritual self, the spiritual presence of love that self forgives, and is deeply inwardly compassionate to my evolving human self.


Love arising within self towards this incarnate experience has been the long lasting effect of inward self reflection and honest self examination of my difficult emotions. I have come to learn that whenever we stick to it, stay consistent in our attention to our most unloving feelings, our most unacceptable emotions, and our largest fearful resistances to our own feelings… eventually there arises this spiritual love. That is THE CONCLUSION to our feelings. And not all the judgments that seem to be popping up around us. Love has the final say!


What is the conclusion to the difficult, pain staking work of facing our feelings and the emotions this triggers? It is the core of spirituality and that is love.


In the memory of my soul’s lifetimes of many many incarnations in this particular world, I have watched how many times I lived entire lifetimes without ever achieving this understanding while inside the human body, and died broken, and not understanding my life. In my life reviews after leaving my body I would then always return to this place of spiritual loving, however to return again until I could bring this in, as is happening now. ( see previous musical post Jason Gray Love Will Have the Final Word Lyric video)



Dealing With Emotions


Dealing with emotions is very importance to your health. It’s all very well to say that we must deal with these feelings, but how do we go about doing so, and what exactly is “dealing with our emotions”?

Accept Your Emotions

Dealing with our feelings is facing, accepting and working through them. We will always have emotions, so we have to learn to deal with them. If repressed, they will find a way to come out as in depression, anxieties, panic, eating disorders to name but a few.

A lot of the time, people do not want to feel what they are feeling. They may be ashamed or guilty of these feelings, or they just do not like a certain emotion. For example, you start to like your best friend’s girl/boyfriend. You don’t know how it happened, but you’re now stuck in a predicament where you are totally infatuated with your best friend’s girl/boyfriend. Automatically, you may try to suppress these feelings. If you ignore them, maybe they’ll go away, right? WRONG! The chances are small that your feelings will just leave you; you’ll most probably be feeling terrible about yourself, plus, a build up of pent up emotions leads to stress!

What You Can Do

Confront those emotions that you’re trying to ignore. Here’s what you might do: keep a diary in which you write down your feelings. This diary is a way for you to think about the stuff that you’re made of! By writing down and analyzing your feelings, you become aware of the real reason why you’re feeling the way you are, and the emotion becomes less painful. Some questions you could ask yourself when you’re writing in your diary are:

  • What am I feeling?

  • When did it start?

  • What does it make me want to do?

  • What were the triggers for this emotion?

  • What pictures come to mind as I feel it?

  • When else have I felt it? Is it familiar or something new?

  • What would I like to say to the person/event/myself? Say it out loud – talk to your dog.

Take the above example, you might discover that it is not really your friend’s girl/boyfriend that you like so much, it’s the idea behind it (having a girl/boyfriend). You may learn that you’re lonely, and you just want someone. By writing in the diary, you find all this out and solve the problem because you no longer like your best friend’s girl/boyfriend, and have something else to focus on, namely, finding yourself a girl/boyfriend!

Or you can talk to someone. Many people go to other people to help them deal with their emotions; these ‘other people’ could be your school’s guidance counselor, favorite teacher, family relative, psychologist or psychotherapist.


core spirituality for your discernment


shared with aloha

Reoccurring Emotional Themes…core spirituality…. my personal journey



The core self is the still presence that is you!

This core self is the power source of each incarnation supplying the necessary energetic foundation (life forces) for your experience in physicality. The core self is hugely still, immensely quiet, and ever present. When we sleep our personality, and the conscious waking self explore this self as it becomes available thru a lessening of boundary. This core self sends waves and ripples of feeling that wash over us in both our waking and dreaming moments. These waves and ripples of feeling are the contents of our life mission, the areas of life we are here to explore. Just as the waves wash upon the shores of the sandy edges of the world, so too do the emotional themes wash upon our daily lives.

These themes may be scarey or passionate, happy or sad, and may span all manner of possibility of emotion triggers. These themes are not simply our emotions, or our emotional reactions, rather these are large washes of energy that are infused with subtle emotional messages for our conscious mind to perceive.

As these waves and ripples of essential feeling surface from beyond the attention of the thinking mind they may interrupt, redirect, or even overtake daily activities. In these moments we can learn to stay present, deepen into, feel, and access our state of attention to what is happening. As we do this we connect the conscious awareness and provide a constructive self-place for creative development of some kind within ourselves.

These moments of still attention placed into the waves of our soul selves inform us in new ways about what it is the current state of our lives is moving. Showing us valuable information that can connect the seemingly random, or disconnected experiences thru which we are having. As we relate more completely to our emotional waves we learn to be connected to ourselves in much larger ways.

Synchronicity, co-incidence is often the result. Instead of the thinking mind calculating and deducting reality our spiritual mind, or consciousness lays the details out. Then the thinking mind steps in to make sense of it all. It is the opposite of the common way to perceive reality. Rather than allowing the limited conscious mind to drive the directions by deduction and calculation the larger field of the core self brings in what we have learned to call intuitive mind along with the feelings that are to be experienced. Our field of perception increases in quantum ways with sophisticated new capability for reordering our reality and redirecting outcomes. Our conscious thinking mind is here to translate our experiences and make choices.

When we ignore these feeling waves, or deny these waves we cause a friction in the self that can become utterly miserable. The amount of energy it takes to ignore and deny soul messages depletes the personality leaving us tired, disinterested and meandering about with a senseless lost kind of direction. We are capable of doing this so much so that we self-create schisms inside our selves that feel like concrete and yet these are completely artificial walls inside our psyches. At some future point we will learn to dismantle these artificial walls and integrate ourselves.

Regardless the core self will continue to wash these essential feelings over us so that we have plenty of opportunity to address our unique paths of discovery. In most religions, and spiritual paths the subject of surrender is a major component of the practice of spirituality. In this instance it is the actual groundwork for the surrender as we let down our resistance to these waves informing our daily lives.

The surrender is in addressing the attention of the personality to its own unique feeling themes and the directions this is creating for the life force of the individual. This process can repeat many times over a lifetime with the same feeling theme until we address what it is we are feeling and learn to see what there is to learn.

When we are afraid of our feelings this is a signal to the personality that something outside our thinking mind, our beliefs, our experience, or our notions of reality is pressing upon us in ways that we must ultimately learn to embrace. I notice how we as people are really afraid of our own emotions, and  feelings and this is something to pay attention,  as our core self spans far beyond the personality we have become.

Actually arising from inside our own field of the core self, few recognize this aspect of our nature.

This is the difficult place for the spiritual being having a human experience…. as the challenge of facing fear, fear that we ourselves create about ourselves, and our own emotions is now up for integrating. Blame, finger pointing, shaming others, name calling, projecting onto others, avoiding are all ineffective responses to our internal processes all directed outwardly so as to keep a distance from our own unique life process. When we say we own our feelings, this is simply learning to be accountable to ourselves with what it is that we are feeling. Accountable and responsible ( able to respond).

We are truly more capable than we ever realize until we allow ourselves to move thru these emotional themes. We are truly more creative by nature as well as we develop new ideas, new strategies, new observations and realizations as a result. Spiritual being is magnificent and shows us this as we live out each incarnate experience until we begin to connect all the dots. The more this occurs the more our personal sense of freedom returns, our perceptions of the interconnectedness of one to the other develops and the diminishing of negative life experiences is replaced with positive life experiences that draw out the joy from our core self.

This joy that is the natural state of the core self, is different from happiness in that it is ever present and not dependent on circumstances whatsoever. This joy is a unified field of spiritual presence that engages us regardless of what may be happening. This easily will show us the paradox of the human experience as one may be suffering thru a difficult time yet joyous to be going thru it. The paradox of our humanity is certainly a fertile place of much laughter for humans as we laugh our way thru life!

As we access more and more of our unique feeling waves of informing we shift our identification more and more out of the human being with a spirit connected to it to a spiritual being having a human experience and this shows us the larger picture unfolding in all of our lives.

Today you may encounter a wave of feeling for you to to pay attention in some new way.

Core spirituality for your discernment

shared with aloha

There is no Separation of Self…..core spirituality…. my personal journey


There is no separation of self! This is a complete falsehood, based in human ideas, ideologies, and beliefs. Neither within or with one another does this exist. Separation is only a construct humans create in order to embrace the immensity of our humanity. The self is completely unlimited.

First I want to make clear what  self I am speaking . This self is not the egoic identity that holds my  point of view, nor is it the conscious mind that filters all thoughts and emotions that pass thru me. This self  exists as the consciousness and presence, the  being that is each of us. This self animates our physical life, our body, our mind, our spirit, and exists before we are born into our physical embodiment, and after. The pure, original, life force that is us. We do not actually have a life, a soul, or a spirit, we are that. The pure qualities of this self are those, however what we are is all this. It is not too common to find individuals who hold the awareness of our true pure self, however we can recognize this as we learn to be more and more authentic in how we live, think, and express ourselves.

When we learn that we are not our thoughts, nor are we our simple ego personality, nor are we the physical package ( our body).   Whenever we  discover how to recognize this, we own a valuable place for manifesting ourselves as spiritual beings having a human experience.

How to see inside our own minds and recognize the thoughts that arise will point me further into the source of me. Whenever I hold a belief that is in opposition to or in conflict with another thought that arises, I can watch how my conscious mind will filter this out.

The beliefs and mental compartmentalizing of our thoughts act as barriers to thoughts that spontaneously arise out of the core self . Many of our natural thoughts are rejected as a result of this process inside our thinking minds.

Thoughts do arise spontaneously out of the core of ourselves regularly, as part of the nature of our innate consciousness….beyond our beliefs systems and mental constructs. So to do themes of a feeling nature. Themes in all of us, unique to our individual expression arise out of the core self attempting to express thru us.

Reoccurring themes hold potential content for exploration and are in place within us before we arrive to this world.

I have complete memory of  my own conception in this life where the presence of myself specifically picked the exact DNA / Chromosome sequences necessary for this life in the physical body. I recall the selection process, and the inherent nature of the body I would inhabit and receive from my parents. These DNA messengers provided the selection of certain feeling characteristics unique to my body that I was intending to explore.  These feeling themes are in alignment with my soul intentions and mission to be here at this time. I recall clearly seeing the different DNA codes as they were passing by in the conception process.  We each have reoccurring feeling themes that arise in us thru out our lives from which we may explore. These themes arise out of the creative potential in us. This creative potential is our nature as pure being…… we are innately creative in our essence.  Often people will invest much resistance to these themes as they may not fit into the conscious personality’s world view once one has been indoctrinated into earth life.

These themes of feeling and emotional content arise in us so that we may create experiences in our ongoing soul missions as incarnate physical beings.

Denials and blocks in our own minds develop false separations within us that cause all manner of illness on all levels…. physical, mental, emotional. These splits that arise take on an apparent, yet totally untrue sense of separation from our perceptions of who we think we are. Many schisms of mind, body, spirit, and emotion form within us as negative experiences. Without paying attention to these negative things we can separate so completely from them they appear to be foreign. The many realities of our world reflect back to us the prevalence of these splits in ourselves as manifestations of our beliefs, notions, and ideas. Having worked for many years in various healing modalities, healing myself, and witnessing the healing of others I have learned to see the amazing unity that replaces our temporary and artificial separations. I have witnessed wholeness and connectedness return many many times!  There is a reality of connectedness in life that is purely astonishing to me.

As we learn to be present and develop our capacity to catch the thoughts, and the feeling themes that arise in us we give to our life streams a wider spectrum of possibility. We are then much more capable of developing life experiences that are in alignment with our actual soul purposes for choosing to live inside a human life form. When we develop this awareness of our selves we learn to drop ideas, notions, beliefs, and convictions that do not necessarily fit with with our authentic and genuine spiritual self. Thus questions about reality have a truth-full significance and encourages the entire life stream of each of us forward. We then learn to become more capable of owning our experiences as valuable forms of learning and we learn to redirect what it is we are able to manifest into our lives.

As we learn to do this the ideas of separation lessen and lessen in everyone’s experience. Suddenly as we feel our feelings authentically we connect in an empathetic way with anyone else of a similar scenario. This is a common experience for humanity as we learn to become more opened up to our unique selves. On one hand we recognize our amazing diversity and strength, while on the other we discover our common ground and mutual vulnerability. The more we develop self awareness in this way the more our empathy is cultivated and the result is our realization of inter connectedness. This interconnectedness we share is the underside of generations upon generations of separatist beliefs, and millions of peoples experiences holding to those beliefs.

Conversely it is also significant to realize that whenever we invest our selves in separatist ideologies, beliefs, mental compartmentalizing, we view the world in the same way. Everything and everyone appears to be disconnected and apart from one another, and we create experiences that make this our reality!

The belief system is once again acting as a barrier to an alternate reality ( unity) simultaneously happening in time and space.

Thus we have conflicting individuals and groups ( individual expressions of consciousness) perpetrating differences in this way all over the world. These ideas of separation cause problems and challenges for all those whom are invested as they seek to assert again and again their belief in reality as separate little humans. I find this amazing.

Isolation arises out of this experience. We are waking up to many pockets of isolation in many cultures, groups, ideas, and people now. We are beginning to realize how this isolation causes dangerous directives and outcomes in our humanity. And hide as many do right now, these areas of isolation are being exposed. Deep under the belly of these individuals are ideas beliefs and notions of separation. All manner of controlling thru media, military, religious agenda, political, medical, social groups use this isolation to perpetrate secrets that are based in separations. That what we do to one another really does not matter. Using isolation to control and filter reality against one another in efforts to gain power. As a result of this belief in separation these individuals feel they need power from others.

In core spirituality power is infinite and everywhere, for everyone. This is a major component of becoming self aware, as we come to realize we had the power all along! In my own experience I have learned many times over how to convert my early life experiences from those of power over / power under to power with. A much more fitting feeling in my life.

Separation is a temporary life experience, unity and connection is a universal life experience as well. As we make reality selections each day we make the choices that direct us into these possibilities.

Today you may have the opportunity to view some aspect of your own thinking in ways that are invested in separation or unity.

Core spirituality for your discernment

shared with aloha

Spiritual being embracing the human experience…core spirituality….my personal journey

Spiritual being embracing the human experience...core personal journey

As a self identified spiritual being having this human experience I know that my life and any challenges that arise do so as formats or constructs for my experiences here.

These experiences develop qualities, teach me about the nature of the cosmos as it is within me and around me.
Learning how to be a terrestrial being does not mean I give up my true identity as a spiritual being.
As I move thru each day I encounter all moments, all thoughts, all emotions, all people, all experiences as opportunities to live out my particular journey for my own soul’s purposes for being here. Only I can do this for myself, and only I can do this in my own unique way, just as you will do so in your own unique way.
The marvel of life is how different our paths may be yet contain the same elements. The joy of life is allowing myself to live it out, to have the experiences and to discover what is unknown to me in my human form.
The discovery that all of this is like the butterfly… a metamorphosis gives significance to every dark, and uncomfortable place.
When I find myself enmeshed in physicality, I have deepened into that which confounds me at the moment. It is only temporary. The uncomfortableness of this will lead me thru and out of staggering attachments to how I think things ought to be and reveals to me how they really are.
Humans are challenged in our circumstances to grow into and thru and out of them allowing ourselves to be reshaped, transformed, and freed of our inherited circumstances, limiting mind sets, partial understandings, and compartmentalized seeing. By encountering our own beliefs and ideas we have instant feedback on the nature of our perceptions of reality. Right or wrong, good or bad, on the mark or off, this is valuable feedback into the soul mission of a spiritual being having a human experience.

Our essential nature is filtered thru our humanity and as such is tested on a daily basis. Whether we are or are not in alignment with the pure natural state of life, life as it is designed in wholeness, genuineness, and with the invisible laws of the cosmos as created by source, or god.
Human ideas will come and go, rise and fall, however the pure natural state of life is consistent, ever present, omnipotent, and universal regardless of our little ideas, religious beliefs, or agendas.

What is real pervades all human notions and sustains our experiences to learn what it is we have embarked this life to learn.

Our soul choice to be here at this time is significant in that we are richly surrounded with the capacity to self correct, to come face to face with our notions, our fears and our potentials to develop ourselves as a group.
This group effect, or species effect is magnified at this time in ways that make clarity available in magnificent, transcendent, horrific, and revelatory new ways.
Our minds, our brains, our bodies, our consciousness are all shifting, all changing, all transforming in surprising new ways.
When we realize we can dig our feet deeper into our limited, into our opinionated, into our most fearful ideas about life we are supported in learning how there is more to this experience as we realize we are each creating the reality of our lives and learn from these outcomes.

Reality selection, personal revelation, depth of understanding, of connection, of empathy, and the capacity to love beyond our wildest imagination is all at hand as a species.

The open mind is like a door, it opens me to what is possible and next.

The closed mind is like a door, it can stop all manner of what it means to be fully alive.

core spirituality for your discernment
shared with aloha

Compartmentalization….core spirituality…. my personal journey



Compartmentalization is running rampant thru out our humanity, thru emotional and psychological processes, political spinning, military success, religious control, mass media hypnotic infiltrations of misinformation, partial information and covert fear based messaging, academia and the ability to control our understandings of our true history in all aspects of life on earth, and thru broad social agendas that perpetrate fear based scenarios for years and years and years now .


It has both positive and negative effects on each of us in some way. Compartmentalism edges are bumping up against each other in the info wars being perpetrated thru mass media outlets, without all the facts, how can one make a clear decision about anything?


Learning how to discern information, in our relationships, in the news reports, and how compartmentalism actually functions within the context of our known and unknown opinions will support the truth process for each of us.


The positive side of compartmentalization enables us to remain functional when we are in the midst of conflicting or difficult life experiences. However when this becomes habitual there arises a different outcome.


In my own experience my family of origin has been completely filled with compartmentalization in a way that prevents the larger truths from arising to everyone, so frequently this is all unconscious, unknown, and leads to misunderstandings. My own efforts to open up to my issues of compartmentalization have opened my awareness in ways that have led me to tremendous self understanding, and understanding of others and the world around us. The unwinding process of taking apart our learned notions of separative thinking, of compartmentalization takes time and effort.




What exactly is it?


According to Wikipedia here are some definitions.


Compartmentalization is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person’s having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

Compartmentalization allows these conflicting ideas to co-exist by inhibiting direct or explicit acknowledgement and interaction between separate compartmentalized self states.[1]

Psychoanalytic views

Psychoanalysis considers that whereas isolation separates thoughts from feeling, compartmentalization separates different (incompatible) cognitions from each other.[2] As a secondary, intellectual defense, it may be linked to rationalization.[3] Related also is the phenomenon of neurotic typing, whereby everything must be classified into mutually exclusive and watertight categories.[4]

Otto Kernberg has used the term bridging interventions for the therapist’s attempts to straddle and contain contradictory and compartmentalized components of the patient’s mind.[5]


Compartmentalization may lead to hidden vulnerabilities in those who use it as a major defense mechanism.[6]

Those suffering from borderline personality disorder will often divide people into all good versus all bad, to avoid the conflicts removing the compartments would inevitably bring, using denial or indifference to protect against any indications of contradictory evidence.[7]

Using indifference towards a better viewpoint is a normal and common example of this. It can be caused by someone having used multiple compartment ideals and having been uncomfortable with modifying them, at risk of being found incorrect. This often causes double-standards, and bias.[citation needed]

Social identity

Conflicting social identities may be dealt with by compartmentalizing them and dealing with each only in a context-dependent way.[8]

Compartmentalization (information security)

In matters concerning information security, whether public or private sector, compartmentalization is the limiting of access to information to persons or other entities who need to know it in order to perform certain tasks.

The concept originated in the handling of classified information in military and intelligence applications.

The basis for compartmentalization was the idea that, if fewer people know the details of a mission or task, the risk or likelihood that such information could be compromised or fall into the hands of the opposition is decreased. Hence, varying levels of clearance within organizations exist. Yet, even if someone has the highest clearance, certain “compartmentalized” information, identified by codewords referring to particular types of secret information, may still be restricted to certain operators, even with a lower overall security clearance. Information marked this way is said to be codeword–classified. One famous example of this was the Ultra secret, where documents were marked “Top Secret Ultra”: “Top Secret” marked its security level, and the “Ultra” keyword further restricted its readership to only those cleared to read “Ultra” documents.[1]

Compartmentalization is now also used in commercial security engineering as a technique to protect information such as medical records.


An example of compartmentalization was the Manhattan Project. Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, lead physicist, knew how to construct an atomic weapon. He did not know how to weaponize it or deploy it. Major GeneralLeslie Groves did not know how to construct the bomb, but he became an expert on weaponizing and deploying it. Personnel at Oak Ridge constructed and operated centrifuges to isolate Uranium-235 from naturally occurring uranium. Most did not know what, exactly, they were doing. Those that did know, did not know why they were doing it. Parts of the weapon were separately designed by teams who did not know how the parts interacted.




Understanding “Emotional Compartmentalization

Understanding “Emotional Compartmentalization” and How It Can Affect Our Lives and the Lives of Those You Love
by Rachel G. Baldino, MSW, LCSW for “Emotional Compartmentalization” is an emotional coping technique o…

It involves consciously or subconsciously suppressing or “compartmentalizing” or “sectioning off” upsetting thoughts and emotions in order to justify engaging in certain (sometimes questionable) behaviors.

One extreme example of emotional compartmentalization, which can also be considered a sort of “emotional tunnel vision,” involves OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). An OCD sufferer who washes his hands in the bathroom sink from a dozen to hundreds of times a day for weeks on end may never clean the bathroom itself, and may barely even notice just how dirty his bathroom is becoming over the course of time.

Such a scenario might not make much sense to an outside observer, but within the emotionally compartmentalized mind of the obsessive hand washer, it actually follows a certain kind of logic.

the author of the “Across The Great Divide” blog includes a wonderful quote by Sharon Salzberg, a Buddist teacher and the author of a book called Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness. At first glance, this quote may appear to be directed exclusively to students of Buddhism, but it actually could also apply to any of us who are seeking to live lives filled with compassion, truth and integrity. Here it is:

“In order to live with integrity, we must stop fragmenting and compartmentalizing our lives. Telling lies at work and expecting great truths in meditation is nonsensical. Using our sexual energy in a way that harms ourselves or others, and then expecting to know transcendent love in another arena, is mindless. Every aspect of our lives is connected to every other aspect of our lives. This truth is the basis for an awakened life.”




The Negative: The Moral Threat of Compartmentalization  Dr. Cécile Rozuel, Auckland University of Technology — Dr. Rozuel states that “the compartmentalized person may, consciously or not, cut off the moral values, aspirations, feelings and emotions that are deemed inappropriate and irrelevant to a certain context (e.g. the workplace), thereby creating a moral void by disengaging the moral responsibility of their self (i.e. who they really are).


Dangers Of The Compartmentalized Life For You And Others by Gary Woltol

Dangers Of The Compartmentalized Life.

Think on a Navy ship or submarine. You slam that hatch securely when there is a leak with water to prevent disaster and sinking.

Compartmentalization is the same way and it is defensive psychology.

Classic example of a compartmentalized life was Bill Clinton as President wagging his finger at the public and saying, “I did not have sex with that woman.” Two worlds that needed to be kept apart. That of his professional presidential duties and a personal life out of control privately in the Oval Office.

I am not saying compartmentalization is not needed at times in our life to keep our sanity. This fake life of multiple lives, double lifes or even triple lifes, has its time in the sun. But remember, you or others are living a lie. You are not integrated as one life. You are not being authentic to oneself. Reasons for this are to protect from pain or advance your own agenda. Pain being steering clear of grief, sadness, shame, or hurt and advancement being your career aspirations and ambition.

Even in Bill Clinton’s situation it all came to light eventually with our 24 hour media scrutiny and it even resulting in an actual impeachment by the House with it not being a conviction by the Senate. But all the gory details got out in the light anyway.

Compartmentalization is putting parts of our lives in neat baskets or boxes, walling off those areas we do not want to speak the truth to RIGHT NOW as long as we can and no one calls us on it, or maybe even subconsciously we believe our own falsehoods to ourselves.

Why is it a danger eventually? The piper must eventually be paid. The life is out of balance. On people’s personal journey they need to come to terms with those boxes that they could not deal with earlier on the path. Usually there is healing work to be done which usually means some forgiveness to somebody, yourself or others. Or understanding yourself better WHY you are behaving this way.

People to get out of dangerous situations need to be functional and not dysfunctional. Sometimes with long ago past relationships leaving it compartmentalized and keeping your head in the sand about it may sound like it works. People move further back in time or far away in distance. But truly most of the time you the person with unresolved issues still has that “junk” in you. That’s why people say we carry around our “baggage” with us.

Point out compartmentalizations in friendly discussions with others and let them know they may have a blind spot there. With yourself allow compartmentalization to stick around in the short term for your own sanity but in the long term heal yourself with resolution of your deep issues.

Ongoing compartmentalization is not a good thing for your life. It is just another form of escape. You want to discover your feelings and HEAL. That is the best way to live.


198 Methods of Nonviolent Action



198 Methods of Nonviolent Action.

Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire list at their disposal. Listed below are 198 of them, classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion, noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention. A description and historical examples of each can be found in volume two of The Politics of Nonviolent Action by Gene Sharp.

The Methods of Nonviolent Protest and Persuasion

Formal Statements
1. Public Speeches
2. Letters of opposition or support
3. Declarations by organizations and institutions
4. Signed public statements
5. Declarations of indictment and intention
6. Group or mass petitions

Communications with a Wider Audience
7. Slogans, caricatures, and symbols
8. Banners, posters, and displayed communications
9. Leaflets, pamphlets, and books
10. Newspapers and journals
11. Records, radio, and television
12. Skywriting and earthwriting

Group Representations
13. Deputations
14. Mock awards
15. Group lobbying
16. Picketing
17. Mock elections

Symbolic Public Acts
18. Displays of flags and symbolic colors
19. Wearing of symbols
20. Prayer and worship
21. Delivering symbolic objects
22. Protest disrobings
23. Destruction of own property
24. Symbolic lights
25. Displays of portraits
26. Paint as protest
27. New signs and names
28. Symbolic sounds
29. Symbolic reclamations
30. Rude gestures

Pressures on Individuals
31. “Haunting” officials
32. Taunting officials
33. Fraternization
34. Vigils

Drama and Music
35. Humorous skits and pranks
36. Performances of plays and music
37. Singing

38. Marches
39. Parades
40. Religious processions
41. Pilgrimages
42. Motorcades

Honoring the Dead
43. Political mourning
44. Mock funerals
45. Demonstrative funerals
46. Homage at burial places

Public Assemblies
47. Assemblies of protest or support
48. Protest meetings
49. Camouflaged meetings of protest
50. Teach-ins

Withdrawal and Renunciation
51. Walk-outs
52. Silence
53. Renouncing honors
54. Turning one’s back

The Methods of Social Noncooperation

Ostracism of Persons
55. Social boycott
56. Selective social boycott
57. Lysistratic nonaction
58. Excommunication
59. Interdict

Noncooperation with Social Events, Customs, and Institutions
60. Suspension of social and sports activities
61. Boycott of social affairs
62. Student strike
63. Social disobedience
64. Withdrawal from social institutions

Withdrawal from the Social System
65. Stay-at-home
66. Total personal noncooperation
67. “Flight” of workers
68. Sanctuary
69. Collective disappearance
70. Protest emigration (hijrat)

The Methods of Economic Noncooperation: Economic Boycotts

Actions by Consumers
71. Consumers’ boycott
72. Nonconsumption of boycotted goods
73. Policy of austerity
74. Rent withholding
75. Refusal to rent
76. National consumers’ boycott
77. International consumers’ boycott

Action by Workers and Producers
78. Workmen’s boycott
79. Producers’ boycott

Action by Middlemen
80. Suppliers’ and handlers’ boycott

Action by Owners and Management
81. Traders’ boycott
82. Refusal to let or sell property
83. Lockout
84. Refusal of industrial assistance
85. Merchants’ “general strike”

Action by Holders of Financial Resources
86. Withdrawal of bank deposits
87. Refusal to pay fees, dues, and assessments
88. Refusal to pay debts or interest
89. Severance of funds and credit
90. Revenue refusal
91. Refusal of a government’s money

Action by Governments
92. Domestic embargo
93. Blacklisting of traders
94. International sellers’ embargo
95. International buyers’ embargo
96. International trade embargo

The Methods of Economic Noncooperation: The Strike

Symbolic Strikes
97. Protest strike
98. Quickie walkout (lightning strike)

Agricultural Strikes
99. Peasant strike
100. Farm Workers’ strike

Strikes by Special Groups
101. Refusal of impressed labor
102. Prisoners’ strike
103. Craft strike
104. Professional strike

Ordinary Industrial Strikes
105. Establishment strike
106. Industry strike
107. Sympathetic strike

Restricted Strikes
108. Detailed strike
109. Bumper strike
110. Slowdown strike
111. Working-to-rule strike
112. Reporting “sick” (sick-in)
113. Strike by resignation
114. Limited strike
115. Selective strike

Multi-Industry Strikes
116. Generalized strike
117. General strike

Combination of Strikes and Economic Closures
118. Hartal
119. Economic shutdown

The Methods of Political Noncooperation

Rejection of Authority
120. Withholding or withdrawal of allegiance
121. Refusal of public support
122. Literature and speeches advocating resistance

Citizens’ Noncooperation with Government
123. Boycott of legislative bodies
124. Boycott of elections
125. Boycott of government employment and positions
126. Boycott of government departments, agencies, and other bodies
127. Withdrawal from government educational institutions
128. Boycott of government-supported organizations
129. Refusal of assistance to enforcement agents
130. Removal of own signs and placemarks
131. Refusal to accept appointed officials
132. Refusal to dissolve existing institutions

Citizens’ Alternatives to Obedience
133. Reluctant and slow compliance
134. Nonobedience in absence of direct supervision
135. Popular nonobedience
136. Disguised disobedience
137. Refusal of an assemblage or meeting to disperse
138. Sitdown
139. Noncooperation with conscription and deportation
140. Hiding, escape, and false identities
141. Civil disobedience of “illegitimate” laws

Action by Government Personnel
142. Selective refusal of assistance by government aides
143. Blocking of lines of command and information
144. Stalling and obstruction
145. General administrative noncooperation
146. Judicial noncooperation
147. Deliberate inefficiency and selective noncooperation by
enforcement agents
148. Mutiny

Domestic Governmental Action
149. Quasi-legal evasions and delays
150. Noncooperation by constituent governmental units

International Governmental Action
151. Changes in diplomatic and other representations
152. Delay and cancellation of diplomatic events
153. Withholding of diplomatic recognition
154. Severance of diplomatic relations
155. Withdrawal from international organizations
156. Refusal of membership in international bodies
157. Expulsion from international organizations

The Methods of Nonviolent Intervention

Psychological Intervention
158. Self-exposure to the elements
159. The fast
a) Fast of moral pressure
b) Hunger strike
c) Satyagrahic fast
160. Reverse trial
161. Nonviolent harassment

Physical Intervention
162. Sit-in
163. Stand-in
164. Ride-in
165. Wade-in
166. Mill-in
167. Pray-in
168. Nonviolent raids
169. Nonviolent air raids
170. Nonviolent invasion
171. Nonviolent interjection
172. Nonviolent obstruction
173. Nonviolent occupation

Social Intervention
174. Establishing new social patterns
175. Overloading of facilities
176. Stall-in
177. Speak-in
178. Guerrilla theater
179. Alternative social institutions
180. Alternative communication system

Economic Intervention
181. Reverse strike
182. Stay-in strike
183. Nonviolent land seizure
184. Defiance of blockades
185. Politically motivated counterfeiting
186. Preclusive purchasing
187. Seizure of assets
188. Dumping
189. Selective patronage
190. Alternative markets
191. Alternative transportation systems
192. Alternative economic institutions

Political Intervention
193. Overloading of administrative systems
194. Disclosing identities of secret agents
195. Seeking imprisonment
196. Civil disobedience of “neutral” laws
197. Work-on without collaboration
198. Dual sovereignty and parallel government


Source: Sharp, Gene. The Politics of Nonviolent Action (3 Vols.), Boston: Porter Sargent, 1973. Provided courtesy of the Albert Einstein Institution

Most people do not see their beliefs…….

Most people do not see their beliefs.......

I have no idea how many times…

how many conversations,

how many discussions on TV,

how many reports of journalism,

how many family conflicts,

how many forms of science,

how many forms of education,

how many people are hurt by the sheer blindness of what this one quote points to in our lives.

It is staggering and surely not an indicator of a highly civilized species.

that what we believe is how we see,

it is most certain in this world we are learning difficult and painful realizations as we suffer the consequences of our beliefs.

were we to understand the universal laws of life already in place, for god knows how long, on a collective level, or in small family groups, we would actually always move towards harmony.

many of the oldest beliefs of many peoples are in a place of question at this point in our timeline, up for review, our capacity to see the larger reality, the actual evidence, and the pure state of our lives. we can choose clarity, honesty, and pure heartedness and let go of the errors of generations of beliefs that still perpetrate falsehoods on this earth.

Power, influence, and entitlements have no bearing on the witness of the pure heart, which recognizes the disguises, the hidden agendas.

There are those that will clean this planet up, our relations, our environment, our political systems, our spirituality. This is happening now.

today you may encounter this in some way, at some moment.

core spirituality for your discernment

Nickelback- When We Stand Together


“When We Stand Together”

One more depending on a prayer
And we all look away
People pretending everywhere
It’s just another day
There’s bullets flying through the air
And they still carry on
We watch it happen over there
And then just turn it off

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
We must stand together
Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
There’s no giving in
Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
Hand in hand forever
Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
That’s when we all win
Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
That’s, that’s, that’s when we all win
That’s, that’s, that’s when we all win

They tell us everything’s alright
And we just go along
How can we fall asleep at night
When something’s clearly wrong
When we could feed a starving world
With what we throw away
But all we serve are empty words
That always taste the same

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
We must stand together
Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
There’s no giving in
Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
Hand in hand forever
Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
That’s when we all win
Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
That’s, that’s, that’s when we all win
That’s, that’s, that’s when we all win

The right thing to guide us
Is right here inside us
No one can divide us
When the light is nearly gone
But just like a heartbeat
The drumbeat carries on
And the drumbeat carries on
Just like a heart beat

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
We must stand together
Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
There’s no giving in
Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
Hand in hand forever
Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
That’s when we all win
Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
That’s, that’s, that’s when we all win
That’s, that’s, that’s when we all win

“If Today Was Your Last Day”


“If Today Was Your Last Day”

My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day’s a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride

If today was your last day
And tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have?
If today was your last day

Against the grain should be a way of life
What’s worth the prize is always worth the fight
Every second counts ’cause there’s no second try
So live like you’ll never live it twice
Don’t take the free ride in your own life

If today was your last day
And tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have?
Would you call old friends you never see?
Reminisce old memories
Would you forgive your enemies?
Would you find that one you’re dreamin’ of?
Swear up and down to God above
That you finally fall in love
If today was your last day

If today was your last day
Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart?
You know it’s never too late to shoot for the stars
Regardless of who you are
So do whatever it takes
‘Cause you can’t rewind a moment in this life
Let nothin’ stand in your way
Cause the hands of time are never on your side

If today was your last day
And tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?

Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have?
Would you call old friends you never see?
Reminisce old memories
Would you forgive your enemies?
Would you find that one you’re dreamin’ of?
Swear up and down to God above
That you finally fall in love
If today was your last day

Nickelback – If Everyone Cared [OFFICIAL VIDEO

“If Everyone Cared”

From underneath the trees, we watch the sky
Confusing stars for satellites
I never dreamed that you’d be mine
But here we are, we’re here tonight

Singing Amen, I, I’m alive
Singing Amen, I, I’m alive

If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we’d see the day when nobody died

And I’m singing

Amen I, Amen I, I’m alive
Amen I, Amen I, Amen I, I’m alive

And in the air the fireflies
Our only light in paradise
We’ll show the world they were wrong
And teach them all to sing along

Singing Amen, I, I’m alive
Singing Amen, I, I’m alive
(I’m alive)

[Chorus x2]

And as we lie beneath the stars
We realize how small we are
If they could love like you and me
Imagine what the world could be

If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we’d see the day when nobody died
When nobody died…


We’d see the day, we’d see the day
When nobody died
We’d see the day, we’d see the day
When nobody died
We’d see the day when nobody died

With this one agreement, you can completely transform your life

With this one agreement, you can completely transform your life

Don’t make assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
—Don Miguel Ruiz

Today you may learn this in some way……

core spirituality for your discernment

Our Surrendering Hearts….core spirituality…my personal journey





“Entering the journey of a surrendered heart is a willingness to change instead of trying to constantly change the things around you.

When resistance to change is discovered, it is a reminder to bring to mind the exciting benefits of new choices to replace the fear of what such choices force you to lose.

Angelic support and intuitive guidance is revealed at the rate in which you embrace the journey of a surrendered heart and remain willing to put your highest wisdom into action.”

Matt Kahn

The success of nonviolent civil resistance: Erica Chenoweth at TEDxBoulder

When you want to challenge the system…..

How and why people use violence to effect political change.

Non violent resistance…. what is this?

Civil resistance…what is this?

Mass non cooperation….. what is this?

What is the data on violent and non violent campaigns to over throw governments, and territorial issues?

What is people power, and what is the data on this?

Civil non violent resistance allows many kinds of people to express themselves, how does this differ from violent resistance?

Protests and mass demonstration, safety in numbers and how does this effect change and create visibility for humans?

The ways in which you resist an oppressive system matter and how is this evident in data?

Why do you believe violence works?

Is violence and courage the same?

Considering realistic alternatives to violence in expressing yourself in world society.

Non violent legacies in the history of our planet…. do you know this history?

How can we live in a safer more non violent world society?

These are the questions arising and answers provided in this brilliant discussion. Completely relevant to the massive shift occurring in our human species at the present time as the collective awareness of humanity is shifting into our next greater potential to correct the effects of generations upon generations of living outside our spiritual integrity and under the belief and effect of oppressive ideologies, and systems of control.

I am posting this today as a platform of developing awareness, when you watch the news and observe our fellow human beings struggling in their attempts at control and power, at oppression in all its forms, and the choice to use violent or non violent means to express this you may come to realize how this impacts you in some way today.

core spirituality for your discernment

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

The Art of War is considered the greatest strategy text ever written.

War is a predominate factor in our world. For this reason I feel it is essential to understand, review, question, and embrace what it is we can learn from this activity.
All societies on earth are effected in some way with the activity of war, either thru engagement, or non engagement.

Understanding and awareness is derived thru all activities while we live out our incarnational experiences here, many good individuals are deeply committed and engaged in war efforts.
There are many points of view, valid and invalid in war, and the consequences of these efforts are many.

Thus the nature of war, those who engage, those who are effected, and how war resolves conflicts is all up for reflection, and understanding.

core spirituality for your discernment

The Calling By Max Igan *Full Length*

How is the activity of war used for profit?
What is the difference between a theory and a conspiracy?
What are the historical facts surrounding the present world monetary system?
How are individuals using the love of power, not the power of love in this world based in factual evidence?
How is world security shaped by these individuals?
How are governments, industry, and media participating in these efforts?
How is the economic climate of our world shaped with a covert purposes?
How much of these historical facts are you aware?
How is terror used as a vehicle to shape world events, monetary profit, and climates of fear?
What is the project for The New American Century?
Who is benefitting from these efforts, really?
Why do we spend more money on military efforts than we do education and why are we creating more police and military presence than ever before in the known history of the world?

What are the answers you have to these questions?

What words did JFK speak that pointed to all of this and do you remember what happened to him?
What is sodium fluoride and why is it added to our water?
How is television being used to created a false sense of being informed with specific forms of thinking that are predetermined and sprinkled with messages of constant fear?

Is it really dangerous to question reality as it is presented?

You will encounter some aspect of these questions today consciously or unconsciously, depending on your own state of awareness.

What is “dumbing down” ?

core spirituality for your discernment

You are the result of thousands

You are the result of thousands

I personally have had the experience of my ancestors loving me. Here is my story.

When I was a young boy-man of just 13 years age I was attacked. I was attacked by a group of other boys who jumped me and there were about 15 or 16 of them that tore me apart one afternoon as I was walking home from school. The effect of this violent , physical attack on me caused me to go deep within, hiding my pain, and the powerlessness I felt being outnumbered and overpowered. For many years I never told anyone about this horrible experience of bullying. This was gay bashing and I held tremendous pain and anger within me for years. Not until my 40’s did I explore the feelings that had grown inside me as a result of this incident. I found myself terribly wounded and deeply repressed in my ability to express my emotions, which I had never addressed in this incident.

In therapy my therapist encouraged me to go into and thru the feelings I had inside me of unexpressed rage. Within the context of a group therapy setting, outside on the day we had agreed, I dropped into the rage and pain of this incident. My fellow group members reenacting the incident shouting mean and painful words, tormenting me. Surrounding me with huge pillows, I allowed myself to finally fight back and to release the years of pent up energy  I had inside me. The experience was tremendous, as I found myself feeling power I had never felt, feelings I had never allowed myself, and ultimately I released it all…. until I fell into an exhausted lump of a human being.

We went inside the building where I lay upon the floor and passed thru the immense sensation of nothing that came over me. The emptiness was astounding, the calm unlike anything I had ever experienced. The group surrounded me, each person placing their hands gently and quietly upon me as I lay still, silent, and empty… deepening into the experience.

When suddenly I was consumed with a light that appeared over my face, and one by one people ( spirit like beings) appeared and they too placed their hands upon me, each time another set of people appeared to me they were wearing clothing from a different time thru out history. They spoke to me words of gratitude as they appeared. Sharing with me I realized they  were my ancestors, all relatives. This continued for some time as they continued up to this life.

Afterwards I counted back the different time lines of people and realized  that 7 generations of ancestors came forward to thank me, when finally at the end the entire group saying I had broken the cycle. They showed me how my honest expression of my feelings of hurt and pain around the personal suffering I had felt and then released, was something that would release oppression of generations in my family lineage. I had the distinct sensation that some kind of long term, generational pattern had been broken.  Their sincere hearts and faces were clear in my mind’s perception as I lay quietly. They gently began to fade away from my view.

A huge butterfly then appeared to me whose size was at least 2 yards wide and rested it’s wings around me.

I heard the words… this is… the peace that passeth all understanding… I watched myself as this peace permeated my entire body, I could see myself as a field of atoms, protons and electrons, around and thru every atom and proton of my self. thru the empty spaces between all the atoms of my body and replaced all the suffering I had once held in all these places in myself.

I have never been the same, I have been freed of such things for the rest of my life, I learned how to live with a new sense of  inner calm like never before. Thru the years I have reflected back to the generations of ancestors that appeared to me with such profound love, a love that exceeds all manner of words. I learned how this was a transforming, transmuting, total vibrational shift in who I had become.

I share this deeply personal experience to demonstrate how it is that we are able to release deeply painful feelings safely in a therapeutic setting, and experience personal transformation and deliverance into wholeness in ways incomprehensible to our thinking minds up to that point in time.
That we are capable of entering into and thru our emotions in ways that will heal us and in this instance the surprising visit of previous generations acknowledging this experience.

That we rest upon the shoulders of our ancestors is in some ways a very true thing, that we have the choice to break the cycles of our limited being is also true and that we are all connected is also amazingly true.

This was a completely spontaneous life changing result of my desire to heal myself and feel my emotions authentically in a safe and healthy manner.

core spirituality for your discernment

The love of power…….the power of love….which is it?

The love of power.......the power of love....which is it?

it is a flip in awareness that many are opening to having seen what results in this world when we seek the love of power. Is this a component of military, governmental, religious, educational, medical, political , monetary / banking agencies and systems currently effective in our world culture? Not necessarily at all, however individuals in these places do invest tremendous resources into their love of power.

We as human beings all have the capacity to accept or reject the activities of individuals who are within these systems, we have the choice to align with, and support or not to in any situation

We are learning to make better choices with our own resources each of us.

today you may encounter some aspect of this in your life!

Learning to become open minded

Learning to become open minded

Our psychological health and well being supports our physical body in its expression.

Learning to be open minded is a way to develop physical and psychological wellness, closed minds are never well, do not make the best choices and always end up hurting themselves and others.

The closed mind limits the innate creative capacity an individual is born with in ways that cause suffering and repetition of problematic scenarios.

When problems repeat and repeat, most likely we are closed minded and thus are blocked in our natural creative capacity to develop workable solutions.

Closed mindedness is often steadfast in being right, and this will always make another wrong. This will perpetrate all kinds of conflict which then generates more and more suffering and misery and pain.

Closed mindedness feels limiting and is always cause for suspect.

Closed mindedness eliminates the obvious in any situation, even when it is screaming in magnificent decibels and starring one right in the face. This supports positions of being right.

Closed mindedness causes hurt, regret, and depression.

Close mindedness creates limitation repeatedly, and does not recognize itself as being the source of its own incessant repeating in life. Preferring to avoid the obvious, it points to others, as its source of discontent.

Closed mindedness is a result of habit… and ceases to see the value of new experiences, differences, and mystery. This creates the building blocks for being stuck, staying stuck, and undermines the natural expression of spontaneity.

Today you will have the opportunity to see this in some way.

core spirituality for your discernment

The health care crisis is more than you currently realize……

The health care crisis is more than you currently realize......

That leadership is chosen by political party, and not the most ethically capable individuals is a severe error in judgment in our system.

That leadership is chosen by the one who has the most money to spend and represents others whose primary interest is their financial constituents is a severe error in judgment in our system.

That leadership is chosen by the military who can make the biggest, most powerful, most intrusive weapons for destruction and potential for hurting other people, the eco systems of the world, and our very planet is also a severe error in judgment in our system….violence, force, and power over others never succeeds in long lasting ways. History is filled with examples of this… Napoleon used force and his empire quickly tumbled, the Nazis used force, and their empire tumbled.

That healing oneself arises from the use of incredibly powerful pharmaceutical drugs that are perpetrated in society in our medical system is a severe error in judgment. The greatest, most dangerous drug abuse in the world is the legal and illegal use of pharmaceuticals which cause addiction and harm to the spiritual body of the individual, causing lifetimes of pain of millions of people stuck in the illusion that their pain will go away with a pill.

That our willingness to accept the journalistic climate of the perpetuation of the lowest common denominator in ourselves combined with the constant focus on violence, death, destruction in our world medias is a severe error in judgment. Exposing new and young minds to these constant barrages of horror on a daily basis desensitizing individuals to the actual effects of horror. This is utterly atrocious and not the indicator of a civilization that actually contains advanced awareness.

That religious institutions and their leaders, continually function on the level of separation, differences, and righteous superiority spouting moral values that lessen the intrinsic value of a single human over another under the idea that this is what god wants for us, and millions of people subscribe to this is a serious error in judgment. This is not an indicator of a mature, advanced civilization!

That the power of our sick society is perpetrated further and further by our unconscious denial and is completely demeaning to the spiritual presence that is actually what we are all an expression, is not an indicator of an advanced society.

Today you will have the opportunity to see this in some way.

core spiritualty for your discernment

Wise words spoken………

Wise words spoken.........

The pursuit of money has replaced the ethical place of the pursuit of integrity and self knowledge by distracting us in believing we must sacrifice our most deeply held ethical selves in order to pay the rent, look acceptable, wear the right clothes, and appear to be normal. Those holding high positions in the banking corporate seats of power are “banking” on the idea that each of us will swallow this mass belief in the power of money in our lives.

This is a complete illusion to the actual nature of existence, power in life arises naturally and does not depend on whether you have money or do not have money in the bank. This is a false hood perpetrated by individuals who “invest” in this idea and hold power over you thru the idea that you are powerless without money.

This quote is pointing to the idea of understanding this about those who would have you believe that money makes the world go around, this is only true for those who invest in this idea. for money does not truly make the world go around, not at all. God does, Source does, the spiritual energy of life is not your bank, it is within yourself as a spiritual being.

Today you will have an opportunity to look at this

core spirituality for your discernment

The power of journalism

The power of journalism

The power of journalism today is filled with the toxic intentions of the few, with private agendas fueled in greedy agendas designed to distract you, to take your attention away from the ethical magnificent beauty and potential in our humanity.

Journalism seeking sensationalism is driving the conversation and direction of our youth, along with the common person. The ethical use of the power of persuasion and influence is being used to undermine the intrinsic spiritual integrity of our innate being, focusing and fueling the appetite for the lowest in ourselves. This is quite animalistic and serves those who seek to maintain disorder, mayhem, conflict and separation so as to grab what can be taken while you are looking away from your innermost truth as a spiritual being having a human experience.

This form of distraction tells us we must have more things to be happy, make more money to feel powerful, while orchestrating the greatest take over of your basic rights.

Using a powerful media which reaches billions of people holds a responsibility to those beings to serve them in a way in which love, honor, respect, and integrity is behind every message.

So then how do you invest yourself in this notion?

Today you will have the opportunity to see this for yourself.

core spirituality for your discernment

The collective leap…….

The collective leap.......

Paying attention to our hearts we no longer can ignore the obvious, deny the apparent, nor invest into the illusion of a world that does not choose love.

Love exists and beckons inside our most difficult moments

While fear is here to protect us…. it is in our interest to override this fear when it is only based in the mind, the belief in separation, that one is greater than another, and the idea that we do not matter.

You do matter, each of you…. Is how source within me speaks. There is a place for everyone in the plan of existence. where and how do you choose to live the life that is for you?

Do you align and live with nature and the construct of life as it has been designed, or do you resist it, fight with it, deny it, ignore it?

There are spiritual universal laws in place thru out all of the universe, these constructs manage all the creations, love is the primary one, the primary law of all, do you still want to fight it? to separate, to over ride this in yourself?

Today you will have an opportunity to see this in some way…..

Beware means…. Be = Aware

core spirituality for your discernment

shared with aloha

The Awakening Heart, Facing Fear ……core spirituality…my personal journey



My heart is opening up…. I am watching this happen everyday.


We have much much personal power to effect the outcomes of our lives, we discover , as we make the choice to move out of our head intelligence and all the programming of the ages into our heart intelligence and utilize a balance of the two.


The pain in so many people, inside our hearts now on this planet is a result of our many ideas, beliefs and notions about reality and the resistance to the guidance of love seeking its expression in us thru our difficulties. Love has a way of moving us beyond our limited concepts, notions, and beliefs. The shift is uncomfortable.


The amount of “mana” or life energy that it takes to hold on to outgrown ideas, feelings and beliefs, is registered as tension with pain in the physical body. This tension- pain, that goes without processing, and builds up inside us, is what distances us from the life force or power available to us to guide and direct our lives in harmonious outcomes. This tension pain arising from fear, and left unmet, holds tremendous power once we learn how to let it go, process, and learn from it.


These situations are our heart openers. They are part of our soul agreed life scripts for evolving the human we have become as spiritual beings having a human experience. These times are filled with the constant bombardment of intensities of all kinds from the most joyous bliss to the darkest most horrific pain and suffering. Each a polarity of a spectrum of love seeking expression.


How we awaken to this fact and what we do once we start to realize we each have a LOVE-CAPABLE heart is presently at hand for our human species. Individually and collectively our choices with or without the wisdom of our hearts is open for full game.


Fear….let us now look at this.

The amount of indicators which are fear based have arisen to alarming degrees and how we choose to handle these fears has large consequence for our lives today as well as in the future generations. Increasing fear, creating fear scenarios, perpetrating fear, then managing our fear, discerning fear, harboring fears, life choices based on fear and facing fears are all part of the current times we live.


When we encounter negative fear based scenarios around us these are our opportunities to engage our love-capable hearts to face squarely that which holds us back, frightens us, and causes us to be small.


Abuse, wounding, adversity, and tragedy all are experience loops that lead us into the depths of ourselves in ways that will uncover the most authentic soulful aspects of our spirits ( if and when we choose) gives us the power we need to address what it is that hurts us.


Learning to process fear, by utilizing the tremendous resources now in place in this world, thru therapy, thru the example set by those who have already faced this, and by loving relationships of non judgment, models of peaceful resolution, models of loving purposeful exploration, and self responsibility will accelerate our human condition thru, out of, and into whole new possibilities for each and every person. There are millions of souls incarnate today whose purpose in life is to assist and help us move thru these very difficult human conditions now in place all over our world.


Fear based ideologies, fear based systems, fear based leaders, fear based models of life are being torn apart all over the world as more and more individuals awaken to the life force available to us thru the honest facing of all that holds us back from our potential for good, for good for all.


Simultaneously fear based ideologies, systems, leaders, and models are being offered in the world for the possibilities inherent in generating more powerlessness, control, deception, and undermining of authentic spiritual presence and self identification.


Fear when genuine of course, is a natural component of our physical mortal biological selves, messaging our “mortal selves” that we are in or near something dangerous and threatening where harm is a possibility. Fear on this level is used by many individuals, systems, governments, militaries, religions,corporate bodies and covert systems to exert control and and power over the common human being. Thus whenever we exercise our capacity to look squarely into the face of anything that causes us fear and manage our responses realistically we find how many fears are simply that…. only fear.


“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” ….Franklin D Roosevelt


When we face the fear we experience in life with honest, earnest, sincere effort to discover what is in this fear we can alleviate much of our reactionary nature to what is rising up around us collectively and perpetrated thru broad media messaging, political, religious, military, medical, and governmental and corporate efforts to exert influence on us and undermine our deeper capacity to think for ourselves and know for ourselves the truth in any situation.


The degree that we are able to manage fear in our personal lives and spot the greater truth in any situation the greater our capacity to take apart this fear and replace this with a determined presence of self understanding, and integrity and authentic genuine presence. This increase in personal understanding and integrity minimizes and nullifies the possibility for negativity and evil to take hold inside us.


Recently I was having a conversation with a family member around the question of private arms ownership. This person related to me that the level of fear in people was so great that we had to have arms ( guns) in order to protect ourselves. And listening to this point of view I understood it clearly. However it is not my own point of view …on a daily basis, in my own personal life. This conversation caused a deeper look by myself into the nature of fear and how we make choices out of it. Versus making choices out of personal integrity without that fear. Which leads me to the idea of evil.


In my own interactions with forces of evil, I have learned some important things. For one I learned many years ago that evil depends on fear to take hold and influence. In my experience when I faced evil head on and refused to allow fear to dictate my actions I found evil could not take a hold in my life. I have had personal experience in dealing with individuals consumed in evil,whose every intent was to over power and scare me. I eventually learned how to override this with personal integrity and core spiritual self identity. These ideas are easily demonstrated thru many of the martial arts systems which teach one how to face fear circumstances thru self control, and knowing self, combined with various physical disciplines. The practice of non violence is also a spiritual principal taught in many disciplines and spiritual paths that largely shows individuals how to manage fear and face the evil nature that follows fear based thinking and acting.


Individuals in high stress situations, for example the police, military, and protective sources all know about the valuable benefits of how to reach beyond fear, face evil and bring down dangerous and threatening forces. This is easy to see in any police program where peaceful negotiations, with hostage takers. This is obvious thru the efforts of large groups of people all over the world standing collectively to peacefully face dangerous or threatening scenarios in their countries. Learning to face our fears is a brave component of the awakening heart. As our hearts learn to strengthen thru our authentic voice and acts bravely to move past our fear. All children in life know this process as even the simply act of growing up itself, requires at some points, that we overcome some fear we feel.


The opposite of facing fear also tells an interesting tale, as individuals who compress fear, and deny it, suppressing it within themselves make very different choices that are far more limiting. Feelings of being stuck can be the result of this kind of choice making. Issues of blame and shame miss-characterizations and finger pointing seem to be the only solutions. We become inherently limited here when we avoid our fears and thus limit our capacity to learn from that fear. Thus generating more fear based life scripts resulting in more human misery.


I know that in my own life anytime I have faced my own personal fear I have felt whole new forms of personal freedom and greater choice was what resulted.


Every life review I have witnessed, in myself and with in the context of my work with others, every past life recall that I have seen has a soul agreed script that the incarnation will contain that involves some element of transcending fear. Hopefully developing personal growth and opening thru processing these difficult life situations. The incarnate self is born with spiritual amnesia of all this and is caused to develop the personality thru life experience. This is all purposeful, the amnesia prevents the soul self from overriding the development of the personality. This is only temporary as once the soulful components of the heart are back in place this always feel very comfortable and authenticity is restored to the personality.


The awakening heart not only learns to love but also learns to face the fear in loving ways!


This is called bravery!


All athletes, students,children,parents, coaches, know and understand the natural fears we all must pass in order to progress in life! The amount of bravery that is necessary to live fully and eliminate self limiting issues on the way to the accomplishment of our goals!


Facing fear while not necessarily a daily thing in our lives once we reach adulthood, is a natural part of personal growth and development of the emerging individual and can be an experience that goes thru life with us on into our elder years, depending on our capacity to push our comfort levels in the sake of new growth and personal development. This can continue right on up to our last moments here in this life on our death beds as we face our death! The spiritual being having the human experience knows all this about us and can provide tremendous fortitude to our personality as we traverse these moments one after the other till the “end” of the incarnation experience and we return ourselves into our spiritual self without the physical body.


The awakened heart takes on a purely enhanced sophistication of much broader skill. This awakened heart develops all the inner senses of intuitive knowing direct from source within us. This awakened heart develops a capacity to see thru the disguises,the lies, the deceptions, the covert agendas in life with a much broader perceptual level.


This new love-capable heart shifts the awareness of the individual from a terrestrial power based perception, to a universal spiritual based perception. The shift from terrestrial power issues where power over one another is exchanged for power with one another in ways that withdraw one out of many of the conflicts associated with terrestrial power based thinking.


Once the universal spiritual based awareness develops we begin to perceive how it is we are all on one equal base of life sharing the physical world and we learn to embrace harmonious and uplifting styles of thinking, of acting, and reacting that actually support spirituality in all of life including the understanding of our enemies ( who are merely polar opposites of our own selves ).


Fear is diminished as we learn to recognize life as a spiritual experience and not simply a terrestrial one filled with borders, separations and conflicts arising out of the greed for power. The awakened love=capable heart recognizes how power exists innately thru out all life and thus needs no activity of greed to gain it.

Equally what is becoming apparent is the awareness of universal principle in which the law of karma, or the science of cause and effect operates. This understanding also diminishes the effects of fear based thought systems, and religious beliefs so that we can relax with the activities around us knowing full well all actions cause their own reactions. This spiritual principle is solidly in place and humans cannot get away from it no matter their levels of money, their political influence, their religious belief, their military might.


Action and reaction are spiritual laws in place to guarantee the success of the creator, of source, or god however you call this. There is a christian bible quote that points us in understanding this… Galations 6:7. New American Standard Bible which states “ Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will reap.”


The understanding of world influences seeking to take our attention away from our innate capacity to recognize ourselves as spiritual beings having a human experience becomes more and more obvious to the awakening heart. The authentic uncomfortable feelings that message us in this show us how fearful, power grabbing, secretive, deceptive agendas being spread across the world thru multi-national corporate bodies, thru oppressive governments and military systems, thru disguised religious authorities, all seeking to rob the common man of individual innate rights are up for now for the discerning individual all over this planet. This is a global, human species experience we are sharing.


The intensity of all this fills our world as we struggle to understand what it is we are collectively investing ourselves. From the humble individual working to have a good life, raise a family, to whole societies rising up in collective expression of the desire to live without the oppressive unjust laws and power grabbing agendas.


The awakening heart learns how to, step by step, untangle the self from all forces of enmeshment based on terrestrial power and influence. And eliminate the miserable effects of such limited forms of living. Withdrawing support for agencies, agendas, and policies that have been put in place for generations, our humanity is seeking freedom. The core spiritual self is moving into this world with a new found sense of internal, personal, spiritual authentic integrity. The old ways simply do not feel right.


The waves of collective heart awakening in our humanity are addressing injustice, ignorance, inhumanity, deception, in staggering new ways. We see this daily as we encounter the world news and all the activities of our species on this planet. There is still yet vast, tremendous truth yet to be revealed as the dark shadows of our human history opens up. Our capacity to actually feel and know within ourselves is becoming greater and greater each and every day of our lives. Once we address our awakening hearts. Our capacity to recognize becomes quantum-ly more sophisticated in all manners of seeing, feeling, and learning, and knowing. Their is a tremendous shift occurring in us as us in our consciousness as a species.

The awakening heart increases in self responsibility, self accountability, earnestness, authenticity, in learning to love what is…. in powerful new ways. This love combined with the self appointed new inner capacity to see thru the many realities on this planet takes on completely new proportions. The connectedness of all life, all species, and the heavens around us becomes a daily occurrence. The capacity to correct our mistakes, right our wrongs, heal the inflicted, free the oppressed, understand the larger perspectives of life are increasing moment by moment. The capacity to face our fears jumps into staggering new proportions as we learn we can free ourselves out of our human dilemmas and challenges that have held us outside our most intrinsic spiritual identity for generations. That we are all actually spiritual beings having a human experience. With this we have tremendous new challenge ahead for many generations!


Core spirituality for your discernment


shared with aloha

What is Revealed Thru Our Wounds,Thru Adversity and Tragedy…..core spirituality…. my personal journey





What is revealed thru our wounds and adversity, thru tragedy is our character. How and what we think about ourselves, how and what we love of ourselves or not love, feelings that we may not be aware that are deeper inside us below the surface of out attention.


When the unexpected occurs and opens us without the self editing… what pops out of us is character.


Arising outside the lines of our ability to control ……unexpected, surprising situations unfold and reveal a wide spectrum of emotional and attitudinal themes we have invested ourselves.


There is a life wisdom in choosing to learn from what it is about ourselves and one another that shows up when this happens. When we are no longer capable of control in a situation with another person, how do we respond?


When the unexpected realization of revelations show themselves in our relations? Our reactions….. tell a great deal about our character beyond the control of our comfort zones.


Tragedy reveals many states of the human character, and is by far one of the most difficult of all human experiences. How we react in the face of our human tragedies on a personal level, a collective level. This is something to be conscious of in these days of so many incidents of unexpected and surprising experiences. Pay attention here!


Adversity challenges us to look at how it is we act, and react when confronted with difficult circumstances that are beyond our sense of personal control. Pay attention here as well!


Wounds that arise from the emotional interactions of hurtful circumstances open us all up to the state of our own character. What we do with emotional wounding, whether we are the perpetrators, or the victims is very revealing as we recoil from the stings of our human behaviors. Pay attention to what rises up inside self….. !


Abuse of all kinds in our lives on personal and collective levels has a way of opening all of us up to a deeper, wider, awareness of the ways in which we interact with one another on this planet. This opening us up has the capacity to reveal all manner of character in us…… some very positive, and some very negative. Again I know to pay attention here!


In my own family where all these situations have occurred I have been watching the character that is revealed in myself and people as a result of these surprising events in our lives. The levels of negativity this has shown me is truly staggering, truly. The degree of mis understanding, the heights of mis characterizations, the miss perceptions, the judgemental-ism, the schisms, the angers and all the unloved, unresolved pain people are carrying inside. I pay attention to this.


The reactions of a wide spectrum of family members spread across many states all responding have shown me the degree of pain people experience and the various degrees of self responsibility, and personal accountability people take in life for themselves.


We have wide differences in us all, from personal responsibility where we begin to look at our selves with accountability and conversely we have total reactions filled with blame and shame, finger pointing and little sense of personal responsibility for what it is that we feel.


This is precisely the sort of dynamic we are all here to experience as spiritual beings having a human experience. Our families are our spiritual classrooms. What passes between us in our relations is the substance of tremendous personal growth, spiritual development and character development.


That we are born, most of us, but not all, with an amnesia of this is very valuable to the process as we are surprised by the events that unfold on a daily basis. We are each left with our own raw… internal weather systems… our own emotional states with which we must come to terms with, manage, and direct. This is the spiritual gold of incarnating in such a scenario. In the early stages of all this mayhem it feels horrendous and we are subject to our own inner thoughts, feelings and reactions regardless of who or what does anything to us as we wake up and begin to walk the path of self accountability and self responsibility. And for some this takes years, a whole lifetime, and even many lifetimes to awaken. Some individuals will spend their entire lives in states of personal hell, yet as unable to rise out of their own creations of negative life experiences.


I myself have found how my own short sightedness, trigger reactions, unloving of self, angers, judgmentalness and all manner of emotions have been revealed thru the years of this family classroom. There is a wisdom in life in all abuse, wounding each other, tragedy and adversity. Previously I have written about the shadow of our selves as Carl Jung brought to light in his life work about our human character. That light is brought to our shadow selves revealing the nature of our character thru our family dynamics is an amazing set up here on earth. I see this as I have learned to view life as a spiritual being having a human experience and not just a lowly human being acting out of my purely animal instinctual self.


What is remarkable in all this is our characters are subject to our beliefs about one another, and the capacity to objectively see reality is colored by these beliefs we hold. Many family members are limited in seeing the very essence of themselves and each other as their beliefs in life act as contexts for their opinions. This is evident thru the on going drama drama drama and lack of harmony and resolutions. Thus not only our thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions are engaged by wounding, abuse, tragedy, and adversity, our beliefs are also engaged here. I find this simply remarkable as I have had to self correct thru out my entire lifetime as a result of learning about myself, my family, and life from all this. What we invest our beliefs is also at stake here. This provides a very challenging situation to face as relationships show us to each other!


The time spent, the time in negativity is astounding and goes on for years and years! The same is true for our collective humanity as a species as we continue the dramas of war mongering, political and spiritual controls over one another, resulting in the creation of tremendous violence and more wounding, abuses, tragedies, and repetitious adversities! When does it all stop?


The other side of this equation is in the acceptance of life wisdom thru our human experience and the opening to our hearts. The love capable heart that is available to each one of us thru these circumstances is remarkable. The healing that is possible, that all holy people have spoken about for centuries in all religions, is beyond our comprehensions right now.


Stuck….being stuck in the effects of our beliefs, characterizations of one another in negative ways, our pain with our refusal to feel it, our limiting experiences of what love really is all hold us as prisoners to the effects of our own doing. Our awakening hearts have the knowledge of how to unlock these prisons of suffering and to lead us towards much more fulfilling life experiences that generate harmony and well being. The awakening heart of our humanity only pauses as we stay stuck in life. The minute we open the love inside the pains we begin to become aware of whole new possibilities and potential happier outcomes that are waiting for us.


Love shows me that it is needed here, not to shun a individuals who feel hurt, who are hurling blame, who are miss characterizing people, what is needed is the love. Boundaries become very important here and simultaneously my heart wants to remain so very very open.


We are far more capable of processing our lives with a loving eye than we imagine right now.


Especially when we are in the throes of adversity, or abuse yet this is the precise time to call upon this in ourselves.


Letting go those who still need the contexts of fighting and blaming, and reacting and so on. We can learn to hold these individuals in the bosom of our hearts and stop these cycles of suffering, if not for them, for ourselves.


Forgiveness on our own part, is the place of our heart’s awakening and understanding and release.


We can do this and we are doing this now all over the world as we awaken our hearts.




That love guides and directs all of human activity is still unknown by many, for they hold this love outside themselves all along.

The greater realization and awakening is that source as us, god , if you will, loves all and thus has created in life all possibilities to live this.


Love is the ultimate force that shows us our connectedness with ourselves, with each other, with creation. Love is calling, love is knocking, love is leading us thru our painful life scenarios to the greater possibilities in all our hardships.


Every wound has a healing place inside it, every abuse has a healing way to be re directed, every adversity contains a choice for a peaceful harmonious outcome.


This is what our wounds, our tragedies, our adversities ultimately reveal. It is I LOVE YOU!


Core spirituality for your discernment


shared with aloha





Matt Kahn, whatever arises, love that.


Just like every spectrum of color is necessary for a rainbow to appear, each emotion is included in the totality as expressions of love. While some feel more comfortable than others, each one is essential in helping you blossom into your highest potential.

Being mad, sad, hurt, fearful, lonely, or frustrated doesn’t mean you’ve strayed away from love in any way. It is an opportunity to recognize each feeling like a child waiting to be recognized and embraced – no matter what …it thinks or however it feels.

With love as your guide, uncomfortable feelings can be welcomed into your heart and adored for their true innocence and beauty. This can occur without projecting blame onto those who invite your next moment of healing to the forefront of your experiences. Even if blame is projected in response to the circumstances you cannot control, it is a chance to stop and recognize the one who blames as the next in line to be loved as they have never been loved before.

One “I love you” at a time, each aspect receives the acceptance and resolve to complete their journey and returns to the source of origin by dissolving out of your field. Equally so, each “I love you” sent to yourself inspires waves of healing energy to fill every heart. This allows all to be transformed at the rate in which you become your own source of fulfillment.

Whatever arises, love that.”

This is the heart of awakening.

Matt Kahn      

The Love that is Capable From Your Wound…core spirituality.. my personal journey


That the wisdom of life is directed by a loving source most people refer to as God becomes tremendously evident in the healing outcomes that arise from the starts of unimaginable pain and hurt arising from abuse and being wounded. Our wounds carry a heavy and lengthy price. As human beings, calling us to question our very beliefs and ingrained styles of thinking about ourselves and each other, the nature of life, and the purpose of a god. Everything that we hold as real and right, our most intrinsic ideas about our spirituality, our notions and beliefs in a higher power are all called into the painful process of our wounds. How we define ourselves, our families, our friends, our society are all rocked to the core when we are hurt. This hurt reaches so far into the very depths of everything we think feel and believe I have come to learn that there is a wisdom in this life experience.

Early in the process of being hurt we are anything but seeing any of this as we recoil from our wounds. From the actions of one to another…. the betrayals, the angry words, the negative labeling and characterizing of each other is so profound a response in our very cells. As animals we definitely know how to strike out at our persecutors, our betrayers, our perceived nemesis. We lash out, and jump to conclusions without separating from the hurt and thus we see thru the screen of pain…. and pain in distorted partial truths of perceptions all of our own making .

Our capacity to see clearly is over-lay ed with an incomplete view and thus we see not the love that is capable of entering into such situations. Not yet! It is too early. These are always the initial stings of pain and its coursing thru our bodies, our hearts our minds. This is a horrible place and and most everyone here on earth has experienced this to some degree. This is the place of suffering… and where most of us begin to deal with the hurts we convey to each other.

Acting out, acting out of pain, we hurl our proclaimed positions of justification, defenses, righteousness, and we stake our ground in the fight. The line is drawn and the battle ensues. How many times have we witnessed this in just one lifetime? How many families are filled with such? How many people have there been that have watched this familiar drama unfold in our lives? How often do we see hear and listen to public figures hurl their agendas of war laced with all manner of such accusations of pain? Yet secretly load their bank accounts with unbelievable amounts of profit, control, and power over others? It is truly staggering how we use wounding each other in life. These are all responses to the threatening effects of inflicting pain and getting hurt and responding from our more animal-biological-physical selves.

Fear hides behind everything in this and rarely is acknowledged for its role as a fuel that feeds angry words, hurt feelings, burning pain that cuts thru people. The fear that is making its way has a power to destroy, twist, implicate unjustly anyone anywhere anytime.

Rarely do people speak of the depth of their guts, or even acknowledge where this pain-fear secretly moves and directs hurtul responses in us. Fear is a valuable feeling when it is genuine, when it is self created….. it wreaks havoc on our lives. As a person who has worked with individuals processing pain of their wounds in a therapeutic setting, I have seen how we eventually uncover the fears. They finally show up after the hurt is released….the stings…..the agonies…. of what we do to one another. How often it happened that a client did not even realize the magnitude of fear they were carrying. Until they let go their pain and saw and felt the raw underbelly of what exists under their wounding.

Not until one faces their fear will there be any possibility of complete release from circumstances that are built out of a painful wound in life.

Time spent in hurling accusations, characterizing negatively, justifying, defending, gossiping, fighting, judging one another, withholding, and arguing is all time spent in the first phases of the pain. There is still the fear to be faced here. Time spent in taking sides generating scenarios that undermine character, that twist the facts or even worse purport half facts is all acting out of pain. There is still fear to be faced. Malingering in pain and sorrow, harboring hurts and wallowing in the muck of toxic relating all arise still out of pain. There is still fear here to be faced. Thinking your god justifies you in your pain, that god takes sides and empowers you to your fight only arises out of pain. There is still fear here that is to be faced… my experience is god is not on anyone’s side in particular we are all sided by god, our source is that we are all divine beings, no matter the roles of our earthly lives. So all those religious justifications for your own pain are only that ….religious justifications. No more. Time spent hiding behind the wounds of your life arises all out of the pain…. there is still fear here to face. Hiding allows time to do whatever else you want until you are ready to face what is before you to face in your life experiences. Fear still awaits you to be faced.

I recall in the christian story about how Jesus, who was hurt terribly on many levels, to the point of being killed arouse out of his painful wounds to proclaim the most profound levels of love and compassion freeing himself and the world! This love has gone on to transform untold lives and has opened the doors of many a closed heart in this world now for centuries. Are we any different in our capacity to allow and embrace this love? Wounding will cause you to seek the answer. And if you go far enough you will learn what he is quoted as saying… and even this you will do. GREATER THINGS AND MORE! HEAL!

Our world is filled with the horrific acts perpetrated on one another and those who have risen out of the dark pain filled dramas to herald this magnificent love to our world, to one another. The astoundingly profound survivors of all manner of unjustness, of terrible accidents, of unthinkable unkindness have continues to show us that this is possible. So how is it that in our little life dramas we stay entrenched in the sufferings? Our wounds show us the answers as we live with the pain of what we do to one another, and how we respond to what has been done. Either side of this equation has something very valuable and relevant to our personal lives to teach us. There truly is wisdom awaiting every painful scenario. Waiting…. waiting…… waiting……

Our personal hearts, our collective heart is growing as we come to grips with all of this, as we individually and collective realize what it is that we are doing here, and what our actions are creating for us all. Our hearts are used to loving some and not others, loving some circumstances and not others, yet this is quite incomplete. The heart of life itself beating in every creature, in every human is alive with the consequence and possibility of everything we think do and say to one another. Our collective capacity to see ourselves is becoming linked thru all manner of media and technology, we are learning to see ourselves, still separate, yet possibly all together. Eventually we will realize everyone is better when each person shares in their responsibility in life. Evil is diminished by facing fear, by feeling our pains our wounds and thus has little ground to take hold. But first each of us will face our own pain, and our own fear before we can have this for everyone.

To live a wounded bitterness all your life, to stay angry and hurt is a choice in each of us. We do have a capacity to either hold on to and generate bitterness and disdain for our lives and each other or to move forward to heal to feel out our pain, face our fear and realize our enemies are our teachers. For without them we would never go so far, so deep, we are all in life together. Taking sides is futile, and immature. Our soul selves are waiting for each of us to graduate beyond the posturing, the fighting, and the hurt so that we can do what we were designed for.

To express the infinite glorious joy of the source that is what we are made, and to continue to explore, create and discover more of what source is for us all.

When you have been touched, I mean really touched by divine love there is no question here abut any of this. When you have been moved so completely by divine love moving into and thru yourself, and felt the tremendous release of limitations and hurt, when your loving painful heart is restored and you no longer carry the weight of your hurt you will have arrived at a new beginning.

The restoration of your own soul, your own true spiritual nature in you as you. No longer feeling as a limited and lowly human being, doomed for life. The spiritual heart you have in yourself will love as never before, in ways you have yet to even imagine.

The awakened spiritual heart in you will understand what it is you have been missing thru your fighting, your taking sides, and your suffering. The Christed love, the divine love is for all and then you will see this, no matter how dark the skies around you become, no matter how fearful your neighbor, a love-capable heart is more joyous in life than you have yet to even comprehend.

It is there awaiting each of us, every day and thru every hurt incurred.

Core spirituality for your discernment

shared with aloha

The Painful Wounds That Make Us Cry…core spirituality…my personal journey


What is this wounding? It is the intentional or unintentional hurt that cuts into some part of us after we are born into physicality which begins an opening process inside us taking us to new levels of personal, mental, emotional, spiritual, and often dramatic new places of understanding and presence. Wounding takes place on many levels physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

Spiritual beings having a human experience all go thru various degrees of this universal experience and it hurts. This hurt can drive us to many many actions in our lives. Hurting is a voice of a part of ourselves that is not yet loved, not yet cared, not yet embraced nor even understood. In fact our wound may reveal completely new parts of ourselves we did not even know we had inside us! Both negatively and positively!

How an animal responds to it’s sense of pain is to withdraw and also to strike out. This is also a universal component of the physical-ness of our lives. As spiritual beings enveloped in physicality we must process our pains thru our physical bodies. As we feel the wounds of life we respond thru our bodies. This can be confusing as we assess what it is we feel.

We respond thru our emotions, thru our minds and thru our spirits too. However our awareness of how we respond is not always developed and thus we may actually act purely out of our physical selves ( our more animal selves), we may act out of our minds with thoughts and words that we speak, we may act out of our emotional feelings thru blame, thru characterizations and labeling of one another, thru many kinds of suffering and hardship created and directed at ourselves and one another.

Alternately we may act out of our spirits and learn to discern the deeper significance of how it is we find ourselves in situations of being wounded and wounding others. Pay attention here for this is the real reason for these wounds!

Each phase of this is valuable to the spiritual being having a human experience. I know this from the soul review I have had where the most important aspects of my various lives was not how much money or influence I made, it was how much I learned to love and how did I hurt others when I was unconscious and outside the center of my love. These were the most significant parts of my soul review where I learned directly how it is my own words and actions effected those around me. I have had many lives of tremendous suffering, inflicting pain, getting hurt and getting caught up in the polarity of power as it is explored thru incarnating.

As a soul I learned I was free to have all these experiences out of the unlimited and eternal love of source within myself, the same source that is all of life. This was to learn, to grow and to evolve source as it was within me. From these life reviews I was always given the opportunity to return to a physical life to improve, correct, or finish out a painful situation my soul had engaged. Thus when we return to our lives here and find ourselves in surprising circumstances of wounding this is simply the furthering of our soul’s desire to evolve ourselves in a much broader context than our incarnate self realizes at the time. The individuals in our life dynamics all play the roles we each need to explore and heal and do so purposefully from the soul perspective.

I know now….. at the onset of these circumstances there is the working of the soul in all the wounding. My spirit engages almost immediately, and when it does not, quickly I find myself returning to my soul in all such matters. Thus I may withdraw much of the polarity of enmeshment with others and hold to my spiritual sense. ( when I speak of spiritual there is no mistaking here that this is in no way religious, it is a deeply felt spiritual sense within me)

The effect of the pain of our human wounds may last a lifetime, and go further into many lives. ( as I have been shown in my OBE experiences visiting the light realms of our spiritual selves beyond earth) part of the curriculum of our incarnations is to see what we do with what happens to us while we are here in this life. Here is where our feelings act as a feedback to how it is we are doing with what is happening.

Whenever we continue to hurt after a wounding and the length of time we spend in this can reflect to us much about our own understandings about ourselves and each other not what the other person has done to us.

Human beings are learning how it is we actually may heal ourselves thru these experiences and return ourselves to a presence of self that is greater than before the wound was created. To heal is to be made whole again!

Along the way we many involve ourselves in characterizations and blame of those who perpetrate these wounds. There is called enmeshment where we entangle one another together in negative circumstances which bind us together until we learn to resolve our own side of any equation of having been wounded or wounding another. This enmeshment is very uncomfortable for each side and there can develop significant levels of back and forth exchange. These exchanges are the explorations of the many components of our separate experiences of pain. Often this involves blame, shame, negative characterizations which hurt and deepen the original wounding process. Negative exchanges of this sort will prolong suffering and increase the size of a wound. Just as a physical wound can become worsened thru infection, these NEGATIVE EXCHANGES can infect whole families, and groups, nations, and ultimately whole species and become much worse before they get better.

Without the the sincere self honesty and inner reflection required to lift oneself out of these wounds we are left to the polarity of being locked in with one another. We could call this victim and persecutor roles. Without the pure sincere inner reflection we act out the wounding process again and again and even become the very thing we are fighting. The persecuted becomes the victim, and the victim becomes the persecutor. This will activate another component of ourselves, the judge. Then we become the judge and the persecutor all in one. Or the victim and the judge. It is a painful cycle common to our human experience. Whenever this situation continues I know that I am investing myself into a drama drama drama and I need to pull out of it and regain my own sense of pure spiritual clarity and place.

Enmeshment has been such a thickly repeated scenario in my own awareness my that own sense of felt pain has led me to step out of this cycle repeatedly in life. There is always a question here of how am I investing my precious life energy into feeding a negative situation and perpetuating mis understanding, conflict, and suffering to myself and or another human being here on earth.

To truly heal our wounds will always call us to self responsibility, inner questioning and reflection, whether we are the victim, or the persecutor. We are called to ask ourselves the important questions of which will show us our own participation and how it is we can resolve our own side of any equation. Often the person with whom we are enmeshed stays in their position long beyond the original wound, and long after one person has healed. I have experienced this tremendously in my life having realized I had the capacity to return to forgiveness and healing within me whilst the person I was originally engaged continues in pain and suffering for years and years! For example after a marriage and split where my heart was broken into a million pieces I finally learned how much more room there was inside my broken heart. I learned how a broken heart opened me to vast new vistas of personal development, personal understanding, personal expression and more meaningful forms of loving. Now I find myself grateful for all of it. The wound became a new place of personal growth and development that redirected my entire life!

It is the still immature-soul incarnate self that dwells in blame and shame, negative characterizations, and hurting of self and the other regardless of whether you are the one who hurts or is the one who did the hurting. This is all necessary until there is growth, and this is the purpose of long suffering in our lives. To keep moving us…. thru the pain we experience…. until we yield to the greater capacity to use love to heal and not more dramas! To be self accountable for our own emotions without pointing fingers, to be self aware so that we may develop the greater capacity we all have to love and to serve one another.

How I know I have healed a wound arises as I find myself humbled, and finally the understanding of compassion shows me what it is to “walk a mile in another’s moccasins” . I am no longer suffering the pain that once was and I am willing to serve…. to serve that which has been hurt. Returning back to life, and to true compassion for everyone involved. This is a remarkable possibility that arises from source within us as there is unlimited substance of spirit in us all. This inner spiritual presence in us is very loving, very wise, and very capable of healing our wounds. This love, which is the love from source as us, has a capacity that surprises the incarnate self discovering that there is so much more joy awaiting us beyond our pain and suffering, our fighting, our discontent, and misery.

Core spirituality for your discernment

shared with aloha