Spiritual Growth…. Everywhere Awareness Is Growing…, core spirituality, my personal journey

Germany, Cologne, Young man holding seedling

Germany, Cologne, Young man holding seedling

Spiritual Growth…. Everywhere Awareness Is Growing…, core spirituality, my personal journey

Awareness, intelligence, consciousness… however you choose to word it, is growing collectively. Our entire world is ever-changing in spectrum’s of equilibrium as we pass through the daily activity of our lives, learning new things. Everyone of us holds our growth in our own hands!

How little or how much we really see that the field of human consciousness is growing constantly all around us depends on the awareness we have inside us to know and to be open. Like water for fish, our field of collective thought is what we live within. And even though it is all around us it actually comes from within us! Not only our human consciousness but also all the different life forms around us add their vibrational, essential experience into the larger whole of which we call our planetary body. All life is in a state of some form of evolutionary growth and development forwards or backwards, however large or small that may be to each species or expression of creation.

If ever one has had a garden to tend, it is no more evident than how everything is growing, growing at different rates, sometimes dormant, yet still alive and still in growth. Changes are a constant. To begin to see how the collective or group consciousness is changing we have only to look into nature and human activity together instead of apart and see how the shifting fluctuations, ever-changing conditions we share are in a state of growth around us. Our human activity reflects our growth as we watch the developments arise each day in our species. The endings and the beginnings are plentiful. On an external basis through the internet and television we can see the monitoring of how human consciousness shifts from day-to-day. Issues arise, new discoveries, new policies, new formulations of groupings, endings, death, decay and transitions are everywhere with much activity surging forward day-to-day on planet earth. Buildings rise and fall, streets are built, life is abuzz. These are all examples of our awareness growing.

How each individual adds to the collective

Every aspect of creation adds its perspective to the universal flow of consciousness and we can learn to observe this inwardly. As the interior sight opens up we can see the astounding flow of consciousness that arises from every living thing. Animate and inanimate both contribute to the universal flow of life here. Seen from a vibratory perspective seemingly separate things are really all interconnected and passing this consciousness along through the myriads of pathways in creation. This place is alive with intelligence that is learning. Nature is learning! People are learning! Animals are learning! And so are the rocks learning and together all these expressions combine to make what we see as our world. Consciousness weaves and flows into and out of itself everywhere. Consciousness is learning through us as us!  The interaction of everything is what makes up the totality of this world. Both seen and unseen. Every single individual is contributing their life essence into the totality here. Shifting outcomes, rearranging them, converting them, and transforming them in some way. The miracle of life is within each individual form of creation, and together in the whole picture of creation.

Discerning the frameworks coming forward for new thought

New paradigms on the planet are emerging!

As awareness grows we develop new words that restructure our languages, new thoughts, new ideas, and whole new paradigms with which to express what we are learning from our growth experiences. Pockets of new information pop up in different places with different people. All over the world we are redefining our world, making corrections, and shifting the outcomes by virtue of our growing experiences. Notice new paradigms are showing up in cultures everywhere!

Resistance to growing and change

While new ideas and new paradigms emerge in some of us, others resist this new awareness and develop their ideas based on their resistance. Resistance has its own learning and serves the collective in its own way, thus nothing is lost or unneeded, everything counts! The collective field of ideas is filled with both positive and negative outcomes. Sometimes resistance and repetition are all dressed up with new clothes providing new perspectives that engage us in new ways to see old things. Other times whole new approaches evolve. Frameworks of new thought are born as new paradigms.

Paradigms emerge as the collective thoughts gain in numbers and momentum along with our agreements. The passions with which we energize these paradigms move them forward and into the world society.

The flow of awareness passing through our humanity on any one day is astounding to view on an energetic level. On this level there is also weight, substance, shape, form, and texture in thoughts arising out of our species. Everyone at some time in their lives has walked into a space and immediately felt something for which their eyes do not register. This is the field of thoughts collecting in the space, and our emotions combined, giving shape on an energetic level, its is common for some people to call it a “vibe”. (vibration ) These collections of thoughts produce climates of feeling, vibrational in nature that we sense. As we learn to process them we find words to name what we are learning.

Structures are growing

So not only are our ideas growing but the structures with which we organize thought, our paradigms are also growing and transforming. We see this in all areas of life from science, to human behavior, culture, business, education, there are unlimited new structures forming in our humanity now. We are discovering how we define life in millions of new ways around us. And as we do life takes on new and different meaning, consequence, direction and outcome.

Developing the awareness that everything is in a state of growth

When we “get” how valuable the awareness that everything is growing becomes an aspect of our perception, how we respond to those things that occur begin to take on new meaning. As we realize how reality is truly moving and not so set into stone we can learn to overcome our own inner struggles, with a place of fluidity and openness that embraces the changes we truly are moving into, and feel we need to make. We can simply join in… join the flow of growth in any way we choose by remaining open. learning how to observe growth patterns, shifting directions. This is the natural over-riding state of the cosmos!

The perspective that I have come to be infused with now … how everything is in a state  of perpetual growth. Thus my own leanings into complete definitions, and final outcomes is halted. Suspending my idea of finally knowing i realize the infinite nature of perpetual growth in everything, everywhere… I have learned to accept how the nature of existence is such that things are always changing because life is growing, and what I may have thought one day as “the final answer” regarding something no longer applies. I stay open and even vigilant toward holding any one idea too fixedly. As i develop the awareness of how consciousness is always growing there is a deepening into the meaning of life, of life events, of relationships, and so on. i pay attention to how my mind wants to grasp at final answers, fixed notions, and limited perception habits.

Formats lead to more formats

As we discover new formats and structures of relating in the world, these lead to more new formats. There is a natural path awareness takes in each of us that illumines our mind to the information necessary to go on. Thus when we can learn to remain open within ourselves we can access new information, or we will just stumble upon new information that fits our current piece of the puzzle. All knowledge is connected and thus encourages itself in us to continually learn and grow. These growth periods can take a long time, be very fast, and then sometimes very slow. Whatever the case, the learning is the point to consider. Once we stumble upon a new format that fits for us, then we are on our way as the most natural action is more of the same momentum into growth.

Releasing thoughts, paradigms, and handling what is uncomfortable

Along the way of encountering new information I have found myself having to release old thoughts, let go of paradigms of reality (whole umbrellas of thinking and belief that over ride knowledge ) and I have learned to handle the uncomfortable feelings and thoughts that go along with this process. I remind myself how meaningful it is to allow my uncomfortable thoughts and feelings in exchange for new ones, and to continue to learn.

The process of releasing thoughts we hold about someone, or the paradigms we have emotionally invested ourselves when we find are no longer feeling as truthful drop away more easily as we go through process and learn to ignite the wonder of discovery and the power of letting go.

Releasing and letting go are absolutely necessary to move forward in many situations.

I have found myself doing all the parts I needed to learn something except the letting go. Whenever this happens I realize that I am still anchored in old beliefs and not as free as I imagine myself to be, and of course this is because of not letting go completely. Letting go in a n appropriate manner that completes a learning curve about something generates a new interior space. Interior inside the mind, inside the heart, inside our bodies.

We have to let go in order to progress, and make room for the new life energies coming in to us via our growth experiences.

Psychic information, spiritual connection, and the openings available to us now

Clearing out the mental thoughts, releasing half-truths, letting go of outgrown personal patterns of any kind open our interior selves so that new information has a place to reside within us without conflict or opposition inside the landscape of the self. This is a marvelous empty place inside that is potent with the energies of what could be, and holds “promise” for continued new awareness to develop.

This opens us to psychic information, and spiritual connection.

I find  myself alerted on a daily basis as new information becomes available. Taking the time to empty out  through the process of self-reflection, inner questioning, increased discernment, and self accountability and releasing my loaded subconscious mind, my physical body, and my suppressed and oppressed emotions. The daily spiritual connection that is possible is quite amazing, and truly full of wonder. Inspiring and informative ,our awareness when allowed to get free has tremendous more energy and creativity for living.Awareness in us as us is intentionally urging us to experience growth! Thus it is possible to learn about the psychic conditions we all have possible within us to know things.Psychic information is not limited in the way we have been programmed to only use our 6 senses. It is as aspect of our nature that is connected naturally to the soul, our cosmic environment, and experiencing this educates us without limits.

Psychic information may not at first make sense to our thinking logical minds, however this information has a feeling of “fitting” with other info we hold and how psychic information fits with the larger pictures of our lives is instrumental in developing progress. As becoming fully into our potentials we learn how to pay attention and then to specifically access for ourselves all the information we need. And we can use this information to assist, uplift, and heal with others. Immense paradigms of understandings reveal themselves to us when we integrate our interior senses via the psychic information that is everywhere and inside us. Breaking through the programming of our socialization, hypnotized, habitual patterns opens this to each of us as everyone is more capable than we have been programmed to see ourselves.

Spectrum’s of new growth …balance and unbalanced

Everywhere awareness is growing, intelligence is growing yet how this happens is not the same for each person. In that there are spectrum’s of growth which occur according to each unique individual, situation, and the conditions we find ourselves. Thus on one side of the world people are not only learning about freedom they are also living more freely, and developing free structures for others. On the other side of the world people are learning the negative aspect of freedom, slavery or something like that. Enslavement, imprisonment, limitation and restriction are also aspects of freedom, only in its opposite expression. Thus we have wide spectrum’s between the two polarities.

As more and more people engage and invest their personal thoughts and beliefs into one aspect of the spectrum that one aspect manifests as reality and will do so until enough others begin the changes. I have found tremendous meaning in learning to respect the various spectrum’s of human expression as they relate to personal and planetary growth. As everyone and everything is in some state of growth. We are all growing. When we open up to this we can see evidence of this all over the world.

God in us is awareness, is consciousness, and as such is growing itself everywhere in the cosmos. As a living vibrant expression seeking its way through every life, every form there is a guarantee that God holds all, leaves nothing behind.

Living in the consciousness of growth aligns our attention in ways that energize us, provide us with energy, fulfill our deepest longings, and teaches us the wisdom of what it means to be alive.

As awareness we are capable of understanding the deepest sorrows, the most hurtful pains, and the most limiting of ideas. This is all because the consciousness that exists in us as us is one magnificent life force connected to everything and everyone. Consciousness is the ultimate “internet” .

Today I am learning to pay attention to growth, and when I don’t see my own , I see it around me and even still I am touched, moved and inspired. We can always tap into and find something that is growing… such is the real nature of life.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self exploration