The Old World Borders and the Age of Global Social Reform, core spirituality my personal journey

Hands on a globe --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Hands on a globe — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

The Old World Borders and the Age of Global Social Reform, core spirituality my personal journey

Ideas are not subject to physical boundaries.

The old world borders which kept all our lives separate can no longer contain the wave of global social reform arising in our collective humanity. Ideas have the capacity to move beyond physical barriers and man-made boundaries traveling across the world in light speed.

Our world is passing through a tremendous time of transformation that on the surface appears to be filled with mostly terror, revolt, dissent of all kinds and corruption. The situation is vastly complicated with many layers with which to reflect and understand. A time of great change. Something so big is going on that everyone all over the planet is feeling it in some way. We are in a collective shift of the ages. We have lots to do.

Human consciousness is evolving beyond the old world ways and we are feeling the painful dismantling of centuries old order. Difficulty abounds as leaders in every nation are learning how to come to terms with the ascending awareness of the collective human conditions which seek to know freedom and the exercise of creative impulse. Resistance to allowing these changes to happen is accumulating, and the ways in which people are enacting their notions of control are being exercised in every conceivable manner. The time of our lives is fraught with horrible danger and staggering possibility all at the same time. All the while the push back continues to build everywhere all over the world.

The technological age.

The advancement of technologies have taken us over the edges of thousands of years of doing things a certain way. We are feeling the need to transform this and so new paradigms are emerging, a whole new possibility to communicate.

How we learn to communicate is of vital importance now.

What we communicate is of vital importance now.

Each person’s reactions add to the world-wide arena of ideas.

Positive or negative…. we are seeing ourselves like never before.

The souls of those now on earth.

The souls of those present on earth, the young, and those coming in are poised to question authority, stand up to injustice and inequality, and voice opposition and enact push back to old world forces on a scale such as we have not ever seen on a global level.

World wide “Push Back”

These incarnate beings in every country are living out the needed changes that are part of the larger spiritual shift happening in our world community. We have every position being taken from each end of the polarity of possibility from the most positive to the most negative and many have suffered, been killed, or have elevated and freed themselves and others through daily choices being made.

There are the many growing ideologies of freedom urging forward in the hearts and minds of these new souls. The many old world systems which have served humans for centuries are being questioned and challenged. Political controls … absolute monarchies, democratic monarchies, dictatorships, powerful forces for oppression and suppression through military action, financial take over are all having to contend with the push back now. Our humanity is stirring and it does not look to me as if it can be truly stopped. Evolution has its own truthful components needing to be addressed through out the world-wide landscape, and HUMANITY is feeling all this.

Our collective need for honesty.

No longer satisfied with patronizing words, misleading, misinformation, or deceit the massive movement of a greater truthfulness is seeking expression through the masses demanding real reforms, ending the patriarchal oppressive forces of control. The rising to equality in the woman… the rise of the feminine in us is calling out with each and every voice. Balancing centuries of patriarchal law and rule. The call to true transparency and the deliberate destruction of false propaganda is virtually world-wide now, and growing! The revealing of the secrets, the hidden agendas, and motivations will continue world-wide in all our lives as we learn to live in greater states of personal honesty. This new level of honesty is what transforms what is corrupted, twisted, and hidden to us. The very personal choice to be self honest is where we find our true innate spiritual power.

Secret empires all over the world.

Empires of all kinds, whether familial, political, religious, economical/financial, and hidden to the public are being challenged with the voices of democracy as the voices of deceit are pushed upon. The loss of personal privacy with the global breakdown of the internet via governmental forces all over the world is being questioned through the many speeches, meetings, and lawful challenges against the NSA. The people want to know. Humanity has the idea that we all have the need to be free, sovereign, and creative drivers of our lives. Not dictated by an external authority!

What is not reported in global media.

New service committees, new programs, new areas of collective discussion are finding new possibilities as the madness continues to scream at us. We continue to develop communication formats that would replace the world-wide military actions that are attempting to maintain order. People are realizing that communication is the peaceful and most powerful means to resolve conflicts. The world watches in pain as these forceful actions continue to kill, mame, wound, and injure innocents. Still there is greater possibility now more than ever to develop new platforms for understanding as a way to solve problems, not violence which increases the disenfranchised and displaced actions of millions of people. There is growing all over the world a new voice for ALL people. Fundamentalist, or violent, or suppressive jihads ( not in the true sense of the meaning of the word, but in the fundamentalist war mongering way) , fatwas, along with secret military and political and economic take overs which distribute wealth, and resources in massively disproportionate degrees of inequality are all facing us as we learn how to replace these actions with greater understanding and mutual respect for differences. We are having to all learn in the collective plane of this physical world.

Reforms emerge and grow out of needs.

As we learn to be aware of what is really going on around us we are waking up to how rights, freedoms, and creativity are really being withheld by the few against the many. The growth of new reform is birthed as more and more individuals realize how much we need to make changes. This is a natural response in life, as we all have the innate interior messages within us to protect, and to grow personal freedom and creative living.

When the present circumstances no longer fulfill the purposes of the present day it is a natural response to creatively make new… to re-form what has been.

When this awareness reaches a massive level in whole groups of people we see what is known as revolutions.

What is a revolution?

The word itself comes from the Latin revolutio, meaning “a turn around”. Or in action it becomes a fundamental change in power or structure, and arises as a “revolt” or push back to the current status quo. Major changes in other words.

Major changes on both sides of this equation are all over the world now. Dissent, intimidating, threatening, arresting, torturing, killing are much of what we see now. Anyone who speaks out using justice systems is likely to encounter those who use them to create political agendas by having secret courts, enacting ancient laws, and using financial resources to thwart justice. All to stop this reform from happening. Resulting in people who feel more anger and then more revolt and push back… this is quite natural. There is an innate dignity in each human, there is the need to learn to have tolerance and acceptance now of these difficult problems on a massive global scale. The violence that ensues rises up as a natural response to continued, unending, perpetrating forces that do not meet people’s needs, both political and social, combined with all the deceitful intimidation and suppression. This effects whole regions as shifts in consciousness ripples to neighbors and the younger generations respond versus the older generations.

The right to education.

The right to be self informed via truthful reporting, and media accountability, and transparency is vital to our new global citizens. The right to educate through higher education in grade school, primary and secondary is something people are working on in many countries. When medias are severely controlled, journalists threatened, or arrested for speaking truth to power in their efforts to inform the public these people are acting as educators. Without clear information we are not capable of decisions that will be in our own best interest. As the reality of the corruption is brought to light all over the world the existing powers are having a difficult time maintaining their status quos of limiting personal freedoms. Free speech is not tolerated and seen as a threat. Yet at the same time we cannot stop learning, growing, and becoming better without the truth to make corrections. I am astonished at how free speech is handled by governments, corporate powers, and judicial systems all over the world. Reform is absolutely necessary here.

In core spirituality, the bias I hold is that we are not humans having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human one.

This experience of being human right now entails the understanding that the human condition is in flux, and at times in greater change than others times.

As a spiritual being I have the inherent capability to see clearly, know deeply, and respond as such to my surroundings. All rights come from the one Source. Whether you call that source Allah, God, Lord, whatever your belief, the Source of life is the source.

We have as expressions of this source the innate possibility to arrive at all truth, truth beyond religious or political belief. Truth as the expression of the pure nature of Source.

In this way we can choose to live as expressions of this truth and we can grow this inside ourselves… no matter the physical circumstance. That we have the ability to respond…. responsibility to our lives is how we make choices day-to-day. Our choices are enhanced by our ideas, by our physical surroundings, by our infinite spiritual nature. When I observe the unfolding events here I am reminded how transient and conditional physical life really is, and by nature how unending spiritual life is. What is happening here on earth is a spiritual transformation. As every aspect of our humanness comes under scrutiny. As we question all that we do this is spiritual work of being incarnated. And as such serves both a personal and a collective whole. We learn to be self sovereign. Learning how to become a self sovereign spiritual being alongside all others. Learning how to be a self sovereign spiritual race of humans.

Everyone holds the world in his or her hands.

world in your hands

Core spirituality, my personal journey

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