The Challenges of the Soul Within the Physical Body… core spirituality, my personal journey


The Challenges of the Soul Within the Physical Body… core spirituality, my personal journey

The challenge of the soul inside the human body

The soul is actually the life force within the physical body.
The immensity and higher vibratory rate of the soul integrating into the physical form is one of the many challenges spirit has with the physical environment. The greater intensity of the soul is such that it can easily overload, burn out, and even destroy the physical form when there is too much soul substance present and there is not sufficient grounding in the body. I have felt the energetic increases of soul presence many times as I have graduated through the earth school. My own experience here shows me that as I learn to process, pass through, and transcend the limiting aspects of physical embodiment by facing the hardships and challenges my integral person drops those aspects for greater ones. These realizations are energetic increases to my self. Patterns of behavior, thinking, belief, along with family histories stored inside the body undergo transformations as the knowledge from experiences is translated creating new pathways inside the various systems in the body. The new experiences will eventually replace the older ones as each new realization takes place. Switching on and off DNA messages that rewrite the biological interior scripts inside our physical forms. Rewiring neural pathways and reeducating our cells.

The loss of illusion and false teachings

With the development of the many aspects of ourselves we learn from experiences to express truthfully what it is that is our particular focus through each embodiment. Significant to the process is the experiences of loss and specifically the loss of our belief and attachments to illusions and false teachings that we inherit, learn or adopt along the way. This may have a feeling of deflation along with feelings of losing ground, loss of direction, confusion, and misunderstanding. As one set of ideas makes its way out of us, the other moves in and for a time this can be unnerving. However that may be the release of the energy behind intentions that were grounded in illusions and false teachings then becomes free for redirection and requires new forms of self management. Whenever we discover through personal experience the living truthfulness of life and dismantle the falsity of life, we shift the entire paradigm for all human beings on this planet, and we make it possible for the greater expressions of our spiritual selves. In this way our embodiments take on the significance of spirituality that is connected to a larger, more complex universal system and the metaphorical doorways of life open in surprising new ways. Though the passing through times of realization and the release of illusion are not comfortable times, they are replaced with these new possibilities and it all becomes worthwhile. There is always more to go, further to travel, and still yet in the larger potentiality of life still to be discovered.

The human potential is actually the soul expression as human

Recognizing the vast capability of soulful expression is what human potential truly is becomes a vibrant discovery as the wider expressions of spirit come forth into being and how this is all interconnected in ways that confound the intellectual mindset. The soulful expressions of who we are when brought into this world weave and add the integrating and interconnecting purpose of life and this is discovered as we go. When we begin to experience the wisdom of something so much greater than ourselves directing, and integrating our lives the experience of living shifts dramatically. All of our senses become infused with more capability and our perceptions develop beyond our previous states. We become aware of what was hidden to us. The potentials become actual realities and the circumstances of our lives swing out into far reaching new directions. As the human potential develops with each of us so too does the collective human potential as no one person is truly alone, disconnected, or separate from the larger background and people of our lives. Everything and everyone is connected in some way, and we get to live this with real understanding and personal experiences.

The work needed to make room for my soul has been…

My inner work has been much about developing emotional awareness, intuitive realness and letting go. Each new learning along with each new letting go has made a space inside me that has created room for more soul expression and development. This is why and how it is so very important to do the emotional healing, emotional release, of feelings and cultivate the intuitive feelings.

The soul aspect as that which is the pure expression of source

The most pure aspect of what we are is the expression of soul as source. The undiluted, clear streaming, spontaneous expression of our hearts and mind and spirit blended together in the unique way in which our singularity is given permission to be. ( by permission I am implying our own consent as individuals to allow ourselves to grow to this point)

I find that we each hold a different perspective on this yet we are universal in the essence of the meaning. This differentiation is how source as ONE expressed in many forms gathers experience which adds to ITSELF as each of us.

The undoing of the self in human terms is often very scary, can be sad, and filled with unknowns until we allow the undoing to have its complete exercise within. The undoing of the tied up, oppressed, suppressed, limited, often false notions of which we have all participated. Results in a renewed purity. At one point in my undoing I became so completely empty and silent and still inside myself I hardly knew what to do. The immediate sense of nothing became so overwhelming I could hardly imagine what I was going to do next in my life. Until this state integrated more fully I was in a stupor of sorts seeing everything as if it was brand new. The simplest of sounds, the variations of sunlight, the spaces between objects all became imbued with a new tingling effervescent quality which then translated through me as peace, harmony, and intelligence in all things. I noticed how nothing is truly separate, everything is interconnected. From this new awareness I realized over and over again a pure expression of source within me. I know I was completely renewed. I actually felt and looked younger, and the entire trajectory of my life transformed. All my relationships changed, where I lived changed, and what I was doing in my life took on new meaning. The pure states of source within us, when untainted provide a context for everyone and everything that reveals how its all together, and reveals the deeper meaning. This translation took on many years of development as I learned to navigate my life in this new perspective. I eventually learned how to navigate with this increase of sensory input in my life, and I learned how to use it correctly for the good.

The massive frequency of spiritual being as soul in human form

The true intensity of the spiritual nature of each of us as spiritual beings is magnificent and far greater than ordinary awareness shows us as human beings. Holding on to the old way of seeing myself as a human being, and trading this for seeing myself as a spiritual being having a human experience gained a momentum that continues to this day. This momentum has revealed to me the larger aspect of us many times, personally and in my work. With this larger perspective of seeing us as spiritual beings first, and human as second the entire game of life here looks much differently. Particularly the strong emphasis we normally put on each other as humans in our relationships. From the spiritual seeing this took on for me a more gentler more understanding coexistence in my day to day interactions. Which changed much of the dynamics of my previous earlier lifestyle. When the immensity of soul is revealed to me I am always in awe. In awe at how much light, how large the soul actually is in a person, and how the person is really only a role, or a smaller expression of something much greater. This has shown me how to live in paradox when relating to people. Being able to see the soul, and the person/form simultaneously. Learning to see others as spiritual beings, as souls, instead of the roles, or persons they actually see themselves! Often I have urged, or stayed silent because of that which I have seen.

Integrating psychic skills, transcendent forms of communication with life in many forms

Living as a soul incarnate can call into a person psychic skills. These skills aid the person and everyone around them. Both in ways of taking action, and when not to take actions which are more appropriate for the actual soulful unfolding that is happening. These are the same senses and some more that we have as humans in a physical body, only now they become unlimited to the existing physicality as we know it. Seeing, hearing, smelling, sensing, all take on a larger role far beyond the limitations of physical sensory capability we are all trained to believe we have.

Highly developed psychic skills reveal many components of the soul including but not limited to past lives, spiritual relatives not existing on this plane in the same way we do, histories and past experiences which have led to a present moment, motivations hidden from the conscious mind, amazing information for me is how what we think and feel becomes translated into the cellular body. Showing me how a person’s thoughts, feelings, and past experiences both in this life and other lives are acting out in the body and manifesting certain ailments, challenges, or impulses today.

The awareness of the soul of babies and who they really are as souls, what their intentions are, and how to telepathically communicate with them is fascinating.

There are many powerful meridians on this planet, these are often places where temples have been built, I find these energetic spots in my travels and have felt the tremendous connection they provide as they move through this planet.

The intuitive feelings to start new adventures, take on new relationships, and to release old ones is valuable as this psychic information far exceeds the intellectual mind process.

There are many many components of psychic skills we all have within us to bring forward, and its my experience that we are undergoing a collective shift within our species now as there are so many turned on souls here living from their genuine soul consciousness in every walk of life. Truly amazing.

Communications with many forms of life take on value as we learn to understand pets, I love how this works as I have seen how the minds work in pictures and feelings and how dogs and cats have their own agendas in our lives, their own needs, and wants. I find it very interesting to interact with animals with this awareness as there is such a fuller, richer exchange. Also there is a lot of natural joy in animals that we miss when we do not see them in totality as spiritual being themselves, living with us.

Animals in nature, plants, even the rocks, hills, mountains, streams and oceans, sky all have their own beautiful expressions as forms of spirit. I have enjoyed traveling all over the world by sea for 7 years where I experienced the land and nature and people in these ways.

The earth is vitally alive, intricately designed, communicating constantly through all her expressions. I must add my experiences of damage and wounding to the earth via war, destruction, and horrible human behaviors is ghastly. My first experience visiting Pearl Harbor in Oahu was a nightmare for me. Though everyone in my group was having a brilliant time riding on the water over to the sunk ships below the surface, I was smelling the smoke, hearing the cries, seeing the destruction of the bombing. I was overwhelmed at one point when my daughter looked over at me wondering what was up? I was experiencing the imprinting of history precisely where we were.

This has happened to me many times on the east coast while hiking in the country where there were horrific battles involving Indians, civil war warriors etc.. All over the world there are coastal sites that have had battles, destruction, death, and so on. These imprints exist everywhere due to our past human behavior and many of them still hold there emotional imprints and act as magnets for those spirits caught in the emotions of the hardships of their ages. Many times I have encountered these spirit beings on my walks and have spoken with them, done healing, and assisted them to move on or to understand something.

And then there are the other forms of life not in the physical now…. saints, holy people, beings from other worlds, angelics, devas, and many more. Learning how to discern these presences…. both in their positive states and those still held in darkness but tricking us is another level of the learning of high sensory learning. These are the components to living in a multi-dimensional awareness as part of every day life for me and many others waking up to this larger paradigm.

The challenges to existing paradigms

Live in the world, yet be aware of more. I have to do this regularly as I have learned how the consensus realities of which so many humans participate are not really all that exists here. The paradigms of perception, the beliefs about reality, and the nature of ourselves is vast on this planet. There is a tremendous challenge to living with all this in a way that does not hurt, or wound another because of differences. The amazing aspect of soul full presence is the increase of love that we are capable of exercising and doing this on a daily basis with all the opposing, differing, points of view. I find great refuge in the heart. The heart awareness, the heart mind, the heart eyes, all see and instruct so as to make a cohesive blending of the differences we express here. The overwhelming expanded states of pure love that we are actually capable is beyond description in words. I know that I have continuously found myself entering into and passing through massive states of love. Really massive states of love not just with people, but with places, situations, and so on. These energetic experiences of expanded states of love hold tremendous healing, and smoothing out of difficulties. I am called into my heart space on a regular basis, as I encounter my limiting emotions, and beliefs about any person, place or situation. When this love comes over me I am immediately infused, and neutralized while being filled with another form of knowing. I have learned to give myself permission at any time to back off, change my mind, retract a statement, or humbly ask for forgiveness as a result of this amazing love. I have watched doors open, closed minds open, darkness recede, and the list goes on and on.

There is no ascension, moving to the 5th dimension or many other ideas perpetrated in the new age

Many people are talking about how we are moving into a 5th dimenson of living. This may be true, yet my experience is we are moving into even greater dimensions as we realize that we ourselves contain all these and many more, perhaps 50 dimensions inside ourselves as souls. As we develop our own selves by integrating our soul dimensional aspects while the earth is also transitioning into her other states as well. The many dimensions of the soul far exceed simply moving to the next dimension.

The reality of the here and now living as a soul incarnate versus leaving the planet

Our greatest challenge is the here and now where we choose not to leave the planet to make it better but to stay and raise ourselves up with the planet. There are many scenarios that imply we are to leave this place for a better one. ( the amount of suffering and the voices seeking release now is massive on this planet). I am resistant to this right now as I know that it is difficult here and yet I brought myself here for this challenging time specifically. I know this, I remember the soul decision I made, I have seen the previous lives which led to this one. I certainly could not be the only human on earth like this, there are millions, perhaps billions like this here now. Not until we fully connect in with how it is we are creating the reality we live in will we actually free ourselves of our pains. However as we learn the true nature of who and what we are, as spiritual beings having a human experience and the actuality of universal structure and what this world is actually made of … then we have accomplished our task.

Bringing soul to the earth and all this implies has tremendous significance to our daily lives and what it is we are passing through right now. There is such great meaning in meeting our circumstances and transforming them from our soul viewpoints.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self exploration

lotus of soul

My Forgotten parts, Recollecting aspects of my soul, core spirituality… my personal journey


My Forgotten parts, Recollecting aspects of my soul,core spirituality… my personal journey

When undergoing the experiences of recollecting parts of our selves that have become out of reach and apart from the potential within us amounts to taking back aspects of our selves involving the heart and all that it has refused to express share and give forth in the world. My heart is designed for loving.

Taking back aspects of our selves involves the mind and all it has refused to admit, to see, to embrace, and to understand, all of which was held outside self. My mind is both fixed and fluid and I need to discover more of it.

The realization that we are much larger, more capable and intrinsically more dimensional than the dumb-ed down versions we have been fed all our lives, the capacity to find answers to mysteries, and the possibility to hold more of our selves inside our physical body is far greater than anyone thought. We are going through this process collectively now.

Where does the power come from?

The soul is more capable as it contains super energies of many many kinds. We are made of that which is of the soul and that being an expression of our source. Our socialization, our educations, our family dynamics, all contain elements of limiting brain washing that stifle the authentic expression of our most real internal selves, or some aspects of our totality. Thus to transcend these limits we need only empty out that which we cling, to become open human beings that can hold a greater vibratory rate of existence. I learned I needed to engage a continual life style of letting go and re-identification as I took on new material. I came to an experience of source both within myself and outside myself that paradoxically revealed to me how tremendous, really the power of soul is.

The common dynamic in the dilemma of physical embodiment is sometimes that we are not expressing all of our true potential. We can live an entire lifetime learning how to fully express ourselves as fully adult human beings. And we can live an entire lifetime controlled by thoughts, emotions, and scripts that are not intrinsically expressing our most genuine self. I saw this in my own past lifetimes as I had many revealed to me so to educate me in this lifetime to the significance of all that I was learnging.

Our physical bodies are over loaded, jammed up with so much mental/emotional baggage that is not genuinely ours and this impedes the inflow of soul qualities. Redefining our minds, releasing emotions, and letting go of histories that are by nature suppressed, oppressive, dominating, over loading, inaccurate, twisted, half truths, and so on all make space inside the light body, and the physical body in such a way so as to make the truly meaningful progress happen inside us. The transformations are basically an inside job for each of us. They do not require external forms of authority to give us permission to achieve nor will they happen by way of external means. This direction is one which naturally arises from within. I realized I was holding the ball so to speak with just about every aspect of myself. I learned that my body contained a history and that I had to relearn what that was and then make new and different choices as to how I would live. Our unconscious histories ( our DNA) is overpowering and defining and until we awaken our inner knowledge of self we are subject to that history. Once I woke up to this I began to shift my entire perspective on choice.

We have lost aspects of our authentic nature which are deep inside the hearts of our souls awaiting our activation’s. These are at first felt as distant longings, and urges for which we have no references. And we have completely unknown aspects beyond that still held in potentials until the time we reach into and past our longings.

When we take on the beliefs of others without our own genuine investigation we overlay into our physicality energetics that influence our biology. We actually direct the switching on and off of different DNA contents by way of our choices. Be they consciously or unconsciously chosen. This is easy to see with identical twins who as they age their DNA changes, although when they started out it was identical. Science has shown this.

Without the personal reflection along with internal investigation we disconnect ourselves from the deeply meaningful and authentic nature of our spiritual being. Our human self can be filled with man-made deductions, dogmas, scientific beliefs, religious dogmas, mental notions, and the resulting emotions not even based on genuine reality, yet agreed by common consent as truth. Wise to remember that common agreement is not necessarily in agreement with universal truth. As we align with these forces we disengage from many important aspects of our true nature that express this universal quality. To the degree that we see and believe ourselves separate, to the degree that one sees they are better than, to the degree that there is exclusiveness in place of inclusive there are elements of our hearts and minds that become shut down or even off.

Soul aspects that we regain through our recollections

Soul aspect that we regain through recollecting our different aspects are the understanding of a much broader perspective, clear thinking, ego deflation that results in the re-positioning of self-identity, intuition, psychic knowledge, interconnection and the ability to communicate with many forms of life. Awareness of how manifestation happens and steps that lead to consequence. Larger memory of our spiritual path, including our previous experiences…. earlier in life, or in other lifetimes. Lives in other dimensions, and on other worlds. We regain the knowledge of our real life history including yet beyond this lifetime. This is quite natural as a result of releasing outdated beliefs, letting go of negative programming, facing and transcending our fears, and releasing feelings that control and inhibit our self expressions. I had to learn to drop many dogmas, and teachings I had picked up in my youth. Those ideas no longer expressed my own internal experiences.

The songs of our hearts, our people’s and our lands

We have within us each a unique song of life, one which has its particular tones, colors, and expressions. We share this song with others and the land we live. We feel good when we experience these songs, this life music. When we choose harmony in our actions and when we face the disharmony to understand and learn we join in with a larger aspect of creation. A larger symphony of interactions takes place that infuses life with joy, understanding, synchronicity. Life itself in its vast expressions literally sings itself outwards.

The joys hidden in our lost selves act as the food for soul which bring spiritual sustenance. Sustaining us in miraculous ways.

Our retrieved joys are a form of spiritual sustenance normal in the soul level dimensions, yet that is also true in this one. We need the sustenance of joy to add to the experiences of being human as this shapes and forms the outcomes and realities we live through. Bringing new tremendous meaning and uplifting qualities that actually will support us in transforming the negative scenarios we must face, pass through and process. Our daily lives are filled with many opportunities with which to test this out. This joy replaces all the negativity when we finally move past our personal challenges with enough force that we comprehend what was not understood, when we release that which is our personal dross, and we upgrade our thinking and belief in alignments with authentic spiritual presence. Joy comes when we empty out, it is the original state and becomes reinstated as the natural state.

How love in any situation helps us to bear the pains we are needing to release.

Most all humans have issues with which we grapple and that need tending, these issues are actually our personal steps unique to each of us that provide our growing directions. Learning to accept these challenges can mean that we encounter painful situations. Bringing love into ourselves can help the entire situation. That love is analgesic is true. Without love … there will be intense pain and difficult suffering that appears not to have meaning or purpose. Bring love in and that all changes. Love as an analgesic always lifts, releases, and transcends us as we make our way thru the difficulties. Loving ourselves and one another through the painful circumstances we bear brings significant depth of purpose that could be lost without it. Love acts as an analgesic with actual pain we feel in our bodies. Scientists have now uncovered how love actually lessens the pains felt in the body. I find this amazing.

Lost meaning in everyday life and the recollection of those meanings

When we live a robotic life in any area of ourselves that area is subject to drab meaninglessness. Living on autopilot we do not access feelings, challenge thoughts, or take actions that are in best interest. Living in a script of how we think things should be, living a script in our minds when we are the only one reading that script (an awful realization I have had to accept about myself at different times in my life), living a script for us that someone made for us… a parent, the family, the church, our society are all places within that we can learn to collect back into ourselves. I have found this adjusts the levels of emotion and outcome significantly in positive ways. Prepare to see the scripts we think we must live, and then prepare to throw them out. I have had been through this many times.

Wisdom reaches us… we do not have to reach for it, the action of recollection will bring forward the perfect environment for wisdom to be born in each of us.

When I choose wisdom as my guide in how to collect back into myself that which is of meaning that intention for making wise choices brings to me new possibilities that were blocked before. The intention to find wisdom brings it. What a revelation! Not taking action unless the criteria for wisdom has been met prevents me from repeating patterns, making mistakes again, and assures my own more deeply satisfying outcomes. There are many signals along the way with which we must learn to discern and understand. There are many kinds of wisdom…. happy wisdom, sad wisdom, crazy wisdom, brilliant wisdom, intuitive wisdom to name a few. Not having these kinds of wisdom show up may be a signal that one is blocking it in some way. Stuck in belief systems that are out of alignment with my true inner nature always blocked me from accessing deep wisdom. The script always took over. And well that is a lesson in itself, I examine my scripts on a regular basis.

Asking for signs, signals, and validation in our lives

I always found comfort in the native American way, and many other indigenous people s and biographies of the saints. When listening to their ideas on learning to observe, ask for, and respond to signs, signals, and how these validate us when we are on the edges of knowing and learning as we move in to our own dark mysteries and unknowing. Signs and signals began to occur for me in remarkable ways literally shocking my system into the new directions. In my experience I thought initially that these things were happening to me, for me, and what a miracle. Eventually I came to recognize all of life is communicating with itself. Signs and signals are a natural ongoing aspect of creation, now I have joined in, instead of holding myself outside of this wondrous component of living. There is not really anything special about me, it is however unique to me and my own participation to life on a larger level. Signs and signals are actually an ongoing aspect of creation. Once I realized that one I made certain to change the old scripts I had been living.

Synchronicity and its meaning as we build our authentic self expressions

Meaningful coincidence where random or even opposing forces join together that speak something that connects internally with us is just so wonderful a way to live life. The more I have dropped my false notions and let go of self-limiting definitions I have felt myself to become more and more authentic. The more authentic the more synchronicity shows up and this encourages more of the same.

Wonder and the ignition of spiritual sight

When we return to wonder in our lives we ignite the spiritual sight inside us. Capable of seeing beyond the surface, and into the essence of meaning in situations we are able to stay connected to the larger picture seeking to unfold. Spiritual sight is not dependent in any way on religious dogma, but more so arises naturally as we learn to be present and just see what is. This take practice to exercise our minds beyond limiting ideas. And to open our wider expression of many feelings and emotions.

Release of obstacles…

Letting go, conquering our fear, releasing judgmental thoughts, throwing away outdated life scripts, and finding humility like never before all lead into and through the release of our personal obstacles. Our egos are highly invested in tremendous amounts of these things and I have learned how the ego aspect of me has had to learn to take a different seat, or perspective when it comes to the finality of the release of obstacles. The joy is transformational. The realization I had about learning has become my turning point in any obstacle as there always appears something for me to learn, without the learning the obstacles persist. What a realization!

Recovery and becoming whole is a journey that is infinite in its true nature

When I write infinite I mean it. I experience the infinite nature of life and the process of becoming whole as I learn. This basically obliterates many life scripts as I have learned how power life really is and that nothing is lost, every effort counts, and the letting go is all worth it.

Reclaiming authentic truth as a way of life

What a theme…. to live in authentic truth, honesty with self, and daily willingness to be open and to learn.

Developing quantum interior resilience and strength that acts as the best bullshit detector on earth.

There is no more powerful truth detector than the cleared out self, connected soul based person. This becomes a powerfully resilient attribute necessary to pass through all the difficult zones with which we must get through. Making an automatic bull shit detector that goes off anytime we need it. Truly amazing.

The idea that living a human life is all about your soul is the reason we investigate the unknown. We live so as to experience and learn. We recollect ourselves while in the physical body. I have learned what body and soul together really feels like, and it is only just beginning.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self reflection

quote on self realization

i cant handle it

If …YOU …”think” You Cannot Handle the Truth, Think Again…. My Reality Checks are coming in!

core spirituality, my personal journey

The path of awakening for each of us has significant differences yet many universal similarities. In my experiences I do come up on the thought that I cannot handle something, or I hear this from others. This writing describes the inner process within me. The thinking intellect, my emotions… and my inner voice or deep self in dialogue. So I know we all have conversations inside us as this is not so uncommon. In order to really get what my process is on this subject I wanted to put it into writing.

Reality selection is a choice for us all…

Our thinking is filled with programming

I call it programming, this is not what the mainstream calls it.

In the process of conditioning,socialization and education that is prevalent in our societies today. Telling us what to think, how to think, placing limits on thinking, emotional side tracking, emotional suppression along with oppression of many covert forms. Schools, churches, universities, groups of many varieties all teach children from an early age how to view reality in specific ways. This will override the natural instinctive capacities and innate points of view children are born with making certain that each child fits into the specific format of the group they belong to.

Hidden inside reading and math, science and history lessons are infinite variations of subtle programming that inhibit the spiritual nature. This becomes real and evident after one goes through the process of self-reflection, deep inner questioning and discovery, and the release of the effects of our memories, and limiting emotional situations we carry inside us.

These emotionally charged memories are very much like boxes of thought that limit and suppress the innate knowing within a child. As adults we have the greater free will and possibility to discover our true nature through the choices we make that push us beyond our original experiences and unveil the innate spirituality of a human being.

In my journey of self-reflection the most significant redefinition I arrived within myself was that I was not a human being having a spiritual experience as I had been programmed to believe, rather I discovered I am  actually a spiritual being having a human one.

The opposite of all the years of teachings I had received in my development as a person. The paradigm shift inherent in this is remarkable in that everything takes on a completely different and significant meaning or purpose. And I had to drop whatever did not fit into that category of meaningful purpose. In other words most of the reality boxes I had been raised to believe were not based in truth. Letting go of these older versions of reality resulted in my development of having a larger capacity to perceive reality from “outside the box” so to speak.

Or in other words outside the limitations of programming I had been subliminally indoctrinated.


While I realized that well meaning adults were passing information along to me, I recognized the action of repeating in their words. People who learn to repeat information as they were taught. Most often these individuals were shown to be the best at their subjects, and always receive high marks, and accolades. To my astonishment I was at an early age, able to discern true learning vs. repeating, and to feel the significance in authentic discovery outside the patterns of thinking inherent in repeaters. I would say this began to occur to me in my early 20’s!

For example a paradigm shift I learned when I moved to Hawaii was how the oceans really connect all the land masses. Making it possible to travel and connect. Where as in my youth I learned how the oceans separated the world. It is a subtle shift in thinking yet powerful. Separation consciousness versus connection. I have found many such ways of perceiving the world that I learned all based in separation consciousness that are not even true, I have found connection in every aspect of life since getting out of that box of thinking. Shifting my awareness and myself in ways that brought great connection to life. Our experiences, our choices when understood as all connected with meaning take on a completely different reality with this in mind.

Learn to do my reality checks

Reality checks can be cashed in any time! They pay off really well and add to our sense of life in ways that carry us through time in amazing new ways. For much of this world is not really what it is represented to be. We are still a young species at the lower rungs of the universe. Our ideas are filled with inaccuracies and misunderstandings about how life is actually governed, manifested, and is lived. So doing reality checks will most often occur whenever there is a feeling of discomfort about something. Especially when there are no words to match the feeling, yet it still exists in the gut. I have this experience often. My first reaction is to question reality, question the voice of authority that is either speaking to me outwardly or the inner voice in my mind that “thinks” it is THE authority on any idea or subject. I cultivate an open mind, and I question until I find an answer that fits and replaces my discomfort with a sense of good, or right feeling. This is perfect for those times when we think we cannot handle something. For the truth is we can though there will be some shift to do so. Shift in our version or belief in what the reality presenting itself really is.

Questions you might ask yourself

Secrets and the nature of controls

That our present day is filled with astounding and horrific revelations of secrets held by mankind for generations is startling and sobering to say the least. Many dark secrets are getting released about every aspect of our lives through the internet, the media. Within us we are also finding revelation on a mass collective level in people from all walks of life, no matter the education, social standing, religious belief, upbringing, or culture. Revelations are everywhere in all sciences, history, math, physics, and so on. One need only pursue truth beyond the limits of media, and university education to find new thought being taught by people outside the box of accepted thinking. These individuals are stepping forward with deep, complex and riveting new approaches to understanding reality.

The revelations of abuse of power on this planet that are being revealed through the banksters, the military of the world, politicians, scientists, and historians are gob smacking. The degree of covert control, covert agendas, covert operations, covert policies, covert behaviors in these people now getting out will surely shift our world paradigm in fascinating new ways.

As now we are beginning to realize how we have been lead to believe so many things that are not actually honest or true and to give away our sovereignty along the way will shatter much of what has existed for generations on this planet.

Revelations are natural

the natural state of all beings is revelation. Revelation arises as a consequence of learning beyond the moment in any situation. We have been programmed so completely we have forgotten what a natural process this is in a healthy well lived lifetime. Robotic, habit-ized, and submissive the human will has been subverted away from the delights of revelation. So deeply valuable is this to our experience even after centuries of generational programming individuals are breaking through the dogmas of every sector of our known reality at this time. Making those in power and control very nervous and more afraid. Yet we cannot stop this because revelation is natural to who and what we are as spiritual beings having a human experience.

The dark truth, the light truth of your life

when I can’t handle it anymore I am up against the dark truth of my life. The dark truth is the awareness of all that which is reversed, or opposite the light truth. The revealing to ourselves of dark truth requires a powerful will to see beyond these illusions we have been so deeply emotionally invested. To accept how something so intrinsic to us is not true takes courage to process. It is a signal of our growth and maturation as spiritual beings when we can allow the deconstruction of our beliefs, notions and ideas of reality once shown not to be valid.

In my experience whenever this happens the light truth moves in and replaces the dark.

This is quite amazing as the feelings that arise in the discovery of greater truth energize and redirect our attention in completely fascinating new ways. Opening possibilities that were totally blocked while I was under the limiting beliefs of the previous dark programming. I feel a sense of internal accountability with myself to push my way through my own fears that I cannot handle the truth in any situation.

So we move back and forth on the game board of life discovering both our dark truths and our light truths finding new resources for powering up our previous states of victimization, powering up our defeated powerless selves. The deflation of ego states that goes along with this process can feel even depressing, and sad, and awful. Yet the light truth that we are then more capable to hold because we let go those limiting ego states of consciousness eventually lifts us up and frees us from the process that is so uncomfortable.

Each of us has a turning point from which there is no return

Whenever we begin to move past our “i cant handle it” moments there arises significant places of no return that require a deeper acceptance. As our consciousness adjusts to changing perceptions and feelings we do find that we can no longer go back. This happens in such a profound way that with each new discovery we transform.

Our transformations lead us to transcendent new places that take us into whole new arenas of living. I experienced this on all levels. Eating and diet, emotional states of profound suffering have lifted, immense unhappiness is replaced with a ridiculous kind of amazing joy, beliefs I once held no longer feel right and drop. People, events, and situations that once triggered powerful negative emotions are gone. What I choose to focus in life shifted from survival to thrive, from disharmony to harmony, from lack to abundance, from not getting my needs met on a daily basis to meeting my needs abundantly so that I overflow for others. This is how the process of moving through and beyond our “i cant handle it” states of being in paralysis and withholding just turn all the way around.

The transformation of the human condition in each of us

Our personal transformations are the human condition for which all these life experiences unfold and have meaning. We embody physicality and take on each lifetime in our efforts to transform and transcend ourselves while discovering the unlimited nature of existence. Every event that each of us tackles adds to the larger context of our humanity. And eventually we reach quantum levels of transformation that make it easier for those yet to make it go forward successfully. We improve our reality by way of these actions.

The planetary transformation of life as we know it

As the numbers of people transforming their life situations grows we begin to see massive new levels of behavior and activity that redefine life as we have known it, and believed it to be. This is what is happening now all over the world. Dark forces are revealed and breaking down, light forces are coming forward to heal and redesign our life stories.

Reclaiming your self as a sovereign being

To realize new states of sovereignty is how we liberate our humanity. One person at a time, one group at a time, one nation at a time, one world at a time.

Noticing when we are submitting to thoughts of self oppression, sabotage, and the diminishing of our potential are the start of this liberation as we notice the dark truths we have subscribed our lives. This being merely the early stage of awakening and the start of whole new possibilities.

Connecting in with the larger paradigms emerging today we learn to take in accountability and responsibility for our human lives, charting new directions and learning to be happier, healthier, and deeply spiritual.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self reflections


Permission to let go… core spirituality, my personal journey

jumping people

Permission to let go… core spirituality, my personal journey

Moving on, progress, release, freedom … all arise from a simply action of permission.

Permission to let go does not have to come from outside us. This is an inner choice and the momentum this creates runs the spectrum from crazy to liberating. Fears jump into our minds as we approach the boarders inside our minds of permission in ways that will stagger the decision, giving us clear possibility to deeply consider our next steps. Other times we must make rapid decisions on the fly which propel us into the unknowns. Practicing the art of giving myself permission to let go becomes an act of creative selection and evolving experience. We get better at self permission the more we access our choices and release ourselves from the grips of our own thinking, our own emotions, our own tired out beliefs. Times arise when the momentum that sets us up for change start arriving in our lives and we become increasingly more uncomfortable with the way things are. Situations arise that once invited us in and now propel us away. People become uninteresting and we no longer want to associate. Out stomachs turn and we must go the distance and make way for the new in our lives.

Know enough about self to make the meaningful decisions that will enact letting go

When we commit to knowing ourselves by paying attention to our thoughts,feelings, emotions, body messages, signs, sychronicities, and patterns we can foresee how meaningful letting go will take us beyond our current situations and propel us into unknowns for which everything up to this point have prepared us. The better we know self, the less guessing and the more concrete our choices develop into accessing new information which lead us through our mysterious questions.

How taking care of our personal interiors open the possibilities

Self care is the base line for all possibility to arise. Nurturing self acceptance and physical habits of healthy well-being generate equilibrium while the other aspects of our personalities undergo the stronger deconstruction, redirection, and new momentum that take shape from permission to let go. Always the good baseline for change is self-love, self-care, and the integrity of our attention inwardly to the process that is unfolding. Appearing as selfishness, at this time of letting go we must take those steps only we can take. Thus to those around us we may appear selfish, and this may be true. It is a time to take one’s self into deeper reflection and meaning and allow this self-absorption, or selfishness to occur. In our single-ness of decision-making we learn to sustain our choices through our own means and we liberate that which needs be.
What we choose to invest our emotional energies into and how this shapes our reality

Though it is rarely taught, it is a realization returning to many now on our planet. What we choose to invest our emotional energies into shapes our reality. We are not simply victims of circumstance, we are experiencing the results of our unique personal investments in our thoughts, feelings, etc. as we believe ourselves to be. The realization that we, I, not someone else is responsible for my life is both unnerving and liberating. The liberation of self through responsible emotional self acceptance is paramount to our moving forward through any difficult situation. Things do not change, people do. For my world to change I must make that change from within. We stop looking outside ourselves for people who can make us feel better, save us, give us what we want, and we do this for our self. This is a paradigm change that has very large consequence in the moment, and for the unfolding future of the next decisions we will make. To be able to untangle our minds from the seriously crazy programming of socialization, and outer authority to an interior place is at first mind-blowing. However so that may be as we see reality transform all around us in our personal lives it is strengthened and multiplied and anchored. Every day is a new day. Anything new could occur. Lets just see what happens as we engage self-knowledge. Self permission and self-responsibility. All three of the anchors to assure changes in appropriate ways. Because this is a learning we do make mistakes along the way, yet we learn to make corrections and navigate through the mistakes and take them as jewels of learning that bring to us knowledge and add to our experience of life.

Giving ourselves permission to move forward and let go while accepting those who do not

one of the most agonizing aspects of giving myself permission to let go and move on has always been not everyone comes with me. So I have learned not only to accept my need and impetus to move on, I also have to accept that those I love or care for cannot or will not join me. Lovingly accepting this for others will make everything more easy for everyone. Often much later down the path, these people have rejoined me when they themselves have caught up to the momentum that was inherent in the changes. Then sometimes they do not and they become more distant, either way acceptance is mandatory.

The paradox of healing ourselves and the amazing outcomes this bring to our life choices

That we make painful decisions that heal our lives is a paradox. The healing is needed yet is painfully reached. Our life choices develop in such a way that we learn to accept pain in this way as a friend going along with us on the ride. It cannot be avoided. The pain is crucial to the whole process as old ways break down, old relationships fall away, and we are left to our own new life choices. In time these painful choices drive us to our meaningful life outcomes which amaze and astound us. In our previous mental habits, beliefs, we could not hold for a minute what now arises. The unending nature of life is astounding as the possibilities unfold and we engage totally new energetics into the circumstances of our lives. It all becomes worth it and the purpose of paradox becomes understood.

Painful memories, grudges, emotional wounds, misunderstandings and why we need to let go

All such negativity tie us to history without freeing us from the now moments of our lives. The negative history we each inherit must be lived through and surpassed as a vehicle of our own self-development. We become strengthened and aware as we face, process and resolve our own side of any negative situation we carry within our self. The loaded physical form, our physical body is overwhelmed with the energetics of the negatives and our alive-ness is compromised when we carry around negative scenarios inside us. Not only that but the energy it takes to hold it in, suppress it, and maintain it is staggeringly unbalancing. The more we hold on, the worse it gets. Sometimes resulting in sickness and even death of the physical. Many of us die ourselves out of this world because we would not let go, would not release ourselves from our own negativity. The amount of this I have personally experienced with people in my practice of massage and bodywork for over 3 decades is truly staggering. I know this to be the case for many individuals.

Shifting the forces of our lives, breaking habits that no longer serve us, or serve our world.

The pain, discomfort, and disharmony signals all point us to our own personal shift, which is also our planetary shift, which is also our species shift. Now underway and gaining momentum in the collective experience of our humanity. Everywhere we look, listen, and arrive to we can find this shift unfolding before our very eyes and ears. The patterns that I will call habits have been in our DNA for generations. Our families are filled with this stuff, and a lot of us are increasingly more uncomfortable with it all. I myself have chosen to do the work, and learn to understand what these forces are that need my attention. Through therapy, emotional release, bodywork, exercise, re-education and a personal commitment to give myself permission to let go I continue to align myself with the greater unfolding now which is wreaking havoc all over the world. Letting old habits die that no longer serve me, or this world.

The world changes when we change

The world changes when we change could not be truer. Until one has tested this one the depth of this will pass you over. And then when you realize that for your world to change you must make the change and you permit yourself to go through with the things you need to do. Reality does shift. It shifts the more we permit ourselves to let go. If my world is not changing enough, I take a cue. I keep deepening into my ability to let go and make that change.

Losing what is meaningful, and rebuilding new directions

Yes we do lose what has been meaningful to each of us when we let go. We lose relationships, finances, and all manner of life circumstances. As we continue we learn we rebuild new meaningful relationships, new ways to finance ourselves, and many other new circumstances develop. We do also carry within us the valuable essences of all our experiences even though we no longer experience them. I know this from my practice of hypnotherapy, my own soul retrieval experiences. Nothing… I mean nothing is ever truly lost that has been our experience. Everything… every single second of life is inside us as us contributing to our personal journey. All of our personal experiences actually go into a larger collective which is Source. Source as itself, in us, is discovering itself through every one of us. The entire nature of existence is growing everywhere through us, around us, and beyond us. Truly amazing to see, feel, and recognize this universal truth about life. Nothing ever is truly lost. Ever!

Grace and the healing of our human history

Grace has many definitions depending on your particular belief. In this case I will refer to the transcendent nature of non ordinary reality. A place of connection much larger than a single human mind can contain, a place with such knowledge and wisdom. This wisdom is also beyond the human mind as it unfolds through synchronicity and the direction of meaning in our lives. This grace is enacted as we meet our most powerfully difficult, and painful life scenarios. I have experienced this many times in my life and have felt a sense of pure divinity, lightness of being, and transcendent personal space beyond words. It is definitely non ordinary reality. It is real, and it is unending. I bring this up now because we are reaching the quantum moments of our human history where the themes of many generations of humans is coming to a point of pure no return. We are on the precipice of life experiences that transcend generations of our ancestors. We are beginning to experience the horrific and startling new consciousness of regaining our spiritual sovereignty. New powerful souls are incarnating with astounding capabilities…. we can and we are truly surpassing all our known knowledge heading into the great mysteries of life. We are starting to connect physicality with spirituality in the most authentic forms of expression and much healing is coming in to us now

The challenges of resistance and how this is meaningful

Resistance is one of my specialties as a therapist, I love this quality. I have the inherent perspective that resistance is simply permission to process. It is a way we are slowed down when we are getting too high off the changes we are experiencing. Resistance staggers the time line, staggers our minds so that we can more fully engage our senses in ways that bring to us the information we need to make the shift possible. Without set backs, and our own personal resistance to change we might endanger ourselves or others. Make unnecessary mistakes, and complicate the situation.

Respect resistance is my motto and learn to see what it is all about. Our resistance carries tremendous info just under the surface of our awareness that needs to be addressed in order to successfully move forward. Resistance in others needs to be honored. We do not all move forward simultaneously as we wish we could. We all move according to some amazing timing unique to each of us. Read that last sentence again, it is truly a jewel to hold.

Staying engaged, cultivating connection, and forging the new directions and letting self sleep.

When learning to let go it is paramount to stay engaged and not lose it all. Staying engaged within and around us is how we stay grounded through immense changes. Sleep occurs as a way to allow the body physical, and the energetic bodies to re-calibrate new points of grounded-ness inside us, and around us in the environment. The actual work of the soul that takes place inside a human is likened to the metamorphosis in a butterfly. There are many new arrangements, new connections to make, new coordinates to be put into place that all take time in this dimension. Staying engaged either by cultivating connection and forging new directions as well as sleep time is paramount to the entire process.

Commitment to self

The redevelopment of new and different ways in which we commit to self is a direct outcome of letting go. Not losing self. Not abandoning our self. Not denying our self, not ignoring our self. But true deeper more meaningful redefining of self is what happens. This can be quite striking to those who have known us up to this point, so letting go of what others think of us at this point is helpful. No one can actually embrace the process of self commitment that happens like each one of us can with ourselves, this commitment grows from within. In time others learn. Patience here is truly a virtue.

Realizations that arise as we heal

When we let go we heal components of our human self inside us. This healing provides new frameworks on many different levels of our personality. As the new energetics of healing engage we will find that new realizations start to happen. The realizations that occur do so because in the healing we make room for that which we withheld in our previous states of consciousness. Our minds are opened in new ways on new levels. We become more capable of translating our individual soul messages, signs, and possibilities. Our perceptions take on wholeness. Whole minded awareness can process huge amounts of new information from design levels. When we start to get the “designs” our souls are offering us we will experience new realizations which not only become solutions for us, they also contribute to our joyful nature as never before. Learning to write down, or draw, or share our realizations is fascinating and fun. Engaging us beyond conflict and returning us to new levels of personal and universal harmony. When we recognize the designs unfolding in us, all around us and begin to see and feel how we are a dynamic part of the cosmos our lives take on such wonderful new meaning.

Joining the mass human family in taking care of business

Letting go by using one’s conscious choice instead of being forced by way of painful circumstance because we have learned the wisdom of it is significant. While many upon within the human family struggle in agonizing ways as these changes come through our planet we can simply choose to join in. this makes our process a bit less uncomfortable and even joyful. As we cry out our tears, and say our good bye’s to our old ways we can laugh right on down the road of life. We recognize how and why we are here. We are uplifting the entire species. One by one. We are engaged in a historical event of such proportion that even the animals are anticipating what comes next. When we take care of what bothers us, what pains us, we are taking care of our human business.

Make a list

I like to make regular lists of changes so I do not forget those moments of clarity as I go about my busy days. I want to stay on track. I want to feed my need for changes. I want to stay engaged. I need to remember what I forget. I make my lists.

Find new interior resources

When we embrace connection and stay engaged we automatically find new resources. It is amazing to me how the universe works. Not only do we find new resources but they find us. You know you are on the right path when this happens because it is so completely astounding. I have looked back at my life and thought how could I have ever stayed so disconnected? This is so much more fun. I absolutely love, love, love how the universal intelligence works all through our lives informing us with new information and possibility.

Discover new aspects of who we are

Only after we let go do we get the new answers. All to often I have lingered before I made a change wanting myself to know before I actually did my work. Wishing for new solutions, new answers to appear and they did not. Finally out of frustration and endless suffering did I finally let go. And not until then did the new info arrive. We must do our individual work on change. And once we do we get the prize… we discover the new aspects of our souls. New talents, new identities and new directions that bring to us experiences that genuinely fulfill us.

The final thoughts on letting go.

My final thought to myself here on letting go is … go for it.

I choose to gain the wisdom awaiting me as I let go my hardened clutches of reality and join the mysterious unknowns of taking new steps. Core spirituality is the expression of our unique and personal truth as each of us. Unique and universal and right in the middle of paradox. Core spirituality is not limited by religious dogma, nor is it directed by politicians, bankers, or any outside authority. I accept my own personal experience as validating and I learn to engage my experiences as my own spiritual path. Just one tiny human amongst billions.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation


The Momentum Behind Collective Thought…core spirituality, my personal journey


Portrait of humaity an image taken in Hawaii


The Momentum Behind Collective Thought… Directions of humanity…. core spirituality,my personal journey

The momentum behind human collective thought is you and me.

Each singular expression of each person generating their own thoughts is the momentum behind our larger landscape of existence.

What collective thought is

Collective thought is my thoughts and yours and all other people’s thoughts arising together moment by moment in the field of the human reality. Added all together our thoughts join, clash, or move around in a massive field of subtle electrical energy shaping our day-to-day existence.

One human thought multiplied by all other thoughts in resonant harmony or similarity cause tremendous activity which creates a shared reality that we see and experience all around us, resulting in positive or negative outcomes depending on ideas we infuse with our emotions, our minds, and our actions.

These collective agreements and disagreements fill the planetary field of human activity, the environment, and the surrounding space in and around our solar system. This is all reflected back to us when we look into the electronic / technological group mind we share through our internet and media outlets. In case you were not seeing this clearly it does show us what we are all thinking about.

That we are creating reality individually and as group resulting in the world scenarios we witness around us is staggering to embrace, however true it is. This is how powerful our thoughts can become. We do not even know this on a mass level… yet.

We have many singular thoughts ( ideas) that are developing and growing ever stronger each day in size and changing the world in which we live. For example let us look into our notions about the issues of abuse.

Our thoughts on abuse are transforming everyday through out our lives.

For example all the awareness of abuse in human relationships that has existed for thousands of years is now being named, understood, and processed in-depth now and this is shifting the moral climate of humanity as new programs for further developing awareness and assisting victims of abuse and neglect are being created all around us. As well as forming new agreements for which we are now holding ourselves accountable through new and different legislation all over the world. New laws are made and this shifts and reforms our global society.

The climate of abuse while still horrific, is very different now, say from the 1950’s when we had much less conscious thinking about the effects of abuse we are perpetrating upon one another.  This has a significant  and dramatic effect on future generations as each new wave of collective realization redirects the outcomes of abusive human activity. Making, for example, it no longer morally or socially acceptable to perpetrate abuse in any way. All manner of local, national, and global society is reshaped toward more meaningful interaction with clarity regarding the painful outcomes of our abuses perpetrated upon each other.

This has directly affected children, women, people of color, people who are different from the larger groups ( gay, lesbian, transgendered, whole nations, entire populations for example) and protection for these individuals manifests where it did not exist not so long ago. This is the power of a thought multiplied on a collective level  reaching into the live of billions of human beings.

The decisions we make eventually  join together… discernment

The decisions we make based on our thinking join together to create powerful realities that may or may not be in accord with the larger spiritual reality of life. Mankind has held certain notions of the larger reality of existence for many generations and these ideas are being challenged with the growing new ideas being born in us as a result of our experiences. That our ideas actually are in accord with the larger spectrum of universal spirituality is still a reality we have much to learn. We do not always hold this larger perspective in our thinking. However that may be we learn from these thoughts and make corrections as we go and for this reason what you think is meaningful, and important.

The electronic mind, technologies, medias and the internet.

The electronic mind is filled with messages that seek to shape reality, versions of it that not always align with the greater good of everyone. This is why and how media and internet is used today to promote thought amongst our species. So that certain outcomes are developed and shaped so that specific actions will take place. People in “power”… those with money, religious influences, political agendas. military might.   This is a multi trillion dollar industry that is influencing the electric mind, or media/technological aspect of life through the internet, television filling it with ideas for their specific purposes and design.

Discernment at this point is an absolute quality with which to act upon as we learn the source and purpose of those thoughts that are being repeated incessantly and that are perpetrated as truth, as reality all around us. ( we have to live in fear… the world is totally dangerous, we have to fight everything to succeed and win)  We have a choice here. The momentum behind our choices is developing rapidly now as billions of individuals are seeing corruption, greed, abuse, conflict, war, economic hijacking our resources, and many other areas of human society that are filled with contamination and toxic outcomes for the majority of us living here on the planet.

Evolution requires revolution

I suspect we are on the wave of a collective revolution within our entire human population reaching entirely around the earth at this time. The power of individual thought is gaining momentum and is just beginning to resist all the larger forces of negative, disharmonious, abuse that have been in control for generations in all societies on larger, more massive human levels.

There is a quiet revolution taking shape amongst us now.

In all our Peoples, in every nation, and walk of life.

How do we move forward ? Learning to become more thoughtful about our choices and developing healthy levels of discernment. We move forward with the relentless growth of all our thoughts as we take action and learn the results we discover. We move forward by living from our thoughts in ways that we deem just, humane, and inclusive while still other forces in the minority insist on the opposite. There is a minority of powerful negative thinking people running huge banking systems, gigantic military operations, massive covert political agendas, and many dark religious thinking people believing in rigid dogmas all over the world in all our communities. By accessing media, influencing law making, economics/banking, and many other facets of society this minority number is seeking to exert its control harder and harder with more fear, fear mongering, and fear based agendas like never before. We become conscious and aware that each of our thoughts matter in every single life and every single person when we recognize the lack of love in these thoughts and actions generated by individuals seeking power over others. It is final attempt to exert control even though the collective mind of humanity has already decided we do not want this any longer!

Why is this? Because their time is running out.

The momentum behind our collective thought has already begun to decide that we do not want this any longer.  The regular exposing of , and releasing of secrets, and the unending revelations that result are the forces of this momentum within us . And forces for collective good, forces that expose the underbelly of darkened thinking that control and enslave humans is starting to take hold in the masses of human beings seeking to restore personal sovereignty, personal creativity, and harmonious interaction within the larger spectrum of differences we share. Infighting is no longer going to be acceptable as we prefer to work out our problems without violence, without power mongering, and without deceptive forces of control. We are learning how to let go of our judgmental old style thinking for more liberating happy possibilities that everyone may share. We are just beginning to witness the effects of this all over our beloved planet.

The wave of the future is shaped by these things

This wave of momentum arising in the bosom of our human experience is the power of our thoughts to shape our future and the world for future generations. All manner of human activity is growing in this direction as people in the arts, education, in industry, in medicine, in governments, and many many other areas of life are working on new ideas to generate better living conditions for us all. We are learning how we must include the wisdom of our hearts in our daily lives and make the changes we feel we need to make. Speak to the truth of our lives, and honor what it is that is awakening inside each of us.

A paradoxical thought to hold is the truth that the future is now… how we create reality. This is how our “now moments” are shaping our “future”! We cannot ignore the present moment without consequence to all our lives, the environment, all the animals and life herself in us all.

Humanity as a whole, instead of separate parts.

How we are learning to see ourselves collectively all together is rapidly changing, as we learn to see ourselves made of many yet one whole….  a human species. Just on the tip of this thought we are starting to redirect all manner of outcomes with this in mind.

As we let down our defenses, and relax into our more heartfelt decisions about life we learn to see in new ways. One must cultivate an awareness of this and begin to pay attention to what is not reported on the news. One must seek out these new possibilities and learn to recognize how people are finding new possibilities through new groups and programs that recognize our oneness.

Our mutuality, with differences.

As a person begins to take away the hardened, painful, and limiting beliefs that create separatist thinking it becomes easier to see what is shaping up in the momentum of our collective thought. I have personally researched many significant caring individuals and groups all moving in this direction all over the world despite the horrible circumstances they may be surrounded by in their particular societies.

Standing to power

Using our  voices to face and stand to power forces with dissent. Using our  voices to educate others still sleeping in the fog of victimization. Using our voices to stand up and be heard at great consequence and personal sacrifice. We as  individuals become the beacons of light igniting the darkened forces… where there are collective groups of followers  of suffering, and oppressed voices all over the world  ripe for changes.

Sleepers, repeaters, and awaken-ers, and those who forge ahead

People still living in belief systems of oppression through their respective out dated religious dogmas, people struggling to get the rent paid, food on the table. People struggling with addictions born of their hardships and hopeless life scenarios, people ingrained in massive personal denial, people who submit and follow rather than think for themselves because they have been trained, socialized and hypnotized to stay afraid, hold onto anxiety and suffer through life and live in constant states of unconscious fear. People who just repeat whatever they are told without questioning authority have all yet to feel the true lightness of personal freedom from these darkened old forces. We have people who are moving forward, and forging new possibilities through peaceful dissent, peaceful thinking, and open-mindedness in just about every walk of human life today everywhere. we learn to resolve our own personal conflicts and in so doing contribute to the collective human experience making it easier for the next person to “catch on”.

Solutions are everywhere

Solutions are everywhere, but most importantly inside each of us.

Solutions arise within us as we free ourselves of the limitations of the collective agreements to suffer, to submit, to be oppressed in any way. When one person chooses to stop this in any way in his or her life, they are opening up the collective field. Not simply for themselves, they do this for the next person. We ping-pong off one another everyday, and through our relationships we activate one another for good or for bad, for positive or for negative. Depending on our own individual thoughts! Happiness is universally taught by all core religions, felt by all regardless of religious belief, and is needed by our world. Our world needs individuals to be happy in the face of all that is going on around us so that we can transcend the limitations of our unhappy states of thinking. Unhappy thinking that we have been programmed to hold as normal. Happiness is one of the most powerful forces human beings have within us to confront evil, oppression, and suffering. We need to make ourselves happy by realizing solutions are not just everywhere, they are inside us waiting to be released.

Choosing to take care of anxiety, unknowns, and learning to love the mystery of living become the first stages of personal and planetary transformation and global transition out of misery.  Our happiness and joy are paramount to overcoming whatever holds us back or threatens our innate human dignity and freedom.

When one of us consciously chooses to take care of that which bothers us, to hold our anxiety in new ways. Learning to give ourselves permission to live for positive growth and solutions that matter,

When just one of us moves into the positive choices still contained in our personal unknowns, we cause a shift in the collective mind. When one of us learns that life by it’s very nature holds mystery, and this mystery is how we awaken to our deepest, most meaningful life solutions and creative expressions, we make it easier for the next person. Courage is ignited and a new step becomes possible.

This is how collective thought is born and shapes our shared life journey together on this planet.

It is a scary, marvelous, wild, ride to live here and take part in the energizing choices available to each one of us. To recognize the darkness around us and inside us and choose to lighten up. To make new steps, and to give ourselves permission to grow in new ways, fashion new directions, and embrace changes all together.

There is one mystery that truly is not a mystery, it is simply a realization. That is that the momentum behind our collective thought is not some huge unknowable force, not at all., not some great mystery.

The momentum is you and me,

each one of us.

Taking care to watch our thoughts one day at a time.

One thought at a time.


Core spirituality, my personal journey of self exploration