Love what is ……..core spirituality for your discernment

Loving what is opens us to the innate presence of life as it is expressed in all forms. Loving what is is the very nature of the creator, of the source, of existence.

Learning to love what is we become the presence of love thru our own  eyes, thru our ears thru our bodies. In loving what is we drop the identifications with judgmental thoughts that have held our lives in limitation for centuries and replace the judgment with compassion. Thru generations of our ancestors we have held each other in various kinds of limitation, and selfishness. To love what is we learn to accept the reality all around us and we bring to that reality the very substance of active-compassion in the world. Loving what is transmutes the lesser vibrational substance of human agony and pain, transforms horror, and reveals our true capacity as spiritual beings having a human experience.

Loving what is opens the heart of misunderstanding leading us into the space of recognizing the layers of reality that shape our human class room. These layers contain elements of our experience shaped in pieces and parts as we have sought to unravel our conundrums… our problems… and our obstacles. Loving what is  generates the possibility of receiving deeper information that shows us purpose in all of life, leading to the soul perception of ourselves.

Loving what is stops the negative reactions to the negativity that is unfolding around us and generates the space for it to express without adding more negativity to it. We stop the cycle of repetition and reaction common habit to our people.

When I first encounter any form of negativity I may have a horrid initial response, I may have a sad response once I have identified in myself how I feel then I may learn to love what is. And thus shift that response in myself to a new level of perception.

As I practice fair witness in myself I have learned that the more I choose to love what is I find the love in my being larger and larger and more capable and I then have first reactions that bring loving what is immediately to the situation.

I find this absolutely amazing!

Everything I do, everywhere I go, and every memory within my self I bring loving to what is….. In every human possibility. I find the universal love seeks this out and constantly grows and grows. When ever I forget I return to it. Now it is a life habit.

As I awaken to universal love I am finding much more to love in this world.

I am finding myself loving many predicaments that I previously held only in negative awareness. Now I realize the capacity of the spiritual heart has an infinite desire to love continuously. I even like to love my food before  I eat it. I love the work I need to do to maintain a clean house, a clean car, a clean mind!

Learning to love what is not only transmits love in this world it also elevates attitudes.

My own and others. I have witnessed this loving presence as I listen to others and the shifts that take place are remarkable. Listening to another persons pain, negativity and hardship with life generates a vibrational space of acceptance silently for that person that supports them to move beyond, to take the leap… to step out of the habit and spiraling in limitation and suffering…… all without even saying one word.

This is an actual substance and does not require belief.

For it is far beyond any belief. I have learned even as I do not believe in something when I apply loving what is I come to perceive that which I was prevented from seeing in the past. I find acceptance understanding and humility again and again and again. This feels really good.

Engaging in difficult situations in loving acceptance of what is protects! I have learned that in negative potentially harmful confrontations I am protected from my own reactions, as a human being and I learn to with hold adding to the difficulty. This automatically provides a basis for difficulty in another to process their stuff. I have watched as this reduces the amount of time I normally would encounter in these situations. I have witnessed this also signaling me long before difficulty arises preparing me for a better confrontation and more purposeful use of my awareness.

Loving what is generates fierce presence in me that can look into the depths of human struggle and misery, pain and suffering and see it for what it is. This strength is a spiritual quality that imbues my human self with the capacity to heal denial and ignorance. I choose not to run from, deny, or ignore that which is in me and around me. Rather I choose to stay connected, to remain present, to engage. The outcomes and choices availed me increase as new solutions appear.

This is truly amazing! Truly!

Loving what is increases the amount of gratitude in me that is staggering, absolutely staggering to my humanity. Gratitude transforms and lifts up all of my human experience to levels where my connection to the spiritual presence of life is more and more consistent. And elevates the most mundane moments of living.

Loving what is leads me to look into and beyond the separatist ideologies, teachings, and authorities as this quality of love reveals what is truly in unity underneath human activities. In unity through diversity, thru paradox and theology. When we see our lives from the perspective of unconditional loving we are in our soul perception of ourselves. Our souls, the soul of every single human being is infinitely loved by it, and then from the source of the soul. The Oneness.

This is life transforming!

Loving what is….. the destination of all human experiences. The result of trillions upon trillions of moments in time. The result of trillions of human interactions upon your planet. The very direction of the madness, the cruelty, the difficulty of all struggle of all human life is this. Learning to love what is! This is the next doorway of your humanity’s journey. Moment by moment, step by step until every molecule of this earthly home is filled with unceasing, unconditional, infinite love. The urging presence of such a possibility is upon you all now. Your free will choice is potent…. it is up to you, to each of you to choose……..

choose to love what is………..

……………………………………………… can do this! .

You are one and all so completely loved by source, so completely loved by source as you learn that you can really LOVE WHAT IS.

My core of spirituality speaks within me now.

Shared with aloha…

The Act of Will……………… core spirituality for your discernment

The Act of Will……………… core spirituality for your discernment

There is a great will , there is a little will. There is the “will of the people” and there is “thy will be done”.

When looking into the act of will we make choices that develop experiences that become the design of our lives.

That we give ourselves over to the idea of our will has significant purpose meaning and consequence.

The awareness of our will is effected by many external factors some directed at our greater good some directed towards someone else s idea of good.

The effects of exercising our will can be felt directly in the corporeal reality of our body. There is a feedback inside each of us.

The decisions that arise out of our truest will lead us to our most significant learning, our most outrageous discoveries and our greatest leaps of personal development and unfoldment.

I often reflect on the idea of the will. It is a daily on going process for me. I make reality selections based on my sense of my most truthful will. Weighing the options inside my awareness as I choose the responses to life, to unfolding directions, towards all my relations.

The act of will has become for me, a kind of co creative directive. A directive that has arisen from the years of learning how the action of pursuing a will of truth-fullness feels. I still ask, I still question, I still weigh things. It has become a major aspect of my day to day existence that has grown over time to have a deep and meaningful place in every moment. I still find myself going unconcious at times with regard to my will, slipping in and out of staying connected to the truth-fullness of my core self. It is such a commitment to pay attention to the will. And not to go off, not to stray from my deepest core of will.

In the act of being a spiritual being having a human experience the act of will is one of the most powerful day to day experiences one can have. Form the smallest seeming decisions to the biggest. It is a constant directive for me. And provides meaning to the seemingly insignificant occurrences of our daily lives. This provides a rich experience to daily living I find very enjoyable.

Upon dismantling the artificial authorities in life, the false religious teachings, the false voices of those who seek power around us thru their religious views, the artificial authorities of  social norms, the academic world, and all the falsehoods of this reality….. we are left raw with nothing but our own internal process and inner sense of things.

Contained in this place, inside us is our own real genuine greater will. I love this place. I seek this place inside me, thru quietness, introversion, thru learning to be gentle and patient. I like the pauses in life….. I find this place over and over in ways that surprise me. As core within me informs my mind in ways that reveal such credible improvements, inclusive living. I find this inner resource astounding.

I love this place inside us very much.

This is the place where there is a vastness of cohesion in chaos, much understanding where there is none, where there is truth surrounded by human falsehoods …the way is opened up.

The possible resides within the external world of the impossible.

There is such tremendous personal freedom inside us when we learn to discern our most intrinsic inner will.

With this personal freedom there is a source of energy that transcends external circumstances  in a way that provides flow to life and connectedness to the mundane reality of the ALL THAT IS.

The work of clearing our shadow selves, the work of learning to disengage in the unhealthy dialogues and behaviors of this world around us connects us to our purest sense of inner will.

The development of awareness of our emotions opens our capacity to filter life, thru our body we can feel the most pure emanations of our true will within. Healing the wounded psyche we inherit thru our families we can return ourselves to our greatest good. The act of healing shifts from the absolute necessary work of our survival into sanity out of the insanity of this world. The act of healing these hurts then transforms into a gift that lives in us that only wants to serve. Healing all our hurts thru choosing the will of our deepest soulful self becomes the healing of everyone and everything around us as all the hurts arise to be loved and nurtured.

I often find myself simply loving someone, and not providing answers. The silent act of loving opens the possibility of their finding those answers for themselves.

The act of will takes the most unholy of human reality and makes it holy…. makes it whole! I find this amazing. I am humbled by how my heart beats more simply from writing this sentence.

Often in my life the act of will becomes something greater than my own sense of self, it is bigger than me as it flows thru me and I realize many things. The act of will, the pure will, the greater will of life actually “lives us”, as us , thru us. To me it is miraculous.

Within the act of will, of the greater will, is the most fierce, the most mercy full expression of what is possible in any moment. To allow self to be shaped by this greater will is an experience that will shift and redirect at any moment anything, any possibility that arises. It is constant…it is ceaseless… it is totally resource-full when there appears to be no resources. I find this amazing.

To engage in life fully requires learning about our greater will. Investing our energies where they are best suited and provide experiences that draw to us perfection and beauty.

Once upon healing a tremendous pain, a hurt so deep that my body was aching for years I released a horrible fierce cry. A cry that rippled into sobs and opened my heart so completely that I fell upon the floor and drained out years of pain. Which then turned into generations of hurt leaving my body. Releasing out of me so deeply I felt the letting go lift out of my very bones, my skeleton. Emptied out and drained I lay still in the emptiness. There I was lifted out of myself. I found myself flying in space thru the cosmos past whole galaxies, past vastness that is impossible to describe. I was delivered to a magnificent light. A light so great and far reaching and so encompassing I immediately felt the words… I am home. This light emanated the most unceasing greatest most profound feeling of love that I can even give words. I floated in this light as I received tremendous downloads of information of Source. I knew I was at the center of creation and that I also had a spark of this light in me as me. There was no longer any question. In this experience I felt the loving will of source. I learned that the greater will is one of goodness. I realized the work of being human and the value of honoring our humanity, our darkest selves, and our innermost pure will. And my life has never been the same. As I returned I brought with me the awareness of this light. I have felt and seen it now for years. It is within this creation, behind the creations of humanity, it is the source for the true life of humanity. And ever since I have learned to weed out the false creations, the falsehoods of those who would have us believe we are anything less than truly divine beings having a human experience.

The act of will is at the root of your human experience. Every difficulty has the capacity to bring you into the awareness of your greater will. To connect that life is about living fully. Stay close to your greater will to learn what is next….”

core of spirit within me whispers..

shared with aloha

How would you like this story to end?

Waking Up! Oil based economics? Geo enginering? Now is the time to awaken!.

The Silent Ecocide

Photo-Boy holding a pilot whale featus from the Faroe islands killings that took place over the last few days... Photo-Boy holding a pilot whale featus from the Faroe islands killings that took place over the last few days…

The year is 2015, there is a divided race of bipedal apes that walk the Earth that call themselves ”civilized”, they think they have earned the right to plunder the Earth and kill other creatures or make them suffer, this is what some of them teach their children to do, others are teaching their children to care and love the Earth and her creatures, there are not enough of the empathic kind however, the caring human is in danger of extinction, as those that dominate are those that are the most destructive and biophobic. They are destroying the Earth and her creatures because they cannot see that they are her and she is them, therefore they are destroying themselves and the rest of us will either vanquish with them or find a…

View original post 74 more words

Intentions, Bringing Clarity to What is

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Intentions, Bringing Clarity to What is
Really Happening Around Us… core spirituality, my personal journey

Questions About Intention

Intention… how well do we understand our intentions?

Do we recognize the values inherent in the intentions we place into this world?

How do our intentions create the outcomes we see all around us?

What are the hidden intentions really communicating to us?

How do we see the intentions of those around us?

Do hidden intentions have hidden outcomes?

How well do we understand the intentions of our political representatives,

our military leaders,

our television producers and news producers,

the media moguls, television in general,

the gazillion ads and all the commercials that flood the American culture,

religious people, religious leaders and teachers,

scientists and the sciences they teach to us,

banking corporations ( I call them cartels),

the medical doctors and the political lobbyists that drive the medical industry in this country.

How well do we as a people, collectively truly understand and recognize the intentions which drive the many forces of our world?

Do we take enough time to look into what is really going on around us and do we even care?

Does Intention Really Matter?

The intentions of each person on this planet combined with every other person create and develop the many outcomes we live within and thus the idea of being clear about intent is a valuable awareness arising from core spirituality. We are creating by virtue of living!

Our intentions when magnified on a collective level have a deep and meaningful outcome with regard to all aspects of living and to remain unconscious, or stay IGNORANT, or to ignore this has had dire consequences and will continue to have dire consequences into our future.

How we intend our day may support any number of situations positively or negatively in the larger world around us. Even when we ignore this fact, or deny that one little person doesn’t make that much of a difference, the unspoken intent of our lives is creating the scenarios we find ourselves.

Negatively Held Intentions

In a negative sense we may find ourselves supporting a slave mentality by submitting our own actions via a lifestyle as a slave in our jobs, perpetrating slave masters on the job because we participate in that activity on a regular basis. We “think” ourselves into the notion that we have to submit ourselves to less than we are creatively capable for the security of the paycheck, or the medical insurance or both. I see this often. Yet this behavior actually magnifies these intentions and creates avenues for more of the same. Thus replicating the effects of the negative intentions. Perpetrating a cycle of master/slave in the workplace.

Yet on second thought was that the intention?

Clarity is Important When It Comes to Intentions

Without the clarity necessary to observe our own intentions we are left to the effects of those intentions. Could there really be an unconscious intention underneath this scenario which is saying “I can’t do something so I will just do the best I can with this”, is there minimizing going on in the unexpressed intentions? I have to wonder about that. The message that one is powerless is a dominant theme in our humanity, especially on a feeling level. Powerless to create what brings me joy and purpose. When we hold these feelings and allow the intention of them to overtake our lives we are subject to our creation without realizing that it is our own intent, though unconscious that is creating the underlying circumstances. This could be a big wake up call once we understand the true nature of our own intentions and begin to drive forward what it is we truly want and decide to activate our truer intentions.

I frequently observe military actions as reported around the world, and beyond the surface reports of what I am told in the medias I look for intentions. What are the real intentions in all this militarization in our government, or around the world? Do these intentions align with what is actually being reported? I find myself learning more and more how the hidden intentions of people actually drive the surface activities of these military efforts. Not all is what it is reported to be on the surface. The negative effects of these actions hurt, destroy, maim, and displace all manner of healthy life, including our planetary ecology… is that really a good intention? I ask myself… do they really intend to protect, and value the sanctity of life for humans as well as the planet as they report? I know they have completely overridden the waters here in Hawaii with the testing of sonar, even when there are hundreds of whales in our waters and our nature specialists have reported the damaging effects this places on these amazing beings. This is only one tiny example of many many ones.

The Energetic View of Negative Intent

The vested amount of emotional, monetary, mental, social, technological energy that is negatively based yet reported on the surface as good….. is literally staggering. As a person who sees energies… I see the amount of negative, dark, muddy, gross vibratory energy surrounding objects, buildings, and people in this way and it is horrific. Were more people able to actually see the aura’s of these things I am certain many situations would begin to change.

There is an actual energetic component outside the ordinary awareness of people in the physical world. This exists in the finer spectrum’s of light which are expressed as intention, this energetic component fills our skies, moves thru our streets, surrounds our buildings, and permeates the human beings everywhere.

It is a dark greyish brownish greenish sludge of negative energy that is lacking in light and full of darkness of all kinds. It is very unnerving to see and feel on this level and it exists in our physical world. Just because one cannot see it does not mean it does not exist. If we didn’t have microscopes would we still believe in germs? Learning to see the vibrational aspect of our intentions is possible. This is very common in my healing practice where I see the exact same sludge like clouds of energy inside and around the physical body. This exists also in our environment almost everywhere. While living in Hawaii I am surrounded primarily with nature, and that energetic picture looks totally different. It is full of light and design of all kinds. The contrast is gob smacking.

As individuals, as a human family we are on the verge of a massive clean up of our intentions and the darker components of this have not even fully been revealed or realized. As each individual takes into account their own intentions and clarifies where needed the collective clean up will become much easier to withstand. As dark intentions are continuing to be revealed our intention to hold a positive intention is needed. We need to find and ground our own sense of positive intention every day in every way and cultivate this in our own circles. As we do this we bring greater space to experience real joy, and we clear away the hubris of past negative intent in our environments. We can take a loving approach to intention that has a transformable result and this brings to us harmony even as disharmony may go on around us. For me I have a garden, and in this little place I experience all the magic, harmony, growth, and wonder this world has to offer, just as my neighbor next door, who I think is a drug addict is screaming in agony and fighting all the time.

Testing Out Positive Intent

Testing out a new positive intent is a grand experience as each day unfolds and we can learn about how our own intentions do actually create the world we each live and the one we all live within. We need to learn to open to more and more positive intentions in our daily lives by clearing away our old ideas, and notions and learning to “plant” new intentions and stick to them. By practicing this regularly we encourage ourselves towards more and we replicate and make stronger and grow our positive intentions just as we do our bank accounts. I find that whenever I do have to face a negative situation, or feeling, even if I can hold a positive intention around it I make it better for myself. The overall effects of learning to live with positive intentions is unlimited, valuable, and truly contributes to our species and our living planet. How nature responds to this intent in a human being is most enjoyable and we can see this in a plant, or a pet, or any animal we encounter when we act intentionally positive towards it.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery


QUOTE a lie does not consist in ....


Translating Into Soul Essence, Redefining What It Means to Be Human….core spirituality, my personal journey


Translating Into Soul Essence, Redefining What It Means to Be Human….core spirituality, my personal journey

Life is about experiences and the expressions of this are unlimited as is the source of all of us, our creative impulses, and the cosmic mind from which we spring forth.

Soul expression is indeed unlimited and the journey that each individual takes in translating these aspects are varied and may be found thru any religious path, mind path, or no path.

Soul itself is far beyond our very limited human ideas. The universal background that supports the soul incarnating here is known as hermetic law, or universal laws, or natural law. Regardless of the name we call it, the structures of human lives do exist and they do not depend on our belief, or knowledge of them to be active.

These life structures include but are not limited to : vibration, resonance, reflection, action and reaction, polarity, rhythm, and gender.

Life without awareness.

Living an entire lifetime without the consideration of these basic laws which are the constructs of life leaves a human being open to many forces that may deceive, distract, oppress, violate, withhold, detain, misinform, misdirect, confuse and cause all manner of suffering to the life form. Many forces dominant of this planet have known this and used this knowledge to suppress, and control the human potential for generation. How and what we believe shapes what we see and learn and discover about our true nature and life herself. Conscious awareness is valuable for this reason.

The Stabilizing Forces Within Nature

When we begin to translate our soul into ourselves these laws of life act as a ground of strength from which we can depend. The human being goes thru many phases of translating self into soul essence as the awakening process is usually a long one that may be initiated in a flash of an instant. How quickly that instant may be it is the beginning of many such AHAA’S and other mystical, universal, heart opening experiences that are the harbingers of the soul’s translation into the human self. And the many changes to come.

For many these initiations are often painful ones, perhaps thru loss, tragedy, or painful realizations of which we are feeling less than our best. These signals lead the human into the realms of the soul where the parameters of life have far wider borders with amazing interconnectedness. Meaning takes on significant new dimension as compared to what once held a significance… no longer or just the opposite.

Redefining what is meaningful is a very profound exercise as the human comes to grip with new awareness. We are designed to learn, to grow, to evolve. The deepest most meaningful experiences can arise from the tremendous depth of our own personal growth. Growth in infinite ways.

Personal Growth Holds Many Keys to Life

These periods of growth may be very uncomfortable or may be ecstatic, either way they do signal something of tremendous meaning that is understood universally to all human beings regardless of origin of birth, religious training, belief or thought.

Growth is the entire reason we exist and this growth produces many outcomes. We learn to make better balance and to correct imbalance. That we learn something brings meaning to the most horrible of experiences. I have heard this expressed many times from people who have made it thru their difficulties, their struggles. The more we grow and evolve our awareness about the nature of life, beyond merely intellectual growth the more we encounter the finer components of the soul. Usually this will be the result of our heart, for the mind alone is simply incapable of holding the vastness of what we truly are as soul beings.

The heart of each of us is always promoting love in its infinite expressions so as to bring the human condition into alignment with the larger life presence of something beyond mere human intellect. We can see how this is true because the urge to love and be loved is behind every hurt, every pain, and each disharmonious memory. As a therapist I have witnessed the layers of painful memories inside people fall away and always love is waiting there. Always it is the final stage of healing and it is the beginning of life from within the soul essence.

When We Learn to Pay Attention to the Heart Mind

When we realize how the heart messages are differentiated from intellectual messages a significant new level of growth occurs and we develop heart intel…. or heart intelligence.

Our Heart Intelligence

As the capacity of our heart mind sees farther, reaches deeper, and urges further than the intellect alone. With this messaging we are redirected in a kind of guidance that has a consideration that is inclusive and may also hold many factors left out of any intellectually conceived problem solving. Our hearts have amazing capcities to reach out past our intellects, to guide us with protection, and open us when we need our shells cracked shattered.

The heart mind feels, and with this we may be guided by a sense, intuition, or feeling that is not yet identifiable in words to the thinking mind. By placing attention in this way we start to map out pathways in our own neurological systems that create new synapse possibilities for engaging information left outside the intellect.

The more we use this ability the more we are able to come to new awareness about any subject.

Translating the Soul Into Human Form

In this way we use both hemispheres of our brains and teach our biology ( our human body) how to integrate knowledge that is of different designs.

Our conscious thinking mind has the job of recognizing the new information ( paying attention) so that we are able to take action based on it. Plus we integrate the life knowledge from our hearts that is seeking to get into the game of our lives. Thru integrating and being familiar with our heart level of existence, I mean beyond the mere notion of romantic love, we are able to suspend our attention long enough to glimpse the actual presence of the soul. The soul being the very creative essence in ourselves, in each other, in animals and plants, and the cosmos.

This soul presence has always existed to us, however because of our limiting beliefs and intellectual development thru the last 100 years it has not appeared to even exist…. yet it does and always has.This is the translation of the soul into the human form.

This translation of soul into ourselves brings to every thing in our lives a new perspective from which to draw from and to create choices. Choices that are coming from our soul essence have very different outcomes as compared to the intellectually based choices we are all raised to have learned. We continuously stretch, we open further, we expand and we redefine whenever we are making soul choices. Our individual souls move us to be challenged so we may unlock our own conundrums, oppressions, pain and suffering, and discover what joy lies dormant within each person.

The Source of Soul

Beyond the soul expression within us is the authentic core source, the original impulse of life, and in this place we can experience even more of what the soul is all about as we intake the qualities of pure source in its original pure state. This kind of experience far surpasses the human one as the source just simply IS, and this state of presence and all that it contains reaches further that anything my human mind has ever conceived.

The SOURCE self is the life seed of the soul and it too has tremendous regenerative and transforming nature. The source seed of the soul is eternally connected, and is available to discover whenever we make ourselves ready to move beyond the limitations of our intellectual mind and into the vast interior of our soul. The pure vibrant presence of the original consciousness that is us is what truly gives life in any form whatsoever and exists in every dimension of being. This contains the soul history with every single detail of experience ever produced within that soul expression. the soul has its original identity as this expression of what could be called Prime Creator, it is simply the purest expression of originality from the start to the present moment. The absolute nature of this source self in universally recognized, understood without any processing, recalled as familiar, and is loving beyond any human words. Whenever we encounter this within ourselves these are a few of the qualities that i have seen that are universally expressed in a human being upon contact. These components of our souls become everyday experiences that translate the human experience in knowledgeable, clear, and illuminating ways.

The Direction the Soul Reveals

The soul qualities provide understanding where there was none. Purpose when we absolutely thought there was not purpose, Organization where chaos appeared to be the mode. Direction when we least see ahead of ourselves, it goes on and on and on. The creative capacity of the soul self in human form is simply unending.

Many of the beliefs we have been trained do not apply to the soul, nor do they feel as good as the soul places. Often as a result of a soul opening experience human beings drop man made beliefs and trade them in for much more inclusive, and expanded ones.

Life as a human soul expression takes on a completely trans-formative quality as the many thoughts and ideas of the human begin to drop away and are replaced.

Ego Deflation

This can feel awful to the ego based identity within us and at first is very disconcerting, however this is only to the ego centered self. The smaller self. In time this self learns that it is not truly endangered and realizes the larger picture of what is translating into life for the human being. AS we pull away our emotional investments into our ego based identifications compassion arises to love the self. This self compassion develops as a seed inside the heart to heal the hurt and pain of separation within the human being from the spiritual reality that is actually the ground of being for every human.  Very significant in the entire process is COMPASSION.

Compassion grows to gargantuan levels and pervades every decision and direction with self and whenever that direction includes another person, or group.

These new levels of compassion hold the little self, the ego based identity in check and acts as a form of protection.

Protection for self, protection for others.

As compassion develops and translates more and more its intentions are understood and better able to be acted upon by the little human being. As we see the tremendous benefits that compassion brings to every situation our hearts grow even more and the cycles of our experience take on even greater depth and meaning. I have noticed how quiet this process may be in my life and I have learned it does not have to showy, or loud or even acknowledged by others. Compassion is enough on its own… generating new fertile ground for human beings to resolve painful issues and to heal.

Translating the soul into everyday life is “behind the curtain” of what ever we are seeing going on in our human species right now. As forces of darkness collide with light in our humanity the translation of our soul essence is stepped up and we are learning how this feels, and what this truly means.

When we choose to reexamine our lives from soul perspectives we shift the human equation out of the very limiting states of over demanding, over developed, over controlling intellectual bias and patterns are shattered. As darkness and light play out we can actually step thru and live in soulful ways because many of the conditions of these dark and light forces are still stuck inside polarities and are subject to limitations that the awakened soul has learned to walk away, to bypass for a more evolved and loving state of living conditions. Simultaneously as these forces play out all around us. We do have choices here, and one of those choices is to translate our soul self into human form. And this is what core spirituality is all about, a spiritual being having a human experience, and not the other way around, a human being having a spiritual experience. The entire paradigm is flipped.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery

quote the soul always knows what to do

Every Experience Counts… core spirituality, my personal journey


Every Experience Counts… core spirituality, my personal journey

A follow up to the slave mentality and entrapment issue I have previously written.

Soul…. the spiritual source for each incarnation, every embodiment, and all experiences I have ever had as a spiritual being having this human experience exists in the eternal now / moment of creation and may have a different perspective from that of myself as a human being.

This occurs as my own personality, my human self grows thru each lifetime gathering the experiences that add to itself. Each embodiment has its own specific areas of personal development, natural growth and direction. This may include experiences of the mind, the body physical, the emotions, feelings and the spiritual aspects of the self. Along the way new and different life scenarios arise as opportunities to evolve.

From the perspective of my soul ALL EXPERIENCE COUNTS.

There is no one aspect greater than another as every experience add to the whole of the soul’s journey thru physicality. The possibilities from the creative perspective always exist and serve the soul in some kind of way. Thus whether it is a negative or a positive, a wise or an unwise, a logical or an illogical, a happy or a sad, an intelligent or an unintelligent experience, to my soul…. every experience counts.

I feel a sense of unconditional love inside the soul of myself as I navigate the journey in a physical body. I regularly have a soft kind of intuition where I receive the murmurs of my soul guiding me in a very purposeful way that feels completely loving.

The agenda is completely different inside the soul self as there is the total connection to the purity of source and the infinite mind of that source.

The judgmental thoughts we generate here in life actualize out of a higher dimension of self that is simply a form of discernment. They are a step down from the purer version.

We are able to elevate this (judgmental thoughts) within ourselves as we make choices in our discernment towards judgments we may experience within ourselves, and one another.

We are all able to choose to elevate our awareness out of the labeling, the hurtful, the limited ideas of judgmental thinking when we strive towards discernment and leave out the hurtful judging practice so prevalent in the human species.

Striving towards leaving this aside we free all our senses and abilities and move into creative versions of every kind of experience. The soul is most natural in this place as creativity is at the core of what creation, creator really is. The words are all formed from the same basic word.

The root word for create is CREA which comes from the Latin CRARE which means to CREATE.

Create : bring into existence; produce; as, create a song

Creation : the act of creating

Creative: Having the power to produce as , creative ability

Creator : One who creates: maker

Creature : Anything created; a creation

Re-create : Bring to existence again : refresh, revive

Recreational : Having the nature of refreshing

Procreate : To beget offspring: to generate

When we have experiences we are actually having the experiences of creation, our creativity, our creations, our recreations, our procreation in life. This is about the creative impulse within ourselves as we experience the creator, and our own creative impulses. We can create a very negative situation, or the opposite. However it is, this is the soul inside me showing me that these situations are ones for which I am learning and evolving the creator inside me and this adds to all the creations, and little creators everywhere all leading back to source creator.

When I am able to apply this awareness to my human life I elevate whatever experience I am having and this brings a natural component of personal freedom. It does not necessarily change the circumstances, however it does shift how those circumstances are framed. I can hold a situation from the perspective of that of a limited intellectually based linear logical human being with feelings of hurtful judgments or I can hold a perspective of the soul and bring a loving, accepting, and open minded feeling and the outcome will be according to how and what I choose at that moment. This is up to me in any situation.

When I do encounter old programs, old patterns, old beliefs, old judgments within my self and my day to day experience I stop and consider how it is I may elevate these previously made decisions and I strive to release, let go, and elevate how it is I am now holding onto these things. It is now a kind of game that I am used to as I realize the power of , the creative impulse of the soul in choosing to elevate any thought, idea, belief, or previous experience I have had and bring into my life the shift from that of the limited human being to that of the soul. The soul or spirit having the human experience. Thus identity continues to evolve and my self script constantly changes.

For example this is particularly applicable with regard to the human experience of slave mentality, as I wrote about in my last 2 essays. Once I learned to discover slavery in modern day terms and how I have engaged myself, once I began to describe all the ways I have found myself in these slave scenarios I began to realize how it is I had created myself into them without even realizing I was doing this to myself. I had not fully understood my own sadist behavior towards myself. The hurts I was experiencing were, at the roots, of my own accord. I was unconsciously in agreement, and participating in hurting myself regularly. I am still working on this today. I am working on this by elevating my awareness out of judgmental styles of thinking and acting and learning to convert into purer forms of simple discernment.

As discernment has grown larger and larger into my life I have replaced the judgmental thoughts I have found myself in and I then have the broader life experiences of personal freedom. This is no accident! This is the natural outcome of living out something and learning to bring it into a purer state.

Freedom is the natural state of the soul as there are no slave masters or slaves in the pure states of soul consciousness, these are the outcomes of a lower vibratory nature and closely related to the 3rd and 4th dimensions of life here on planet earth. Where we still have limitations based on and arising thru the choices we make inside the physicality of our lives. We are all making choices and learning how our choices shape the earthly reality for each of us. Awakening to this is monumental, practicing this is life changing, leaving the old ways is freedom.

So for these reasons I am shown how every experience counts as ultimately, even when it has been lifetime after lifetime, I have been learning all about this. I have been learning how to go down into physicality and live a human life and learn to go thru all the stages of that, including returning my awareness to the pure state of the soul.

As I have been shown, this is the natural direction of any soul that has felt entrapped in the earth by circumstances. And there are many here on this planet doing this same work right now… freeing themselves from the tyrannical circumstances and slave mentalities of history.

Simultaneously there are other souls here in the physical form less constrained by karma, and the long history of this planet in the oppressive states, these souls show us how we can live thru their example. We are able to tap into that creative urge that is the longstanding earmark of the soul expressing itself. This is inspirational to our humanity. We become uplifted by the remarkable talent and creativity of these souls who gift us with their talented expressions.

Whenever I have returned back into my soul state, having left the physical body and lifetime I recall that we have a marvelous time looking at all the experiences of being human and the choices I made and how this created the outcomes.

In each instance in between lifetimes I have had this experience and I can honestly report that it is true, every experience does count.

And we do not have to judge ourselves so harshly, we do not have to hurt ourselves in the process of living, and we do not have to hurt one another.

All of that is a choice we make. We forget, we remember, we reawaken and we learn.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery

quote just when the catepiller ...

Slave Mentality and Secondary Gain… core spirituality, my personal journey PART 2

slave mentality

Slave Mentality and Secondary Gain… core spirituality, my personal journey PART 2

In Slave Mentality (PART 1) I briefly went over what the slave mentality looks like and how it is prevalent all thru the world in the human species. Describing something is a way to deepen and learn about any subject and because I happen to have discovered within myself these traits and I know individuals who are caught up in this I have looked at it to see how I may better understand how anyone could spend an entire adult life stuck in this mode of living.

Why slave mentality persists in spite of everything to the contrary is largely due to many different factors, one of which is secondary gain.

What is secondary gain?

Secondary gain is a term that originates from the work of Freud, when he was wanting to label a form of attitudinal behavior from a psychological understanding. The concept of this is a compliment to primary gain. These concepts have grown in meaning outside the field of psychoanalysis so it is valuable to be very clear here. Freud was interested in learning about resistance to getting better, the malingering aspects of illness and how to treat this condition. Within this context he was viewing both the conscious and the unconscious mind and how they influence the person seeking to heal.

Secondary gain is the benefit one receives thru suffering.

For example if I am sick I do not always have to go to work. I can take a day off. The sickness provides the avenue for time away from the job of the slave. This attitude may be both a conscious and unconscious one where the person operates willingly yet still does not fully comprehend the nature of what they are doing. Secondary gain provides many avenues for receiving all kinds of benefits. Here are some that come to mind.

Time off from work, when this is a pattern and goes on for years.

Avoid responsibilities. You don’t have to make decisions or think for yourself, the slave master ( boss, company, government etc.) does it for you. Bypassing risk, or mistakes, or having to resolve for self, the slave hires someone else to do all these decisions for them.  The benefit is that someone else can do all this for them. The slave does what the slave masters tells them without having to think thru any of the details of their day. Someone else provides the structure and framework for daily life.

Sympathy is something that an individual derives from others that do not have an understanding of the longstanding pattern of secondary gain, and usually do not recognize the negative reasons for the benefits are actually self generated, and repeated as a life style pattern.

Gifts are something that a sick person, or a defeated person may receive as those around them attempt to give them a feeling of upliftment from their struggle and suffering.

Psychological justification and mutual agreement are also sought from secondary pain when the person feels the effects of the toxic situation, reaching to others they may gain a psychological crutch of support for their behavior and the suffering they perceive is the result of circumstances outside them. This deepens the pattern of malingering as the benefit of the negative camaraderie replaces and the unhealthy feelings from the situation replace truly healthy ones. The cycle is repeated. The pay off arrives again.

Emotional patterns of negativity are secured as the victim states, and are strengthened and justified and deepened. It is always the situation, another person, the timing, and endless other reasons /excuses for the emotional condition the person is experiencing. The securing of these negative emotional states lead to more benefits as the individual finds new people with whom to share their difficulties. The victimization allows the person to restrain themselves from ultimately coming to grips with the actual source of the situations and allows them to remain in a somewhat stifled sense of personal responsibility. All the while claiming to be responsible while not actually, as the victim recreates situations over and over without ever any real break thru. Frequently this person is encouraged by this behavior and repeats it. They may receive more “caring” as a result, however it is all negatively based and created.

Slaves do not have to process fear and look so deeply into it that they become completely accountable. ( bypassing genuine accountability for self )

Fear is kept at a distance thru secondary gain as the individual no longer has to succeed.

When truly they are afraid of success as well as failure.

By never pushing past the internalized fears the return of anxiety builds again, and the entire cycle repeats itself.

Not having to succeed in a genuinely authentic way by taking the actions within self that resolve them are avoided so as to artificially generate short ended periods of security. (bypassing true self accountability)

True inner security never arrives because the actual issues are not processed and lived out, rather the benefits of the secondary gain overtake the situations by providing the basis for life experience.

Fear is simply one of the most insidious, debilitating causes underlying the person who has succumbed to the slave mentality.

This results is the agreements they make with other individuals on both a conscious and unconscious levels to act as their slave masters.

Slave masters are disguised as the boss, the company, the government, etc. as that list is endless.

On the outside of the individual is a constant cycle that repeats a layer or impression of anxiety, while more truthfully inside them is their fear, for which they have not pushed all the way through.

While these are not all the scenarios that arise out of secondary gain, they are a few to illustrate how we as human beings will often invest ourselves emotionally and in our attitudes in various degrees of slave mentalities.

In my practice of massage therapy I have encountered this with clients numerous times thru out my career as people simply did not get better even though the prescribed kinds of treatments were given. Decades ago I learned about my own unconscious issues tied into various forms of secondary gain, and as I started to clear them out. I became aware of this with clients.

For example a common situation is one where a person has an injury and is seeking relief. Not until I learned that there was a pending court case where sums of money were anticipated to be received did I realize how prevalent this can be. This has happened many times and I have watched how no progress or healing occurs until the case is resolved and suddenly they get better. Amazing.

We humans derive all kinds of benefits thru our suffering where our own toxic behaviors are deeply embedded inside ourselves without clear observation by ourselves. I find this to be a common pattern.

It is differentiated by the fact that some people do take extended long periods of time to get better, yet they do so from their own efforts and the stages of personal growth that accompany their physical symptoms. This is a natural process of evolving and feels quite different from the feelings of malingering pain from secondary gains.

I often reflect on the state of our congress and the endless litanies of reports about negatively described issues in the government. The surface reports look one way, under the surface are the other factors where there are built in numerous benefits of secondary gain. For example financial interests, political influence and power. These are not reported on yet are existing just below the surface of the behaviors of our representatives and are the driving forces we see on the surface.

Secondary gain is so common that we deceive ourselves for years.

I know there is a problem with this when my situation does not change.

I know I must look deeper at my own motivations, my own feelings, and my own repetitive patterns. It is easy to unlock this toxic stuff in our lives when we choose to be truthful and take time to be reflective with ourselves. Too much busy – ness, repeated periods of fatigue, the continuous use of substances that depress, numb, and distance us from ourselves thru the repeated use of alcohol, prescription drugs, food, obsessive behaviors, all are good signalers that we are hiding from our own feelings, hiding from ourselves.

I feel like secondary gain is such an insidious behavior in humanity that it is easy to engage into it because we are in a silent agreement and hardly discuss our issues from this standpoint. Our silent agreement to go along with each other, and the society itself shows me how we become so invested in this that we perpetrate it amongst ourselves. We do this. We do this to self. We do this to one another.

There is a feeling of self sadism in it all. The feeling of self hurt, the injury to the body, the mind, the feeling nature and all that is intrinsically good inside us. Just the one fact of the use of prescription drugs and the use of alcohol alone in the world is so staggering and to me it all looks like self sadism. We hurt ourselves over and over.

When we have the courage to take a look at this by examining our patterns and life experiences we can stop the growth of this toxic behavior. When we have the courage to admit our own secondary gains we begin the development of new solutions that are actually healthy.

We can stop the cycles of secondary gain by becoming vigilant to our own self sadistic patterns.

Truthfulness, honesty, authenticity, and genuine self expression become the real tools of our lives and create real solutions that are long lasting, and provide a deep inner sense of personal fulfillment that replace all the benefits of the secondary gain.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery

Quote you gain courage evertime you face fear

Modern Day Slave Mentalities….. Is this a Form of Entrapment?… core spirituality, my personal journey


Modern Day Slave Mentalities….. Is this a Form of Entrapment?… core spirituality, my personal journey

Yes, it is especially when I do not recognize what a slave mentality really is.

Earlier today I was having a conversation with a  loved one near and dear to my heart. The conversation abruptly clicked off without warning, as if the connection was lost. This has happened with this person before. At first I did believe it was a lost connection, it has occurred enough times now, that if it is, well it always occurs at the moment of overload in our conversation.  There was no follow up call from this person, as is the usual case when there really is a lost connection. I decided to look at this more completely and see what I could learn. The mention of slave mentality seemed to be upsetting. I sat down to write what I have learned about slave mentality and the story of this person who was so upset and lamenting to me.

The beginning of the slave mentality story line.

It arises out of perception, is a mental state within a person and not only the scenario being described.

This person was sharing with me an episode of several days of headaches and expressing the conditions at her job along with the overloaded workload. The discomfort of the job situation was so severe that not only were there the headaches, she had to take a day off and call in sick. If that was not enough she also expressed that the situation was so overwhelming, with so much work being piled onto her day after day, that she was beginning to make mistakes in her job. Even talking about this was disconcerting and she had already had more than a day away. I observed how deeply this was effecting her sense of well being, completely causing a miserable situation with no obvious solution being addressed from her superiors. And the scenario was infiltrating her state of mind well away from the job and she was emotionally still upset about it all. I thought this was a terrible situation and felt awful for her.

However, this is not the first time I have heard this theme from this person, other positions with other jobs also have had a similar pattern. Overloads of work assignments, with less than the number of people to adequately and successfully achieve work goals. Long hours, painful body symptoms like the headaches, stomach aches, and excessive fatigue combined with a tarnished sense of joy and happiness. The part of my personality that is the therapist / healer immediately is alerted and comes forth within me as I listen to the repetition of the pattern, details of the situation.

As I observe it, this is a common situation that happens to lots of people. I thought I would put my thoughts in writing to gain an overview of how it is I see this situation and why it is I originally brought it up. For I did not intend any form of offense, I feel certain the person I was speaking with took this in a hurtful way. I immediately text-ed a message back with apologies with no response returned to me. This happens all the time in human relationships, and even more the reason to take it apart to learn what I can learn.

As a licensed massage therapist ( now in active practice in my 38th year) who sees people on a daily basis primarily to address the negative effects of stress, whether it be mental, emotional, physical as in athletics I am very finely tuned to paying attention to negative body symptoms and asking myself what do they truly mean, and what can I do? I am very sensitized to how the body is truthful and does not usually lie and that the signals of pain always have a significant message to the person inside it. However frequently that person is clueless and mostly wants quick relief. I also have education and certifications in other fields that address thoughts, feelings, and emotions, I have even more capacity to listen.

I have learned that when people subscribe to the slave mentality of work, and are unconscious about it it is very common to suffer.

How slaves suffer.

Headaches, stomach aches and viruses, fatigue on a gargantuan level, are repeating patterns. Leading to a loss of joy, and deflated enthusiasm that must always be rebuilt by the next possible good thing to happen. There is the lack of longstanding genuine harmony and joy that is the earmark of the soul here expressing itself with purposeful attention to the true gifts of the individual. Often there is work time away that is missed because of these patterns, and for many people the jobs last until the next one, they always think will be better comes along. It is a common pattern, it is a cycle, and it is repetitive.

When I reflect on how many people in this world live like this and subscribe to the thought that “i have to do this to pay the bills” and they do it for a lifetime, I am very disheartened. To me it is a difficult and sad story to invest into and yet so many do. I find it astounding. And I understand, however I do not always agree this is actually the truth of our lives. Far from it.

How does being a slave look?

The slave mentality is a form of thinking that engages the life force of human beings in ways that cause them to subvert their natural gifts and talents for the sake of their sense of a false sense of security.

The slave mentality redirects the spirit of a person away from their natural desires to fulfill another person’s or company desires.

The slave mentality causes a person to forget their own innate needs for fulfillment in exchange for that of the company, the job, the paycheck, the security.

The slave mentality sees only the short view of life, the paycheck, the job security, and not the long picture of life where one develops talents and skills that provide a life long sense of authentic inner joy, personal growth, and abundance extending into old age.

The slave mentality uses up most of the time of a person so that they must work long hours, and usually for much less pay than they feel they are truly worth.

The slave mentality limits not only a person’s sense of free individual time to live, but also lessens the quality of that time by virtue of the suffering that causes the sicknesses, illnesses, and other unfavorable conditions in a person’s life.

The slave mentality lacks a certain spontaneous growth and excitement in daily life by focusing on the same or similar tasks over and over and over again. Spontaneous discovery and true deep personal growth is diminished.

The slave mentality sees everything and everyone as separate pieces of life and minimally discovers the larger context of how everything is actually connected. Lots of compartmentalization resists how the fundamental life force is connecting via action and reaction, vibration, reflection, and purposefulness.

The slave mentality believes what they believe and will justify it all by their circumstances of lack, and insecurity. This arises from the mental state they apply themselves day after day, deepening the justifications and outcomes. Usually they are very “right” as to their defenses about their repetitive story. The thinking is closed and not open minded unless it is more of the same slave story line only dressed differently. There is a larger feeling and experience of victim hood and perpetration of victim scenarios towards people. This mentality engenders fear based decisions and leads to a lack of control. Slaves are easily controlled into thinking and thus have less personal freedom, more fear, and a much harder time with their sense of personal power and freedom. The control factors they suffer under always generate the frustrations of powerlessness, and lead to the fact it is always another person who is responsible for how they feel. It is victim consciousness supreme. Rarely do slaves see themselves as able to take hold of these situations and so the cycle is repeated with new people, circumstances over and over again.

This is the common state I call OPPRESSION.

Oppression is easily defined as prolonged cruel or unjust treatment, or control. It is also defined as the state of being subject to that unjust treatment and or control, thru some outward form of authority or power in burdensome manners, and it is also defined as mental pressure or distress.

Distress seems to be a reoccurring pattern with the slave mentality and underlies the majority people who hold a genuine lack of happiness in the slave environments.

The condition of slavery across the entire world.

Slave mentality runs all through the current world society on every level.

From the fast food workers to the CEO’s of multinational corporations, from politicians to religious leaders, from military officers to banking officials.

People in governments impose slave mentality with adherence to many laws, and social themes, police-ing, loyalties and programs.

People in Banking institutions impose slave mentality on finances thru profit driven prices that fill the pockets of only a few and take from the vast majority their hard earned incomes.

People in Religions impose belief systems that oppress and impose beliefs that are completely man made and have the effect of controlling outcomes they prefer.

Certainly People in military installations globally impose slave mentality as soon as they strip the individual of all their individuality and impose their commands and loyalties even to the degree of justified murder.

People in Advertising imposes ideals that are exclusive, hard to achieve, and perpetrates a slave mentality of social adherence and acceptance of what is normal.

People in the medical community in America imposes a slave mentality thru ridiculous profit margins that charge exorbitant fees without regard to genuine circumstances and perpetrate the knowledge of pharmaceuticals as the only solution to medical issues, along with claiming to be the supreme authority on dis-ease!

When I consider how many people invest themselves into these slave based institutions, I feel like we need to wake up to the truthfulness of what is really happening to us as a species.

Is this a trap?

I say yes it is because once inside the insidious thinking it is very hard to get out, to see beyond the reality of the slave world and the gargantuan degree of oppression that is all around us that is considered to be normal.

Yes, considered to be normal.

So many do not experience the genuine freedom of spirit, the abundance of creativity, the unending solutions to problems, and the greater harmony that life herself really has to offer.

Oppression as normality! No wonder we need so many drugs, no wonder pharmaceutical medicine is the largest supplier of drugs on the planet. No wonder there is a drug war. No wonder people want to scream, fight, lash out, hurt one another, are sick and tired all the time. No wonder there is constantly war ongoing here on earth, no wonder people cant see solutions to their problems. No wonder people are so unhappy, no wonder there is no much suicide, whether it is instant or a long slow death from a life of less then, a life of unhappiness leading to some kind of disease at the end and then dieing. No wonder! When oppression is viewed as normal then I call this the slave mentality.

The slave mentality is a mental way of viewing ourselves and each other that is inherently full of oppression and is the underbelly of much of the unsolved problems within our species. It has been running rampant for many generations and is deep inside the psyche of millions of individuals, families and institutions.

When does slavery stop?

It stops when we decide not to buy into and invest ourselves into all this craziness and to find our own way responsibly toward authentic self honesty.

It stops when we make choices that are intrinsic to our free nature as spiritual beings having a human experience. Freedoms are a clear signal that we are dropping our slave mentalities.

When we risk security from outside ourselves and invest inwardly we ignite the inner powers we need to grow ourselves into open ended free and joyous life choices that generate positive outcomes not only for ourselves but for each other.

I have always had a lean towards personal freedom thus I have spent my entire life walking away from, running away from, thinking about how, and then finding ways to get away from people and circumstances that would entrap me and cause me to be some one’s slave. I do not like it, it does not feel right to me and my body always tells me when it is time to stop, get out, or leave a person or situation and I do that.

I go for my dreams, inspirations, personal joy, and I have successfully lived out many many dreams. I have a lifetime of dreams coming true.

I have worked as hard as a slave if not harder yet I am fueled by my own passions, my own desires, my own personal sense of direction and my own interpretations of reality, not another person’s.

I know what it is like to walk away alone, to have to find my way, to dig deeper inside myself for my own solutions. Many instances of this I have been thru and found myself arriving into new circumstances, people and opportunities which better match me own need for self reliance and independence. I have been surprised my whole life how this happens as I have gone out on a limb, walked the lonely mile, and resolved myself to stay in my integrity regardless of how any one likes it, or approves, or leaves me. I valued my own integrity more. This has led me to the deeper self where I have learned how I am a spiritual being having a human experience and not just a human having a spiritual one. This has shown me how there is truly a way when I see none, a purpose when I did not recognize one yet, and a resolve I had not understood yet. Life, to me is wise if only we dare to live it.

Living life by going out on a limb has opened my capacity to perceive, to understand, and I utilize this in my relationships. I find tremendous empathy in others trials and tribulations, I know all about it.

Core spirituality is the continuous discovery of life thru direct experiences that evolve and grow a person .

And this generates a presence in life that is fully supportive, even as it appears to be the opposite. I know to endure, sustain, and make peace with whatever arises.

This is the opposite of slaves who are always in states of reaction. Always reacting to what other are doing. These reactions are endless and useless until the seed of oppression is awakened.

For the value of experiencing oppression I have found is ; HOW NOT TO OPPRESS…. HOW NOT TO OPPRESS SELF , HOW NOT TO OPPRESS OTHERS!

I have found no other value in that experience yet that alone is enough. As we break our bonds of oppression we free what awaits inside us, our potentials, and as we do this we also support the same in all others.

This is the nature of the wake up call to oppression as it is a vile experience to the pure spiritual being that is who we truly are. This is how the human experience has been encoded, repeated, and disliked by souls because of the lack of spiritual based self expression that is free, talented, long lasting, and full of many many other qualities.

Slave mentality… is this one of your own forms of entrapment ? You decide!

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery


The Collective Impulse for Self Acceptance… core spirituality, my personal journey

The Collective Impulse for Self Acceptance… core spirituality, my personal journey

The immediate and massive messages of self acceptance in our humanity at this time have far reaching consequences for everyone now… and in the future.

The “inside places” of the human being require acceptance as we learn and evolve our consciousness as a species.

As our consciousness evolves so too do our social behaviors transform.

As our social behaviors transform our world society generates and creates environments that become capable of providing all of life with a safer, better interconnected life experience.

When individuals let go of phobic, fear based beliefs and stop acting on those beliefs, harmonies of all kinds are generated for this world.

There is a monumental shift occurring here and one by one individuals are awakening out of the deep slumber of ignorance and suffering.

Authenticity and truthful dialogues, conversations… arise that spark new possibility.

The advent of the spiritual nature of the human condition is steadily pressing forward thru us all.

And it is surprising.

Nothing is more surprising than people of the transgender tribe of our humanity (to the largest group of the heterosexual identified ) and yet these individuals provide us with many fantastic avenues of new awareness about ourselves… all of us.

I ask myself… “how much do we truly understand and embrace gender as people of the world, I mean really, do we understand it all ?” “ How do we actually understand gender in nature?”

Gender is just one of the primary laws of the cosmos and like it or not, accept it or not, believe it or not gender is in everything. Gender is a natural occurrence in every aspect of life with it’s full spectrum of diversity and expression. The polarity of existence is within all of creation as male and female. Gender is expressed in us, in animals, in plants, in architecture, in engineering principles, in science observations and so on.

That a single life form has a polarity of gender specific identity and expression is a very natural aspect of life.

However far to either side of that polarity it still exists as a primary component of life. We are learning about this now. Gender may be specific to one side of the polarity exclusively for some life forms, yet for others it may not, and still in others it may be a balance of both male and female. This is thru out all of the natural world, and as we are learning in the human being as well.

Self acceptance increases our capacity to learn more about our basic nature and how we are more capable of thinking and acting in ways that are aligned in the most basic of spiritual laws. As we deepen beyond partial understanding, limited and misunderstood notions about reality we create more possibility of all kinds.

Self acceptance leads each one of us to a fundamental spiritual place that encourages each individual to actualize themselves.

When the fundamental power of self acceptance is denied ,ignored, oppressed in any individual…. just about any kind of external force has greater CONTROL over that person.

(read that last sentence again )

That kind of control inhibits the natural evolution of consciousness and as such delays the greater life of choices and co creation that are innately possible always awaiting activation. That kind of control fosters confusion, disharmony, disconnection, leaving open ended systems,and people in myriads of conundrums. These incomplete states of awareness are what have been used to generate fear and control all over this planet for many many generations and it appears it is about to stop. We are on the path of a giant learning curve. This is not just about one individual, or a few, it is about us all. (as is referenced in the video posted here)

Evolution / growth is also a fundamental law of the cosmos and when we align with this force we bring to our lives discovery and creativity beyond anything in the present moment. For example we learn how we as spiritual beings having this human experience have a broader capacity within ourselves to love all of life, with all of life’s differences ! And we recognize with much greater awareness the universal nature of which we are all a part of!

The expansion of the human condition thru self acceptance and the possibility of a better life for more individuals of all kinds is the natural outcome of this. Our struggle to understand and accept differences is only part of that whole story line. We each have far to go in this awareness. The fear mongering, the phobic attacks, the hate filled discourses are but a very small sideline ( though for some a matter of life and death… as in murder!) a sideline to the larger unfolding taking place in our species.

I decided to post this speech today as a grand example for anyone who has not listened and watched it. That a super human man with a lifetime of honorable courageous and world record breaking athletic achievements also can transform himself into another more authentic expression of self in this manner and speak publicly with such genuine soulful eyes and gracefulness is worth a few minutes of pondering.

Core spirituality is ignited whenever we are confronted with genuine self expression, truthfulness, honest, bravery, and loving regard for one another. Core spirituality is the ongoing discovery that I am not a human being having a human experience… I am a spiritual being having my human experience! Self acceptance is how it all goes down!

Core spirituality… my personal journey of self investigation and discovery

Adapting… withholding communications as a testing of adapting…


Adapting… withholding communications as a testing of adapting…

core spirituality, my personal journey

One of the simplest of outcomes from adapting in life is that it shows me how NOT to run away!

Adapting is the ability to change to suit different conditions.

To adapt is a simple response to complexity. To adapt is to stay present with what is showing up in my life.

To adapt is to learn to cultivate openness in the face of closedness.

To adapt shows me ways to accept without having to shut down.

To adapt maintains fluidity in situations where there may be an influx of new information, disorganized information, unacceptable information.

To adapt maintains my capacity to overcome and transcend circumstances that, to me, are difficult, or challenging.

To adapt is to replace rigidity with softness so that possibilities may arise.

To adapt opens up life to show me new and different outcomes, outcomes for which I have had no conscious idea exist at the moment.

To adapt shows me how to suspend denial, and the tendency to ignore any subject, person, circumstance that at that moment seems unacceptable or impossible.

The capacity to resolve conundrums increases with my willingness to adapt in some way. Often it is not until I have adapted some component of my point of view, my belief, my own personal history that I find new solutions which are better suited to my own deeper heart space at that moment.

Adapting myself rather than the circumstances that I do not enjoy, like, or prefer has shown me how much more fluid and capable my own nature really is. And flexibility with regard to circumstances that I find myself confronting, and are not my particular preference at that moment has shown me how there is WISDOM, in learning how to maintain an adapting outlook in my personal life.

Shifting the hardship of difficult scenarios off of individuals around me struggling with negative situations to myself where I truly have the capacity to turn something around.

Even if it is only in my own actions, I have learned I feel better and new possibilities always show up. There is a congruent aspect to the natural laws of life where one thing leads to another. To adapt to something when it is right to do so leads to very different outcomes. (whether other people choose not to!)

There are infinite ways in which any one person can adapt to any situation. INFINITE!


Recently I encountered an individual seeking my attention for massage and bodywork specifically with regard to a painful neck condition that was starting to create awful headaches.

This person shared with me, upon just a few minutes of reflection and questioning, a very difficult situation ( a life and death one) where they could not speak the words that they were feeling because the person to whom they needed to communicate was not open to listening. Gulp! The swallowing of the words, the shutting down of the vocalization of what was so very meaningful to say required a tremendous amount of energy. Sustaining this silence for over 3 weeks had caused this painful neck situation to develop into one where headaches were being activated.

We discussed for a few minutes the different possibilities the client could act upon without having to disregard their own deep need to vocalize the meaningful words still inside them. Exploring various ways to “adapt” to the situation so that the neck would stay open after the treatment of massage therapy.

This included some options the client had not thought of as they were in a shut down mode after realizing the person to whom she needed to speak was not in willingness to listen. For example vocalizing without the person present would open the neck and throat and allow the natural vitality forces of the body to flow.

I presented the idea that this person did not actually have to have the other person present to express what obviously was deep and meaningful to say. I encouraged them to use private time to allow all the words to come out into the world and to release the grip of withholding from the body physical,mental, emotional depth of expression anyway. In this way the adaption would be to allow self to express without the intended person in front of them.

By adapting in this situation we could begin to observe that the issue was shifted away from the “resistant to listen individual” to the actual person who was needing to express and having a painful problem about it. This will lead to further new observational possibilities and later provide new circumstances. For the present time alleviating the grip of self control and negative effects of withholding words and sublimating the action of communications so vitally important to this client.

By adapting in this situation we could see how we do not need others in the way we think we do to give us permission to have our feelings and express them, we need our own self to do this.

Ultimately the outcome may develop exactly as the client originally imagined in the best case scenario, or it may develop totally differently.

The valuable component is the capacity to adapt.

This is what will maintain some kind of fluidity in life experience that will show the client new details, and possible new time lines and directions to go with the words they need to express. This will release the original adaptation to swallow their words, tighten their neck, and then suffer headaches while the situation develops. This immediately began to take effect, as the client shared a bit of what they were feeling. I noticed a shift of expression, an immediate sense of relief that came over the body. Simply by having 15 minutes to share and start to let out what had been withheld. And this was only the start of that process.

When we make the decision to dig our feet into the ground with our ideas, with our opinions, and with our emotional investments without considering ways of adapting we shut down, shut off, and mitigate circumstances in ways that prove our point. Becoming right becomes more important than becoming good. Becoming right overtakes the natural innocence innate in a developing situation. Thwarting all manner of possibility to learn,grow, and transcend difficulty. When we refuse to adapt, the rigidness of our bodies express this in some form of uncomfortable sensations which if led to deepen, undermine the integrity of our natural state of aliveness.

Life is vibrational, reflective, and interconnected at every single quantum second of existence. By nature whatever we do inside ourselves will be vibrated out into the world, reflected in our experiences, and because we are all interconnected with cause an effect relative to our choice.

Adapting engages many levels of natural law within our circumstances and we grow.

Growth is also a natural law of life that exists whether one agrees, believes, or ignores it. Life herself has set up all of circumstances to naturally grow. Growth will be the most likely outcome of learning to adapt. This is so hard wired into existence I have learned to count on it. Adapting may not be what our ego’s always want to do, however we have the choice to allow our egotistical self to run our life, or not to run it. In core spirituality I keep learning about how the endless presence of spirituality is who I really am, and that is what is having the human experience. Adapting is a very natural reflection of the innate presence of spirituality within myself. I have learned to love this aspect of my nature and to respect the needs I have to adapt as the situations arises.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery

Quote a failure is

Thoughts on Healing & The Power of Truthfulness… core spirituality, my personal journey


Thoughts on Healing & The Power of Truthfulness… core spirituality, my personal journey

Truth as a basis to heal our pain ? Is this a joke? A western mind may have difficulty in accepting this idea, however when we open our awareness to this idea it becomes one of the main, if not most central understandings of life everyone eventually discovers.

Truth is by far one of the most powerful natural medicines we can take.

When we take this medicine willingly we engage and deepen the full meaning of what it is like to become completely filled with truthfulness! And this will create an entire spectrum of amazing new life experiences beyond the painfully filled mind of suffering! A suffering person filled with pain has limited perception, limited possibilities, and limited outcomes to those painful scenarios.

I began to realize how truth could heal as a result of tremendous pain and suffering I took on to myself arising from the toxic emotional environment I was born into. Not until I was a teenager did I start to take a deeper look into how on earth I could feel better. I had suffered everyday living in an alcoholic household.

As I began to question everything and everyone around me I soon realized many adults had no idea about this subject. I was living in a life of lost souls who purported to know what truth was but seemed only to point me otherwise. Fortunately I was born with a disposition which leaned heavily towards “truthfulness”. This was an agonizing issue for me as I began to grow up and feel and observe the behavior all around me, including the religious teachings of the grade school I attended. I look back now in reflection and remember many a time when I confronted adults about the truthfulness of something, I was always in a state of disharmony as a result. It took years for me to finally come to terms with truthfulness in an emotional way.

Yet the mental/emotional component of truthfulness is indeed an actual key to healing, and healing the body of many symptoms, and sicknesses I learned.

The humans have much pain and do not understand simple principles about healing that can alleviate this pain and even remove it permanently. The confusion around this one notion is rampant. The messages being perpetrated by media, by television, by medical systems, pharmaceutical companies, all based in capitalist propaganda’s designed to bring profit to share holders… is just one such example of how lost our truthfulness has become. There is no mention about our internal relationship with our bodies and whether we are in genuine congruent truthfulness in the way we live.

To begin with the physical body we are born has certain messages encoded inside it, this is genetic, behavioral, ancestral, and as we develop into our bodies we experience all that this will bring to us. So everyone has a slightly different interior coding inside the body, yet everyone shares the same field of life, or basis for the physical body.

How we live with our circumstances is by far more valuable to realize, even more than the circumstances themselves!

“How” we live generates future cell growth, metabolism, and development. The physical body is also bound by the brain inside it. The brain tells the body what the body will do as it grows and develops.

When we use our brain to repeatedly think about pain, or not to seek beyond our painful situations this message is sent thru out the glandular messages, cell biology, nervous system, the skin and so on. What we refuse to open towards as possible solution assures the fact that our brains never get the messages that could heal.

When we ignore information, we do not see it, thus to us, those possibilities do not exist.

Even though they do!

Ignorance is a word that originates as.. “to ignore”.

The absence of information is as meaningful as the actual info itself. Positive or negative mental thoughts generate to the brain, the brain tells the body.

The physical body is not just a vehicle, or container for our spirit to live within while we live out our embodiments, it is also the expression of that spirit, or that mentality, and ALL feelings of the person inside it. This is how and why pain can be healed by truthfulness with ourselves. We have an innate connection to the state or condition of the life force all around us and inside us.

As physical Human beings!

This connection is deeply effected by the thoughts and feelings of every person living on this planet.

The connection of the mental, emotional aspects of ourselves is also moving thru our body, as every physical form is composed of atoms and subatomic particles that are vibrating with one another.

Thoughts and feelings determine much, not all, but much of the vibrational sensation of our bodies.

When we hold these negative or painful things inside us we vibrate this thru out our physical interiors.

The physical body is subject to what the brain tells it.

This is so both consciously, and unconsciously.

This is real whether one believes it or not, accepts it or not, is open to it or not open to the idea.

We, every single person on this Earth, vibrate what is inside ourselves because this is an inherent component of nature and we are expressions of a natural form that is within a larger field or form called LIFE.

Back to my story about healing pain thru truthfulness. As I grew older and found myself increasingly drawn to knowledge of this sort I began to integrate new ideas and I felt better.

Thru many years of healing the thoughts inside my mind, by unlearning what I learned was supposed the be the Truth, I let go of many notions that were making me ill.

The result was less pain.

Which encouraged me to seek further and deeper. I found myself deeply interested in natural healing and one day I had a dream which showed me to approach the path of MASSAGE THERAPY, I was in my early twenties. Now having been in practice for over 35 years I can share what I have learned.

Having massaged over 100.000 sessions by now I have felt a lot of human emotion, and mental thought in people’s bodies and I know that what our brains tell our bodies is a fact.

When we are suffering our cells definitely feel this and they have to respond.

Our pain is actually a valuable signal about “how” we are currently thinking and feeling.

This is why truthfulness plays such a large part in the healing of the human being.

Pain being a message, is a feedback to the person telling the brain what to think and feel this way. (consciously or unconsciously)

I have experienced the release of worry, anxiety, distressful thinking, emotional duress, fear, and much more in clients and witnessed how the physical body transforms immediately.

Until the client runs the same thoughts and feelings again thru their brain, telling the body and it all returns to the cells. Over time this becomes complex, and deepens, and to my awareness literally cuts off the body from true healing. Amazing.

When we discover the power of truthfulness in ourselves with ourselves the pain actually can increase and become overwhelming and cause a break down. Which to my awareness is in reality, a break thru.

How often after the big fight, the cry, the lament, the release of anger and pain do we actually come to a whole new level of perception that begins a process of new discovery? Truthfulness literally alters life experience especially when we are deeply invested in self-deception, ignorance as a way of life, or numbness as in complacency.

Truthfulness redirects attention.

And changes are imminent, if not already in motion as a result.

The actions I took with regard to truthfulness about how I felt caused me to undo much of what my mind had learned as a result of negative childhood developmental experiences. As I allowed myself to engage my feelings and emotions in a safe and therapeutic setting I began to notice I had much less tension, and more room inside myself. It is hard to describe “more room” inside myself, yet it felt as if there was more space within me, and my physical body started to change. Originally I was diagnosed with allergies of every kind and now those allergies were leaving me. I noticed more and more that I had an acidic nature to my tears, to my stomach, and as I allowed this painful acid body sensation to leave me thru emotional releases my body recapitulated and found whole new levels of stabilization that left me feeling even better and better. I stopped being miserable and began to discover life without depressions, and that weighty feeling of doom and gloom I was so used to living under.

I eventually began an in-depth program of certifications into Alchemical Hypnotherapy. In this process I learned further about the deeper unconsciously held thoughts and feelings and how they were effecting the quality of my life and my clients. Thru hundreds of hours of learning labs in sessions with individuals as well as group therapy sessions I experienced dramatic instant healing in many individuals. The differences were astounding. The effects of these mental and emotional releases I observed continued permanently long after each session. I was required to take notes so I verified this many times, including the remission of many sicknesses, and problems I saw people were suffering.

How our body will adjust to truthfulness is quite remarkable once the brain stops sending messages thru out all the systems inside us. Without the programming of unhappiness, feelings of all kinds that were very negative absent the body restarts itself using the biological programming that is inherently well, and regeneration of all kinds begins. Including the immune system.

As wellness messages flood the physical body instead of sickening messages, the immune system automatically revs up and increases its own capacity to manage other aspects of our equilibrium. Balanced messages of well-being integrate the cells, systems, brain in whole new ways which lead me to seek out new experiences that were befitting my improved state of being. Truthfulness was proving to be an amazing natural elixir that I could manage and develop as a tool for healing for myself, and those around me.

As harmonious brain messages grow, body messages become harmonious and new levels of personal inner stabilization are generated thru all levels of the self. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and so on. I was amazed how people looked so much younger without the damaging effects of the distress of all their negative mental and emotional messages.

For this reason I have learned to address my own interior mental / emotional states whenever I am not feeling physically well. There could be a reason internally why my immunity is responding without as much fortitude, it is always evident that our inner states are reflected in our outer conditions. There is no separation here, to think, or believe this is absolutely a falsehood about how Truth functions in life.

The separation of our mental /emotional conditions and our bodies is purely one of the mind, it is only a thought. It is not valid at all in the reality of the body.

There is not separation between our mental thoughts, emotional feelings and our physical body!

They are innately connected naturally.

The capacity to embrace larger and large elements of personal truthfulness increases in natural stages as we learn and this allows for a tempering of the process. Too much truthfulness at one time for too long can just about kill a person, it is so powerful. Therefore in each person’s path there is a timing to this, and a growing development to live and abide in truthfulness that to my experience is infinite. Each layer of the person that heals leads to another layer for healing. This is why we find ourselves bumping into the uncomfortable truthfulness again and again.

Truthfulness is one of the elixirs of life that naturally heals a person on many levels especially the physical body. It will drive us to make changes in our lifestyle and redirect the momentum of our lives. It will address any and all difficulties that need our attention by rewriting the scripts we life by and developing the relationships that sustain and nurture our wellness.


Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery

shared with aloha

quote people hate the truth

The Peace full Warrior… core spirituality, my personal journey

Quote live without pretending


“Unconditional Positive Regard”, The Return of The Peaceful Warrior…core spirituality, my personal journey

How can I recognize the arrival of the – PEACE -FULL WARRIOR inside my life ?

How do we as men ( and women too) heal ourselves and our relationships? Our relationships with one another, with women, with family?

How do we heal ourselves with the world, and the effects of negative images perpetrated as masculinity? (when actually those images are not truly so positive?)

How do we interrupt the cycles of suffering caused by repeating thinking and behaviors? Behaviors learned from each other and our fathers, our grandfathers, our ancestors?

How do we heal the immense unspoken pain of our wounded warrior selves?

We learn to cultivate the perceptional lens of UNCONDITIONAL POSITIVE REGARD.

We practice the intention to see, hear, listen, observe, and empathize without all the opinions, learned male messages, and stereotyping of our world culture.

We engage with one another in this way so as to learn how it is we are able to identify differences without reacting except for an inner place of unconditional positive regard for what our human condition is experiencing at this moment thru one another.

We suspend any kind of judgmental thinking.

We learn to pay attention to our pains!

We learn to see what is before us.

Awareness is seeing…. not thinking about what we see! (please read that again)

Plain seeing and nothing more. Seeing as much as we can about what arises. Taking it in…. with a sense of unconditional positive regard.

By doing so we create conditions that open pathways to face our conflicts peacefully, and with soul-full patience. We learn to create extraordinary moments of possibility where we make it possible to end bickering, fighting, hardships, suffering.

We lift the unspoken masculine “dark cloud” of burden we secretly harbor, while we hold ourselves open to pure seeing…. A conscious awareness of what is.

We are able to avoid meltdowns, smooth out the rough edges of ourselves and situations that are disharmonious, TAKE ON abuses of all kinds, and manage mistakes and repetitions whenever we are able to stand ourselves inside our own unconditional positive regard for life…. for living.

This is the arrival of the PEACEFUL WARRIOR.

We learn how to validate life in one another, with all the messiness and misery, joy and unexpected synchronicity possible.

We see with new eyes the cost to heal our issues and how to begin to form new steps which bring resolution, relief, and unburden one another thru new solutions.

When we allow ourselves to drop into our man heart – spaces, when we learn to allow ourselves to have our feelings of being touched in deep and meaningful ways we completely redesign the limbic systems of distress we carry inside our bodies. ( the emotional center of our brains)

We acquire realistic outcomes that we can then apply to generate and influence the positive outcomes we need to feel fulfilled and in greater harmony with ourselves, with other men, with women, with children, family and our communities and the world.

Getting realistic is the goal.

Becoming real is the result. Honor returns to the man.

This is the way of the peaceful warrior.

Historically men have created and then repeated creating world scenarios of war, enemy thinking, and conflict, along with dominance and greed. Power grabbing at the cost of one another, of societies, and the innocents as a means of feeling that power.

The ultimate power is not outside the man here, the ultimate power is within him, within us.

When we live and act with unconditional positive regard for all of life we then have the capacity to share power with one another that addresses life in healthy, regenerative, healing, with bridge building new efforts for peaceful outcomes.

This is the spiritual power inside us, not the stolen power we seek from others!

We stifle the tendency to plan for and energize war thru the illusion of power thru dominance, a toxic trait of the earth based masculinity lived for centuries here. We gain access to the ways of wisdom left dormant thru previous learned behaviors of toxic masculinity!

We stifle the tendency to stereotype our “enemies” and we begin to heal the effects of our historically based WOUNDED WARRIORS.

Until we heal our own wounded warrior we will not be able to heal that which makes us crazy about our enemies. We repeat the cycles over and over and over.

The wounded warrior carries the wisdom of our work ahead as he has seen the battle and learns to understand the fight. He has suffered the loss and knows the pain this brings. He has given up much to his battles and is left without all of the rest of himself intact.

The peaceful warrior reclaims the sanctity of his heart in order to learn to become whole once again.

Our men have yet to shed their tears.

And come home to their innermost super powers which lie dormant within the beating hearts, and breath inside our bodies. The real super powers are peace, not war. Harmony with… not dominance over. Understanding not misunderstanding. Loving not hating. Cooperation not covert agenda making. These are but a few of the true spiritual powers awaiting any man willing to allow the presence of his own peaceful warrior to surface.

We must come to terms with our warring manhood. We must learn to yield to our man hearts so as to learn the languages of how to heal our wounds. We must learn to open our hearts so that we may comprehend the greater work ahead beyond constant war and battle and conflict. That which lies ahead is the building of peace. This is the ultimate and true power for a man.

Our wounded warriors lead us to surprising meetings as we open to our wise elders. Who are our wise elders? Where are they? Who has learned to listen , to embrace and to love them? The silence we now relegate to our wise elders is a sad, sad state of our ignorance and unwillingness to embrace our man heart spaces. Our wise elders know the pains and distresses of our wounded psyches. We need them to show us how to heal us.

We need our wise elders voices to disturb the comfortable places of dominance and power mongering inside us and amongst us.

We have learned to settle for a far lesser possibility thru our repeating and repeating. Our insistence’s of righteousness and might.

Once a wise elder spoke and reminded me of that thinking…. “an eye for an eye” which is a basic tenet of many and said to me what would this bring to you? Continue like this and everyone will be blind !

He knew, he had seen, and now he s me.

Blind men leading more blind men.

Many still carry on this way, many are blinded by the thoughts of their aggression’s.

The peaceful warrior steps up and says to me.. “this is your cause to pause, reflect on these things.”

“Learn to open up.”

“Be strong, be whole, learn to be wise. I have returned in you, the journey of the peaceful warrior has much further for you to go.”

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

quote every choice leads to wisdom

Reality… “Man made” and “Natural” ! (How and Which One Do I Choose?) Core spirituality, my personal journey PART 1


Core spirituality, my personal journey

I want to take apart the two most basic kinds of reality I observe in life by looking at natural reality and man-made reality.

I want to define the differences here so that my left hemisphere brain, the logical, thinking mind can sort out what my creative, right hemisphere brain, the holistic, spatial, intuitive mind gets and can be more readily integrated into my choices. So that I can unlearn what I have learned and have the kinds of life experiences which bring the greatest meaning and satisfaction. I use both sides of my brain to open my perceptions to larger concepts, possibilities and the ultimate reality in nature and the man-made realities.

I do this to bring a sense of grounded being to myself as I witness the ungrounded behavior of humans moving into massive levels of chaos, violence, destruction of one another, pain and suffering, new forms of self-expression and new developments in our perception along with the greater overall changing and shifting of the mass consciousness as it is happening to our species at the moment. I see tremendous polarizing of humanity now as belief and perception shape the differing realities. This difference in the polarity of human experience is subject to our own responses via our life choices and this creates new outcomes. I ask myself , “ Self… how and what do I choose here ? ”


Reality based in nature is constant, cannot be changed by a person…is immutable, was here before mankind, IS STILL HERE AFTER WE LEAVE and is interconnected thru out the cosmos with all matter, all living things, and all space, and no-thing. Everywhere, inside, outside, above, below, in front, in back. Natural reality exists…. it is the creative expression of Source that can be observed as a constant so it is verifiable , and is verifiable from all angles of perception.

The Taoist explain it as that which cannot be spoken, or explained.

It is such that it is completely impossible to fully express in words alone, yet can be pointed to thru the word.

It is both definable and indefinable as it is full and empty. Paradox describes the polarity of its actual expression in our world.

The “laws of nature” as we have come to word it are our way of attempting to name and to understand what it is.

Natural reality is functioning regardless of one’s opinions, beliefs, and denials.

Our lives are subject to it and defined by it, whether we embrace it or not. Natural reality exists even to the hidden, unspoken, or denied in all of us 100% of our lives.

Natural reality has cohesiveness as well as randomness as it is here thru the polarity of opposites thus we are able to rely upon the effects of actions based in their causes as well as be surprised and learn thru order that is both constant and random in expression.

Reality based in nature holds the design of life together, while also providing a way to take it apart, this is economical and creates a place for all beings, for all things. While holding the design of life together it also repeats itself in many ways, from the design of a little seashell to a plant out into a cosmos where we observe the very same pattens. We can observe patterns and designs that repeat themselves from the micro to the macro versions of life.

Natural reality has direction which is known and unknown. This direction is knowable when we learn to embrace and accept the order that is inherent. Inherent in natural design, in natural function, in actions which arise out of that which is pure and natural. It is even more unknowable when we ignore, deny, and hide our attention to it.

Natural reality has deep, and infinite rhythm to it. These rhythms are repeated and contain a plan that is for the benefit of life herself as she unfolds into expression.

We can find ourselves in any situation and ask, “ what kind of rhythm do I find myself today, what is the larger rhythm unfolding?” Thus define many characteristics about our reality and learn to make wiser choices. Observing rhythm in nature, by feeling, can connect us to the larger plan currently unfolding thru us, around us.

I have listened to many, many indigenous people in my life who were completely uneducated to man-made forms of reality, yet were brilliantly and deeply insightful about what is going on around them and their place in it.

Natural reality has a gender and so we can learn to awaken to the inherent order that is expressing and learn to blend and harmonize with it.

Gender here as I am referring is not sexuality all by itself, but the energetic signature of expression.

Male and female genders have s broad energetic spectrum of expression thru out all life

Understanding the “Ying / Yang” polarity (as it is named in the Eastern understandings ) brings much wisdom to anyone seeking to embrace life. I have studied, witnessed and felt energy in my healing work my entire career as a massage therapist and there is a definite flow that energy follows based in whether that energy is qualified… as male – Ying, or female _ Yang. I observe the pure nature of male is outgoing, the pure nature of female is in going, for example. When we learn to embrace our human nature as containing both of these qualities much confusion ceases to exist.

A woman may have a balance of more Yang expression, this makes a side of her nature to be inclined to take action, to go for it, to seek outwardly. She may go as far as acting manly, or even masculine. A man may have a balance of more Yin expression, this makes a side of his nature to be inclined to nurture, not to take action but to be soft, to seek inwardly. He may go as far as acting womanly, or even feminine. The spectrum of behavior has many different combinations and I find it has helped me tremendously to observe this not as male female alone but as energetic qualities, inherent in natural reality. Everyone on this planet… everyone is having a creative life experience in their own expression of gender. We as a species do not even fully understand the nature of gender, nor do we embrace it. Evident in the painful expressions of many individuals world-wide who are fighting about this in just about every possible way they can !

In natural reality for every cause there is an effect and I find this very stabilizing to observe. For every effect there was a cause!

When I learn to find out about cause and effect my entire life shifted and still does. I continue to find more and more of my own behaviors resulting and being formed by this one simple aspect of the natural reality. Now I do stop and consider consequences for my actions, my inner thoughts. I also look backwards into my past to learn what caused a current situation I find myself. Cause and effect is so reliable that the entire cosmos is subject to it. Differently thru the dimensions, however my experience is that it is happening everywhere all the time.

Natural reality is composed of a vibrational form, this refers to the awareness that “every-thing” is in a constant state of movement with itself and non space. As a little wee boy child I remember looking down from the side of my bed onto the floor and seeing all these swirling little dots. I did not recognize what they were. Were they ants? I recall leaning way over the edge of my bed, almost catapulting myself down, to look at the carpet. After close inspection I realized they were not ants at all, they looked like protons and neutrons that I had learned about at school, in fact they even had little tails and they were everywhere. Once I saw this it happened again at the beach. I was lying in the hot sun, and opened my eyes to look at the sky and again I saw millions of these swirling dots with tails, I closed my eyes and opened them. They were still there. It is then I realized that I was seeing on an atomic level… perhaps? I learned to squint my eyes anytime under any conditions to see them. To this day I see them and I have pretty much decided they are light photons. However I am still not sure.

This observation opened up my mind to learning how nothing is really as solid as I originally thought, even as a little 9-year-old boy. I began to find that everything contained some kind of movement inside it. Around it. I saw these things my entire childhood and never said a word. Yet now I apply this awareness as I have developed my senses to observe the reality of vibrations. I then progressed to learning how thoughts are things. Indeed I could see them. And they moved, interacted with the thoughts of others. I noticed this in the cafeteria one day. As I was moving thru the line and found myself drooling over a dish of food ahead in the line. Suddenly I saw a shoot of light move down to the dish. I looked up and I could see a person ahead of me who, I discovered, was coveting the dish before I got further along. Amazing. I began to see how thoughts around people would actually swirl, search out, travel and mingle with other people. I watched this riding the train, no one speaking… however the thoughts of the people were intermingling. Very interesting.

When I realized that life is vibrational I determined to be more sensitive and open to what this would show me. And I did not tell anyone. This has been a gigantic life of AHAA’S , as I have seen so much of what most people “think” they are hiding, or are ignoring.

Beyond seeing vibration there is the experience of feeling it. Not seeing anything at all, yet feeling something coming over me, or reaching into me. This has happened millions of times with my children, as I learn to recognize their energetic signatures and their thoughts of me actually reach me, regardless of the distance.

In fact it is the feeling of vibration that I am most sensitive to now, as I find that we live in a water-like field of vibrations that completely engages and interconnects. There is no separation.

Separation is a total and complete false idea of natural reality.

There is an energetic pathway that travels via the vibrational fields, and there are many such fields overlapping depending on the dimension or frequency. When I realized that vibration is actually a structure in life I began to edit, and diminish any forms of deception on my part as I could see how the fact that I “thought” I was hiding a thought really was not true. Only to my thinking mind. I have had many a belly laugh at my own expense as I uncovered my own deceptions to my self.

Vibrational awareness informs all the senses, both the outward ones, and the inner ones with valuable information that serves the possibility for a better life. I realized that I cannot always rely only on my five physical senses to know something. Relying only on the five senses holds many, many back from the greater knowledge available to them and creates tremendous frustration.

The misuse of vibrational awareness in nature is rampant on this planet. I have witnessed that there are those on our planet who use this kind of knowledge in dark ways, to deceive others knowingly, to rob people, to avoid responsibility. The list is endless of how crooks and darkened individuals use this to their advantage to successfully carry out their schemes. They pay attention to the vibrational nature to signal them when to take advantage of others!

I find it comforting in natural law that anything I find in a small way that is real (reality) I can also find reflected, or projected or mirror in a larger way elsewhere in the universe. This has solidified my comprehension and observation many times when my logical thinking mind was unwilling to accept what i was perceiving. To see patterns repeatedly in nature, in math, in so many ways from the microcosm to the macrocosm is very reliable when accessing TRUTH. For it will always correspond in more than one place and repeat over and over again. This is how and why we bump into the same things again. We are discovering how one thing is mirrored in another. This is natural law. That is the bigger picture here.

Next I will address the second part of this essay as man-made reality and then combine them for an overall look.


core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery

ALOHA SPIRIT… core spirituality, my personal journey

"Spirit of Aloha" by Lori Higgins  24x30 oil on panel

ALOHA SPIRIT… core spirituality, my personal journey

A first time local client requested a massage for her elderly dad on his birthday and he had suffered with a stroke which left lasting effects on one side of his body. He appeared grateful and enjoyed this gift I was able to deliver on behalf of his loving daughter.

When I left she handed me her payment for the services rendered in an envelope. Once home I opened this envelope and inside she had printed the following page and inside this page was the payment plus gratuity.

Her enduring aloha was evident in the happiness, as she was glowing with joy when I arrived with my table and set up, preparing the background music, and placing the pillows for her dad’s comfort onto the table.

Here is what this message said….

“Aloha Spirit”

Aloha spirit” is the coordination of mind and heart within each person. It brings each person to the self. Each person will think and emote good feelings to others. In the contmplation and presence of the life force, “aloha”, the following unuhi laula loa may be used:

Akahai, meaning kindness to be expressed with tenderness;

Lokahi, meaning unity, to be expressed with harmony;

Oluolu, meaning agreeable, to be expressed with pleasantness;

Haahaa, meaning humility, to be expressed with modesty;

Ahonui, meaning patience, to be expressed with perseverance.

These are traits of character that express the charm, warmth and sincerity of Hawaii’s people. It was the working philosophy of native Hawaiians and was presented as a gift to the people of Hawaii.

Aloha is more that a word of greeting or farewell or salutation. Aloha means mutual regard and affection and extends warmth in caring with no obligation in return.

Aloha is the essence of relationships in which each person is important to every other person for collective existence.


Chapter 5 – 7, Hawaii Revised Statues

I was stopped right in my tracks as I stood, then sat, and deepened into the message I had received which was far more valuable than the money in the envelope. I reflected on the practice of the discipline of Hula now for 3 years, and the many conversations with my ohana, their words lingering in my heart and mind. I am reminded of this every week in our sometimes grueling dance classes.

However that may be, I feel fortunate to be reminded again and …

and for this I am deeply grateful for this message. I had not ever met this person in my life, and yet she embodied this message to me starting with the very first phone contact.

There are people all over the world who bless us with their presence, their messages, and here in Hawaii, their ALOHA.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation and discovery.

Shared with aloha

Perception and Reality…core spirituality, my personal journey PART 2

cosmic wonder

Perception and Reality…core spirituality, my personal journey PART 2

In the previous essay entitled the same as above PART 1, I was sharing about the nature and origin of the word perception and how and what my own understanding of this means and the consequences of this in my life. Perception is only an aspect of life, AND without reality,…. of some kind ….our perception could be subject only to that which exists in the unlimited mind field, or worse… the unending ramblings of the thinking or intellectual mind, or the unbounded space of creative thought alone.

Reality on this planet is a topic of wide discussion today amongst mankind and the subjectivity of this word is debated, fought over, unified, and shared by everyone here with tremendous passion. The endless ideas about what reality is and how we are effected by it is a common discussion and is also the subject of tremendous hidden power for many. The kind of reality we live inside may clash with the reality of another person, and whole nations of people find themselves in group reality clashes with other groups everyday.

Sometimes I have the thought while listening or watching someone that there is very little reality to what they are caught up. Besides their own drama and rambling! ( I am not the only person who has had this thought ! )

The physical reality has many layers to it with tremendous breadth of diversity and subject. I love watching the shows of different species of animals…for example all those penguins who huddle together in the arctic regions to stay alive and propagate their kind while freezing winds swirl about the huddled mass. Or the dry and hot desserts where the small insects bury into the sands and wait for a single drop of morning dew to materialize out of the air onto their tiny little bodies. It is simply magnificent all the different realities of animals, plants and insects.

Scientific, musical, social, economical, work, relationship, political, military, home, medical, spiritual, educational, artistic, mystical, historical, individual and collective realities abound. I am fascinated by them all.

How many of these realities are there actually based in something that is truthful and real?

( is why we have what I call “reality checks” show up and smack us in the face, catch us off guard or suddenly and totally redirect us )

The nature of reality is also another aspect, what is the real nature of reality? Which leads my mind to ask many questions.

How did we get into this reality?

Where does this reality come from?

Can I change my reality?

Is there a unified reality, where there is less conflict and everyone and everything truly exist without so much pain and suffering?

Does reality come to us, or do we go to it? Or is it both?

Can a mass reality actually shift and change?

Is reality broken?

Can I destroy a reality, can we destroy reality?

Oh dear… the questions of a deep thinker can go on and on. And for me they have ever since I was a young boy. I still wonder, and I still find new answers that illuminate my perception.

Yet perception does effect our reality and this is reason I put the two words together into one essay.

They are inextricably linked together as long as there is a consciousness.

Before I go further into these two words together I want to take reality, or the word apart for the benefit of further understanding.

Reality as a noun refers to the world or state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them, “the harsh reality of homelessness” for example.

It can refer to some thing that exists in fact, having previously only existed in the mind, “the free energy technologies may become a reality in the near future”.

Reality also refers to the state of quality of having existence or substance, existence that is absolute and not subject to human decisions. “The reality of being born precedes old age” for example.

An interesting observation is about the etymology, the root of the word is “real” as in “real-ity”.

It’s origins in Latin res, meaning thing, or matter. A reference indicating res may have been derived from the (20th) Hebrew letter resh. The Hebrew letter resh, was derived from an image of a man’s head. ( does this imply a perception?)

The classic derivation is dated in the 1540s, as the “quality of being real”, form French realite, and directly Medieval Latin realitatem from realitas, and from the Late Latin realis, meaning “real existence, all that is real” from the 1640s.

We have all this and then we have Reality TV, the latest version of reality, yet is that real?

When we speak to one another and say “the reality of the situation is…” for example we are stating an irrefutable fact and we start to align in our perceptions.

One time in my life a doctor said to me, “the fact of the matter is your daughter’s reality is she has a brain tumor.” Indeed my, our reality completely shifted.

Perception does shift how we experience this reality!

Initially there appears to be many realities around us, inside us.

This is only a subjective view… a perception and not actually REALITY, as I have come to find out.

I have learned to recognize that reality is SO BIG, that my little human mind separated it into pieces. Reality is separated into pieces thru my perceptions so that I could observe and learn and be connected to it. Otherwise I would simply explode.

As I learned that it was only in the mind that I had separated reality, I came to view reality as a unified field. As one gigantic, endless, infinite thing. A reality that exists with a structure, a direction, a purpose.

We are all discovering this for ourselves as we “put the pieces together”.

I began to notice how our collective perceptions have shifted from the early 1950s, when I was born and the time of parents, to now. We have been “putting together the pieces” of our reality all along and our perceptions continue to seem to grow. Yet it is only the perception that is growing and that we are discovering, the reality has been here all along. The one reality, which is all things together, simultaneously.

A tremendous awakening in our perceptions is occurring anytime we “put together the pieces” of something and recognize how it is all connected as really something much larger than we had previously seen. This happens all the time to human beings.

This is where the faculty of INTUITON arises and informs me beyond my analytical, thinking, logical mind. It is essential to remember that our brains are actually wired 2 ways. One of which holds the creative, holistic perceptions which often are real and beyond our logical thinking brain.

As I have learned to adapt to using more of my brain, integrating information using my intuitive brain I have learned to stagger my logical deducting thinking long enough to catch those intuitions and add to my discovery of a much, much, larger REALITY.

It is a fact of my own life… I experience on a regular basis, the intuitive nature of my own perceptions from the right brain part of whole brain. I do see auras, I do see non physical beings, I do receive telepathic messages, I do observe the life imagery of the animals as they think in their own ways, I do get informed by my orchid collection and so on. Add to this the continual discovery of an underlying reality of life, one that is behind the “created reality” of human thought. A human intellectually generated reality that in many ways is out of alignment with the larger “natural reality” of the cosmos. There exists a reality that is so astoundingly magnificent, right here, right now based in unalterable natural law. The earth, the stars in their orbits, gravity and light coexisting as a physicality and I a marvelous “symphony of creation”. I perceive the divine order that holds this planet together while we take it all apart. While we learn. While we discover what reality truly is.

I have learned that I can live in this natural reality, or I can choose to deny it, to resist it, and the consequences are always the same. Always! MISERY.

So I come full circle here thru sharing about perceptions and reality, and how I have shifted my consciousness from that of a human being having a spiritual experience to a spiritual being having a human experience and my life has never been the same.

When I allow my perceptional senses to open, when I allow my mind to withhold deduction too early, when I choose to unlearn what I previously held as real I always discover that larger reality.

I have taken into account the framework of how I use perception in my life to see and experience reality. I know now that perception is a key to discovering more and more of what the larger natural reality of life looks like, and it is truly a wonderful thing.

I have accustomed myself to question perception and learn.

I have expanded all of my senses, both physically and inwardly to accommodate a broader perceptual field of observation.

I am learning that how REALITY appears is largely shaped by my own PERCEPTIONS.

This discovery has taken significant importance to me as my life has become enriched, not easier, enriched and filled with more wonder…. continuous states of wonder beyond anything my thinking mind could even muster up.

Truly fantastic!

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

shared with aloha

test pictures with new camera 259(photo taken by me from our garden)


Perception and Reality… core spirituality, my personal journey PART 1


Perception and Reality… core spirituality, my personal journey PART 1

“How” we perceive “reality” is a significant design element in all the outcomes of our human experience. Because our perceptions will direct our energies (actions and reactions on a variety of different levels inside us) and thus lead into life scenarios based on how we either consciously or unconsciously “choose” to view life and into actions with consequences of all kinds.

In other words what we see arises from our perceptions at any given moment.

Everyone has had the experience of missing something while in plain sight of them, for example bypassing a sign on the highway, or not hearing something that was said to them. Everyone seems to have a bias to their own perceptions, so how do we come to greater harmony with all the different ways to see life?

What occurs between two people can also occur between millions of people, (and does so every day) The purpose of learning to deepen into our perceptions is we are looking into how it is we create… what and where we find ourselves… personally and collectively… as a species.

The nature of PERCEPTION is such that we are free to dismiss, or rearrange, or make up any form of perception about what reality really is at any given moment and / or see exactly what is before us.

What does perception mean?

The word Perception derives from the Latin word percipio. Which means to take COMPLETELY, seize entirely, take possession of, occupy. To take to oneself, assume. To get, contain, obtain. To observe, to feel, to learn, to know, to conceive, comprehend, understand to perceive.

In English it is considered to refer to the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. A way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something… a mental impression.

Synonyms to perception are recognition, awareness, consciousness, realization, understanding, an impression or idea, concept, notion or thought, an estimation.

Note worthy at this point is to embrace that regardless of the reality of something we can see whatever we want to see or we cannot see what we do not want to see.

This is a very essential component of inner work and discernment. Noteworthy because when we do not want to see something, for us it appears not to exist.

Our perceptions are very capable of editing out any information we do not want to see thus we shape our perceptions and “mental impressions” thru our particular perceptions, or biases.

I love the “elephant in the room” expression which points us to this fact, so commonly it has become a part of the English language vernacular and is widely understood and used to describe perception, that does not see what is there.

Then there is the expression “ blind spot” also denoting missing a perception . While we see all the time with our eyes we often speak in the vernacular that we are ‘blind” to seeing even when we are seeing and even when we are looking to see.

So we can see and be blind in our perceptions all at the same time. Interesting to note.

Perception may refer to an object which is physical, yet also to an idea or thought, yet may also be an action. We frequently use our perceptions to validate ourselves, our beliefs. Yet we also only perceive within the limits of our beliefs, or thoughts, as we unconsciously edit out whatever does not fit our view. I find this interesting as I encounter this often in my interactions with people, and within my own self.

We do not see, or perceive, that which lies outside our own conceptions of reality. We are constantly learning more about life as we open up our attention, our acceptance, and our experiences thru perceptions.

There is a story here in the islands about first contact that I have heard many times. It goes that when the first ships arrived here people did not, could not even see them just off shore as they had never seen, nor even conceived the idea of a ship as was approaching shore. I find this story about perception simply fascinating as it illustrates so clearly how we are unconsciously always editing out information all around us, and of course, inside us. Based on our own thoughts, concepts and ideas.

We have also the fact that we have visible and invisible spectrum’s of light, directly in front of our eyes may be something that we literally do not see, until we use a powerful tool such as a magnifying lens, or night vision goggles for example. That we do not see it , “perceive it” does mean it does not exist.

There are the illusions of perception which distort reality and trick us into having a real experience when something is not real at all.

I have had this happen while watching a 3-D movie and I felt my stomach flop as the viewpoint went over the edge of a cliff. Yet there was no cliff actually only the imagery of it and yet my body reacted as if this was a real cliff “i” was going over. Incredible how the senses can inform yet distort, inform yet trick, the self. Do we ever question our senses fully? For example when we watch television and see an acting out of a scene, totally acting, no real, do we ever stop to question how the physical body is feeling / reacting? The feelings we have are real, what we are watching is not.

The same is true for dreaming. Many times in my life I have had a vivid dream of flying, interacting, encountering something scary, or highly emotional. My physical body is sleeping in the bed, while in my dreams I am all over different landscapes, with different people. I have awakened and my physical body is filled with the feelings, both emotional and physical of the dream… like the flying, the running, in other words my heart rate is up, my stomach is upset and yet my body was sleeping the whole time. Does my body actually discern the difference in what is real? Is the dream real, it appears to be so from the way my body feels, yet it is actually sleeping… not running down the hall as in the dream-scape.

Perception arises out of what appears and there are levels and dimensions that are not even physical, and the body resonates, processes, and reacts in a physical way.

How we learn to navigate life using our senses of perception, and how we grow the awareness of how our perceptions develop, and lead us into our experiences is a monumental aspect of physical embodiment.

What we do with these perceptions to harm or not to harm ourselves, each other, life around us, the planet. How we use our perceptions to nurture, cure, assist, and care for ourselves, each other, and life around us. One example of this is murder. How often in listening to the stories of individuals who have murdered others have they been under the influence of their own fear, or drug induced illusion, and their perceptions lead them to act in a harmful way in which afterwords they regret! This is often the outcome of these story lines as I have listened to people tell their stories.

On a larger scale involving millions of people, I question the perception of threat, of the enemy, as it is created by our world military and governments. How frequent has it been in outrageous violent military action that the threat has been created by ourselves to another ( and our planet) and thus justifies the solution of continuous military actions thru destruction and violence? From all sides one to the other repeatedly. I am certain that history will prove how this is an actuality. This all arises from a perception, real or imagined. Everyone is familiar with the recent justification of the threat of WMD’s in this country as perpetrated here.

Perception was used as a basis for action.

The action of perceiving is in its pure form the action of seizing something, we take to ourselves something of life. This is the Latin version of the word perceive. We take on wholly.

In the context of inner work, in the context of conscious awareness, in the context of how we shape our experiences we take on life thru perception and then act. Deepening into the our actions thru retrospect we can always see how we came to our conclusions by re tracking our perceptions. This action of watching and learning to self-aware as well as free to choose is what core spirituality is all about as we navigate the our lives. As spiritual beings having a human experience in a physical reality where every thought, action, has a consequence, is part of some rhythm, is formed in the mental plane of thought, and reflects either a harmonious or disharmonious perception. We can use our life experience to learn and evolve our actions and eliminate our own personal suffering. We humans have this capacity and are each having some kind of life experience in these ways, whether we choose to perceive this or we choose not to perceive this.


Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Quote life is about perception