Hatred and Love, Shifting into Possibility.

quote Hate people hate you because.... we are orlando denver

Hatred and Love, Shifting into Possibility.

Core spirituality, my personal journey

We have not yet realized the power of our love and its capacity to heal the hate that is still held in our human family, our human minds and hearts and our beliefs. For what is hate really? Is it the refusal to love?

Love beckons!

The need we have to share this love for who we are and all that encompasses.

The need we have to be loved for who we are, and all that encompasses. Exists!

Love has much to do here, and through our trials and tragedies shows us how we can do better.

The morality of love is ever-present, and never-ending in its scope for expression in a world so full of hate, so full of hurt. There are many still captive to the darkened shadows of lovelessness. Yet love prevails in the face of it all!

I have experienced this hate in my life, and it is always hurtful. I have felt this in my family, my ohana. Love is my own primary response to heal that hurt. I have been tested many times.

Wherever there is any bigotry, any hate amongst us that leads to violence, that violence may be delivered in words, in emotions, or in actions.

However this may arise, our response can balance the equation of inequality and mis-perception for self.

The work of any perpetrator will have to also arise from within self. Ultimately this occurs within each of us, and so i consciously choose to do my own inner work and carry on.

These times are filled with many new opportunities to make better choices to love all that which we held outside ourselves …. up to now.

There is another reason for hate, arising from a  wound! The wounded self… 

A wounded mind, a wounded heart strikes out.

This wound in a man or woman, or child needs the love that can hold the wound and press forward to re balance what has passed in the wake of unimaginable pain. The sadness of these things is our heart crying to love.

And love we may permit ourselves, anyway. This is not just hurt alone with which we hold pain it is also our hearts yearning deeply from within to love and be loved.

Many hearts are crying on this planet… our world is opening to a long history of abuse, hurt, woundedness, and victimization.

The wound in our human family is felt because we can love, and we do not.

We hurt because we deeply need to be loved and to love. And only a real love breaks the bondage’s of confusion, pain and suffering.

Our refusal to surrender to love within ourselves is a painful one. Just as a pus must come out for a wound to heal, so too must the darkened thoughts and feelings arise so as to release what is preventing this love from being discovered.

Love is wise and powerful and will right what needs to be righted given a chance. Love is an action and not just an idea, as a verb it is moving energy. Love as an action inside each of us moves us all. Love in this way is universal and leads us to our mutuality. Our universal place of oneness through diversity.

Love is accountable and as such takes new footing in responsible action with regard to hate and the violence that results. It will take a lot of love to overcome a lot of hate in this world. For every bigoted idea, every injurious hatred still held, love seeks a surrender. Love seeks a surrender in any individual imprisoned by such notions. Love seeks a way through our world just as a stream will find any crack in the land to further its own outward flow.

The cracks in our world are those still in darkness. The darkness of the un-awakened heart. And so every tragedy holds open the moment long enough for that love to come through, even if just a tiny bit.

As “WITNESS” to hatred unfolds on a mass level through media this provides infinite new probabilities for re examinations on infinite new ways for our human perception. And to reevaluate how we decide what needs to be in our world.

Re examine everything that is about hate and violence and our need to express this. How meaningful it is that we embrace these feelings within our humanity and make new and different choices in our personal lives. The choice to love and be loved and to have this within authenticity.

Thus meaning is derived by the most base, most horrendous of any action. Without our individual re examinations we doom ourselves to repeat and repeat and repeat.

Love within each of us can provide meaningful purpose for that which seems meaningless.

Loving meaningful purpose arises now to lead us into our darkened hearts and out into our loving free new possibility. Much will change. And still there are those who hold tightly to their wounds. We can and will continue onward holding the possibility that at any moment anything can and will change, and change for the better. Though the path is full of darkness around us we hold a light within. We can have these conversations.

To learn to walk along a darkened path yet hold open and freely a light within. This is a new paradigm and one that can hold much safety and potential. For at any moment that inner light may reach a darkened place in someone, or some place around each of us. we can now learn to speak to that which holds us back and learn to open our hearts in new possibilities.

As the inner light within our humanity grows our capacity to overcome darkness around us increases. Thus we learn to illuminate our interior places. We learn to lighten our hearts, our minds and our bodies and bring newness to that which was old.

love is love is love is love is love is love

My Forgotten parts, Recollecting aspects of my soul, core spirituality… my personal journey


My Forgotten parts, Recollecting aspects of my soul,core spirituality… my personal journey

When undergoing the experiences of recollecting parts of our selves that have become out of reach and apart from the potential within us amounts to taking back aspects of our selves involving the heart and all that it has refused to express share and give forth in the world. My heart is designed for loving.

Taking back aspects of our selves involves the mind and all it has refused to admit, to see, to embrace, and to understand, all of which was held outside self. My mind is both fixed and fluid and I need to discover more of it.

The realization that we are much larger, more capable and intrinsically more dimensional than the dumb-ed down versions we have been fed all our lives, the capacity to find answers to mysteries, and the possibility to hold more of our selves inside our physical body is far greater than anyone thought. We are going through this process collectively now.

Where does the power come from?

The soul is more capable as it contains super energies of many many kinds. We are made of that which is of the soul and that being an expression of our source. Our socialization, our educations, our family dynamics, all contain elements of limiting brain washing that stifle the authentic expression of our most real internal selves, or some aspects of our totality. Thus to transcend these limits we need only empty out that which we cling, to become open human beings that can hold a greater vibratory rate of existence. I learned I needed to engage a continual life style of letting go and re-identification as I took on new material. I came to an experience of source both within myself and outside myself that paradoxically revealed to me how tremendous, really the power of soul is.

The common dynamic in the dilemma of physical embodiment is sometimes that we are not expressing all of our true potential. We can live an entire lifetime learning how to fully express ourselves as fully adult human beings. And we can live an entire lifetime controlled by thoughts, emotions, and scripts that are not intrinsically expressing our most genuine self. I saw this in my own past lifetimes as I had many revealed to me so to educate me in this lifetime to the significance of all that I was learnging.

Our physical bodies are over loaded, jammed up with so much mental/emotional baggage that is not genuinely ours and this impedes the inflow of soul qualities. Redefining our minds, releasing emotions, and letting go of histories that are by nature suppressed, oppressive, dominating, over loading, inaccurate, twisted, half truths, and so on all make space inside the light body, and the physical body in such a way so as to make the truly meaningful progress happen inside us. The transformations are basically an inside job for each of us. They do not require external forms of authority to give us permission to achieve nor will they happen by way of external means. This direction is one which naturally arises from within. I realized I was holding the ball so to speak with just about every aspect of myself. I learned that my body contained a history and that I had to relearn what that was and then make new and different choices as to how I would live. Our unconscious histories ( our DNA) is overpowering and defining and until we awaken our inner knowledge of self we are subject to that history. Once I woke up to this I began to shift my entire perspective on choice.

We have lost aspects of our authentic nature which are deep inside the hearts of our souls awaiting our activation’s. These are at first felt as distant longings, and urges for which we have no references. And we have completely unknown aspects beyond that still held in potentials until the time we reach into and past our longings.

When we take on the beliefs of others without our own genuine investigation we overlay into our physicality energetics that influence our biology. We actually direct the switching on and off of different DNA contents by way of our choices. Be they consciously or unconsciously chosen. This is easy to see with identical twins who as they age their DNA changes, although when they started out it was identical. Science has shown this.

Without the personal reflection along with internal investigation we disconnect ourselves from the deeply meaningful and authentic nature of our spiritual being. Our human self can be filled with man-made deductions, dogmas, scientific beliefs, religious dogmas, mental notions, and the resulting emotions not even based on genuine reality, yet agreed by common consent as truth. Wise to remember that common agreement is not necessarily in agreement with universal truth. As we align with these forces we disengage from many important aspects of our true nature that express this universal quality. To the degree that we see and believe ourselves separate, to the degree that one sees they are better than, to the degree that there is exclusiveness in place of inclusive there are elements of our hearts and minds that become shut down or even off.

Soul aspects that we regain through our recollections

Soul aspect that we regain through recollecting our different aspects are the understanding of a much broader perspective, clear thinking, ego deflation that results in the re-positioning of self-identity, intuition, psychic knowledge, interconnection and the ability to communicate with many forms of life. Awareness of how manifestation happens and steps that lead to consequence. Larger memory of our spiritual path, including our previous experiences…. earlier in life, or in other lifetimes. Lives in other dimensions, and on other worlds. We regain the knowledge of our real life history including yet beyond this lifetime. This is quite natural as a result of releasing outdated beliefs, letting go of negative programming, facing and transcending our fears, and releasing feelings that control and inhibit our self expressions. I had to learn to drop many dogmas, and teachings I had picked up in my youth. Those ideas no longer expressed my own internal experiences.

The songs of our hearts, our people’s and our lands

We have within us each a unique song of life, one which has its particular tones, colors, and expressions. We share this song with others and the land we live. We feel good when we experience these songs, this life music. When we choose harmony in our actions and when we face the disharmony to understand and learn we join in with a larger aspect of creation. A larger symphony of interactions takes place that infuses life with joy, understanding, synchronicity. Life itself in its vast expressions literally sings itself outwards.

The joys hidden in our lost selves act as the food for soul which bring spiritual sustenance. Sustaining us in miraculous ways.

Our retrieved joys are a form of spiritual sustenance normal in the soul level dimensions, yet that is also true in this one. We need the sustenance of joy to add to the experiences of being human as this shapes and forms the outcomes and realities we live through. Bringing new tremendous meaning and uplifting qualities that actually will support us in transforming the negative scenarios we must face, pass through and process. Our daily lives are filled with many opportunities with which to test this out. This joy replaces all the negativity when we finally move past our personal challenges with enough force that we comprehend what was not understood, when we release that which is our personal dross, and we upgrade our thinking and belief in alignments with authentic spiritual presence. Joy comes when we empty out, it is the original state and becomes reinstated as the natural state.

How love in any situation helps us to bear the pains we are needing to release.

Most all humans have issues with which we grapple and that need tending, these issues are actually our personal steps unique to each of us that provide our growing directions. Learning to accept these challenges can mean that we encounter painful situations. Bringing love into ourselves can help the entire situation. That love is analgesic is true. Without love … there will be intense pain and difficult suffering that appears not to have meaning or purpose. Bring love in and that all changes. Love as an analgesic always lifts, releases, and transcends us as we make our way thru the difficulties. Loving ourselves and one another through the painful circumstances we bear brings significant depth of purpose that could be lost without it. Love acts as an analgesic with actual pain we feel in our bodies. Scientists have now uncovered how love actually lessens the pains felt in the body. I find this amazing.

Lost meaning in everyday life and the recollection of those meanings

When we live a robotic life in any area of ourselves that area is subject to drab meaninglessness. Living on autopilot we do not access feelings, challenge thoughts, or take actions that are in best interest. Living in a script of how we think things should be, living a script in our minds when we are the only one reading that script (an awful realization I have had to accept about myself at different times in my life), living a script for us that someone made for us… a parent, the family, the church, our society are all places within that we can learn to collect back into ourselves. I have found this adjusts the levels of emotion and outcome significantly in positive ways. Prepare to see the scripts we think we must live, and then prepare to throw them out. I have had been through this many times.

Wisdom reaches us… we do not have to reach for it, the action of recollection will bring forward the perfect environment for wisdom to be born in each of us.

When I choose wisdom as my guide in how to collect back into myself that which is of meaning that intention for making wise choices brings to me new possibilities that were blocked before. The intention to find wisdom brings it. What a revelation! Not taking action unless the criteria for wisdom has been met prevents me from repeating patterns, making mistakes again, and assures my own more deeply satisfying outcomes. There are many signals along the way with which we must learn to discern and understand. There are many kinds of wisdom…. happy wisdom, sad wisdom, crazy wisdom, brilliant wisdom, intuitive wisdom to name a few. Not having these kinds of wisdom show up may be a signal that one is blocking it in some way. Stuck in belief systems that are out of alignment with my true inner nature always blocked me from accessing deep wisdom. The script always took over. And well that is a lesson in itself, I examine my scripts on a regular basis.

Asking for signs, signals, and validation in our lives

I always found comfort in the native American way, and many other indigenous people s and biographies of the saints. When listening to their ideas on learning to observe, ask for, and respond to signs, signals, and how these validate us when we are on the edges of knowing and learning as we move in to our own dark mysteries and unknowing. Signs and signals began to occur for me in remarkable ways literally shocking my system into the new directions. In my experience I thought initially that these things were happening to me, for me, and what a miracle. Eventually I came to recognize all of life is communicating with itself. Signs and signals are a natural ongoing aspect of creation, now I have joined in, instead of holding myself outside of this wondrous component of living. There is not really anything special about me, it is however unique to me and my own participation to life on a larger level. Signs and signals are actually an ongoing aspect of creation. Once I realized that one I made certain to change the old scripts I had been living.

Synchronicity and its meaning as we build our authentic self expressions

Meaningful coincidence where random or even opposing forces join together that speak something that connects internally with us is just so wonderful a way to live life. The more I have dropped my false notions and let go of self-limiting definitions I have felt myself to become more and more authentic. The more authentic the more synchronicity shows up and this encourages more of the same.

Wonder and the ignition of spiritual sight

When we return to wonder in our lives we ignite the spiritual sight inside us. Capable of seeing beyond the surface, and into the essence of meaning in situations we are able to stay connected to the larger picture seeking to unfold. Spiritual sight is not dependent in any way on religious dogma, but more so arises naturally as we learn to be present and just see what is. This take practice to exercise our minds beyond limiting ideas. And to open our wider expression of many feelings and emotions.

Release of obstacles…

Letting go, conquering our fear, releasing judgmental thoughts, throwing away outdated life scripts, and finding humility like never before all lead into and through the release of our personal obstacles. Our egos are highly invested in tremendous amounts of these things and I have learned how the ego aspect of me has had to learn to take a different seat, or perspective when it comes to the finality of the release of obstacles. The joy is transformational. The realization I had about learning has become my turning point in any obstacle as there always appears something for me to learn, without the learning the obstacles persist. What a realization!

Recovery and becoming whole is a journey that is infinite in its true nature

When I write infinite I mean it. I experience the infinite nature of life and the process of becoming whole as I learn. This basically obliterates many life scripts as I have learned how power life really is and that nothing is lost, every effort counts, and the letting go is all worth it.

Reclaiming authentic truth as a way of life

What a theme…. to live in authentic truth, honesty with self, and daily willingness to be open and to learn.

Developing quantum interior resilience and strength that acts as the best bullshit detector on earth.

There is no more powerful truth detector than the cleared out self, connected soul based person. This becomes a powerfully resilient attribute necessary to pass through all the difficult zones with which we must get through. Making an automatic bull shit detector that goes off anytime we need it. Truly amazing.

The idea that living a human life is all about your soul is the reason we investigate the unknown. We live so as to experience and learn. We recollect ourselves while in the physical body. I have learned what body and soul together really feels like, and it is only just beginning.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self reflection

quote on self realization

i cant handle it

If …YOU …”think” You Cannot Handle the Truth, Think Again…. My Reality Checks are coming in!

core spirituality, my personal journey

The path of awakening for each of us has significant differences yet many universal similarities. In my experiences I do come up on the thought that I cannot handle something, or I hear this from others. This writing describes the inner process within me. The thinking intellect, my emotions… and my inner voice or deep self in dialogue. So I know we all have conversations inside us as this is not so uncommon. In order to really get what my process is on this subject I wanted to put it into writing.

Reality selection is a choice for us all…

Our thinking is filled with programming

I call it programming, this is not what the mainstream calls it.

In the process of conditioning,socialization and education that is prevalent in our societies today. Telling us what to think, how to think, placing limits on thinking, emotional side tracking, emotional suppression along with oppression of many covert forms. Schools, churches, universities, groups of many varieties all teach children from an early age how to view reality in specific ways. This will override the natural instinctive capacities and innate points of view children are born with making certain that each child fits into the specific format of the group they belong to.

Hidden inside reading and math, science and history lessons are infinite variations of subtle programming that inhibit the spiritual nature. This becomes real and evident after one goes through the process of self-reflection, deep inner questioning and discovery, and the release of the effects of our memories, and limiting emotional situations we carry inside us.

These emotionally charged memories are very much like boxes of thought that limit and suppress the innate knowing within a child. As adults we have the greater free will and possibility to discover our true nature through the choices we make that push us beyond our original experiences and unveil the innate spirituality of a human being.

In my journey of self-reflection the most significant redefinition I arrived within myself was that I was not a human being having a spiritual experience as I had been programmed to believe, rather I discovered I am  actually a spiritual being having a human one.

The opposite of all the years of teachings I had received in my development as a person. The paradigm shift inherent in this is remarkable in that everything takes on a completely different and significant meaning or purpose. And I had to drop whatever did not fit into that category of meaningful purpose. In other words most of the reality boxes I had been raised to believe were not based in truth. Letting go of these older versions of reality resulted in my development of having a larger capacity to perceive reality from “outside the box” so to speak.

Or in other words outside the limitations of programming I had been subliminally indoctrinated.


While I realized that well meaning adults were passing information along to me, I recognized the action of repeating in their words. People who learn to repeat information as they were taught. Most often these individuals were shown to be the best at their subjects, and always receive high marks, and accolades. To my astonishment I was at an early age, able to discern true learning vs. repeating, and to feel the significance in authentic discovery outside the patterns of thinking inherent in repeaters. I would say this began to occur to me in my early 20’s!

For example a paradigm shift I learned when I moved to Hawaii was how the oceans really connect all the land masses. Making it possible to travel and connect. Where as in my youth I learned how the oceans separated the world. It is a subtle shift in thinking yet powerful. Separation consciousness versus connection. I have found many such ways of perceiving the world that I learned all based in separation consciousness that are not even true, I have found connection in every aspect of life since getting out of that box of thinking. Shifting my awareness and myself in ways that brought great connection to life. Our experiences, our choices when understood as all connected with meaning take on a completely different reality with this in mind.

Learn to do my reality checks

Reality checks can be cashed in any time! They pay off really well and add to our sense of life in ways that carry us through time in amazing new ways. For much of this world is not really what it is represented to be. We are still a young species at the lower rungs of the universe. Our ideas are filled with inaccuracies and misunderstandings about how life is actually governed, manifested, and is lived. So doing reality checks will most often occur whenever there is a feeling of discomfort about something. Especially when there are no words to match the feeling, yet it still exists in the gut. I have this experience often. My first reaction is to question reality, question the voice of authority that is either speaking to me outwardly or the inner voice in my mind that “thinks” it is THE authority on any idea or subject. I cultivate an open mind, and I question until I find an answer that fits and replaces my discomfort with a sense of good, or right feeling. This is perfect for those times when we think we cannot handle something. For the truth is we can though there will be some shift to do so. Shift in our version or belief in what the reality presenting itself really is.

Questions you might ask yourself

Secrets and the nature of controls

That our present day is filled with astounding and horrific revelations of secrets held by mankind for generations is startling and sobering to say the least. Many dark secrets are getting released about every aspect of our lives through the internet, the media. Within us we are also finding revelation on a mass collective level in people from all walks of life, no matter the education, social standing, religious belief, upbringing, or culture. Revelations are everywhere in all sciences, history, math, physics, and so on. One need only pursue truth beyond the limits of media, and university education to find new thought being taught by people outside the box of accepted thinking. These individuals are stepping forward with deep, complex and riveting new approaches to understanding reality.

The revelations of abuse of power on this planet that are being revealed through the banksters, the military of the world, politicians, scientists, and historians are gob smacking. The degree of covert control, covert agendas, covert operations, covert policies, covert behaviors in these people now getting out will surely shift our world paradigm in fascinating new ways.

As now we are beginning to realize how we have been lead to believe so many things that are not actually honest or true and to give away our sovereignty along the way will shatter much of what has existed for generations on this planet.

Revelations are natural

the natural state of all beings is revelation. Revelation arises as a consequence of learning beyond the moment in any situation. We have been programmed so completely we have forgotten what a natural process this is in a healthy well lived lifetime. Robotic, habit-ized, and submissive the human will has been subverted away from the delights of revelation. So deeply valuable is this to our experience even after centuries of generational programming individuals are breaking through the dogmas of every sector of our known reality at this time. Making those in power and control very nervous and more afraid. Yet we cannot stop this because revelation is natural to who and what we are as spiritual beings having a human experience.

The dark truth, the light truth of your life

when I can’t handle it anymore I am up against the dark truth of my life. The dark truth is the awareness of all that which is reversed, or opposite the light truth. The revealing to ourselves of dark truth requires a powerful will to see beyond these illusions we have been so deeply emotionally invested. To accept how something so intrinsic to us is not true takes courage to process. It is a signal of our growth and maturation as spiritual beings when we can allow the deconstruction of our beliefs, notions and ideas of reality once shown not to be valid.

In my experience whenever this happens the light truth moves in and replaces the dark.

This is quite amazing as the feelings that arise in the discovery of greater truth energize and redirect our attention in completely fascinating new ways. Opening possibilities that were totally blocked while I was under the limiting beliefs of the previous dark programming. I feel a sense of internal accountability with myself to push my way through my own fears that I cannot handle the truth in any situation.

So we move back and forth on the game board of life discovering both our dark truths and our light truths finding new resources for powering up our previous states of victimization, powering up our defeated powerless selves. The deflation of ego states that goes along with this process can feel even depressing, and sad, and awful. Yet the light truth that we are then more capable to hold because we let go those limiting ego states of consciousness eventually lifts us up and frees us from the process that is so uncomfortable.

Each of us has a turning point from which there is no return

Whenever we begin to move past our “i cant handle it” moments there arises significant places of no return that require a deeper acceptance. As our consciousness adjusts to changing perceptions and feelings we do find that we can no longer go back. This happens in such a profound way that with each new discovery we transform.

Our transformations lead us to transcendent new places that take us into whole new arenas of living. I experienced this on all levels. Eating and diet, emotional states of profound suffering have lifted, immense unhappiness is replaced with a ridiculous kind of amazing joy, beliefs I once held no longer feel right and drop. People, events, and situations that once triggered powerful negative emotions are gone. What I choose to focus in life shifted from survival to thrive, from disharmony to harmony, from lack to abundance, from not getting my needs met on a daily basis to meeting my needs abundantly so that I overflow for others. This is how the process of moving through and beyond our “i cant handle it” states of being in paralysis and withholding just turn all the way around.

The transformation of the human condition in each of us

Our personal transformations are the human condition for which all these life experiences unfold and have meaning. We embody physicality and take on each lifetime in our efforts to transform and transcend ourselves while discovering the unlimited nature of existence. Every event that each of us tackles adds to the larger context of our humanity. And eventually we reach quantum levels of transformation that make it easier for those yet to make it go forward successfully. We improve our reality by way of these actions.

The planetary transformation of life as we know it

As the numbers of people transforming their life situations grows we begin to see massive new levels of behavior and activity that redefine life as we have known it, and believed it to be. This is what is happening now all over the world. Dark forces are revealed and breaking down, light forces are coming forward to heal and redesign our life stories.

Reclaiming your self as a sovereign being

To realize new states of sovereignty is how we liberate our humanity. One person at a time, one group at a time, one nation at a time, one world at a time.

Noticing when we are submitting to thoughts of self oppression, sabotage, and the diminishing of our potential are the start of this liberation as we notice the dark truths we have subscribed our lives. This being merely the early stage of awakening and the start of whole new possibilities.

Connecting in with the larger paradigms emerging today we learn to take in accountability and responsibility for our human lives, charting new directions and learning to be happier, healthier, and deeply spiritual.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self reflections


Taking a Fresh Look into the Family ( Ohana) Dynamics that Trigger us… A Soul Perspective….core spirituality, my personal journey

ohana turtle

Taking a Fresh Look into the Family ( Ohana) Dynamics that Trigger us…A Soul Perspective….core spirituality, my personal journey

When I did not or refused to love, I learned to love anyway.

When I was hardened, I softened and came to understand more than before.

When I felt stubborn I yielded and learned to be more open.

When I was too soft, I became strong, and in so doing became more capable.

I was lazy, and became disciplined… the painful inertia of my non action forced me to take action. I learned how valuable it is to understand stagnation, and the power of moving. People triggered me to get my butt moving, I did not like it, and I learned to get the message.

When I was victimized particularly as a child, I later healed my emotions, learned to think in new and different ways, and turned my own self around to become victorious. Releasing my holding on to my past and freeing my now moment, finding my true sovereignty. I learned the value of my own inner child voice and I listened. I sought help for myself and in so doing learned respect for the voice of the child.

Any child.

When I was afraid, I learned courage and thus changed the entire course of my life.

When I spoke hurtful words, or they were spoken to me, I have learned to take account of my own subjective experience and understand how my own internal self is effected. In this action of self-reflection I have learned to reflect. I have learned to become objective, and I have learned to redirect my own sense of hurt in a way that has shown me how I can be, and how others are as their words are a reflection of them, not specifically of me. I have learned to stop the patterns of self hurt through the words of others when I can, and accept how it is others show themselves. Dropping judgmental projections for clear discernment. This discernment has become an ongoing trait with less problematic outcomes in all my relationships. My world shifted when I claimed accountability for my emotions and feelings and stopped blaming others for HOW I FEEL.

When I hurt I looked within, took back my own power of self, and learned to be accountable for my own life in ways which removed me from patterns of hurt and replaced those with profound new awareness which showed me I can move on, thrive, and not incur the same to someone else. I refuse to perpetrate cycles of hurt, for myself and for others. No matter what.

When I was saddened I learned to accept my emotions so completely I went all the way to the bottom of that sadness and I sought healing, and in so doing the sadness showed me the value of endings that lead to new beginnings. And generated for me the awareness of how cycles exist all over the universe.

When I felt betrayal I took issue with myself instead of the other, and learned to find power in letting go, finding new directions, releasing people who do this to others, and freed myself from ever having this happen again. I learned acceptance for “what is”, and in so doing moved on. Acceptance of “what is” cannot be underscored more. Learning to accept what others show us about themselves is a primary skill in relationships. Honoring my own feelings, is equally as primary.


Some of my own personal triggers. These are but a few trigger scenarios I have been through in my own family, and how they each became powerful developmental stages in my personal evolution. Beginning early in childhood, under the roof of an abusive family situation, full of alcoholism, co dependency, and some basic neglect. I learned how to take myself seriously, when no one else would, and to take responsibility, when no one around me would, and to redirect my life as I would have it, because the pain and difficulty was not a choice I wanted to live through. The fury of alcoholism, combined with quilt ridden religious teaching, and the lack of getting my own emotional needs met as a child all changed as I became a teen and found my own will to move on beyond all these many life situations.

We all have personal challenges hidden in issues that arise in families today

I finally learned that issues I experience, regardless of who triggers them are for me to process and that any issue I find carries a significant personal challenge for me to resolve. leading me to  release the controls, manipulations, and any other scenarios from other people, and with gratitude… I do my own inner work. People trigger us for many reasons, the primary one is our soul growth, and not just to hurt us, bug us, irritate us and drive us crazy.

Is it is valuable to note that I have understood the issues that arise for me in my family are the perfect issues for me personally to grow from as a spiritual being. Contrasting this with the common idea that people who dump problems belong to everyone else and I am simply a causal victim, or recipient of the actions of others. This is hardly the case, once we become awakened from the soul aspect of who and what we are. The shift occurs that these incidents are part of a larger design for which I am present here to process, learn, and grow.

Issues of every kind show up in family dynamics. Our people will trigger us. Those closest to us will push our buttons. Our closeness will cause us to get irritated, upset, and angry. Our losses will hurt, and hurt deeply. Our talents, skills, and potentials will be challenged, exploited, neglected, and all manner of triggering. Power, love, misunderstanding,cruelty, abuse on every level. Abundance, materialism, artistic expression, and history.

Today life style challenges many… religious paths, sexuality, gender, politics.

Issues are areas of concentrated emotional, intellectual, artistic, physical, mental situations yet to be explored fully which contain experiences that will teach the indwelling spirit of a person something for which they have chosen to incarnate into this physical world. Issues by nature are unlimited in the earth experience, can be highly charged, totally challenging and either build up or completely tear down existing belief systems, erroneous ego notions, and shift us on all levels of ourselves all over the map of creation.

What is a trigger?

Everyone starts as a child, and as that child may encounter emotional/mental situations for which they do not have the capacity to process. Once adulthood sets in anything resembling those unprocessed emotions can trigger us. Paralyzing us for an hour or even the whole day. We become susceptible in these situations because of our own unmet need to process, understand, and integrate those aspects of emotional intelligence into our selves. Not just because someone has done something to us.

In my experience we also as soul self, choose family situations where we can see specific triggers will likely happen that are precisely what we need in our own evolutionary growth as spiritual beings having a human experience. In my own case I have remembered patterns of emotions that were so complex that one lifetime alone was not enough to fulfill the necessary experience to bring full understanding to me. Thus incarnating into life to continue themes for which I have spiritual purpose to explore so I could come to a full realization of what these emotions truly are . Often this has happened with the same people over and over, as we switch places and play our roles from every side of the equation in a soul based effort to bring to each other greater knowledge while on earth. Sometimes one may play the victim, next the perpetrator, other times the savior.

Triggers are those patterns of emotional intelligence, mental ideas, and circumstances that we carry inside of us, as unfinished potential full realizations. these are the significant components of our earth life with which there are many valuable experiences that will open us, reveal to us, illuminate us, redirect us, and add to our underlying sense of purpose as well as knowledge about life.

They are not merely problems, obstacles, hindrances, irritations, and conundrums solely in our lives to make us miserable. This level of awareness is the early stage of awakening in the earth school. There are many more possibilities for learning that ultimately lead to transcendence and transformation.

How the knowledge of our soul can open up greater purpose

When we have been activated beyond the ordinary awareness through circumstance which may be positive or negative we engage the wider spectrum of our own source self, our spiritual self, the soul. Once we have the connection to our soul perspective this engages knowledge of purpose that likely transcends the typical earthly perspective without the soul. The intellect begins a process of re-education where we begin to observe these experiences from a new perspective filled with meaning and purpose. As we cultivate this meaning in our lives, even the most negative of life situations sheds light and brings significant meaning to our inner selves, the world, and life around us. Widening our view of ourselves, each other and life around us. There is an unfolding of learning that begins to awaken inner knowledge so much so that the experience becomes one of remembering. Remembering (soul) what we have forgotten about life, ourselves and one another. This remembering is the soulful spiritual nature that exists in life everywhere in the universe in vast capacities and is forgotten temporarily through the act of embodiment here on the Earth. When the purpose of any situation becomes apparent from the soul a large context begins to emerge with which to operate our lives, make choices and to understand. This larger perspective may not occur to every family member at the same time, and so often when this happens a wide divide may occur in relationships. Boundaries change, and relationships go through many phases of expression, and understanding.

Memories of my own soul

In my own quest for a sense of completion, and fulfillment, understanding and release from pain I have bumped up against the edges of all my emotional and intellectual edges. Finding myself going further and deeper past those edges into realms of spiritual sight, inner soul memory, and soul based awareness that far exceeds the typical human levels. Because I have chosen to ask myself the necessary questions, and I have chosen to allow myself to keep feeling my feelings I have entered the realms of soul presence. This has brought into contact with others who have had similar experiences and realizations which have confirmed and supported my own soul development and choices to let go and move forward beyond the status quo of my previous understandings. I have spontaneously seen, felt, heard, myself in other times as other people struggling with the essence of the exact triggers I go through in this lifetime. Providing a broader context of understanding that I can say “fits well” with everything in my experience up to this point. Like finding a missing puzzle piece and completing a puzzle these memories of soul history complete the unanswered, questionable conundrums of my life in ways that are difficult to describe. I can say that once a life puzzle piece from my soul comes into place the feeling of peace, of understanding, of completion, and “fit” is perfect. There truly is a quieting of the self, and a peace that passeth all understanding.

Hardships, unrelenting difficulties, and impossible scenarios …unexpected deaths, murders, and various other horrific family stories

As difficult as it may seem to an unprompted human, one who has not opened to the soul qualities of this wider perspective, there is tremendous purpose in these events. For the individuals to whom they occur, those around them, and the general human family collective as well. For in all things there is a vast intelligence and purpose that is unfolding through the human experience. The great tragedies will open us into the soul realm of ourself and begin a journey of exploration far beyond anything we conceived up to that moment in time. Breaking open our minds, hearts and feelings with such depth that only by choosing to relearn and deepen understanding will the event itself not destroy some part of us. Wounded beyond repair this leaves the choice to either lose self in thoughts and actions of greater degradation, or transform and then transcend. The choice is ours.


Though murder, unexpected deaths, and seemingly impossible scenarios hardly appear to have such meaning, they actually do! Soul consciousness extends beyond the boundaries of physicality and time. Living from a spectrum of spirit that within us is so vast that it includes a physical lifetime. And the soul is fully aware of this. I have had hundreds and hundreds of experiences communicating with loved ones who have passed over due to extraordinary circumstances and regained their full faculties after life and have come forward to express details which release and heal those left behind. Myself, I have remembered my own tragic life endings and recalled the details of my ongoing soul evolution. Without any doubt, I am fully aware of the greater meaning, and spiritual significance in horrific endings, tragic outcomes and sad scenarios left in the wake of a life through tragedy.

Ways in which we are meant to learn….. Physical, mental, spiritual, social

Looking at human life from the soul perspectives we are set up, so to speak, ( by our own soul choices and agreements before incarnation) to learn specific things about ourselves.

The nature of reality, and the essence of life itself. The most difficult of human learning bring the greatest capacity to break patterns that have existed in families for thousands of years, repeating and repeating until such time as a soul awakened individual breaks free of the limiting emotions, imprisoning belief systems, and twisted notions of reality. These people are truly present all over the world right now passing through some of the most difficult scenarios thought possible. Their choices to learn from these experiences are causing tremendous changes everywhere and sparking others to loosen up, to question authority, and to seek answers from within.


There are infinite scenarios through physical challenges that we find problems, obstacles, triggers,and limitations. All of which when observed with an awareness of learning from and learning through the process of painful physical illnesses, and limitations we develop depths of understanding about the natural world of a physical body, and how to successfully achieve results. In my case I must always attend to my circulation, via exercise of all kinds, play time, and authentic sensuality. If I do not pay attention here I always end up sluggish, lethargic, unhappy and disconnected. My body shows me through the non verbal messages of pain and pleasure, restfulness and excited-ness just how to find balance. Diet has a significant impact on cell physiology, circulation as well as mental and emotional states. Our physicality is a major area of universal learning. As a body therapist I encounter all of these and many other issues through the practice of body work, facilitating the clarity with clients and the deeper more meaningful messages in the body.


How we think, what we think, and then any actions we take or do not take based on our thoughts impact every aspect of our daily lives. When we develop a vigilant attention to our mentality we open unlimited areas of resourceful possibility, and when we do not we close off any of the same possibilities. Mental illness, as it is called is in my family, and through humanity. Mental illness both for the person experiencing it and those around them impacts our lives and is monumental catalyst for shifting people’s awareness. As we learn to take care of our thoughts, and how they affect life in us and around us we heighten our consciousness in ways in which we can not only heal, we can transform, and still go further and transcend these situations in ourselves. Developing the witness part of ourselves is a signal that we are learning to face, and move through mental states instead of being victimized by our own thinking and the thoughts of others. Intellect alone or knowledge is not sufficient to clearly embrace the totality of our mental states. Self awareness develops the witness aspect of a mind capable of seeing its own thoughts, and discerning the intellect, the thinking mind, the rational mind and the intuitive mind. Intuitive mind is unlike the intellect in that the frame of reference in any intuitional thought arises from a basis that may include thinking, or intellect, yet more than often comes from beyond it. In other words it appears to be from left field as the saying goes. Having little or not connection to what the thinking mind is saying. I have learned to hold on to intuitive thoughts longer, so as to give my thinking mind time to process, translate and integrate the significance of the intuitive thought. I experience this both inside my head, and above my head about 4 feet above. This is an aspect of soul connection that informs me. This is almost always amazing, provides answers that bypass all the typical logical thought processes and integrates the mind as well. By choosing to face our thinking triggers, pass through our thoughts to completion, and to remain open-minded to learning the mental issues we face will always show us new perspectives far beyond our beliefs, thought processes, and logical deductions.


When I look at emotions I like to discern the difference between non verbal feeling that arises from the depths of myself, or my body and the thoughts I have about what feelings I am having. I find many times there is not a distinct discernment in thoughts we have about what we feel. In fact it is common when asked about an emotion a person will reply with an “ I think that….” kind of statement to put into words what they feel. I also detect how we think so much about feeling that we layer thoughts over feelings and address those as our emotions. This confuses the person, and the body sending many mixed signals all through the biology and physiology of a person. Causing much physical distress, hypertension, and all kind of diseases as these scenarios progress and become deeply ingrained in the character. Emotional intelligence is the cultivation of our feelings and thoughts. Separating them and identifying all the components of a particular emotional situation. Intuitive feeling gets bypassed, or ignored because it does not always have words, or fit into our specific emotional patterning. Intuitive feeling is different in us all. In myself I know how I have feeling that is deeply intuitive that arises directly from my heart, and or my abdomen. It is almost like a watery substance that comes from beyond my conscious awareness and I have learned how to hold on to these feelings long enough so that they become processed and then translated into images, and words that I can understand.


Every family either has a spiritual or religious pattern, or none at all. These days our spirituality is being confronted, challenged, and developed by the immense amount of polar opposites that arise in conflicts. Our innermost spirituality is easily broken wide open through our family tragedies, intense possibilities now available in self-expression and personal direction, amongst so many other issues. That we look deeply into ourselves through the challenges all the way to our innermost spiritual selves, our religious beliefs is all part of the plan. And learning to view ourselves and each other and all life as spiritually based. Moving beyond the limitations of only physicality as has been the case for thousands of years. Our spirits are activated, excited, speeded up, and flipped out into our lives like never before. Expanding every aspect of human life out into vast spaces of larger meaningfulness. Many are choosing instead to go the route of more limitation, more fundamental religiosity, and deceiving themselves and others about hatred, non inclusive rules, bigotry, egotistic maniac-ness in the effort to hold on to thousands of years of old patterns that no longer serve us. This reversal of spirituality is a free will choice that has its consequences and limitations. It is steeped in denial on all levels… physically, mentally, emotionally as well as spiritually. Perhaps the pervasive thought and emotion in going backwards is the fear. Fear based spirituality has been used to control people for long history in our human family.


We are redefining all of our social places through our expansion of our complex human sexuality, gender identity, class-ism, economics, and so much more. As we develop new relationships we expand upon the old ones causing more inclusiveness, more understanding of our selves and each other. We develop new social structures, procedures, systems, laws, and so on. We have many socially unacceptable situations needing our attention. We have many unresolved social problems we need to take care. In the process of facing these issues the triggers subside, diminish and lead to many many new understanding and possibilities.

Patterns exist because we have lived before

Looking from the soul view patterns exist in our lives because we have lived before! Within our own bodies are generations of DNA that are the former expression of people who were ancestors. We do not realize it because many of us are so completely cut off from the knowledge of the history of our particular family ancestors, however the effects of all this live within us as us. Add to this the embodiment, or physical incarnation patterning carried forth through the subtle body of our soul self. Here are the continuing intentions for learning, the timing of events and people who will trigger us and the unspoken longing for truth about all these situations. Our incarnate directions are within us aligned with the soul choice for embodiment through the circumstances of our birth. Picking up on themes we are seeking to develop. These may be either positive or negative or any combination.

The deflated ego and the restoration of self

The majority of the early work of our lifetime is in the structure of our ego nature. This is very important as it will provide a personal container for our soul essence in life. As part of the curriculum of this planet we will pass through many many stages of ego development. In my experience one very misunderstood aspect is the deflated ego. The deflated ego feels like depression, sadness, dark emotions, feelings of being lost, and disconnected. Once I realized much of this was the realignment of my own ego I began to catch on to the fact that my ego is not really in charge. And when it deflates it is a good thing, though it feels awful. The deflated ego learns to let go of silly ideas, twisted notions of power, inappropriate life plans, and immature ways of living with others. To truly grow up we pass through all the delusions, and illusions of our ego creations. However the trade-off is the larger self, or spiritual self… the soul. Spiritual here different from religious. Innate spiritual forces that exist within us are independent yet may be connected to religious dogmas, disciplines, or beliefs. Yet even still the pure aspect literally stands independently of any man-made religion. It is what it is because this is the source of what we are as spiritual beings having a human life. Family triggers punch lots of action into our ego structures, testing their strengths, weaknesses, and the reality of truth with which we hold. Whenever my own ego gets deflated I have learned to reflect upon those uncomfortable feelings and I let go to a larger aspect of myself. Every time the result has been what I opened this writing with, I shifted and learned something very valuable and traded my limited little ego stand for my inner authentic soul place.

Changes in locations

Family triggers will cause us to move. The changing locations with which we pass into are significant in that new opportunities arise in new places. Separations, relocations, sudden movements of large groups of people as is now happening are all purposeful in the larger unfolding plan of our human family. Out of the larger collective family arise forces that alter our locations and in turn shift our relationships. Causing us to face differences, solve new problems, expose out dated customs, and free people from many painful life circumstances. I like to remember how family triggers include the larger family of humanity. And like our smaller micro family dynamics these larger ones add equal value to the human evolutionary process. As we integrate all that this means we have rich opportunities to grow and to evolve our selves.

Abuse and how we are to learn from it

A shocking realization for me was the memories that surfaced within me through the emotional work I did on healing myself. As I released more and more of the stuffed up, contaminated, overloaded contents of my own sub conscious I found a clarity. As there became a deep abiding inner peace within me I became emptied of many family scenarios of which I had suffered for years. In this peace my soul qualities filled in. In these peaceful internal states I integrated powerful memories of soul choices I had made before I became the me I am today. As a pre incarnated spiritual being I had looked closely at the earth based, family dynamics I could be born into. And to my shock I recalled the choice to undergo the difficult and painful experiences I would later learn to name abuse. Yet from the soul perspective I was particularly excited to avail myself of the chance to learn more and more through these difficult life scenarios. In my work with individuals over the years, I have witnessed the same exact realizations. These individuals who worked through the deepest layers of their negative pain, also had similar such soul memories. This has happened with such a congruent way I have learned that what we call abuse is meant to teach us, reveal to us, and to release us as we grow out of those circumstances. Not at all to imprison us as is the common idea held by people without soul awareness development. Shocking as it may be I found in the memories of many previous death experiences in past lives, even death has purpose.

When I was 33 years old I had a spontaneous soul review. Similar to a life review that is reported by people who have near death, and dying experiences. I had a soul review that showed my a long history of incarnations and the prevailing patterns in those lives and each death at the end. I reviewed the after life experiences and the returning to my soul self with each incarnation. This overview provided for me a larger context with which to frame human experience based on my own personal evolutionary unfolding in the earth school. In many incarnations I was learning every component of human power, power over others, power under others. And now as was revealed to me in this experience power with others. I experienced the tremendous, infinite love of God for me to have these experiences including death through murder, being murdered, and everything else. This love is far greater than even humanly possible to understand. So great is this love and so intelligent I learned how each negative experience I was victim to or had victimized would also contain an equal opportunity for balancing. Thus the polarity of experiences and the roles I played in all these different life times. The abuse we suffer here is actually meant for us to learn to understand, transform, and then transcend. This has not been the prevalent teaching in history of religion, and I learned that there have been powerful forces inside many religious institutions that are subliminally exerting hidden forces of control and manipulation. Thus in this lifetime I have learned that when a dogma is mean and unloving in any religion, I notice that. I do not participate any longer in any such teachings.

Soul agreements for incarnating and suffering through hardship

The incarnation that you and I are living within now contains soul agreements with the people in our families, as well as the collective human family. Suffering only need last as long as it takes to wake up to the larger perspective of a spiritually based ( not necessarily religious ) soul awareness of life. The depth of the painful things that are happening now have a polar opposite in the larger context of our human history and human species. The depth of pain has a counter balance in the depth of how unconscious we may be. In other words put like this… were we not so unconscious about the nature of existence and relationships we would not create or allow to manifest that which we are creating in this world. Out of our own unconscious thought feeling and action we generate experiences that will by nature arise to balance these things out. There is wisdom in the seemingly crazy unconnected terror, horror, pain and suffering we see around us. As we learn how not to create oppression, submission, power over others, greed, malice, and all the darker human emotions we currently still create we will have less expression of terror, abuse, suffering and pain inflicted one to the other. However we will have to learn from our triggers and seek to stop recreating patterns of hurt.

Release and freedom, the transcendence of conditions

Summing up here releasing self, learning to abide in freedom, and transcendence of negative situations is the underlying momentum arising naturally out of the great wisdom of creation in us, as us. Our experiences of suffering though not all consciously created, may be consciously transcended through prudent, vigilant exercising of our own free will. We all have some element of free will within the dynamic patterns of our pain. There is not final outcome of unending suffering and pain that is taught all over this planet. The soul is timeless, and directly connected to God. The soul in us is possible to be activated in any situation. Until one has passed through this, tested it, and learned this ….it may be hard to embrace, however that we effort to test ourselves, our beliefs and learn from what triggers us is a defining key to the human conundrum and mystery of suffering on our planet.

Anchoring the personality into the soul self

The result of the effort of the healing of our family triggers inside each one of us is ultimately the anchoring of the soul itself into the personality structure of self. Bringing into the world the greater will . Purpose, and light of a spiritually based person. A soul infused person who will manifest the love of our source here on this planet. If you have ever met or encountered such a person you will not forget them. A soul infused being has a powerful love, unflinching understanding and deep embrace of the human. Their very presence shifts the world around us. And they exist in every single walk of life, from the most lowly to the highest stages of human activity. I have been fortunate to have traveled all over the world and met many many such people and I am always left touched in some way with a gentle, yet even fierce love.

Living in the world as a soul being, and the effect this has on the world.

A soul incarnate being contributes in this world in ways that bring balance to life. They may even be your worst enemy. The bane of your existence. The choices that one encounters as a soul infused being, in my own experience defy what is normally accepted. Soul infused choices arise like magic, and create opportunities where humans could not. My own life has been filled with amazing such happenings. I know that soul people heal this world where ever they go. Their actions may be quiet and subtle yet their power great. Power to lift others, to show the way, and to pass beyond the most difficult of circumstances. Making way for truthfulness and the possibilities to love like never before here on earth.

The mystery of deep listening

The mystery of deep listening is that we learn to listen beyond the common voice of current rhetoric, and habitual patterning of anything less than soul based awareness. Learning how to pay attention to the unspoken promptings inside us, around us, and in nature. To listening to each other far beyond our words. The mystery in silence is there is more in the silence than in the words. I have learned to honor the pauses in life, not to fill every moment with chatter, and to hear past what you are saying. There is the sound of your soul, my soul yearning to be heard, seen, and felt. Our triggers lead us deeper so that we may come to these places in ourselves, and with one another.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self-reflection

The Transcendence of Hardship…. core spirituality, my personal journey


The Transcendence of Hardship…. core spirituality, my personal journey

It is perhaps the least spoken of and certainly least understood of all human activities our hardships and our unwilling conundrums. Where we find how our transcendence of hardship plays such a vital and important and always contributing spiritual action in this world. The act of transcendence is a universal sub-note or theme to all of our lives and carries a universal purpose. Not limited by any one religion, any nationality, race, any place, or age of person. In fact the act of transcendence is connected to all human activity… directing the future for all of us. So how is it that we have forgotten this deeply moving and important aspect of living?

The facing of the difficult.

The facing of difficulty is so common that we hardly give it a thought, so pervasive in society that we have a vast array of choices we all make which serve to distract us from this very thing! Much of our human activity…. the quest for power, the abuse of drugs, the proliferation of violence as entertainment, the chasing of money, the complete obsession of so many aspects of life and much of the negative psychological problems we share arise out of our resistance, and denial of our need to move forward through circumstance and transcend the conditions we find ourselves.

Transcendence happens on all levels of our lives. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social… there is hardly a human arena where we do not have the personal power to exert change and difference in our lives through our transcendence of hardship. There are no limits to gathering what it takes inside us, around us, and through us to take on the task. Often it is not until we have passed through the fires of a painful and difficult time do we even discover the meaning of it all! Yet in hindsight we frequently do arrive at the greater purpose that was unfolding all along in our hardships.

An act of spirit.

As an act of spirit transcendence transports us into realms of mystery, and revelation, where we are able to shape and develop personal qualities, conditions around us, and participate in something larger than ourselves.. that of evolution. The opening to personal revelation and our unknown strengths and weaknesses are almost always revealed. The forces of circumstance drive us all to move beyond ourselves and to taste the sweet waters of humility. Here is where we regain our footing in new vision, new possibility, and new outcomes. Our soul selves quietly lead us forward through these things all to bring to us the larger place of being, where we discover our most important truths, unravel our greatest mysteries, and find the love we were searching all along. Yet… oh how we resist and fight the urge to transcend our own short comings and negativity. Until we reach the place of our deeper wisdom and learn the purposeful unfolding, we suffer. And most often we generate our own suffering through our ignorance ( from the word : “to ignore” ). The act of spirit is heaved forward into our lives as we gain momentum with our transcendence of every single circumstance both within ourselves and outwardly!

The idea of polarity.

What is so vital in all this is polarity, those forces of positive and negative. For as we face hardship and grok our way onward we gain strengths and wisdom’s as we face the tremendous negativity in our lives. It is perhaps the single most powerful teaching that any negative force can show us. The horrific negative scenarios in our world awaken human beings and redirect us in ways it is almost inconceivable to understand. When we gather one to another uniting in our efforts to face the hardships and difficulties of this world we literally change history, alter the future and gain tremendous strength of character. We are able to redefine and transcend these negatives. Within ourselves whenever we face a personal state of our own making, our own negatives, we draw from the very substance of our lives, the spiritual energy needed to move our blocks, shift our minds, release our pains. It is not uncommon to look back after such a growth zone and think of it as a miracle! Yet as humans this is perhaps one of our most powerful and fluid capacities. We can move mountains! We are truly spiritual beings having a human experience and not just humans having a spiritual experience. Never more is this realized than after passing through a difficult hardship and successfully and completely transcending the conditions and limitations that used to over take us.

How we react to the world and why it matters.

How we react to the world is of pure consequence because our reactions have momentum, have energy behind them. Every thought, emotion, action, or lack of … shape the collective conditions of our lives. Building our days with human choices both conscious and unconscious.

Once the realization that our reactions cause more actions with our environment, our human brothers and sisters, and all life on this planet we learn to pause. Pausing allows us the moments we need to learn to consider how and what we choose will affect life around us.

Staying prejudiced, or remaining stubborn, holding on to our viewpoints when another expresses an opposing view, for example, will only cause ourselves to continue to experience the same limiting and painful scenarios over and over.

Unyielding points of view in the face of opposition only add to conflict.

It is a choice to be this way, and learning to just relax and let others have their say, and to act on their notions is sometimes the one act that can bridge the differences. There is a third place where oppositions meet and the possibility for understanding then has a grounding for arising. It is quite possible to say no to injustices, suppression, oppression, and any forms of subservience while not creating any hardship. Learning how to engage difference has its strength in this world as it can show us how we ourselves may make a difference through the willingness to peacefully face such actions in the world. For truly all of these scenarios show us on the most primal level, what not to do to another. And so not to cause such in our personal lives in any degree.

Saying no to injustice, suppression, oppression and all forms of subservience to outside negative forces.

Choosing kindness over hatred

Choosing empathy over defensiveness

Choosing understanding over prejudice

Choosing strength over weakness

Choosing clarity over confusion

Choosing openness over closed-ness and obsessiveness

Choosing cooperation over fighting

Choosing willingness over resistance

Choosing love over… as the final result in all matters on a personal level
These are but a few harmonious conditions we can always grow in our personal lives in the face of hardships.

Transcendence is a core element of spirituality.

Transcendence is an aspect to core spirituality as it is basic to all of life, even on a cellular level. Transcendence is core because whether we like it or not, whether we want to at the time or not, circumstances will eventually lead us beyond ourselves and the limits we place in life. And this transcendence connects into the collective. Our private thoughts, feelings, and actions do affect the public domains of our common ground. As the actions, words of such generate the conditions we live within. How often have I discovered a private and personal act of transcendence brought to me a new door opening, a new friend, new possibilities. Yet on the surface there did not appear to be any connection outside me. The revelation was indeed, we are… and all things and circumstances all connected.

Going against the grain” when it serves your intent to transcend.

“Going against the grain” is an uncomfortable realization that our personal growth demands of us eventually. There is a time when it becomes right to step away, to step out, and to go another way. Even at the dismay of loved ones. Our deeper urge to transcend does not always align with the timing of the people with whom we love. Thus there is a pain and this pain we are urged to bear as we move forward and learn to not only face our difficulties, but also to transcend them. Resulting in many turn rounds, shifting of circumstance and whole new unexpected directions. Family and friends are not always up to speed with us at the same time this happens. When we choose differently it is helpful to be considerate of our loved ones and to take time to share, if that is possible. When it is not we must go forward anyway and my experience is that in time, more opportunities will show up later where the chance to build understanding will manifest. But until then, “going against the grain” may become the central theme of our lives.

Transcendence as a way of life, the art of always giving self permission to move on.

Clearly one of the most difficult aspects of all this is giving ourselves permission to move forward! Yet it is needed, as no one has the power to do it for us, we have to act on our own life force from within ourselves otherwise the transcendence is not complete. Going it alone, and learning self permission is one of the scariest most important realizations on the path of facing the difficult. When we can muster this with the smaller conditions, we graduate to larger ones. Along the way we learn how transcendence is a way of life and an art to living that is absolutely necessary. Often it is in our loneliest, most alone moments when we discover our own most powerful strengths. Graduating to the art of transcendence where we learn to love and live happily as we make our changes, even when we face our hardships. This is where we encounter the paradox of living. Paradox becomes familiar ground and acceptance is the way through the polarizing opposites in our nature and the world around us. Many times in my own history of transcendence I have been in a state of paradox until I achieved a greater momentum in my direction. I learned to accept this about myself, life in general and this supports me in facing the difficult with much less angst and more layering of negativity.

The evolution of circumstance based on choice.

When in hindsight we reflect upon circumstance it is much easier to see how our evolution and growth through our choice selections generate the circumstance. When we discover how we create reality, (circumstances) we learn how to value what is inherent in facing hardship. It becomes worth it to move onward and go through whatever it will take to transcend our unhappiness, our discords, our pains, and our adversities and adversaries. All such negative situations become the fuels with which we use to propel ourselves out and beyond. We stop fighting them, and we learn to transcend them…. ourselves.

This is most valuable with larger issues where whole groups of people are involved. We may not have unto our individual selves the powers necessary to shift a whole group, yet we do when it comes to one individual. Me! One transformed person will make it possible for another and another, and so on. In case you have never heard of The Hundredth Monkey phenomenon, then investigate that. We learn to be appropriate in the larger context of life and we replace our rant of “change the world” to “change my world” and we get on with the business of living the change ourselves. This is powerful.

Anchoring intention into states of transcendence vs. the struggle.

When we arrive to the natural impulse within ourselves to transcend, and concentrate on our own life, and stop projecting this onto every person, group, nation or whatever that we do not agree …we cease the continuous state of conflict so many humans place their energy.

We then add to the harmonious forces of transformation and transcendence that already exist and are popping up all over the world. There is an appropriate action facing the negative forces around us , and there is the time to do this work internally and make the change within that we want to see outwardly. In other words… “I become the change I want to see in the world”. And thus we become a force for transcendence that is unstoppable.

Through out my entire life I have experienced all these things and I know how new levels of transcendent living actually shift the very life around me.

Forces of negativity that once pulled upon me withdraw their grip and the freedom within is untouchable to those forces.

There is still a lot we all are learning when it comes to sovereignty… and one of the most difficult realizations is no one can give this to you, no one can make you sovereign like you can.

Yet still the masses seek freedom outside themselves, when it is actually within us.

The discovery that we make this ourselves is for all of us.

As more and more individuals begin to live this, the forces of oppression, suppression, injustice, and harm will only continue to diminish. These kind of negative forces can only take hold in individuals that do not live in alignment with transcendence and the self sovereignty of a human life.

Thus for these negatives to go away we all will learn and learn so fully, so collectively that negatives will have no place to anchor in us, in our lives.

This is the deeper more powerful truth of the transcendence of hardship that all negative forces do not want you to learn, for it does mean their end.


Core spirituality, my personal journey

Willingness to Watch Our Inner Conversations…. core spirituality, my personal journey




Willingness to Watch Our Inner Conversations…. core spirituality, my personal journey

What did I say to myself today?

These posts are reflections and expressions of my own internal conversations.

The voices in my head.

The feelings that arise, and the ongoing development of my own place in the cosmos.

We all have the “inside place” where the voices inside us speak.

My question is how well do we know these places and are we listening?

Listening to the internal dialogues we have with ourselves is a crucial element of inner development which leads to our personal revelation, and self discovery. Without the conscious awareness of these interior voices we are subject to reactions, rationalizations, excuses, and pitfalls of infinite variety.

How we learn to catch these inner voices is one thing, discerning them is another and integrating them is still another step.

How long has a voice spoken inside me without my ever listening?

Do I ignore my own internal dialogues?

Am I afraid to listen… sometimes?

How can I make peace with the voices within me that are unresolved?

How do I stabilize my thoughts? Have I truly resolved my own inner conflicts?

Today when will I submit to the urge to be silent enough to be aware in some new way?

So much information around us now,information overload… when there are too many thoughts, voices inside me, how do I refocus ? Do I allow my interior dialogue to remain in constant conflict?

When are the voices or thoughts inside me not really mine, but some internalized influence from someone else? Society, religion, parents, media, friends, many voices blend within us. Am I clear enough to recognize the difference within me as I sort them out and find my own genuine inner voice?

What we are learning now is how to refine our perceptions of our true inner most voice.

The voice of our most intimate internal knowing. Without the clarity and discernment here who do we actually become?

The discerning awareness of self-knowledge is a vital new interior place of self-awareness that is growing in the human collective today.

As more individuals learn how to recognize the truthful self within and those thoughts that originate from the pure center of self, or from the actual biology… the physical body of self, or the mind of self we engage our placement outside, into the projected realities that others in this world would have us believe, have us submit, or have us engage. Fear being a primary example.

FEAR.. A force that is easy to become caught up, easy to internalize, and easy to perpetrate without really knowing how we do this. Easy especially when we are unconscious, or unaware, or cut off, or in denial of our own inner voices. When this happens our outer life circumstances become enmeshed and entangled in the lives of others also all in engaged in fear scenarios.

And so is this what the innermost self truly seeks?

Listening to ourselves, refining discernment.

The act of listening requires our commitment to honesty and some silence in order to stay connected without the constant distractions and sidelining of external voices seeking to reach us on a daily basis.

The capitalistic nature of our society is constantly speaking to us with voices of buy, buy, buy, buy now, hurry.. buy now. Without discernment we are grabbing our credit cards, our phones, and buying as if our lives depend upon it. Mindless really, or thoughtless, yet in our culture this is prevalent.

The stillness that exists inside us and all around us, how familiar are we really with this?

The stillness is a voice of silence.

How well do I listen to the voice of silence?

Have you ever considered that the voice of silence actually is a voice with meaning?

How we learn to appreciate our own inner voice of silence plays a major role in our personal development as we learn the art of discernment.

This silence carries the unspoken awareness of direction within the circumstances of our inner world. This direction is constantly moving and carries us along as we go through the many phases of development along any single theme within us. The silence has a way of clarification that brings out the most valuable components of our current themes. We can learn to pace ourselves in any situation by maintaining a vigilant intention to honor our inner silence and what it will show us. Because our lives are in a constant state of movement this is valuable as we receive continuous updates from within this silence.

So how does the silence, which seems to be nothing, actually speak to us if there are no words?

The silence is a form of presence that is us. This presence contains the actual consciousness of our larger self, perhaps the spirit, or the soul of us. This silent presence is our very witness to everything inside us and carries a significant point of view that is an important aspect of our totality.

For example when I am watching the world with all my thoughts, what is watching the watcher that is me? This is the silent voice and still presence that is our larger self outside the boundary of our physical, mental, emotional life. This silent self is here always and holds something quite valuable to the process we are having of being a spiritual being having a physical experience… our life. This is our most valuable resource as we entertain, struggle, and move through being human.

The paradigm shift of knowing self is upon us.

The capacity for our thoughts to be rearranged, to be revised, to elevate emotions and feelings, and to highlight important details all exist within the silent and still voice of presence that is who we are. For this reason once we learn to integrate all our inner voices, manage them, name them, and familiarize ourselves with them we can add the silent voice.

In this larger paradigm of inner awareness we break through the habits, and hypnosis of casual living and exchange this for intentional living. We become more able to accelerate our purposeful directions and meaningful relationships with a lively state of inner knowing. This is why the ancients subscribed to the notion KNOW THYSELF.

Meaning know thy thoughts, thy feelings, and learn to know your own so well that you solidify your person.

Anchoring our selves in the midst of chaos and confusion.

When we solidify the state of inner knowing we can hold the space of greater potential and direct the outcomes of our lives with significant more fuel. The fuel of self awareness, which holds the attention and the intention of the silent, still voice of our spiritual self, or soul self. The strength of this protects us from the casual nature of, distraction into , and subversion of forces which would have us be slaves, be perpetual victims, and malinger in life long conditions of unhappiness and suffering. Our very own negativity is called into check as we increase our self-knowledge and learn to grow inner courage.

We cultivate courage to pass beyond our self-imposed limits and our own deeply held habits when we increase self-knowledge, know our inner voices, and integrate the silent, still self. This courage is a signal to our person that our efforts are all worth it, that our willingness truly does make a difference, and that we have unlimited potential to explore.

The maturation of our human condition requires this courage within us both as an inner voice and as a presence. The maturation of our individual human selves adds to our collective experience and we learn from one another thus creating new paradigms of possibility for us all. This is our collective human evolutionary way, we are all contributing something to this on this planet at this time.

Do not your fear to control your “inside places”, or if you are… seek assistance, guidance and help. For there are many incarnate souls living in our world who came here for this very purpose. For the purpose to assist the humans with their consciousness, feelings, thoughts. We have legions of people here dedicating their lives to helping humanity one person at a time.

In my previous writing I wrote of how life is increasing in spirituality, and how we have the choice to love in any situation. Now I am adding that we have the choice to know ourselves, more completely, more deeply. It is in these discoveries that life as we know it is being transformed and the future generations will step forth from our efforts and succeed even further.


Core spirituality. My personal journey

The Paradigm Shift Happening In Our Humanity This Year- 2016… core spirituality, my personal journey


The Paradigm Shift Happening In Our Humanity This year 2016… core spirituality, my personal journey

In these times of great chaos, confusion, violence, and conflict involving global change we are experiencing a shift in our attention, our very way of perceiving that which is coming to pass. This shift in our awareness is personal and impersonal, individual and collective, and is permeating, in some way, through every aspect of life on this planet. This shift is in our thinking, our feeling,our way of perceiving, and our very cellular bodies and is changing everything.

The shift I am referring to is the spiritualization of our humanity and our world …as we know it.

In a recent post I wrote about the choice to love in 2016, and this idea grows from that one. The spirituality of who we are and how we respond to our daily lives is completely up for a rewrite. I see the human scripts changing everywhere.The interior messages growing within people are those of a spiritual realization about life.

The “spirituality of life” is different in that some of the old ways of handling our difficulties, of facing problems and even how we view evil are transforming in that we no longer are able to sustain our separate notions of difference in the same ways, we are no longer able to sustain many old patterns of belief, our very natures are transforming.

A few of the dynamic changes arising from global spirituality.

We are realizing how we are both different as people… and the same.

We are realizing that what ever action we take in the world has a reaction that returns back to the source of that action.(each one of us)

We are realizing that conflict without spiritual perception is totally futile and only leads to more futility. We are recognizing ourselves in each other in ways that provoke our hearts to open towards greater empathy and we want to help one another more.

Disasters, horrendous events of terrorism, sick and morbid pathological, egotistical governmental decisions are becoming less tolerable to the masses. This is the result of the spirituality possible in these times within each of us to rise up and transform our very actions and reactions.

While we have pathological, psychopathic, egocentric people who suffer from these kinds of traits we also have more numbers of people with whom the spirituality of daily life acts as a buffer to the actions of these individuals and the syndicates, and conglomerates they perpetrate onto the sleeping humanity.

Our own consciousness turning away from participation in unhealthy behaviors, relationships, and our inner turning towards our own individual self-healing and personal growth is actually shifting our world slowly one person at a time. We have power, we have the capacity to learn more, evolve further, choose the appropriate actions as we learn to experience our own individual unique spirituality. As we multiply this force in groups this power increases. We can discover that we are all much much more capable this coming year than we thought ourselves to be!

When I refer to spiritual I do not specifically mean a religion, however there are billions of good people in Muslim, Christian, and Hindu, Jewish as well as many other religions that are activating spiritual principles in their daily lives, and much of these principles are universal to all religions.

Spirituality that is universal is one that is inclusive, and infinite and can speak to any individual walking on any different religious pathway. Ultimately the one universal loving source that exists in all religions is being activated, beyond yet including their respective prophets, leaders or originators. As I wrote in a previous essay, love is love, whatever name one calls it, and where one thinks it comes from. It is what it is.

We can see this clearly because all of life responds to it regardless of the name we call it. A child in any culture will respond to love whether it is called Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Christian or whatever name. A pet will respond in like manner, your pet bird, or dog does not know what religion you ascribe, he only feels the love that is present. ( as within your respective pathway of belief)

Particularly demanding is our response to the negative aspects of life here.

We are all touched in some way by the negative actions of others in this world. Whether this is close at hand in our own home, or distantly from across our vast planet. The spiritualization of the negativity is a very large component of our individual lives and our collective world situation. And we are becoming better and better at how we approach the negative situations we all encounter.

However this work is far from over and our task is still at hand demanding an ever-growing vigilance towards the pitfalls, hurt, and pain that results from our own negativity. The single largest piece of learning in this is how we ourselves choose to respond to our own interior negative experiences. How we handle what we feel negative about matters greatly as our response can accelerate, perpetrate, and increase any form of negativity very easily. In other words we create what we are negative about because we are the ones being negative. Thus how we face the negativity this year will have a substantial outcome on our daily lives as we pass through more of the difficult unfinished business of all our lives. A significant aspect of this negativity is our fear.

Fear on this planet is substantial and our lack of awareness to our own negativity will certainly cause this fear to grow even bigger, more powerful, and with further consequence should we avoid our own negativity on a day-to-day basis. For example I am particularly aware of this because of the experiences I have with family members who are participating in the military. While on one hand I am told and shown how very powerful we are, on the other hand there is the overall fear. It is immense, intense, and yes it is scary. It is scary to the point of pure justification on a scale that is almost more than I can actually comprehend in any one setting. However it is a “real” thing for all these people…. this fear. How I choose to react feeling all this when I am totally in the midst of it could either increase it more, or stop with me. Even though I am one small person, I choose not to allow myself to engage in those levels of belief about fear. I do not carry that fear away with me whenever I leave those circumstances, in fact I increase love. Within my own family I also have a dear precious Muslim person and I have been made well aware of the fears that arise when this persons relatives come to visit. Just walking down the streets is quite a spectacle of discomfort at times with the reactions of those we encounter as we walk along. How I choose to face this when we are walking makes a difference, and I know how truly loving these people are on a personal basis. The issue is the fear and how do we face it?

How we choose to process fear inside each of us had much consequence in our lives, and a deeper introspection may be helpful. Small fears, medium fears, then the bigger fears. My intention is to take more time to take apart my own fears and dismantle their hold over my personal life in any way I can muster. I know that how I choose to face fear has consequence… and that there are many probable outcomes to the many choices we each have in conquering that which makes us uneasy.

Evil is another aspect of our lives with which we must face. How we face this also had many pathways. As more and more evil is revealed in this world we are having to face it. Face that which we hate, despise, and usually ignore. This too is subject to spiritualization as I know I can react by hating more, and increasing the disharmony I feel, or I can choose to face evil with the power of a more balanced positive and yes even loving stance. I know this for I have had occasion to personally address evil face to face in my life, I have watched it recoil in the face of my lack of fear to it. And my willingness to address it in my life or to allow myself to become engaged in their evil ways. We have much still to learn about our reactions to evil and what is and what is not appropriate in the way of our reaction.

There is spirituality in conflict.

How we see conflict beyond right or wrong, is apparent once we allow our spirituality to guide us through the opposing points of view. World problems that are conflicting in nature are actually holding many spiritual problems that need to be addressed. When we open ourselves to the idea that problems are spiritual we open ourselves to much richer possibilities for restoring and balancing these situations because we are finally dealing with the real problems… the spiritual ones masked by the conflicts.

For example the levels of powerlessness, oppression, servitude, abuse, and personal violence that ensue from these scenarios are the real spiritual problems for people suffering all over the world.

Lack and privilege mask the spiritual problem of greed and egotism on a very disharmonious level everywhere for so many individuals.

Once we can learn to respond with a more spiritual nature to these world-wide problems we will lower our need to use military solutions of “power over” and might, domination and suppression to alleviate these situations.

Spirituality has such tremendous power in it to overcome because the source of the spiritual nature is infinite, contains the perseverance, the desire to understand more, and willingness to work through the difficulty. Instead of stamping everyone and everything with power alone.

Our ignorance about ourselves and each other is bridged whenever we choose to seek out the spiritual nature of our relationships. Withholding and distancing actually become too uncomfortable whenever we allow ourselves to connect with what really is spiritual in our human dynamics. The fears we place on one another begin to drop and the desire to build bridges of understanding start to form. And though at first this is all very uneasy, and can become even sloppy, when there is a spiritual intent behind any action, that action is received differently. I know this for I have worked with it for a life time. Our capacity to unlearn our preconceived ideas about our differences is softened as we open ourselves to our spiritual nature.

As we practice the letting go of fear and negativity a unique form of spirituality will develop. It may be called by many different names. Whatever those names that level of spirituality in any situation will be felt by those involved and begin to transform any circumstance. One does not truly discover this for themselves until they have actualized this, perhaps several times. It is a remarkable experience and is a deeply satisfying expression of core spirituality.

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Acceptance without agreement leads to a new paradigm of living… core spirituality, my personal journey


Acceptance without agreement leads to a new paradigm of living… core spirituality, my personal journey

Whenever we can hold an open space of acceptance in the face of opposing views with genuine goodness and resist being judgmental we generate a third space between us. The field of space that is generated by opposing views is still very connected and the typical dynamic of separation ceases. We become connected in the awareness of separate visions yet common ground as a dominant dynamic of social behavior.

We are all living out being our human selves. Our shared humanity becomes the next focus of our action. Instead of me versus you, or me versus the world.

When we can embrace opposing views in this way we activate a kind of intelligence which is larger than the polarity of our differences.

This other kind of intelligence arises from the common ground of our shared experience and makes room for the differences while maintaining connection with one another. This intelligence becomes a new place from which to view ourselves and our thinking, beliefs, and what it is that may need to be understood with greater depth and clarity. Without this intelligence we remain in a kind of personal and collective stand-off with one another that locks the differences into their polarities and perpetrates limitation and unresolved feelings. This is futile as it prevents the next octave or level of awareness from rising out of the differences. Stale mates, confusion, aggression, misunderstandings, and violence grow and become the outcome.

When we can psychically, mentally, and with our sense of inner presence allow another who is not the same as ourselves the same respect and honor, as spiritual beings having a human experience we open to new paradigms of intelligence that will find the solutions, understandings, meanings, and significance of our differences. This psychic space which is a third zone of perception maintains continued dialogues in ways that deepen any opposing points of view revealing material, and information previously unknown and certainly unexpected. In this way we ignite intelligence in new ways that bring new discovery. There is almost always more to learn, to understand, and to process in any conflict, opposition, or difference amongst ourselves.

The dangerous habit of shut down, and learning to find this in myself.

I’ve learned about myself that it is simply a mindset, a human behavior to shut down when ever a powerful opposing view is expressed to my own. Shutting down and the hidden feelings of judgment sit just below the surface of my own thinking and acting.

This is a common pattern among us as humans. Turning away our attention because someone may express something so different from ourselves.

I find that I have even diminished my own self expressions as a result of these kinds of interactions. My own human behavior limits me and in this way I stay in self perpetrated separation with others.

Dwelling upon this dynamic is quite enlightening and reveals tons of human behavior patterns that ultimately end up creating negative situations. Negative situations in our own minds and bodies and in the world around us.

This is all self-generated by each of us as we participate unconsciously and habitually to another person or group differences.

We can see this pattern in people practicing many religions,

people from different life styles,

people of different colors,

people with different political views,

people in different social classes,

people from different cultures,

people who eat different foods,

people who adhere to scientific theories,

people who work in different sub categories of life,

people who simply dress differently, have different hair styles, it grows to levels of stupidity…. really.

The universal impulse to belong.

In our culture belonging is socially significant and a primary universal experience encoded within us, so anyone who is of color, has a different culture from ourselves, has a different lifestyle, loves someone of a different gender, or even changes their gender are all subject to the negative effects of separatist, or non inclusive socialization in the larger group. I have lived with this my entire life as a gay identified man and know just exactly what I am speaking about.

The remarkable outcome of directly opposing points of view.

The remarkable possibility that arises from oppositions, especially directly opposite ones is how they actually arise out of the same source thought yet are the polarized differences to the furthest spectrum of the idea. I have found how this literally will show me the many facets of any one situation with detail, as from one end to the other of a spectrum there is the whole picture.From the very positive to the very negative. So all the people who are in separation because of their religious beliefs, really they are all stemming from their ideas of Source, or ultimately God. They have this in common and express the widest possible notions of difference in how to perceive this one thing.

When ever I encounter people expressing their differences I like to say to myself, “just wait” because whenever one person breaks out of their shut down side of opinion, this third level of awareness automatically pops up and suddenly they are able to see another view, while perhaps not agreeing. The next step is to embrace the person or group anyway and hold out for the option to connect anyway. I have practiced this many times in my life.

When I learn to remain open to differences, and even direct oppositions I most likely find myself learning something valuable. I typically learn how to drop my own preconceived ideas based in some form of my own judgments. My place of understanding stretches beyond my previous held convictions. While this does not always lead into agreement it does lead into mutual respect, honor, integrity, understanding, and even love.

We as humans in our society for the most part have all been repeatedly educated in a common way, indoctrinated in similar ways, and we form habits out of these places. When we cultivate acceptance in the face of disagreements and stay open we shorten the gaps between ourselves as people and groups and shift the paradigm of human belonging from the old style of exclusive to inclusive.

This generates a kind of harmony within. Inclusiveness actually feels good the more we learn to enlarge upon this in our lives. The common ground we share becomes highlighted in delightful ways and as socialized beings we receive feelings of goodness in ourselves and for one another. I have reached this many times in difficult situations where I let down my own prejudices, and beliefs which contained hidden messages of … “my ideas are better than yours”. I have found this is not always true, and besides not all people actually are in the same place at the same time in their awareness of anything. Divisiveness becomes something that I no longer want to participate in and I realize how silly I may have been. I stop projecting onto others my own separation. I take responsibility for myself and this responsibility carries weight and substance in this third field. A weight and substance that holds “we” and not just “me”!

Are  problems in our world associated with our differences which can turn into pure oppositions? Yes, and to inwardly continue to live at odds with others from inside myself no longer feels good.

I find how this begins to lighten.

And I don’t find myself having to, or automatically reacting to the news, to the radio, to anyone else in the same way. I find myself accepting that in our world everyone is learning, whether they realize it or not. I do. So I can move on and live my life caring, and compassionate in this world full of so much incredible, awful, awesome, magnificent diversity. Acceptance without agreement is possible.

Mutual respect,


universal understanding,


and intuitive learning all arise as we learn to move to the next level in our human relationships.

Core spirituality… my personal journey of self investigation

shared in the spirit of Aloha

Inspired by my visit to the Pacific Northwest with my ohana


12 Worst Ideas Religion Has Unleashed On The World

In the great shift of our times is the transition from finding answers to life externally thru authority created by others to finding answers within thru our internal self authority.

Historically we can learn to recognize the damaging effects of some of the man made ideas, rules, beliefs created and perpetrated by human beings thru religions.

In my own quest for pure authenticity i have had to reexamine those beliefs in religions that do not serve myself, or the collective well being of our species. The fact than many people have been murdered, injured, wounded, or cast out of their families as a result of these particular religious beliefs is well worth reexamining.

i am posting this today as a vehicle for reflection and reexamination.

While at the same time the universal beliefs that support unconditional love, compassion, inclusion, mercy, and service to each other are also fine examples of ideas and beliefs in religions, my experience has shown me that not all of what religion has to tell us, or offer us is actually good for us.

These decisions are personal ones and each individual is free to examine and decide for themselves those beliefs they want to support.

In the spirit of discernment i like to post this article.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self examination


12 Worst Ideas Religion Has Unleashed On The World.

Oppression and the homophobia outcome, cause to pause


Currently there is much discussion world wide about the gays.

Historically hatred, bigotry, fear, and terror have been normalized thru the actions of many people hiding behind there religious beliefs, political standings, and righteous opinions. However it may be dressed, it is still a form of oppression, and it has its consequences in the world

Whether one is gay  or not …..there are consequences to the oppression of gays for everyone. Few heterosexuals truly feel what it is like to be oppressed by so many people in the world on a daily , yearly basis.

I find these two speeches clearly illustrate what that is like from the point of view of gay people. These speeches have already pressed hundreds of thousands of people’s buttons by bringing to the forefront the issue of homosexuality and the bigotry associated with it.

We are one human family with many faces and how we all embrace one another is consequential to the collective harmony of our species and the planet.

There is an undercurrent of honest rage and pain in this man’s speeches that if straight people who are still homophobic could learn to understand… maybe they might open enough to know and relate better to those people who are gay and embrace them in friendship.

There is a giant question in these videos that is confronted about what the nature of homophobia really is.

The ways homophobia are perpetrated thru the normalization of bigotry and hate is being highlighted thru out world media today giving us all the opportunity to address, consider, and open up to our own thoughts and feelings about our fellow brothers and sisters who are gay.

“How” homophobia is internalized inside a person, gay or straight, and when one believes these ideas of fear what this does to dehumanize and diminish a person and how homophobia is dressed up to conceal the real pain of hatred, disgust, and diminishment of an individual.

I know that I am learning to understand this more and more.

Understanding is a spiritual quality of our own divine nature as we grow thru our experiences. Moving beyond mere intellectual thought, understanding in this context contains empathy, love and acceptance.

These are qualities of a spiritual being having a human experience. Spiritual being-ness is an inclusive quality which recognizes the paradoxical nature of difference and sameness.

This spiritual being-ness sees that we are not all separate, we are all actually connected and what we do to ourselves we do to another, what we do to another we do to ourselves. Learning this is another aspect of the unfolding state of consciousness evolving in our species.

The air of conflict around homophobia is a perfect climate to return to the issue to re look at our own notions, beliefs and opinions while considering other human beings that also live here on this planet.

core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation