EGO Take-overs !…, Our Life Shifts Possible From Ego Awareness? … Core Spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

ego seeks to divide, soul seeks to unity

EGO Take-overs !…, Our Life Shifts Possible From Ego Awareness? … Core Spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

Help!!!!!!! My own ego has taken me over and I can’t get up!

Conflicts, pain, suffering, confusions, and misunderstandings mixed with power issues. This is terrible! How frequently does my own ego jump in and take over me? And how covert is this anyway? Do other people’s egos over power you? Not only in the general public but also within the spiritual community.

Ego awareness is a tremendous form of self-awareness that opens us to our most valuable inner qualities. Looking into what and how our ego’s take hold and identifying behaviors can be an unnerving yet a most amazing way to get to our deepest authentic self. I decided to write down some of my own ego places and what I have learned by applying self honesty and getting to know my ego.

First of all I want to start by saying the ego is not bad, does not need to killed, erased or eliminated. The ego needs to learn… and to learn how to fit in with rest of the self. The path of the ego is the path of balancing the self in human form. There is nothing wrong with it until you become too uncomfortable, and then it is time to grow. It is the growth of consciousness within us and the balance we learn by applying self-awareness. Particularly ego awareness! That juxtaposes our egos into the best position within us to navigate our lives!

What is the ego?

The ego is that part of our consciousness that develops as singularity of self inside our consciousness and thus is the beginning of the development of our self-identity, self awareness and personal sense of individuality. The ego learns how to get by in the world, and typically sees itself as separate from everyone and everything.

The ego is a starting point for us and need not be the end point of our lives. We are all born into a spectrum of acting out as babies, little egos in the world discovering life.

In the beginning an ego thinks it is the sum total of ourselves… it thinks it is THE SELF! The ego learns to define life from its particular individualized point of view and is a valuable aspect of our human development, yet it is only one aspect of ourselves. I know I am in my ego state when I am seeing life as separate, am convinced in supporting opposing points of view that perpetrate power over others, with more separation scenarios and I am supporting more points of view that perpetrate unnecessary fear, and when I am caught in the act of diminishing others.

We all have had our journeys through our ego’s, and the ego’s of other people… parents, siblings, teachers, those in authority, politicians, scientists, specialists, pastors, religious leaders, leaders of all kinds. This planet is virtually overwhelmed with egotistical voices of authority, dominance, and suppression of true and valuable internal knowledge. Learning to navigate this world of the earthly based human ego is no small feat, they are everywhere in every aspect of our lives. One method of learning true navigation in this ego-based world society is to get to know your own ego.

Below I decided to share some of the incredible ego states I discovered in myself and that I have been learning to work through all my life. I love my ego. Much of it formed its opinions when I was unaware. And because I wasn’t paying attention at that time my ego states grew to ridiculous and many times problematic proportions. As I began to wake up and notice, it wasn’t you who was wreaking havoc with my life, it was my own ego I began to get to understand and know my ego.

Below are just some of the amazing ego take overs I have experienced that may trigger you to get to know your ego self. By loving and appreciating my ego and learning to forgive myself for my own lack of observation in this regard I am learning to re-balance myself with respect for and to my ego self. So here goes, here are some of my ego dilemmas.

I know I am in my ego when I see life as competition and allow myself to feel less than blessed in any situation or any moment.

I know I am in my ego when I am driven to fill myself up, out of a sense of emptiness. When I am eating out of emptiness, when I am compulsively seeking stimulation of any kind. I know I have left the grips of my ego when I return to wholeness, and I nurture my well being.

I know I am in the grips of my ego when I am looking outwards for my sense of right-ness, I have left my ego when I look inwards. My answers come from within me!

I know I am in my ego when I am stuck in any form of lack.

When I have bought into a reality of lack I lose my grounding. I know I have released the grip of my ego when I return to abundance. When I allow myself to rest within the greater truth that there is plenty, and plenty for all. Losing sight of abundance in any way signals me to get a grip. I choose not to perpetrate the ideas in the world which say there is not enough for everyone. That is simply a strange yet true form of ego takeover .

I know I am stuck in ego when I seek wisdom outside me, I know I have returned to my authentic self when I seek, wait, find, wisdom within myself. I cultivate and develop my ability to be wise. Wisdom discovered as a personal experience always replaces that which was from outside us.

I know I am in my ego state when I am in fear of endings, and my own mortality.

When I let go of this fear I go to my own internal space of the eternal. The eternal within me nourishes me and realign my attention towards truthfulness. I eliminate my outer emotional investments in false teachings, doctrines, and agreements that profess anything other than the actual truth, that our nature is eternal.

I know I am stuck in my ego when I am stuck on me.

When I am possessed by my own thoughts, feelings, situation, and positions to the exclusion of others. I know I have passed out of this when I get to we. Replacing me with we always shifts any difficult personal situation and reveals information that was withheld to our awareness because of the selfish nature we were investing ourselves!

I know I am stuck in ego when I cause pain to myself and others as a solution to me.

When I release myself from the grips of my own ego I cause healing. I always shift the equations from me to we and then I realize my own participation and power to truly heal. Healing takes many forms and simply implies wholeness. Anytime I can grab hold of another piece of my puzzle that contributes to being whole I am better off.

I know I am in my ego when I am driven to have outward recognition.

I have left that place when I seek my own inner authority. Inner authenticity is the expression that replaces any forms of compulsive outward recognition.

I know I am a victim of my circumstances and I feel how my ego causes me to be separate, less than, and diminished.

I leave this place when I return to my inner realization that I create my own reality. I shift my perceptions and return to my own resources within. My circumstances are my growing places and I do not intend to stay a victim in these places…. I can always learn something that will add to my spiritual awareness and thus support me in transforming, and transcending a situation.

I know I am in my ego when I fear the temporary nature of life.

When I let go of my ego I find I feel how awesome life can be, that it is constantly changing and that situations are temporary. When I am out of the grips of my ego I recognize a bigger picture unfolding and the greater realization that is unfolding for me to learn all about. I am grateful for the unlimited expression of the temporal nature of life.

I know I am stuck in my ego when I only see and feel how complicated things are.

I feel overwhelmed and victimized. When I let go of the grip of my ego mind I recognize the parts, I see how things fit together, I open myself to learning more. I learn to dismantle my overwhelms and I recognize patterns emerging for me to learn about. Simplicity replaces complication. Simplicity becomes my new theme.

I know that I am in an egotistical place when I I think I am more spiritual, or you are more spiritual than me.

When I think that what I am doing is more spiritual, and I notice the unconscious levels of superiority within me I am surely in an ego take over.. I know when I am getting into self-righteousness and superiority I am deep in my ego separations. I know I have released the pain this causes and the friction it generates when I return to the place of authentic spirituality and I recognize how spirit in all of us is unlimited in expression. I know that everything, and all actions are sourced from a spiritual domain. We are all on equal grounding as humans and our capacity to express our own spiritual directions has many colors, shapes and sizes. I see myself in you and my heart opens with loving attention and willingness to share. Unity replaces separation, and oneness replaces superiority.

I know I am in the grips of my ego when I am hard-hearted.

I let go of my strictness, my fixed-ness and I find compassion. When I return to compassion I allow myself to melt my own ego hardness. At any time I alow myself permission to change, and then to share this with those whom I have held my hard-heartedness.

I know I am in my ego when I get impatient and cause more negativity.

I let go my impatience and find remarkable new levels of patience inwardly. I move with patience and this informs me in totally new ways that assist the unfolding of whatever is going on. Slowing down enable me to be more capable of the details. Details I was missing when I was impatient.

I know I am in my ego grips when I am indifferent, and lackadaisical.

When I lose sight of and interest in the unfolding of circumstances around me and in the world. I let go of my egotistical grips and find myself happy and open-minded to pay attention and remain open. I seek to learn and understand where I refused to care. Caring replaces complacency.

I know I am in my ego when I allow my own mind to generate unrealistic fear about anything. Allowing myself to engage in fear based group mind thinking that is fear mongering, fear making, and fear based limits my authentic self-expression and connections to others, to differences and to opposing points of view. I know I have released my ego based hypnotized self when I begin to experience inner courage, strength, and genuine power. I see how fear is a stepping stone toward greater self-expression, and the possibility for developing group awareness. I see the problems, conflicts and have empathy arise within me to replace the frozen, limiting, hard perceptions that fear cause in my own human conditions.

Hostility is a sure sign I am in my ego self, and when I release this I learn to process the layers of my own feelings and thoughts in a way that reveal my true friendliness and willingness to cooperate. I learn to pay attention to issues that arise and I take care of what needs to be addressed. I refuse to allow myself to participate in social movements that perpetrate these hostilities.

I know that my ego has overtaken me when I am stuck in past and future life scenarios.

Unable to be present the endless playing of story lines, old conversations, and hurtful past experiences dominate my inner world. I can’t reach the future, yet it is the only place I want to escape. As I relinquish this ego trap I return to the “NOW” moment. I become capable of managing whatever arises because I am present for it.

Complaining all the time, is how I feel when I am stuck in ego states.

Instead of complaining I return to gratitude. When I shift into gratitude I release the endless negativity of relentless complaining and I feel a sense of acceptance with life that shows me how to transcend, and use my circumstances to grow.

War…. warring with others as a way of life or pattern of constantly battling is a sure sign I am in the grips of some egotistical state of my own creation.

Including national and international group notions of continual war. I know I am leaving the painful grips of my ego when I accept the possibility that peace is possible and I choose peace as a way to solve conflict. No matter how long it takes, or how it looks. Peace is the choice that replaces war, and restores the core spirituality, or soulful aspect into my life.

I peacefully engage my awareness to the problems of war and my own inner battles.

I shift my energy from outward to inward and I refresh my own attention to my inner battles.

I resolve my inner wars and restore my inner peace as a solution to the outer wars on this planet.

Peace is possible.

Intolerance is the uncomfortable act of ego grip that strangles the soul in the human form.

Whenever I recognize my own intolerance I shift into tolerance. I see my own limited self, my own limiting perceptions and I pull away from any and all forms of externally based intolerance. I stop the flow of this group mind behavior in myself. As I cultivate tolerance within me I contribute in the world in much more meaningful ways and I find connections with others for which there had been none. I learn to bring tolerance to my own difficulties and I love what process I am going through.

Self importance at the expense of others is a horrible ego state that isolates and generates many negative human relationship problems.

Whenever I let go of my own self importance in this way I shift my energy and attention to We importance. Lessening the weight of the self brings equality, equanimity and lightness of being. We not me has become a new mantra!

Self denial is the uncomfortable act of not getting my authentic needs met.

I know I am in the grips of some kind of ego takeover when I am in self denials. The uncomfortable outcomes that arise from self-denial cause all manner of toxic life interactions. Human relationships, relationship to the divine in life are all inhibited and thwarted by my self-denial. Unhappiness, suffering and pain are the usual outcomes. When I let go of the egotistical notion of self-denial I open myself to the genuine possibility and the actualization of my own authentic sovereignty. I become more of an honest expression of my soul in human form, and I tend to life with others in a realistic and meaningful way.

Blaming and shaming others for how I am, how I feel, and my circumstances in life.

This is the uncomfortable short sided perception coming from my own ego based thinking. This generates endless cycles of victimization and diminished self-love. When I find myself insisting on blaming and shaming others I know I am in some kind of ego takeover.

When I get others to side with me I only increase my own ego gratifications and perpetrate ego states in others.

When I release this toxic behavior I shift into accountability.

When I choose my own accountability in any blame and shame situation the entire dynamic transforms for me, regardless of the actions of others. There is no greater inner power in a situation where there is blame and shame being tossed about.

Accountability protects and restores internal integrity where it was given away through the unconscious action of egotistical blame and shame. I refuse to participate in the group agreements where this is being hurled across the planet. I replace all forms of blame and shame with my own internal personal accountability.

Power over others, however covert and sublime, and tricky this may be this is a sure sign I have engaged my own egotistical self-centered selfish self.

While this may be a temporary feel good solution to a problem it never lasts. It cannot be sustained except through perpetrating over and over again ones position and can be made more significant by engaging others to support this negative egotistical position. Power over others multiplied by social agreements creates more of the unsolved problems that dis-empower others and generates cycles of abuse, victimization, and unending cycles of repeating human relationship issues. By participating in group agreements in this way I cause my own problems in the world and never get to the core issues or solutions. When I can get myself out of the grips of this ego takeover state I find humility. Humility restores equanimity and fairness. Humility keeps me in my own place and prevents me from overstepping boundaries of others, demonizing those with differences. And opens me to new levels of perception that lead to brand new solutions. Without humility these solutions to life relationships and situations remain obscured. We cannot and will not and do not see the possibilities that are potent in our life situations when we are in our ego takeovers filled with power over others. Read those last tow sentences again they are treasures.

I know I am in my ego when I find myself over micromanaging, dis-empowering others, and over demanding control over others.

When organization stumbles and falls apart. Over managing situations is frustrating and generates more and more negative outcomes. When I let go of my egotistical ideas for control I find the value I missed in others. The value of our interrelation increases and I stabilize my own resources for accomplishing the tasks at hand. I affirm the power and capability of others and their our freedom to choose.

Global Ego Take-overs

Currently on our planet there are a multitude of themes in banking, economics, business, religion, politics, military, science, education, socialization of whole groups, to name a few… all running some person’s ego takeover of the world. It is truly astonishing to recognize. This is being brought out into our awareness with painful insight, dangerous revelations, and waves of data drops. The times are such that we are able now to see our own global take-overs. Without a certain level of integrity to address these issues one can surely turn into a victim. Victimization on a mass level is being revealed and it is horrific. On the other hand it is enlightening. It is enlightening in that we can now address the real sources of our human problems. We can address them most powerfully and with utmost potency by way of our own choices to address and tend to our own ego based emotional investments, our own ego based ideas, and our own ego driven actions. Without our own individual ego re-educations we are doomed to more and more victimization. All of which stops whenever we clean up, tend to, take care of our own crazy ego’s!

It is not possible for another ego to take you over when you stop giving over your personal power to these situations. I am stopping giving away my resources, personal emotions, thoughts and ideas to egotistical people, groups, or movements.

By taking into accountability my own ego, the damaging effects stop.

How to realize personal power requires the honest self reflection, processing, and decision-making to either continue to invest emotions and thoughts and actions into ego based scenarios or not to invest.

This is a personal decision-making process that millions of people are making at this time in our world. We are collectively waking up and learning to choose differently.

Our collective human species is not in agreement in the deepest core place with all these ego take-overs. Our collective human species is… one person at a time… choosing differently. And the Hundredth monkey effect is happening as more and more people are suddenly deciding not to participate in small ego based, self-centered, ridiculous life situations.

The larger more capable aspect of our species which lies beyond mere egocentric life decisions is growing. What this looks like is the return to earth, or to physicality of spirit. The spiritual being having a human experience. This is core spirituality!

Core spirituality, my personal journey of self investigation

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