Permission to let go… core spirituality, my personal journey

jumping people

Permission to let go… core spirituality, my personal journey

Moving on, progress, release, freedom … all arise from a simply action of permission.

Permission to let go does not have to come from outside us. This is an inner choice and the momentum this creates runs the spectrum from crazy to liberating. Fears jump into our minds as we approach the boarders inside our minds of permission in ways that will stagger the decision, giving us clear possibility to deeply consider our next steps. Other times we must make rapid decisions on the fly which propel us into the unknowns. Practicing the art of giving myself permission to let go becomes an act of creative selection and evolving experience. We get better at self permission the more we access our choices and release ourselves from the grips of our own thinking, our own emotions, our own tired out beliefs. Times arise when the momentum that sets us up for change start arriving in our lives and we become increasingly more uncomfortable with the way things are. Situations arise that once invited us in and now propel us away. People become uninteresting and we no longer want to associate. Out stomachs turn and we must go the distance and make way for the new in our lives.

Know enough about self to make the meaningful decisions that will enact letting go

When we commit to knowing ourselves by paying attention to our thoughts,feelings, emotions, body messages, signs, sychronicities, and patterns we can foresee how meaningful letting go will take us beyond our current situations and propel us into unknowns for which everything up to this point have prepared us. The better we know self, the less guessing and the more concrete our choices develop into accessing new information which lead us through our mysterious questions.

How taking care of our personal interiors open the possibilities

Self care is the base line for all possibility to arise. Nurturing self acceptance and physical habits of healthy well-being generate equilibrium while the other aspects of our personalities undergo the stronger deconstruction, redirection, and new momentum that take shape from permission to let go. Always the good baseline for change is self-love, self-care, and the integrity of our attention inwardly to the process that is unfolding. Appearing as selfishness, at this time of letting go we must take those steps only we can take. Thus to those around us we may appear selfish, and this may be true. It is a time to take one’s self into deeper reflection and meaning and allow this self-absorption, or selfishness to occur. In our single-ness of decision-making we learn to sustain our choices through our own means and we liberate that which needs be.
What we choose to invest our emotional energies into and how this shapes our reality

Though it is rarely taught, it is a realization returning to many now on our planet. What we choose to invest our emotional energies into shapes our reality. We are not simply victims of circumstance, we are experiencing the results of our unique personal investments in our thoughts, feelings, etc. as we believe ourselves to be. The realization that we, I, not someone else is responsible for my life is both unnerving and liberating. The liberation of self through responsible emotional self acceptance is paramount to our moving forward through any difficult situation. Things do not change, people do. For my world to change I must make that change from within. We stop looking outside ourselves for people who can make us feel better, save us, give us what we want, and we do this for our self. This is a paradigm change that has very large consequence in the moment, and for the unfolding future of the next decisions we will make. To be able to untangle our minds from the seriously crazy programming of socialization, and outer authority to an interior place is at first mind-blowing. However so that may be as we see reality transform all around us in our personal lives it is strengthened and multiplied and anchored. Every day is a new day. Anything new could occur. Lets just see what happens as we engage self-knowledge. Self permission and self-responsibility. All three of the anchors to assure changes in appropriate ways. Because this is a learning we do make mistakes along the way, yet we learn to make corrections and navigate through the mistakes and take them as jewels of learning that bring to us knowledge and add to our experience of life.

Giving ourselves permission to move forward and let go while accepting those who do not

one of the most agonizing aspects of giving myself permission to let go and move on has always been not everyone comes with me. So I have learned not only to accept my need and impetus to move on, I also have to accept that those I love or care for cannot or will not join me. Lovingly accepting this for others will make everything more easy for everyone. Often much later down the path, these people have rejoined me when they themselves have caught up to the momentum that was inherent in the changes. Then sometimes they do not and they become more distant, either way acceptance is mandatory.

The paradox of healing ourselves and the amazing outcomes this bring to our life choices

That we make painful decisions that heal our lives is a paradox. The healing is needed yet is painfully reached. Our life choices develop in such a way that we learn to accept pain in this way as a friend going along with us on the ride. It cannot be avoided. The pain is crucial to the whole process as old ways break down, old relationships fall away, and we are left to our own new life choices. In time these painful choices drive us to our meaningful life outcomes which amaze and astound us. In our previous mental habits, beliefs, we could not hold for a minute what now arises. The unending nature of life is astounding as the possibilities unfold and we engage totally new energetics into the circumstances of our lives. It all becomes worth it and the purpose of paradox becomes understood.

Painful memories, grudges, emotional wounds, misunderstandings and why we need to let go

All such negativity tie us to history without freeing us from the now moments of our lives. The negative history we each inherit must be lived through and surpassed as a vehicle of our own self-development. We become strengthened and aware as we face, process and resolve our own side of any negative situation we carry within our self. The loaded physical form, our physical body is overwhelmed with the energetics of the negatives and our alive-ness is compromised when we carry around negative scenarios inside us. Not only that but the energy it takes to hold it in, suppress it, and maintain it is staggeringly unbalancing. The more we hold on, the worse it gets. Sometimes resulting in sickness and even death of the physical. Many of us die ourselves out of this world because we would not let go, would not release ourselves from our own negativity. The amount of this I have personally experienced with people in my practice of massage and bodywork for over 3 decades is truly staggering. I know this to be the case for many individuals.

Shifting the forces of our lives, breaking habits that no longer serve us, or serve our world.

The pain, discomfort, and disharmony signals all point us to our own personal shift, which is also our planetary shift, which is also our species shift. Now underway and gaining momentum in the collective experience of our humanity. Everywhere we look, listen, and arrive to we can find this shift unfolding before our very eyes and ears. The patterns that I will call habits have been in our DNA for generations. Our families are filled with this stuff, and a lot of us are increasingly more uncomfortable with it all. I myself have chosen to do the work, and learn to understand what these forces are that need my attention. Through therapy, emotional release, bodywork, exercise, re-education and a personal commitment to give myself permission to let go I continue to align myself with the greater unfolding now which is wreaking havoc all over the world. Letting old habits die that no longer serve me, or this world.

The world changes when we change

The world changes when we change could not be truer. Until one has tested this one the depth of this will pass you over. And then when you realize that for your world to change you must make the change and you permit yourself to go through with the things you need to do. Reality does shift. It shifts the more we permit ourselves to let go. If my world is not changing enough, I take a cue. I keep deepening into my ability to let go and make that change.

Losing what is meaningful, and rebuilding new directions

Yes we do lose what has been meaningful to each of us when we let go. We lose relationships, finances, and all manner of life circumstances. As we continue we learn we rebuild new meaningful relationships, new ways to finance ourselves, and many other new circumstances develop. We do also carry within us the valuable essences of all our experiences even though we no longer experience them. I know this from my practice of hypnotherapy, my own soul retrieval experiences. Nothing… I mean nothing is ever truly lost that has been our experience. Everything… every single second of life is inside us as us contributing to our personal journey. All of our personal experiences actually go into a larger collective which is Source. Source as itself, in us, is discovering itself through every one of us. The entire nature of existence is growing everywhere through us, around us, and beyond us. Truly amazing to see, feel, and recognize this universal truth about life. Nothing ever is truly lost. Ever!

Grace and the healing of our human history

Grace has many definitions depending on your particular belief. In this case I will refer to the transcendent nature of non ordinary reality. A place of connection much larger than a single human mind can contain, a place with such knowledge and wisdom. This wisdom is also beyond the human mind as it unfolds through synchronicity and the direction of meaning in our lives. This grace is enacted as we meet our most powerfully difficult, and painful life scenarios. I have experienced this many times in my life and have felt a sense of pure divinity, lightness of being, and transcendent personal space beyond words. It is definitely non ordinary reality. It is real, and it is unending. I bring this up now because we are reaching the quantum moments of our human history where the themes of many generations of humans is coming to a point of pure no return. We are on the precipice of life experiences that transcend generations of our ancestors. We are beginning to experience the horrific and startling new consciousness of regaining our spiritual sovereignty. New powerful souls are incarnating with astounding capabilities…. we can and we are truly surpassing all our known knowledge heading into the great mysteries of life. We are starting to connect physicality with spirituality in the most authentic forms of expression and much healing is coming in to us now

The challenges of resistance and how this is meaningful

Resistance is one of my specialties as a therapist, I love this quality. I have the inherent perspective that resistance is simply permission to process. It is a way we are slowed down when we are getting too high off the changes we are experiencing. Resistance staggers the time line, staggers our minds so that we can more fully engage our senses in ways that bring to us the information we need to make the shift possible. Without set backs, and our own personal resistance to change we might endanger ourselves or others. Make unnecessary mistakes, and complicate the situation.

Respect resistance is my motto and learn to see what it is all about. Our resistance carries tremendous info just under the surface of our awareness that needs to be addressed in order to successfully move forward. Resistance in others needs to be honored. We do not all move forward simultaneously as we wish we could. We all move according to some amazing timing unique to each of us. Read that last sentence again, it is truly a jewel to hold.

Staying engaged, cultivating connection, and forging the new directions and letting self sleep.

When learning to let go it is paramount to stay engaged and not lose it all. Staying engaged within and around us is how we stay grounded through immense changes. Sleep occurs as a way to allow the body physical, and the energetic bodies to re-calibrate new points of grounded-ness inside us, and around us in the environment. The actual work of the soul that takes place inside a human is likened to the metamorphosis in a butterfly. There are many new arrangements, new connections to make, new coordinates to be put into place that all take time in this dimension. Staying engaged either by cultivating connection and forging new directions as well as sleep time is paramount to the entire process.

Commitment to self

The redevelopment of new and different ways in which we commit to self is a direct outcome of letting go. Not losing self. Not abandoning our self. Not denying our self, not ignoring our self. But true deeper more meaningful redefining of self is what happens. This can be quite striking to those who have known us up to this point, so letting go of what others think of us at this point is helpful. No one can actually embrace the process of self commitment that happens like each one of us can with ourselves, this commitment grows from within. In time others learn. Patience here is truly a virtue.

Realizations that arise as we heal

When we let go we heal components of our human self inside us. This healing provides new frameworks on many different levels of our personality. As the new energetics of healing engage we will find that new realizations start to happen. The realizations that occur do so because in the healing we make room for that which we withheld in our previous states of consciousness. Our minds are opened in new ways on new levels. We become more capable of translating our individual soul messages, signs, and possibilities. Our perceptions take on wholeness. Whole minded awareness can process huge amounts of new information from design levels. When we start to get the “designs” our souls are offering us we will experience new realizations which not only become solutions for us, they also contribute to our joyful nature as never before. Learning to write down, or draw, or share our realizations is fascinating and fun. Engaging us beyond conflict and returning us to new levels of personal and universal harmony. When we recognize the designs unfolding in us, all around us and begin to see and feel how we are a dynamic part of the cosmos our lives take on such wonderful new meaning.

Joining the mass human family in taking care of business

Letting go by using one’s conscious choice instead of being forced by way of painful circumstance because we have learned the wisdom of it is significant. While many upon within the human family struggle in agonizing ways as these changes come through our planet we can simply choose to join in. this makes our process a bit less uncomfortable and even joyful. As we cry out our tears, and say our good bye’s to our old ways we can laugh right on down the road of life. We recognize how and why we are here. We are uplifting the entire species. One by one. We are engaged in a historical event of such proportion that even the animals are anticipating what comes next. When we take care of what bothers us, what pains us, we are taking care of our human business.

Make a list

I like to make regular lists of changes so I do not forget those moments of clarity as I go about my busy days. I want to stay on track. I want to feed my need for changes. I want to stay engaged. I need to remember what I forget. I make my lists.

Find new interior resources

When we embrace connection and stay engaged we automatically find new resources. It is amazing to me how the universe works. Not only do we find new resources but they find us. You know you are on the right path when this happens because it is so completely astounding. I have looked back at my life and thought how could I have ever stayed so disconnected? This is so much more fun. I absolutely love, love, love how the universal intelligence works all through our lives informing us with new information and possibility.

Discover new aspects of who we are

Only after we let go do we get the new answers. All to often I have lingered before I made a change wanting myself to know before I actually did my work. Wishing for new solutions, new answers to appear and they did not. Finally out of frustration and endless suffering did I finally let go. And not until then did the new info arrive. We must do our individual work on change. And once we do we get the prize… we discover the new aspects of our souls. New talents, new identities and new directions that bring to us experiences that genuinely fulfill us.

The final thoughts on letting go.

My final thought to myself here on letting go is … go for it.

I choose to gain the wisdom awaiting me as I let go my hardened clutches of reality and join the mysterious unknowns of taking new steps. Core spirituality is the expression of our unique and personal truth as each of us. Unique and universal and right in the middle of paradox. Core spirituality is not limited by religious dogma, nor is it directed by politicians, bankers, or any outside authority. I accept my own personal experience as validating and I learn to engage my experiences as my own spiritual path. Just one tiny human amongst billions.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation


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