Turning Points, What are they? And Why?, Core Spirituality, my personal journey


Turning Points, What are they? And Why?, Core Spirituality, my personal journey

Turning points are the accumulations of experiences we have which gain momentum and propel us into new information. Our thoughts and feelings drive us toward action. These thoughts and feelings have substance, and as such they have momentum. The growing momentum in our thoughts and feelings develop fullness. This fullness carries power. The power of our momentum drives us forward or backward as each experience unfolds. When we develop a sense of complete fullness we pass through turning points.

This occurs whether this is totally private and inward and moves us seemingly without outer consequence, yet it is the very weight of our internal choices, dwellings upon, that will cause events in our externalized life to become triggered. Externally we can easily see how actions we take bring forth outcomes that cause us to turn.

Turning points as crisis

crisis is the turning point in our lives. As the nature of crisis being upsetting to the existing conditions and the facing off of opposing or highly charged differing points of view. I have learned to embrace crisis for the real significance it carries…. we have arrived at a turning point. Whenever we allow ourselves to be frozen, overwhelmed, over taken, and upset by the drama within the crisis we undergo a kind of metamorphosis. Things begin to change shape. To become stuck in this aspect of the dynamic of a turning point can prolong suffering, and hold off the changes about to occur. I watch as people stay stuck in dramas of all kinds without moving on and thus with hold the power of meeting up to their turning points in life and the upcoming new possibilities yet to show themselves. This is particularly true in our relationships. Work dynamics, and states of personal evolution. Thus to take on the notion that crisis is actually a turning point for our own development is a wise choice to make. And then to open to learn what this all means as it unfolds.

Humanity is within such a time as a species and as individuals. Huge groupings of people are sharing in the experiences of great turning points in life, without realizing this all that is left is the drama, and drama alone is not enough to stabilize the conditions that arise in these crisis’. Darker forces of unloving unconscious people hook in and can take advantage of these very vulnerable zones. When we see how unconsciousness plays a part in suffering in this way we can take back our selves by learning to let the drama of crisis move us forward and see where it leads. Refusing to be taken advantage of at this time is crucial. Yet it continues on the world stage. We need to wake up! Stop investing into the dramas and utilize the momentum of these turning points to develop ourselves, develop awareness, and to put an end to victimization. The experience of crisis is enough on its own for anyone. We can and are healing much of what it means to be human through taking care of our crisis points, our turning points!

Turning points as realizations

the dynamic turn of events in turning points redirect our attention so that we open up to new realizations. These realizations have meaning for each of us. Whether we are an observer or we are dead smack in the middle of a great turning point. Realizations charge our attention with new thoughts and feelings that need to be processed so that important decisions will be made. These decisions that we make are what will catalyze the outer world into the transformation awaiting each of us. Paying attention to our realizations can have tremendous power for each of us as we live out each day. Truthful sharing and recognition of what it is we are realizing is how we as a group, as a species, move all of us along. We are many yet one in this case and what any one of us decides at these turning points affects the group in some way.

Confusions and chaos may signal a new turning point

I like to re frame my notion of confusion and chaos as new information arriving. Not just confusion as we typically have been programmed to hold it. Confusion and chaos is a signal that differing forces are arriving to our awareness that need attention. When confusions hold a lot of charge to them this can be the signal that we have arrived at some kind of turning point. A larger perspective, a bigger turn of events may be about to arrive. Thus holding confusion with diligent awareness to details, and possibility for learning is potent. Often we will discover something new that has escaped our attention, and needs to be addressed. I use my own confusion to untangle, unravel, or decode some elements of thinking, or perception that are not quite in line with a larger picture or truth that is up for me to realize. In this way there is only minimal victimization and maximum awareness.

The wisdom of observing self

The closer we become to developing independent self observations the more capable we are of understanding our turning points. One important component of self observation is learning how to see our mind. See our thoughts, feel our feelings and to step back, disengage from the intensity of merging our entire being into our minds. The intellectual mind is limited. Getting out of your mind can be the healthiest thing to do in many situations. The thinking mind wants to think it is in total control of everything, when reality is… it is not. Self observation acts as a buffer to this overwhelming experience of being over taken by ones thoughts. And provides levity to the overall awareness within us. Self observation can be cultivated passively through various practices of meditation, prayer, and actively while we are going through our day. In this way we can learn to use the mind as a translator for deeper thoughts inside us, deeper realizations that have yet to fit into our outer awareness or thinking. Yet ripe to be developed.

The knowledge that is real inside you

Knowledge that is inside each of us is real. This is a big realization as we shift from the habits of leaning on others to know things. Converting our externally based leaning into internal ones shows us how we are actually receiving knowledge from within. That there have been forces active on this planet for generations now seeking to sway us from this is quite a wake up call. Familial, religious, social, educational, political forces…. to name a few have actively been engaging people to seek knowledge in memorization, rote learning, submission to rules and regulations, doctrines, and dogmas in an attempt to gain power over people. Yet what truly matters and ultimately makes the difference is the realization that knowledge is within.

The power of living off your own energy

The shift in energy we get when we live off of our own interior is dramatic. There is an unlimited source of spiritual power that will charge an individual with energy whenever we make the shift off of depending on, leaning into others for our knowledge. It can be quite draining to follow rules that don’t really feel authentic. It can feel powerless to believe all the knowledge is outside of you, and not within. Thus to begin the process of learning how to live off of your own interior, authentic power will activate new sources of energy that will be very surprising to many. This is a marvelous realization I have come to understand, and often I thought in my mind things are impossible and really they are NOT!

Accessing the power of turning points

The momentum we personally achieve by way of shifting our awareness inward and learning to access our own interior sources of energy and power can fuel turning points. Joining these two forces, inner energy with outer turning points provides the larger more necessary fuel needed to make a break-through. Turning points draw lots of energy as the swirling of all the different forces contained in the conditions require huge strength to pass beyond. When we learn how to access turning points as positive energetic shifts we propel ourselves into much more capability. Capability in ways we are Developing for ourselves and adding to our spiritual knowledge.

maintaining equilibrium through chang

My favorite imagery for maintaining equilibrium through change is a tornado. At an earlier time in my life the course of events that were either in crisis, or in big time swirling around me was so huge my little self did everything just to hold on. Turning points can have huge impact on the personal levels of ourselves and really challenge us, challenge our sanity, and just about every aspect of being human. Thus as I was in a time such as this I found the image of a tornado came to me repeatedly. And I learned to see myself in that tornado. I leaned to see myself moving within it, in the still quiet of the center as it moved all around. I adopted the idea of being still on a moving point. This allowed me to continue in the process of changes occurring while maintaining an internal sense of balance. In time this became a very comfortable place for me.

Allowing what is arising as a choice for personal growth

By allowing I am implying that whatever arises I choose growth as the purpose for it all. Allowing is the act of submitting to the deepest part of myself. The deepest part of myself that holds the knowledge of my true spiritual direction and the unfolding wisdom in the events around me. To allow the deepest part of self to be the secure place to place my attention. In this way I have learned that no matter what… no matter what circumstances I must face, the ultimate outcome is a return to self, a return to greater realization and the deepening of my own authentic spiritual nature. And I have had to face tremendous negative elements in my lifetime… from dark demonic to ultimate betrayal to name a few of those circumstances. Allowing the deep in self to an energetic, interior source of resting, security, and ultimately power. This shifts dynamics all around and literally there has not been one issue with which I have not been able to face and come to a spiritual place with it. The interior choice to hold circumstances as opportunities for personal growth has catapulted the meaning and significance of everyday life into such amazing purpose.

Spiritual development and growth are the why

Spiritual growth is the “why?” we go through what we do. Plain and simple. Whenever I need an answer to a why question regarding my life and I have not received a specific response, I always get the answer is ….for my spiritual growth. This one shift in attitude has completely opened up my awareness into every aspect of human life. Without spiritual growth as the underlying purpose life conditions appear meaningless and in congruent. With it the possibilities are infinite.

Core spirituality within our turning points

Bringing core spirituality to my turning points in life has shown me how I fit into the larger picture unfolding. It has brought significant intuitive understanding, opened me when I was contracting and shutting down, connected seemingly separate situations and shown me how there is a larger picture to my life.

Life without meaning

The obvious alternative is life without meaning. And I have found myself in that place many times. Whenever I have made the choice to stay unconscious. Whether that choice was one I realized I was making or whether I had made it when I was unaware. Life without meaning is boring, frustrating, unhappy, broken and chopped up, and without joy. I have learned that whenever I experience these kinds of things I have looked away from being aware. It is a negative form of learning something very positive. In time I am learning to choose awareness, and this invites meaning.

The significance of learning to recognize the bigger pictures

While staying in an awareness of ego positioning, opposing points of view, conflicts, misunderstandings, prejudices, fixed bias’s keep a person in a little picture, a tiny box of awareness. Where pain and suffering grow. Where manipulations and power struggles are endless. The alternative is to learn to embrace, learn the significance of recognizing the bigger picture in any one situation.

Why we exist without remembering

We exist without remembering all these things as a self made set up… that is looking at it from a spiritual perspective. We temporarily undergo a kind of spiritual amnesia when we are born. We do this because we want to infuse our life circumstances with the absolute greatest possibilities for awakening. Our unconsciousness is only a starting point in any one situation. In reality this unconscious starting point is leading us to all our conscious turning points. Turning points where we do remember what we have forgotten as spiritual beings having a human experience. We remember our innate capabilities through the exploration of human conditions that ignite further knowledge and awareness. There really is such purpose in all things.

Leaving your turning points behind

Once we have encountered our turning points, been swirled around, turned upside down, inside out, and challenged beyond anything we emerge! We learn to leave behind so much human garbage, so much unnecessary drama, so much ridiculous thinking. We leave behind unproductive relationships, we release ourselves from toxic people, toxic life conditions. And we become free to re-create, re-direct, re-explore our lives with an authentic inner awareness of how much more meaningful it has all really been. And we cycle through these zones again and again coming up to new ones through out our entire life journey. This is the journey of soul into human form. This is the core spirituality experience of my life, and yours.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation
